/lgbtq/ - LGBTQ+

A board for the queer anons of 8moe.

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/tttt/: now with even more t's

hi gays Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 22:18:58 No. 7
i wonder why we need a /lgbtq/ board if we're all fags here on 8moe. i guess so we're not bombarded with slurs lol
more like to escape /pol/ schizographs, there will still be slurs more than likely but from gays themselves
>>8 yea that makes sense. hopefully this board gains a little traction (in a good moderate way, not the terrifying ordeal of being intimately known way)
>>7 >>9 >>8 OMG you guys are like such fagzos! teehee. im a gay.
It would be lovely to see this board become active
Neo-Nazism is KILLING! I will expose them here. Spread the word. Neo-Nazism is behind conservative religious leaders (basically Christian groups, mainly Catholics supporting the traditional family). Neo-Nazism originates from descendants of the Nazis who survived the Battle of Stalingrad. Hitler and Stalin had an agreement not to attack each other because they had common enemies, the US and its allies, Hitler sent to battle in Russia first the worst soldiers to die, then finally he sent the most intelligent ones who surrendered to the Russians and were “arrested” and the USSR prohibited the counting of dead and survivors because Stalin passed cloth to Hitler and sheltered these people, in this way, communist and Nazi ideologies could dialogue and unite to fight the USA, with the fall of the USSR this monster ideology gained more strength in Russia, so much so that, today, the LGBT movement in Russia is extremely discriminated, they kill homosexuals there, they are conservative in this aspect. Conservative families have many children, parents abuse their children, conservative religious leaders are corrupt (they sell influence peddling so that young men can choose the young women they want to have a relationship with, shelling out money into the leader's hand or making that money come indirectly or directly to the hand of the religious leadership, then you will get the influence necessary to approach you and make the head of the girl to relate to you, that is, conservative religious leaders are nothing more than pimps of unconscious prostitution of conservative women, they get rich, the girls don't, they encourage the girls to stay in toxic and abusive relationships with scrotum husbands and they support by faith in God and love for the bunch of children they want them to have). Influence peddling happens through social manipulation, so conservative religious leaders are sociopaths. Catholic Church Fathers inform the respective leaders of the sins that are confessed by the members of the led group, in this way, the leader can identify the spiritually and morally weak points in the person and use this information in bad faith to persuade and influence the person to do something. that will leave you morally hostage to this leadership, this occurs in several ways but basically it starts with the 10 commandments and the 7 deadly sins. For every cardinal sin there is a solution, as taught by Father Paulo Ricardo, famous for being a neo-Nazi priest, for example: the sin of gluttony is cured with fasting and abstinence, stopping eating before reaching the feeling of satiety, the sin of will be cured with forgiveness and charity, the sin of lust is cured with chastity, the sin of avarice is cured with the donation of material goods, the sin of envy is cured with empathy, putting ourselves in the place of the other, maybe we will be worse, what are our miseries? Our story that that person doesn't know and hasn't lived. The sin of laziness is cured with industriousness, always seeking to be busy doing something, finally, the sin of pride is cured with humility, we are no one to judge the other in our miseries of these other deadly sins, sometimes what is easy for one, it is very difficult for another. Based on this good knowledge, it can be applied in bad faith to the manipulation and domination of people through the creation of groups (gangs) that acting together set traps to catch people in embarrassing situations in order to extort them later, make them slaves, they even set fire to the house, order it stolen, even influence doctors to administer the wrong medication and kill the person inside the hospital. The main victims of these social manipulations by conservative groups are: bastard children, blacks, homosexuals, minorities who cannot defend themselves alone, because, according to them, they have no father or mother to call them to defend them, so they are something easy. Only minorities are united now! Such groups train their children to be the most intellectual professionals because with the most intellectual work of doctors, judges, engineers, lawyers, prosecutors, people's lives can be greatly harmed, for example, building a building on the outskirts with cheap resources and of poor quality, quickly without respecting the time necessary for the safe drying of the work, after a few years of delivery the building collapses and kills several low-income families who work themselves to death to literally die in a disaster. Doctors with medical malpractice kill and go unpunished because they have liability insurance that pays ridiculous compensation and go on making mistakes and killing other patients who are classified as non-grateful people. The Brazilian government is influenced by neo-Nazis linked to President Bolsonaro and the PIX was developed to map financial transactions and know who people relate to financially, map money flow, important people in society, important criminals and thus attacking group by group and eliminating potential resistances before they even arise. They are killing people with the covid inside hospitals, maybe even this virus was created and developed by the neo-Nazis who are behind the New World Order, released in China precisely to damage the image of another country enemy of their ideals. The Brazilian government also created the GOV.BR with a rating of people in gold, silver and bronze, classifying them as metrics of value, ie discrimination of people and granting less access and less help to people most in need with a bronze rating. They are mapping who uses Bitcoin by going after it, trying to impute some sexual crime (mainly the LGBT public) to hand over to criminals to kill with false accusations or for them to create a situation that generates violence and kills the person, some accident, discussion for some political divergence or even commissioned murder. When neo-Nazism comes to power and with popular support, they started the killing deliberately, for now, they are doing it quietly but people are already aware of what is happening in several countries. The modus operandi is basically in Christian religious groups organized into small groups called cells. They want to build again the new EIXO and they are looking for revenge because of the two nuclear bombs exploded in Japan, they want to fuck with the US nation. This is their biggest goal, after all.
>>11 You know what would be even more lovely? You joining the 41%.
You first
>A board for the queer anons of 8moe. This is a discussion board, not a porn board right?
>>12 stfu
>>7 i guess less chance of poltards spamming random slurs so yeah so not bombarded by slurs is pretty much it
>>12 Either this is some weird copypasta, or you posted this in the wrong board buddy
>>11 you will never be a woman
>>35 >change ip kill yourself
>>37 Keep on malding, troon.
>>35 you're not changing anything by saying that cry about it
>>39 Wat? I'm not the one who believes that saying something makes it true.

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