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Superior_Dragon 11/23/2020 (Mon) 21:58:32 No. 275
I'm just going from board to board with this announcement: as Superior_Dragon, board owner of /delicious/, we have a new and exciting venture called Kodojinshi Party. Temporary meeting link here: https://join.skype.com/sy9nZgo8k4tQ Kodojinshi Party is a loli/shota mangazine open to everyone to submit their own original projects. Right now, we have a category for straight shota but we plan to include gay shota in the foreseeable future.
that sounds cool. is that like the old Softpaw Magazine back in the day? except without being full furry.
so what happened to this idea OP?
>>602 Probably like most ideas of its kind there was a lot of enthusiasm and ideas flying around to start with and then when the time came to actually produce motivation waned.
>>608 I’m not the one who initially began the project. I’m just the promoter.
Will this be a place where one can post serial on-going comics? Because there is no real place for artists to do that, with this kind of content, where the format can be properly organized in order. E.g. there's no gallery view in image sites like xchans.
>>276 That’s the idea, from what I understand. It was actually pitched as “a loli Shonen JUMP” but most of the softpaw I found so far was gay stuff (not everything in the two issues I found, but 2/3’s of them).

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