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Anonymous 12/16/2019 (Mon) 21:44:02 Id: 2ae9c7 No. 1170

Libertarians are eternal losers.

Oh no, not this gay shit again. Can you niggers at least keep your DnC in one thread?
what's dnc?
Democratic National Convention.
Once your entire philosophy revolves around consumption and profits, don't be surprised when you turn into the borg or idiocracy.
Perfect buy slaves that are exploited by propaganda (ads) who never will learn the long term effects of their ideology on people.
Don't forget about Eugenics or Edwars Bernays, who trough the hand of corporations subverted the entirety of the US trough crowd psychology.
All you ever accomplish is an exploit of the irrational self and the death of any values, morality or culture.
Only a government can prevent this nonsense, but if it is cucked like the US was and unaware of other issues, then it is entirely pointless. You're all theory and no history or philosophy. You are the men in the think tanks who look at the charts in corporations like EA and take no concern for it's consumers. All you care about, in the end, is profits and pretend that your maximising strategies aren't pervasive to the irrational forces within people.
People lost control over the preservation of their own democratic goals and have them now dictated by corporations (the press, woke capital, etc).

The documentary:
>They are just useless fags who want to talk about their utopia, but don't have the balls to even SPEAK about what it takes to win.
Killing, you dipshit. It takes killing to win. Killing those who would treat me as a slave, and killing fag-enablers like you who would cheer them on while eagerly grubbing for your own paltry scrap of the pie.
>people who wish to abuse power are more likely to seek it
You don't say.

100% agree OP

Libertarians are cucks.
I say this as a libertarian btw.
>I say this as a libertarian btw.
Sure you do, nigsoc.
>I say this as a libertarian
How is a little self reflection not a good thing?

If we don't change there's no way we are going to win.

We are a laughing stock.
Libertarians are by no means a united front. Preaching "libertarians are cucks" to anons who consider themselves uncucked isn't going to make a difference. Take that "self-reflection" to the LP or FEE. "Changing" necessarily means turning soft, "Big L" lolberts or non-libertarians into Hoppean-style pragmatists.
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If the (((enemy's))) goal was to create popularly-embedded strawmen of threatening ideologies, it has succeeded. After all, if they cannot raise the reputations of mainstream parties or of socialist movements, then they just need to drag us down to our level. Promoting the concept of "wignats" through individuals like Matt Heimbach and "lolberts" through Cato & friends is working out very well in their favor. It prevents serious intellectual formulation and discussion as well as sows enmity by creating a "I know what they stand for and they're not worth talking to" mentality in the mentalities of both leaders and followers. It's a dangerous anti-rationalism, dangerous in the threat it poses to organized movements.

It's the first time I felt compelled to comment on a Stonetoss picture, simply because I thought him better than this. The only funny part of it is that the libertarian is actually correct in a historical context.
Stonetoss is based and is himself an ancap even if he won't talk about it openly, and he's correct in this comic. Many lolbertarians fail to grasp an essential part of Austrian economics--ordinal preferences. Yes, the state is obviously an imperfect solution and in most cases the very cause of the problem you're trying to solve. Yes, using it as a weapon is at best a gamble because the other side can use it against you. But guess what? If you abstain from using the state, your enemies will not reciprocate the gesture. The democratic state is, for better or for worse, the gun in the room, and if you don't grab it, someone else will. It's not even a violation of muh NAP to use the state in this manner, because you're using the state in self-defense against people who hate you and want you dead. Obviously, it's undesirable for the power you wield today to be used against you tomorrow. But it's even more undesirable for you not to wield that power at all, such that it's wielded against you not just tomorrow, but also today. A large number of people refuse to acknowledge the reality of ordinal preferences like this, and in turn refuse to acknowledge that a bad situation is preferable to a terrible situation. When you are facing an existential threat--and make no mistake, allowing the left to wield power unopposed is absolutely a threat to our continued existence--you cannot afford to waffle about how your tactics might be used against you in a few years. If you're dead by then, it doesn't matter.

And of course, the argument being made against using state power is making a rather big assumption--that it is inevitable for your enemies to gain power in a few short years. It's perfectly viable to grab hold of political power, and then bar your enemies from ever gaining it back. You can march through the institutions, and strip them of credibility. Deport them. Take the franchise away from them. Cut them out of the financial system. Throw them in jail. Throw them out of helicopters. This is exactly what the left is doing right now. Whenever they have control of institutions, they use them to make the right's positions ridiculous, outdated, and morally reprehensible. And it's working; the overton window has steadily shifted leftward, and the only right-wingers allowed to participate in mainstream discourse are the ones who capitulate to the left in every meaningful way.
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But how can we take the government when any politician who speaks out against any aspect of ZOG gets JFK'd or bribed/blackmailed/intimidated into compliance? We don't have the decades to infiltrate that these parasites did, and our enemies will be much quicker to spot us using these tactics than those who held power before them, since they used all these same tactics to take over.
You cannot take over the federal government, but you can certainly take over your local government which has more to say about your day to day life. Look to Virginia for an example. The Democratic state government says it wants to pass draconian gun grabbing laws, but the local sheriffs and 80+ percent of the counties in the state told them to fuck off. Get elected to a municipal or county political seat which is sympathetic to your beliefs, which ought not to be so expensive as what is needed to reach a federal seat of power, and then use your limited, but highly concentrated and local political power, to tell the government to fuck off. And like those in Virginia threaten to shoot dead and glow in the dark they send your way.

The only people who ever want to seize and wield political power are those who wish to force others to live by their ideology. I don't buy the "they do it so we should too" rhetoric. I think you're just as bad as the other side, and will gleefully come for me next after you're done with your little hypothetical scourge.

Fuck you. Leave me alone.
You're not going to be left alone unless we seize power and play dirty, dummy.
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>The only people who ever want to seize and wield political power are those who wish to force others to live by their ideology
Hang on, do you mean to tell me politicians are dicks? Wow, I'd never considered that before! Thanks, you've just turned my whole world upside-down, if it wasn't for this piercing insight I might have lived my whole life in ignorance.

No one is under any impression that elected officials are on anyone's side besides their own, and that of their (((donors))). That's not the issue here. Whether you like them or not, whether you like the process or not, this is the gun in the room. This is the mechanism through which political change is enacted. If you're interested in seeing political change happen, engaging with it is your only avenue of success. If you're fine with the status quo, you can sit on your thumb and do nothing. The rhetoric isn't "they do it so we should too," it's "they're doing it, and if they aren't opposed they will eventually kill you." Whining that you want people to leave you alone is less than useless if you don't have the means to enforce that sentiment. And you're actively rejecting said means.

>I think you're just as bad as the other side
You're entitled to your opinion, and your belief that you can win a rigged game. When somebody comes along who has a reputation for flipping the fucking board, he'll have my attention.
Also check 'em.
>dude just wait for Hitler
Oh yeah, rewarding your enemies with the object of their lawfare against you sounds like a great idea. Let's all just do nothing until Magic Mustache Man rides in on a white horse to save us all, I'm sure that will be productive. Although I really shouldn't expect more from someone who checks his own posts.
>They never help you, but they are the first to punish you and then also not punish the enemies of Liberty
the irony of anarcho-capitalism. this can not be stated enough.
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Hitler was a faggot statist, just like every other faggot statist that wants to wield the faggot power of the faggot state to elevate themselves at the expense of others. Nobody is going to "save" me, and I wouldn't want them to.

All I'm asking is that you and those like you be honest about what and who you really are. You don't want liberty at all; you just want to be a part of the biggest gang.
>he doesn't recognize the meme
Stop posting and lurk for three years.
I know the meme, Dixienigger. 14/88 is basic-bitch tier. Everybody knows the fucking meme.
It clearly seems you don't know the term.
Americans hate free speech with a passion.

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