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Saint Kyle Rittenhouse Anonymous 08/28/2020 (Fri) 01:19:01 Id: d87328 No. 3575
So, are we going to talk about how this guy was obviously so in the right that people are making themselves look incredibly silly trying to attack him?
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He was cleaning graffiti with others hours before off a Getty Museum. I'll be surprised if he gets charged for anything other than maybe bringing a gun across state borders without a license (I assume)
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>>3575 One thing I'll say immediately is that the media spin against him is something that is absolutely fucking amazing, beyond that, he is without the shadow of a doubt a fucking hero. >Commie pedo fag attempts to assault Kyle >gets shot in the head >nothingofvaluelost.jpg >more commies then attempt to assault him >kyle shoots the commies >one of them even fakes surrender in order to shoot kyle >Gets his arm shot off for pulling out a glock >Cries like a bitch for the camera I know the state is going to try its best to make life hard for this kid, but I hope genuine justice gets delivered and he walks. He protected the businesses and lives of so many people with selfless actions and made so many commies seethe. He should be a patron saint of /liberty/
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>>3576 I've heard that his mother lives in Illinois, but his father lives in Wisconsin (or the other way around). So, there's a chance that he's not even guilty of that. >>3577 >the media spin against him is something that is absolutely fucking amazing It really does have me absolutely aghast. If anything made it more patently obvious that the MSM is some hideous mockingbird/Pravda arrangement to me, this has got to be it. I used to have doubts that places like Reddit were just nothing but bots, but now I'm absolutely convinced.
>>3575 America is no longer a free society.
>>3576 >I'll be surprised if he gets charged for anything other than maybe bringing a gun across state borders without a license (I assume) He's not even in the wrong there. There's no law against bringing a gun across state lines, assuming the gun is legal to own in that state. They're trying to get him because he was open carrying while 17, and Wisconsin has a law against minors open carrying. However, that law only applies if: >the long gun being open-carried is a sawed-off shotgun or sawed-off rifle >the minor is under 16 Neither of these apply to Kyle. The only possible crime he could be charged with is violating curfew. Also, apparently left-lolbergs are trying to call him a bootlicker. Let it be known that if any those fags shows his face in here it's an insta-ban.
>>3583 >Let it be known that if any those fags shows his face in here it's an insta-ban. Epic.
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>>3583 How can there be left-lolbergs if they demand solutions to their problems if they want it done through social reforms and etc? They might just be a different brand of socialism to communism is like fawn to a sheep.
>>3585 It's called mob rule.
>>3575 I don't talk to other people but if there's someone you know that is a faggot eating all the MSM bullshit then show them this video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/G71YbHTgSv94/ They go through all of the footage, very carefully and basically you can't possibly watch it and not think that the kid was 100% justified unless you are totally brain damaged. Also, I know communists are stupid, but why would you jump over a guy with a fucking rifle, SPECIALLY after he's shot another person already in front of your eyes. God I just cannot understand what kind of things go through these people's minds to act this retarded. That retard who got his arm blown off deserved to get shot in the head like the other fag.
>>3583 >left-lolbergs Those are just communists trying to, as always, pass off as something else to deceive idiots into thinking they are not the usual bolsheviks.
>>3589 They are worse than bolsheviks they are anarchists.
It's one thing to consider that maybe the first kill wasn't justified (I think it was), but there are people in certain libertarian boards who despite watching all the 3 videos are still claiming Kyle started shooting people at random. This scares me a shitload. I mean, you can see him running away. You can see him NOT shooting a guy after he tries to attack him but retires after he fell. You can see him not shooting the guy who assaulted him with a gun after he shooted him in the arm and he went away. What the fuck? How can people be so oblivious to what's going on when there are 3 videos? You just cannot claim he was shooting people for pleasure or at random, and yet that's what many have claimed.
>>3601 It's so blatantly obvious that at this point I think these are not real people. They've got to be paid actors or bots. I don't understand otherwise.
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>>3601 >in certain libertarian boards LMAO which ones? I want go laugh at them.
>>3607 My bet's on Reddit, which would explain why the vagueness and saying "certain libertarian" boards.
>>3607 >>3608 Liberal/libertarian facebook groups of the country I live in. I've been vague because it wasn't important and I wrote the first thing that came to mind, but after I posted I've noticed that someone could have thought I was referring to an imageboard. >>3603 I don't know what is going on but it worries me
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>>3576 I know it's nothing but a lot of memes, but the more I think about, the more I think that ever effort possible should be extended so that Kyle goes down as part of the gunfighter lore and legend that the U.S. has created. I've heard people calling him "The Kenosha Kid"/"Kyle the Kid" and calling this event "Shootout at the Source"/"The Kenosha Mile," and I'm all for that kind of legend building.
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>>3616 "Kyle the Cleaner"
Quick question for Americans, Democrats politicians in their states are using all the mob violence to push their socialist and even fascist(racial ones) . How do you guys fare? I bet most people will leave these states, but once the federal government changes you guys are fucked, and politicians and radical groups are mobilizing people to attack other states with the ok of the media and corrupt justice prosecutors and judges. Better to form militias and fight right now to show power and organized challenge to show normalfags they are not alone or you guys will be completely fucked in the future
>>3618 >Their socialists and fascist agendas
>>3618 >Better to form militias and To my knowledge there are loads of militias. The media never reports on them though, because all that happens is antifa shows up somewhere, they notice a group of 10 people with long rifles in trucks wherever they go, and then they get scared and move on to the next town. Therefore, about the only cities that get hit by antifa are the same cities that antifa lives in, which means antifa is essentially forced to attack their own base.
>>3583 >apparently left-lolbergs are trying to call him a bootlicker
Kyle's amazing. Most soldiers, with lots of training and more years, would have died in his spot.
>>3637 Isn't it ironic that these leftists have the gall to call people "bootlickers" when they cheer police raiding the homes of people who defend their property and signal implicit approval of rioters who run through the streets killing people and destroying property?
>>3637 If you niggers weren't afraid of the anarchism/communist dudes you wouldn't be trying to "stop" them. haha, again, anarchism>fascism
>>3880 Ancoms aren't anarchists though lol. They are authoritarian statists. Their ideology is much more closer to fascism than whatever Kyle believes in.
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>>3885 this. they use the political term of anarchism being no hierarchy which is gay. ancaps use the real definition of no government

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