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https://tklmap.com tklmapdev 04/07/2023 (Fri) 05:33:58 Id: 09d0b3 No. 44542
Hello, a long time ago I posted here about https://tklmap.com, a site for finding other people who are into tickling. Back then I hadn't finished the first version and was mainly posting to gauge interest. The site has come on a bit since my first post, so I'm posting again to see if anyone here has any feedback, suggestions etc. This board could probably be classified as more of a coom & run type place rather than one where people try and meet up irl, but nevertheless people with a tickling fetish are the target audience for the site so... interested to hear what you think of the site. Thanks!
>>44551 I mean what did you expect? Must be nice for the gays though.
>>44550 Not quite sure what comparisons you're drawing here. A discord server is more of a social experience focused around personalities, instantaneous messaging, voice chat, etc. Whereas tklmap is simply a tool for finding IRL tickling sessions. I guess you could compare it to a bulletin board or directory of some kind. I'm not one for joining discord servers but from what I've gathered, they tend to implode because the personalities of the owners / moderation team are heavily woven into the experience, usually for the worse. That's not really a factor when it comes to tklmap, which is much more utilitarian. >>44551 >>44554 Haven't run any ad campaigns yet, although Instagram is an interesting idea. Wouldn't have thought running ads there would be particularly effective for this sort of thing? Not an Instagram user myself. The site is very much still in the "word of mouth" phase. Still needs SEO. Not sure how much natural traffic will flow to the site over time given how incredibly niche it is. Not much can be done about the gender ratio sadly.
>>44551 No girl would be into something as childish and cringe as tiggling!
>>44549 >You only need to place a marker in your general location (e.g your city), along with the usual information you'd initially exchange with somebody if you were trying to determine compatibility for a tickling session. It's no riskier than any other way of doing this sort of thing. Take a look at the markers people are actually placing, you sperg. I've counted at least a dozen on people's specific locations.
>>44567 Define "specific location", or link to some of the markers that you're taking issue with. Adding markers with any specific identifiable location information (e.g an address) is against the site rules. But I've yet to see any such markers. People put markers roughly where they live out of necessity, as the entire point of the site is to eventually meet up with people irl. Can't really do that without roughly alluding to your location... Regardless, none of the other information you have to provide could identify you personally. You don't have to use a real name, you put what you want in the bio, and most people have separate socials for fetish stuff. So unless you put a marker down saying "I LIVE RIGHT HERE!" (which I would delete anyway), it's no riskier than for example posting in a reddit personals thread, and arguably less risky than using something like a dating app. Basically with all due respect I don't know what point it is you're trying to make.
>>44568 > Define "specific location", or link to some of the markers that you're taking issue with. How much more of a definition do you want than "specific" definition? Are you illiterate? It took me less than 30 seconds to take a dozen of the markers on that site, and cross them with google maps. Low and behold, residential fucking addresses. > But I've yet to see any such markers. Okay, Stevie Wonder. > none of the other information you have to provide could identify you personally. Except for, you know. The marking of home addresses, and links on your marker linking to Fetlife accounts containing personal identifying photos. But it's cute you'd conveniently forget about that. > (which I would delete anyway) You've not, from the dozen I've found. > it's no riskier than for example posting in a reddit personals thread. Not a reddit user. Where does Reddit's personals thread have marker's of people's home locations? > I don't know what point it is you're trying to make. You say, not seeing any issue with a website hosting home locations- advertised on the anon chans, the chans having a pretty colourful history involving personal information and trolling campaigns. I DoNt KnOw WhAt PoInT YoUrE TrYiNg To MaKe, I'm JuSt HoStInG A SiTe Of PeOpLe'S IRL LoCaTiOnS On SiTeS KnOwN FoR ShAdY HaPpEnInGs.
>>44570 Listen to the man, he has a good point. Well, A LOT of good points
>>44571 Glowies have posted less than this post, and been called on it by this place.
>>44572 >>44571 Don't be cucked into it just because it's wearing tickle shittery.
>>44571 All the YouTube videos that exist covering the activities of psychos lurking the boards and y'all still be happy to throw your addresses at it because it dresses in tickleshittery. Would have thought fapbrains here would have been smarter than that.
>>44570 Your whole point seems to revolve around your misguided belief that the location of a marker on the map corresponds to the specific home address of the user who placed that marker. That's not how this works at all. If you live in New York, you dump a marker in the general area of New York to indicate that you are geographically available to meet with people in the New York area. Quite a simple concept, grasped by a lot of people in the year the site has been running. Don't know how else to explain it to you. Do you think the site is geolocating users based on their actual location or something? That's not the case. Again, feel free to link directly to any of the dozen markers that you've found that you think is are a privacy issue.
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>>44575 >If you live in New York, you dump a marker in the general area of New York You unironically think users are doing that.
>>44576 And you unironically think users of a niche fetish website are zooming in on a public facing map to drop a pin on their exact home address? People have been putting markers in the fucking ocean.
>>44576 I'm sorry... Your critique is that the website enables people to post their IRL address online? I hate to break it to you, but people have been able to do that for as long as the internet has been around. Yes, I understand that some people will fail to realize the dangers of posting their actual address rather than an approximation, but that group of people is, on average, already so vulnerable that things like phone scams pose a much greater threat to them. I also understand that you've seen a number of pins on exact addresses, but how can you be certain that those addresses actually belong to the users that posted them? Is it not at least possible that someone would pin an exact address in the same neighborhood that they live in? It's like complaining that a store sells power tools because somebody might get themselves wounded or killed while using them.
>>44577 While I definitely think the other anon is a huge idiot who made an assumption out of ignorance and rode with it, I do think you could possibly do away with the risk of dumbasses doxxing themselves if you randomize the point a user clicks within a certain radius once they save. An offset between 10 and 20 meters would be enough in most cases to go from being a point on one residential building in a city to a point on a different one. You could, of course, go as far as 100-200 meters. It would still be the same city or town in 99% of cases and definitely the same general area in 100% of cases. That way people are unable to pinpoint their house or building because it just won't save that way. This saves you the hassle of dealing with morons, both in this thread and among your own users. The other anon does have one point, although it just isn't the one they were intentionally making: People absolutely are amazingly fucking stupid when it comes to their privacy and security online.
Pretty sure a lot of people are getting the wrong idea of how the website works... Based on my own experience of how I used it, the only thing I did was make an account, put a pin on the general area of where I live (for example in Texas) and in that pin I put the social medias that I used to tickling stuff like my tumblr or discord. A few days pass after that and during that time I get contacted by several people that saw my pin on the tklmap website and wanted to talk about our interests and such. Out of the like... 8 people that contacted me and I contacted in the tklmap website, only one of them I deemed trustworthy enough for me to trust that person to have an IRL meet up and tell that person that we should do a session together (we had been talking for over a month by then). Which is how I got my first ever tickling session with someone. You do NOT have to give away your exact address at any point in the website, the pin you put down at your choice is just a general idea that you give to people of the area that you live in so that the potential meeting of an irl session is possible and traveling isn't too big of an issue.
>>44579 Ah hadn't considered shifting marker locations, that's a cute idea. Thanks! To be honest I thought the premise of the site was pretty simple, but for some people I guess that's not the case. I'd like to believe no-one would openly advertise their address but, as you say, people can be pretty fucking stupid with regards to privacy, so perhaps some countermeasures will be required after all.
>>44610 Just make sure the process is explained and transparent to the user, or people will be confused when the dot isn't where they put it. And remember: tl;dr is common. People click, get unexpected results and complain without ever reading a single thing. Show, don't tell. Make it a note somewhere, but then also make the actual point clear to them after saving. It has to be obvious even to complete retards or people will think its a bug.
>>44583 >You do NOT have to give away your exact address at any point in the website Yet tards are still doing that, and all you have to say for it is "ThAtS NoT ThE PoInT Of ThE SiTe BrUh." lol
>>44642 It's a fetish website my dude, anyone openly willing to put their exact address on it would be no different from someone trying to DM you in whatever site you use to talk to people about tickling and try to get you to give away your address in the first 10 messages. The dev shouldn't have to handhold people just because those kind of people don't have a care about their own personal safety. (The terms of service already very clearly specify about that) Just leave the adults to make their own adult decisions.
>>44642 Dude, are you mentally challenged? For real. It's one thing to protect users from something you can reasonably expect them not to know, such as images on modern smartphones having EXIF with Geotagging. It's a completely different thing to demand users be protected from something they absolutely can reasonably be expected to know: "Putting my real-life location in a publicly available list on a fetish website is really fucking stupid" The only reason companies did the first thing is legal liability. Not that they would actually be found guilty, given the users absolutely did this themselves, but they don't want the hassle and the negative PR from it to begin with. It's all about saving their own asses. OP never said people need to put in their real location, let alone put it in accurately down to the entrance of the house they live in. If people still do that, that's on them. Pointing out that the OP can reduce the potential liability from this by randomizing points is one thing. Going off on the OP because they don't prevent people from shooting themselves in the foot is stupid. And in the first place, you cannot know for sure, purely based on the coordinates you see, that they match the address of the real person who clicked the location. You simply can't unless they physically typed it in their description "Yes, I fucking live exactly here" Why not? Because they could have just clicked a random spot in the city, as they're supposed to, and there happens to be a house there. Or they could have clicked a house on purpose, just not their own. You can't know.
>>44645 >OP never said people need to put in their real location, let alone put it in accurately down to the entrance of the house they live in. Where was it claimed that OP did say that? > Pointing out that the OP can reduce the potential liability from this by randomizing points is one thing. And was only suggested after *I* raised the concern about a literal website hosting home adresses, shared on chan boards known for their lurking psychos lol You simps really will bend over backwards to defend bad ideas in the making because they dress in ticklefuckery lmao.
>>44647 At this point I refuse to believe you're not a troll, but I guess I must bow my head to you in shame given that I engaged with you. On the off chance you're serious, learn to communicate and provide constructive feedback and maybe you'll be perceived in a more positive way. You definitely need to touch some grass.
This thread devolved quickly; if you were a straw-man, I suspect you'd be dead. Thanks for making tklmap, man, I haven't had much luck in my area, but it's a pretty nice site. Some minor feedback: mobile is super laggy, and its effectively not accessible. Now, if you lads will excuse me, I'm off to fill in my SSID, Full Name, Address, the 3 Digits on the back of my debit card and the expiration date because I have no common sense. I am unarmed and live alone.
There was a dude who seemed cute in my area but his discord doesn't exist anymore :(
>>44647 this schizo has posted like ten times about how people will put their real address lmao if you do that you are actually a fucking moron. You’d have to be autistic as fuck to see a map that’s shared publically and click on where you live. Not once did that thought occur to me, because it’s an awful, shitty idea. Im not gonna participate in this shit, but my god are you fighting an uphill battle against the schizo ghosts LOL
>>44615 There's definitely improvements to be made about showing how the site works vs having it written somewhere and assuming people will read it, and I'll keep that in mind if I get round to doing the marker shifting thing. >>44705 >mobile is super laggy, and its effectively not accessible. That's incredibly interesting. What device and browser are you using? I have an absolute piece of shit Android phone and the site used to be, as you say, super laggy and basically unusable until I did a ton of work moving the marker clustering algorithm to the server-side and also caching the results. Now, on my shit phone, the site doesn't perform perfectly but it's very much usable. I considered my phone to be a lowest benchmark sort of thing; if it works for me, it's probably fine for everyone else. Perhaps a little naïve. Please let me know if there's some particular operation that is an obvious source of slowness for you, or if it's just general. As far as I can tell the slowness is due to the number of markers displayed on the map at one time, so if you want a suggestion as to how you might be able to reduce that, try setting up a filter to apply on page load for your region and criteria (preconfigured filters requires a registered account).
Ya know, if the internet has taught me anything these past 22 years I've been on it, it's that people are pathological liars, and while I don't doubt the possibility of those claiming to be ladies to be actual ladies; I am doubting the statistics of actually finding one to be genuine and not some dude on the other end... Love the concept, don't love its execution
>>44752 Naturally you're right to be sceptical. A few people have complained of there being too many dudes, but I see it as a wider complaint as to the nature of the internet. Unfortunately there's essentially nothing that my site can do to address the gender imbalance in these sorts of online communities. I don't intend to go down the route of verifying user identities or anything like that, which would open a massive can of worms. If there are any other reasons for you not liking the execution of the site, I'm all ears!
This site is still active??? Amazing
The striking contrast of marker numbers between the US/UK and rest of the world is astonishing. I'm sure this fetish is purely anglo thing in its' roots as well as all that rainbow pride shit over there or panties sniffing in Japan. Maybe there is a historical explaination?
>>58061 Or the fact that it's a map in English, on a Western domain, speaking in almost nothing but English. How many Arab or Korean primary websites do you "just happen" to use in your daily activities? Think for a second.
any plans on adding more filters / personal details?? i'll take the chance of voicing my opinion in an anonymous forum to say that i am personally really into trans boys (FtM), any chance you'll end up adding more gender info to the site?
>>58069 I've created a ticket on the tracker to add MtF/FtM gender options, but can't promise when it'll get implemented.
>>58069 This has now been added. Just for you anon.

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