at first it made me mad, but not until I met an irl nigger whom I was only afraid of doing something criminal. irl niggers are smaller than white men and it was a college and he wasn't an athlete. I also think it basically kept the whores out of even trying to date so it would save me the trouble of ever ending up with a traitor
I'vee just been a masturbation addict since 11 when I started watching hentai and playing flash games that are no longer available. I would say that vanilla never did it for me and IR is like real hentai. proportions and such
more black bois are faggots than whites. It's literally a projected cope but I don't care
I value IQ and genetic health so prefer the concept of a woman who is not smart enough to satisfy herself just giving up on life fucking a black and being left to the streets until a nigger rapes and murders her
lol cope dilate and seethe
I think we need to decriminalize and start responsibly dosing drugs to deal with sexual disorders of all kinds
Europeans and the other intellectual races have unsustainable lifestyles that force down their birthrates due to the cost of living and competing for a woman's attention and affection.. These factors will course correct sooner than the brink and people will start baby making on modest lifestyles again like olden days
I will suggest to the death that it be in every video then
have a white chad's kid then and cuck yourself genetically. You are a supremacist are you not?
low IQ whites are always racist but are so gluttonous they're not exactly superior. Just an advanced problem if anything
we don't need your genes propagating. you're bulls will starve with the other city negroes when we run out of phosphorous in 90 years
post the counter examples cherry picker
I'm actually a more asex stance on the grounds of internet polyamory. blacked is just a fetish while the majority of women like hooking up with intelligent white chads
if they could do drugs they'd not bother risking things over random pointless sex and just hang with friends
I think they should do drugs instead
niggers can't aim. I never go to the same zipcode as a black without something to cap his knees but I wouldn't kill it
that's all the yous I'm giving. getting repeitive anyway.
have fun being nigger cattle regardless your race