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Anonymous 07/12/2020 (Sun) 01:38:04 Id: 86ab55 No. 3321
Please post other libertarian forums, blogs, etc.. All I have are two podcasts from Bob Murphy and Jeff Deist once every couple weeks, and the four posts on this forum that isn't someone diaperposting. Being one of the remaining 12 libertarians in 2020 is kind of depressing.
>>3322 Is there anything new?
>>3327 Those are just the ones I check the most often. Maybe someone else will give us something new.
>>3321 I've found Liberty in Our Time which has audiobooks of Mises and other Libertarians but apparently they've bought into the BLM stuff. Quite a shame, actually.
>>3329 In all seriousness, for all libertarians are about decentralization, if the government took down the Mises Institute and those associated with it, that would absolutely destroy the libertarian movement and nearly all libertarian media creators. I think the only one left would maybe be Ryan Faulk, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on with him anymore.
>>3332 Check these digits.
>>3333 Checked.
>>3332 Here is a new one. It sounds quite basic, like recorded bare bones from the garage or spare bedroom basic. It was advertised on the last Libertarian Christian podcast. https://yourfreedomadventure.com/ >if the government took down the Mises Institute and those associated with it, that would absolutely destroy the libertarian movement Yeah it really would. Those associated with the Mises Instititute are the only ones that actively represent libertarianism currently. God knows you cannot look to the "Libertarian" Party especially since their chairman refused to let Ron Paul speak and is getting cozy with the socialists and other left-leaning members in the party.
Dave Smith has been pretty based recently. Also Scottish Liberty Podcast is good, although it has zero presentation. The two Kinsella episodes (the most recent ones) were absolutely awesome.
>>3321 >Being one of the remaining 12 libertarians in 2020 is kind of depressing. It feels really bad, I can't believe we lost. I thought there was going to be a big libertarian movement online like 10 years ago wtf happened man
>>3332 Ryan used to be ancap but he totally changed his mind and is now an economic nationalist. Sean Last got to him. It's like he forgot everything he learned while being ancap. I heard him say he's still somewhat in support of free markets, but wants strong regulation in favor of the "nation".
>>3370 I think the number of libertarians during its peak was wildly overestimated. I don't think we plummeted from millions to 12. I think we went from 5 in the 70s, up to 50 in 2010, and now we're down to 12 libertarians left. >>3363 >>3360 >>3336 Thanks for the suggestions guys.
There's also the moral minority podcast if you guys want. They're paleo-libertarian. They cover current news sporadically but are very Austrian School of Economics Rothbardian Anarchists. https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-moral-minority
>>3321 It depends upon how loosely you define libertarian. We all love purity spiraling (or else we wouldn't be on an even more obscure underwater basket-weaving forum that's been splintered into several sites), but after watching a bunch of communities completely sputter and die to it, I think there's some compromise that you have to accept when forming the overall community so that your ideas even reach enough people to stay alive. You can maintain your ideas, but there should also remain people to hear them. I know nobody here likes ReasonTV and FEE because they have a lot of open borders advocates, but they have a larger following than the Mises Institute, especially considering FEE's Out of Frame episodes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFbfDcELLxw was posted last month and has almost 400k views, whereas most Mises videos barely manage to pull a few thousand). There's also AIER, which people here don't like for similar reasons. For podcasts, there's the Emergent Order podcast (same people who made the Keynes vs. Hayek rap videos) and based black libertarian Eric July.
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>>3412 In order to more accurately determine who is on our side without purity spiraling, we must use a combination of two much more reliable heuristics: >1. Do they want to move in the general direction of freedom? This is super simple. Regardless of how wrong their views are, we must judge people by their relative position on the statist/libertarian spectrum, not their absolute one. No one is perfect, we can nitpick at everything and anything, but that is childish and counterproductive. As long as they are moving towards more wealth and power to the individual and less to the state and those associated with it, that should be good enough. With this, we can make strategic alliances with groups that take us further to our goals, instead of compromising on 20 libertarian positions just to gain a few more leftists on our side, which is what the US Libertarian Party has been doing for years. >2. Why are they actually libertarian? This is the most fundamental libertarian interview question, and the correct answer doesn't really have anything to do with Rothbard or economics, but with the very soul of libertarianism - master morality, without it libertarianism simply won't have a reason to exist. A true libertarian doesn't even have to know they are libertarian, but they are libertarian at heart because they value elitism, exclusivity, selfishness, competence, individualism, difference, the glorious, etc... and they can support libertarianism because they are chads who want to live among other chads, they will naturally produce freedom in society as a side-effect of badassness, even if they don't know any libertarian book, or are too low IQ to understand economics. This is all in contrast to fake libertarians, who produce communism as a side-effect of being wretched losers, despite having read all the right libertarian books, and memorized all the correct arguments to btfo leftards with facts and logic, but they themselves are leftists at heart, because they are driven by the primary leftist motivator - ressentiment, and its values: egalitarianism, inclusivity, altruism, democracy, collectivism, uniformity, the pitiful, etc... they either mistakenly presume that libertarianism is supposed to force these leftist ideals onto the rest of us uncivilized barbarians, or are knowingly sowing populations and organizations with slave morality to harvest socialism later on. /blogpost
>>3426 >altruism Altruism is what leads to private charity. It is not a bad thing except when it is forced by the State in the form of the welfare.
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>>3431 Yes, genius, thanks for taking the opportunity to point out the obvious. No one is saying that there won't be private charities or that they should all be banned or something. There's nothing wrong with it from an ethics point of view, just like there's nothing unethical about suicide or letting someone else fuck your wife, the real question is why would you do it? Who really benefits from your voluntary sacrifice? We aren't arguing ethics here, we are arguing morals, but ethics do follow morals, so from a master/chad morality point of view, self-sacrificial behaviour is retarded, it is spiritual socialism which either manifests as real socialism or as naive self-sabotage for someone else to succeed where you voluntarily chose to fail. There's no justifying altruism from an ancap point of view. Human beings are transactional creatures, if we give away something for free, we are either making an investment of some sort, or we are exchanging it for less obvious currencies like trust or favour (for example). But what's the point of life, liberty and property if we are all supposed to voluntarily kill ourselves to "save the planet", give up our freedoms for the convenience of others, and give away all our wealth and property so someone else can own it? Only socialists and losers want this, that's why they have been pushing this into our culture since the Frankfurt School if not earlier. And btw this is how charity is supposed to work: The ancap chad living by a master morality doesn't do charity simply because he was memed into "doing the right thing", he does it because he ultimately helps himself and his own, because he gains more from helping others than others do from receiving help. Trouble in his family, his community, his neighbourhood, his city, his country, his life, etc... are a stain on his glory. He takes on extra responsibilities and other people's burdens as a means of magnifying himself - bigger risks mean bigger rewards, and if he succeeds, then he comes out with that much more power and influence in the world. It's all about HIM and his things, it's never about someone else, such is the way of the ancap chad. Don't like it? Sorry, but you're a loser (socialist) if that's the case.
If you’re a leftist, you have CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, Tribune, Times, Globe, NPR, PBS, Slate, Vox If you’re right-wing, you have Fox…maybe WaPo? Each one of those organizations are incredibly well-funded with hundred or thousands of reporter across the world. If you’re us…we have nothing Why do we not have _any_ MSM source? Why are we so completely unrepresented? Why am I forced to find Ron Paul talking with a dude in a shed in Texas, three guy’s podcasts out of their garages, Lew’s mid-90s website, and an occasional seminar from the Professor Xavier’s X-Men mansion in Atlanta, Georgia?
>>3765 I wonder if this has to do with the two-party system in the US, which has been fairly consistent, but I also wonder: is it only recently that news organizations clearly became biased in favor of one party or another?
>>3773 A lot of local newspaper in my area started as political party newspapers.
You are alive today. This is something. You may be able today to go to a cafe and eat outdoors, but don't let your guard down. Tomorrow will be worse. Americans must be totally obsessed with freedom now. Every conversation, thought, and action must be spent looking for loopholes, resisting, and prepping. The elites want to kill you. How could care you about anything else? https://www.campidiot.com/viewforum.php?id=28

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