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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Russia invades on Chris-Chan Day Edition Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 06:13:36 Id: d39ec5 No. 142114
Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js Alternative domains: https://8chan.se/boards.js https://redchannit.com/boards.js http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof:
[Expand Post]https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: as if anyone's making those nowadays https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm • STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER, I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT TO SHITPOST YOU JUST MAKE THIS THREAD WORSE Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
1st for shota benis
Dimensional Merge Now!
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>>142115 A shot a' benis?
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>>142114 All the luck to the Donbasses.
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>>541012 >>541013 >Lawmakers approved that bill, trudeau yesterday rescinded the order. Holy shit he did https://archive.is/avQDO https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/breaking-justin-trudeau-set-to-revoke-emergencies-act?r I'm actually a bit disappointed he didn't continue going tyrant mode, I'm afraid the truckers are gonna be placated and assume they've "won", disperse peacefully, and get nabbed up by traitorous cops over the next few months with Russia giving them a cover. Oh well, normalfags gonna normalfag. >>541026 >So basically the site could go at any point. I had a strange feeling we could see some shit from all this. I don't. 8moe's too small, we don't have any Tarrants.
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>>142119 You know the thing that has really demoralized me over the past 5 to 10 years is finding out just how partisan most people actually are.
>>142119 He's getting fucking banned again for that one, calling it now. >>142121 The Parliament passed it but it had to go to the Senate after for confirmation. There were rumours that the Senate was going to refuse to pass it, and that's what prompted Trudeau to pull it (in Silversteinian terms), or else this shit in Eastern Europe had something to do with it.
>>142118 >pig benis
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>>142125 >>142126 Curly. Straight. Curly. Straight.
>>142121 Not the concern I have. Both are that we get caught in the crossfire either quite literally and the servers get shelled, or the sanctions cut off the ability to pay the bills.
>>142122 Ive heard so many tracks from this game that all make me want to play them but I have no idea where to start.
>>142129 I don't really worry about downtime, we have other sites like zzz and other webring places in a pinch to regroup and you really should be ready for such things after the /v/alkanizing.
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Weekly reminder that Germany is the eternal breeding ground for forces of evil.
Are there any resources on where I can look the geopolitical map of Russia before the 20th century? I want to look into what were the events that transpired prior to the obsession of Putin to take over Eastern Ukraine. It may explain some things.
>>142131 Yeah don't forget about /shelter/ on cafe. It's a great place to regroup if we ever have significant down time.
>>142130 Want to start with a unique atmosphere, soundtrack and plot that isn't in any of the other ACs? Go for electrosphere. Otherwise play AC4, 5, 0, 6 and 7 and then play Project Wingman. >>142131 If shit goes down I hope we actually spend the time on the webring having fun like anons do. I remember having a lot of fun on SPQRchan.
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>>142130 Start with 4. It has most of the modern features and is nice and well rounded, but straightforward. >>142129 Yeah. We're not in Ukraine but a major chunk of the site is next door. If Putin gets greedy we may get fucked on. It's not that 8moe will get targeted per-se unless the Russkies take over and their internet censors come after us, but that we might wind up as collateral damage. If we suddenly disappear completely look for us to be back up in 2-3 days at the same URLs.
>>142129 >sanctions Wouldn't it be like taiwan not being in china's firewall because it would admit it's a separate region? >>142134 Read Two Hundred Years Together to learn how jews took over.
>>142133 I'd like to sow my seed in Germany's "breeding ground".
>>142134 The last threads had a pre and post soviet takeover map breakdown of the clusterfuck that is the USSR's bright idea to create borders within borders of their union that for some fucking reason, became the defacto national borders after the Soviet Union dissolved.
>>142139 source on this right fucking now
>>142141 Anon, I don't even like Fuchur's fugly excuse for "lolis" and even I recognize UAB
>>142141 Someone on /delicious/'s UAB thread posted it a few days ago. Hopefully he'll finish it and make more of the other girls too.
>>142142 I mean the animated version dammit >>142143 fuckin neato
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You think China will use this opportunity to invade Taiwan, since no one is looking at them right now?

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>>142127 Curly. Wenk. Curly. Wenk. >>142132 Best possible outcome. Maybe Vlad will steal the source code for the earlier games and publish it.
>>142145 That's a genuine possibility. I've wondered if what's suddenly emboldened Putin was some secret back room deals and alliance with China.
>>142145 Have Japan and South Korea agreed to that mutual defense pact?
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>>142145 Probably. This whole thing is Kabuki theatre. The unwashed masses rose up against Globohomo, so here's the mother of all distractions. Our punishment is for US hegemony to be handed off to China. But China is a mostly naval power, so they need to tie up US carrier forces to make it look all nice and logical. The best way to do that is to come up with an excuse to park our navy in the Black Sea to pose menacingly at Russia. Well here we are.
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At risk of starting a flame war over vtubers, I just found that Uruha Rushia, the Hololive star who brought the rage of her fans because they saw viewers saw a message she got from a male singer (Mafumafu) they suspected she was dating, was fired by Hololive for "leaking private information and damaging the reputation of the company". https://cover-corp.com/news/detail/20220224b/ ( https://archive.is/2yet3 )** >>142145 I doubt it. Unlike Russia, China needs Taiwan to curfew some of USA's bans and distribute their goods for cheap. Trying to invade Taiwan would only make China lose its two largest trading partners and be left without enough money to fulfill any of its multiple initiatives.
>>142150 Goddammit, I fucked the spoilers on the most important part.
>Traveling to Paris next week while all of this shit is going down Knowing my luck, ruskies cross into Poland the moment I land >>142145 They are waiting to see how the US responds to this before considering that. Invading a island isn't as easy as a country that borders you by land.
>>142150 They might still project into the South China Sea and make threatening advances toward Taiwan without actually popping that cherry.
>>142145 They're helping Russia by saying shit to all escalation and sanctions, take a wild guess who those countries' biggest trading party are, who are blabbering about muh Sanctions. And CHINA WILL GROW LARGER, will probably be waiting for NATO's response, and if you're reading those china insiders, Xi has a CCP Faction War on his hands.
>>142150 Well fuck, one single message recieved at the wrong time, and it's your entire career that goes up in flames. Did the MafuMafu guy get the shaft too?
Please give me (You)s
>>142145 China is definitely going for Taiwan very soon or at least readying themselves for it. Because either the West will appear too weak in how they respond to Russia, or the West will find itself too preoccupied with Eastern Europe in a hot war.
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>>142150 Her whole channel was deleted in an instant, they work fast.
>>142156 I wouldn't under normal circumstances, but this is topical so...
>>142158 Kinda like the Russian military atm jej
>>142158 What the fuck was she leaking they put her on ice this fast? This goes beyond just pissing off idolfags by having poor opsec when it came to her BF.
>>142155 >one single message recieved at the wrong time, and it's your entire career that goes up in flames As far I know, it wasn't the first time she was caught in that kind of situations. This was her 3rd strike.
>>142157 >quads Welp, it's happening. >>142162 Oh really?
>>142155 >Did the MafuMafu guy get the shaft too? Nah, he threw her under the bus first chance he got. I'm pretty sure she saw this coming since a few days ago she was threatening to kill herself. Rumor is she was leaking stuff to some dramatuber who was putting out Pro-Rushia pieces, if so then it really bit her on the ass.
>>142152 If the Russians make it as far as Paris then it truly is Happening time.
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>>142164 I guess she reaps what she sows, I might feel a tiny bit sad she's gone, and I won't get any more of her autistic screaming when confronted with her own cutting board, but she did this to herself. Leaking shit to some faggot drama shitstirrer is fucking low.
>>142165 >Poland might be getting flooded with Russians from one end and Germans from another >Again.
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Just an FYI to the anons this geopolitical struggle for the fate of the Ukraine between the US and Russia isn't even about the Ukraine but a much wider conflict on whether Germany will remain a US vassal or become a Russian vassal again via the Nord Stream Pipeline. It shouldn't be a surprise that Saudi Arabia has a vested interest in this either. Both sides want to subjugate Europe in the end. Steam Deck Dock delayed, dag nabbit https://www.shacknews.com/article/128997/steam-deck-dock-delayed-dag-nabbit https://archive.ph/HQTY3#selection-560.0-560.1 Does anyone actually even care about the dock? I'm sure plenty of third parties exist already that make good alternatives for laptop docks even if they're not exactly optimized for the Deck. >>142119 >He's no longer dealing with (((Trump))) You mean that bad orange man who sold a bunch of weapons to the Ukrainians and prevented Nord Stream pipeline from being built? Of course Trump was a puppet but not a Russian one. >>142121 >yay truckers can go back to trucking along This was never about lock downs for some miss guided desire to protect the people virus or not. It's about the Leaf government assuming direct control over the individuals finances and to shutdown any future wrong thinkers ability to use the banking system. Next Trudeau and his lackeys will start trying to rollout their version of a Social Credit Score system. Also current Emperor Leaf is likely intentionally way on the left in the must insufferable ways possible to ensure the next coronated "President" will be the the next Trump of Canada as in he'll be a based and redpilled ™ President who's a strong supporter of (((Israel)))&Saudi Arabia or an even stronger supporter of ///Mainland China\\\ neither of which believe in your right to own firearms even if they're willing to give fake lip service about being "pro 2A" again much like Trump. Everything is fake and gay, End the FED. >>142145 Dunno but that reminds me I was watching ///CNN\\\ and they were praising Xi for condemning Russia's actions in Donbass/Ukraine recently. Of course anyone with more than two brain cells probably knew that the whole Russo-Sino brotherhood thing as bullshit and merely opportunistic circle jerking. Let's not forget they almost caused Armageddon over disputed islands and even today are wary of each other's expansion into Central Asia. >>142149 >But China is a mostly naval power If that's their "greatest strength" then they're more of a paper tiger than I thought because the PLA's navy is only good at bullying Vietnamese and Indonesian fishermen. >>142148 >Have Japan and South Korea agreed to that mutual defense pact? You don't even need all three of those to be effective. India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore also have vested interests in making sure China doesn't become to powerful.
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>>142165 I hope nothing happens to the Onirism devs if that happens.
>>142169 Is that fucking game ever leaving EA Are any of the fucking games on my wishlist ever leaving EA Fuck EA.
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>the two Ukraine SU-27's deserting & landing in Romania is real
>>142168 I kinda want a dock, but my purchase really hangs on if it does anything special.
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>>142172 >but my purchase really hangs on if it does anything special. The Deck does nothing special anon. It's just a gloried laptop/tablet with joysticks that let's you play a huge library of Steam games and maybe third party stuff if GOG and ///Epic\\\ ever enable it. Also no shitty Wingblows tax which if adopted by enough consumers will prove to devs that there is a growing market for Linux gaming which would be good. It's not even a particularly revolutionary idea either as plenty of consolized laptops have been around long before the Deck. And I say this as someone who also intends to get one. >>142171 Got one in English? I don't speak Gypsie. >inb4 actually it's Hungary and France that has the most Romani people Whatever faglord
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/9j0JM
>>142174 Historical bread.
>>142170 Bigger question is when will the next adventure update come out already. It's been one fucking year since the last one, all we got after is hunt/tales content and they've been teasing all the cowboy shit, this better be a big fucking update.
>>142139 >>142141 Fucking kids is illegal
Black ops on-scene.
>>142179 Why is Elmo hanging out with drummer-niggers in Ukraine?
>>142179 Tickle me nigger
Ready to be drafted and die for Democracy and the Free World /v/?
>>142184 The way Russia's going they will be able to sue for peace before NATO even has time to act. My prediction is the war's over quickly and Ukraine becomes a Russian puppet (again).
>>142173 It's cheaper than its competitors, the build quality is decent, the partnership with iFixit is pretty game-changing, it will make Proton a platform to target and not just a Valve hobbyhorse, and it's realistically the only competitor to the Switch since most other "handheld PCs" are clunky, not to mention twice the price and lack support. And they run Windows, and they don't have the built-in Controller remapping Valve has been working on for years. I haven't bought a Deck and am, at best, on the fence about getting one. I don't really need it. I don't play games on the go. If I do, I bring a GameBoy. But I think the iFixit partnership and the potential to make Proton a platform publishers target are both huge. I think the average anon would want more Linux support and more repairable devices. The average /t/echnician does, at least. /v/ always bitches about Nintendo trying to shut down piracy, suing modders, and forcing people to rebuy their decades-old games at full price. If the Steam Deck does well then it disrupts all of that.
>>142184 Lmao I'm not doing shit. #DrafOurDaughters instead.
Well at least the world is having just as shitty of a week as I am. Hey everyone should I lose my virginity to a prostitute tomorrow just so I have the confidence to get in a relationship with this cuckchan girl? Vote below.
>>142185 Are they taking the whole fucking country? I thought they just wanted the breakaway regions with ethnic Russians living in them. The rest of Ukraine is a basket case with Western poz everywhere, can't imagine they'd want that.
>>142189 >Are they taking the whole fucking country? Most likely they're just taking down Ukraine's air capability.
>>142150 Very disappointed with how Cover basically flipped around. I highly doubt the reasoning provided in the letter and I can't even think of any public instance that relates to what they are describing - with exception to the discord DM. Honestly, considering how intense some fans are of this kind of behavior I'm not surprised, but I did think for a moment they would stand behind their talents. Looks like I and many others were wrong. I'm expecting all other talents to start considering moving away from Hololive and become independent or at the very least - destroy any public or social life they have to prevent getting fired. Hopefully Rushia goes back to streaming on her original account like Kiryu Coco - Kson and continues making good content.
>>142190 >decimate the entire country's military capabilities >sue for peace in the same style as Finland at the end of WW2 Now Russia gains a pro-russia or atleast non-nato stance ally in the UN
>>142184 Flat feet and blind in one eye, good luck drafting me.
>>142193 Flat feet gang rise up. Enjoy dying for Israel niggers. I'll sit back and enjoy watching.
>>142188 >cuckchan girl Not worth it unless she browsed pre-2011 or so. Halfchan is basically reddit now, and I wouldn't fuck a redditor with someone else's dick. Also if you can't grow a pair on your own, fucking a literal whore won't make you any more confident. Fake it until you make it, nigger.
>>142193 How hard is it to get kicked out for being a chronic masturbator?
>>142196 How chronic?
https://odysee.com/@TechDeviceRepair:0/the-actual-repair,-when-the-ps4:c >>142184 >Ready to be drafted and die for Democracy >Free World /v/? Democracy doesn't inherently = freedom. That's why the most free countries are bound by a strong constitution rather than mob rule and the majority can be manipulated into agreeing to all sorts of authoritarian crap. True freedom comes from a right to private property, the right to bare arms, the right to privacy and dignity, and the right to freedom of speech. All things Uncle same doesn't support. A lynch mob is technically democracy. >>142186 Never said I don't have high hopes for it nor do I fail to see it's potential, I'm just keeping my expectations realistic.
>>142192 For sure this is Russia's goal. It's also most likely the reason they invaded after all, they decided a) Victory will be assured if we can get in quickly and capture key targets. b) As long as NATO let's us, and NATO looked weak AF so they decided no NATO will do fuck all and that looks to be the case.
>>142184 Not merican and I've got pan colitis which got me out of the draft.
>>142196 Depends, are you willing to jerk off in public?
>>142202 What even are the targets here? Does it seem odd to anyone else they'd seemingly shell civilian areas that hold nothing of value?
>>142202 Artillery barrage? Why was it just one random shell?
>>142203 Could be Ukrainian defensive fire or a complete miss of the intended target, anti-air can kill civilians when things go wrong. Could be that the round was damaged by CIWS or such and fell well off target.
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>>142189 Putin statement reflected that he wanted "demilitarization and de-nazification" put plainly: destruction of military and removal of pro-NATO government He will still probably allow the Republics into the Federation after some time if the situation allows, given that they signed an agreement of friendship similar to the Belarus-Russian accord 21 Feb. I actually feel like a bit of a doofus because I listened to Putin's speech that day. and did not even get the hint that he would invade Ukraine, maybe airraids and counter bombardment via artillery, but I suppose those fucking hohols kept bombing Donetsk despite a signed agreement and pushed him over the edge on this.
You all talk about China invading Taiwan because of this, but I mostly worry about Morocco trying to invade Spain because the sandniggers have been arming themselves all this time and we are fully infiltrated.
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They're freezing Russia's assets, they're coming for our lolis next. >>142201 Only in front of (biological) women.
>>142207 Morocco vs. Spain, I always forget that the special Olympics are after the real ones.
>>142207 Taiwan to me seems far less likely than Ukraine. Ukraine was an easy target for Russia because it essentially had it surrounded meant taking key targets was fast and easy. Taiwan China can only invade via sea mostly from the west, China would lose immeasurable assets from doing so.
>>142208 So... You gonna stop buying that sweet sweet Russian oil or what?
>>142207 >Morocco trying to invade Spain because the sandniggers have been arming themselves all this time and we are fully infiltrated. How and why? Morocco has the backing of what, goat fuckers? And Spain is part of NATO, no matter how ineffective and useless of a military alliance it is.
>>142212 >Why Morocco is butthurt Spain controls two cities on their coast and a handful of islands in the Atlantic.
>>142212 Because everyone is going to be busy with Ucraine and alhandalus and all that shit.
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Aftermath of shelling.
>>142139 As long you're a non German(preferably white tho). Teutons need to be bred out of existence.
>>142203 Could be random separatist shelling.
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>>142219 Ukrainians have a better track record of "accidentally" shelling civvies.
>>142203 >>142204 Possibly an off-target BM-21 Grad or Tornado-G rocket: the overall small size of impact cavity and the fact it's not hitting a military target making me this is not Russian heavy (152mm or 203mm) artillery >>142216 >>142220 the sort of cratering I would expect from the non-rocket artillery >>142221 been hearing reports of pretty much non-stop shelling of the republics by Ukraine since Sunday/Monday.
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Burning airforce base gets bombed again. We're gonna need a version of the blacked couch girl meme with a bunch of Putins looming over a girl with a Ukraine-ball for a head with an exhausted expression on her face. >>142224 Buy those dips and hodl.
>>142225 How to buy crypto and stocks with no credit card.
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That was a scary 4 years, huh? NORMALCY IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!
>>142225 So are these the new hyper-sonic missiles? These are fucking rad.
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>>142228 Dont look hypersonic to me. Look how close it flies to the ground. If it were higher up, yeah.
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>>142173 >it's another TOR can't read episode I was talking about the Steam Deck dock.
>>142228 Nope, old fashioned turbojet cruise missile. Last seen removing kebab in Syria sub-sonic style.
>>142228 Kalibr only hypersonic near target to increase KE and evade defensive AA they go Mach 0.8 during cruise and 2.1 during terminal dive.
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>>142233 It's quite surreal this happening in a fairly modern city. I'd nervous as fuck waiting to get out.
>>142234 Poland about to get hit by a big, new refugee wave, but I feel like the Germans won't be as generous to these refugees.
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>>142235 >but I feel like the Germans won't be as generous to these refugees. Ukrainian refugees from the previous conflict were rejected by the EU. It's niggers and ayrabs only.
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Is something's going on in Taiwan waters?
>>142240 tugjobs
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>>142241 With happy ending, I hope?
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>>142243 I hope future generations find wojak just as fucking cringeworthy as we do when studying ww3 in history class.
Nato is dead.
>>142243 Is that setsuna f seiei?
>>142243 Only a fat gay retard would think Ukraine stands any chance against Russia.
Post some video from Russia.
>>142249 Scroll up.
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>>142247 Do we ever get another Gundam protagonist that's as heterosexual as Domon again?
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The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you. https://archive.vn/yXIqO#selection-1387.0-1387.67
>>142253 Israel saw what Russia did for Syria and they deathly afraid of them. Russia can simply end America's bullshit at any time by dropping bombs on Tel Aviv.
>>142248 They lost to other Ukrainians larping as Russians, and then were so shittershattered that "unrelated terrorists attacks" kept happening against separatist civilian and military targets in Donbas. I don't think they could've taken fucking Khazakhstan or any other tiny shithole in that region. This whole shit happened because the Ukrainian government decided to throw their lot in with NATO, completely forgetting that NATO doesn't do anything unless they can financially exploit the region they're saving. Pretty funny that, of all people, other slavs didn't learn shit from how the west handled the Yugoslav wars.
>>142251 >tfw we will never get a sequel that continues on the asian theater/ korean war 2.0 Guess its a good thing that ubishit cant contaminate it with current year woke + chink pandering
Thread theme.
>>142255 NATO is getting everything they want after the coup against the pro russian government in 2014. The kike they installed has been decimating Ukraine through asset stripping the nation.
>>142189 Keep in mind that Luhansk and Donetsk are not the only regions with russian population. Realistically the entire eastern half of Ukraine is ethnically russian as that chunk of Ukraine was only given to them under USSR for administrative purposes and was simply never returned after the collapse. >Are they taking the whole fucking country? That is very much up to debate. Attacking and taking are two different things and currently I do not expect any amount of honesty from western media regarding Russia's actions. For all we know Ukraine attacked their troops in Luhansk and Donetsk and this is simple retaliation.
>>142260 >For all we know Ukraine attacked their troops in Luhansk and Donetsk and this is simple retaliation. I mentioned it, but after the last conflict in Ukraine ended, and the ceasefire was announced, notable separatist people kept getting killed by "terrorist attacks", hell Motorola got carbombed in front of a civilian hospital, and then got killed when someone put an IED in the elevator of his apartment building. Givi got killed in his office after someone fired a rocket launcher at it. If you look up a list of military or civilian leaders of the Separatists, you'll see that 90% of them got assassinated after the war ended.
>everyone calling this WW3 Wouldn't this classify as a smaller conflict like the Korean War, Vietnam War, etc? >>142117 God, imagine a CoD based on the upcoming war in Ukraine, it would be like all the modern warfare games on steroids with even more propaganda and misinformation. >>142243 You just know that if it was China invading Ukraine this faggot would side with the chinks.
>>142257 No, sorry, this is the true thread theme
>watching Indian stream about the invasion >some kid keeps spamming "COD Vanguard." in the chat I love the internet enabling retards.
>>142207 I mean i see it happening, but spain is no bitch and could fight off morocco on its own, specially because ceuta and malilla are full on spanos and have never been moroccan clay.
>>142207 >guys who literally die any time the rain goes a bit too hard >against NATO member HoI4 Let's Player moment
>>142264 In the olden days, we'd straighten out kids like that by calling them niggers. Can't do that anymore.
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You probably just want to live your life in peace and don't want to die in a meaningless war, Ukranians, but hey at least Putin did US AMERICANS a favor! https://archive.is/RW3im https://archive.is/BMfy0
>>142268 Please tell me her son and father both died, fuck this cunt.
>>142268 These people are fucking insufferable.
>>142268 Wasn't banned from twatter yet?
>>142252 Maybe one day.
>>142268 That's the most retarded thing I've seen all day.
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>>142254 I wish they would. Imagine wiping Pissrael off the face of the earth. GLORIOUS!
>>142274 Fuck no, the samson option would fuck over the entire mediterrean.
>>142275 What's the samson option? And what effects would destroying kikes have on the Mediterranean, if you don't mind me asking.
>>142277 Israel has nukes set to bombing a bunch of europe if they fall.
>>142277 The samson option is an Israeli doomsday device where if anybody launches a nuke in their direction, they launch their entire nuclear arsenal at every major population center within reach, doesn't matter if they aren't allied with the country shooting at them, they will burn the world if anybody tries to burn them.
>>142279 Wouldn't this just instigate a world-wide mass-killing of jews?
>>142274 To be fair the jews keep the attention of all the muslim powers instead of going invading europe.
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>>142280 They want to make sure there will be nobody left to kill them.
>>142278 >>142279 Ah. Yes, that could be bad. Eeeh, still... Fallouts are only effective for so long, on a long enough timeline we would recover. Fuck it, do it.
>>142281 Muzzies seem to be invading Europe just fine, and with the help of IsraAID.
>>142285 What are they burning? Books?
>>142289 Probably documents.
>>142289 They're destroying sensitive documents.
>>142290 >>142291 Makes sense... How bad will this get? What are the ramifications of a russian invasion of Ukraine? I mean, what are we looking at in terms of consequences? t. not that far from russia
>>142289 >What are they burning? Books? >>142290 >>142291 ^Sensitive documents like these guys said. Supposedly these are the Ukrainian equivalent of the FSB or whatever. I'm surprised they didn't have professional, industrial shredders ready in some reinforced basement for this contingency. Ukraine is corrupt as fuck, they can afford it.
>>142292 IMO, if NATO fails to protect the integrity of ukraine, china will go for taiwan, NATO will probably fail there too, japan and south korea will ditch the USA as a military ally, the EU will probably fall into a giant squabble, and the USA maybe finally goes down in an internal shitstorm.
>>142294 >china will go for taiwan, NATO will probably fail there too Except Taiwan is already mobilized for war and the US navy doesn't have to play around with EUrofags
>>142294 No ww3 and America collapses? Awesome.
>>142292 Complete lose of international prestige for the US and NATO, Ukraine absorbed into Russia's sphere of influence. Maybe China will take this as a signal that the US doesn't have the backbone to defend Taiwan. More broadly it signals a retreat by the west in general. The EU will seethe impotently but they've got other things to deal with currently like Serbia kicking off again.
Looks like a Kamov got taken out, but mostly intact. Don't know the condition of the crew.
>>142295 The US navy is a joke that's been used as a cumrag to absorb every globohomo political initiative foisted onto the armed forces of the US.
>>142287 This is why you need to allow civilian sales of anti-aircraft cannons.
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>>142294 Aha, so this is the great collapse we're talking about? I'm not sure how to feel about this. My country is part of EU (and was it up to me, we wouldn't be, just saying), and I'd rather we didn't get dragged into some unnecessary conflict. >>142300 Agreed, but only for native citizens. Foreigners can get a rope necklace.
>>142295 Oh i grant that to NATO, the EU is at its most retarded when it comes down to warfare, a bunch of pencilpusher globalists dont have the backbone to actually fight and want the USA to solve its problems, atleast the pacific nations know to protect themeselves from the chinks.
>>142294 If NATO does nothing, which is exactly what will happen, more interesting shit could happen. Such as Balkan Wars 2, where the Serbs might assume Putin has their back and get uppity, going for Kosovo, Albania and possibly Croatia, the Arab world uniting against Israel, again, and if God has mercy, the EU collapses.
>>142297 >Complete lose of international prestige for the US and NATO GOOOOOOOD! FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Without all of the useless foreign interventionism, we can start dealing with these corrupt, money-grubbing, influence-peddling, lying motherfuckers in our own countries.
>>142303 Right now Serbia want's a chunk of Bosnia to be made autonomous like Kosovo because of the fact it's majority Serbian, which I mean fair enough if Kosovo can do that because of all the Albanians why can't Serbia do the same in Bosnia?
That and the Eu is trying to fuck Serbia out of their Lithium deposits.
>>142306 China just successfully fucked Canadians out of our own rare earth deposits with the full complicity of Trudeau.
The best part is NATO will be seen as weak if it doesn't do shit, but if they do, China will use the chance to invade Taiwan.
>>142307 That's because China controls canada through the soft power of a massive chink population and Trudeau is a WEF sponsored stooge of Klaus Schwarb.
>>142308 Im confident NATO can hold both fronts since they arent full on shitstorms (atleast not yet), the problem is completely internal since all the globohomo has destabilized all western countries. Like for example, how can you tell a current year yank to go fight for emma and her two moms? Or an euro to fight russians when we honestly feel more kinship with conservative russians than with the EU leadership?
>>142305 >Right now Serbia want's a chunk of Bosnia Yes and no, right now the non-muslim part of Bosnia is basically a Serbian puppet state, and for a country that's supposed to be three equal peoples, the Serbs get anything they want pushed through and laws changed to favor them because the Croatian representative in Bosnia is actually a Serb, and the Muslims just want to shit in fields and praise allah instead of participating in the government.
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>>142309 It hurts.
>>142311 Bosniaks, why? God has a cruel sense of humour. >>142311 I'd be more concerned with the lithium mine. The EU has basically bought all of Serbia's political class so there's no one really to stop that Anglo-Australian mining concern from stripping the place and polluting everything with the EU's blessing.
>>142302 France has the biggest army in Europe, they would likely just become the most influential country in the region if a war touches an Euro nation. >>142299 anon, the twerking admirals are the ones that resign first, do you think that US and globohomo, for all their retardation, would just throw away the fucking economic sea lanes that keep them alive? You're also forgetting that the SEA nations are all in this together for Taiwan.
>>142309 This hobby shop I go to is run by a chinese family, and they some time ago made a facebook post pretty much saying fuck the ccp.
>>142314 >they would likely just become the most influential country in the region if a war touches an Euro nation. Eh, not the worst case scenario, atleast the french are going more towards the right and have more sense than germany right now.
>>142314 I think the US navy will get a very bloody nose and have to learn some hard lessons about not using the navy as a political experiment in promoting diversity over competence. As for the SEA nations they hate each other, I reckon South Korea is liable to invade Japan if the Norks ever started heading south.
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Mobius One in combat over Kiev
>>142315 Great for them, they're great camouflage for all the chink spy students that flood the nation.
>>142318 HD without a watermark.
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>>142317 >I reckon South Korea is liable to invade Japan Nanjing 2 Korea edition.
>>142313 >The EU has basically bought all of Serbia's political class so there's no one really to stop that Anglo-Australian mining concern from stripping the place and polluting everything with the EU's blessing. That was the entire point of intervening in the Yugoslav wars. Genocide against Croatians, Bosnians, Monteniggers, and even an attempt on Slovenia? I sleep. Serbian military has 95% of the hardware from the joint army and is the aggressor in the situation? Eh, arms embargo the whole region so the other countries can't get weapons to fight back. Croatia and Slovenia actually won independence? Eh, who cares. Wait, Kosovo is a huge center of industry? And there's a shitload of precious metal mines in Bosnia and Serbia? Guess it's time to liberate.
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We're hitting surreality that shouldn't even be possible. https://archive.is/JzEbR https://twitter.com/fotoshuma/status/1496438692889739267
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>>142323 Jesus christ, the memetic warfare! Its real!
Guys what if Canada invades the North Pole while nobody is looking?
>>142322 No ones denying that Yugoslavia has been asset stripped since the collapse, it's usually the only time NATO is willing to intervene. Hell since 2014 the exact same thing has happened in Ukraine with all it's manufacturing base being asset stripped by the installed pro western kike puppet.
>>142323 That's fucking awesome
>>142325 They're putting maple syrup in the igloos and it's turning the sea lions gay.
>>142323 The slav fears the samurai
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>>142329 1904 repeat soon?
>>142330 >imagine NATO sending in tactical ronins deep into Siberia
>>142330 I don't think anyone really wants the Sakhilan oblast.
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>>142301 Let me guess France? >>142293 >^Sensitive documents like these guys said. Supposedly these are the Ukrainian equivalent of the FSB or whatever. I'm surprised they didn't have professional, industrial shredders ready in some reinforced basement for this contingency. Ukraine is corrupt as fuck, they can afford it. That literally never happens, you always burn documents and you always burn them amongst boring shit that "need" to be burned, like the reports of the day for food or some shit, so that the enemy never knows when you burn your shit and why you burn your shit. It's military 101, even the spies follow that. I didn't believe it until I saw it as well and one of the officers told me it's because there are special places for autists in the army where they reconstruct shredded documents. I fucking laughed at that but at a different date, I went to the offices to report and saw exactly that : "disabled" "special forces" aka pencil pushing retards and high functioning autists with disabilities aka deathfats or minor bullshit like "muh cramps" and they did exactly that, while watching tik tok videos. It was the most surreal thing ever. t. drafted brat, border patrol >>142323 >The jew fear the Samurai?
>>142332 But anon, imagine all that big claim going to japan, now they will finally be able to expand and uncle abe will finally see the numbers of births increase!
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>>142331 >Panzer Warfare Kerberos but with samurai fatigues Holy fuck, has the meme timeline truly begun?
>>142333 Wait, that one may have been old.
>>142331 >in another dimension >>142334 >France? Closer. Try more West of Russia. Thankfully, should it get too bad, i have a tank of helium on standby. Should be enough to choke me to death in a worst-case-scenario. My only regret would be missing out on movie nights here.
>>142323 >All of these happenings during Chris-chan's birthday This is the fucking merge, people.
>>142339 >this is the merge If chris was right about the merge that would just be the icing on the cake.
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>>142340 >Projectile rounds were used "but were ineffective,"
>>142340 The right man can take out a fully armed platoon with only his fists, the wrong man will fuck up killing 20 people with only their fists while he's 15 feet away with a machine gun.
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>>142340 >>142341 >>142342 >Platinum were right all along <Senator Trumpstrong when? <SanFran destruction with Killary's death and Cyberputin fighting proxy robowars when?
>>142344 >We memed MGR into reality.
>>142344 Depending on which of the vaccine conspiracies are true, we may even have nano machines.
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>>142345 Blessed trips, if so this will be the best timeline now.
>>142344 >>142345 Oh lord, I hope so. I wanna go full cyborg and then jailbreak everything. I want a mecha and go to space. >anons shitposting in realspace while spouting MGR memes Yessssssss
>>142346 Yeah but the one thing that is consistent about the vaccines is that they cause blood clots so, whatever it is, it's shredding people internally on a microscopic level.
>>142345 (Checked) I'm okay with this.
>>142345 >>142346 >>142348 >Finally getting those cyborg ninja upgrades >Be able to connect to a mecha as well
>>142351 Dont forget we also have military jetpacks now.
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>>142352 Only thing missing is for DARPA to actually come out and say that they watched too much Kikaider and too much Casshan / Cashern so everyone gets turbo mecha suits.
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MGR is the best Metal Gear game and all, but when do we get anime murderbots?
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Sorry to derail but quick without context, name a historical figure, any will do, just do it.
>>142354 >anime murderbots >not making them anime sexbots that can murder on the side >>142355 Harald Hårfagre
>>142355 Flavius Aetius.
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>>142354 When you begin earnestly participating in /robowaifu/'s efforts,accelerating their timeline. >>142355 Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
>>142355 Biggus Dickus.
>>142356 In Girls Frontline lore, some of them are sexbots converted to murderbots.
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>>142354 >but when do we get anime murderbots? The very moment Imai Kami and Takaaki meet up in real life and decide that both boobs and lolis are acceptable >>142356 >not making them anime sexbots that can murder on the side I see that Tetsuya Takahashi has decided to join this thread. >>142359 >Not Bigguth Dickuth
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>>142360 I knew about the civilian models, but sexbots too? Nice. Here's hoping, I want to grope some big tits.
>>142356 First and dubs, winrar. I will make an art project dedicated to this Norwegian king then. Thank you Anon.
>>142363 I have no idea what you're doing or why you're doing it, but I'm looking forward to it.
>>142363 Based, when it's done please post it outside the /gg/ thread so I can see it
>>142354 I got dibs on Thompson-chan.
>>142349 The clots don't shred your veins - it's the graphene oxide that does that. The clots just kill you the old-fashioned way. >>142355 Ethelred the Unready.
>>142365 I might in a later thread or something because it's due long after now and is expected to be a multi paneled piece because our teacher is forcing us to.
>>142368 >it's an artproject You are most definitely getting an A+ for subject originality.
>>142261 What does this mean? What's the subtext?
I am God.
>>142371 No you aren't.
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>>142371 Oh shit after the dimensional merge Sonic.exe is real?
>>142323 He's gonna cut the missiles & tanks in half.
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>>142355 William Howard Taft
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>>142374 >Random russian refugee starts yelling with a thick accent : "YES! YES! SPLIT IT WIDE OPEN!"
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So... everyone's arms will grow blue or something?
>>142367 The clots are caused by the shredding of the veins.
>>142370 >basic reading comprehension It means Ukrain was provoking this for a very long time and that this is not just some spur of the moment "monkey do munkey" on Putins part.
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>>142355 Francisco Franco.
So I'm seeing a lot of buzz that Ukraine had been poking Russia since 1994 that's why Russia under Putin had it enough. How true was this speculation, were there any international news to corroborate these claims?
>>142379 Yeah, actually that makes sense.
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>>142381 Blessed caudillo.
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>>541040 >Is Trudeau gonna draft me now? I'm so outta fucking shape. >>541041 >just say you're a tranny eskimo Shit man, he's trying to dodge the draft, not apply for Special Forces.
>>142378 Sonic's arms are not blue so no.
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>>142362 All of them are civilian models except the AR sisters and team DEFY, but no chink in the world could convince me that this was a nurse and not a "nurse".
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It's like when you're playing an arcade fighter and right before the final boss someone inserts a token on the other side of the machine
>>142387 >that >a nurse >exposed panties >high heels >heart pupils yeah, no, you're right, that one was clearly made for stress relief among male patients. Never mind all the hair and non-disposable clothes (assuming they're non-disposable).
>>142345 >No giant mechs deployed in warfare >No cyborgs able to toss mechs into the air >No virbro-swords able to cut through metal like butter Meme harder faggots.
>>142387 Reminder that G41's design was because the artist wanted to draw a "fucknugget".
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>>142389 Wrong pic lol
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>>142388 <obesity salesmen calling Putin
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>>142392 The rest of the quote is even better.
Wew, it just keeps getting wilder huh? I guess we all forgot about elden ring during this. Come to think of it, elden ring is going to go down in history as having been released around the same time as the Ukraine invasion.
>>142392 >>142396 Of course he did. That explains the artificial limbs. Although, all things considered, her whole body is artificial. So, "easily detached limbs"?
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>>142393 Holy shit, boss music just started playing all over russia.
>>142399 How are hood fights that bad, that guy launched himself into a car before even being hit.
>>142389 >>142394 What will the American troops fighting in Ukraine eat now?
>>142400 Niggers can't fight. They only flail wildly.
>>142400 He slipped on the grass, his own shoelaces, or his pants started falling down, but I don't think he headbutt the bumper intentionally.
>>142393 Well shit's going to escalate for sure now.
>>142387 >>142390 No reason it can't be both,my friends. No reason it can't be both.
Knew it was going to happen even when that anon said it was all just show.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War"
>>142401 McREs. Mcdonalds ready to eat. I know euros like to joke but the combat mcdonalds ration has been solved for years now. The first strike rations even have dipping sauce.
>>142408 I want to live in a world where a CIA gayop turns all of the Russian MREs into taco bell servings
>>142408 Okay, but is it as tasteful as miltary duck cassoulet?
>>142409 I want to live in a world where "gayops" are literal. And all of the spies in the world are actually sexy women.
>>142411 >Literal gayops <Basically a world like World's End Harem or Matou Seihei no Slave where all the women are in power and in the military with superpowers <The spies all engage with hot lesbian sex with the female leaders <They livestream it even for maximum gayops If only
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>>142413 Did they forget about the Azov Battalion debacle already?
>>142413 >>142414 If there is one thing I hate about this war it's how both sides immediately defaulted to calling each other Nazi's. The only way to ever really move past the stigma of them will be to destroy current society I regret to say.
What kind of Biden damage control will we see once China takes Taiwan without America woke military firing a single shot? There still faggots who think america will go to war over Ukraine.
>>142416 >Damage control <Not Biden slurping the dick of Mao Numero Duo on camera to congratulate him for defeating the "evil" Taiwanese Come on anon.
>>142413 Ukraine literally carried out a genocide against Poland during WW2. When even BLM calling bullshit on Ukraine. It said a lot about the west and nato.
>>142413 >Some of the #Ukraine posts are two naked homos in bed, flashing their passports, with a baby on bed I wonder what AJ Styles thinks of this?
>>142388 Can Turkey please invade someone for McDonald’s can cut off nigger pill access to free wifi?
>>142418 >Ukraine literally carried out a genocide against Poland during WW2. So? Normal people literally do not ever think about either of these meme non-countries.
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>>142420 >Implying the roach won't flee to Cyprus, take asylum in Greece or even go to his cousins in Germany LOL
>>142184 LMAO. Why should I care about some backwater, eupoor country that is home to money laundering deals for western politicians? >>142413 They should of use Stalin instead of Hitler, to be honest with you, That would of made more sense in context of Russian history. >>142416 >What kind of Biden damage control will we see once China takes Taiwan without America woke military firing a single shot? Afghanistan but 100 times worse. But for real, I doubt Chairman Pooh would invade Taiwan that soon. I know 2022 is an important year for him but considering that they held the Winter Olympics recently, the Ukraine invasion just happened, and the CCP said that they need more time to do an invasion, it's best for Pooh to kinda lay low about invading Taiwan for now. >There still faggots who think america will go to war over Ukraine. That would imply that America has the motivation and manpower to go to war over Ukraine after America's embarrassing defeat in Afghanistan.
>>142423 >should of opinion discarded
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>>142355 Mark Twain
>>142423 > backwater, eupoor country that is home to money laundering deals for western politicians Which one anon, there are way too many to narrow it down 8^D >They should of use Stalin instead of Hitler But the normalniggers wouldn't realise the context of it and would think that the Russians are the "good guys" >Ching chong nip nong Even if they do that, China's navy is such a paper tiger, a fart wind from Taiwan will sink them in a more embarassing defeat that the "Holy Winds that defeated Wei in the Red Cliffs" kind of scenario, except Wu and Shu are now one nation instead of two kingdoms
>>142422 One thing Turkey doing I find assuming and hilarious. How much they are backstabbing NATO and america. And getting away with because nato don’t want to be called racist.
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>>142382 Both sides are poking each other for years, many eastern europe countries have been with small military incisions. Remember one thing - there's no 1 single moment that is cause of war but many small escalations. Also from speculation, Putin wanted NATO out from europe for a long time, ukraine went full nato
>>142184 It’s only going to white and Latino men that get drafted. Last five years two groups pentagon struggling to get enlist are conservative straight whites and Latinos that don’t approve of woke faggoty.
>>142427 >And getting away with because nato don’t want to be called racist. they are the puppets of Germany and bankrolled by the (((american banks))) You know it anon ;^) >>142428 >Putin wanted NATO out from europe for a long time Putin wanted Nato out of the former UUSR territories and removal of any possible nuclear warheads from them along with lessened NATO militarization from the rest of the EU countries. The second is slightly laughable as a scenario and he probably knew it as well but kept it as a bargaining chip. The first isn't such a laughable concern, especially when many of the former UUSR territories, Ukraine included, have been playing proxy wars with Russia in other parts of Europe via their agents or their insiders in the slav mafia.
>>142429 That's bullshit because the lowest percentage by race in military forces is the blacks.
>>142431 Gee, I wonder why.
>>142413 What did people do before the nazis and hitler existed? What did they accuse one another of being?
>>142413 >Ukraine's Official Twatter Account too busy doing pathetic twitter spats and attempts at shitposting to help the "War Effort" I know that Ukraine is a corrupt shithole and aid in the billions sunk in money laundering schemes in both military and national resources, but this is fucking pathetic. The fucking response of their military is goddamn weak.
>>142433 Devil worshippers, sodomites, the French, Turks, etc.
>>142434 >The fucking response of their military is goddamn weak. It's what happens when you "completely legally transfer the completely legal weapons to Ukraine's other territories" anon to any fellow eurofag out there, better watch out if your country has slavs, especially ones that are illegal immigrants. Things might get ugly once they start feeling their inner slavnigger boiling due to what's happening and seeing their families flee Kyiv
>>142435 ...So proto-Q?
FALLOUT SOON FELLOW STALKERS!! >Ukraine Warns "Radioactive Dust" Could Spread Over Europe As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putins-shock-awe-war-ukraine-unfolds-dark-day-europe-many-hundreds-killed
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>>142438 Blyat!
>>142387 Not true, there's one girl based on a shitty submachine gun that is glad she's finally getting some use because she was very unpopular as a bodyguard/personal onahole due to being dumb and having a very annoying voice and personality even though she was absurdly cheap.
>>142438 Okay now this is getting me anxious.
>>142438 This is only fine if anomalies become real and I get a functional gun with ammo.
>>142440 >IDW >bodyguard She was a very shitty alarm system for civilian homes, pretty much a catgirl-shaped, sentient security camera.
>>142438 I laugh so hard if Ukraine ruins Europe while Russia remains safe from fallout just like in ghost in the shell. Russia becomes a superpower again because democrats and liberal politicians sold out. Not even kidding. Ghost in the shell lore Russo-American alliances only exists because democrats rather surrender than lose money. Republicans later form the American empire in the south and Mexico.
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so what exactly is this a power grab or something?
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>>142441 >Now Welcome to Euronigger Hiroshima anon, we here at Euronigger Nagasaki telling you to hang in there >>142444 It's either that or the Gundam 00 geopolitics of Super America, Eufag alliance and Sino-Russia megapower, all bombing the middle easterners. >I laugh so hard if Ukraine ruins Europe while Russia remains safe from fallout just like in ghost in the shell It really is a thing of beauty in a stupid way >Haha, those nasty ruskies will never fight us here, in the remains of Chernobyl, with still active radioactive materials. I'M A GENIUS >Ruskies actively fight at the place, raging the dust away <OH NO
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>>142446 If you don't pay attention to what's happening beyond your futon, you don't get to ask anon for cliffnotes.
>>142446 Ukraine wants to be left the fuck alone and safe from russian gayops so they tried to join NATO. Russia doesnt wants to have NATO anywhere close to their borders so they gayopped ukraine to get a splinter buffer state. Both of them are doing it for the safety of their country.
>>142448 war occured otherwise I'm actually just reading about this stuff now
>>142449 So endless gayops that'll amount to mostly nothing?
>>142451 Nah we are way past the point of nothing burger, i already gave my opinion here >>142294
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comfy happenings.
>>142294 >USA maybe finally goes down in an internal shitstorm unironically hoping for this
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Will have to see about posting these webms on /pol/. >>541001 >>541032 Hold up! Isn't this the same level of Poles slaughtering ethnic Germans to justify Hitler invading the country? >>541034 >Putin set a red line 20 years ago, and we crossed it. Could I just say that I'm one of those people who doesn't seem to give a damn? >>541039 >Even if Russia somehow ends up at war with more countries Wouldn't that only happen if Winnie finally decides to invade Taiwan? Last I remember, the ties between Russia and West Taiwan are on the flimsiest terms, and I wouldn't be surprised if they drop that relation in the next second if they were given Ukraine on the terms that they drop everything with the CCP. >>142168 >the fate of the Ukraine between the US and Russia isn't even about the Ukraine but a much wider conflict >Steam Deck Dock delayed Even the Ruskies want to prevent this piece of shit from ever going to market! >>142173 >which if adopted by enough consumers will prove to devs that there is a growing market for Linux gaming which would be good Does NO ONE remember that Linux was compromised a few years back? >>142207 >I mostly worry about Morocco trying to invade Spain Isn't Morocco a tourist trap? What army do THEY have? >>142233 Oh, look, there's an Iron Maiden concert happening on the 29th of April. >>142239 I'm not getting that Cheeki Breeki feeling. >>142240 Oh, yay, time for everything to break down! >>142258 >after the coup against the pro russian government in 2014 You mean like how Taiwan originally want to rejoin with West Taiwan Oh, wait! >>142262 Pretty much. It's not the next world war until the invasion of Taiwan begins, but that won't stop people from treating it like it is. >>142282 Except, nukes don't work like that. They'd just give EVERYONE a reason to wipe the Kikes off the face of the Earth.
[Expand Post]>>142283 >Fallouts are only effective for so long Fallouts are a big meme based upon misunderstanding how nuclear weapons work thanks almost entirely to Pedowood hyping up how "terrible" a nuclear war would be. >>142294 > japan and south korea will ditch the USA as a military ally Japan doesn't have an army, smart one! The post-WWII treaty prevents Japan from creating an army for another other purpose EXCEPT self-defense. >>142388 Americans have entered the match >>142411 Carpet bomb the Middle East with packages filled with nothing but the latest Comiket doujins, and watch as war immediately comes to an end. >>142423 >They should of use Stalin Anon, Stalin was the "good guy" during WWII. >>142423 >the CCP said that they need more time to do an invasion Anon, don't be surprised if Chairman Pooh sends the PLA to invade Taiwan with nothing more than tugboats and potato guns. They're THAT desperate. >>142433 >What did they accuse one another of being? Being non-white. >>142438 >As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Who bright idea was it to have a battlefield on the biggest nuclear disaster in all of history?
>>142455 Anon dont be stupid, japan very much has an army, they being called self-defence force means nothing when they have enough firepower to send the chinks back to the mainland.
>>142455 >Who bright idea was it to have a battlefield on the biggest nuclear disaster in all of history? No choice, if Russia Blitzkriegs pass chernoybl they'll be right on top of kiev.
>>142355 Roman von Ungern-Sternberg meme
>>142367 >>142379 >>142349 This is your daily reminder that there is no treatment or hope for the vaxxed. Cut all ties with vaxxed family members, friends, etc. as soon as possible, for none of them will be alive come 2025.
>>142458 >The right kind of expansion >>142456 > they have enough firepower to send the chinks back to the mainland. The fucking nips can just use their meme martial arts of Taihojutsu to send all the chinks flying and crying back to their homeland, that's how bad this shit is. Don't you remember the crying chongs when they were fully armed and going to the borders of India, where the pajeets were armed only with their own feces ok, I would cry as well because I wouldn't my life to end by pajeet poisoning but still!
>>142455 Legend of black heaven such a underrated anime.
>>142461 I actually did read up on that border clash between the chinks and pajeets, turns out both sides were armed only with sticks and knives since that area is a "de-armed" zone and that was an escalation of the garrisons there. A better example would be that time the USA deployed south korean judo experts and army engineers armed with chainsaws to the north korean border to chop down a tree.
>>142463 >the USA deployed south korean judo experts and army engineers armed with chainsaws to the north korean border Got a link?
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>>142463 >A better example would be that time the USA deployed south korean judo experts and army engineers armed with chainsaws to the north korean border to chop down a tree. Fucking amazing
>>541001 >OY VEY IT'S DA RUSH UNZ No one will ever believe you. >>541018 Imagine actually believing jewish media when they say WWIII is going to happen. Dumbass. >>541017 That's... not the implication, anon. The point is that the chinkflu narrative has completely collapsed and NOTHING can now justify the economic crisis continuing, so war had to be declared to keep propping up financial markets. Even still, top investors are claiming an expected 60% drop in the main indexes. Not due to war, of course; due to 14 years of quantitative easing, but it will be entirely BLAMED on the war. >>541031 Zero neighbors. For fuck's sake, turn off the talmudvision. This is a regional affair between two nations.
>>142464 >>142465 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_axe_murder_incident >inb4 kikepedia link Where else am i supposed to link you to for an obscure border incident?
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I wonder if Ukranian anons are okay
>>142467 >Where else am i supposed to link you to for an obscure border incident? https://infogalactic.com/info/Korean_axe_murder_incident
>>142467 It's ok anon, I know about the dying internet >>142469 Well shit! Hitler saved us.
>>142438 Just the intense vibrations in the area from explosions, would be enough to agitate the radioactive dust settled in abandoned buildings into the atmosphere.
>>142447 Or something like the red star alliance from frontline fuel of war happens. Imagine the panic after Wall Street bankers, Soros, and Hollywood freaking out and hating China because they outsmarted the Jews in their own game. >The Red Star Alliance has its roots in an organization formed in 2001 known as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. >The Red Star Alliance, or simply, "Red Star", are the central antagonist force in Frontlines: Fuel of War. Whereas the Western Coalition is based on what was the Anglosphere's NATO, Red Star is based on the Far East's Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and was officially established in 2015. Tactical Advantage >The SCO was an energy related federation of states, much like the way the European Union was first formed to deal with trade issues. They formed in the interest of pooling influence in order to mutually secure energy resources and security goals. >As the SCO grew, it began to increasingly flex its muscle against the West, particularly over oil reserves in central Asia; around the Caspian Sea. The idea being that if there is only enough energy for half the world, then the half of the world that bands together to secure it has the best chance of doing so. >The current arrangement was based upon a diplomatic convenience: it would be easier for Russia and China to ally with each other and split the central Asian oil reserves that lay between them, than it would be for them to fight over it; which would most certainly lead to mutual destruction and the ceding of the oil to their enemies by default. >After numerous large scale joint military exercises, the SCO could only pose as a non-military organization for so long. In 2015 the SCO was officially converted to the military association known as the Red Star Alliance. >Where the Coalition is far superior in technology, Red Star has the upper hand in numbers and manpower. For example, the Coalition's M1B Fuller tank may possess (expensive and costly) advanced technology, whereas the Alliance's T-119 Blackbear possesses a lower cost to produce, and therefore they can mass produce them. >The Coalition's advanced technology was not lost on the RSA, and in return, many of the RSA's weapons and equipment were indeed based on stolen and reverse engineered Coalition equipment. https://archive.ph/DtBAo
>>142123 But they're literally not partisan. They defend the jewish uniparty to the death, regardless of what it says. To be partisan requires someone to have principles and be unwavering in them. These people are literally reading from scripts. They don't care what they say as long as they get paid to say it. >>142134 Just see my post here: >>540901 >>142145 Let's fucking hope they're that stupid.
>>142472 >frontline fuel of war >Synopsis >By 2024, a global energy crisis and a worldwide avian influenza outbreak plague the world. As supplies of oil and natural gas wane and alternative energy like solar power, bio-fuel and nuclear energy still insufficient to replace oil completely, diplomatic relationships between the East and West are strained, causing two new alliances to be formed, the Western Coalition, an evolution of NATO, and the Red Star Alliance, an evolution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. <Currently, there's an avian influenza happening in Europe The meme has been magic'd.
Can't believe Rushia started WW3 out of spite.
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>>142469 >1488 Sieg Heil!
>>142475 At least West Taiwan will be alright.
>>142474 Icing on the cake frontline fuel of war somehow canon with the Homefront series. The greater Korean republic might be meme into existence.
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>>142478 Well, the Koreans have managed to meme Kim the Grocer to life, so..
>>142168 >yay truckers can go back to trucking along This was never about lock downs for some miss guided desire to protect the people virus or not. It's about the Leaf government assuming direct control over the individuals finances and to shutdown any future wrong thinkers ability to use the banking system. Next Trudeau and his lackeys will start trying to rollout their version of a Social Credit Score system. >Also current Emperor Leaf is likely intentionally way on the left in the must insufferable ways possible to ensure the next coronated "President" will be the the next Trump of Canada as in he'll be a based and redpilled ™ President who's a strong supporter of (((Israel)))&Saudi Arabia or an even stronger supporter of ///Mainland China\\\ neither of which believe in your right to own firearms even if they're willing to give fake lip service about being "pro 2A" again much like Trump. >Everything is fake and gay, End the FED. I find it difficult to believe I'm saying this, but listen to the torpedo. He's right about all of this. >>142198 >Democracy doesn't inherently = freedom. No shit, you fucking dumbass. That's the joke. Democracy = communism and always has. Democracy = "controlled by jews" and always has. Everyone--from the ancient Greeks to the Founding Fathers to the last white nationalists alive in the 1950s, worldwide, knew this. BLOWOUT SOON, FELLOW STALKERS. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putins-shock-awe-war-ukraine-unfolds-dark-day-europe-many-hundreds-killed Ukraine Warns "Radioactive Dust" Could Spread Over Europe As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant
>>142480 Anon calm the fuck down.
Remember to post your relevant Russia/Ukraine news/videos over on /pol/ too. It should see more use during shit like this: >>>/pol/14006
>>142472 I should replay that game. I got a copy of it with my old ass GT9600 GPU in 2008, and I remember the singleplayer being really jank but having impressive small-scale destruction.
>>142480 Retarded slowpoke.
Please stop replying to the redtexting retard.
>>142481 No. >>142280 Do you not know the story of Samson? "If we can't exist, no one can." That's the point. If they set off their nukes which are already planted underground in every major city worldwide, the state of Israel is ALREADY under existential threat and ALREADY being destroyed. They have nothing to lose by doing it. That's the point of having it. >>142294 Ukraine isn't in NATO. They have nothing to do with one another, despite the 2014 CIA coup.
Is it too much to hope that cyberattacks take out Facebook and Twitter too during the invasion?
>>142488 Nah, russia has become adept at using those pages to cause painc and confussion.
>>142488 If Putin was serious, he'd attack internet fiber cables in the ocean. That would take out the internet completely. Cutting communication completely & keeping people in the dark.
>>142490 He probably doesnt want things to escalate further.
>>142490 Damn, we can only hope. Only the destruction of the Internet can give us a future.
>>142491 You say that but they're currently attacking Chernobyl. Risking contaminating the atmosphere of europe with radioactive dust.
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>>142486 >everyone who uses colors i don't like is the same person Cry. >>142488 Yes, since that's not how it works. >>142485 >no argument lol, fuck off. >>142491 Exactly. This is just a regional war. >>142493 Wind blows to the East, anon. Earth is a sphere and it spins. Europe doesn't get hit by it; Russia does.
>>142493 They are still russians, a subtle approach is not something they are capable of.
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>>142480 >Democracy = communism and always has. <People in the 5th Century B.C. were the proto-Commies >>142489 China as well. Don't let them fool you with the shit they spout, they use those platforms to manipulate the lesser gweilo very well and they love it. Just you wait until they get Skynet 2.0 off the testing faces and you'll have A.I.s with face recognition on faceberg's metaverse soon. It'll be disgusting. >>142490 That would be quite the stupid move though, crippling the others is fine but crippling yourself as well isn't exactly a power move. >>142491 Why would he anyways? Ukraine and NATO pushed his shit, so he acted. Russian and China have been trying to colonize Yurope for years now, to the point where they own entire swaths of land in various countries, so gong to war against them is stupidly counteractive, especially when most countries sell their soil to those countries every five years, for tupence essentially. >>142495 Slavs were never know for subtlety anyways.
>>142495 That's why he'd perfectly be capable of doing something stupid & drastic.
>>142496 <People in the 5th Century B.C. were the proto-Commies Yes, and? Have you never read the Greek play Assemblywomen? >“The following scene has a pair of young lovers unable to make their tryst as a succession of ever older and more hideous women attempting to and eventually succeeding in dragging the man off to make love to them first, as laid down by the new laws.” ~ Assemblywomen; play by Aristophanes; 391 BC Assemblywomen was a satirical Greek play that explored the implications of a female takeover of Athenian government. Upon taking power, these women instituted some of the most basic tenets of communism: no one may own any property, no one may be paid any more than anyone else, children are divorced from their parents to be raised by the community as a whole, all the walls in houses are knocked down to create a single living room, and marriage is abolished and anyone may engage in sex with anyone else-provided they first sleep with all who are uglier (Oh, you didn’t know something like that was a communist tenet? Wait until we talk about the USSR…). This is literally one of the “check your privilege” stories about men being disenfranchised by an incoming feminist society, and it was written over 2000 years ago. What’s scary about Assemblywomen is its revelation that there have always been people with this desire. It isn’t a new degeneration of society since the 19th century, anon.
>>142496 The Ancient Greeks despised Democracy.
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>>142494 >Tropic of cancer
>>142498 >anyone may engage in sex with anyone else-provided they first sleep with all who are uglier So this is the basis of so many ugly bastard cuckold hentai. Amazing. I hate it.
>Chinese state media now saying that more military planes will be near Taiwan tomorrow >US trucker convoy begins today TAKING BETS How long before US media starts claiming that the American truckers are working directly with 1. Russia 2. China and thus must be arrested for treason? Yes, I'm aware of the one media personality who has already said Tucker, Fox, et. al. are traitors; I'm talking about the truckers themselves.
>>142502 Didn't only one truck turn up for the DC trucker thing.
>>142150 What a shame, I remember her VA looked really cute if those dox images are to be believed. >>142355 Jackie Chan. >>142502 >Yes, I'm aware of the one media personality who has already said Tucker, Fox, et. al. are traitors Who said that?
>>142493 If you don't like it don't breathe it. Just make your own air.
>>142498 I'm well aware of Aristophanes anon but citing shit without context isn't always the smart thing. For one, Greeks were very aware of the societal dangers and Aristophanes just exploited those fears to make a funny play. They were always aware of the severity of situation and a playwright just made a play out of it. They literally laughed at how shit things would be and that strengthened them to not make it a reality. The funniest thing however wasn't even that kind of reality but the fact that all those thoughts begun because women in Athens were so "liberated" compared to Spartan women that they begun doing insane shit. What kind of shit? Read the mythology and keep in mind that the patron Godesses of Athens were Hera, Athena and Artemis and see how those turned out and who they also favoured. Hint : Hera and Artemis were very much pro-amazons and pro amazonian traditions and Athena was lusting after married men. Now apply that to women and you have a shitty full of hidden lesbians, ugly milfs that demand the sexy shotas fuck them and nerdy virgins lusting after Dilfs that want to keep their families together. >>142499 No they didn't. Otherwise they wouldn't have taken every fucking measure possible to keep it from being compromised or if things went far too south like : >Athens, Thebes, Macedonia : Exile via vase >Sparta : Two Kings and Council of Elders And we aren't even talking about the absolute obvious of : >Woman without education were never allowed to voice opinions or vote on matters >Slaves and people reduced to the status of slaves were barred from taking place in the activities and voting of the common folk >Immigrants and fugitives are forbidden from ever voting or taking part in a city-state's affairs as they are a foreign element It's not my fault every "Democracy" on Earth allows niggers, retards, uneducated women, rapefugees and the mentally ill to vote and be a minority via (((subversion tactics))) thanks to a few specific groups behind the whole thing (((colluding with each other))). >>142501 Quite, except in this case it was the fem version of the ugly bastard cuckold.
>>142506 Bollocks the vast majority of Greeks hates democracy and it wasn't used as a form of government unless in times of crisis and only in city states.
>>142506 Also those aren't democracies you retard.
>>142503 I think you're thinking of either the "Silent Federal Reserve protest" or the previous trucker shit before chinkflu. There are 40,000 truckers so far for this one. >>142504 Uh, shit. I'll have to find it. Hang on.
>>142504 >Who said that? Ah, my mistake. It wasn't someone in the media (though he has been on MSM thousands of times). It was the famous Harvard Law professor (((Lawrence Tribe.))) https://archive.is/rFuns
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>>142507 >Doesn't know history >Calls the modern definition of (((Democracy))) a democracy and tries to subvert KEK >>142508 >Also those aren't democracies you retard. <Athens and Thebes didn't have democracies <Sparta's Twin King system and the Elders weren't used as the basis for democracy OMEGALOL
Archive.today is overloaded with people archiving everything happening.Currently sitting at 2200 in the queue.
Biden has sent Customs & Border Patrol agents to Ukraine to defend their border instead of ours. https://archive.is/5lOb9
So... how much should I worry about a nuclear apocalypse? As far as I've seen I shouldn't worry about getting a bomb in my head, but with Europe destroyed nobody could stop the sandniggers to rape the mediterranean once again.
>>142514 Zero percent. Unless Israel is ever attacked by any nation, there won't be nukes used anywhere in the world, anon. Don't worry.
>>142514 Stop overreacting - you watch too much TV. It's just a regional conflict.
>>142514 >nuclear apocalypse no ones gonna use nukes over ukraine, If russia goes further west then thats a possibility
>>142516 Yeah, but it starts with a regional conflict and Putin slowly spreads all over the former soviet union. I'm actually sorry and worried about the ucranians, unless they are pseudo commies.
>>142514 It is not going to happen, at least not for now, the United States is not going to start a nuclear war just for the invasion of a minor country, at most what is going to happen is a small proxy war.
>>142513 Well with truckers blocking the majority of the canadian border they were just sitting around anyway.
>>142518 and he wont do it since he talked only about wanting those pieces of land.
>>142518 You've been watching too much Talmudvision. There's no indication anything like that is going to happen. He doesn't want the Baltics. He doesn't want the turkic nations. Russia wants a warm water port and to stop being surrounded by jewish neocon nations. They've lost an entire century of their own history (and 50 million of their people were slaughtered by their foreign masters), anon. They're trying to pick up the pieces again. >>142520 Ah yes, because THAT'S the border that is the problem...
>>142521 What's even the gain from it? Wow even more frozen shithole land! What a steal!
>>142522 Why are you such a shill for russia?
>>142519 Then how about the chances of Ucraine being able to defend itself? Or the russians are not only a massive mob but also well prepared? >>142522 Well, to do so they allied with the bug people.
>>142523 >the gain Half of Ukraine speaks Russian and is ethnically Russian. He wants his people back. That's all. Just like Hitler, regardless of what jews lied about. >>142525 To do what? Russia doesn't actually need China any more than anyone else in the West does. They're not allied (in the way you mean it). It's business deals because Europe refuses to do anything but obey jews, and has shut out Russia from their economic community.
>>142518 Do you think people invade simply because they can? What's to be gained by going on some massive rampage and forming a huge map blob? Nothing.
>>142523 >America cant protect you if Russia gets serious >don't mess with russians >cities closer to striking distance of other European countries so better supply lines Maybe theres untapped resources there too, Who knows. But this was definitely thought about.
Why is there one nigger here shilling for russia?
>>142526 > because Europe refuses to do anything but obey jews Because European GOVERNMENTS. get it right, nitwit.
>>142514 Keep your eyes on Taiwan and Iran, if shit also starts to go down there soon after this, then worry.
>>142529 Probably a literal, actual shill if I had to guess. Or just a contrarian russiaboo who sicks their cock because they're "based"
>>142529 Glowniggers never sleep. Also there was one shill for China around as well.
>>142530 Every single person here knows exactly what I mean. I don't need to be redundant. >>142529 >oy vey only ONE person is shilling for russia >and russia is bad >because i say so Holy fucking shit, get out, jew.
>>142534 Nigger we see your ID, we can see what youre doing.
>>142533 Chink shills can be taken care of pretty easily as can pro-Israeli ones, but I digress. >>142535 Uh, yeah. That'd be because I'm using one ID and just talking. Your problem is what, shlomo? Claim that only one person here supports Russia again. I fucking dare you.
>>142536 Its funny because as soon as anyone disagrees with you, start calling them jews, fuck off with your shilling.
>>142537 >strawman >no one said this but you Kill yourself. You're exposed. You want to suck NATO cock? Do it back on Reddit. Answer the question: is it your personal belief that NO USER of this website supports Russia?
For the love of Christ, why the fuck do you keep replying to him? He does this literally every single thread.
>>142539 Because if you dont reply to him, then he will reply to you, every single time, in every thread, and even reply to posts from other threads, and just keep going and going.
>>142539 >>142540 >clearly hopping IP addresses to claim consensus >easily identifiable posting style >projects his own behaviors onto others >everyone who opposes him is the same person 0/10. I guess you get to hop and try again, right? Answer the question. Do you think that anyone who doesn't suck Ukraine's cock is a shill? Why? Where do you think you are?
>>142541 Learn to read IDs you sperg.
>>142542 Learn to read posts, you fucking dumbass. I explicitly addressed the "ID" problem you think I have.
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>>142543 Thats not how it works you massive retard, you cannot switch to an IP, than another, multiple times since i have over 30 posts and the other guy 18.
>>142544 I give the comic credit for still admitting NATO useless. NATO didn’t help Poland when polish guards were being fired upon. Nether Greece when Turkey was weaponizing refuges and prison population.
>>142545 >oy vey you can't keep multiple IPs open at once Do you think anyone will believe you? Go post that on the tech board and see how quickly you're laughed off. Is your claim that ALL OF THESE USERS are "Russian shills," then? >>540904 >>540956 >>540958 >>541034
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DONATE TO THE UKRAINIAN MILITARY OR STALKER 2 IS CANCELLED! https://archive.is/ar3ne best fucking outcome, I can't believe I won't see my favorite franchise get raped due to a literal Russian invasion, what a time to be alive
>>142547 Funny how youre always so obsessed with people believing things, shill.
>>142549 >no argument >no response >can't defend his own claims Reported for thread derail and spam, then.
>>142548 >Putin killed the biggest NFTs shill in Eastern Europe Was this the main goal of invading Ukraine all this time?
So, can Ucraine defend itself properly or they were fucked from the start? Just by the numbers it looks very bad.
>>142552 they were fucked from the start.
>>142550 >Reported for thread derail and spam See how you yourself make clear who you are? Youre the only retard that keeps saying everything is "spam" not knowing what that is, going over and over over "no arguments" and telling everyone how you reported people, you do this every threead every time you sperg out over something. >>142552 Think of ukraine as shittier russia.
>>142511 I'm not the one stretching the definition of democracy, but whatever.
>>142554 >i know who you are because i say i do >you do things because i say you do >i can post any lies i want as much as i want and that's not spam because words mean what i say they mean >i am god himself You're absolutely fucking shit at your job. I'm done entertaining you. Russia seizes Chernobyl nuclear site, Ukrainian official claims >Russian forces entering Ukraine from Belarus have taken control of Chernobyl, the decommissioned nuclear power plant, Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Energy claimed Thursday. Demchenkov Yaroslav claimed that the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate informed him that the Chernobyl, including all installations and repositories, “is fully controlled” by Russian forces. The plant was the site of the world’s worst nuclear accident when a nuclear reactor exploded in April 1986, spewing radioactive waste across Europe. >Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other government officials earlier claimed that Russian forces stationed in Belarus were trying to seize Chernobyl as Russian incursions continued across the country. A Ukraine advisor to Interior Ministry Anton Gerashchenko had said in an earlier Facebook post that the Russian forces entered the exclusion zone from Belarus and that Ukrainian national guardsmen were “fighting hard” to defend the area. The plant lies in northern Ukraine, about 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of the capital of Kyiv. The nuclear incident happened while Ukraine was still part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The exploded reactor has been covered by a protective shelter to prevent radiation leak and the entire plant has been decommissioned. https://www.foxnews.com/live-news/russia-ukraine-us-allies-sanctions
>>142540 OK, cool. Just filter him and don't shit up half the thread with his autism?
>>142544 God fucking damnit who do I have to bitch at because I can't be assed to comission any to get some decent politically themed porn? >>142548 Knowing Sergay I honestly believe this is just a scam and that bank account is his personal one.
>everybody who disagrees with me is a russian shill
>>142556 Welp ukraine lost.
Is the Samurai ambassador alright?
>>142561 Nothing in russia's arsenal can stop the mighty niponese blade of ambassador-san.
>>142562 >>142561 Since Japan's a US puppet and has to be against Russia, how long before they start making jokes about the Battle of Tsushima?
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>>142561 He'll destroy Putin's forces himself.
>>142529 Either it's niggerpill larping or a legitimate Russia shill, the Chinese government aren't the only ones who pay people to defend their honour on the internet.
>>142564 >some anon's daughter lmao that was a good greentext
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>>142567 You genuinely need to take medicine for your autism. Get your fucking spam out of here.
>>142556 why did Ukraine even have a sizeable military force at Chernobyl in the first place? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine's corrupt ass was planning to use pieces of the elephants foot to make dirty bombs.
>>142570 >why did Ukraine even have a sizeable military force at Chernobyl in the first place? Well duh, to keep stalkers out and kill the mutants.
>>142568 Fucking lol
>>142570 Can the Foot even be APPROACHED yet? I know that when it first solidified, if you were somewhere that you could see it, you were already dead.
>>142574 Thats just an urban legend, it's long since been approachable
>>142576 >new crime None of which has any goddamn thing to do with video games. >things explicitly not related to video games relates to video games Neck yourself.
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>>142514 >how much should I worry about a nuclear apocalypse? Not going to happen. Not because of the meme that "No one is going to use nukes", but because nukes are highly exaggerated thanks to Pedowood. First of all, nuclear fallout occurs whenever nukes actually STRIKE an area. The explosion physically contaminates the surrounding environment as it shoots all that dust and debris into the air. HOWEVER, nukes do not operate like this. Nuclear weapons are designed to detonate BEFORE they hit their target as the ensuing blast actually causes more devastation than if they strike their target directly. But, what about the blast? The short version is that nukes are a one time weapon that can only take out an are smaller than San Francisco. Devastating, yes, but also look at what that entails. While half of San Francisco would be gone due to it being the epicenter, the rest of the city would just be destroyed in varying degrees (Either completely or none at all) as a result of the ensuing shock-waves from the blast, with everything outside of the city remaining fine (Outside of the debris that comes flying out). Now, if The Telegraph is to be believed, there are currently 15,000 nukes around the world, only 10k which are operable: https://archive.fo/ruTyS Not done. Now, despite all those nukes being available, the New START treaty from 2010 reduced those numbers even further: https://infogalactic.com/info/New_START To where, as of 2015, the U.S. and Russia cannot have anymore than 1500 nukes on standby, totaling up to 3k nukes that can be launched at any time. On top of that, there's there near 1300 nukes that every other country has, but no listings of how many are operable: https://archive.fo/vMfWb So, when you get down to it, of the original 15k nukes that are in the wild, less than a quarter can be fired at a moments notice. But, I'm not done there. If logic would tell you anything, one of the places you would strike as a general would be all of those missile silos that are housing those nukes, of which there are around 2000, to prevent any further deployment of them. So, subtracting from around 4000 nukes that would be launched at a moment's notice, that leaves 2000 left that will be used to bomb somewhere else. Majority of which would be civilian hotspots, capitals, and military bases. But, how much devastation would could that cause just on destruction alone? If you totaled up the fact that a nuke can take out San Francisco (Which is 121 square miles), and multiplied that with the 2k nukes that would still be used, not accounting for overlap, that would cover 242,000 square miles. To put that in perspective, that accounts for just over 2.5% of the land mass of the U.S.. Assuming even further that the nukes did strike a site directly and did send radioactive particles in the air, how would that effect the environment? Well, need look no further than the two previous blast sites of nuclear warheads, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, both of which have turned into bustling cities. Not to mention survivors of the blast like Akiko Takakura who survived just 300 meters from the epicenter of the a-bomb going off and was still alive as of 2007: https://archive.fo/q6QJV But, what about Chernobyl? Apparently, it's turned into one of the largest nature preserves on the planet, with thriving shrubbery and wildlife on par with state parks: https://archive.fo/70tli But, what about the fallout ash? You're going to experience 5 years of chaotic weather and then things go back to normal Why? Because you have to look at previous events that happened in history, such as the eruption of Mount Tambora: https://infogalactic.com/info/1815_eruption_of_Mount_Tambora And Krakatoa: https://archive.fo/W47qb With the latter specifically of being of interest in this discussion. In the link I provided, it explains that Krakatoa's eruption was four times greater than the Tsar bomb, the most powerful bomb ever created, a bomb that was never used outside of testing: https://infogalactic.com/info/Tsar_Bomba In that particular event, all both of those volcanic explosions caused was a couple years of famine, a couple of the coldest winters on record, and everything went back to normal afterwards. But then again that's only looking at the most devastating explosions in history. In all honestly, most the nuclear weapons fired would be at around the Castle Bravo level: https://infogalactic.com/info/Castle_Bravo Which, for perspective, is just under the power of the Mt. Saint Helens eruption back in 1980: https://infogalactic.com/info/1980_eruption_of_Mount_St._Helens And, what happened in that particular situation? Reagan allowed people to tour the blast site three years later: https://infogalactic.com/info/Mount_St._Helens_National_Volcanic_Monument So, in all honest, yes, nuclear explosion would cause you to have a very bad day, but you'd get over it and move on.
>>142344 That last one is a different cuhrayzee game, anon.
>>142355 Gilgamesh
>>142570 >why did Ukraine even have a sizeable military force at Chernobyl in the first place? Because Chernobyl is just North of Kiev.
>>142578 Not talking about the consequences of nuclear contamination, but the consequences of erasing from the map every mayor european city and leaving just the mediterranean and the savage world intact. Money would worth less than nothing, chaos would break territories and sandniggers would hurry to invade europe after being wounded like the coward goatfuckers they are.
>>142574 Last I heard and saw they moved a giant dome thing over the entire reactor to dismantle it, foot included. Mainly via drone cranes and other such stuff since the foot is most likely not safe to approach period. This was also a few years ago. So they do indeed have a way to get parts of the foot. >>142581 You'd think they would fight around outside Chernobyl just to avoid the possibility of an absolute shitstorm that'd happen if they caused radioactive dust and debris to become airborne. I also see Ukraine's corrupt ass also using Chernobyl to take hostages.
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>>142578 >While half of San Francisco would be gone due to it being the epicenter, the rest of the city would just be destroyed in varying degrees
>>142584 MIRV is a thing San Fran would have a series of craters. Also MAD has been replaced as a strategy with a protracted nuclear scenario. It ain't good.
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>>142579 >tfw have had vanquish installed for two years now >every time launch it up, start a new game, have a shitton of fun with the first two levels until I die once and decide to continue tomorrow, and then forget I started a playthrough for a couple of months before starting the cycle all over again
>>142582 You were asking what the consequences of a nuclear apocalypse was, which is that there will be no apocalypse. You didn't ask what would be the result, however. Which is, yes, the complete breakdown of society as every single government in the world would no longer exist.
>>142587 Sorry, didn't explain myself properly so it's my fault. silly question, but is the core of chernobyl still active under all the rocks and stone?
>>142588 >but is the core of chernobyl still active under all the rocks and stone? Yes. In fact, it's still used to power much of the surrounding cities.
>>142589 I don't know if you are mocking me because I'm very ignorant.
Why is all this /pol/shit in the gamergate thread? Two weeks ago I got banned for talking about it.
>>142591 WW3 is relevant to vidya. Stalker 2 is cancelled & being brought to life instead.
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>>142575 >>142583 I think you might be misunderstanding. The Foot is a relatively tiny blob of radioactive waste, not the entire facility itself. I know about the dome (it's fucking amazing, really) and the work done around the whole complex, but the foot itself is a blob inside it. Looks like it has been approachable (for a short time, at least) since roughly 1996. >>142591 lol, and you'll still be banned for it
>>142591 Because the vols do whatever they want as there's no one who can stop them. Hence the amount of fagposting in every thread.
Biden: Putin wants to re-establish Soviet Union https://www.foxnews.com/live-news/russia-ukraine-us-allies-sanctions >President Biden on Thursday made clear that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin's goal is to revive the Soviet Union through conquest. "Putin has much larger ambitions than Ukraine," Biden said. "He wants to, in fact, re-establish the former Soviet Union. That is what this is about." Biden spoke of “Putin’s desire for empire, by any means necessary" and repeatedly dodged questions on sanctioning Putin directly. Oy vey goyim, Hitler wants to conquer the whole world!
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>>142591 >Why is all this /pol/shit in the gamergate thread?
>>142590 Correction, it's still in use, but for the purposes of operating as a switchyard. The actually reactors didn't see full shutdown until 2000: https://archive.fo/ESyls >Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is not in use as a power plant. All reactors are offline, two of them shut down under severe accident scenarios (Units 4 and 2). Unit 1 kept on truckin’ until 1996 and had a pretty good career, despite permanent core damage from a partial fuel meltdown in 1982; and Unit 3, the twin to the exploded Unit 4, held on until 2000. The reactors are all defueled now (though the fuel is still on site, awaiting dry cask storage), and the plant is being decommissioned by several thousand workers. >However, parts of the plant remain operational to this day. The massive electrical switchyard is still live, and continues to be operated from the Phase I electrical control room located in the deaerator building between Reactors 1 and 2 (in below photograph). The switchyard handles some of the highest voltages in the European distribution system, 750 kV. Chernobyl is a major distribution hub in northern Ukraine for electricity originating at the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant to the southwest. Regional loads are served with 110 kV and 330 kV from Chernobyl’s transformers.
>>142596 The original image is particularly prescient right now.
>>142591 Just going to link the /pol/ thread again for those who may have missed it: >>>/pol/14006
Just a reminder that all the anons defending Democracy or condemning it are completely missing the point, if it's not restrained by a strong Libertarian minded Constitution then your country is no different from any other tyranny. It's just the tyranny of the 51% as apposed to a dictator or king. Hence why America isn't a free country and hasn't been since 9/11 though technically you could go further than that. Politicians and unelected bureaucrats these days have a lot more power than the Founding Fathers ever intended. Hence why the (((USA))) is the right arm of the Globo Homo Agenda and can't defend it's own borders but is willing to defend the Ukrainians, Saudi's, and Israel's borders. >>142522 >Russia wants a warm water port ///They\\\ got that after retaking Crimea so why go any further? >and to stop being surrounded by jewish neocon nations. Unless they literally annex all of Europe and only have Arab states left on their borders that's not a realistic goal. >>142529 This >>142533 Shills gonna shill regardless of their nationality. >>142570 >Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine's corrupt ass was planning to use pieces of the elephants foot to make dirty bombs. A weapon to surpass metal gear? https://odysee.com/@Nikkei%E2%80%A2%E3%83%95%E3%82%9A%E3%83%AC%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A4%E3%83%BC:3/Intralism-Nuclear-Fusion:4 On a side note it really annoys me how many images of Utsuho exist where the artists forgot or is ignorant of the fact that she's supposed to have the Elephants foot as a shoe. Really triggers my autism.
>>142600 ///They\\\ They're not commies. >got that after retaking Crimea so why go any further? Because Crimea has no land border with Russia, only a single bridge that they built after taking it. Exclaves tend to be unsafe. I'm not saying that they're going to annex land up to Crimea on the mainland, but they sure as shit don't want NATO on their door and blocking off the Black Sea.
>>142601 >they sure as shit don't want NATO on their door and blocking off the Black Sea. Sounds like a personal problem when the only things Russia exports is oil, and the only people buying said oil is the EUSSR (Which Russia is the unofficial leader of).
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>>142601 Damn your right, if only Russia had an alternative to the Black and Baltic Sea... Welp guess they might as well re-annex the Balkans while they're at it too.
>>142604 Don't they also have a railway that goes straight from Moscow to Siberia?
Well, let's change the ww3 topic with hololive topic. Was Rushia terminated?
>>142606 She got Chris Benoit'd because she doxed a bunch of previously anonymous hololive associates and employees to japanese keemstar.
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>>142607 Shame I actually enjoyed her content.
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>>142605 >Don't they also have a railway that goes straight from Moscow to Siberia? Yes, it's actually quite the tourist attraction too during Summer and leads into Central Asia, Mongolia, and North Korea too for trade and commerce. >>142608 >Silk Route/Road Didn't know it went through there, neat.
>>142607 >japanese keemstar WEW, was it really that bad?
>>142607 That's a good chunk of people that has to move in order to avoid being harassed. Talk about doing a scorched earth operation on your own career.
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>>142602 American "education"
>>142607 I saw some v-tuberfags say that the other girls have either thrown her under the bus or are staying silent about it.
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>>142613 If it's about trading, why do they need access to the Black Sea when they can access the Baltics?
>>142614 I hope they didn't throw her under the bus. I actually thought they were nice friends instead of the usual backstabbing women in the job.
>>142615 Oh yeah, they are still holding koningsberg.
>>142616 From what I've seen, they haven't. It's just that they understand why she was fired.
>>142613 >>142615 Also, I get the feeling that the map you posted doesn't mean squat when the Russian own Trans-Siberina Railway line travels right through Kazakhstan, a location that's UNDER U.S. control according to your map: >>142608
>>142614 Hag Pirate and Pekora were the ones closest with her and they haven't given any statement yet. Mio made a statement on her stream that basically amounted to "Oh no, that sucks, the poor fans... well, anyway."
>>142612 She didn't do it on purpose, she sent DMs of her and the twink that's totally not railing her to jap keemstar to clear her name, but she was too retarded to properly read the chat logs. That is even worse than going scorched earth.
Is it happening?
>>142602 >Sounds like a personal problem It is, lol. That's how sovereign nations work. >(Which Russia is the unofficial leader of). You mean the US. >>142604 >Vladivostok, a city 12,000 miles away from 80% of the nation's population, is an alternative Russia is European, no matter what you want to propagandize about them. I'm all for China being broken up and their people exterminated so the lands can be repopulated by actual humans, but talking about REALISTIC geopolitical events is more profitable, anon. >>142615 WARM. WATER. PORT. Retard.
>>142620 >Railway >Nigger can't even into IDs >What are sanctions? >What is NATO expansion My fucking sides, you burgers need to fuckoff your country for one single instance because you're as clueless about the world as you were during WW1.
>>142623 I don't think we can be that lucky, anon. Total collapse of the current world order is just too much to hope for.
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>>142355 Kanbei Kuroda
>>142621 They said that Fubuki was talking shit about Rushia.
>>142355 Wu Zetian
>>142621 >Hag Pirate and Pekora were the ones closest with her and they haven't given any statement yet. Here's one https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=ppOu2U4SByQ Translation in the comments, they sound a bit shaken up.
>>142586 Didn't this 3DPD special happen before? Also, why? There was another one from the Loud House.
>>142624 >WARM. WATER. PORT. Retard. Saint Petersburg is a warm water port. >>142625 >Nigger can't even into IDs Yeah, I was quoting myself, retard.
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>>142629 Yes, I like empress cunny
>>142630 Poor Rabbit.
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Ubisoft the latest gaming entity to run into a geopolitical mess https://sportsbusinessjournal.com/en/Esports/Sections/Sports-and-Society/2022/02/Ubisoft https://archive.ph/EeZbN#selection-1634.0-1634.1 LOL >>142613 To be fair at least most of those countries welcomed US and even encouraged troops partially because they don't want to pay for their own military since they're cheap fucks. South Korea, Estonia, and Poland are great examples of this. I do however think we should leave Iraq though because they don't want our presence and have made that clear in the past. Which is the same reason I have no problem with Russian soldiers in Syria because that's what the natives asked for. Honestly I just hate Eastern and Western hypocrisy. >>142623 >Is it happening? You mean the same shit the PLA air force does every month? Not saying Taiwan shouldn't constantly be on alert but maybe invest in a dozen cheap fuel efficient drones to follow Chinese jets instead of mobilizing their entire air force in what typically amounts to taunting for the sake of draining the islands resources. >>142624 >Russia is European Whatever you say Ivan.
>>142637 Don't you dramatice this for your own conveniende. Do your job.
>>142637 What a massive bitch, as if there were no other wars going on.
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Speaking of videogames, World War 3, a slavjank Battlefield clone was supposed to go into open beta next month, and I really hope all of this gives them a marketing boost instead of getting the game delayed or canceled. We're sorely lacking some actually fun, arcadey military shooters after the tidal wave of tactical realismshit designed for 150 kilogram, diabetes ridden faggots who play airsoft in crye plate carriers and skull balaclavas. >>142637 Christ alive, he should suck on a gun as soon as he realizes his tax dollars directly paid for drone strikes on brown children.
>>142640 World War 3 is fucking shit though >tactical realismshit designed for 150 kilogram, diabetes ridden faggots who play airsoft in crye plate carriers and skull balaclavas. That's what niggerfaggots like you said about Battlefield 2 until it reached consoles, neck yourself.
>>142637 I'm sure his wife's son will grow up to be a stronger person than he is.
If anybody out there is still digging, there is a link between the World Economic Forum and the early anti-gamergate clique. We start with Execution Labs. Creative team: https://archive.is/x4Odn > Heather Kelley - Founder, Perfect Plum > Jonathan Blow - Indie Developers, Number None > Mare Sheppard - Founder, Metanet Software > Phil Fish - President, POLYTRON Corporation Mentor list: https://web.archive.org/web/20131101210115/http://executionlabs.com/fr/mentors > Rami Ismail - Business & Development, Vlambeer and > Eric Martineau-Fortin - White Star Capital, Founder and Managing Partner White Star Capital's team includes: https://archive.is/SNxLh > Prior to co-founding White Star Capital, Christian worked at Facebook and led the international expansion of the company’s Business Development, Platform and Developer Network groups. He previously held leadership roles in the U.S. and Europe at Google and Microsoft and started his career in technology at MicroStrategy, a startup he joined prior to its 1999 IPO. Christian has worked closely with entrepreneurs and leading VCs and has been an active angel investor and advisor. He represents White Star on the Boards of KeyMe, Glow Media, Bloglovin’ and Hole 19. Christian also serves as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.
Which boards are you guys using to discuss and / or get updates on the situation? I'm currently on anon.cafe/k/ but I want to know where else I can get in on some action.
>>142637 Where's the archive?
>>142644 /gg/ pretty much. It's a catchall board for chat and political events, which also happens to include gaming related news.
>>142636 >torpedo spamming anti-white D&C And the world is back to normal. >>142637 Do your job or you don't get paid, emotional faggot.
>>142637 What a mega homo.
>>142637 No seriously where was this queer during every other war or invasion for the past several years? Some how it only matters when "big mean Putin" does something apparently.
>>142646 Which site is /gg/ on. Lost the link.
>>142649 >Some how it only matters when "big mean Putin" does something apparently. Anon, people done stupid shit like this FOR DECADES. If it's not Russia invading Ukraine, it's BLM riots protests; if it's not that, it's Trump bombing Syria; if it's not that it's Chinese crack downs in Hong Kong; if it's not that, it's protests in Ukraine; if it's not that, it's GooberGrapes calling in death threats; if it's not that, it's the stock market taking a swan dive; if it's not that, it's two planes taking out three buildings in New York; if it's not that, it's Y2K causing every electronic to explode; if it's not that, it's Bush starting up the Gulf War; if it's not that... You get the picture.
>>142652 Blue part of the flag, second panel.
>>142652 The amogus is the US soldier, who is intrinsically a traitor because he only exists to die for Israel and to slaughter any white person who dares question jewish supremacy over the world or who would deign to stop the flying of the jewish flag.
>>142635 >>>/twitter/ >>142637 If this lazy faggot is so triggered by countries bombing each other then the state of the middle east for the past two decades should've sent him into a coma. >>142643 Interesting but not surprising that all of anti-GG turned out to be globohomo shills and feds.
How true is that the places attacked by Russia were (near) biological laboratories backed by the US government? I saw some Q-tier posts about how the airports taken by Russia were suspiciously closed to bio labs, but I don't know of a source for these claims. >>142235 I'm more worried about Moldova, the country that hosts sadpanda and 8moe. >>142253 Outdated article. Israel condemned Russia for the attack on Ukraine: https://archive.ph/i8dhU >>142388 >Americans already gave up on the conflict Pathetic. >>142423 >>142426 China just needs to continue using their economic power to bully everyone into thinking that Taiwan isn't real until Taiwan itself considers joining China as a special administrative region like Hong Kong. >>142552 Ukraine was born fucked. >>142600 Et tu, Tengu?
>>142656 .How true is that the places attacked by Russia were (near) biological laboratories backed by the US government? I saw some Q-tier posts about how the airports taken by Russia were suspiciously closed to bio labs, but I don't know of a source for these claims. That would be hilarious and damaging to the ZOG, so it's probably not going to happen.
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Not even the Halo subbreddit is taking this shit. I'd post an archive, but 3157 in queue, will post when it's done
I don't give a shit about war, I just care about Elden Ring and its servers.
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>>142652 Is that amongus or loss?
>new GG thread >already at 500 posts Jesus, looks like the Ukranian shitshow have gained lots of traffic here. >>142355 second pic related >>142323 Why is Japan involved? Shouldn't they be more worried with China? >>142413 >Hitler <not using Stalin so that it can make more sense What a bunch of faggots. Also, reminder that the Ukrainian president is of Israeli descent. >>142344 >>142344 All that is missing is cyborgs, giant robots, and nanomachines.
>>142355 Cleopatra
>>142661 You know how it goes. Anything happens and the posting boosts up.
>>142355 This guy
>>142623 >Is it happening? I would laugh my ass off if the most woke branch of the US military let china take Taiwan without a fight. Which I strongly suspect. >knocks out the entire Ukrainian military in less than 24 hours >pre-woke military 2003 US military with the backing of most of nato invasion of Iraq was so sloppy they nearly pulled out of Iraq to regroup Why do people still call the Taliban taking back Afghanistan a fluke? If the military goes woke. They can’t fight. No military in the world as woke as America.
>>142665 >>knocks out the entire Ukrainian military in less than 24 hours No it hasnt, infact they are going slower than expected. They will win without outside interference though.
>>142119 I’m convinced the rumors of most Stephen king books were written by freelance ghost writers are true. Even for Hollywood he a fucking idiot.
>>142667 >I’m convinced the rumors of most Stephen king books were written by freelance ghost writers are true. Who wrote the best scene in It?
>>142662 >Cleopatra DAS RITE
>>142355 Marcus Aurelius. A man's man, fatherless children could learn a thing or two from him instead of some internet grifter.
>>142669 That cleopatra isnt a negress though.
>>142531 >Keep your eyes on Taiwan and Iran Also keep your eyes on global fuel prices. High fuel prices created by Chinese expansion was the triggering mechanism of the Global Financial Crisis in 2007-2008. Add that the west is still in Covid recovery and you have a recipe of cheap real estate prices throughout the globe. The elite are already cashed up after selling their stock holdings in big pharma. With eyes on Ukraine, nobody is looking at the domestic scene.
>>142671 That's the joke.
>>142670 i wonder when someone would post him I was half tempted between him and peter the great
>>142658 They will cling to any excuse to let them get away with their bs. Instead of looking for excuses they should be fixing their shit game.
>>142672 Germany is already refuting the rest of Europe because they're apparently the only ones left with any sense. They know they can't cut off Russian gas, so they haven't. Meanwhile, all edible oils are more expensive than at any time in history thanks to bad weather. And Russia has halted exports of fertilizer, and they make 2/3 of all the fertilizer in the world. So yes, expect food to skyrocket in price.
>>142676 >So yes, expect food to skyrocket in price. High food and fuel prices. Lower stock and real estate prices. I hope anons are cashed up on memecoins.
>>142676 >They know they can't cut off Russian gas, so they haven't. Gee, if only people hadn't spent decades degrading nuclear energy, they probably wouldn't be in this mess. > And Russia has halted exports of fertilizer, and they make 2/3 of all the fertilizer in the world. So yes, expect food to skyrocket in price. Isn't that also because no one raises livestock anymore?
>>142677 >I hope anons are cashed up on memecoins. Those are crashing too, if you haven't noticed.
>>142677 Oh yes, I definitely expect my local grocer to accept Ethereum in exchange for real goods and services. >>142678 lol, exactly. Never mind forcibly switching to wind and solar (in FUCKING EUROPE) and making it financially impossible to fight it for the common man. We'll soon see blackouts like the '60s in not just Britain, but the rest of Europe.
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>>142676 >Germany is already refuting the rest of Europe because they're apparently the only ones left with any sense. They know they can't cut off Russian gas, so they haven't. Links?
>>142682 >Big Four They should be more honest and call them the Gang of Four.
>>142682 >Big Four
>>142680 >We'll soon see blackouts like the '60s in not just Britain, but the rest of Europe. America too. Biden ended all the oil independence that Trump created. That's why gas prices have been bouncing around like a pinball over here.
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https://archive.is/3WUUJ Fucking finally, archive of the Halo reddit thread, pretty fun read.
>>142678 >Isn't that also because no one raises livestock anymore? Livestock aren't the major consumers of crops. Will the left kick up a stink once they realize they can no longer get cheap soy milk? inb4 someone says the faggot left get their parents to buy everything for them. >>142679 >Those are crashing too, if you haven't noticed. No I didn't because I don't have any memecoins. Does that mean that memecoin mining will no longer be profitable so finally I can build a new toaster with sufficient amounts of RAM that I can create a RAM drive to put the pagefile on? >>142683 Why not the Four Horsemen? Pelosi could be Death (She look close to it), Schumer can be Pestilence (Jew), McConnell would be War (he dodged the draft by joining the Reserves) and McCarthy would be Famine (because last one left)
>>142687 Anon, hardware prices will never normalize again. Not just because China's about to cut off all semiconductors to the West. Not just because crypto isn't going away EVER, particularly with CBDCs being created, but solely because inflation is 15% a year, so hardware is just going to keep going up unstoppably.
>>142688 Fuck.
>>142686 >moderators lock it because every single commenter didn't worship Microsoft >fun >to see the final stage of cultural marxism--total information control--in action You and I have very different definitions of that word.
>Leftists STILL think Biden is doing better than Trump The only reward these subhumans who masquerade as people deserve is death. They are not misguided victims. Their brains are irreversibly addled from their self-inflicted poor lifestyles, diets and mass media hypnotisms.
>>142690 Reddit moderators locking threads the second they have to actually delete a single post is hilarious to me. Like what's the point of being a moderator at all if you just lock every thread instead of actually moderating it?
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>>142682 >Big Four
>>142692 Reddit is partially owned by the CCP
>>142692 But anon, the poor man getting paid six figures to passively aggressively post on twitter about videogame updates can't handle the hate!
>>142692 The point is the control of the narrative. More specifically, control with the smallest expenditure of energy. Anything else is wasteful. For example: >“Since time immemorial, folk singers have wondered along the roads of Ukraine. They’re called ‘lirniki’ and ‘banduristy’ there. They were almost entirely blind men–why that is so is another question that I won’t go into, but briefly, it’s traditional. The point is, they were always blind and defenseless people, but no one ever touched or hurt them. Hurting a blind man–what could be lower? And then in the mid-’30s the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Lirniki and Banduristy was announced, and all the folk singers had to gather and discuss what to do in the future. ‘Life is better, life is merrier,’ Stalin has said. The blind men believed it. They came to the congress from all over Ukraine, from tiny, forgotten villages. There were several hundred of them at the congress, they say. It was a living museum, the country’s living history. All its songs, all its music and poetry. And they were almost all shot, almost all of those pathetic blind men killed. >Why was it done? Why the sadism–killing the blind? Just like that, so that they wouldn’t get underfoot. Mighty deeds were being done there, complete collectivization was under way, they had destroyed kulaks as a class, and here were these blind men, walking around singing songs of dubious content. The songs weren’t passed by the censors. And what kind of censorship can you have with blind men? You can’t hand a blind man a corrected and approved text and you can’t write him an order either. You have to tell everything to a blind man. That takes too long. And you can’t file away a piece of paper, and there’s no time anyway. Collectivization. Mechanization. It was easier to shoot them. And so they did.>~ Dmitri Shostakovich; Testimony, p. 214; 1979
>>142696 FOR FUCK'S SAKE, this damn formatting. I'm copying in from the book and trying to find line breaks.
>>142150 She got canned because she's been leaking stuff for a long time (to a couple YT'ers and her best simps), and has been warned about this kind of thing before. Cover said the talents' personal lives are private, but she uses her work accounts and personal accounts on the same PC and she probably over-reacted to get people to believe she wasn't in a relationship with that guy. (Most westerners didn't care and her sub count didn't drop). She broke NDA, end of story. I'm sad to see her go, but in the end, it's her own fault. Korekore is getting slammed by Westerners about this though; mostly cause he lied through his teeth to Rushia about keeping quiet.
>>142150 > just found that Uruha Rushia, the Hololive star who brought the rage of her fans because they saw viewers saw a message she got from a male singer Why are jap dicklets so mad over the people playing the characters that they enjoy actually having a life
>>142699 Because her whole gimmick was mooching off of lonely faggots, being yandere and providing the GFE.
>>142699 Autistic daydreaming about one day meeting the idol in question and having a relationship with them.
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>>142669 She had a nice asp
>>142698 Source? Obviously there is none
>>142700 >mooching off of lonely faggots Doesn’t everything? >being yandere This contradicts your gfe statement >providing the GFE People say this, but give no examples or reasoning. She’s been an entertainer foremost, constantly screaming and over-reacting and being possessive as a joke. Out of all of Hololive, I cant think of any who’s schtick is to be your “gf”
>>142703 Cover's own press release. She probably had her work PC looked over because the incident and found the leaks. They wouldn't can thier best earner (she got the most Superchats, over $3 million) just because of the incident. Which means she fucked up bad.
>>142704 You're never getting that engagement ring money back, cuckdead.
>>142355 Chandragupta Maurya
>>142705 I also forgot to mention they are cancelling/refunding her merch and manufactoring contracts for her merch, so COVER will probably lose millions. So, again, why fire someone who made you shit-tons even after a controversy?
>>142705 Cover’s statement is vague whereas you provide explicit examples that, as far as I can tell, are baseless rumors.
>>142708 Im not saying its not a big deal or a big decision, what I am saying is that we’ll likely not know the whole story or what actually happened. The rumors are just rumors and I haven’t heard anything even remotely credible related to this. If so, I’d like to see it.
I was just thinking, will WW3 further delay the next TF2 update?
>>142710 Yes, we will never know, but remember it's in COVER's discretion to look the other way for NDA breach, especially for thier best earner.
>>142711 Not at all. In fact, the next update is so far ahead of schedule that the last update they did was actually the last update they'll ever do. They're that efficient!
Fuck Putin
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>>142637 >Team Response I'm surprised they're even a thing still. >>142647 >normal. You mean the new "NORMAL"? Also I don't actually hate ethnic Russians anon, it's just a meme. Rather like I said before I just hate hypocrisy. and their muh warm water ports excuse is also a meme. I'm no simp for Uncle Sam either anon. If Russia was truly pro separatist why not let Chechnya peacefully leave the Federation? I for one don't give a shit if Donbass joins the RF, though I do wish this could happen peacefully.
>>142591 Hotpockets are inconsistent, as are faggots in this thread. >>142534 >Muh jews How the fuck has anyone ever taken you faggots seriously? You don't have arguments, you just use your buzzword scapegoat for everything and then try to gaslight everyone into believing that you are somehow better than the fags on the left. /pol/ was a fucking mistake.
Scream harder, leftypol. You'll never have any power here.
>>142716 >If Russia was truly pro separatist Who the fuck said that? Russia is pro-Russian. There are historically Russian lands populated by historically Russian people, and they have the same right to obtain and defend those lands and those peoples as any other people/nation on Earth does.
>>142718 >Everything I don't like is /leftypol/ I really wish that /leftypol/ and /pol/ were always just one board so you faggots could aruge which one of your shitty ideologies smells the least instead of being retards on /v/.
>>142715 Fuck the puppets who compose the current US Admin.
>>142721 That too
On other note: Elden Ring is finally out.
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>things no one said HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA SCREAM HARDER COMMUNIST FAGGOT. Praise Of Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Battalion Given Green Light By Facebook: Intercept https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/praise-ukrainian-neo-nazi-battalion-given-green-light-facebook-intercept >Facebook is now allowing its billions of users to praise a Ukrainian neo-Nazi military unit called the Azov Battalion, after the social media giant previously banned the group from free discussion under the company's Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, The Intercept's Sam Biddle reports. >According to Biddle, the Azov regiment - which functions as an armed wing of the broader Ukrainian white nationalist Azov movement - is classified as a "Tier 1" dangerous organization under FB policy, alongside the likes of ISIS and the KKK. It began as a volunteer anti-Russia militia before officially joining the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014, and is known for its hardcore ultranationalist views and neo-Nazi ideology. >The group was formally banned by Facebook in 2019, and designated (along with several individuals) under the company's prohibition against hate groups - subject to their harshest "Tier 1" restrictions that ban users from "praise, support, or representation" of blacklisted groups across all company-owned platforms. Jews have dropped their mask and exposed their honeypot organizations as mere puppets.
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You niggers will seriously keep falling for this Luciano-tier shit as long as it's slightly well written, Jesus Christ.
>>142716 >I'm surprised they're even a thing still If you're referring to Team Respawn from Machinima then those aren't the same guys, they just have a similar name.
>>142397 Doesn't seem like it, most people are just sticking their heads in the head.
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>>142323 Check your shit faggot. That's the Ukrainian ambassador to Japan. >>142324 >>142327 >>142329 >>142334 >>142339 >>142340 >>142374 >>142377 >>142661 Shame on you fags. Listening and believing just because there's happenings.
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>>142731 Checked
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>>142731 checked
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>>142730 The point still stands, memes become real with the merge.
What I am excited for is not the russia and ukraine conflict it's the chain of events that could unfold that make war fun. Anyone got interesting predictions?
>>142737 >the merge with what?
>>142738 The war won't be anything more than regional, but the world is going to have at least 30% higher costs for all foods thanks to Russia cutting off fertilizer exports. I would love China to invade Taiwan and the chinks to start slaughtering each other, but that's too much to hope for. Just expect food and gas to be more expensive and for western governments to say anyone who complains about it is literally a traitor.
>>142739 The dimensional merge
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>>142731 Impressive, very nice.
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>>142568 I love it.
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>>142731 Very nice
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>>142731 Checked
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>>142659 Post 'em!
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>>142731 Noice.
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>>142731 If I get dubs we all get tomboy wives
>>142749 too bad, enjoy whatever is the opposite of tomboys
>>142750 Feminists.
>>142750 So traps then?
>>142752 Enjoy your AIDS.
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>>142748 Git gud.
>>142753 Youre getting them aswell though.
>>142731 Well done sir. >>142750 (checked) >>142751 Well I guess it is time to go out for a hate fucking. They all secretly get off on getting dominated by the evil white males anyway.
>>142731 Do you believe in magic~
>>142568 Why do I hear the angry noise from Animal Crossing when I look at that emoji?
>>142758 Your mind fills the blank itself. Still better than hearing UOHHHHH everytime from looking at crying face emoji. Lucky you.
>>142759 >hearing UOHHHHH everytime from looking at crying face emoji >not hearing UOHHHHH everytime you see a loli belly or cunny Step it up sempai.!
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>>142750 tomgirl?
>>142761 This is little bit gay.
>Germany, Italy, Hungary and Cyprus are blocking a decision to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT network following its full-scale military attack on Ukraine https://archive.ph/LR6N6 They REALLY want that Russian oil, din't they?
>>142760 Fuck you. I would prefer for my subconscious to stop shitposting.
>>142763 ah, so they crash the internet soon...
>>142765 SWIFT is a system for transferring money between banks. It has little to do with the internet.
>>142763 They'll collapse into lawlessness if they don't get it. They destroyed their own energy production because jews told them to. They shut down all their power plants and their industries because jews told them to. Now they're reaping the rewards of a "globalized" supply chain. They either ignore the "threat" Russia poses (fun fact: it doesn't pose one) or they have all their lights go off indefinitely, their stores run empty, and their tens of millions of nonwhite invaders will rape the natives to death. >>142765 The ZOG can't afford to lose the Internet, anon.
>>142765 Let's be honest, a world without the internet would be a dream come true. Instead of being used as a digital encyclopedia it is mainly being used for porn and "funnies". I genuinely hate memes
>>142763 It's not that they want it, they NEED it. Most European countries import almost exclusively from Russia. If they don't buy it, a lot of Krauts are gonna freeze to death, or starve because they can't fire up the stove.
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>>142750 The opposite of a tomboy, sporty lean tanned girls, is quiet shy indoor girls with plenty of meat on them.
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>>142770 But thats wrong. What is a tomboy? A girl that acts like a guy, therefore, the reverse is a guy that acts as a girl, its the complete opposite, from the 100% straight that is tomboys to the 100% homo that is traps.
>>142772 well by that account they should be human or alive either so were all gonna have to be furry necrophile faggots to acclimate to our new reversewives, also we would have to bottom since the opposite of a wife is a husband
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>>142773 Eh, the alive part really cant apply here, since it might be an undead tomboy, this post >>142750 was made to screw us, so yeah, we will get buttfucked by small, very femenine traps, and it will fucking blow.
>>142772 If you're going to be semantic about it being complete opposite, you have reverse the "acts" to, so the opposite of a girl that acts like a guy is a guy that doesn't act like a girl. Your autism loses.
>>142774 >and it will fucking blow their load inside you ;^)
>>142775 But that would just be a manly guy, the male equivalent to a girly girl, therefore not opposite to a tomboy.
>>142772 But tomboys still want dick. So their opposite would be a feminine guy that still wants pussy. It would be a male feminist. Yes, like male feminists, tomboys are wolves in sheep's clothing.
>>142778 Those exist too according to the japs.
>>142761 I have a question, do people who fap to traps feel attracted to men or penises? And if so what's the appeal? I don't get it, how do you look at this phallic imagery and get a boner? It puzzles the mind
>>142777 >But that would just be a manly guy Correct, that's result if you want to be autistic about reversing everything instead of just the tomboyish trait.
>>142731 A very nice post, anon. >>142750 That would either be a girlly girl or a femboy (trap) the latter if you mean to switch the sexes around.
>>142781 See, the oppsosite would be someone of the opposite sex doing whatever deviates from their gender norms.
>>142780 >do people who fap to traps feel attracted to men or penises? Some deny it, but of course they're lying, or they'd just want girls. They specifically want men, and that's why they go for traps instead of girls.
Fuck your retarded semantics, by the power of these dubs you all will have ugly bastards with 10in long cocks as your dominant husbands FOREVER.
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>>142785 YAMERO
>>142785 You fucking asshole! I summon the power of sly marbo upon you!
>>142789 Yeah, this conversation needs to fucking end. CDC drops mask guidelines now that the next hoax is already in play https://www.wyff4.com/article/cdc-pandemic-mask-guidelines-february-2022/39214787 >The Biden administration will significantly loosen federal mask-wearing guidelines to protect against COVID-19 transmission on Friday, according to two people familiar with the matter, meaning most Americans will no longer be advised to wear masks in indoor public settings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday will announce a change to the metrics it uses to determine whether to recommend face coverings, shifting from looking at COVID-19 case counts to a more holistic view of risk from the coronavirus to a community. Under current guidelines, masks are recommended for people residing in communities of substantial or high transmission — roughly 95% of U.S. counties, according to the latest data. >The new metrics will still consider caseloads, but also take into account hospitalizations and local hospital capacity, which have been markedly improved during the emergence of the omicron variant. That strain is highly transmissible, but indications are that it is less severe than earlier strains, particularly for people who are fully vaccinated and boosted. Under the new guidelines, the vast majority of Americans will no longer live in areas where indoor masking in public is recommended, based on current data. >The new policy comes as the Biden administration moves to shift its focus to preventing serious illness and death from COVID-19, rather than all instances of infection, as part of a strategy adjustment for a new "phase" in the response as the virus becomes endemic. The two people familiar with the change spoke on the condition of anonymity to preview the CDC's action before the announcement. >The change comes as nearly all U.S. states that had put in place indoor mask-wearing mandates for the winter omicron surge are letting them lapse as cases have precipitously dropped nationwide. Some have eliminated the mandates entirely, while others have kept mask-wearing requirements in place for schools and medical facilities. >It was not immediately clear how the new CDC guidance would affect U.S. federal mandates requiring face coverings on public transportation. The CDC's director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, has said a change has been in the works. "We must consider hospital capacity as an additional important barometer. Our hospitals need to be able to take care of people with heart attacks and strokes. Our emergency departments can't be so overwhelmed that patients with emergent issues have to wait in line," she said during a White House briefing last week. >However, she declined to give a specific day when the CDC would announce a change. CDC officials on Thursday refused to confirm a release date.
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>tfw will never isekaid to a world of tomgirls
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>>142778 >a feminine guy that still wants pussy. So, Astolfo?
>>142786 >>142787 >>142788 Also your husbands like to go raw, are into mind break and exhibitionism, and invite their friends (and their respective "wives"/sex slaves) for disgustingly obscene orgies. And any other user besides me who gets dubs will have a special edition black husband that looks like Mark, enjoys drugging you and force you to browse /interracial/ and /b/'s pedo threads, and has a 15in long cock. This will make you think twice before engaging in such dumb conversations.
>>142780 I'm just bi.
>>142794 So you are a normal human male with his brain corrupted by porn?
>>142797 Bis aren't normal and porn can't make you gay. People who say this are just gays in denial, or gays trying to blame the porn, ignoring that most men view plenty of porn and are still straight.
>>142798 > porn can't make you gay Citation needed Either way I hope you die.
>>142797 Hey, straight men can like it in the ass too. Pegging isn't an unknown concept.
Also af035 will become the town's public cumsocket.
stealing these too
>>142798 No one will ever believe you.
>>142795 >sodomy But anon, I don't make fuck in butt. I don't make fuck at all.
>>142799 Sorry homo. It's not porn's fault that you want dicks so bad. Most people view porn and still don't want dicks. >>142803 Straight people will, because they have first hand experience with what it's like to actually be straight. You're just such a huge faggot that you cannot even comprehend the concept of not wanting dicks. But guess what? Most dudes just don't want dicks.
>>142801 You're a monster!
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>>142805 Faggotry isn't genetic. It's learned. No one will ever believe your propaganda.
>>142763 >They REALLY want that Russian oil, don't they? They don't even have an illusion of a choice.
>>142119 >>142236 >>142268 >>142413 >the left shits on the American military for decades since 'Nam >to the point where they've been completely and utterly neutered by all the bullshit that they've had to take or get punished for resisting >while taking literally every "humanitarian" job on the fucking market, just mass genociding large quantities of their own people willing to fight and die for the nation to the point that nobody sane would want to join after all the fuckery >four exhausting years of autistic screeching about MUH RUSSIA MUH RUSSIA over completely fabricated information that /pol/ users made >meanwhile >Russia's promised to back any Texas-based secessionist movement >faith in the system is at an all-time low >the military and most municipal police systems are practically fucked beyond repair >glowniggers are seen as an entirely alien entity comprised solely for the purpose of fucking their own people over >the media lies and spins so fucking hard that an insane man screaming at birds flying would be a better source of information I am already strapped to the chair and I've negotiated which teeth I'm willing to live without. I'm willing to live with very little if it means I could put those worthless faggots in the chair next. To Hell with Freedom. To Hell with Democracy. Put every single one of those degenerates in the chair I'm in and you've got my loyalty.
>>142808 Most dudes watch porn but don't want dick. No one will ever believe your homo propaganda. Also I never said it was genetic and not learned. Sorry you got molested. Not porn's fault though.
>>142805 Nice projection, retard. But this argument that if you oppose homos then you are one yourself is completely baseless.
>>142812 I never said anything about opposing homos. I said that if you think porn makes people gay, then you're projecting, because most men watch porn, and most men aren't gay. You're just such a homo that you literally can't believe that there are men out there that don't want to suck cock.
Is the site loading slowly for anyone else?
>>142813 >keeps projecting
>>142814 The site is always loading slowly for me.
>>142807 Did people found what the Z in the trucks meant? >>142814 Not really. >>142813 >>142815 Kiss already you pair of faggots.
>>142815 Nigger, your claim that I'm projecting doesn't make any sense. I'm not the one saying what turns people gay. The only thing I'm asserting is that most people aren't gay. If you can't accept that, then it's because you're the homo.
>>142812 >>142813 >You're projecting! >No you're projecting! I might want to fuck boys but I'm still less of a faggot than you two. What the fuck does it matter holy shit.
>>142818 I didn't say that most people are gay but that an overwhelming amount of modern homosexuals are created by porn.
>>142814 Posting to see if slow or not.
>>142820 If porn was making people gay then more dudes would be gay. Other factors seem more likely. And to be sure, there are likely multiple causes, but something ubiquitous like porn is not a likely cause.
>>142822 It's proven to be a cause. You have nothing. Fuck off.
>>142814 >>142821 Works fine.
>>142820 Porn didn't make me gay. Naruto made me gay.
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>>142823 >Proven
>>142825 This is what happens when you dattebayo one rasengan too many.
>>142268 That is why it is always ok to torture them to death.
>>142823 (citation needed) If you watch porn and get turned on by dicks, you were already gay. Straight dudes just don't get turned on by dicks. You're just such a huge faggot you can't believe it. "Huh? Not get turned on by dicks? No way! Dicks are so good, of course everyone gets turned on by them!" You're an enormous faggot.
>>142822 There are more zoomers self-identifying as some flavor of faggot or another now than there was any other generation. And most of them are raised with porn.
>>142831 Most of them are also raised by a school system and media that tells them they're evil if they're not gay.
I prefer the previous shitposting to this autism. Can >we go back to debating the opposite of tomboys and whether dubs have doomed us all to have faggot wives (male)?
>>142832 And why would they ever ponder the concept if not for all the pornography they are bombarded with on daily basis?
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>>142820 >>142822 I could porn making people "think" that hey were gay or identify as gay. Like if they popped a huge boner from the first Po~ju pic they saw and jerked to it but the moment that the looked at an actual real life man's sweaty hairy asshole, even if he were a twink, then it would dispel that shit real quick.
Or better yet, can >we go back to videogames?
Here's the ultimate truth of the matter: Everyone is secretly a faggot, but you fuckers are the biggest faggots. Now can we talk about video games?
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>>142825 ha! what a faggot
>>142834 Because they are raised by a school system and media that tells them they are evil if they are not gay. >>142835 Well now you're raising the point that a substantial number of people who call themselves gay likely are not. I know from experience that there are an awful lot of girls out there that call themselves lesbians but then only want dick, and want it badly. Now I'm not gonna go and check what guys think, because I don't want them, but I'm willing to bet it works similarly for them as well. They call themselves gay for social capital, but really they want pussy, and if anything they're just incels anyway. We've seen it happen with Chris Chan.
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>>142837 No. Yes.
>>142835 >I could porn making people nani
>>142831 That has nothing to do with them being raised with porn and EVERYTHING to do with the culture being anti straight and anti male. Notice they aren't identifying as hard gay but as "bi" to demiqueer, or gender fluid, or some other bullshit thing. They're clearly straight but they can't say that they are.
>>142838 Sasuke, Sai, Kiba, & especially Haku were what did it for me.
>>142836 >>142837 Square seems to remaking alot of their IPs. The cynic in me says theyre trying to gauge reception to see if players want a "shit" sequel.
>>142831 Because being (or pretending to be) part of a minority is the hip thing to do nowadays. Also >zoomers
>>142842 How does that explain people being into trap porn, which was what I asked. Those people are clearly attracted to MALES.
>>142838 It's funny how Boruto managed to be worse than Naruto. >>142843 Tsunade gave me a fetish for older women
>>142846 They are gay. It's not the porn that turned them gay. If they were straight they wouldn't like the porn in the first place. They were gay before they saw the porn. They necessarily must be or they wouldn't have liked it.
>>142841 >I could see porn making people "think" that they were gay or identify as gay Posting's fucked for me and it's making my already sloppy typing even worse.
>>142848 And why are they gay, it's not something that happens naturally.
>>142847 I had more of a thing for teenage girls as a kid because of cartoons like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends having Frankie Foster.
>>142846 >>142825 >>142843 >>142847 I never liked Naruto because it didn't have enough lolis.
>>142836 >>142837 In the gaymergay thread? Good luck with that one.
>>142850 Plenty of other possible reasons. Getting molested. Being so horny that they want to fuck anything at all (personally I think this is the biggest factors. Most gays would probably fuck pussy if presented to them. They're all just bis. Bis are of course a subset of gay though). A lot are just incels that try to deal with that by convincing themselves that guys (which they can get more easily) are what they really want anyway. Many are trying to convince themselves they're gay for the social capital and because they are brought up to believe that being a straight male is evil. Maybe they hate women as people/a group reasonable and then try to convince themselves they don't even want to interact with them physically because women are so awful, and try to convince themselves that they can get the same satisfaction from men. I could keep going with more and more reasons. I'm sure different people have different reasons.
>>142850 >it's not something that happens naturally. Well why were people gay before porn? Don't say molestation because that only begs the question of who was the original faggot and how did it happen to him? Or is it faggots all the way down?
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Uh oh, a new top board!
>>142480 >Ukraine Warns "Radioactive Dust" Could Spread Over Europe As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Good. The passive cattle must suffer for not fighting against the jews.
>>142851 Yeah, I know the feeling. Franky, Raven & Starfire, but it wasn't until I discovered anime that I progressed from teenagers to wanting to fuck women in their 30's, I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse I never got /ss/'d >>142852 You realize at the start of Naruto most of the female cast are 12 years old, right? They are lolis, and if you want to be a purist then you have Hinata's sister who grew up to be a hot Christmas Cake in Boruto
>>142856 >i reject your answer >also don't say any other answers because i reject them too Wow, you really think you have this figured out, huh.
>>142844 I cannot stress this enough: enix has bought the corpse of square and is wearing it's hide like a cloak. If there's any high grade moneywhoring fuckery happening, always assume it's the enix half, because they have never actually MADE video games.
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>>142843 I never found the original Naruto or Shippuden "hot" to be honest. I think it was because the plot was "too serious" for my younger myself to get horny at any character beyond the joke scenes where a girl (or Naruto with his sexy jutsu) was partially naked. >>142847 >It's funny how Boruto managed to be worse than Naruto. I gave it a try, but it bore me so much I decided to just fap to the idea of Mitsuki lusting for Boruto and to shota porn of them.
>>142854 >Correlation Where is the causation proof?
>>142843 >Haku Good taste
>>142860 >>also don't say any other answers He only said not to say one particular answer. And provided a counterpoint if you said it anyways. Your time is up, faggot.
>>142855 Bisexuality is some jewish made up garbage isn't it. Fuck off faggot
>>142857 >feet Who did they have to step on to get that position?
>>142862 >just fap to the idea of Mitsuki lusting for Boruto and to shota porn of them. Same, but for me it was doujins of Bort getting ara ara'd by his Aunt Hanabi.
>>142855 >Being so horny that they want to fuck anything at all (personally I think this is the biggest factors. That's what I figure too. Memes aside, gays don't seem to at ally be as viscerally repulsed by straight sex the same way straight people are by gay sex. >Maybe they hate women as people/a group That's also very likely. I've even seen one gay guy on this very site that claimed just that.
>>142861 horror stories ive heard suggest the shittery is all from squares side and that enix is the part that doesnt fuck up
>>142852 You're a good person, anon.
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>>142836 Ever once in a while the happenings reach an inflection point and normal discussion just isn't possible; this is one of those times. Also, no one uses /pol/ for some reason.
>>142866 Bisexuality is people who would fuck both. I'm sure it's more common than 100% gays, but much less common than 100% straights. Jews claim that everyone is bi, but that's ridiculous, and most people know it's ridiculous on the face of it, because most people aren't bi.
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>>142869 >Being so horny that they want to fuck anything at all To be honest it's not that I'm constantly horny, it's just that I don't give a shit about any kind of labels so I'd fuck whatever I want as long as it is an adult and can (and does) consent. >>142873 Because /pol/ is fucking garbage. I would love to talk with people from /his/ again but I consider the average /pol/fag to be fucking braindead.
>>142857 inb4 it's the board with the most dmca claims
if Naruto made anon gay then HxH can make you super gay
>>142878 One of the main villains is a shotacon clown, of course it's gay.
>>142874 Most bisexual people are just homosexual and don't fully admit it.
>>142872 God, alke is a treasure.
>>142880 Actually now days I would say that most bisexuals are straight and won't admit it.
>>142879 The same can be said about Orochimaru.
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>>142872 >Alkenubis did a cute & funny Lmao. And fags call this a "forced" meme.
>>142884 Sauce for .jif?
>>142876 >To be honest it's not that I'm constantly horny, it's just that I'm a faggot
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>>142878 Joke's on you, it did. >>142877 I wouldn't be surprised. The only people in the porn industry who are more anal about copyright than artists who draw extremely niche fetishes are camwhores who sell their nudes online. >>142885 Little Busters! Next time save the pic and use SauceNAO.
>>142882 A straight person would never even ponder proclaiming themselves anything but straight.
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>>142886 You're still a bigger faggot anon.
>>142883 Hisoka is far more explicit. His arousal is referenced on multiple occasions and there's even a scene where Gon and Killua can feel him staring at their asses.
>>142548 >Donate No. >Stalker 2 is cancelled. Good. This is another reminder that every single entertainment company and studio are fronts for political activists and should never be supported.
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>>142890 I'll bake. With almost 70 posts past the limit of gay I think the thread covered its daily quota. Don't worry, I won't put shotas in the OP.
>>142893 Whats the reference? They been running porjects over instead of people?
>>142894 Can you at least put them in the ED?
>>142894 I'd encourage you to do it anyway but I know Mark would just change it because he can't handle the underage bussy.
>>142894 Of course you will, hedonistic sodomites will plaster their fetishes everywhere.
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>>142895 Just the name, but your interpretation is good.
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>>142891 >and there's even a scene where Gon and Killua can feel him staring at their asses. pic related >>142896 ____no New thread btw: >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120 >>542120
>>142894 Put lolis in the OP.

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