/ss/ is the best.
Grown Women who prefer the superior small and undeveloped penis of a boy who's yet to experience the 9th year of his life.
The truth about penis size in intercourse is that it really doesn't matter, for women, it's mostly psychological.
The most sensitive parts of the female genitalia are on the outside, same goes of the female anus, and the female mouth (the tongue can be stuck out, so it doesn't count for either).
The effect of large penises is shown time and again to be psychological, for example, how a woman who is having sex with an average penis but thinking he's small will be less satisfied than a woman having sex with an average penis while thinking he's large, experiment with a lot of sizes, and you find that the woman's expectations and perceptions are what color her experience, not the actual reality and physical sensations.
Since it's psychological and not physical, it is fully possible for a woman to be more satisfied by a small penis than a large one, if she prefers small penises psychologically, such as due to her being a pedophile with an interest in young boys that are yet to even begin puberty.
In that case, she perceives it to be more sexually satisfying, and so it is.
That little bud between his legs is going to be just as physically pleasurable to her as an elephant cock, but psychologically speaking, it's going to do a much better job on her by comparison.
The issue is not endowment, it's the boy himself, he seems smaller, weaker, dumber, less capable, more dependent, more submissive, and more feminine than the woman herself, even if the truth is the reverse, the fact that he seems that way to the woman's subconscious is going to be the thing that turns her off.
like a househusband, for women the most sexually appealing thing in a man is his superiority compared to herself and other men.