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jb sites Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 12:14:20 No. 10074
y'all know any that are still up? i used to use teengalleries a year or so ago but that seems to be gone now
Reddit :^)
>>10075 i thought r/jailbait got fucked years ago?
(1.77 MB 448x291 thats-the-joke-gif-5.gif)

>>10077 >jailbait got fucked years ago >he's saying that they got fucked before they were jailbait >the joke is sex with Democrat supporting children I laughed and it was funny, I am not anon above.
>>10089 >democrat pre­p­ubescent
>>10090 acid currently deepthroating a gun having had his wordfilter defeated by a single invisible character preparing to wordfilter that invisible character in blind ignorance of how many exist
>>10074 I used to browse teengallery too, the best I've found is searching for gymnastics videos on youtube. Lots of jb and lolis.
>>10509 I don't believe you, do you have any proof?
There's /lg/ on http://smolbox.pw
>>10515 Yeah but the admin's a cuck
You join an onion forum, and download linked encrypted archives.
>>10516 Aw really? That sucks
>>10532 There are like one or two guys who consistently post things like this about smolbox ever since the site went up. Smolbox is clearnet so it has some restrictions but it's far more open than 8moe is, it's probably the closest thing pedos are going to get to free speech on the clearnet.
>>10533 I've only been posting this since he revealed himself as a cuck
>>10534 rent free

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