>i just put the name of my organization in the name field
no i didnt lol, i linked my email account so people could contact me with questions etc.
>oh and i put the flag of my organization
i used a flyer that had our emblem on it, big whoop.
>and qr codes on to a thread about doing political stuff irl
i never posted qr codes, i dont know why you keep saying that.
> i know i posted a flag of my terrorist cell that is advocating explicitly and directly for a violent resistance
so now we arent allowed to post flags of organizations that
believe in violence? Does that rule apply to the nazi flag too or is that an exception? 🙄
>and made allusions in the thread to doing something 'real' and 'tactical' irl
antichrist is afraid of image board Christians spreading the good word irl. How surprising.
>so you should ignore everything and give me yet another pass after i shitted the board up
you shitted up the board lmao, we were chilling till the manbaby brigade came along.
>stop trying to get people to join your terrorist cell.
i never tried, you reverse searched my email and found the website that way. In other words, you went out of your way to find it, i never promoted it.
>not to encounter violent unhinged losers who want to plaster their identity and co opt their board as a terrorist recruitment center
and now weve gone full circle and hes back to crying about my name again. Still pushing this "muh terorists!11!11!!" meme i see.
>"why do you have such an aversion to violence against evil? "
>get the fuck off our board glowie.
whats the matter antichrist? you afraid of the topic lmao.
>Because you are a severely autistic lolcow who is actively destroying what once was one of the few quality Christian communities on the internet.
yep thats right, i destroyed /christian/ by regulating bait and spam, give me a break. We were doing fine before you guys showed up and decided to "make your voices heard" (ie spam the board).