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Anti-Crawl Thread Anonymous 05/13/2022 (Fri) 12:01:53 Id: 000000 No. 5351
Post here when you check out the board, have something that you think doesn't deserve a full thread, or just want to shoot the shit. Time to roll the dice to see if this board's captcha system will let me post or not!
How do government-friendly folks always spin things pro-government? E.g., a bridge collapses and instead of, "What the fuck was the DOT doing? That guys needs to get fired." it's "Problem of capitalism, the government needs MORE power to fix this problem." Cancer alley in New Orleans is going on right now, the EPA KNOWS the 13 companies dumping ethylene oxide into the area and instead of "What the fuck is the EPA doing? Do we even need this agency?" it's "Problem of capitalism, thank god the EPA at least let us know we're dying of cancer." The Uvalde cops fucked up big time, but instead of "What the fuck are the cops doing? The police chief needs to lose his job and we need some alternatives to the police" it's "The problem is guns, let's repeal 2A and ban guns." 9/11 happens and instead of, "What the fuck was the CIA/FBI/etc. DOING?! Those agencies need to be abolished if they can't do their jobs properly." it's "Hey, let's give the CIA/FBI a new friend called the DHS, and let's fuck all privacy rights away!" Financial crisis happens and instead of, "FED, Fannie, Freddie, what the FUCK?!" it's "Let's give the FED MORE power to regulate financial interests and be privy to MORE regulatory capture!" Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Do libertarians refusing to work in government positions lead to them holding a major politically strategic disadvantage?
I wish more people really understood regulatory capture when they call for more regulation. I want to tell a story. There's a popular refrigerant, R134a, and DuPont used to be the biggest supplier of it in the U.S. up until somewhere around 2015, because a company started up in Mexico to produce R134a and competed heavily against DuPont. Then, in 2016, the EPA made a proclamation that by 2021, it was going to be phased out. In 2017, the Mexican company filed suit against the EPA that the EPA couldn't because R134a didn't have an ozone depleting potential, and therefore had no legal authority. There was a party that filed an amicus brief and paid for the EPA's legal battle: Chemfours ( https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/3EDC3D4817D618CF8525817600508EF4/$file/15-1328-1687707.pdf ). Who's Chemfours? A subsidiary of DuPont, of course. Surprisingly, Mexichem won the suit, but the EPA kept the 2021 disclaimer up. The ruling was challenged in 2018, but Mexichem won again ( http://climatecasechart.com/case/mexichem-fluor-inc-v-epa/ ). Curiously, the claim that it was to be taken off the market by 2021 was kept up by the EPA. In 2020, the AIM act was hidden into an appropriations bill ( https://www.epa.gov/climate-hfcs-reduction/aim-act ), and got unknowningly passed, allowing the EPA to regulate basically _any_ chemical. So, by 2021...R134a is still on schedule to get phased out. Why? Because DuPont realizes that having the EPA on its side can help it shove out its competition. It's the only one that can handle the regulatory and legal hurdles.
Can anyone refute primitive communism (the idea that hunter-gatherer societies were communist therefore communism is completely within human nature)?
>>5369 I think libertarians are done refuting. They've refuted, refuted, and refuted, and now have just decided to do like John Galt and gtfo. The death of this board is evident of it. I myself have grown sick of the fact that I can't even find a place to discuss libertarianism anymore. It's just constant, vitriolic attack and demoralization. If the intention was to demoralize libertarians out of existence, it's worked. Look how there are no more libertarians here anymore. There are no more libertarians on hardly any chan. There's just one, small group of them left on a few, private community servers, and that's it. So the answer to your question is "No."
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>>5369 Society of early humans is characterized by the rudimentary division of labor between sexes, close cooperation, a fundamental sense of private property, few possessions, a limited number of commodities and services in consumption and exchange, and slight inequality in income distribution. Therefore, pre-historic human societies had all the needed ingredients of the market economy, but on such a small level that the majority of scholars tended to ignore them. However, in the evolutionary processes, one cannot overlook even the slightest delta because it would be impossible to explain behavioral changes over time. An initial and primitive socio-economic setup predetermined a gradient of development of humans as an intelligent species who would use their intellect to organize ever-advanced modes of production. >>5370 Libertarians come and go from this board, and yeah. Almost everything has been refuted so what's the point anymore? Beat people with books? Shoot them with guns? If they aren't able to see what's in their best self-interest even after all the shitshows we've had in the past few decades then nothing may help them. I'll continue staying here till I see no activity for long periods of time.
>>5372 Libertarians go, but they don't come.
Is this board and the 9chan board the only libertarian imageboards out there? Are we the only libertarians on imageboards period? Has the libertarian movement really died this goddam hard?
>>5379 I am sure there's more boards, this is the only one with more than a 100 posts that i know of Anyhow, if /liberty/ was to participate in the Infinity Cup, how many anons would actually watch it?
How should imageboards defend against demoralization? >>5380 I don't pay attention to the Infinity Cup.
Why is it that in the U.S. the state level has been tending to go Republican while the federal level has been going Democrat?
>>5382 It's easier to steal a federal election than a state/local one
>>5382 >>5385 And here's why: a fraudulent POTUS has more protection than a fraudulent House Representative
>Have small government values. >Don’t want to work for the government because it’s contradictory. Like a prohibitionist working for a bar. >Government has NO small government people working for it. >Deep State silences small government ideologies because there’s nobody internally to represent that viewpoint. >GOTO 1 How do you stop this vicious feedback loop? Don't libertarians have an analogous strategic/ideological of "the paradox of violence"?
Thoughts on the Alex Jones trial?
O.K. wait, so Nixon covertly raids his political opponents' HQ, and has to resign in shame because of it. But Biden just brazenly does it in the open?
Do the elites…not understand how food works? Cows and other livestock let us turn non-arable land into arable land, or turn non-human-edible parts of other edible crop into edible for humans. Beef isn’t some “luxury product” that only first worlders should/do eat. They aren’t emitting methane for fun; meat production is 100% essential for high efficiency agricultural production. Nitrogen is absolutely essential to maintain high yield on extremely valuable farmland. Like, if it isn’t there, agricultural production will crash back to pre-industrial-revolution levels. The elites do understand that they won’t get away with it if nobody can eat, right? This is at such a catastrophic scale that they’re likely to starve, too. They get that, right? Are our elites just…dumb? Like, really, really, REALLY dumb? This is “electrolytes are what plants crave” levels of stupid. Are inbreeding MAGAtards in trailer parks actually smarter than people like Bill Gates?
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The Japanese government has launched a nationwide competition calling for ideas to encourage people to drink more alcohol after a change in attitudes among the young resulted in a slide in tax revenues. The Sake Viva! campaign, which is being run by the National Tax Agency (NTA), asks 20- to 39-year-olds to come up with proposals to help revitalise the popularity of alcoholic drinks, which have fallen out of favour because of lifestyle changes during the coronavirus pandemic and among young people. The NTA said alcohol consumption in Japan had fallen from an average of 100 litres a person a year in 1995 to 75 litres in 2020. The decrease in alcohol sales has hit Japan’s budget, which is already running a deficit of more than ¥48tn (£290bn) Taxes on alcohol accounted for 1.7% of Japan’s tax revenue in 2020, down from 3% in 2011 and 5% in 1980. Total revenue from tax on alcohol in the 2020 financial year fell by more than ¥110bn to ¥1.1tn, compared with the previous year, the NTA said earlier this month. It was the biggest fall in alcohol tax income in 31 years, according to the Japan Times. https://www.guardian2zotagl6tmjucg3lrhxdk4dw3lhbqnkvvkywawy3oqfoprid.onion/world/2022/aug/17/japan-government-launches-competition-to-get-people-drinking-alcohol-drinks-tax-revenue
>>5393 How much of it is due to: - The 20-39 yo population decreasing? - 20-39 yos simply not being able to afford alcohol?
>>5387 You have to play the power game and understand that you will need to give some things up to have the changes you want happen. You cannot just fix things all at once, you have to compromise even if its painful to do so because logistically you are just unable to gather enough power to implement the changes you want. You have to become at least a bit corrupt and do favors for people who keep you in power. The whole point of Libertarianism is decentralisation of power but that's impossible if you don't hold power in your hands. At the same time you are at a risk of becoming the same monster that you are fighting against.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxW9M1Uozng I know this has nothing to do with politics, but I am curious to hear a libertarian's take on this 'do-nothing' guy.
Communists say that solar power must be mandatory, Nazis say that solar power must be banned, and Libertarians say that solar power should be optional, but what you think doesn't matter because the elites have already decided for you.
>>5434 >Nazis say that solar power must be banned citation needed
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Americans say that the answer to the police state is more tyranny.

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