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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Double Edition Anonymous 02/22/2022 (Tue) 03:31:10 Id: 0917cc No. 140608
Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js Alternative domains: https://8chan.se/boards.js https://redchannit.com/boards.js http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546
[Expand Post]B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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Hey everyone I've been in a coma for the past 8 years did anything interesting happen to the world while I was gone?
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>>539537 >and bring them to the negotiation table To negotiate what? Unconditional surrender and punitive measures like what the Allied powers did to Germany after the First World War? Yeah that turned out great. Besides NATO isn't going to intervene directly unless the Russians push into actual NATO territory. More importantly, the conflict won't exist in a vacuum. China would certainly take the opportunity to move into the SCS and likely try and take Taiwan. Various and sundry sand niggers will do their sandniggering. And don't forget the domestic issues. Canada has gone full despot and Biden would like too; Any major enough war would probably end up with a rebellion at home just because the government's focus is split and/or because the governments use the war as an excuse to clamp down harder. The US also effectively has no southern border right now which would just compound things. >>539538 It's a metaphor. Also the original meaning of "world", were-eld, means "the age of man" so maybe not a metaphor in that sense.
>>539575 What I mean by it is lowering the quality and possibly even subverting it. What do I mean by it, anon asks >>539579 ? The vidya and streaming industry of course. These vwhores have Idol-like contracts so they can't stream anything they dont get express permission for, which means basically anything fun. What do they stream most? Among Us, Minecraft, Smash Bros, maybe Mario Kart or whatever else is popular. I don't stay on top of it all but it's either streamer bait or normalfag friendly content. Of course, vidya companies may soon start pandering to these types for all we know. Taco Bell already has.
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>>140611 Everything got worse. But at least cunny memes got more popular. Which some people would consider a bad thing.
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Old archive of previous thread: https://archive.is/h7LRB New archive of previous thread: https://archive.is/pkx8z Also the OP pasta.
>>140613 >The vidya and streaming industry of course. Lmao. Vidya has worse problems and streamers that aren't anonymous are just ecelebs.
>>140611 I would suggest going back in.
>>140616 Vidya does have worse problems, I agree, but does that mean we should just pick one enemy at a time starting at the biggest? No, attack all enemies of vidya. Especially something like vtubers which even anons fall victim to. This is something everybody could contribute to rather than some monolithic entity like a corporation releasing low effort AAA games every year, twice a year.
>>140612 >To negotiate what? Unconditional surrender and punitive measures like what the Allied powers did to Germany after the First World War? Are you being retarded on porpouse? No WW3 is going to happen, dumbass.
>>140611 Well, Obama got a second term. A couple niggers got shot by the police for being criminals, but apparently that was noteworthy enough for them to burn down cities not once, not twice, but three times. Some "game dev" fucked a bunch of journalists for good reviews on her indie trash "game" Donald Trump got elected president, spent four years doing next to nothing, and got defeated by an Alzheimers patient. The chinks spread a flu variant that apparently was "sooper scurry" so the world shut down, despite not doing so for Zika, Ebola, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS, etc. Imageboards are shit now, everyone wants to talk about little girls like they're fucking third grades talking about crushes or some gay shit. Back in my day when men talked about little girls it was in the context of being a father, but the concept of family doesn't exist any more.
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>>140618 V-tubers aren't a problem for the hobby or the internet at large. They're a fad that's become the new way to do let's plays. That's all. People are gonna simp for other's regardless if they're using an avatar or their real face. To act like v-tubers are bad because of these simps is ridiculous. It's nothing but the rantings of butthurt obsessed trannies jealous of avatars.
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>>140618 >This is something everybody could contribute to Everybody, as in this small website that has effectively no sway on vtubers or the bidya industry anymore? Fuck your "contribute to my cause by abstaining from consuming wrongthink media" schtick. I save and post whatever fucking cartoon girls I please, no matter how "harmful" you think that is. Even commiecat.
>>140621 You'll find more in common between trannies and people hiding behind vTuber avatars than between them and the people who don't like the vTubers, anon.
>>140621 Before vtubers it was only normalfags "simping" for 3DPD, but now the same 3DPDs are using anime avatars to sway even anons and the initiated, such as your dumb ass. >>140622 You're effectively making the same argument as /mu/ggers who listen to nigger music and claim it's fine to consume that as long as they don't buy the albums or start dressing like niggers. You wouldn't let a nigger into your house, why would you let them into your brain?
>>140624 Niggers aren't analogous to anime girls. Not even niggertoro.
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Good bread
>>140624 I don't even watch v-tubers. I just don't obsessively hate them like tranny shitposters here do. They're personalities. That's all. Unlike twitch whores, they actually play games & better yet play a character. They're just entertainers. I see nothing wrong with them inherently.
>>140624 If hearing nigger music is a positive experience for you, you're already lost. It's not a question of abstaining from it, it's a matter of course that you avoid it for your own peace of mind. Anime girls are pleasant to look at, regardless of whether they come from some gay tranny's avatar.
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>>140626 Comfy~
I farted.
>>140627 >they actually play games Lol, I can tell you "dont even watch vtubers" if you claim something as wrong as this >Better yet play a character Wrong again, 80% of them play themselves and occasionally pretend to be the character. If they were playing a character they'd be seiyuu's or true VA's. Or the existing Seiyuus would start taking up Vtubing as a job, but no producer allows it. At least, it hasn't been tried yet. >>140628 It does matter, with that attitude you might as well start supporting High Guardian Spice or the other Netflix animes. Origin and intent matters a great deal, nigger.
>>140631 >with that attitude you might as well start supporting High Guardian Spice You have a fundamental lack of understanding of quality. In order to make an argument about "muh origin and intent" you have to pick something that isn't objectively shit in the first place.
attack on vtuba
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>The thread just started and autists are going about it again with vtuber nonsense
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>>140626 >700×394 bakery.gif Site still wonky. I know, reload it goes away.
>>140632 Sounds like you're moving the goalposts to me. A lot of vtubers are objectively shit to me, especially the ones that don't even play vidya and just "chat" or engage in drama with other vtubers like the elitists they are.
>>140634 So? If there's GG stuff to talk about, talk about it. No one's stopping you.
>>140637 >Sounds like you're moving the goalposts to me. Sound like you're about to set up a strawman. All I said is I like shark cunny and you act like this is a threat to the videogame industry that I save a few jpegs and couple funny videos, and repost them.
>>140634 Yes, you should know the cycle. Lolis v-tubers copyright capitalism/communism repeat.
>>140640 Genuine, non-shitposting, discussion of /tv/ was added to the mix recently.
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>>140610 >>140635 These look easy on the eyes compared to most of the sheboons that I've seen (especially unlike the west).
>>140643 >These look easy on the eyes compared to most of the sheboons that I've seen Probably because they're tanned Japs and not sheboons.
>>140639 You reposting and consuming vshit isn't the main problem, though you are part of the problem. I never said you the main problem. The main problem is vtubers being praised and defended and paid for essentially doing the same thing Twitch whores have been doing for decades, except now they've gotten in to a much more difficult-to-reach niche by pretending to be epic anime girls (though I'm willing to bet the majority of them have normalfag tastes like the Big Three or whatever is popular at the moment). They're going to influence their audience which may contain game devs or other influencers, who will just proceed to do the same thing that worked for the vtuber they watched, which could include contentious content.
>>140644 >teagan "i'm not a nigger" dot jay peg >nessa "a skin tan isn't a fucking race" dot jay peg Don't have 'em, but they go here.
>>140645 This is the most retarded argument possible, if a dev is going to make a game for money, they are going to make something that sells, regardless of people playing them online or not, why the fuck do you think everything tried to be the new call fo duty back when?
>>140647 I think I missed a few millions of GOOD copypasted youtubebait games resulting from all that pander to influencers the past decade.
>>140646 There's Aloe, though; she looks like Aunt Jemima.
>>140634 good big bimbo
>>140649 This bitch got censored in the Western version of both game and anime
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Can you at least be of some use and mention some vtubers that don't do the same tired gimmick of playing some game while talking about nothing with the chat? Don't tell me that after all these years of vtuber autism the only one who has done something different still is Tsugu. >>140633 Attack on Len's defenseless body.
>>140648 Good has never been a factor here, dont be stupid, since always there have been copies of whats popular until they stop being popular precisely to make some quick cash.
>>140622 t. leftard and paid shill.
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>>140651 Where and how? Does she become as bland as the Pearl Milling Company?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War"
>>140655 Her apron was turned around and her career was changed into archaeologist or something like that because her original description was something maternally related but western localizers interpreted it as a racial stereotype.
>>140610 >>140635 >>140643 >>140644 Ignoring the nip Gal thing, why do trannies have no idea that a "suntan" is a thing? Oh wait, BIOLOGY is like sunlight to a vampire to a delusional man in a dress.
>>140645 Gee, I bet next you're going to say "see, this is why parasocial relations are dangerous" or some shit.
What about these threads attracts the schizo shitposters?
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>>140658 Same reason they have no idea that a woman can be short without being underage. See Uzaki-chan, and the anime last season with the midget office lady.
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>>140660 Probably because it's the fastest thread combined with being a general but also not tainted by being the de facto diddler hangout. >>140661
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>>140611 How do you get in a coma for 8 years?
>>140661 >midget office lady What's the name of the anime?
>>140664 >What's the name of the anime? Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
>>140661 >not tainted by being the de facto diddler hangout. But we have so many herdniggers and Masterchanners attempting to do just that
>>140666 was meant to reply to >>140662
>>140663 A better question is how do you survive a coma for 8 years? Only vegetative state people survive that long, a coma is a complete shutdown of most bodily functions, which means if any food is still running through your intestine (which means practically always) you'll die from that food rotting and poisoning you from within.
>>140668 How did you not die when you forget to breath?
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>>140622 Smek is gay.
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>>140661 >she's 25 She's actually 27 kg
>>140674 ah, ease of carry
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>>140672 can't adobe sue them now if some poor chump didn't actually buy it, since it seems pretty easy to replicate? Adobe is litigious as much
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>>140677 It would be funny if the death of minimalism came to be because too many logos looked similar from some turbojew's assets & they wanted compensation.
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OP could use more checking, but I'm glad you remembered at least.
>>140672 This is what a game development culture centered around making games using prebuilt engines will do to a mf'er.
>>140657 I can't even tell what the nigger on the right is supposed to be, it just seems like an angry lady who wants to talk to the manager. Its pretty pathetic to read his text and see how all traces of motherly qualities vanish in the right side due to lolcalizers. >>140631 This conversation is dead, but I just want to point out that this faggot just says shit so matter-of-factly and expects everyone to listen to him. Next time, try to bring some semblance of evidence to back up your point even then, all of your replies related to this have been pure salt so I doubt that will ever happen >>140659 He's gonna ask for donations to his gender reassignment surgery go-fund-me soon.
>>140657 >western localizers interpreted it as a racial stereotype. >A kind black mother is racist, change it And here I thought I was the nasty racist. >>140672 According to the article on nichegamer, the new logo isn't finalized. But it's still really bad, and who ever greenlit this should be fired and banned from the industry.
>>140683 Nigger
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>>140684 >>140685 It's bait you fucking retards, he did the same post in the thread about Fag Spencer wanting people banned for everything if they get banned from Xbox.
>>140686 I know it's bait I just wanted to say nigger
>>140681 No, that guy is right. All forms of simping are shit and so is advertising for them.
>>140686 Who cares? I just wanna shitpost mindlessly and say NIGGER It's all these threads are good for nowadays ever since we lost our population and our ability to do actual ops.
>>140689 >we >our
>>140690 Yes, "we" and "our" because I'm referring to 8moe's user count rather than trying to force a consensus.
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>>140677 Delete your pirated videogames then too, if you think that's worthy of suing.
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Funny how you can deduct the latent dictatorial leanings of a country by comparing the intensity of of their lockdown measures
>>140677 Adobe can't do shit. Everyone has his crap pirated. I wish there were better image and video editors in the market that don't require a 1000€ every year.
>>140693 >Germany numbah 1 The more things change, the more they stay the same.
>>140693 >meanwhile in austria: forced human experimentation what a garbage table, obviously made by an amerishart
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>>140697 those look like dark skinned white people tho
>>140698 >What the fuck is a tan
>>140695 Makoto and Anne's ass are top-tier, not going to lie. So as how they dress and how they look. They're really catered to me.
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You'll own nothing and you'll be happy https://archive.md/x7Hn9
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>>140645 >though you are part of the problem. So yes. Saving and reposting particular wrongthink anime girls is harmful to the industry. Fuck right off.
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>>539772 >>140701 What the heck are ya doin, anon?
Are any of the Arthur video games including old flash games any good? I want to get Francine being turned into a dyke and adult Arthur growing to be successful Chris-Chan taste out of my mouth. The only good thing about Arthur 20 years later was DW growing to be a cop hilarious and triggered twitter. Also judging what happens to the sugar bowl. Brain might be dead.
>>140702 You post the shark just because she's an exception (real men are into milfs anyway).
Battlefield 2042 players are mad at the game’s recycled character models >Battlefield 2042’s players haven’t been quiet with their criticism of DICE’s latest competitive multiplayer shooter. A refund petition launched several weeks ago now sits at over 200,000 signatures, and the game’s slate of bugs and glitches continues to drive players away. Now, players have turned their ire to a new area of 2042: the game’s character models. >Over on the Battlefield 2042 subreddit, fans have been heatedly discussing the similarities between playable Specialist character Maria Falck, a character from 2018’s Battlefield V, and an Imperial Officer character from DICE’s 2017 shooter Star War Battlefront 2. >Side-by-side comparisons show that the three character models are remarkably similar in their looks, albeit with some noticeable tweaks to their facial structures and features. It looks as if the character model has been used in all three games. That’s angered some fans over what they see as recycled content in a game that’s already full of quality-of-life issues and game-breaking bugs. >Some fans are simply angry that an asset from previous Battlefield games was reused in this latest installment, seeing it as a cop-out or money-saving shortcut made by DICE for the sake of profit. Others are more dismayed that older models were reused, but other features from past Battlefield games (such as the scoreboard) weren’t kept intact. >The sentiment is compounded by the fact the game’s Specialists were billed as unique characters with their own combat roles, identities, and personal backgrounds, in a deliberate move away from the nondescript foot soldiers that populated previous games in the series. >According to some disappointed fans, reusing a character for one of the game’s ten specialists doesn’t go far enough to bring that unique personality to life on-screen. >Battlefield 2042 has suffered a lot of criticism since it launched late last year, much of which has been justified. A game with as many clipping, rubberbanding, framerate, and connectivity bugs as 2042 had at launch probably shouldn’t be considered in a state ready for release. >That the game reuses assets from previous Battlefield titles, however, is hardly out of the ordinary for a major triple-A series. Battlefield V reused several gun models, building interiors, and vehicles from Battlefield 1, and Call of Duty: Vanguard reused several animations, gun models, and UI elements originally found in previous titles in the series. >More examples can be found in the likes of Halo, Forza, and any massive video game series that requires huge amounts of development time and resources. >Not only is recycling assets not unusual, but it's also not bad, and shouldn’t reflect poorly on the developers. The idea that every asset in a video game must be totally original is a little misguided and a rather unfeasible goal in contemporary game development. >The amount of time, resources, labor, and money that goes into producing triple-A games is so large that reusing content is often the most efficient, and least damaging, way of cutting costs. That’s hardly an outrage when the content is already well designed and fit for purpose. These recent criticisms of Battlefield 2042’s character models are akin to a comment made about God of War: >Ragnarok last year, following the release of its PlayStation showcase trailer. One Twitter user attracted attention after criticizing the game for reusing a boat animation from God of War 2018. >It didn’t take long for commentators and developers to point out that reusing such a minor part of the original game would hardly undermine the overall quality of its sequel. >Battlefield 2042 differs, of course, in that the current state of the game leaves a lot to be desired. Players are understandably frustrated with DICE, but criticizing its reuse of assets, which have even been tweaked and updated, isn’t nearly as justified as pointing out its game-breaking faults. https://archive.ph/3gs6V Police: Ex-employee took Pokemon cards, Apple products after being fired >Upon being fired, the ex-employee at a shop on West University Drive proceeded to loot electronics and Pokemon cards, according to a police report. >The Denton Police Department responded to a theft around 9:38 p.m. in the 600 block of West University Drive. Staff called 911 after an ex-employee, who was fired around that time, caused a commotion and took merchandise from the store. >The store isn’t named in the report, but the merchandise the ex-employee took includes an Apple Watch, Apple AirPods, Beats headphones, Pokemon cards and cash. In total, the merchandise cost more than $1,800. An investigation is ongoing. https://archive.ph/NsiFN
>>140614 <Everything is coming up Millhouse! Are you just immune to shame? Or are you turned on by being shamed like Paul Feig? You've been posting your stale forced meme on TOR then replying to yourself on a clearnet ID for a while now. So much so, that you've gotten sloppy, so you even forgot to hop IDs replying to your clearnet ID with the same ID while doing this last thread. Absolutely pathetic. Speaking of which, different autist tho: >>140702 It's funny how it turns "on" and "off" like flipping a switch. Like it's the same goon on a VPN replying it itself before fucking off to do the same boring thing on some other imageboard.
>>140705 Real men make milfs.
>>140708 I'm gonna be a real man with Danielle and Freya.
>>140672 This is why KOF is the superior fightan
>>140709 danielles already milfed though youre gonna have to wrestle freya into the kitchen or start working on gilda
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>>140711 >Wha? Make me a mommy? Show me, anon~ It's not that she's "too innocence" it's that your offspring would also be retarded.
>>140712 >wanting to take gilda's innocence For shame anon!
>>140712 im ok with having a stupid daughter; probably have to stop her from turning into a huge slut tho, stupid bitches are the easiest to fuck
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>>140716 Magazine.
>>140694 >I wish there were better image Paint.net >and video editors https://www.videosoftdev.com/
>>140716 >inb4 truckposting derailment
>>140719 well if you insist
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>>140704 >Are any of the Arthur video games including old flash games any good? The storybook games for W98 are okay.
>>140720 Booba! Pony booba!
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I have seen a lot of things in my life but I never thought that I'd see Gayfaqs users argue with glowniggers about Ukraine instead of jerking each other off regarding Elden Ring and Hormones Zero Defecit : Forbidden Women. Not only that, seeing the feds crying about orange man not painting the CIA into the best light ever. Un fucking real. >>140720 I had forgotten about the absolute state of /co/ back when Prime and cancerhorses were around, everybody trying to conveince themselves they weren't gay autists by trying to have Optimus clang Megatron, while knowing everything about the ponies that aired concurrently. And then have IRL dudes talk about horses in my close circle at the time. What a wild ride. At least I got some good gijinka / actual human versions of the horses porn out of it
>>140724 >I have seen a lot of things in my life but I never thought that I'd see Gayfaqs users argue with glowniggers about Ukraine instead of jerking each other off regarding Elden Ring and Hormones Zero Defecit : Forbidden Women. Care to link what you're talking about?
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>>140645 >>140647 >>140702 There are already a handful of anime that have V-tubers as OP/ED singers or as guest or background characters. There was like 4 at once in one of previous seasons. This fucking 3DPD whores talk about ex-boyfriends and birth pills while getting rich off simps then come and contaminate 2D with their presence and I'm the "tranny"? Give me a fucking break this is just w*man entryism like they do anywhere else. They are just planting the seeds now, they won't complain when they make money off it like twitch e-whores sucking on random objects but the second it's no longer profitable they'll talk about how oppressive it was and how objectified they were and demand things to be changed while acting like an insider. No one will remember these bitches in 5 years and yet they permanently ruin shows because some retarded producer thought it would be funny to shove in some flavor of the month e-celeb into a manga adaptation. If you actually support this dogshit you might as well support anti-GG since they operate in similar anyways, the only difference is that anita doesn't use an anime girl avatar.
>>140726 Delusional.
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>>539858 That's what I'd as well anon, archive's a bitch these days. >>140725 What the anon posted before it was deleted. Also some of what I was talking about so that the jannies don't delete the post.
>>140726 Go dilate already and stop bothering.
>>140727 >>140729 Nice argument w*men. Let it be known that V-tuber simps defend w*men's entryism into male hobbies. Go jack off and rethink what the fuck you are doing.
<539739 The more you talk the more you embarrass yourself. >>140730 Yes, you are the tranny. In your frustration, you fail to make any coherent point. > OP/ED singers or as guest or background characters <Ignores the fact that many of them have talent in singing and voice acting I've even attached a cover that was done by a Hololive member Hoshimachi Suisei and 2 Holostars (male) vtubers. This is one of the best japanese songs I've heard in a while. Its to a show's advantage to utilize talent, not to shoehorn itself into ignoring it for no reason. >off it like twitch e-whores sucking on random objects but the second it's no longer profitable they'll talk about how oppressive it was and how objectified they were and demand things to be changed while acting like an insider. This statement makes no sense whatsoever. This has never occurred at all to my knowledge and you know this. The situation you are describing is what happened to LITERAL WHORES who sold pictures of their body and complained that vtubers were killing their way of business. There is a clear difference between girls streaming and whores and its a fools errand to conflate the 2. >They will be forgotten in 5 years <they ruin shows by being put into an adaptation >If you support this, you must support anti-GG What is this? CNN? Get the fuck out of here with this associative bullshit already. This is how women speak - If you go on 8chan, you must be a white supremacist. Fuck off already. I will admit though, despite you clearly being a tranny, you talk and argue like a woman so I will give you credit there. Once again, you need to move on. You will never be able to convince anyone with these manipulative and shitty tactics and worse of all - you shit up EVERY thread because of your obsession with it.
>>140731 No matter what you say, I'm not the one defending w*men, you are. >This has never occurred at all to my knowledge and you know this. You can't predict what will happen? How many times will you allow w*men into male hobbies before you learn it can never end well? Even on smug/a/ people winced at the hololive EN at first but it was allowed, and now the entire board is empty aside from a bunch of fags simping over hololive EN bitches because all the newfaggots there can't even speak Japanese. The previously 2D purist /a/ board turned into a shithole where people link cuckchan and and donate to w*men. >There is a clear difference between girls streaming and whores and its a fools errand to conflate the 2. They are all disgusting 3DPD succubi, I don't see any difference between those "girls" you speak and the other e-whores. All e-celebs and streamers are shit regardless of gender anyways. So you think I'm a tranny because I dislike w*men? What's next am I also gay because I hate fags? Now that is arguing like w*men.
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>>140732 >w*men
>>140731 >>140732 >This has never occurred at all to my knowledge and you know this. And by the way it kind of did occur with Nyanners, don't you remember her going full sjw, denouncing her fans and saying pomf pomf was pedo? She's a fucking V-tuber now.
>>140731 >the best japanese songs I've heard in a while So is normalfags and their top of the chart song every week. >complained that vtubers were killing their way of business Your oh so precious n innocent vtubers vs twitchthots are just a latest iteration of "old camwhores crying about the new ones with new business model stealing all their money" >tranny There is something wrong with your simp brain if that's the first thing you came up with when people voicing their hatred for camwhores.
>>140735 IP hopping doesn't make your obsessive hatred over simple entertainers any less fucking stupid.
>>140736 Right back at you with your own words. >>140727
>>140724 It bothers me more than it should how despite fairly interesting demos and decent games being recently released all anyone in the mainstream can give a shit about is the ugly MC for a PS5 'game' and not-Dark Souls 4.
>>140736 People are still allowed to reply to bs when they saw it or all that simping had rot your brain?
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>>140711 >danielles already milfed though And I'd like some extra MILF in that MILF. >youre gonna have to wrestle freya into the kitchen That's part of the "get muscle MILF" plan. >or start working on gilda A cute retarded MILF is fine too. Also her redhaed gamer MILF friend is fine too.
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>>140732 >How many times will you allow w*men into male hobbies before you learn it can never end well? Vtubing was a male hobby? What? >Even on smug/a/ I don't give a fuck about smug, what do they have to do with here? Its been 2-3 years now and not a single vtuber thread or anything has been made. If anything - the one responsible for the most vtuber shit is you. >Now that is arguing like w*men Not at all what I said, but like a woman you ignore the substance of the argument and start spouting nonsense. Well done. >And by the way it kind of did occur with Nyanners NIGGER YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT JAPANESE VTUBERS THIS WHOLE TIME Even if you were talking about western vtubers - in what way can they influence japanese vtubers? You made a whole point of how they will ruin your anime yet how the fuck is someone like Nyanners going to do that? The indie/Vshojo western vtuber scene is 95% fucked and has been that way for the past year but they are impotent. Most of the people on this site do not watch them anyways and this case is irrelevant. I'll keep waiting until you can provide any evidence as always, but this is a waste of time. >So is normalfags and their top of the chart song every week. <I cannot recognize a good song >Your oh so precious n innocent vtubers vs twitchthots are just a latest iteration of blah blah blah Once again, lack of an argument. >There is something wrong with your simp brain if that's the first thing you came up with when people voicing their hatred for camwhores. Amusing, how multiple people keep getting butthurt at being called a tranny and they all talk the same way... makes you think. I will say this, you have continuously embarrassed yourself so thoroughly that I want to see you keep posting.
>>140741 >how multiple people keep getting butthurt at being called a tranny and they all talk the same way... makes you think. Dont forget the "coincidence" that the yall become active at the same time and talk only about a single topic in the thread.
>>140743 >and talk only about a single topic in the thread. Oh no, how dare them derail the offtopic thread!!
>>140728 are forums even relevant these days to see the the "popular view" as reddit and twitter takes dominate every topic, other than low signal-noise ratio? In simple words is it worth it to browse gamefaqs, even for funpostin?
>>140744 Not at all what i implied, but thanks for proving my point.
V-tubers are Pewdiepie tier to me.
>>140741 >Vtubing was a male hobby? What? I'm talking about V-tubers injecting themselves into games and anime, not V-tubing as a whole. >Not at all what I said, but like a woman you ignore the substance of the argument and start spouting nonsense. Well done. Your entire argument is calling me a tranny, faggot simp. >NIGGER YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT JAPANESE VTUBERS THIS WHOLE TIME The anime part is mostly Japanese V-tubers sure, but the most popular ones like the shark some faggot keeps posting here is EN and she is popular in Japan too. <You made a whole point of how they will ruin your anime yet how the fuck is someone like Nyanners going to do that? By existing in places where I can see them.
>>140747 Pewdiepie is surprisingly decent.
So everytime we post we get a new id? fucking maintenance.
>>140747 So you think they are fucking amazing?
I'm honestly curious, what youtubers do you even like? Because it feels to me everyone wants to discuss ecelebs but instead just limit themselves to this played out "Vtubers bad, no vtubers good" cyclical discussion. So let's look at it from the other perspective, what are some actually good youtube channels, vidya or otherwise?
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>>140747 Pewds is okay
>>140752 I like Vinesauce
>>140752 Small, hobby or skill focused ones. Like the You Suck At Photoshop series, or the YTPer who posted on 8chan.
>>140741 >if I keep calling them tranny, they will be all real tranny eventually That's just projection, mate. Your argument seem to be consist of calling people tranny and my streamerwhores ain't real whore unlike those, I swear. >>140749 Well, anons would tell them to fuck off if anyone wanted to simp for Pewdiepie when he's still around unlike these simp and their vtubers. They want everyone worshiping/simping just like them instead of just keeping their faggotry away from everyone.
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>>140748 >I'm talking about V-tubers injecting themselves into games and anime, not V-tubing as a whole. Explain how them streaming themselves playing games is a bad thing. You've also failed to tell me how they've injected themselves into anime in a bad way or brought up any example of this happening. >Your entire argument is calling me a tranny, faggot simp. That was one of many. Read the post again, I brought up how japanese vtubers being good does not negatively impact the industry, how english vtubers do not have impact on the anime/game industry, how you conflate only fans whores with vtubers, and how all of your positions lack any evidence, and how you are a tranny. >By existing in places where I can see them. This makes no sense. >>140752 I've been watching a lot of Mangs (Fire Emblem/Advance Wars) content for a while now and random vtubers. A lot of the youtubers I used to watch aren't interesting or have moved onto more boring/low effort content unfortunately. >>140753 I haven't seen him for a long time since he seemed to make a lot more reaction based content which is pretty dull. The other stuff seemed alright.
>>140752 >what youtubers do you even like? The e-celebs I follow are E;R, Down the Rabbit Hole, Hoeg Law, JonTron, RekietaLaw, Razorfist, and Voxis Productions.
>>140758 >E;R, JonTron I really wish they made videos more frequently. Razorfist is pretty great as well though I think he might get kicked off youtube soon unfortunately. >Law youtube Rekieta is great, the recent court cases he's been streaming is a gold mine and an absolute shit show with how bad some of the lawyers are.
>>140758 >>140759 I seriusly dislike how much of a tryhard razorfist is.
>>140760 I don't quite care for his political videos but I really liked his video on pulp stories. Guy got me into reading The Shadow and The Executioner and I've been really enjoying them tried Doc Savage but I think I'll need to give it time befor trying Man of Bronze again, the writing style was just too flowery and "muh OC" ish. Plus I'm a big sucker for wordplay and he does that nicely.
>>140761 >>140760 His opinion on China is one only a few people I know have given and he's been right on a lot of topics so I usually give him the benefit of the doubt.
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>>140763 Maybe keep it that way.
>>140763 You'd just have criminal charges and the biggest belt whipping done by your dad if you actually did have a sister, fag.
>>140728 What the fuck is Havana Syndrome
>>140766 >Havana syndrome is an alleged set of medical symptoms with unknown causes experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and ringing in the ears to cognitive difficulties[2][4] and were first reported in 2016 by U.S. and Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba.
>>140767 Sounds like psychic weapons!
>>140768 Psycho Mantis?
>>140752 Here's some I regularly check (because I don't use youtube so I don't get subscribe notifications): Accursed farms, Mandalore Gaming, Tehsnakerer, Patrician TV and Civvie11. I also check Spookston's warthunder content as well.
>>140758 In addition, not exactly ecelebs, but I also follow John Stossel, Supermakki, and China Uncensored.
>>140749 >>140751 >>140753 >>140757 Man I remember when the board generally hated him pre exodus for being an ober exposed jewtube eceleb making silly reaction videos for an underage fanbase. People on both 4&8chan bemoaned when his guest appearance on South Park shortly after GG started and it wasn't until a couple years later that he started dropping pink pills and not being overtly leftist when things started going into clown world territory was when he started getting tolerated and even appreciated by imageboard. Stunts like dropping "nigger" on stream and making fun of the Indians behind T Series earned him even more props until Tarrant happened. He was summed by that image of a guy going "I have been pretending to be mentally retarded for 7 years now" It's surreal to see how much things have changed and attitudes towards certain people have flipped. He was considered the epitome of normalfag entertainment until he went through a more mature, slightly edgy phase. Ian Miles Cheong was in deep with CON and the Literally Whos before jumping ship and being his own man (and was mocked for his past as banana Hitler during his stint as an anti GG figure) TotalBiscuit and David Pakman kept struggling with their liberal urges and colleagues, and anyone snit talking Hotwhels was deemed to be a freech/intl/goon nigger until he did a tremendous 180 that made even Poole look amicable after earning his own rep as "Luggage Lad".
>>140772 The thing is that we turned into the normalfags because the world became crazy. I also hated him because he looked like the most low common denominator regarding video making, but after seeing how the commies went after him and showing he was actually smart I got a liking on him. Still, I don't see his videos because I focus in seeing news from various faggotry tubers.
>>140758 Fredrik Knudsen, the down the rabbit hole guy is literally a tranny supporting furry
>>140774 Since when?
>>140775 He talks about it plenty on his twitter, he even showed his fursona on the furries video he made.
>>140776 Oh. Didn't know he had a twitter. Or was active online anymore.
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>>140752 Mostly niche youtubers from my third world shithole that talk about internet from the mid 2000s or play games from that era.
>>140745 >In simple words is it worth it to browse gamefaqs, even for funpostin? Only browse to grab the guides that were based on old japanese wikis that don't exist anymore. The only reason to be there besides remembering the good old times >>140752 >I'm honestly curious, what youtubers do you even like? None, because the one guy passed away. The others have plainly stopped posting and one is missing from the internet as a whole. Out of all of them, three were anons and only one of them is confirmed to be alive today >>140759 >I really wish they made videos more frequently. E;R shitposts somewhere, he used to shit up /tv/ and Banepost while rustling the Jimmies of tumblr rapefugees on the 4/co/ board back when Korra was starting, going to autistic detail about Avatar and Stein's Gate. >>140763 >TFW no gamer sister >TFW no more best (female) friend to game with >TFW no absolute gamer bro turning out to be a cute girl that likes you It hurts. >>140769 >Psycho Mantis? It has begun, right after Hackjima predicted Death Stranding.
>>140773 After tumultuous history between GG and how certain streamers played out, I can't really feel good about getting into any of them seriously. Same with Pew because even if he isn't super lefty, just making ire to SJWs isn't as novel since you can be a total faggot in your right despite them hating you and doesn't take much of anything to set SJWs off. Looking into GameFAQs' board for instance feels bizarre and you'd think or rather hope that they weren't infested with breadtube and /leftypol/ type faggots.So when people railed on him in the beginning it's hard for me to shake off that impression despite him having the potential to be even worse early on. Likewise, I can't get attached to Vtubers and get annoyed by anyone fawning over them as I would to any other online personality, given their nature being at odds with anonymity. Like Tripfags, namefags and the drama that would often follow them be it in the olden days or Acid & Mark acting gay or you-know-who on the flip side getting super tribal with their internet bloodsports garbage and picking fights with everyone like niggers. It's a really tiring double edged sword where you get entertainment from interacting with other sites at the risk of bringing their baggage with them. Raiding and colonizing other sites brought results and lulz but also a lot of enemies that sought to co opt and bring destruction to various imageboards. Begrudging alliances with twitter, tumblr, a sub reddit or two, etc in the beginning of Gamergate, despite otherwise hating them. You get weird things like enjoying a mascot made by, for, and representative of reddit (Gilda) even though no one here would ever want to associate or entertain the tbought of going there. Twitter being shit on for being social media, despite the initial invasions there was a big part of airing what journalists did to GG in the first place (and some anons turning into faggots from using it as well) I'm rambling a bit about how this all relates to the god damn point of why these threads were even made in the first place but there you go. >>140775 >>140776 Like the purpose of #NotYourShield, you had soft lefties, furries, and people of all walks of life coming together and shit on game journos for being total cunts. Almost 8 years of this descent into insanity.
>>140763 Don't fall for the doujins, having sisters is shit. All they do is complain, leave their tampons laying around, and they don't even try to suck your dick like in the h-mangas.
>>140781 Yeah it's better to fuck your mother.
>>140782 Yeah, but only if you don't have a dad. NTR in real life tends to end poorly, especially in places that have looser gun laws than Japland.
>>140783 Or your parents are divorced.
>>140779 Oh that's another thing, anons really loved Kojima until he kept sucking off Dorito Pope and Jewlywood culminating in the original Death Stranding. His biggest offenses before hand being MGS2's bait and switch with Raiden until MGR and its messages of information control aging really well with time, MGS4's story and overabundance of cutscenes solidifying it and the PS3 as a movie game on a movie console, and rushing out MGS5 with Hayter being replaced which was softened by Konami being notorious dicks in and of themselves and Hayter being a lefty that also wouldn't get over crying losing the role.
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>>140779 >tfw no gamer little brother who became little sister♀ succubus https://exhentai.org/g/1948474/594b4067f3/
>>140787 I'd have preferred gamer MILF succubus, but I'll take it.
>>140786 I definitely remember people giving MGS4 shit back in the era of >"Did you rike it?" but I also remember people being fairly hyped for Phantom Pain >>140787 Why would you betray your little bro with sex swap magic, that ain't cool, Aniki.

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>>140787 Those cursed digits must be destroyed anon.
>>140779 I think E;R has retired altogether.
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>>140674 Imagine.
>>140791 He got tired of only talking about Star Wars. Maybe he'll do one last hurrah if/when that Netflix version of the Last Airbender gets made.
>>140674 >27kg She's be fucking anorexic at that weight
I've heard some dude shot dead a few commies. Are we getting closer to the fun?
>>140797 He's also a furfag.
>>140798 Wasn't that fake news?
>>140799 I don't know but if it is then I'm culpable.
>>140778 Care to list some?
>>140779 >None, because the one guy passed away. Grumpy Oji-san?
>>140783 Humans are instinctively disgusted by the mere thought of fucking their relatives.
>>140774 I skimmed his Twatter account, but I'm not seeing what you're referring to: https://nitter.net/FredInTheKnud/ >>140776 >he even showed his fursona on the furries video he made I did find this relating to that: https://nitter.net/FredInTheKnud/status/983061463827755008#m < Eheh I'm not really a furry, but the fursona was designed and sorta foisted on me by @D_E_S_R and I just kind of rolled with it.
Things are heating up in Ukraine.
>>140805 Oh no
>>140805 He can't keep getting away with it.
>>140805 >Semen
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>>140805 >russians >putting down the world's most prominent terrorist, warlord and war criminal Yeah sure.
>>140796 Not if she's like a meter tall.
>>140805 Eye have him!
>>140805 I'm still waiting for him to be brought before the U.N. as starting WW3.
>>140752 Internet Historian, Mauler, Clemps, Matthewmatosis, Wilburgur, Four Decent Friends(I wouldn't be surprised if those guys post here) and some of the ones other anons have listed. >>140772 I don't know when it happened but PDP definitely stopped being child friendly and became a little edgier, I remember he even criticised the rapefugee crisis. >>140759 >Razorfist is pretty great as well though His political takes and Michael Jackson videos are the only thing worth a damn, his opinions on video games are fucking terrible, like he recently defended his shit review of MGR on twitter.
>>140692 >I fundamentally do not understand the discussion or argument in any way, shape, or form Holy shit, no one is as retarded as you. >>140701 >pirate the OS >suddenly doesn't require an internet connection >suddenly can't contact any Microsoft servers at all Wow, so hard.
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>>140724 Pretty much all mainstream sites are operated by leftard infiltrators working for the government. That became clear a long time ago. There are no sites operated by enthusiasts. Maybe there never was any. All of them are now in desperate shut down, due to the normalfags waking up against the government. That is why we are seeing those political discussions in many places. Their owners are desperate to keep control of the narrative, but the users are already waking up against it.
>>140816 Yeah, like youtube with the jewish christmass movie.
>>140742 t. simp.
>>140820 Cute. What seems to be the issue?
>>140820 You missed last month's character? That character and this one were designed with the purpose of looking like they don't belong to the MMX series.
>>140820 >>140822 Imagine needing to find the ONE Twatter retard who bitches about a loli in a game because you cannot find anything else that's negative
>>140824 This is a cute shota, not loli.
>>140820 I see no problem here.
>>140820 Yes, I like Ni no kuni
>>140827 The active butchering of the ever-decaying MegaMan series is not a problem to you?
>>140829 Some random OC in your Megaman game isn't gonna kill a long stagnant franchise.
>>140829 putting aside that the megaman series is already dead there was like six of them on the NES; it was born to be whored out
>>140829 I thought the megaman franchise died years ago?
>>140833 Megaman 11 was great but you'll never get anyone here to admit that.
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>>140705 >You post the shark just because she's an exception Yes, and?
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>02/22/22 on a TUEsday CHECK MY 2!
>>140836 That's a zero.
>>140752 Matthewmatosis is the best vidya channel.
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>>140707 >replying to yourself on a clearnet ID >Speaking of which, different autist tho: <Alleges samefagging <Proceeds to claim another post of mine is from someone else I love you listanon.
>>140838 You're wrong and also gay.
>>140832 MM11 came out not too long ago and the ZX collection is fairly recent as well.
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>all these posts defending vtrannies >all these posts talking about their favorite jewtubers The absolute state of r/videogames. I wish I had put a password on my posts so I could delete this thread. >>140701 Come home, white man. >>140706 >Battlefield 2042 >it has less than 2042 players
>>140803 Only if those relatives were imprinted upon you, otherwise, you have normal attraction to conventionally attractive relatives. That's why cousins fucking is so common, since they're often not introduced young enough. Some theories even say the attraction would be greater to non-imprinted relatives due to racial in-group preferences, but niggers sure do prefer fucking anything other than their own women, so I'm not sure it holds much weight.
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>>140787 I used to like gender bender shit, but now it's a total boner kill unless it's really gradually. 99% of the time, the story would be immensely improved by the character being a girl in the first place, because that's how the character acts and is treated by the author anyways, making the sex swap pointless.
>>140845 Wow anon why are you saving little boys bulges? That's pretty gay.
>>140834 I will admit it once they make a pixel art version.
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>>140848 It's not & it's still a dick bulge.
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>>140842 Call me when Wacom releases official Linux drivers.
>>140801 I don't mind, but they're argentinians.

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>>140850 >female (previously) >male (current) This better be some magic gender bender bullshit like Ranma or Terry Bogard. It's weird to see a woman turn into a man in a gender bender setting outside of body-swapping.
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>>140840 You're wrong and also bi. >>140837 Yes, but is THIS?
>>140854 No it's a 1.
>>140842 >bitching about anons being off-topic in the GG thread How new are you, OP? It's been like this for ages.
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>>140853 from what little i know of the series it was a dude that uses a magical gemerald to turn into a woman superhero or some shit; probably not completely from all the fuckin trap porn of him in costume
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>>140853 It's a one season Hasbro cartoon. I'll let you be the judge of if it's worth watching.
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>>140853 I checked the article out of curiosity: https://shezow.fandom.com/wiki/SheZow_(character) It's listed as a "female" because the article is about the superhero alter ego, which historically it was portrayed by women until the male protagonist of the show became its new incarnation. >>140848 Nah, it's an ugly kid, but since western artists are traumatized by lolis and shotas all young men are turned into flat bimbos. Canonically that character looks like the generic artwork of animated ads that aired 10 years ago. >>140856 It's bitching about everyone but one fag being tubeniggers more than anything. >>140851 Not official, but some Wacom employees are developers of linuxwacom, the open source driver for these tablets.
>>140857 Correct.
>>140752 If it's about vidya, I mainly follow a bunch of guys who mod or speedrun old games. I also do follow a bunch of game-specific guys (Mangs for Advance Wars shitposts, Delfy for tf2 exploits etc.) but it's more about mindlessly putting something on while doing something else than actually paying any attention to it, plus Critikal, SomeOrdinaryGamer and Internet Historian to keep up with internet shit that is outside of the platforms I visit. I follow a ton of geopolitical and history guys though. TIK, War Stories with Mark Felton, Whatifalthist and ibx2cat to name a few. I find Vtubers boring at best and grating at worst. I truly do not see what people see in them, or most streamers in general. I think there's a certain tier to youtubers, as in some which are practically just breadtubers, others you just watch for mindless entertainment and others that have actual interesting or useful content. I don't think I mind either so long as they keep me distracted from daily shit. >>140842 Despite me posting daily (so no "be the change you want to see in the world, anon!") most imageboards are completely dead these days and I gotta do something to get entertained, anon.
>>140859 >Canonically that character looks like the generic artwork of animated ads that aired 10 years ago. <Anon, THIS is what American insurance ads from 15 years ago looked like.
>>140860 is this is how you get your kicks? sharing gay porn in the gamergate thread? calling you an idiot would be offensive to idiots everywhere
>>140862 tentacle rape AND vore, this is neck and neck with totally spies
>>140863 For your information that's not even porn. Merely suggestive imagery.
>>140865 yeah and most of what they post on /b/ isnt porn either but it still makes motherfuckers nervous
>>140866 Drawings of little boys makes you nervous?
>>140865 I'm merely suggesting that you kill yourself then
>>140867 makes that guy nervous; i just roll with the punches and take a few swings back, meself
>>140864 According to the marketing company who did the promos, they had "NO" idea that it would eventually sprout up so much porn: https://archive.fo/nAIy9
>>140868 Noted & ignored. >>140869 >futa Now that's really gay.
>>140869 hot. anyone remember when /v/ had a thing for sharkgirls?
>>140858 >>140859 >Tranny superhero 4kids
>>140873 That shit's been around for fucking years. How did you not know about it?
>>140874 That doesn't make it any better, fuckface.
>>140874 Why would you want to know about it?
>>140876 Because it only lasted for one season a grand total of ten years ago, predating GaymerGays. Show was a failure.
hello motherfucker hi

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>>140827 >>140858 >>140859 >>140860 Oh /v/. You and your sexy, sexy boys.
>>140878 Bonitos dígitos, señor Don Torpedo de la pradera.
>>140873 Technically it's a trap and not a tranny. >>140877 Honestly I don't know why so many /co/mblr fags like him. Neither his official designs or his lewd fan art are particularly attractive.
>>140881 >Technically it's a trap and not a tranny. This show is pre-GG and the wiki lists the hero form as female.
>>140882 He's only crossdressing. He doesn't actually turn into a girl physically.
>>140883 The same is true of trannies.
>>140884 Yes but he doesn't identify as a female.
>>140881 >Honestly I don't know why so many /co/mblr fags like him /co/ user's were always perpetually horny on cuckchan /co/ then most other boards when I went their pre-exodus. They purposefully look for novelty faps or create their own on a whim like they did with that darkseid genderbend.
>>140886 Understandable. Compared to anime, /co/ material far less often provided sexy characters to wank to. /co/fags were desperate for sexy cartoons. They took what little they could get, and if they couldn't get anything, they'd sexyify something that wasn't.
>>140885 Doesn't matter, it's western propaganda poz trash. Japan does magical boys better and somehow less gay
>>140888 >Japan does magical boys better and somehow less gay Please post more Japanese magical boys.
>>140888 Can't deny either of those points.
>>140889 Mushoku Tensei? Mahou Shoujo Ore has to count although that's gender bend Oh and that costume for Tales of Innocence.
>>140892 >Unapologetically Horny Uoh?
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>>140882 The superhero identity (aka the costume) is female because it was worn by women until that kid put it. The boy is male. >>140888 >Japan does magical boys better Probably true. I haven't watched that Shezow cartoon, but it's opening wasn't interesting. >and somehow less gay Debatable. >>140889 Check Bokura wa Mahou Shounen (pics related). It's a comedy manga about a boy who is tricked into becoming a magical girl(male) by another magical girl(male) but still goes with it because "it's like being a superhero".
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>>140853 DELETE >>140886 /co/fags in the later years were open fags and could have easily come out of the Frankfurt Schulen given their degeneracy, despite the fact that countless fucking comic artists draw lewds and porn every second thursday with the heroines they have. All of my pics are from the official DC artists at the time. Benes, Cho, Iago, Fred etc everyone drew lewds and leaked them anonymously on the net, /co/ was just too faggy and wanted gay shit because they started browsing tumblr and took the retardpill. >>140887 >/co/fags were desperate for sexy cartoons. They didn't even do that. Anyone who searches /co/ material is bound to find FUCKING TONS OF IT from Nipland, official artists(former or current) and even randos on sadpanda. The problem was that /co/fags wanted a specific type of degeneracy that has now flooded the net, with futa heroines, gore, vore and all that other degenerate shit tumblrites draw. Once upon a time those "Dominate a supheroine" ryona type comics that were in bad taste became the norm and the vanilla content for most of those fags. It's insanely difficult to find gooc /co/ material these days exactly because of the flood from the commisions these fuckers had for the past 12 years. >>140891 >Vita version made Luka a fag DELETE NOW!
>>140896 >The problem was that /co/fags wanted a specific type of degeneracy that has now flooded the net, with futa heroines, gore, vore and all that other degenerate shit tumblrites draw. Could you somehow explain how I fap to that shit that you just listed, yet even I find programs like SheZow to be absolutely disgusting?
Far Cry 7 Could Overhaul the Franchise With a Sci-Fi Setting >The Far Cry series has become one defined by its villains and locations. With each new release, the biggest question fans seem to have is where it will be set, while it's somewhat assumed the game will feature a larger-than-life villain. >In recent games, especially Far Cry 6, the series has become more openly political, though this aspect of the games has also been criticized. >However, there was also a large demand for Far Cry to admit it has always been a political series after Ubisoft had disavowed the idea with Far Cry 5. >The direction Far Cry decides to go in the future will be closely related to the game's setting, and it may serve the series better to explore entirely different types of locations than previous games have. >Regardless, Far Cry is known for having whacky, over-the-top elements and characters that can better suit certain settings than others. The Far Cry series has never shied away from more imaginative settings, though they are usually reserved for spin-off games. For the main Far Cry series, it seems there are two distinct directions to go in: Leaning into the whacky and imaginative elements of the game, or toning those elements down in order for a more nuanced political setting. >Based on previous Far Cry games, one potentially apt setting for Far Cry 7 to explore may be a sci-fi one, wherein the imaginative and gameplay elements of the game can shine, while a more analogous approach to political themes could be a better fit for the series. >While the main games in the Far Cry franchise tend to have somewhat more realistic settings, the spin-off games have explored more imaginative settings with different degrees of success. Far Cry: New Dawn is a prime example of a futuristic, somewhat post-apocalyptic Far Cry setting. >However, the game is closely tied to the setting of Far Cry 5, which was heavily inspired by real-world political events like 9/11 and the Cold War. Ubisoft described Far Cry 5 as apolitical, despite the contentious themes of religious extremism and far-right politics in the US. >As such, Far Cry: New Dawn was largely a rehashing of Far Cry 5's setting and themes, despite being set in the future. >Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is one of the series' most well-remembered spin-offs, and has even inspired a Blood Dragon Netflix tv show adaptation. This game has a stylistic, retro-futuristic setting inspired by '80s sci-fi movies like The Terminator and Robocop. >Blood Dragon offers fun and whacky gameplay that emphasizes many elements of the series' over-the-top elements can thrive in more eclectic settings. While there were some critics of the humor in Blood Dragon, the game also emphasizes the potential of the Far Cry games to explore parody and absurdism more. >By mirroring the style of '80s action and sci-fi movies, the game's rocket launchers, bloodshed, and wild animals fit comfortably with the overall theme, rather than evoking narrative dissonance with complex political issues while the gameplay involves mowing down enemies. >Ubisoft has actually held multiple polls and surveys during the series' lifetime, allowing fans to vote for possible Far Cry settings. Many of the suggested locations were imaginative and fictitious, while some were historical settings, and notably, sci-fi was a recurring suggestion. >While Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was successful, fans have still theorized what a sci-fi entry in the main series might be like. >One of the most notable aspects of the concept was how well many of the core components of Far Cry games, like conquerable outposts, a variety of eclectic land, sea, and air vehicles, and whacky scenarios, could be adapted in interesting ways with a sci-fi setting. >Games like No Man's Sky offer great examples of how a futuristic sci-fi setting could work as an explorable open. This is not to say that Far Cry needs to change thematically to match No Man's Sky, but merely that the more immense and imaginative setting of a sci-fi world would help alleviate much of the inherent conflict in the series' current approach to marrying its settings and themes. >The settings of Far Cry games are fictional places, but usually act as exaggerated versions of real-world places and cultures. Far Cry 6, for example, is set in modern-day on the fictitious island of Yara, resembling Cuba. >The modern-day setting and apparently explicit political theme seem obtuse due to the game's lack of acknowledgment of present-day political issues. >The Far Cry games have always implemented a level of distance between the events of the game and any real-world political events. >Sci-fi, then, is a genre in which it is commonplace to explore a wide variety of political or social themes through fantastical and exaggerated settings. As such, a sci-fi setting would give the Far Cry series room to figure out what it is really trying to say while also giving fans the usual gameplay features of a Far Cry game in a new, exciting setting. >Ultimately, there are multiple different directions the Far Cry series could go, but a futuristic sci-fi setting, or one equally grand and imaginative, is something that fans want to see. In addition to this, the sci-fi setting offers an opportunity to overhaul some elements of Far Cry that divide critics and fans alike. >Considering the controversies surrounding recent games, criticisms of the gameplay becoming tired, and the fact that every game comes with a new setting and characters anyway now seems a good time for the series to revitalize itself with a big move like this. https://archive.ph/WrXX0 Battlefield 2042 Bombs to Less than 4,000 Average Concurrent Players on Steam! >There is more than enough evidence to suggest that Battlefield 2042 has represented nothing short of an absolute disaster for EA. As we’ve often said in the past, there’s no real need to go into specifics on the subject, it’s just a bad game. – Just how poorly is it doing with gaming consumers though? >Well, based on the latest Steam figures, Battlefield 2042 is currently averaging less than 4,000 concurrent players with a daily peak of less than 10% when compared to its launch! >Now admittedly, the figure provided here is just specifically referring to PC gamers who purchased and play the game via Steam. In other words, although we hugely doubt it, the figures off EA’s own ‘Origin’ platform might be better (although, unlike Steam, these are not publicised). >Just merely in comparative terms though, while Battlefield 2042 only has an average concurrent player count of just under 4,000 players on Steam, Battlefield V (its significantly older predecessor) currently has a daily average of 13,281. >Yes, their last Battlefield, in terms of people playing it, is over 3 times more popular! >With such a low player count, the future of Battlefield 2042 looks exceptionally bleak. Just in terms of the numbers, the fewer people playing, the less that EA can gouge with microtransactions and loot boxes which clearly must have their management more than a little worried about the long term profitability of what should’ve been one of their hottest gaming titles of the financial. >Oh, no, wait, I’m sorry, did I call them loot boxes? I meant ‘ethical surprise mechanics’. With rumours emerging earlier this year that EA was already considering taking Battlefield 2042 onto a ‘free to play’ platform, if they’re only getting 8,000 paying customers a day (at its peak), and less than 4,000 on average, then with this news, it suddenly feels far like likely than not! https://archive.ph/Cs9t6
>>140896 >>140897 Actually, I'll do you one better: Why is that I can fap to shitting dick nipples without issue, yet even I can find disgust in the fact that a canon X-Man shits ice cream: https://archive.md/c3BhF
>>140898 Well, it worked for blood dragon, that was the best far cry game.
>>140898 > Far Cry 7 Could Overhaul the Franchise With a Sci-Fi Setting Eh, it will probably have rainbow neon haird tranny niggers using lightsabers while taking down Robo Trump
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>>140899 I know where you posted those images.
>>140902 No, I was the guy who posted the cow in that thread.
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>>140897 >Could you somehow explain how I fap to that shit that you just listed, yet even I find programs like SheZow to be absolutely disgusting? I'm not sure anon. I don't know what to tell you. But there is a solution to your problem : a nice and clean Exterminatus of the highest order. >>140899 >First they ruin Nutela, Merenda and bananas >Now they ruin soft serve icecream
>>140899 because its not cute enough for your shit fetish?
>>140904 >Now they ruin soft serve icecream I recall at least one pic of Strawberry Shortcake and one of Vanellope that's of the same concept.
>>140906 I wasn't aware. But now that I know, I just have more targets.
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>>140899 >... so when she has diarrhea does it come out as a slushie?
>>140906 I used to post that Strawberry Shortcake picture all over my personal social media back when I needed it for job hunting.
>>140661 bruh if she 25 im 25, nah mean.
>>140898 >The setting is the issue not the fucking gameplay and the terrible visuals It will be the same as Battleshit Juan or COD Advanced/Infinity Warfare. Same gameplay and mechanics with a new setting pretending to be new. Sad shit. >>140900 Because it was a spinoff and didn't pad out it's progression and exploration like the main game does, so it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
>>140910 >>>facebook
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>>140899 If this was a loli I could get behind it tbqh famicom, I'd eat that loli ass all day.
>>140892 >Twenty years ago, there was a similar backlash – including from a teenage me – when Jackson’s films made Arwen a more prominent character than in the books That was a bad thing too, but people seem to be ok with it as it removed unnecessary minor characters from the narrative. So, not (at least mostly - See: "I am no man!") too push a socio-political adgenda. I'm think the male elf who took Frodo too Rivendale also later gave Aragorn his Kings-Crest flag (his brother was there too) before Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli took the short-cut though the ghost-cave. No... actually the brothers were Arwen's brothers. And the Frodo delivery guy might have later showed up at Galandriel's woods. See, unessisary minor characters. >In 1893 20,000 readers of The Strand magazine cancelled their subscription upon the death of Sherlock Holmes. >In 1980 both critics and Star Wars fans expressed dissatisfaction with The Empire Strikes Back because it changed what had been established in the previous film. Those were done by the original creators, false equivalence. That article just reinforces manys' belief that all non-whites should be kicked out of western countries. As long as Western countries can also solve the native birthrate (and in case of America, the need for cheap spic labor) problems. I'm not going to go over every argument in that article, I neither have the time or inclination. I don't think myself or other anons would change our beliefs, values, or goals anyway.
>>140820 >this faggot shit is okay but school mizugi Roll is not Fucking kill me.
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>>140899 >>140914 I've found my loli.
>>140907 Wait until you watch what is aired on TV nowadays. Not even a hint of subtlety anymore (because cartoonists putting their fetishes everywhere is nothing new, but nowadays is much more blatant).
>>140918 I can't even post what I want done to the people who made this because I'll just be banned for it while the content will remain up.
>>140919 Just say you wanna do it on the holodeck with safety off.
>>140914 dhit taste
>>140921 shit*
>>140919 >>140920 Alternatively say "I would go full Luciano on these people".
>>140892 >Looking back, I realize my objections were based on ignorance (of Tolkien’s Appendices, and of the adaptation process in general) >and of the adaptation process in general People pushing their socio-political beliefs were they don't belong when adapting a work too a different medium always reduce a work of arts overall quality. No matter what that belief is. "Artists" who do such thing have no understanding of transcendent beauty. They are hack-frauds. Political propaganda is overly of a material nature, it should instead be replaced with a person's life-philosophy. Timelessness or death. >based on ignorance I think this phrase has the same strategic purpose as "read theory" or "read a book". That purpose being too shut down debate or criticism before it can even begin by saying you have too read several tl;dr books too even debate them on any issue at all.
>>140920 Wasn't the point of the holodeck to enable fulfilling any fantasy so you didn't have to do it in real life? Otherwise niggers would steal things that are free.
>>140925 Yeah it's a fantasy simulator. Like Data & Jordy playing detective but Data keeps solving all the mysteries too fast so they accidentally make a real Moriarty in an attempt to stump Data.
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>>140929 >Does she have a sister & a cup?
>>140931 Can you post through nitter? Because everyone who has a twitter should make fun of the guy publicly.
>>140932 He'll probably justt block you and blame gamergate
>>140934 Yes but that's what makes it fun.
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>>140936 The Wolverine game looks great.
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>>140918 >>140938 Help us Hitler. You're our only hope.
>>140938 >Lion Guard Pic related. OH FUCK I DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE. It was some fan art where Simba's looking down from the rock and he sees his daughter with the her first cousin nigger lion from Lion King 2, and then looks another direction and sees his son with the nigger HYENA from the Lion Guard, and then he looks at the camera with a concerned and confused face. Fucking christ, I don't seem to have it anymore, and there's no way it was left up online.
>>/gg/139211 https://looking-glass.io/ >Looking Glass is an open source application that allows the use of a KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) configured for VGA PCI Pass-through without an attached physical monitor, keyboard or mouse. This is the final step required to move away from dual booting with other operating systems for legacy programs that require high performance graphics. It guides you to run wangblows in linux for gaming
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>>140938 So this is what America thinks is funnny? a farting butt?
>>140944 You've seen Idiocracy, haven't you?
>>140896 >>140897 Both comics and cartoons (especially cartoons) have always marketed themselves to kids, so when production companies have found out about lewd fanart, they used copyright to ban and shame artwork of such. Archie was a notable example; the creator did not want any hentai porn parodies of the characters. I don't recall much recent crackdowns for today's cartoons besides Twitter, but there's already enough mirrors and sites that host them regardless of any creator's disdain.
>>140945 bits and pieces
>>140925 >Otherwise niggers would steal things that are free. They do that anyway.
>>140947 In direct quote from the film, "The most popular film of the year was called Ass. And that's all it was, for 90 minutes. It won 8 Oscars that year. Including best screenplay." Idiocracy's only error was in setting it 500 years in the future instead of merely 50
>>140949 Didn't they also live on gatorade because the water was poisoned or whatever?
>>140918 Sucking a fart out of a loli's fat ass? Acceptable. Furryshit? Not acceptable.
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>>140944 Yes. A subtle whoopee cushion is not enough anymore.
>>140950 Gatorade's parent company bought the FDA to manipulate the public to use Gatorade for everything related to hydration and agriculture.
>>140950 No, they lived on Gatorade because it has electrolytes. They also used it to water the plants, because it has electrolytes. Nobody knew what electrolytes were, they just knew they were good.
>>140953 >>140954 Ah, sounds about right.
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>>140950 They used brawndo because it had what plants crave.
>>140950 In the alternate timeline of a manga called billy bat, a certain large soda company started buying the rights to water sources, because the owner foresaw water rights being scarce after desertification from constant war hundreds of years in the future. It was also his way to fuck over not-disney who was building billy bat citadel-cities with their wealth.
>>140944 the ameicans have nothing on the canadians when it comes to that gross shit, anyone has the compilation of that creep on that total dramarama episode, or the one of that other show which i think the character squeezed a fluid out of something directly onto his mouth?
>>140950 Water was fine, but companies found it more profitable to sell gatorade to drink (and to irrigate crops, which was causing worldwide famine), and everyone was too stupid to understand anything other than what companies advertised. "Why would you pour water on plants? Water is for toilets!"
>>140918 >>140938 >>140944 Anon, you haven't watched media in years, have you? Remember Pumba from The Lion King? Half the gags for the character were fart jokes. In fact, there was even an episode of House of Mouse where Donald was using Pumba to gas the club so that Pete could shut it down: https://invidious.kavin.rocks/watch?v=BQnq7DQPSs4 HOWEVER, it cannot be emphasized enough how the humor differs in every aspect of it. Up through the 2000's fart jokes was a sign of immaturity or embarrassment; the kind of joke a child or an immature adult makes (See the clip from Robots and Scooby Doo). Now, fart jokes have pretty much been made a standard thing, if not entirely fetishized (See the Star Wars dramatic reading).
>>140960 >there was even an episode of House of Mouse where Donald was using Pumba to gas the club so that Pete could shut it down Gas the club; mouse war now.
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>>140958 found them though a quick search, also another one of the same shit from americans
>>140962 Standards died in favor of cheap easy crap produced by cheap idiots who with freak degenerate fetishes.
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>>140962 and one more, to bridge the topic a bit back onto vidya
>>140946 Note that the actual creators were frequently pervs that made semi-official porn anyway. Superman creator Joe Schuster, after getting fired from DC, made "parody" porn comics of not-Superman and not-Lois Lane. Also, the entire comic book industry was originally wrapped up with the pornography industry and organized crime. Captain Marvel, AKA Billy Batson, whose main series was called Whiz Comics, is named after a previous porn magazine sold by publisher Fawcett Comics, called Captain Billy's Whiz Bang. Anyway, the original creator of Archie isn't the guy whose artstyle is now associated with the character. The guy whose art people think of when they think of Archie is Dan DeCarlo, and if he didn't intend people to want porn of Betty and Veronica, he wouldn't have drawn them so sexy. They weren't originally drawn like that. >>140957 Soda companies already buy the rights to water sources. Soda companies are the same ones that sell bottled water, not to mention all the water they use in their other products. This isn't even a sci-fi thing. It's just what already happens. >>140960 Think about that kid growing up in the 1970s. Scooby Doo was the biggest thing on tv, and it was well deserved originally. A great mix of horror and humor, with good animation for the time, and a charming cast of characters. Some kid was watching that and decided to start making his own drawings of Scooby and the gang, and one day he was gonna grow up and become a real animator and make real cartoons, just like his hero Hanna Barbera. So he practices and practices, and as the industry changes he changes with it, learning new techniques like computer generated animation. And he sees the Disney Renaissance and things like The Simpsons and Batman and Ren & Stimpy making cartoons more experimental and dark and adult, and it's in this environment that he hears they're making a big time theatrical Scooby Doo movie. So he applies for the job, and he actually gets it. He's actually going to get to animate Scooby Doo. And not just any Scooby Doo. He's gonna animate Scooby Doo for the big screen, for a new generation, bigger and better than ever before. So he shows up to the office and he asks his boss what he needs to do, and the boss says "I need you to sit at this desk for six weeks and animate Scooby Doo's asshole. You're the asshole man. Your job is to come here from nine-to-five every day and animate Scooby Doo's asshole." And thirty years earlier, the child sheds a single tear. He doesn't know why, but he can feel his soul breaking through time.
>>140962 >soundless webm's
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>>140888 >Doesn't matter, it's western propaganda poz trash. Does that include every genderbent episode cartoon or anyone involving them in drag for one episode? If so, where does the line stop?
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>>140966 all below 2 megs, dont forget that part
>>140968 Oh right cuckchan limits file size to 2mb's. Lmao.
>>140968 Meaningless. Highly compressed webm's are a good thing.
>>140970 hope your gpu decodes av1 then
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>>140970 hope your gpu decodes av1 then fam
>>140970 hope your gpu decodes av1 then famalam
>>140970 hope your gpu decodes av1 then famalamadingdong
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>>140970 hope your gpu decodes av1 then famalamadingdongerino
Why was >>140892 deleted? It was a post linking to and quoting from two articles. One about the new LoTR show & another about the new Pixar film. It was good info. These posts linked too it: >>140894 >>140915 >>140924
>>140976 Doesn't sound like video games to me.
>>140977 This thread is hardly about video games in the first place.
>>140976 >>140977 >>140979 See >>140980 someone literally just reposted about the same Pizar movie of the deleted post!
>>140853 >Female Adol Oh yes.
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>Joe Biden deliberately devalues the dollar that causes inflation, withholding food supplies to create an artificial famine and banned all means of fossil fuel and coal-powered power plants so people would freeze to death <"The reason for USA's inflation is Russia!" <"Yes, definitely Russia! this is Trump's fault!" I wish that people in the USA would tar and feather these fucking leftists and shame them already.
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>>140980 more like "Turning Lewd" amirite?
>>140987 I'd like to see some art where she grows a giant nutsack like the Tanukis from Pom Poko.
>>140988 I'd forgive all of the beanface Pixar'll employ for the rest of their corporate life if Turning Red inadvertently causes that. Maybe even actually watch the movie.
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>>140987 >>140988 Bad, Anon, BAD! This sad excuse for porn is so terrible that I'm already utterly disgusted by it.
Can't believe Blackpill's such a mega slut she's constantly thinking about 7.8 billion dicks violating her.
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>>140993 >7.8 billion dicks violating her
All this discussion about idiotic toilet humor made me want to have cartoon shows with humor about cuddly big muscle girls, erotic female wrestling, or wanting to be a mother, just because animators had a fetish for that, but that'll never happen, will it? >>140990 >Your stuff is racist, pay me Do people still listen to her these days?
>>140995 It's unfortunate but I doubt anyone in the position to make a show, anime or manga has a thing for musclegirls. The only one I can think of was the Hunters Guild one and that was axed a while back. It might happen eventually, if not then I'll try to make it happen at some point
>>140994 not al at once you silly goose, thei'd take turns
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>>140996 >then I'll try to make it happen at some point Godspeed anon, Hope to see your motherly musclegirl show for kids air every saturday morning soon.
>>140998 at some point being a decade from now because as much as I've been recently trying to improve my utterly shit-tier drawings I doubt I'll get any good at it in any less than three years or so.
>>140996 theres usually one muscle girl or another in various mangas, not many that fixate on it though; hero academia is probably the best bet between the kickbunny and the short-lived miss muscle america, then maybe dr stone or one punch man
>>141000 What about the muscle witch from Fire Force?
>>141002 I don't feel like she really showed off THAT much muscle, and half the time she was using fireballs besides; that series just ended btw if you're one of those autists that don't read something until it finishes.
>>140999 No rush Anon, take all the time you need to make it good, Anon.
>>141004 I know it just ended, I just read the last few chapters. The reveal that the whole thing was a prequel to Soul Eater caught me off guard though.
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>>140987 >canadian chink werepanda cunny Acceptable.
>>141007 i kind of assumed it when i saw Death and the way the city looked, didnt expect him to just straight up go HEY HERES THE SOUL EATER CAST AS KIDS ISNT THAT FUCKIN WACKY
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>>140888 Because they offset the gay with proper women.
>>140967 I don't think there is a line anymore at this point. For most jaded anons, if English-speaking creators created it, the automatic assumption is there was always an agenda there (like the cartoons of the 90s/early 2000s that in hindsight were promoting nigger acceptance, like Static Shock), so they only trust the japs to handle any concept without having ulterior motives nowadays.
>>140967 >Does that include every genderbent episode cartoon or anyone involving them in drag for one episode? For the majority of the anons posting in this thread: yes. >>141011 >I don't think there is a line anymore at this point. For most jaded anons Well yes those who are jaded view everything as suspect. This isn't new or enightening. The question is assuming you aren't just a jaded asshole where is the reasonable place to put the line? Are the first three seasons of Spongebob pozzed?
>>141012 >The question is assuming you aren't just a jaded asshole where is the reasonable place to put the line? Are the first three seasons of Spongebob pozzed? I wouldn't put money against it, given Viacom.
>>141012 >Are the first three seasons of Spongebob pozzed? They are halal
So, are canadians jews? I've heard the mayor of the occupied town wants to sell the trucks of the protesters because "they don't deserve them". Selling your livinghood sure would cause some actual armed response, right?
>>141015 Sure sounds like jewish tricks.
>>141015 They also are threatening to ruin the lives of any cops sympathizing with the protesters (since there is a lot of them, the party breakers were probably UN faggots since there were UN planes landing at the time) and want to take people's pets away and "relinquish" them to the state (read: euthanize) if the protester is in jail for longer than a week. Really, it all feels like they are trying to provoke an armed response by acting like complete cartoon villains, so they can justify their powergrab and force the local cops/military to obey. While the truckers themselves seemed to be trying to collapse the system by making it impossible for the globohomo puppets to come to work, and play martyr if need be to gain critical mass.
>>141019 >Why can't these jew fucks just be happy with the billions they already stole? Because they want others to specifically NOT have (nice) things.
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>>140986 Actual dystopian shit. People gave China shit over rumors of social credits that basically functioned like credit score already does, but this is like 55 times worse in a fashion that won't even be used for good use, monitoring biometrics could be a good way to substitute the rapidly crashing system of modern currencies with labor based joule currency that would appease all sides of the political spectrum, but these people don't want stability, they want outright abuse. If they try registering me, I'm actually shooting them. Go ahead, put me on a slightly higher priority than I already am on your watchlist glow niggers, but they try this and I will go down shooting every last serviceman they send after me and as many officials as I can. And when I say shooting I cannot stress this enough: Not "Haha Minecraft" shooting, I will find a way to get weapons illegally, transport them, and gun down anyone involved in this. Fuck you.
>>140960 >Remember Pumba from The Lion King? Half the gags for the character were fart jokes. Big difference between a fart joke, and having characters gleefully inhale the "intoxicating" aroma. One is crass humor, the other is clear fetishism.
>>141021 >labor based joule currency
>>141023 Yes. The harder you work, the more literal money you make. Theoretically.
>>141024 So the guy unclogging the toilet makes more than a neurosurgeon or engineer?
>>141025 Or a warehouse worker who has to lift heavy shit all day gets paid more compared to the forklift guy.
>>141025 >>141026 Yes. As retarded as that sounds in practice it would work and even itself out. Plumbers already make a ton anyway. Alternatively you can enjoy the inflation current currency offers.
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>>141027 Anon, all it does it makes it so that competitive companies only hire workers with certs/degree an absolute requirement just so they can save costs and earn profits while all the globohomo international companies just do what amazon warehouses do and abuse your labor just so (you) can get paid more
>>141028 You can also do away with currency as a whole. Good luck with that one.
>>140970 Hope your gpu decodes av1 then famicom.
>>140980 So? Explain the issue? What's so horny about it? The bitch never says.
>>141031 It's a period metaphor, the movie is about sex.
>>140986 >World Economic Forum >The same people who have various politicians in bed with them This is like something out of Deus Ex
>>141033 >>The same people who have various politicians in bed with them They even fucking make politicians to be "in bed with" through their Young Global Leaders program.
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>>140990 Woke devs getting raked through the coals for trying to please their masters is always great to see.
>>141035 Most of this will go as planned but negative interest rates are pure fantasy and will never be anything else. If negative interest rates are ever implemented, people will just store their wealth in consumer commodities that can easily be resold at the same price they were bought for (and this market will emerge because everybody will have the same idea all at once).
NieR:Automata is getting an Taiwanese cartoon anime adaptation
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Would you kill minorities for cheevos, /v/?
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>>140724 Can someone give me the background on this picture? Some glows at a protest or something?
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>>140986 Fuck this world, the sewers are preferable to this dystopia.
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>>141041 Another J6 protest but it was literally just feds and media. Some guy got arrested and turned out to be undercover law enforcement. So yeah, it was so dense with plants that the plants were arresting other plants.
>>141035 They do realize that if they go forward with that it'll kill the banks completely no matter what they do. When everyone's bank accounts get wiped then people will all realize that digital money is useless, worthless, and above all very easy to be lost completely. So everyone will refuse any form of currency that is not in physical form and never use banks because they lost their money. It'd also cause an utter complete collapse at all levels resulting in complete chaos and the elite being targeted because they hoarded before they caused it, this will come out and then they'll be hated and hunted down. Their excuse of solar flare is also very flimsy, as a solar flare would only be able to knock out satellites and the day side of earth at the time. Night side of earth would be relatively unaffected because it essentially has the entire physical body of earth blocking the solar flare. TLDR: If they do that plan, it'll result in everyone going back to physical forms of money and never using banks again, and mass riots with possible hunting down of the elites.
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>>141011 >>141012 Worse case scenario would be that everything was compromised from the start. At that point what would why even oppose it and what would be the best path forward?
>>141039 >David Jaffe Oh boy I can't wait for the next video to address the fact that most people voted for "Yes"
>>141046 I have already refused to get a bank account and have all my money in cash. Will it be harder to do, literally anything than just using a card? Yeah, duh. But will it be worth it given modern times? Yes. In advance, how do I find a land lord willing to give me a year lease on an apartment for cash only with no credit score.
>>141039 Anyone got the Watch Dogs webm?
>>141047 >At that point what would why even oppose it Because of some little things called "morals" and "principles". It's okay if you don't understand - nobody expects you to. >what would be the best path forward? Stand up for what you believe in and be destroyed because of it.
>>140987 At least the second image is kind of hot. Would've been cute if she was a monster girl rather than a full blown fat furry.
>>141051 So basically keep on trucking on as always?
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>>141039 >>141050 You don't have to give me a trophy to do that.
>>140990 >the developers used artifacts from several different tribes interchangeably It's a fantasy game. It's nonfiction. It isn't real. Not only does this not matter to them, it doesn't matter to the person you hired to tell them they were wrong. He doesn't care. None of the tribes in question care. No one cares. Not even you care. It's beneath meaningless. If I want to make a game where characters have Zulu war paint, Ethiopian shields, and Oyoan reed skirts, I'm going to do it and not give a shit what you have to say about it. Particularly since you won't care, because the game will be about gunning them all down and cleansing Africa for colonization. >>141033 >lol silly anons reality isn't real because your video games said the same thing! Kill yourself. >>141055 You can punish me within the context of the gameplay and I'll still do it. I like a challenge. If the game has conditionals whereby eventually, if you kill enough of them, crime starts going down in the city and all social problems go away, then the "public image" of me would also change to turn on the media and politicians slandering me. That's the kind of game I want to see: where the player encounters roadblocks of increasing strength so that retards think "this isn't the way to go" but where dedicated players keep pushing until they crest the hill. Then the game CHANGES to have different challenges, because while those roadblocks aren't there anymore, new ones have cropped up, even though you now have new help.
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>>141004 >that series just ended I hope this means a season 3 soon™
>All this spam LOL
Niggrapill is going all out!
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Poor niggerpill, you really need to chipper-up.
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>>141064 I see you un-melanated Uncle Ruckus and raise you a full Aryan Panther. >>141063 >>141065 Yeah, it's blackpill time it seems.
>>141066 Is that shitty Boondocks remake still happening? The one without McGruder?
>>141068 Afro Samurai's close enough, isn't it?
>>141067 No they announced a few days ago the reboot/revival isn't going through.
>niggerpill is now samefagging Christ, this is embarrassing. >>140859 >complains about anons talking about jewtubers >proceeds to partake in degenerate cartoon discussion Why are OP's always such faggots? >>141004 >if you're one of those autists that don't read something until it finishes What's actually autistic is reading shit that goes on forever until publisher can't milk it for money anymore ala most popular shonens.
>>141070 I'm glad that it's cancelled, but delet that image you homo.
>>141072 Excuse you but this is certified not gay.
>>141074 Anime starring Samuel L Jackson is as niggerlicious as it's going to get though.
>>141076 You do know Boondocks was animated by a japanese anime studio right?
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remember when consoles were more expensive than PCs?
>>141078 No, because that has never been the case.
>>141062 are you seriously consoling the nigger? Are you trying to sympathize and help him? that's cute
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>>141081 >not whipping your slaves 24/7
>>141081 Mir was only involved in season 4.
>>141085 >not being so racist that the sheer force of your concentrated love for your own species that spacetime itself is warped, granting you more hours per day with which to slaughter nonwhites
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>>141082 Possibly, he used to frequent /pol/ on 8ch with the usual "THE JEWS WIN FOREVER AND ARE IMMORTAL/INVINCIBLE ASSES AND ELBOWS WE SURRENDER" shit, possibly somebody that faggot turkroach Imkikefy was friends with given that the roach was also the Rachel Maddow avatarfag shitposter.
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>>141085 >Having slaves <Not doing anything yourself to cultivate ethics, morals and increase your core strength and dexterity FOOL
>>141090 Can't work a whole field of cotton by yourself.
>>141091 That's what a tractor is for. White technology has made the very existence of Africans obsolete. They're a net drain on Earth's resources and there's no justification for keeping them alive. And that's just Africans...
>>141091 Then hire other whites who live nearby, instead of dooming them to destitution and starvation as they get forced out of their homes for niggers who get their room and board for free. Slavery was a mistake on every level, and only the spiritually jewish (i.e. greedy and lazy) think otherwise.
>>141077 >Boondocks was animated by a japanese anime studio right No, it was animated by the Koreans: https://infogalactic.com/info/Dong_Woo_Animation https://infogalactic.com/info/The_Boondocks_(2005_TV_series) >MOI Animation, an Emmy Award-winning South Korean studio, handled the animation for season two onwards.
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>>141091 >Can't work a whole field of cotton by yourself. Those are the words of a pussy. >>141092 >White technology has made the very existence of Africans obsolete. White and mesopotamian tech has been making Africans obsolete since 3000 B.C. dude. >>141093 The problem was that amerifags of the time brought the lie of >OH NO, THOSE POOR NIGGERS ARE EXTORTED BY THOSE EVIL HWITES without conducting background checks on 98% of those (((white))) dudes that loved to trade slaves with the local african owners.
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>>141078 Unironically what got me from idort to PC only. <Dad can I get a PS3? >No, it's 600 dollars <Can I get a laptop, can double for school work >Ok Good thing too, electronic stores in my region got fucked hard post 2007 so you would only ever see them order the most popular shit, I would never find good stuff like Armored Core and Demon Souls. Thanks dad
>>141096 >the studio wasn't american. You do realize that that's been the state of American animation FOR 40 YEARS, right? During the 80's and 90's, American companies started exporting animation production to Japan, and then switched to Korea during the 2000's.
>>141066 >2nd image Imagine getting butthurt over someone whitewashing a black character who was created by two jews from New York. >>141078 They still are, have you seen the prices for PS5 and XSX?
>>141098 Yep, and outsourcing pretty much everything but food is what made the USA the shithole that it is today.
>>141100 Yes, and no. America was bumbling along just fine even with the exports up to that point. What really kicked us in the teeth was Billy "Have You Ever Sucked a Cuban" Clinton admitting West Taiwan into the WTO.
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>>140752 Same as >>140758 and I watch AccursedFarm's Freeman's Mind. I also follow gun channels like Hickok45, Demolition Ranch, and Guns of the World. >>140786 >His biggest offenses before hand being MGS2's bait and switch with Raiden until MGR and its messages of information control aging really well with time What was the point of the bait & switch with Raiden, besides him trying to find a role and meaning in his life when he tossed the dog tags that had the player's name in it? >>140962 >>140964 That's so fucking disgusting. Do the heads are aware that they employ sick faggots that try to push their fetishes into cartoons?
>>141103 Ross's reviews of games (Game Dungeon) are also good, aside from Freeman's Mind (which will finish HL2:E2 at roughly the same time that HL3 is released). It's when he starts talking about real world things that the commie propaganda slips in. Not his fault; he hasn't ever learned anything else. It's just disgusting to see. >do the heads are aware Why do you think they hired those people? Not only did they personally want it to be done, their holy book explicitly says to create things like this.
>>141103 >What was the point of the bait & switch with Raiden, besides him trying to find a role and meaning in his life when he tossed the dog tags that had the player's name in it? From what I remember, there are two stories flying around. The first is that Kojima didn't want to make MGS2, but Konami forced him to do it because of how successful the original game was, so he introduced Raiden as a big middle finger to the executives and the customers. The second story is that Konami focus-tested a lot of grade school girls who didn't play the first game, and found out amazingly that said underage women have zero interest in manly men like Snake and prefer to look at Bishies all day, so Konami gave to order for the protagonist of MGS2 for be a prettyboy twink. However, I'm unsure as to the validity of either as Kojima was already demanding that MGS2 have a vampire in it, so it's possible both stories either sprouted from him as a way to dodge the blame, or came from the fans and/or community surrounding him who defend to their dying breath that Kojima is an underappreciated genius.
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>>140752 There honestly nobody for anything related to cartoons; they're more retarded than someone on /tv/. I've thought of making one myself, but that's completely dead even before dislikes were gone from JewTube. Some channels that I like besides most of the other replies include kenny lauderdale for anime. and for games EmptyHero and TerakJK. I watch Luke Smith (a former cuckchanner) and Mental Outlaw for tech (although both do much more than tech). There's also kiwami japan, ReportoftheWeek and Steve1989MREInfo for other content.
>Germans not being the eternal enemy of the free world
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>>141108 >filename Get the fuck out of here until you have one, Bitch
>>141107 I can't watch him anymore because I can't possibly afford the guns I want and it's just depressing.
>>141112 Oh, I don't derive entertainment from anything anymore. I have to contextualize things based on beneficial work or self-improvement.
>>141113 Learning to find enjoyment in things is self improvement.
>>141114 >>141115 I still get the healthy neurochemical release from working out, but otherwise--either in my personal life or in working within the community--there's just nothing to be happy about. I dunno. When even video games become a chore, rather than enjoyment or even just turning off my mind to get away from the world, there might be something final about all this. Whatever. Enough humanity. Back to video game posting. Proximity to Berry is getting an anime https://archive.is/SBzR7 >'NieR: Automata' is being developed into an anime series >The much-lauded action-RPG NieR: Automata is being developed into an anime series, Square Enix has announced. A teaser trailer shows a potential glimpse of how it will look (and not much else), and the developers also tweeted an image of the lead character 2B and her Pod companion robot. It appears that the story will closely follow the plot of the original game. "The stage is a distant future in which human beings are routing to the moon in front of the overwhelming force of 'machine life forms' that aliens unleash," according to the developer's blog post. "The '2B' belonging to the newly organized android unit 'Yorha' will put himself into a fierce battle to recapture the Earth." >The first game didn't make money, according to director Yoko Taro, but the follow up was a hit that received general praise for the stunning, trippy graphics, frenzied gameplay and highly original ideas. In other words, it seems like a perfect game to get the anime treatment. It will be produced by Square Enix and Aniplex, the studio behind Fullmetal Alchemist and Sword Art Online, but there's no other information to speak of. Given that Sony owns Aniplex, though, it's reasonable to assume it might appear on Crunchyroll or Funimation.
>>141116 >The '2B' belonging to the newly organized android unit 'Yorha' will put himself into a fierce battle to recapture the Earth." >Himself This better be a typo.
>>141105 >The second story is that Konami focus-tested a lot of grade school girls who didn't play the first game, and found out amazingly that said underage women have zero interest in manly men like Snake and prefer to look at Bishies all day, so Konami gave to order for the protagonist of MGS2 for be a prettyboy twink. I''ve seen a behind the scenes about that, its like Konami found a bunch of fujoshis to make Raiden. Even though Raiden is not a terrible character and he becomes a fan favorite in Metal Gear Rising, I find it bizarre that some Japanese women think of snake as an "old man". >>141111 >Germans <not the kikes and the corrupt governments like the EU Don't come crying when the article gets deleted and anons ask you for concrete evidence.
>>141117 It's Engadget; I'd imagine so. The teaser trailer still has her body on full display.
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>>141118 Anon, there us a reason why characters like snake aren't all too common in Japanese media. Since bishi men and pretty boys are considered a high standard of attractiveness at least for the female demographic. What's considered manly in the west would be considered homoerotic there and for the rest of east Asia. Pic unrelated
>>141120 >what's considered manly in the west The western media has no concept of manliness anymore.
>>141121 "The West" is a people. "Western media" isn't western, genetically. You know what he means.
>>141122 The western people don't have a positive notion of manliness at large either. To the average person, manliness would be a nigger.
>>141123 Not according to self-reporting surveys on dating sites, et. al.
>>141123 Maybe that's normal in Weimart, but in the rest of the world we generally don't think about niggers at all.
>>141116 What genres do you like? I could try and recommend something that you may or may not enjoy. I hope you get out of that funk, I also had a vidya funk for a while and took a break, did the trick for me.
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>>141120 >What's considered manly in the west would be considered homoerotic there and for the rest of east Asia. But what about characters like Kenshiro, Guts, and Araki's characters despite some being very flamboyant? I don't think that there always a need for a male character that looks macho that has big muscles, Ryo Saeba from City Hunter and Cobra have slim physiques and are cool dudes that can kick ass.
>>141125 We're talking about the west & the western world is degenerate. The ideals of virtue & physical peak fitness aren't there.
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>>141127 In the 80's it was different. Japs still had some testosterone, funny you bring up Fist of the North Star, since the other guy who worked on it besides Tetsuo Hara, got his pen name of Buronson from Charles Bronson, the American movie actor, who was super popular in Japan. It's why you had nips in the 70's and 80's growing mustaches.
>>141127 Well consider this. In manga and anime of the recent era, who can you really point at and say "yeah, this is manliness incarnate, this is a role model to aspire to"? I can only think of Dias and Loen to be honest. Likewise in modern movies and series who can you point at and say "this guy fucking rocks, I want to be this guy"? I can't think of anyone. Well maybe Jack Reacher but I'm sure they'll ruin him in a second season or something and looking back at the show objectively he was a snarky quipster who only stood out because the actor's physically large.
>>141129 Isnt it usually difficult for japs to grow facial hair?
>>141049 >how do I find a land lord willing to give me a year lease on an apartment for cash only with no credit score. >expecting a non-nigger to commit a felony for only a couple thousand dollars The short answer is that you don't. The correct way around this problem is to get yourself some stolen dox off the darknet and use that to get a bank account, then buy some forged paystubs/utility bills and finally pay for a fabricated background that can pass a background check. Any decent place to live is going to require all of that bullshit because simply telling niggers to fuck off is illegal.
>>141130 Chris pratt, channing tatum and ryan reynolds are pretty ripped and manly and normally show up in famous normalfag movies.
>>141131 Full beards, yes. Except for the Ainu But you always see paintings and pictures of samurai with mustaches and goatees.
>>141133 I was talking more about characters as characters instead of actors. Plus while I can't say I've watched all of their movies Renolds and Pratt feel like they're playing themselves in all I've seen them in. inb4 that one webm of Free Guy
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>>141120 Additionally, the old man character in Jap media is either a helpful guru or a dirty old man (or both). Young Japs (especially the girls) aren't fond of old geezers in their anime. Speaking of which: >>141116 >the first game didn't make money >automatato is a huge success and even gets an anime >prequel uses only young nier for later almost like in remake Ending E really is canon for old Nier.
>>141135 >Renolds and Pratt feel like they're playing themselves in all I've seen them in It isnt their fault, thats what the move directors hire them for, atleast for pratt in tomorrow war you see him playing a serius character and family man instead of an aloof surfer bro. Also i forgot hugh jackman, the rock and jason mamoa.
>>141130 >Well consider this. In manga and anime of the recent era, who can you really point at and say "yeah, this is manliness incarnate, this is a role model to aspire to"? I've seen Kengan Asura where the characters are ripped as fuck and are tough, but I don't that there are some that fall in the line of "aspiring role models" because some are either crazy or batshit insane.
>>141138 The swat guy was the best. Also Cosmo's a lucky bastard getting to teach all the Association MILFs self defense.
>>141136 >the old man character in Jap media is either a helpful guru or a dirty old man (or both) Araki talks about designing Will Zeppeli in Phantom Blood and being worried that readers or editors wouldn't like the design, since characters with mustaches like that at the time were usually villains.
>>141141 Walkter von prettyface was one of my favourite characters alongside poplin.
>>141133 >ryan reynolds For whatever reason, I just don't care for him whatsoever. >>141137 >It isnt their fault, thats what the move directors hire them for Elvis suffered a similar situation. Despite what you would believe due to all the musicals he was in, Elvis was claimed as being a top-teir actor, one of the best. However, studios kept putting him in nothing but musicals because homed in on those selling like gangbusters and ignored any other possibility.
>>141137 >the rock His work also went down the tubes ever since he got jacked.
>>141141 Actually 34 years, I remembered the end date in place of the start date.
>>141118 >Germans >not the kikes and the corrupt organizations like the EU <Not realising that both are the enemy of the west along with their faggot friends the hungarians Anon pls >>141139 >The swat guy was the best. Based Justice-bro. >>141136 >Additionally, the old man character in Jap media is either a helpful guru or a dirty old man (or both). Young Japs (especially the girls) aren't fond of old geezers in their anime. It used to be a very extreme fetish for fujos as well, bald, mascular older men with full beards usually being their perfect male partners. See Genshiken satyrizing that.
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>>141146 Shit, messed up the filenames for the gag
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>>141141 I really like how LOTGH handled politics.
>>141148 >I really like how LOTGH handled politics. They knew well what they were doing and gave fair assessments to all sides. Like having Yang show that dictatorships aren't inherently bad if the leader is a good man, in hopes of co-exist under a united flag of humanity in peace and then you have absolute slimes like Heydrich expose the obvious flaws of democracy, just so he can exploit them for his favour.
>>141146 >ITS ALL THE JEWS Stop making excuses for krauts. They have been causing havoc in Europe centuries ago.
>>141116 Yoko Taro's self indulgent approach to story-telling will be introduced to a brand new audience, amazing.
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>>141151 >TORpedo can't into quotes Why am I not surprised?
>>141153 Who are you quoting? :^)
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>>141134 Just noticed the Japanese ambassador in Sweden is rocking a pretty sweet mustache.
I think everyone would except for anybody wanting to virtue signal. Everyone else would see it as fucking hilarious and have a laugh about it.
>>141151 >They have been causing havoc in Europe centuries ago. That's just Prussia.
>>141039 >Would you kill minorities? Yes.
>>141157 And austria, and the teuotonic order before prussia existed, and germans in general before that, the romans and churchill were right, we must rid europe of the kraut menace.
>>141046 >If they do that plan, it'll result in everyone going back to physical forms of money and never using banks again, and mass riots with possible hunting down of the elites That is not a "if". That will happen. And it will be soon.
>>140752 >I'm honestly curious, what youtubers do you even like? Do you remember a guy named Alarmhat? His stuff has been super scrubbed off the net after 2013 but he seemed to have been a /v/ anon and one of the few that went against the DmC = Good grain back in the day and even did a very nice retrospective on Bionic Commando and Ninja Gaiden. >>141159 At least Austria offered something in terms of human contributions to the world compared to other Kraut territories. Still, they somehow shit their pants to their germanic cousins in the north, that have just been demolishing the scientific fields without stopping.
I should lewd Luciano.
>>141163 Goodness anon, it's damn near once every week you sperg on about Germania. Fine (((anon))), show me on the doll where the evil big titty blond Bavarian woman touched you because clearly your traumatized about it still and you lack an outlet to vent. I'm here to support you anon not judge.
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>>141165 >I should lewd Luciano. What if a Luciano lewded (You)?
>>141167 >It is always right to breed me and replace the jews >We will outbreed the jews >We shall always fuck I don't want to associate Kuruminha to Luciano, >She needs a separate OC.
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>>141052 Here. Now you can pretend it's not zoophilic to fuck her. >>141071 >Why are OP's always such faggots? Because fuck you, that's why.
>>141169 Fuck you leather man.
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>>141169 It's not zoophilic to wanna fuck furries anyway. It's just her fat giant panda form isn't cute.
>>141039 >Would you kill minorities for cheevos, /v/? Sure, not like I wasn't already doing that before cheevos became a thing anyhow.
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>>141171 So is this whole movie just about a little chink girl turning into a youkai yaoguai yogurt?
>>141173 It's a little fat chinese girl going through a metaphor for puberty.
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>>141173 >>141174 I just hope that won't introduce kids to furries.
>>141175 At least it's no Lola Bunny.
>>140987 I don't need nor want porn of everything. This does nothing for me, not even a semblance of an erection. Not horny just tired and dissapointed.
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A while back someone posted a list of anime they were watching by decade so I copy-pasted it into a text document to look at for recommendations. Today I started watching Kamichu! and the animation is nice, but I wasn't prepared for how silly it gets. Japanese government makes contact with an alien octopus and calls in a middle school girl to mediate, then it becomes some E.T. plot with her trying to protect the alien and send it home. There's an episode with a cat fight club with the main cat being Tyler Nyurden which is the kind of joke I'd expect in an English dub, but I'm watching with Japanese audio and that's literally what they call him. The young protagonist is very subdued and non-confrontational yet there's clearly Ghibli influences with a cute girl being the center of all this crazy stuff as well as the music and backgrounds giving me those vibes. Anyways, it's fun. Go watch it. Only 16 episodes though.
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>>141177 And a headpat?
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>>141175 youre a bit late for that by at least a few decades
>>141179 Thanks anon, have a star
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>>141175 To late anon. Too late.
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I want to fuck a rabbit
>>141184 Thats an acceptable rabbit.
>>141185 How about this one?
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>>141066 That's not even the full thing.
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>>141184 My favorite bunny.
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>>141186 Thats actually better.
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>>141173 Yes, but without flying on swords and several decapitations by magic dong.
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>>141170 Hey, those aren't the true kweens of the locker room.
So EA might be dumping the FIFA licence. https://archive.vn/jPwev
>>141193 There goes the Hispanic market
>>141193 THEY AIN'T GOT NO FIFA?!?!
>>141194 That's pretty true. I just want another NFL Street game.
>>141193 I know a Swede who loves FIFA, me wonders what he thinks of all this.
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>>141178 I just noticed Yomiko Readman from Read or Die was in this quick panning shot. Less than a second, but easily recognizable. Maybe I should re-watch RoD sometime.
>>141193 >So EA might be dumping the FIFA licence. That's an interesting way to say FIFA were threatening to take their license away.
>>141193 Normalfags live and breathe BRAND RECOGNITION, and EA of all people think they can get away with changing the name?
>>141200 Anon youre mistaken there, fifa faggots dont play fifa because of the name, they play it because, since they have the rights of fifa, they have all the teams and roster changes of each year.
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>>141038 Nice links.
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>>141203 Here are your Links: https://nierautomata-anime.com/ https://archive.is/Nss6J (archive is broken because Asians love to put bloated animations on their interwebs) https://inv.riverside.rocks/watch?v=2Bh-3CUNH4s
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>>141204 Reminds me of this shitpost I made some threads ago.
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>>141048 it was actually bait for him to make the video "game journalists are attacking me for this tweet"
>>141099 >have you seen the prices for PS5 and XSX? Even then, PC is more expensive right now.
>>141108 Fake and gay.
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>>141205 Much appreciated.
>>141205 Neat, hopefully Taiwan's ///South East China's\\\ anime doesn't suck.
>>141039 Is this the Twisted Metal director? Kinda sad to see him so cucked, I loved both TM and GoW as a kid.
>>141193 I was contacted more than once by a local development sweatshop that used to work on EA's sport games.I'd love to know what's going on there now.
>>141214 That's a cute lonk. I'm stealing it
>>141214 Danke.
>>141215 I can post more on /sm/ if there's interest.
>>141193 i wonder why
>>141217 im sure theres more interest there than there is here, just not nearly as much traffic
>>141212 Not only is he a cuck, hes a fucking casual that got filtered by metroid dread, called it shit, got bullied by hispanic twitter and nintendo made fun of him.
>>141193 fifa has been on the decline however, each game just feels like a carbon copy of the last year's game. i haven't played since 2016.
>>141056 >lol silly anons reality isn't real because your video games said the same thing! The fuck? I never said it wasn't real. Did you have a stroke?
>>141218 Either FIFA is asking EA to pay more for using its name, FIFA is threatening EA with cancelling their contract for making so many mediocre games in a row, or EA thinks they no longer need to pay for the name of FIFA since they have lots of licenses for other teams and organizations. Either way, EA hinted the idea of dropping the FIFA brand in the past, in a press release in October to be precise: https://archive.is/3We2o >Through years of building our global franchise, we also know that authenticity is essential to the experience. That’s why we focus so much energy on the collective strength of over 300 individual licensed partners that give us access to 17,000+ athletes across 700+ teams, in 100 stadiums and over 30 leagues around the world. We continually invest in the partnerships and licenses that are most meaningful to players, and because of that, our game is the only place you can authentically play in the iconic UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, CONMEBOL Libertadores, Premier League, Bundesliga, and LaLiga Santander, among many others. The breadth of our partnerships and our ecosystem of licensed content will enable us to continue to bring unrivaled authenticity in our EA SPORTS football games, now and for many years to come. >As we look ahead, we’re also exploring the idea of renaming our global EA SPORTS football games. This means we’re reviewing our naming rights agreement with FIFA, which is separate from all our other official partnerships and licenses across the football world. >>141219 I decided to make a SFW Link thread at >>>/sm/9303 to post my pics and avoid getting a b& for "spamming". Grab any Link you want or contribute with your own pics.
>>141223 >Through years of building our global franchise, we also know that authenticity is essential to the experience. That’s why we focus so much energy on the collective strength of over 300 individual licensed partners that give us access to 17,000+ athletes across 700+ teams, in 100 stadiums and over 30 leagues around the world. We continually invest in the partnerships and licenses that are most meaningful to players, and because of that, our game is the only place you can authentically play in the iconic UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, CONMEBOL Libertadores, Premier League, Bundesliga, and LaLiga Santander, among many others. The breadth of our partnerships and our ecosystem of licensed content will enable us to continue to bring unrivaled authenticity in our EA SPORTS football games, now and for many years to come. >As we look ahead, we’re also exploring the idea of renaming our global EA SPORTS football games. This means we’re reviewing our naming rights agreement with FIFA, which is separate from all our other official partnerships and licenses across the football world. EA sure does know how to say a lot without actually saying anything.
>>141056 >Kill yourself. You're fucking retarded.
>>141221 >each game just feels like a carbon copy of the last year's game What has actually changed in terms of gameplay from a soccer game released on the Saturn or PS1 to a soccer game released on the NoGames5 and the SexBox?
>>141226 The graphics, physics, journey mode, multiplayer features, and the "Fifa Ultimate Team" mode. And obviously the ratings and abilities of teams and players. But over the last 5 years, there hasn't been much progress.
I'd rather have more Captain Tsubasa games https://youtu.be/7WeUofZzD5g >ib4 bamco
>>141228 >captain tsubasa
>>141228 Yes, I love those.
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Bethesda.net is kill. Users will be offered to migrate to Steam >We’re saying goodbye to the Bethesda.net Launcher this year. We would like to thank you for your support and assure you that all of your games are safe. If you’re not playing PC games through the Bethesda.net launcher then your work is done here. Thanks for reading! If you do have games through the Bethesda.net launcher, don’t worry. Starting in early April you’ll be able to migrate your games and Wallet to your Steam account. For more details on what this process will look like, read on. >You have plenty of time to plan and begin migrating your Bethesda.net library to your Steam account. The migration to Steam will include your game library and Wallet – meaning you will not lose anything from your Bethesda.net account. Many games will also have their saves migrated, with a few requiring some manual transfers. For games that require it, you will still use your Bethesda.net login to sign in to play. Your Bethesda.net account will not be lost and will still be accessible on our website and in-game, and we will continue supporting all Bethesda.net accounts with our future titles. Source: https://bethesda.net/en/article/2RXxG1y000NWupPalzLblG/sunsetting-the-bethesda-net-launcher-and-migrating-to-steam https://archive.is/38rpA
>>141231 Will they sell the steam edition of skyrim now? :^)
>>141231 Still not forgiving these fucks for making Quake Live a paid service
>>141222 >I You're not the torpedo. >never said That's the narrative being created here. They use predictive programming to saturate their ideas into media about two decades before they're put into law. Then when the laws come up, their media apparatus claims that anyone who says it's happening "has been watching too many movies" or "playing too many video games" and "it's totally not real" to cover it up.
>>141231 I would've imagined Bethesda would've cucked to Epic Chinks for those sweet sweet exclusivitybux.
>>141235 Microshit already has their own store on Steam
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Anons, it has begun.
>>141237 No one cares. This isn't a politics board.
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>>141231 Good riddance. Wonder what this is going to do to Skyrim SE on consoles, though. CreationClub is one thing, and they're all included in AE anyhow, but you could also download community mods through BethesdaNet. PS4 isn't really going to be missing out on much - their mods were just limited to .esp files only, no external assets. But the Xbox allowed them, with a 5GB limit or something. I can't imagine Microsoft would allow the Xbox's content to get fucked by their own subsidiary. Or did they already shut all that down a long time ago, and I just never noticed?
>>141238 Both are wrong.
>>141235 >implying Epic Launcher has the features required for a migration >>141237 >>141238 >>141240 Most active thread is at >>>/b/181841
>>141241 Enjoy your ban, then.
>>141240 How long does a nuclear EMP take to hit? Maybe I can beat the game before that.
>>141244 He'd attack the internet fibers under the sea before risking nuclear warfare.
>>141237 Seriously, whatever the fuck was the reason with the whole Russian and Ukraine conflict?
>>141246 >He'd attack the internet fibers under the sea SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS!
>>141240 >>141245 HABBEDING
>>141247 Russia wants Ukraine back in their territory, Ukraine says no. That's about it.
>>141247 Reverse cuban missile crisis, natural gas is a mere 15% of russian GDP so they could just give europe a cold winter with few consequences since no combination of other suppliers could cover the gap.
>>141247 It started back when Nuland under Obama's term instigated regime change in Ukraine to try and choke Russia's attempts to sell gas to Europe and to take away its warm water port. However it REALLY started when the US declared Kosovo to be it's own country and carve it out of Yugoslavia while denying any other country the right to do the same. BUT it REALLY REALLY started back at the end of the cold war and the breakup of the USSR when Russia had verbal promises that NATO would not try and add new members in Eastern Europe and then spent the next 30 years going back on their word.
>>141250 So the slav version of china and taiwan?
>>141253 Basically.
>>141251 >Reverse cuban missile crisis Even the actual Cuban missile crisis was really a reverse Cuban missile crisis. The Kennedy administration put nuclear missiles in Eastern Europe and then in a tit-for-tat move the USSR put nuclear missiles about the same distance from the US down in Cuba.
lol, someone actually cried to Mark about the "upcoming WW3 invasion of Ukraine" discussion on the meta.
>>141247 >Soviets take over the Russian Empire >slaughter 50 million Russians during their tenure >reorganize Russian life in every way, including internal borders >Ukraine given massive land readjustment in terms of internal administrative division despite 11 million Ukrainians also being slaughtered >Crimea and southern regions given to them, despite being ethnically Russian >1991 >USSR collapses >internal borders become new international borders, including "THAT KAZAKH BORDER" which is total bullshit and not related to this >Ukraine roughly half Russian SHORT ASIDE: <1992 <Russian Federation, now a pseudo-democracy and not the USSR, wants assurance that NATO will not expand <given it (verbally) <NATO breaks all promises >Putin asks Clinton if Russia can outright fucking join NATO <Clinton tells him to go fuck himself because NATO only exists at all to destroy Russia and the ethnic Russian people as punishment for the anti-jewish reforms and the renationalization of the USSR in the 1950s BACK TO PRESENT-ISH DAY >new election in 2014 >CIA COUP TO FORCE UKRAINE TO JOIN NATO >civil war because half of Ukraine doesn't fucking want that (see picture) >two regions remain occupied by separatists since then >Ukraine keeps attacking them and violating the ceasefire >Putin's tired of having his ethnic people attacked in this way (like Hitler was of the murder of Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia) >invades to shut this shit down
>>141127 Araki's are gay fanservice, just muscular/bara/Greek ideal gay fanservice, and now they're pretty boy gay fanservice
>>141258 Araki has a wife, y'know?
>>141252 And Ukraine even thinking about joining NATO was Russia's red line regarding the subject. I knew they would rather invade Ukraine than allow that to happen.
>>141257 ><Clinton tells him to go fuck himself because NATO only exists at all to destroy Russia and the ethnic Russian people as punishment for the anti-jewish reforms and the renationalization of the USSR in the 1950s But Vladimir is a crypto-joo
>>141256 >someone actually cried to Mark about the "upcoming WW3 invasion of Ukraine" discussion on the meta. lol what a gay
>>141259 Good cover.
>>141256 Elden Ring isn't on the switch, so mark won't stop the consequences.
>>141261 I don't know anything about that PERSONALLY with regard to him, but he's a shabbos goy like every other government leader on Earth. It's barely relevant to even mention it, honestly. There's no government actively working against ZOG society anywhere.
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>>141250 >Ukraine says no I thought that was just Western Ukraine, while the eastern territories are pretty much Russian in identity and politics already. Pretty sure there were separatist movements there advocating for the return to Russia.
Well the good news is, Stalker 2 can finally be cancelled.
>>141267 No, just delayed so they can expand the zone to the entire planet.
>>141267 It'd be nice if Stalker 2 just became a worldwide LARP. As in, everyone wandering around a nuclear wasteland. But we can't be that lucky.
>>141267 To be replaced with a IRL version soon enough.
>>141267 >cancelled No they're just porting it into real life.
>>141268 >>141269 >>141270 >>141271 When EVERYONE comes up with it, you made it too easy, anon.
>>141259 >Araki has a wife, y'know? Is there a punchline to this?
>>141238 >GG and Vidya isn't politically important The capital of the Globo Homo Agenda (((The UN))) hosting Anita says otherwise. >>141237 >Anons, it has begun. Context to WTF you are talking about? Does it have to do with the (((CIA))) or ///FSB\\\?
>>141274 Our mods say otherwise to them, and since they're jews, they're more powerful than the UN's jews.
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>>141274 Ukraine is what's going on.
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>>141273 There is no punchline. It's not a joke.
The ZeroHedge thread has a multi-cam livestream of webcams around Ukraine, as well as text updates. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/separatist-leaders-issue-formal-request-russian-army-repel-ukrainian-aggression
>ABC just lying without even pretending to hide it <Putin has killed tens of thousands of civilians already <this is a war crime and a violation of international law <they're all going to hell lol
I swear, everything happening at the same time. >More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began >Genetic match discovered in Covid's unique furin cleavage site on spike protein >Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes >Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally https://archive.ph/d8Th6 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10542309/Fresh-lab-leak-fears-study-finds-genetic-code-Covids-spike-protein-linked-Moderna-patent.html
>the Soviet Union was "Russian control" Everyone at ABC needs to be hanged. >>141280 That's months old, though. I guess MSM is releasing it now because they can cover it up with Ukraine.
>>141277 I want to hurt Araki
>>141258 You could say that about any muscular man. Kenshiro loses his shirt in every fight he's in, is he meant to be gay fanservice?
>>141283 Just like magical girl transformations show girls naked anime women, yes.
>>141283 Kenshiro doesn't look like he frequents the leather club
>>141281 I know, and other people already suspected that was the case. That said, I don't know how you can cover Ukraine up. >That's strange I though Ukraine was bigger than that, what happened to it? <It was probably always like that
>>141286 Other way around, anon. I know it's late.
Allow me to go on record stating that I wish Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation a speedy and decisive victory against the Global American Empire (GAE).
>>141288 >I want jew puppet A to beat jew puppet B. No matter who "wins", the only victor is Israel.
>>141288 The Galactic American Empire, you mean. Also crypto plummeting since feds opened a crime division on it, everything else is going up or down as expected.
>>141290 No, I mean global, and it is very gay. So long as it's not safe to practice poopdick in far-flung regions like Nigeria, Kenya, or anywhere in the middle east, the USA and the GAE will never sleep.
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>WW3 began on Chris-chan's birthday of all dates I hate this meme timeline.
>>141291 If the government wanted to gay the world over then they would release the AIDS cure.
>>141292 Is this the Dimensional Merge he was talking about?
>>141294 Ye. He "preformed the ceremony" last year and now his sacrifice has been accepted.
>>141292 >meme timeline Its kind of fun to be honest
>>141296 I hope that when I turn into a Sonic character that I'll be cool one.
>all webcams devoid of anything happening <media says ten thousand dead already; no evidence >pinpoint military strikes showing up in daylight <media says "full scale invasion" >webcams completely silent <media says "sirens and alarms going off" I can't even enjoy how Putin is humiliating globohomo yes, he's part of it; that's not the point because they are incapable of embarrassment and will never stop their behavior or change it no matter the truth with which they're faced. Yuri proved that 40 years ago.
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Vids. >>141293 Have you been paying attention to the news for the past two weeks? The Moderna vaccine does cause AIDS-like symptoms, and COVID did have an HIV insert in it after all.
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CNN is selling it better this time, putting on flak vests, rather than putting on helmets in response to a gas attack siren like with the Gulf War.
>>141274 >The capital of the Globo Homo Agenda (((The UN))) hosting Anita says otherwise. And check out the date of this article: https://archive.is/YgKSe You can guess what was happening just before then to cause them to look into this.
>>141299 >The Moderna vaccine does cause AIDS-like symptoms, and COVID did have an HIV insert in it after all. So are are many all? of the vaxxed going to catch the AIDS now. As in 1980s AIDS and not modern AIDS?
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>>141302 It's just like my ace combat. All we need now is a kessler syndrome incident.
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Also forgot to say earlier, let's pray for some dead mainstream media personnel, CNN especially. >>141302 Oh fuck, some of those are nuclear bombers.
>>141302 >zero opposition >barely above stall speed >no maneuvering; simple formations lol, this'll be over in a week and everyone who said "full scale invasion" will be humiliated.
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>>141288 >Global American Empire (GAE)
>>141305 Space is too important to do that on purpose. Only chinks would be so fucking retarded; whites know better. I want an attack causing global internet shutdown and total collapse of back-end communications. That would be best for US, because banking and ZOG comms (other than military) would be out for potentially months, allowing whites to reclaim our nations. <news says air raid sirens in Kiev >literally nothing whatsoever <"Aww, we just missed them." YEAH, BECAUSE THEY'D TOTALLY TURN THEM OFF, RIGHT?
>>141306 Walker not the white phosphorous NO!
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I heard air raid sirens on a stream of Kiev.
>>141313 That's their iphone ring tone.
>>141302 >BREAKING: Biden vows to impose 'severe sanctions' against Russia over Ukraine war >Just clear Ukraine in 2 days <Can't have Ukraine war if Ukraine doesn't exist [Putin tapping his forehead]
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>>141290 >Also crypto plummeting since feds opened a crime division on it, everything else is going up or down as expected. Buttcoin lost almost $10k in value this week, and the rest is in the same situation if not worse. Things will be fun tomorrow.
>>141315 >Biden vows to impose 'severe sanctions' against Russia What can he do that doesn't just put Russia in a nothing to loose situation.
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Stuff in Kharkiv, sirens and the alleged wreckage of a Russian KH-31 missile. >>141313 >>141314 >That's their iphone ring tone. Such is life in the Zone...
>>141317 Biden should start a land invasion from japan into siberia. That'll show him not to take natto clay.
>>141166 It is the same forced meme about Germans and about red heads, from cuckchan. Remember that the narrative collapsed completely, so now they are trying to redirect normalfags anger at the good people, in a desperation attempt to prevent people from attacking jews and their leftard pets.
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>>141257 Ukraine's supposed recent "attacks" on the Russia-backed separatist regions were the most clumsy false-flags I've ever seen. It's absurd to think they would wait until Russia had hundreds of thousands of troops of their border preparing to attack before ramping up "saboteur" attacks and supposedly preparing for a full-scale offensive. And then the individual false-flags included shit like: 1. Ukraine saboteurs try to blow up a chlorine cylinder and the separatist government captures a helmet-cam video from a saboteur and releases it. Except they forget to strip the metadata from the video before uploading it to their official Telegram account, which not only shows it was last edited before the attack supposedly took place, but includes video-editing metadata, including the name of a video file used as a "Pantry Ingredient" in Adobe Premier. Which was the same as the name of a Youtube video that they copied the sound of an explosion from and edited into the video. https://archive.fo/WSiDm 2. Ukrainians use a car-bomb to blow up the car of the head of the DNR militia. Except they were too cheap to use his real car, so they swapped license plates with a different car that he started driving a week beforehand. Like an old budget action movie where you know the shittiest car on screen is going to blow up. They capture the "saboteur" responsible, who used to work for the DNR militia, and he gives an interview confessing that Ukraine is planning a full-scale attack. https://archive.fo/TBPNE 3. Russia claimed that 5 Ukrainian saboteurs in an APC tried to cross the border with Russia itself. And that Ukraine lobbed over 3 or so shells into Russia for no reason. They supposedly did this after Russia massed its military on their borders. 4. The video of the guy who just lost his leg in a Ukrainian attack, except when they drag him you can see he already had a prosthetic. https://archive.is/hoCer 5. Not as clumsy but the "shelling of civilians" ranged from just making it up (they kept talking about heavy shelling when people in the area on social media weren't noticing any), to the separatists shelling their own areas in ways where it was possible to tell it had come from the direction of the separatists. And the supposed intercepted conversation of separatist soldiers talking about false-flagging the shelling which got publicly released. And the "shelling of journalists" that was just them putting a small explosive under the dirt: https://archive.is/wip/CAK46 Putin wanted this war and ginned up some paper-thin excuses to get it, the actual actions of Ukraine had pretty much nothing to do with it. The false-flags were barely trying to fool anyone paying attention, they were just to create some sort of pretext for Russians and anyone else who is inclined to take the claims at face value without looking into them.
At the very least I hope that this pushes all of the Covid shit out of the news permanently. I am so fucking tired of hearing about it.
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>>141324 Some parts of australia are dropping it, yes. Can't imagine other places will tarry longer.
>>141193 FIFA itself (the globalist conglomerate) is in bad shape ever since their corruption was exposed and many nioggerball fans simply stopped caring about the sport. The association is trying to avoid every single bit of thing that could do more damage to their brand, and they probably finally learned what people and normalfags actually think about EA.
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>>141240 >declaration of war >contains "consequences will never be the same" almost word for word This is truly the meme timeline.
>>141323 I've been watching the Ukraine shit for the past few days so I'm only occasionally checking the thread. You can verify the stuff I posted yourself, it's all public information like the metadata and clumsy mistakes in the videos they released.
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>Canada backs off on the globalist mandates >Within hours they start World War III Called it.
>>141330 They did? I thought Trudeau made himself dictator with Permanent Emergency Powers to continue his power trip.
>>141331 Lawmakers approved that bill, trudeau yesterday rescinded the order.
>>141331 Apparently the Canadian version of the senate found their balls or something this morning and revoked the emergency act. A bunch of people I follow were cheering, and then BAM! Russian invasion. Go get em, Vlad. Eastern Ukraine is Belkan clay.
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>>141330 Oh hey acid.
I wonder now if the US military is still a strong presence or if the memes regarding Emma and her TWO MOMS aren't actually memes.
>>141245 >Donbass KEK!
>>141330 Well they had to, because any nation trying to impose COVID restrictions and commiting to a potential world war means certain collapse beyond recovery. You watch, everything about COVID will magically disappear globally as this situation escalates.
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>>141335 Hi. I'm really annoyed right now because part of 8moe's major infrastructure is in Eastern Europe and now I'm having to consider a sudden change of networks. You know, in case a datacenter gets taken over by anti-loli forces or hit with a bomb or some shit. It's all so tiresome.
>>141299 >catch covid, get aids >get vaccine, get aids I always had a strange feeling the anti mask "opposition" was controlled all along. It was just way to boomer tier and cringy with a throw all caution into the wind. It doesn't even matter if the vax fags got their 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th exedra booster shot because they'll never be told they can take off their shitty cloth masks that do jack shit and are little more than social engineering. I knew anything less than a M95 or Milspec gas mask with approved N.A.T.O. filters or their commie counter part should be worn every day around other people the moment the ///WHO\\\ and (((NIAID))) kept tripping over themselves saying citizens didn't need masks but medical workers and government officials absolute did. Also Fauci is a psychopath, apparently young and impossible to control kids need to be in (((American School))) and wear their shitty cloth masks 24/7 even in the bed rooms yet they're at risk of airborne aids? The dude wants another Black Plaque, same with all these other Oligarchs like Xi, Obama, Trump, Bill Gates, and Biden.
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>>141339 I feel that.
>>141339 I was going to ask about that. You need a backup in your pocked because if we go down then we'll go down right quick.
>>141339 >GloboHomo One World Government Decides to Unilaterally and Outright Censor The Internet to Combat Russia Well, fuck.
>>141339 Guess that means if this place goes completely down, shit is getting really bad in the region. Surprised there isn't any noticeable disruption via cyber-attacks on carriers already, but I guess that infrastructure doesn't route near Ukraine?
>>141334 Can't let the banks collapse right when the war economy is about to get us out of debt. Belka is germany, yuktobania is russia, aren't they? >>141339 >Hi, your server is once again on roskomnadzor jurisdiction, we will have to shut it down again. >>141343 Russia was what had us down for a while.
>>141339 So basically the site could go at any point. I had a strange feeling we could see some shit from all this.
>>141346 Just talking about scenarios where they justify for more power grabbing and control, this Russia-Ukraine shit is their Iraq War Boogaloo Patriot-Suicide Pact and Act. This is bad for everyone, tyrants have to heel their own population before going after their enemies abroad.
>>141279 <they're all going to hell The jews will, yes. And soon.
>>141349 They'll just pull a "we're the good guys" and russia pulls a "they'll never raise a hand against a russian again" like serbia did for serbs.
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>>141347 >>141346 This is an actual possibility, depending on how many neighbors Russia decides to fuck with over this. We have a backup plan, but if we go down it'll take a couple days to bring it online. The amount of data we have to transfer for full backups and reinstalls is big. Doing a full backup took nearly 48 hours last time, and uploads to a new server are even slower. We'll definitely be back, it just might take three friggin days.
>>141322 The point isn't to fool anyone with two working brain cells to rub together. It's to fool ethnic Russians. The point is to fabricate the bare minimum excuse so they can say it wasn't "unprovoked". They know they can't invent a credible powder keg overnight, and that Western intelligence would discredit it. They've been throwing incidents at the wall to see what sticks all month and have figured they've chip-damaged their way to a "pile of evidence" that shows they need to invade.
>>141352 Small price to pay to have the gamergate intelligence agency back online. It might even boost activity a bit since everyone will be checking in after noticing it's down.
>>141322 There are Communist forces in Western Ukraine that have been fucking with Russia for years, and the Ukrainian government covered for them. They're literally Antifa. When they started trying to bomb Russian gas pipelines was when Russia first stuck their dick back in Ukraine years ago. All of this is a continuation of the same conflict, but then NATO started making overtures to Ukraine and Russia will not stand for that shit. Ukraine got their independence (and a shit ton of Russian money to look after Chernobyl) on the sole premise that they could never, ever join NATO. Putin set a red line 20 years ago, and we crossed it.
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>>141339 >>141352 I told you to move the servers to Mexico. Loli porn is fully legal there, no hate speech laws (as far I know) and is physically close to USA so you and codexx can escape there if the feds ever try to get you for managing this site.
>>141356 Don't they also extradite you back to america just as fast?
>>141357 That is if they find you.
>>141352 Unless it's in Ukraine itself it should be fine, unless maybe Russia cuts the undersea internet cables. Even if Russia somehow ends up at war with more countries, at that point there would be more to worry about than the site being down for a few days, and there would probably be buildup beforehand.
>>141330 Is Trudeau gonna draft me now? I'm so outta fucking shape.
>>141360 just say you're a tranny eskimo
>>141356 I wouldn't mind living in Mexico if I had to. You guys have blue turkeys and teosinte.
>>141361 I don't think that'll fly. I'm so fucking white, the Eskimos probably have several words for me.
>>141362 I'm not Mexican tho. I know about their laws on loli because I made a bit of research about them and other countries' when 8moe was deplatformed over loli porn.
>>141363 Claim you're transnigger or something.
>>141365 Or Ainu
It's 700, so that means NEW THREAD >>541047
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>>141361 >"ummm Sir Emperor Leaf Trudeau of the Peoples Republic of Canada I'm actually a transsexual Native American Eskimo not a white male" >*anon gets promoted to five star general*
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>>141356 We don't allow illegal shit, and I don't have to remind you that we keep the borderline stuff tamped down too. I don't think there's much risk of that. Honestly the most likely kick in the nuts we're likely to face is that a pure 2D loli art ban (meaning no CP or priors or other shit) gets upheld by Federal courts and SCOTUS. I've been told by a couple lawyer off-the-cuff that this isn't likely because it'd never survive a serious 1A challenge on the basis of pure art. But IF that happens we'd likely have to make the rules softcore only, to rule out "obscenity." It'd be lame, but not the end of the world.
>>141365 <I'm a queer-presenting lesbian of masculine body, my pronouns are zig/zag Will they put me in the womens' battalion so I can eat box?
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>>141352 On the bright side, we wont have to see luciano for awhile nad he might actually go full hue and kill leftards. A small price to pay for not being able to post in the gamergay threads and /ss/
>>141369 >We don't allow illegal shit, and I don't have to remind you that we keep the borderline stuff tamped down too. I'm well aware of that, I was simply joking. >Honestly the most likely kick in the nuts we're likely to face is that a pure 2D loli art ban (meaning no CP or priors or other shit) gets upheld by Federal courts and SCOTUS That's why I told you to put the servers in Mexico. Only lewd media featuring real minors is considered CP there, leaving even the 3DCG porn of lolis partially modeled after real kids (like the ones blacklisted on /delicious/ for that motive) on the legal side.
Are there any resources on where I can look the geopolitical map of Russia before the 20th century? I want to look into what were the events that transpired prior to the obsession of Putin to take over Eastern Ukraine.
>>141373 >Are there any resources on where I can look the geopolitical map of Russia before the 20th century? I want to look into what were the events that transpired prior to the obsession of Putin to take over Eastern Ukraine. Nord Stream pipe line, the USA and Saudi Arabia hate it. Also Putin wants a buffer state, his actions aren't altruistic towards the Donbass separatists else he'd allow Chechnya to succeed from the Federation. Everyone is an opportunistic cunt, the end.
>>141372 >leaving even the 3DCG porn of lolis partially modeled after real kids (like the ones blacklisted on /delicious/ for that motive) on the legal side. 3DCG should be banned just for being so fucking ugly and bad taste.
>>141237 Nice links.
>>141322 >OY VEY IT'S DA RUSH UNZ No one will ever believe you. >>141339 Imagine actually believing jewish media when they say WWIII is going to happen. Dumbass. >>141338 That's... not the implication, anon. The point is that the chinkflu narrative has completely collapsed and NOTHING can now justify the economic crisis continuing, so war had to be declared to keep propping up financial markets. Even still, top investors are claiming an expected 60% drop in the main indexes. Not due to war, of course; due to 14 years of quantitative easing, but it will be entirely BLAMED on the war. >>141352 Zero neighbors. For fuck's sake, turn off the talmudvision. This is a regional affair between two nations.

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