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Drunk Thread Anonymous 03/03/2023 (Fri) 14:45:43 No. 168
just gonna put this here only post if ya shitfaced faggot, ah get back to ya after a few glasses
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4chan mods fucking suck, feel free to spread the word if ya care
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Imma feeling good what ya all drinking?
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Fireball gets a thumbs up! u guys know a good place to hang out when drunk?
giving you faggots a heads up crack open a bottle and join me in some shitposting I wanna have some fun
>>233 those outtakes are gold, they would have struck gold to make one for every season
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I wish you all a happy weekend!
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>>235 Have a good one anon! Cya next friday. Hopefully the hangover has passed by then kek!
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>>236 >Hopefully the hangover has passed by then Not if I can help it kek down the hatch!
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I fucking love booze
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kek jannie fags never stop seething and yet they allow barbie shit in the board some serious brain rot
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Starting early today, this is gonna be good if your not fucked for at least 8 hours what are ya doing?
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I hope you all are having a fantastic time, I love ya fags we are here for each other
>>273 >I love ya fags we are here for each other I love you too anon, in a very sexual, perverse kind of way.
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>>276 love you too man hope your doing alright! Trixie is such a cutie <3 what ya drinking?
>>278 >hope your doing alright! Likewise. >what ya drinking? I left a beer by my bed last night, then I drank it this morning before having anything to eat. Always fun that. You?
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>>279 rum and vodka my friend, rum and vodka each gulp get me closer to equestria >beer by my bed never waste a drop it's precious I respect that
>>280 >each gulp get me closer to equestria kek
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we should set up drinking days! that would be fucking rad weekends? I can drink any day faggots
Today is a good day niggers let me know if ya game and I will set up a aggie board, what ever ya want to see I will draw faggot
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just want ya all to know that Ah love ya all, yer gonna make it! keep pushing on! wish ya the best!
In 1998,Warren avenue, Detroit. My pet dog was shot dead by some kids.
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>>376 that's where u left it? what about the details faggot! what happened after that? or this some sort of unfunny meme kek
>>382 Afterwords they ran away and I cried because my dog died. And I was young af but I remember my dogs head bloomed like a flower.
>>385 that's rough as fuck dude, umm thanks for sharing? fuck man I wanna be happy
>>385 did u get a new dog?
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>>385 are u one of em sad drunks? or are u even shitfaced at all u naughty little filly fiddler you
>>387 I think our family never really moved on >>388 No I was jacking off and drinking some Jack's daniels then I remembered it.
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>>389 I don't mind the company, being drunk is more of a guideline then a rule I picket shitty liqueur today anywho, just giving me a headache and not much of a buzz
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>how to entice a lurker P1 lurkers are shy by nature so one must take great caution to attract a lurker, they are spooked by the faintest of noise and the idea of social activity can be frightening to them >the art of enticing the lurker the lurker is a lonely creature by nature filled with self loathing, Thus creating a space where they feel welcomed is of most importance the lurker must feel like they belong and never the odd one out >lurker awareness years of neglect and the sting of there father's belt have left a lurker weary of social interaction try to breach the gap with humor and assure them that you both share the same love for the subject matter at hand >pony
holy shitrt mods are disastrously horrible! fuck the admins-.
>>496 Why?
>>497 cuz everytime i try to tell the newfagfs how bad the mods are i get banned or warned lel
>>498 >4chan Ooohhh. I thought it was something here, where I could help you. Sorry bro.
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>>496 that's super cute! vibe she be buzzing >>498 Kek pathetic! death is to good for a jannie I love my mare so much I was out with her today meditating (jerking it) while she was close and staring at me I walked up and touched her ((there)) her tail lifted like a plane, dirty little mare she got horny looking at me stroking meat
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to be honest to be perfectly honest fags can enjoy my mare as much as they want, I love the mare fans but me? I am a based mod enjoyer I just wanna have fun
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I think my love for ponies sparked when a Gmod server had a Twilight Sparkles watermelon humper statue as their version of the Reichstag
>>656 That is... that is very specific anon.
>>656 wow easy on the booze there buddy
>>707 >I like dogs too just dress em up as a small horse and youre golden!
>>709 Sounds like a great idea, I just hope dog butt tastes as good as mare's
>>710 >hope dog butt tastes as good as mare's Silly boy, butts don''t taste good at all. Only penises and vulvas do! do you know how much i would ahve to clean myself backthere before i would taste anygood? lots!! enemas ftw haha but yeah,.. a mare should be better given they be grass eeaters n such. now that i think about it
>>711 Ass is an obtained taste
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>>711 mod your clearly experienced, how do I avoid post nut depression?
>>715 its mostly unavoidable but from what I feel, it will subside once your mind is on something else
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>>716 was hoping it was just me kinda want my mind to keep thinking about sex kek it does not always happen but the more intense the load the bigger the drop
>>715 >>717 Learn to love yourself anon. Life really is too short. Please have fun with your body often. Treat yourself and never feel ashamed for taking care of your needs. I play with myself everyday. And I am happier because of it. One of the most common sex fantasy's women have, is being violently raped. We are all twisted and fucked. You are not alone.
>>718 I had to focus real hard to write that. Gn everyone. *kisses everyone on their cute tummies*
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>>718 I love this thread, if only I could get the fucking lurkers to drunk post too, >>719 good night sweet mod
Oh gosh. look at all of these buttery carbs! I'm gonna get sooo chubby~ Always was a slut for baked goods after drinking kek. Some prefer pizza. But I prefer the superior sugar alternative!
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>>729 Hah! Don't worry, I only ate half of them. Not a lie whatsoever ;p
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anyone else drunk today?
>>891 No. Its sunday. I just got outta church. Are you serious?
>>892 Keeek
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Is the mod asleep? I bet the mod is asleep >I just got outta church. sounds like a "u" problem mate
>>896 Anon your drinking first thing in the day on a sunday. I dont often say this, but you might have a problem.
>>898 its a good start of the day, u should drink too like, everyday
>>898 Then you should post you dick pic, yeah that would be fucking dope as hell
>>896 >Is the mod asleep? I bet the mod is asleep Oh, I don't check in everyday anon. But I believe handsome, good boys such as yourself; can play nice and behave whilst I'm away~ Also, the globals spank alot harder than I do. So please 'try' to behave for me, okay? Thanks in advance! Hugs n kisses <3
>>896 >church That still a thing?
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>>1025 I did not click the youtube link, I want to fuck that mare
i wanna hav aggressive sex with all of you lovely anons, full homo¨^~-
>>1035 If you were a pony, sure
>>1036 >f you were a pony, always so unreasnabel .
>>1037 Nutting anywhere else is a waste
>>1038 >penis in butt thats super gay anon :#
this thread got pretty gay already so, Mod how do I teach my bottom to become cock obsessed?
>>1042 >how do I teach my bottom to become cock obsessed? Masturbate with a flavored condom on for like 2-3mins first. Makes your dick taste nice. That, or just use flavored lube. Would be my tip :d
damn am I shitfaced it's so fun I just drank a bit now im don't konw im just a bit sorry no mlp pic but i have a tulpa so get rektt
>>1148 >i have a tulpa so get rektt Stuff your tulpa into a plushy and call it a day.

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