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Augmented Reality Anonymous 06/08/2021 (Tue) 19:45:12 No. 175 [Reply]
I need this subject book

Scholar 02/12/2020 (Wed) 13:01:10 No. 143 [Reply]
Ender's game is a good book. It has many very good life lessons in it. PS: it has many prequels and sequels but don't read them, you'll get the point just by reading this book. book is attached.
>>143 >it has many prequels and sequels but don't read them No. The whole series is good. Start in chronological order.
>>143 >One of those humans are the bad guys for genociding aliens that wanted them dead in the first place Hard pass for me.

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Writing Tips Scholar 10/12/2019 (Sat) 18:52:19 No. 55 [Reply]
I have written some short tales back in high school, but i have always had troubles doing more "grounded" works, like essays. Do you have any schematics from which to develop the main ideas? Also exercises with the same purpose as free writing would be appreciated.
These skills are becoming ever more important. From >>>/sw/ continuing abandoned endeavors to readers essaying about neat books buried/panned being deemed anti-social for whatever reason by established entities: it seems like it's gonna get harder to absorb audiences from more normalfag pools with how walled the popular centralized and decentralized social media has become. On that 'spreading the prose' note I read one very fun book by some guy posting pages and copypasting passages. The old 'beating the hump' and reading the content of interest while blundering into and dealing with problems when attempting to write seems like a good enough method for me: I find it tough as nails but I need to develop the discipline and the amount of poisoned wells is great enough to play it safe.
>>55 Hopefully this isn't too bad of a necro post, but I like me some essays. Literally how I do some longer arguments in my head and why I really fucking hate commies. Anyway, a good way to learn about essays is reading essays that aren't shit and aren't as stupid and formulaic as those in high school. Those are OK for getting you up to speed at least. Check out this nice fellow by the name of Paul Graham. Some of his essays are pretty cool. Some I don't like (fuck the quadrant lmao). Here's a couple of very nice ones to get started: What you can't say - Very appropriate considering this website and the ever increasing sphere of doom that is mob justice. http://paulgraham.com/say.html The Age of the Essay - How does he do it? He sorta explains here. http://paulgraham.com/essay.html

/tech/ Books Scholar 09/18/2019 (Wed) 00:29:39 No. 22 [Reply]
All books related to software, programming, and technology go here.
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>>154 Any idea if that's the latest version Anon?
>>155 Turns out it's not even the latest one I had. Here's one updated as of Apr 14 this year. He releases it under two titles but don't worry, it's the same book just updated. And his other books: SAT/SMT by Example C/C++ Programming Notes Math for Programmers You can actually get them all on his website for free but you need to put in your email for RE4B/UAL. The link is still there behind the form I did some searching and found it.
>>157 Thanks for the research, Anon. All saved.

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Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 01:40:30 No. 3 [Reply]
The Prince
Thanks anon, quality material tbh.

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WWII THREAD Scholar 09/19/2019 (Thu) 00:39:53 No. 26 [Reply]
Christ alive this board needs some serious love. I will do my part to attempt to give back what I have gained from the book threads of the past.
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Seeking To Write My Own Stories Scholar 09/17/2019 (Tue) 15:53:59 No. 16 [Reply]
Newfag here.

I'm wanting to get into writing fiction and even fanfiction as a hobby, but I also want to put my own works on PDF, particularly the original stuff.

Any tips on how to convert Word documents to PDF's? Are there any free or open-source PDF maker programs out there?

Pic unrelated.
6 posts and 1 image omitted.
Print as pdf.
>>21 https://www61.zippyshare.com/v/3LDkS2bO/file.html https://www61.zippyshare.com/v/E5Pi0j20/file.html These two files worked for me. You first you the installer, copy and paste the 'scrivener' file into the programs c:/ location, and then run! But you should never update the software.
>>113 appreciated bro

Banner Thread Scholar 09/13/2019 (Fri) 15:27:51 No. 8 [Reply]
Anyone got some banner material? Please post them!
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Here's one, I figured that Read or Die would be appropriate for a banner given the subject matter of this board.
>>115 >>116 Added, much obliged.

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Linguistics Scholar 11/24/2019 (Sun) 09:37:02 No. 102 [Reply]
A thread for the science of languages and their underlying structures. This is NOT for language learning materials.
You can easily use /lang/ for those books, I think they have a better collection

/k/ Books Anonymous 09/08/2019 (Sun) 21:03:10 No. 1 [Reply]
Lets get some /k/ books here
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Fitness redpill Scholar 04/10/2020 (Fri) 18:38:20 No. 148 [Reply]
Read these books to workout without being indoctrinated with stupid lies.

Cerebral Literature Scholar 01/13/2020 (Mon) 13:35:43 No. 138 [Reply]
I like cerebreal literature---anything heady, that makes one think old thoughts in new ways, or new thoughts. Specifically, I like the more abstract (meta-) mathematics, analytic philosophy, tightly-written fiction, alternate history (irregarding truth to this world),, speculative literature. (Don't worry about whether it's already well known, not everyone knows everything about everything.)

Fantasy Scholar 10/08/2019 (Tue) 12:48:27 No. 51 [Reply]
Warhammer's version of "The Hobbit". Even dragon's name "Graug" is kinda similar to Smaug. Short, but well written.

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Scholar 09/19/2019 (Thu) 04:33:01 No. 33 [Reply]

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