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Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 21:59:48 Id: 5927a3 No. 201

is a libertarian alliance with fascists necessary to save the west?

You don't need to be a fascist to be against chemically castrate a child or just simply defend your child, it's one of the very few hills you should be ready to die on.

When facing existential threats, allying with groups in mutual self-defense is not a controversial stance.
Yes. Fascists will be the strong arm.
Also, Why doesn't he just flee with his kids or take a last stand? He already knows it's in nightmare stage so why is he just being a cuck thinking legal battles will help him?
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>Also, Why doesn't he just flee with his kids or take a last stand?
Where exactly do you suggest he flee, and what would that solve? He's already facing pariahdom for publicly opposing the fag lobby, and he's already known to the media. If he flees, the prosecutor will rule that he kidnapped his kid, and now he has a federal warrant for human trafficking on his head and a 0% chance of retaining custody as opposed to ~10% chance in winning his civil court battle. Trying his best in the civil suit isn't just the best possible option, it's the only option that doesn't end with him in a jail cell and his son on puberty blockers. Why don't fedposters learn to be a little more subtle in their instigations?
Disregarding the, "last stand," I can understand the feelings of the fleeing sentiments. There was that Swedish father that fled to Poland after his daughters were placed with a Muslim family. Though like you said, I doubt there's a country an American could flee to that's good for a family and have it stand up to any legal demands of extraditions to America.
No, pretty sure killing his ex-wife would solve the whole "puberty blockers" thing, at least.
this, the whole thing is pretty easy. Fight the civil battle for as long as possible and if the system makes the wrong call put your son out of misery before going for the judge and "mother".

Absolutely. To have a free homeland it is necessary to have a homeland in the first place. The only risk is that people tend to follow movements like lemmings and therefore if fascism maintains ascendancy over libertarianism then we'll wind up being an underdog movement again in a fascist land. Would still take that any day over what we have now. Although authoritarian fascism is less likely than libertarianism to win out in the U.S. it's more likely in Europe with staunch right-wingers tending to be anti-capitalist. What this means is that although we have joint goals we ought to spread our message more widely and more thoroughly if possible. It's a Nash equilibrium encouraging more participation and that's a good thing.
No, you fucking moron, the kid did nothing wrong, and he'd have a better chance in the horrors of foster care than with a mother who already wants to nip his dangly bits.

Fuck off fascist brainlet.

I don't know the whole story but what if the kid is actually trans?
Preventing the kid from going through the correct puberty(female in this case) would be child abuse.

Make like a tranny and kill yourself.
Dumb nigger, if the dad goes postal there is no chance that his son won't be sacrificed regardless of the outcome either by the state or the cucks that offer foster care.
It'd be a mercy and deny the demons their victory.
Unironically what the fuck is your guys problem?

Some people have gender dysphoria and HRT and transitioning dramatically improves their lives.
If the kid is actually trans then making the kid go through a male puberty and suffer more dysphoria by having a male body is sadistic.

I'm not saying this shouldn't be done without caution and there shouldn't be a massive amount of tests(brain scans and psychological evaluations) done first to confirm.
Gender dysphoria is fake and gay. Putting kids on puberty blockers is abuse, permanently fucking up their hormones and fertility in the name of humoring a delusion is fucking retarded. Kill yourself and stay the fuck away from schools.

fascists won't suffer you as neighbors. Libertarianism necessarily degenerates. You compromise too much with incompatible ideologies and you'd let megacorporations form that amass too much power and have too much control of society with too many perverse incentives. You say you don't but in practice you do.

although I gotta say you get some bonus points for banning that jew, your speed of degeneracy is lower than that of other non-fascist ideologies
>Gender dysphoria is fake

This isn't true at all, it's a medically diagnosable condition.
People like those who browse /liberty/ need to realize that restrictions and punishments against deviant and animal-tier behavior are the very foundation of civilization, and that this is best expressed through the state. The natural consequence of a system constructed on wishy-washy feel good bullshit like liberty and freedom is almost surely always degeneracy, hedonism and a degeneration to the level of apes, such as we are seeing throughout the liberal west now.
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get into the oven
Even if that’s true that doesn’t mean that the solution is chopping off the dick and pumping the person full of hormones. 99.9% of cases of “transgenderism” are the result of a sexual fetish and cult-like induction into the online trans community. This trans trend would be non-existent if it were not for astroturfing and the pushing of this into the mainstream via mass media, which is always looking for new ways to distract people and destroy any vestige of morality within them.
>Even if that’s true that doesn’t mean that the solution is chopping off the dick and pumping the person full of hormones.
But it literally is.
Studies show trans women who have dysphoria and transition end up having a higher quality of life and much less depression. It's literally the best cure for gender dysphoria.
> 99.9% of cases of “transgenderism” are the result of a sexual fetish
Although AGP does exist and those people probably shouldn't transition, you're ignoring the extremely large amount of people that have real gender dysphoria and aren't doing it for fetish reasons.

I'm not saying we shouldn't be extremely cautious when proceeding with this but we should be doing what's best for people.
>Studies show trans women who have dysphoria and transition end up having a higher quality of life and much less depression. It's literally the best cure for gender dysphoria.
Bluepilled if you change your beliefs because of studies. A tranny is a perpetual customer of the pharmaceutical industry due to their need for hormones and is therefore a cashcow until they off themselves. They need asylums, not your Jewish solutions, shill
Yeah studies.
You know, actual emperical evidence?

What's your solution to this problem, just let trans people suffer from dysphoria and depression their whole lives?
Every trans girl I know tells me their lives are so much better after being on HRT.

No. The last thing one could hope is to ally with another group of statecucks. The right direction is to merge libertarian ideas with real traditionalism and conservatism. Not any of that modernist and enlightenment bullshit you fascists love, I mean attitudes and ideas from way back, when women were properly treated like cattle, Europe was divided into a trillion different small kingdoms and money wasn't controlled by a central bank.
they all kill themselves dipshit
Pandering to mental disorders makes sufferers feel "better" in the short-term but it's no less a mental illness nor does it prevent worse degradation. If "gender dysphoria" is a problem in society then that means society is becoming more unhinged from reality.

Also, the "professionals" pushing "muh studies" are a bunch of quacks with an inherent conflict of interest. Kids aren't old enough to vote, drive, or purchase alcohol yet can have their entire identities psychologically and physiologically altered.

Trannies are basically high time preference retards. They're willing to put themselves through years of pain (dilation) for the temporary high of pretending to be something they never actually can be.

You can even observe this in their general political activism. If I'm remembering correctly, there was some famous e-tranny who got into shit recently because he had the revelation that it's easier to pass as a woman when no one knows about transsexuals, and this observation is key. Trannies are so busy pushing for trans acceptance that they don't realize that it goes against their interests (we must recall that these are the same people that claim that misgendering causes suicide, if it does then they shouldn't want to be identified as "trans" instead of just "female" or whichever one it happens to be).
>People like those who browse /liberty/ need to realize that restrictions and punishments against deviant and animal-tier behavior are the very foundation of civilization
I don't disagree, I imagine most don't either.

>and that this is best expressed through the state
The state is the entity which promotes this behavior and allows it to flourish. The most surefire way to kill degenerates is to remove the thing that's feeding them; without the state degenerates would either starve or die of AIDs.

>The natural consequence of a system constructed on wishy-washy feel good bullshit
There's nothing more antithetical to "feel good" than forcing people to be responsible for their actions. The unrestricted market is the most brutal and efficient eugenics program you can ever imagine. Next time, could you please put the 50-IQ part of your post at the start, so I don't have to waste time replying to you?

It sounds like you're trying to say something in between all that lip-smacking, but you shoved six gorillion half-formed thoughts into the same sentence without properly forming any of them. Put the grape drank to one side for a second and try again, maybe you'll be coherent this time.

>every trans girl I know
Just stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself.
>>1369 The state is the entity which promotes this behavior and allows it to flourish.

Like most libertarians you don't seem to understand that society will continue to exist without "the state" and that society is more than capable of feeding degenerates. See: patreon, indiegogo. Creating a system to destroy degenerate organizations like these is necessary, and that's a state
>t. doesn't know how low interest rates pervert incentives
>t. can't into price discovery
>t. what are consequences
NigSocs are r-selected retards who can't think in terms other than LARPing, news at 11.
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your greentext is totally irrelevant my dude. It's not a good look
If you can't see the relation between it and your post your IQ is below the minimum to participate here.
you're the libertarian board monarch who thinks retards giving free money to support degenerate behavior has something to do with "low interest rates". You might want to direct your low-IQ detection towards the guy you can point at with thumbs
>who thinks retards giving free money to support degenerate behavior has something to do with "low interest rates"
Buddy, the connection between lowered interest rates and increased high time-preference behavior is pretty basic economics. I could probably find high school students that could explain it unprompted if I looked around long enough.
"degenerate" and "high time-preference" are not synonyms dipshit
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>"degenerate" and "high time-preference" are not synonyms
You dumb fucker, being a degenerate is by definition choosing a temporary and immediate dopamine release over more long-term ends. I've actually changed my mind, please keep posting here as often as possible, I laugh my ass off every time you do and it's therapeutic.
you heard it here first, everybody. The jewish supremacist zionists who explicitly want to sow degeneracy throughout western nations to destroy all competing ideologies and bathe all the world except for israel in the literal fires of hell, the ones who have been working towards this goal for thousands upon thousands of years by this point, are "high time-preference"
Don't be retarded, there is obviously be a difference between those attempting to sow degeneracy and those who partake in it.
>don't be retarded
It's too late, he's already a NigSoc.
>>1334 >Studies show trans women who have dysphoria and transition end up having a higher quality of life and much less depression. It's literally the best cure for gender dysphoria. Okay I'll bite, the problem with what you're saying is that gender dysphoria is not a purely hormonal issue. By pushing someone full of hormones that don't belong there, you are fucking up a lot more while trying to fix this one problem. You are basically creating thousands of other problems just by fucking the hormonal balance of those people's bodies. It might help in the short-term but it will fuck them tremendously in the long term.
>>2987 What, deep-vein thrombosis? You get that with office jobs. Say it's as dangerous as being a roofer. You let people be roofers, don't you?
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>>1296 Good analysis, and you're spot-on with this; >The only risk is that people tend to follow movements like lemmings and therefore if fascism maintains ascendancy over libertarianism then we'll wind up being an underdog movement again in a fascist land. This is a risk that libertarian movements face in general when cooperating with other ideological movements, and it's particularly true for fascism. The libertarian focus on the individual and the individual's rights and interests puts it at a disadvantage against collectivist movements. Fascists and communists are inherently better at mobilizing mobs thanks to the nature of their ideologies. >Although authoritarian fascism is less likely than libertarianism to win out in the U.S. it's more likely in Europe with staunch right-wingers tending to be anti-capitalist. I'm not entirely sure about that. It's true that the anti-capitalist right is much stronger in Europe. But the anti-mainstream right in Europe consists of parties like the AfD and Geert Wilders' PVV. They're right in the middle of that twilight zone between conventional rightwing parties and the far right - and they tend to viciously disagree with both. The clearest contrast with the far right is that these reactionaries are consistently pro-Israel and pro-gay rights (though they do tend to be skeptic towards the trans cult). The division between them and the mainstream right is fuzzier, but there's a clear contrast in that the reactionaries are consistently anti-Islam and are also generally anti-immigration (though they are significantly more positive about non-Muslim and ex-Muslim immigrants). These reactionaries tend to get labeled 'conservative', but they draw on Classic Liberalism more than anything else. They occasionally flirt with the idea of the state taking the reins of the economy, but they're just complacent capitalists 99% of the time. Though it should be emphasized that these types accept capitalism as a given reality, but not as a guiding principle. Authoritarian fascism does exist in Europe, but it's too splintered and too out of touch with the bulk of the European population to achieve the broad popular appeal that it needs in order to get anywhere. The European public has been brainwashed to be allergic to fascism and its symbolism, and this conditioning has been quite effective. And the pro-Israel reactionary right firmly outcompetes the far right when it comes to being the voice of rightwing dissent. Still - you're quite right that libertarianism is unlikely to win out in Europe. Actual libertarianism is almost nonexistent in the EU. The only saving grace is that a reactionary takeover in Europe would almost certainly result in oligarchy rather than authoritarianism. Opaque oligarchies aren't good either, but they're better than having your face beaten in by blackshirt militias.
>>3010 >The libertarian focus on the individual and the individual's rights and interests puts it at a disadvantage against collectivist movements. I think there may be a way to circumvent that. We can take agorism and use it as a strategy to achieve a non-state society and still retain their culture and heritage. For example say Hawaii secedes and adopts agorism to starve the state of revenue and create non-state institutions to preserve their culture. There are already a lot of Hawaiian groups that work on their own to preserve their culture. That and most Hawaiian sovereignty activists hate the government regardless of which party is in power. So we could take that model and apply it to other nations as well. Like Texas can use it to secede and achieve their own ancap society. Same with the Navajo, the Midwest and etcetera.
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>>210 Russia maybe? I know not exactly ideal, but better than his current situation.
>>3044 Aye, Tommy Robbinson is already with us, we're waiting for the rest of our western bros to come over. We establish Ancapistan in Russia first, then we go save the west with a Reconquista.
>>3051 cute
>>201 >fascists >not monarchists You've been polluted by rationalism.
No, Fascists and Monarchists are both retarded and you are insane for considering allying with them. They're better than commies though.
>>3092 >Monarchists are retarded >Hans Hoppe
>>3092 >Monarchsits >retarded get out! reeeeeeeeee!
>>3093 Is Hoppe actually a monarchist or does he just say monarchy is a good temporary measure against democracy and anti-free market forces?
>>3003 I'm not even saying that we should delegalize gender change, because to be honest, I don't fucking care what retards do with their dicks as long as I don't pay for it, but I'm simply saying that it is not healthy to do and pretending that it is is pretty fucking retarded. Also, you will be bleeding from that fucking hole and have to jam something in it to keep it open.
No, fascists and communists are the same shit different coat of paint. The only thing that is different is that fascists are more competent.
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>>3092 Go be a nigger somewhere else.
>>3108 Honestly, yes. While he might not go parading around constantly in support of the old houses, he basically came to the same conclusion as Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn in that democracy is an eternal threat to the market and social order. (Although VKL cared less about the first) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTWrFTFxGbk
an alliance with national-anarchists and anarcho-fascists would be interesting.
>>3873 >an alliance with national-anarchists and anarcho-fascists would be interesting. I've never been entirely clear on what the differences between the two were.
You are all insufferable fucking retards, no wonder this board is fucking dead
>>3895 O.K..
>>201 Yes liberty is based on high trust and a common culture.
>>201 I opened up this thread more than a year ago, mostly to shitpost and keep the board alive, and I don't know but I think with the corona hysteria many libertarians have lost hope in the social aspect of libertarianism. Jeff Deist and Tom Woods, when I hear them talking it's like they are moving towards some weird austro-conservatorism thing. Deist is even talking more and more about Burnham and the managerial class. I don't know.
>>4252 It makes sense. I mean, the lockdowns and Corona hysteria SHOULD have been libertarianism's chance to shine in the same sense that the Corn Laws made Henry Cobden and a chance for libertarianism to shine a couple centuries ago. It had a clear-cut case and readily made political movement that would usher in another era of libertarianism. I mean, you're talking about making entire cities and countries into prisons, and obvious hysteria over something for which more and more AND MORE evidence piled up and continues to pile up that it's not. And yet, despite all that, libertarians STILL failed to make a case for liberty. I think what happened to Deist and Woods was that, "Well, if liberty can't even take root with such fertile soil, then it's not happening."
>>4253 in today's episode of the TWS you can hear where Woods is going more or less if you are curious https://youtu.be/MKPjEmGHW_k?t=1779
>>4255 More and more I think the vast majority of people simply can not be persuaded of libertarianism. Sure, maybe there's some people who have a receptive carrier, but the vast majority will be socialists and there's nothing we can do. Case in point, the Ultimatum Game. There exist numerous people who not only are perfectly willing to, but think it's the right thing to deny both parties get anything. There's no road to Damascus for someone like that.
>>4256 What is happening now, in terms of the popular reaction, should not be surprising. There was never a period in history where most people were libertarians by default. But I don't think people are socialists by default either. I think a lot of them simply don't have the time or desire to deal with politics, and the only reason they look like socialists is because that's the convenient line that they're fed--memes like "the hospitals are overwhelmed" and such. One should also be careful not to look at the curated narratives generated by Twitter, Reddit, and CNN as examples of what the average person or the "majority" actually think or care about. While things look bleak now and are likely to get worse in the near future, you also have millions of Americans who feel like the political system is no longer legitimate. Plenty of people now have firsthand experience of government intrusion into their homes and workplaces. Plenty have been ostracized from the Big Tech/MSM walled garden. If it turns out the Biden-Harris administration actually drink their own Kool-Aid, this will escalate. By being forced to adopt an outside perspective, those people will have to confront certain fairytales--that the government exists to protect them, that "the government is the people", etc. By no means are these effects limited to groups of people small enough to be memory-holed. Around 74 million people voted for Trump. That's around a quarter of the country's population. Those aren't numbers that you can just disappear. It took Mao four years to kill 50 million people in a country with double the population of the modern US. Couple that with non-Trump voters who have had their livelihoods or seen others' stomped on just enough to wake up a bit. This "should" be libertarianism's chance to shine, yes. But what are you expecting? Are ANTIFA going to throw down their arms when they hear enough facts and logic? Are Govs. Newsom, Whitmer, and Cuomo going to see the light and stop strangling their cities? Is CNN going to start reporting the truth? Are school teachers working from home going to admit that the risk of a kid catching COVID-19 and spreading it is infinitesimal? No. The revolution does not happen on r/politics. Where the change is likely to happen is with those who have seen the ugliness firsthand. That's where we should look.
>>4257 >This "should" be libertarianism's chance to shine, yes. But what are you expecting? I was expecting another Ron Paul moment where you had a large group of youth join the liberty movement. I was expecting another Henry Cobden moment where you'd see a lot of anti-lockdown organizations sprout up. I know Antifa isn't going to throw down their arms, but that there was _zero_ growth for libertarians in a time like this, and instead Antifa and lockdowners grew in strength? I mean, imagine if in the middle of the Holodomor you had government support increase even more. It's made me a complete defeatist. >Where the change is likely to happen is with those who have seen the ugliness firsthand. I don't think we're going to see it there, either. You've got people dealing with lockdowns and mandates and lost their jobs and livelihoods because of it who clamor for even more lockdowns and mandates. I remember Rothbard used to talk about how "They talked about the Socialist Man, where they could change human behavior to make socialism work--well it turns out the human spirit is more resilient than that!" I think he'd eat his words now. I don't know if it's because of some MGS2-like "Selection for Societal Sanity" that the government has made with the help of Big Tech, but I wouldn't be surprised. >By no means are these effects limited to groups of people small enough to be memory-holed. Around 74 million people voted for Trump. That's around a quarter of the country's population. Those aren't numbers that you can just disappear. It took Mao four years to kill 50 million people in a country with double the population of the modern US. Couple that with non-Trump voters who have had their livelihoods or seen others' stomped on just enough to wake up a bit. I think it IS going to happen: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/january/20/viral-trumpsnewarmy-video-is-liberals-at-their-craziest-and-scariest/ Coupled with the fact that there has been no Battle of Athens against the fraud means that, yes, there's a lot of people here, but unlike Mao, I don't think there's going to be any significant resistance. Over this past year, Antifa has shown bigger and more effective riots than the one measly staged event at the capitol. >you also have millions of Americans who feel like the political system is no longer legitimate. Plenty of people now have firsthand experience of government intrusion into their homes and workplaces. Plenty have been ostracized from the Big Tech/MSM walled garden. If it turns out the Biden-Harris administration actually drink their own Kool-Aid, this will escalate. Historically speaking, I would argue that accelerationism tends to lead to more tyranny in the long run, not less. Sorry for being all blackpill and shit, but these are just the thoughts that have been running through my head for the past few months. I'm on the level of expecting gulags to crop up (LITERAL gulags) and trying to mentally prepare myself for how to deal with them and how to conduct my life when they do.
>>1334 Would you tell someone who has an irrational psychological need to chop off their own arm to get it removed or recommend them to a therapist? If someone goes to the doctor with suicidal thoughts should he prescribe a gun and a room to blow their brains out in? You don't understand the issue of having permanent physical solutions to what is objectively a mental problem?
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>>4271 Reminder.

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