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tvch down due to DDOS attack Gahoole 07/17/2020 (Fri) 12:51:39 No. 1922
To any anons wondering what is going on, the site is currently down to a large scale DDOS attack causing issues with our server. I have no idea when the site will be back up again, could be as long as 24 hours. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I'll keep everyone updated however I can.
>>1922 Thank you, I was wondering why it was gone. Do keep us updated if you could.
Fuck it, if the site doesn’t come back in 24 hours then I’m jacking it in. I’m tired of the drama, I’m vulnerable, I can’t deal with this shit anymore. First my fucking moderation team spazzes out on me en masse then everyone in the meta threads were insulting me and now my site gets DDoS’d. I’m so sick of this and am on the edge of just calling it quits like I should have done when Mark left me hanging high and dry after vch.
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>>1935 Not me. Site will return as soon as I can get it back up.
hi i ame the real gohoole (you can tell because my name is blue) and tvch will now have a mod board for naked lol,i. :-)
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>make post about how tvch is the most stable site on the webring >gets ddos'd two days later this is my fault
>>1941 We found him! We found the scapegoat. So, uh, can I call you rude names now?
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>>1943 i've waited for years to use this image
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Good morning I hate women
>>1946 Worth it. Thanks anon.
New Кино incoming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct5mQYE3Xk4 At least the fate of movies and television is bright. We can persevere
I hope gahoole has more of a spine than that witless zchan owner
>>1953 he really doesnt t. vol3
>>1935 Is this really gahoole? Gahoole wtf? Dont do this man
Site is back up for now, but may be on and off for the rest of the day as i get things configured. Sorry about this!
>>1956 why did you use cuckflare is there really no other DDOS protection available besides those backstabbers
>>1941 Anime sperg turned up like 2 days ago. Got constantly shit on and now the 2nd site he's appeared on gets fucked with. I'm suspicious now.
>>1957 Gahoole doesn't really care about what his community wants. Also he clearly didn't see the exact same thing happened to zchan. To him, if he must trade liberty for petty security, he will do so in a fat heartbeat.
>>1957 >>1960 The only other options for DNS I've found are either A) worse or B) aren't as effective. Right now it sucks but it's a necessary evil till I can get shit fixed.
>I You can stop pretending you’re some kind of a techie, ghoul.
Oh oh this is going exactly like how Zchan fell. Anyway, I think few missed what exactly happened. Once Zchan got stable after the cuckflare shitfest, people started botspams, that too was taken care of with proper filters and after that people started manually spamming shit, like "Patchchan", "L is Patchouli", "Thanks Kim" or whatever. That was when Zadmin just gave up and pulled the plug.
>>1963 >tfw you’ll never be as pathetic as zchan admin feels goodman
>>1963 It's obvious someone is targeting webring boards. I suspect it's the victorious weeb since he always turns up days before it gets dossed. Could be cuckwheels since he was the old dossing 8ch
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>2020 >doesn't smoke Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both? >b-but it kills you And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest? >it's addicting!!! It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation >it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!! Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
Once again the OP becomes true.
You know, I tried to tell Gahoole to get a new host, etc., and to get off DigitalOcean (kek), but he refused. He can go fuck himself. Good riddance. An OVH dedi would cost only like +$10/month, and the DDoS protection would be OK, but if that's not good enough, then there's path.net (BuyVM; ran by pedos...).
>>3732 I heard it was zzzchan doing it, they are celebrating on their secret discord right now
>>3733 Hey John, no need to falseflag, you nigger.
>>3734 Actually this time it does appear to be the case...some anon discovered that gahoole is part of the griefing cabal (featuring youtube personalities like Adambomber, Keith Fozmire, ph0ne, JIRX, etc etc) and one zzzchan BO was a victim of these people once, so a massive DDoS attack was initiated.
>>3735 So where do i go now?
>>3732 It was a server-side fuckup and we've been on vultr for months now lmao. Botched some package upgrades on an overloaded server and it failed to come back up until we got support on the line.
Should be up again now. Sorry about that.
Looks like zzzchan is raiding us again....sigh Why do they have a hateboner for vol3?
Tvch is run by butthurt retarded trannies that ban for no fucking reason. Kys gayhole!
>>3832 vol 3 is a ban happy faggot. I'm tempted to go get a vpn and spam it with black cocks.
>>3738 kill yourself shitstain
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>>3851 That's not very christian of you....
Faggot tvch troonitors have banned me yet again, none of my VPNs are working it just throws unknown error occured bullshit. Fuck off, you faggots clearly dont understand freedom of speech. kys failfoole, transition already fat queer bloat.
>>4577 Is that you, Nuzach?
>>3854 im at a lack of words, yet my boner speaks for itself
>>4578 kys vol 3. You lose.
>>4578 What did you do hardware id ban me? All my VPN return unknown error occured. kek you suck fatass. Imagine being this butthurt at lolis and soyjaks. kys

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