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Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 19:27:15 Id: 71b8cb No. 3249
Capitalism is just meritocracy. It replaced feudalism because standing meritocratic armies supported by meritocratic merchant companies were massive and technologically advanced. The old ruling class became irrelevant in the face of armed professionals. And them everything went to shit because 80% of people are subhuman and 1/4 of their children were also shit. Those shitkids did not die because we "advanced" society and we waste resources of those shitfucks. Those shitfucks have kids, the rate of biological failure increases with each generation. 1/4 > 2/4 > 3/4 > white race > americans > etc This is the Mouse Utopia we already discussed about. Abolishing feudalism and starting captalism is LITERALLY the same as giving rights to slaves. Something that jews do to destroy nations. uhmm...
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me in vid
>>3249 >That pic The guy earns some of the money because that's the system he created. He spent the time and money doing the research on how to market his products. Then, he financed and organized the entire production line so that he could make the tea cups in a profitable manner. And, he still gets part of the money after hiring people on to replace him in those positions because he's the one directing the company in where it goes, how it expands, and maintaining a system provides an income for all the people working under him. How do these retards think companies rise and fall in the first place? >Capitalism is just meritocracy. <meritocracy: (1) a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement; (2) a group of leaders chosen on the basis of their talents and achievements Clearly you don't know a damn thing about capitalism, otherwise you'd know that capitalism don't give one single shit about your education, talents, or achievement. If education was all it took to be successful in a capitalist society, then you wouldn't have millions of college graduates who are stuck working at the local Starbucks. If talent was all it took to be successful in a capitalist society, then the Olympics wouldn't be as much of a joke as it is to where the city governments to tax the citizens on order to promote the "talent" the event provides. And, if achievement was all it took to be successful in a capitalist society, then there should have been zero reason that it took inventions like the light bulb, the automobile, and computers DECADES until they finally caught on. In fact, that last reason shows EXACTLY what living in a capitalist society is all about. The first "motor car" was built in 1885, but it wasn't until Henry Ford invented the assembly line (Making the production of an automobile very inexpensive and efficient, and affordable for the general public) in 1913 that automobile sales skyrocketed through the roof. Humphry Davy created the first "modern lights" with the creation of the incandescent light (1802) and the arc lamp (1806), but it was Edison (In 1879) who found a way to make the incandescent light an actually viable and inexpensive commodity. And, then, with computers, you used to have these massive mainframes that took up entire rooms (If not complexes), and the earliest "home computers" where entire "do-it-yourself" kits; but it wasn't until Apple, Commodore, Atari, and Microsoft started making computers user-friendly, pre-assembled, and efficient that things really took off. Boiling it all down, Capitalism has absolutely NOTHING to do with meritocracy. >This is the Mouse Utopia we already discussed about. The mouse utopia experiments only applies to societies than you have no escape from (I.E. a prison). And, later experiments revealed that having entertainment, tasks to accomplish, and dreams to strive for negated the apocalyptic outcome that the original experiments foretold. >Abolishing feudalism and starting captalism is LITERALLY the same as giving rights to slaves. Slaves have nearly always had rights throughout history. In fact, slaves could literally buy back their freedom if they wanted it.
>>3249 >>3253 >that pic Is this pic supposed to be a pro-capitalist pic because it shows all the work the owner had to do and the last panel is meant to be satirical, or is it supposed to be an anti-capitalist pic because the last panel is meant to be interpreted as a "gotcha" statement?
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>>3255 It's supposed to be a pro-capitalist image from what I can tell. However if the owner did all that work to start their business they probably wouldn't hire some unskilled laborer off the street. I also doubt the majority of people he could hire would think like that when developed nations have a shortage of work and an unemployment problem, excepting them being a poor manager and bad at assigning responsibility (which the modern economy is full of due to government enabled corporate mismanagement). Businesses are a unit and operators have a duty to support their workforce just as much as their workforce has a duty to support them. This is most apparent in startups but is diluted as businesses grow and jealousies emerge over the distribution of profit throughout the organization. Rivalries eventually force executive leadership to put their foot down and become the villain, or risk losing everything they worked to earn. It's an eternal tragedy.
I like how the lads here understood the point of the text, which talks in a vague way of genetics and sociology, but did not understood the simple picture. Meanwhile is 9tw it was the other way around
>>3252 >that video >understand the german this is somehow so bleak and dark

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