/mlp/ - My Little Pony

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Ask The Mod Thread Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 14:25:25 No. 101
Is there issues? Unclear about the rules? Got suggestions? Let us know!
>>864 a mod of his word tor is a government honeypot
>>864 Dont post asn data. Thats not hashed, and can be used to dox. If you feel the need to post user data then always scribble over or block out ASN data.
>>868 Perfect yeah.
>>869 --ASN Ban: An ASN is essentially a categorization of IP addresses. Many ISPs have IP addressed grouped by ASN to make it easier for them to serve (or monitor) their customers. This option will ban an entire ASN from posting. For more information on ASNs, see this article. https://www.whatismyip.com/asn/ I have "vaguely" known about ASN from before. The thing is, all of my posts have been made with either random vpns or tor. And all of my ASN numbers have been different everytime. Just like most of your ASN numbers tend to be. So I honestly doubt there is much "real" use for them. But better safe than sorry! So thanks for the advice anon, I appreciate it!
>>870 I dont know the tech tbh, but some spic board owner was posting user ASN and he got threatened with losing his board for doxing his users. It was a couple months back. I can ask the admins to swing by with a more coherent explanation if you want. In any case all that stuck with me was "BOs really shouldnt post ASN info or they get in trouble." I just dont want any drama tbh.
>>872 Na its fine. I'll make a mental note to be extra careful with anything ASN related. Thanx again for the info!
>>865 >a mod of his word I'm honestly super privileged to have any of you anons around. And I hope you all feel happy and free as you post here.
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>Mod Edit Cinnamon Bun's Thread "Every week on Fridays" to "throughout the month I will be posting videos" change every mention of "weeks" as well and remove rule:1 Thanx!
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pretty good mod just remove the "There can be multiple picture requests a month, but only one video request" its unnecessary info at this point then it will be gold thanks again hope you have a good day
>>875 Impressed that this place is still up and running. You do have some determination BO anon. /)
>>921 >Impressed that this place is still up and running. Its slowed down again somewhat. Traffic seems to come and go in waves. Which is fine. >You do have some determination BO anon. /) Thank you <3 I try my best for you all.
Do you have contact with the BM and her owner?
Its over.
>>952 No, sry :( >>954 Seems most left for 4chan again. It happens.
>>955 >Seems most left for 4chan again. It happens. Its over How and why?
>>957 Its an assumption. Its either that or anons are using other communication means. Discord etc. That or just abandoning chans. The usual reasons so to speak. No need to overthink it.
>>958 This our 9/11
>>955 >No, sry :( Were you guys in contact beforehand?
>>960 >Were you guys in contact beforehand? Unfortunately no. I never ask for contact details.
>>961 I guess this is the end?
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Hi mod just doing a little visit, all good at your end?
>>975 I'm doing alright. Thank you for asking sweetheart <3 I hope you and everyone else is doing fine despite the world crumbling all around us. Hugs n kisses /) Also, underrail has some good songs in it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1QZV55rAI
>>976 glad to hear it and happy that your still around >doing fine despite the world crumbling all around us tell me about it kek did not expect so much doomer vibes on the board
Does it break the rules if I share a nsfw when I was underaged?
>>988 >Does it break the rules if I share a nsfw when I was underaged? Depends what it is. Text should be fine (like stories and experiences). But with that said, you can't groom kids or recruit/incite violence on here. That's against the law in most countries. Real pics of children is okay to post, but they cannot be sexualized/suggestive in any way. Just to be extra safe though, I made a post here for you: https://8chan.moe/site/res/1651.html#8466
>>990 Thanks man
Currently UID:s are showing despite the option being turned off. Not my fault. Plz no rape :(
This place looks different, didn't it have a pink background before? Or did the previous pony board die?
>>1143 This place was made early 2023 for horsefuckers that enjoy relaxed moderation and rules. So you are probably thinking of another board :s
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/mlp/ BO, want to join us at >>>/8flags/ ? We want your kind here.
>>1153 Seems like good fun, but mlpol.net already has us beat I'm afraid :>
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>>1154 Not so fast. mlpol.net has conceded to terms of peace. After a shilling campaign there, they offered to let us stay there and have an advertisement if we behave ourselves. The goal is not to replace mlpol.net, but to have a colony of bronies on the board. Think of it like a bronyville in a bigger metropolis: the brony content will be limited to an extent, but in return there will be other posters from other board topics. This is your chance, 8/mlp/ to represent yourselves and be our ambassador. There is yet hope. I'll give you the honor of making the very first brony general, or we can ask mlpol.net to make a general in exchange.
>>1155 >This is your chance, 8/mlp/ to represent yourselves and be our ambassador. There is yet hope. >I'll give you the honor of making the very first brony general, or we can ask mlpol.net to make a general in exchange. I'm too shy to engage :s glhf
>>1156 You may still visit to post /mlp/.
>>1157 Tyty anon!

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