I'm sure a person with obviously fake details buying a small service from them antagonizing them and threatening legal action over $20 in internet coins is gonna get taken very seriously. The best that can be done is being an angry customer without stepping all the way over the line, which is working. Children can be posted as long as they are not naked on smolbox.
The documentation is a little bit all over the place tbh. You have to cross reference these:
Two tutorials on setting up lynxchan and doing some other stuff. Both have inaccurancies, and contradict each other in places. The first one has especially bad information on nginx configuration. You also should go straight to the TOR documentation for generation an onion address, rather than do what either of these guys say on that front. Read what they say anyway though because there are nuggets of value and the documentation on gitgud.io isn't fantastic. If you already know what you are doing it wouldn't be so hard, but the best way to learn is to struggle through it imo. If I can do it so can everyone else.
lynxchan is working fine so far, it was kind of painful to set up only because the installation guides were all screwy (and I'm stupid) but I learned a bunch of stuff about it and now it's working totally fine. I'm enjoying owning smolbox even though I post like a negative nelly a lot.