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Prepper/Survivalist General Anonymous 07/02/2020 (Thu) 17:51:33 Id: a679c8 No. 3236
How many of you are the self-sufficient types? I live on 40 acres and before the covid/BLM crap I was attempting to become self-sufficient. Now it is full-speed ahead.
I don't have any property, but have been educating myself on how to cultivate my own fruits and vegetables. I never realized how simple and easy it was to just grow food, and assuming that you're not doing it on a mass scale (fields upon fields) it wouldn't take any more than a couple of hours per day of babysitting in order to reliably produce enough food to keep you going. Protein would be an issue, since animals take up so much space, but my family used to raise chickens so - even though I absolutely despise them - I can do that for eggs. Finally, every single red-blooded man on Earth should know how to hunt for his food, and not only that, how to hunt safely and sustainably, without obliterating either his food or his food's ecosystem. I was lucky to have a dad who thought this was important, but if you didn't, get a rifle and a hunting license post haste so you can practice.
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>>3237 I would like to get chickens going but I have too much on my hands at the moment. I have a small garden not enough to live off fully yet. There is a book called Mini Farming: Self Sufficiency on 1/4 acre which is helpful. If I can at least get down to being between 50-25% dependent on outside sources I will be happy. >>3238 kek the scale of values is varied indeed
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>>3239 >chickens I remember ducks being actually better, but I can't remember why. Also, consider rabbits, they are quiet, and you can keep them indoors if you live in an apartment. >If I can at least get down to being between 50-25% dependent on outside sources I will be happy. I'm thinking about vertically planting some potatoes and herbs on my balcony, they say you need about 20 potato plants per person to get enough for one person to last a year, but I'm nost so sure. Potatoes are some of the most nutritious and energy efficient foods. NASA did studies on them and decided that's probably the best plant to have on long-term missions.
>>3241 >ducks vs chickens Duck eggs are much, much higher in fat and protein content than chicken eggs, and can be harvested nearly as often with nearly as much food required by the duck. I would choose ducks over chickens in a SHTF scenario except I just plain don't like duck meat, it's way too oily. Plus, ducks are assholes. Chickens are sedate, calm, and stupid. Ducks are more predisposed to aggression.
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Sources of protein: >rabbits They don't lay eggs, but they breed fast enough for you to be able to eat them regularly (4 females = 3 meals per week), their meat is really lean and high in protein, and you can make yourself a hat or a comfy pair of underwear with their fur. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u9DLbRiO08 >jersey cow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_cattle A mini cow which is lower maintenance and easy to keep, produces less milk than a regular cow, but the milk is higher in protein, fat and calcium (best to get a pair since they are so small, and you will get more milk than one Holstein cow taking up the same space). Literally the best cow breed you can have on a small piece of property. >fish Also a good source of meat, preferably to be part of a hydroponics system to fertilize vegetables. >pigeons I always had this theory that even though we do it unintentionally, the fact that people feed seeds and bread crumbs to pigeons outside makes them a sort of emergency food source for when SHTF, but you can also throw leftovers in a special feeder outside your house so that they sit around and you can trap them when you need to. >mouse deer I thought this was pretty neat, it's basically a species of deer the size of a cat, small enough to keep in your apartment. It's a pretty exotic species, but wonder if it tastes like normal deer and how economical it is too raise them for food. >bugs >soy If you're a leftist.
>>3247 Having rabbits is actually a decent idea. I might have to look more into that. >mouse deer I have squirrels raiding my bird feeder the size of that thing. Would be cool to have as a pet. I wonder if I could train it to crap in a litter box.
Freeze-dying seems like a pretty badass way to go preserving food for 25+ years while retaining 60%+ of the nutrition. Super expensive but would equal the investment in the long term. https://youtu.be/buPlioiOLsU
>>3276 idk about fancy freeze drying equipment, it seems like that would be over-doing it. My friend got himself a really cheap vacuum sealing machine which can preserve shit for years depending what you're packaging, and combine that with presrvatives, or traditional preservation methods like salt or brine or sun-drying, and your food will also last a pretty long time.
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>>3281 I probably will look into those other methods as well. A freeze dyer is on my long list for sure. Bee hives are another idea I have been thinking about. Not just for the honey but the wax is useful for making candles, and propolis and royal jelly are super foods. I have seen some people have hives in the city, set up on their balconies or apartment rooftops. So even cityfags and take advantage of hives.

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