/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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BACKUP CONTINGENCY Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 00:01:11 Id: 2b6503 No. 21406 [Reply] [Last]
I suggest bookmarking these: Fallback plan: https://8chan.se/tkr/ Second Fallback plan: https://redchannit.org/ Last resort: Going back to 8kun - https://8kun.top/tkr/index.html
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:16:12.
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/monarchy/ re-organized the old /tkr/-/monarchy/ embassy and replace it with this fresh new one.
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Thanks for coming to our Hunger Games matches! We are going back to the drawing board & re-considering what next games we'll play! At /icup/ again: >>>/icup/5921 Check out the discussion here^ ¡Gracias por venir a nuestros juegos! Estamos trasladando la discusión a otra parte. ¿Cuál será el próximo juego a jugar? Ven aquí >>>/icup/5921 ... I might re-consider Soulcalibur6 or Hedgewars / Territory Wars or an RTS game? --Others suggested trying to host DOOM or Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (/icup/) Are we due for another /icup/? ¿Nos toca otra /icup/?

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Posting Guide Anonymous 01/06/2022 (Thu) 01:54:08 Id: 8cd7a0 No. 10967 [Reply]
READ BEFORE POSTING >Where are the site rules? https://8chan.moe/site/res/4481.html >What are all of these New Thread fields? Name - A name you want to use, most of the time you'll want to leave this blank. If you're one of the people here who wants to use a persistent name, you may want to use a tripcode so others can't impersonate you. See https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Make sure you use the same password every time, but also don't reuse any password that you use on other websites, and it's recommended that you use a secure tripcode, unless you need to be identified across multiple imageboards. Files - You can attach up to 5, and they don't necessarily have to be images. >Where can I find the source of an image? The source can usually be found by either searching on https://saucenao.com/ or using Google's reverse image search at https://images.google.com/. Before asking for the source, try with both of these first. >How do I save an image in full resolution?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 07:23:35.

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Games thread 2 Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 02:10:31 Id: a588a7 No. 27549 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread >>680 hit the bump limit.
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>>65876 That really sucks. It looks like the specific type he has is pretty treatable, but even so, it's never a good thing. I'm hoping everything ends up going well.
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recommending this https://booth.pm/ja/items/5697168 Incredibly solid for how simple it is. Also costs almost nothing If any game devs are reading this, please make more sandbox games

Fate Tickling Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 14:35:00 Id: b2eb13 No. 474 [Reply] [Last]
Even the strongest heroes have their weaknesses.
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Here's a piece I recently commissioned from NekoSole on deviantart, about the queen and her wife having some quality time!
Anyone has this? The pixiv fanbox is unreachable for me. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118324566

e-celebs, STAs, etc Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 06:23:25 Id: fa281d No. 8466 [Reply] [Last]
what are the ethics around tickleporn of ecelebs/their avatars? is it much different than that of normal celebs or vtubers? and who would you wanna see get it?
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Nobody really talks about her cause she's pretty cringe and her wikifeet page keeps getting deleted despite the fact that she's like 19 or something but Charli Damelio has some pretty great looking feet
>>66138 I like her because she is confirmed to be ticklish.

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Special Requests Thread 13 Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 12:00:41 Id: 61012b No. 65762 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread was bump-locked: 51303 long shot but does anyone have any of erimoto's older self-oc stuff? like the 1k watcher stocker pic
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>>66070 I'd like to know too.
Can someone please update Lefiya? It's been so long and they haven't gotten an update despite having alot of work uploaded on their fanbox https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/90412289

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Insane Asylum Tickling Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 11:00:35 Id: 74d968 No. 7394 [Reply] [Last]
I'm talkin leather straps, straight jackets, let's make some crazy bitches go even crazier
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Anybody got this from TKCENTERSTUDIO?
>>62767 Its pretty shitty, just one page with one panel of tickling and the other of her laughing

Genshin Impact tickling Genshin Impact tickling 09/08/2021 (Wed) 22:36:55 Id: d54e95 No. 639 [Reply] [Last]
Teyvat with t of tickling
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/28/2021 (Tue) 02:26:07.
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>>65484 Please understand Anon, a good majority of footfags are retarded.
Is anyone have this please ?

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Producers You Despise Gaynon 10/19/2022 (Wed) 00:58:49 Id: 83c0d2 No. 31427 [Reply] [Last]
This guy does nothing but bitch and groan on Twitter. It actually makes me seethe how far up his own ass this clown is. He makes shit content and is a pompous cocksucker.
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Fettish or whatever the no safe word guys name is. FTKL BKTickler So many good studios have left but these troglodytes are still around.
>>31427 All of them. They pander to LCD mouth breathers to make their living. Fuck all of these subhumans and their overpriced, overproduced slop.
Tickle Experiment/Tickledr, which is the top ad you see on the left when you go to the TMF. Even if everything is fake, the amount of effort this guy puts into trying to convince everyone that he's actually tricking these women into getting tickle tortured without a safe word is creepy as hell. Add to that: -the weird music he has playing at the start of his preview clips/interviews -he keeps insisting these aren't fetish videos despite advertising them on a fetish website -all his videos feature women from really poor South American countries while he doesn't seem to be from there at all And worst, he seems to have a contingent of people on TMF, including mods, that will rush to defend him whenever someone speaks out about how weird this all is.

Furry tickling general #1 Anonymous 01/13/2021 (Wed) 10:47:08 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
new board, new thread edition! post any and all furry tickling art you like, anticipation and paw focus stuff is fine too!
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>>66062 Would really love to see her tickled while wearing her belly dancer outfit. The concept art version especially.

Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384 [Reply] [Last]
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
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>>65652 Fuck how did you even type that out without imploding in on yourself from that cringe?
>>65686 heh, just like that, 'tis my superpower; i'll give lessons, if you pay ;)
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Thanks for coming to our Hunger Games matches! We are going back to the drawing board & re-considering what next games we'll play! At /icup/ again: >>>/icup/5921 Check out the discussion here^ ... I might re-consider Soulcalibur6 or Hedgewars / Territory Wars or an RTS game? --Others suggested trying to host DOOM or Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 (/icup/) Are we due for another /icup/? ¿Nos toca otra /icup/? It would be nice if we could the actual /icup/ hosted once again.

Video Thread Part 4 Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 19:59:44 Id: 5ab0c2 No. 63776 [Reply] [Last]
Making this thread before anyone else can You know the drill by now. Post vid requests or post vids that other anons requested vid source bc i think it's gold: https://bdsmx-porn.com/video/149749/tickletherapy-ticklish-therapy-vol-2-tickle-and-lick/?campaign=10121
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A video I loved from Tumblr I think, but reuploaded on Dailymotion. Can't find the full video anymore, but at least I still have some of it I guess.
Anyone got this? I dunno how accessible loyalfans stuff is, but I'd appreciate it if anyone would be willing to share :) https://www.loyalfans.com/thetickleroom/video/subathon-unreleased-clip-1-kairis-double-team
Anyone have this video, i remember her laugh being sweet and having super hot feet. https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/2936223/michelle-dangles-gets-her-arches-tickled

OCs that you want to see fucking TICKLED Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 21:33:41 Id: c98bb0 No. 30861 [Reply] [Last]
post OCs that are going woefully untickled, either because their artists aren't ticklefags or maybe they are, but are lazy or not doing it for whatever reason
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>>66097 does zp just not know how to draw human faces or is it on purpose? his furry/anthro characters look fine but the one human chick he draws has dot eyes and giant lips
>>66097 Yeah nah wtf lol
>>66111 Speak for yourself, douche nozzle.

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Animal licking - Less cringey OP edition Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 20:48:48 Id: e14ea7 No. 1767 [Reply] [Last]
Post animals lapping ticklees into submission
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>>65934 there was a guy who was taking requests for animal licking female feet stories and me and couple others requested stuff, but he hasn't responded or posted in a long ass time.
>>65266 holy shit nice find

Tickling Captions 6: Gaelstorm Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 05:20:01 Id: 6e7a35 No. 49911 [Reply] [Last]
Let your cruelty shine.
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>>66076 I like all of these. Here's what I came up with for the second one! It ran a little long, so I just made it into a pdf, sorry. Thoughts? >>66063 Thanks! I think I'd probably be terrible at that lol, I get really impatient with my ideas and prefer to move on to different things all the time. I appreciate the thought though. >>66083 Of course! And I didn't really think that much of the context, I like the idea of it just being a little snippet of a bigger thing with poor Shinobu having been captured and tickled for days on end by that point, that's about it.
>>66100 >Image of Chika being tickled by Hayasaka >Writes a story about how ticklish Hayasaka is based, Hayasaka is best girl
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>>66050 >>66052 Thanks for keeping this place alive guys. I'm particularly in love with the KnY caption because I spend an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming about tickling the lights out of Shinobu, but I enjoyed both immensely. Made me remember why the caption thread used to be my favorite back in the day. I hope there's more to come

Adorable tickling Anonymous 10/03/2021 (Sun) 07:59:06 Id: a1a71e No. 2252 [Reply] [Last]
Sexual stuff is fine, only one condition: it has to be ADORABLE
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