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Ask The Mod Thread Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 14:25:25 No. 101
Is there issues? Unclear about the rules? Got suggestions? Let us know!
>>101 all mods suck
>>128 >all mods suck I could not agree more.
>>171 Sorry about your ban anon. Also, please don't fret too much about advertising this board. You can't force these things, and I don't want you getting banned because of it.
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 03/03/2023 (Fri) 16:43:10.
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>>172 Oh I get banned all the time don't sweat it! I don't expect the average 4channer to stick around (to short attention span) just fishing for my fellow spergs only need a few before the magic starts to happen besides forcing shit got us here didn't it?
>>176 >besides forcing shit got us here didn't it? true, also your pic made me chuckle a little.
Text tor posting seems to be online again (files/imgs still not allowed). I got no control over that. The site admins tend to temporarily shut down tor whenever too much spam or illegals gets posted. To protect the overall site, retain hosts etc. Its out of my hands essentially. For my own part. I'm trying my best not to interfere with anything you anons do. Never forget that you have absolute free reign here. Create as many extreme threads as you'd like. Its your board (just keep things somewhat equine relevant please). I'll do what I can to fight the global admins for you. But I can only do so much on my end rofl. So no promises on anything /)
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>>214 >The site admins tend to temporarily shut down tor whenever too much spam or illegals gets posted bitch mods man they are all cut from the same cloth >Never forget that you have absolute free reign here. Create as many extreme threads as you'd like. Its your board you got that right this place is for brony/equine but as much as I appreciate your hands off approach I do expect furfag/faggotry threads to be removed swiftly I refuse to share board with such filth >I'll do what I can to fight the global admins for you I will sing your praises as the one based mod
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>>215 >I do expect furfag/faggotry threads to be removed swiftly No furry is allowed at all anon. >removed swiftly I'll try. >faggotry B-but I'm a degenerate femboy twink that sucks cock daily anon. Just like all mods do. >I will sing your praises as the one based mod Who knows, I might be a tryhard cia agent that specializes in underground altchan horse forums. Beware and guard your ips ffs. Drunk posting is fun.
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>>216 >I'm a degenerate femboy twink that sucks cock daily KEK >I might be a tryhard cia agent that specializes in underground altchan horse forums there ain't nuthin illegal about appreciating the mare body besides ya don't got the stench of a fed faggot >drunk posting is fun agreed and yet you didn't post shit in the drunk thread? the fuck anon it is it's one purpose
>>214 Tor is down again. Its being discussed here on /site/: https://8chan.moe/site/res/5423.html#7801 Also, here are the legal rules for zoophilia by root admin Acid: https://8chan.moe/zoo/res/14.html#20
>>217 >there ain't nuthin illegal about appreciating the mare body Let's hope it stays that way anon. Horses require lots of love after all. Notably so during estrus~ >yet you didn't post shit in the drunk thread? Sry sry, I'll endeavor to do so next time!
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 03/16/2023 (Thu) 02:31:41.
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>Tor is still down what's taking em so long...
>>238 >Tor is still down Can't say I'm happy about it. Been like three weeks now. Also, due to Tor being down. I'm completely removing captchas from the board until its back. Least I can do.
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 03/31/2023 (Fri) 23:41:42.
>>249 >Is this better in the Milky, or filly thread? I'd much prefer if you didn't feel like you needed to walk on glass whilst posting here. This isn't 4chan. So post freely. Saying that, the pics you posted were semi-anthro and human (and also airing on the grotesque art side). Thus they didn't really "fit" the nature of the thread all that well. And so I spolierd them for you. To avoid complaints about them that would surely come.
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>>253 >post freely >but I filtered everything you've ever said your hypocrisy is overwhelming. I have no vulva and I must queef.
>>254 >post freely >but I filtered everything you've ever said This is my safespace anon! >your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Gods do as they please. >>254 >post freely Yes, please do. >but I filtered everything you've ever said Never gonna "filter" anyone. I don't like censorship. I spolierd two misplaced images (subjective assessment) in a post. Please make an anthro, human or grotesque thread. >your hypocrisy is overwhelming. I am going to make alot of mistakes anon. Thus I implore you to discuss my actions itt. So that I may tweak/clarify the rules to better balance everyone's posting needs. I am never going to get it "right", but I'll try.
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 04/01/2023 (Sat) 22:05:19.
>>254 No no mod is right you might as well have posted scat no one wants to see that >your hypocrisy is overwhelming This is a mlp board don't come here posting barbie
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/mlp/ css and board message settings: #panelMessage { color: #0f0c5d; } #dynamicAnnouncement { display: none; }
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>>246 >alternative solution >radio silence >sperg mods I'm having a sneaking suspicion that these faggots don't know how to code
>>265 All jannies/mods/bo's/admins/globals/vols etc are inept little spergs. Never expect anything good from them. They all have agendas of some sort. Admins usually want fame and money, whilst jannies/mods/bo's usually want power and attention. And the agendas they have, always ends up destroying the board/site at some point lol.
Edited last time by Sprinkle on 04/05/2023 (Wed) 19:50:16.
>>265 Tor posting is online again (text posting only atm). Don't ask why it was offline, you'll only be disappointed: https://8chan.moe/site/res/1651.html#7905
>>281 They disabled Tor for a while because someone kept using it to spam the site with cheeze pizza (And proceed to continue spamming whenever it was re-enabled). Although, I have to agree that they could have just disabled file attachment.
>>283 >Pedo shit They had valid reasons. None is complaining about that. >could have just disabled file attachment. I asked that, and they gave no answer back. And what I meant by "Don't ask why it was offline, you'll only be disappointed" Was that for a month straight, the admins never bothered to check if tor was actually working, after enabling it. Even though mutiple anons asked them to check.
Tor posting is down again unfortunately. Also, I wont be "reporting" on tor anymore. There seems to be little point in doing so.
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>the problem is that people are now brainwashed into thinking 99% of 8chan is illegal content, when it isn't as a fucking friend of a Fed is its owner. wait did I hear that right? is the owner of this site friend to a fed? and people want to post cp here? talk about being brain dead
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>>281 I wouldn't say disappointed, more like deeply amused kek these guys are clowns >>288 oh no feel free to share more about these spegs I wanna know when this turns in to a full blown circus
If you use formatted text, you can avoid any 4chan filters. 𝟪chan.moe/mlp https://lingojam.com/CursiveTextGenerator
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>>330 much appreciated anon you know any simple way to change IP? I noticed that tor was "blocked" on there
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yo mod can ya get rid of this shit?
>>337 No mod settings exist for block captchas. Might change with the tor update. Whenever that happens.
Tor textposting is online again.
ask the mod they say but who asks how the mod is doing? how are ya mod all good?
>>425 >how are ya mod Still around! I'm fine for the moment. Watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars to see if its any good. Thank you for asking anon. Hope everything's fine with you too!
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>>426 that's nice to hear you seem to be in good spirit, only watched the first season of TCW can't make much of a judgment on it >Hope everything's fine with you too! I am excellent if a bit overwhelmed, new opportunities are sprouting left and right been a crazy few months now I got so many pony projects going on and they just keep coming
>>330 >𝟪chan.moe/mlp/ huh, that actully worked. went right through their filter
>>509 >fucking cancerous faggotry. You have the right to a few anthro threads without obvious threadshitting or disruptions per the rules. This will be respected. But with that said, don't forget where you are, and where you are posting. This isn't 4chan or reddit. Everything goes here anon. No morals required. Some mockery and derision is to be expected in any thread at all times. Even more so when its about furry or anthro content etc (too much threadshitting will be deleted ofc - don't worry). Please understand that none needs to walk on glass whilst posting here. >instead of waste time here Do what you feel is right anon. Lurk, stay, post. This isn't prison. Good luck to you.
>>513 >wrong thread? Federalist Papers No. 51 (1788) - "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself." ― James Madison moderation will never be perfect, but neither are people. Good Luck, BO, you seem legit fuck halfchan and fuck plebbit btw, have not spent more than one day total on both sites combined in 20 years and fuck cancerous niggerfaggots who shit all over this site, and make it >= as toxic as those sites, minus censorshit. that said.. praise to those who post good content or discussion! long live based BOs and long live infinitychan
Given the amount, I decided it was time to clean-up all of the fun threadshitting from the anthro ai thread here: https://8chan.moe/mlp/res/437.html Sparsely edited some of the comments to make them better fit with the previous dialog after the deletions. The anthro ai thread is not to be considered a troll thread anymore. It a real anthro thread. So "try" to keep your attacks down on it. You don't want them posting anthro in your threads. So let them have this one in peace (Please. I really do hate deleting posts). As per usual, no bans were issued whatsoever. Only removed all of the "anthro is cancer" comments.
>>559 there's better ways of typing out a link to threads on the site >>437 or >>>/mlp/437
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>>559 never understood why you give the anthro filth slack 4chan is filled with em already hell anthro is the link between normie and furfag on a second note faggots that can't handle shitposts don't belong here keep in mind the manner of fags you might invite when you cuddle them like this
>>561 >never understood why you give the anthro filth slack You have anthrofags that still love pony, they just prefer more human forms. And if we treat them well enough (by giving them one containment thread). Then they might just come around and post some pony from time to time. >faggots that can't handle shitposts don't belong here keep in mind the manner of fags you might invite I keep alot of things in mind anon. And I believe that being pragmatic, is the best way to go. Just look at how little random spam and nastiness we've gotten over the months. A little kindness and compromise goes a long way in satisfying everyone's particular equine need. Even if that means giving some "topics" tighter restrictions than others. And believe me, I am not about to start removing "hate" to protect someones feelings. Not here, not on an altchan. I merely removed those posts earlier because of the amount in a single spot. Hampering the function of thread, which is not acceptable. I don't care if you berate each other, or myself for that matter. I'm honestly surprised none here has called me a disgusting nigger yet lol. tldr: My work here as a moderator revolves around annoying you with my actions, but never to make you outright hate me. If that happens, then that means I've failed somewhere. I don't think anyone really wants endless drama threads. Drama that contaminates and ruins entire threads for no reason.
>>563 >No one wants endless drama Have you looked at any other boards meta thread? Theres definitely a market for endless drama, and anons will meet that demand.
>>564 Oh I am well aware anon. I'm not an idealist, I'm a pragmatist. If anons wish to hate on each other all day long. Then they are most welcome to do so. This very thread serves as an outlet to criticize and hate on me. To help people vent. All I'm asking for, is that anons don't trash perfectly good threads too much, or too often. Perhaps consider making an entire thread just for hating on each other? Maybe a free-for-all sorts of thread? Idk. Its your board. ((You)) figure it out. I'm just trying to keep the balance and the discussions somewhat intact for those that love pony.
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>>563 >And if we treat them well enough (by giving them one containment thread). Then they might just come around and post some pony from time to time. bending the knee hoping fro scraps? no mod, if you want anons worth shit you need to put them to the grindstone >A little kindness and compromise goes a long way in satisfying everyone's particular equine need. they can get there needs meet literally anywhere else why the fuck would anyone post normie shit on an altchan? >And believe me, I am not about to start removing "hate" to protect someones feelings how is that not that exactly what you are doing? >I merely removed those posts earlier because of the amount in a single spot. Hampering the function of thread, which is not acceptable delusional mate, you just wanted something to do maybe make a thread next time? or actually organize a time to join me in the drunk thread we can go an mess with faggots and what not >>564 >Theres definitely a market for endless drama, and anons will meet that demand This I take drama anyday A.N.Y.D.A.Y over lurkers god I hate em
>>566 >bending the knee >how is that not that exactly what you are doing? >delusional mate, you just wanted something to do Yes, I expected such a response from someone. Its fair criticism and I don't blame you. And your assessment isn't really wrong anywhere neither. You speak from similar experiences I've had. But with that said, what I've been doing up to this point, has *kinda* worked. And until it really doesn't. I will keep things the same (for now), to attract some traffic. Even if means me being hopeful or delusional about the anons we end up getting. You worry over my lack of foresight, that this will now somehow signal the "all clear" for anthro/furry content onto the board. But until that actually begins to happen; let's just relax and observe how things play out. As I doubt many normies, anthros, furries etc will ever venture near this place to begin with (for obvious reasons). Thus I feel there is no real reason to fret over them. But if they do decide to come, then I'd much rather they see, and use the 1 thread already up. As delusional as that might be of me. Wishful thinking and all that. Sorry if I suck.
>>567 >Even if it means *
>>568 You can edit your posts here bro.
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>>567 >I will keep things the same (for now), to attract some traffic the solution to this is right in front of you mod start interacting with your fucking board! don't think so much about what your doing just do it your not like other bitch mods so no need to behave like them either >Sorry if I suck You don't suck, your mentality is what sucks its so wrong for a board this size
>>570 >start interacting I hear you. But mods should be hidden and unseen. Please tame your expectations. I do respond to posts anonymously from time to time. >your mentality is what sucks its so wrong for a board this size Altchans are weird places anon. And the the people that use them, are weirder still. What do you think that makes me? For running such a board on here? You guessed it. Strange and weird. Thus, try not to think too highly of me.
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>>571 >But mods should be hidden and unseen. according too? some faggot redditor? that is arbitrary guidelines for rule cucks, such things are beneath you >I do respond to posts anonymously from time to time I know (yes I live here) >Altchans are weird places anon >boring places with boring people but they don't have to be, it is what you make of it I just wanna have fun with you mod surely there is a thread you wanna make? oh maybe a role play thread lets make fun pony adventure thingy or we can go off board and fuck around faggots don't got gr15 here
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>Mod request to fix a mistype in the lasted thread "Things to keep in mind" instead of "Things to keep that in mind" and "every week "a" new request most be posted" thnx!
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>>600 >latest* thread
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>>600 also "request "most" be posted" "most" "must" fuck me I done posting for today
>>600 >>601 >>602 Fret not anon <3 I tried fixing it up for you. If I got it wrong, then just copy and retype it, and post everything in here. And will replace the full text however many times you want.
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>>603 wow! that looks a lot more clean, some information was lost in translation but that's alright think I got my work cut out for me anyway the thread will probably explode at some point. Thnx mod <3 as part of the community you are free to make request as well tho not exactly fair as I have a soft spot for you kek
>>604 >you are free to make request as well tho not exactly fair as I have a soft spot for you kek >I have a soft spot for you Behave anon~
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>>606 doing my best
>>858 >anthro Its good that you mention this. Rule three stipulates that: "Anthro is only allowed in one thread." And we already have a wacky, experimental ai thread for anthro. My *problem* with the ai thread though, is that it is just that. A highly specific thread for ai generations and dumps. This unfortunately does not cover most of the basic anthro needs someone such as yourself might have. Which I deem unfair and problematic in the long term. So I will be changing rule 3 and 4 today. 3 : Anthro is only allowed in one thread. 4 : Eqg is only allowed in one thread. To: 3 : Anthro is only allowed in two threads. And one thread must be generalized in nature, to cover the entire subject matter. 4 : Eqg is only allowed in two threads. And one thread must be generalized in nature, to cover the entire subject matter. I hope this rulechange is tolerable to both sides, and that it removes any future issues that might arise from eqg and anthro.
>>767 As I mentioned here. I wanted to showcase what I see within your posts. Most of the data is scrambled and unreadable to me. And I assume the admins can see everything unscrambled.
>>864 a mod of his word tor is a government honeypot
>>864 Dont post asn data. Thats not hashed, and can be used to dox. If you feel the need to post user data then always scribble over or block out ASN data.
>>868 Perfect yeah.
>>869 --ASN Ban: An ASN is essentially a categorization of IP addresses. Many ISPs have IP addressed grouped by ASN to make it easier for them to serve (or monitor) their customers. This option will ban an entire ASN from posting. For more information on ASNs, see this article. https://www.whatismyip.com/asn/ I have "vaguely" known about ASN from before. The thing is, all of my posts have been made with either random vpns or tor. And all of my ASN numbers have been different everytime. Just like most of your ASN numbers tend to be. So I honestly doubt there is much "real" use for them. But better safe than sorry! So thanks for the advice anon, I appreciate it!
>>870 I dont know the tech tbh, but some spic board owner was posting user ASN and he got threatened with losing his board for doxing his users. It was a couple months back. I can ask the admins to swing by with a more coherent explanation if you want. In any case all that stuck with me was "BOs really shouldnt post ASN info or they get in trouble." I just dont want any drama tbh.
>>872 Na its fine. I'll make a mental note to be extra careful with anything ASN related. Thanx again for the info!
>>865 >a mod of his word I'm honestly super privileged to have any of you anons around. And I hope you all feel happy and free as you post here.
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>Mod Edit Cinnamon Bun's Thread "Every week on Fridays" to "throughout the month I will be posting videos" change every mention of "weeks" as well and remove rule:1 Thanx!
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pretty good mod just remove the "There can be multiple picture requests a month, but only one video request" its unnecessary info at this point then it will be gold thanks again hope you have a good day
>>875 Impressed that this place is still up and running. You do have some determination BO anon. /)
>>921 >Impressed that this place is still up and running. Its slowed down again somewhat. Traffic seems to come and go in waves. Which is fine. >You do have some determination BO anon. /) Thank you <3 I try my best for you all.
Do you have contact with the BM and her owner?
Its over.
>>952 No, sry :( >>954 Seems most left for 4chan again. It happens.
>>955 >Seems most left for 4chan again. It happens. Its over How and why?
>>957 Its an assumption. Its either that or anons are using other communication means. Discord etc. That or just abandoning chans. The usual reasons so to speak. No need to overthink it.
>>958 This our 9/11
>>955 >No, sry :( Were you guys in contact beforehand?
>>960 >Were you guys in contact beforehand? Unfortunately no. I never ask for contact details.
>>961 I guess this is the end?
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Hi mod just doing a little visit, all good at your end?
>>975 I'm doing alright. Thank you for asking sweetheart <3 I hope you and everyone else is doing fine despite the world crumbling all around us. Hugs n kisses /) Also, underrail has some good songs in it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1QZV55rAI
>>976 glad to hear it and happy that your still around >doing fine despite the world crumbling all around us tell me about it kek did not expect so much doomer vibes on the board
Does it break the rules if I share a nsfw when I was underaged?
>>988 >Does it break the rules if I share a nsfw when I was underaged? Depends what it is. Text should be fine (like stories and experiences). But with that said, you can't groom kids or recruit/incite violence on here. That's against the law in most countries. Real pics of children is okay to post, but they cannot be sexualized/suggestive in any way. Just to be extra safe though, I made a post here for you: https://8chan.moe/site/res/1651.html#8466
>>990 Thanks man
Currently UID:s are showing despite the option being turned off. Not my fault. Plz no rape :(
This place looks different, didn't it have a pink background before? Or did the previous pony board die?
>>1143 This place was made early 2023 for horsefuckers that enjoy relaxed moderation and rules. So you are probably thinking of another board :s
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/mlp/ BO, want to join us at >>>/8flags/ ? We want your kind here.
>>1153 Seems like good fun, but mlpol.net already has us beat I'm afraid :>
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>>1154 Not so fast. mlpol.net has conceded to terms of peace. After a shilling campaign there, they offered to let us stay there and have an advertisement if we behave ourselves. The goal is not to replace mlpol.net, but to have a colony of bronies on the board. Think of it like a bronyville in a bigger metropolis: the brony content will be limited to an extent, but in return there will be other posters from other board topics. This is your chance, 8/mlp/ to represent yourselves and be our ambassador. There is yet hope. I'll give you the honor of making the very first brony general, or we can ask mlpol.net to make a general in exchange.
>>1155 >This is your chance, 8/mlp/ to represent yourselves and be our ambassador. There is yet hope. >I'll give you the honor of making the very first brony general, or we can ask mlpol.net to make a general in exchange. I'm too shy to engage :s glhf
>>1156 You may still visit to post /mlp/.
>>1157 Tyty anon!

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