>I never herd anyone say tht the Nazis were the only bad regime
Bad, yes. Worse than the every other Socialist country that has ever existed,
HELL NO!!! Germany was tame compared to West Taiwan and anything the USSR (And their proxies) pulled (
Look up the Pitesti prison experiments in Romania or how the Hungarian Socialist government was stealing children from their parents to groom them as prostitutes (Sound familiar?), and tell me that Germany was "worse" with a straight face). But you dare to express any sympathies towards the damn Germans, and you're immediately deemed an "evil person" worth hating and have zero path towards redemption.
And that's what I keep coming back to. >We are "all" suppose to be "loving and caring" towards "everyone", but it's only
ONE SIDE who has to "calm down" and be "tolerant" meanwhile the other side can do literally whatever and get away with it. And there's a term for this activity too. Coined by Herbert Marcuse in the 1965, it's known as "repressive tolerance". And I'm sick and tired of this shit. I'm not asking for revenge, I'm not even asking for fucking "fairness", I'm just want people to be honest and genuine for once instead of constantly patronizing people with phrases and sentiments that "sound good" but are hollow in their delivery.
>Stalin is responsible for more deaths then hitler was, doesn't make Hitler less of a monster though
Yes, it does. Yet no one is deemed as "beyond saving" for having sympathies towards Stalin, especially after Khrushchev's sanitized denunciation of him.
>And yes, the soap thing...
DON'T FUCKING CARE and you're missing the damn point. This discussion is
NOT about the Holohoax.
> I have every reason to believe psychology is a fake branch of science.
For the past century, it really has been. The
ONLY psychologist I've read about who wasn't full of shit was Henry Link.
>Was this morally justified?
The problem I have with such grand-sweeping declarations is that it makes the argument a zero-sum game in that there's only "one" solution and nothing else. And I disagree with that one a fundamental level. There are multiple paths towards creating a functioning and stable country, so the question is what do you want as a society? For example, Japan has some of the lowest crime rates in the modern world, but I would not be thrilled living there due to their lack of privacy laws, illegality of gun ownership, and Liberal justice system. This isn't saying that I find America's laws perfect. We have enough of our own problems, but I prefer living under our system with the protections and abilities we have than I would under the Japanese.
It should be said that the BIGGEST problem I have with the American system is not that we have too many laws or even that some of the laws are too lax (By design), it's that you have people that refuse to enforce the laws that exist. And that they refuse to enforce them on purpose.
>And now all of these athiests liberal faggots I surrounded myself by, who I've heard absolutely a dozen times saying "I don't like christians because they were controlling!"
Funny thing is that almost
NEVER happened. It was always the baizuo, the "Political Left", who were the ones enforcing things like censorship demands. Need look no further than the 1992 vidya senate hearings, or Tipper Gore leading the crusade against music in the 80's.
>I sincerely believe that these problems started long before I was born.
A lot of them did. Majority of the "biggest" issues that exist in today's world started as far back as the 1700's, from the Malthusians believing that we're "running out of resources", to the French Revolution that wanting to remake man down to his very soul.
>And that they're going to get much worse rather than better.
It probably will. First of all because the two biggest economies in the world (U.S. and West Taiwan) are playing chicken to see who's fiat currency and economy tumbles first. And second because of how they elites will be doing everything to make sure that Agenda 2030 happens on schedule.
>All because stupid white people would rather cuck over their entire country.
You do remember that we had an election last month, and that the most hated man on the planet won it, right? And European countries are currently suffering massive riots, if the government isn't already collapsing, because of their citizens having enough of this shit.
>There is nothing wrong with white nationalism.
Actually there is:
Who is "white"? I mean this legitimately because that was the biggest source of bloodshed in Europe for the previous three millennia. And my own heritage is from the one European countries who was treated by half the continent as a nation full of wiggers, meanwhile the other half wanted to wipe the country from existence because of their fear of Catholics.
>Slavery was a good thing
>slavery was a terrible thing
It's neither. This isn't the discussion for it, but the only problem with slavery is when it's forced upon people, and (Even then) when it gives them zero chance for escape. And it can be argued that the American slave trade was a universal and historically bad idea because it created a "permanent underclass" of people from which there will always be a historical divide (Despite the circumstance that original created that divide no longer existing, and it all being a cultural problem now). In fact, Congress prevented a similar problem that was happening with the Chinese during the late 1800's when they hauled in Charles Crocker and demanded that he explain his reasons for importing the Chinese and undercutting domestic wages.
>Communist won WW2
Which country was giving loans to the Soviet Union? And also provided them with all of their machinery?
>and being hateful and violent does not, in fact, get the world any closer to where you seem to want it.
It does when the violence is a reluctant and the hate is only to motivate, not the goal. I believe the phrase is that if you're looking for bloodshed, don't be surprised if you find it. Contrast the American Revolution (
Where the Continental Congress were doing everything possible to be reasonable with England as they just wanted to be represented in Parliament, nothing more) to the French Revolution (
Where they made an issue about the tax system into a reason for why they needed to remake the entire country, including it's culture and history) and you see the difference between reluctant violence and a search for violence. That being said, I do not see anything "reluctant" about the threats of violence we see coming from the rhetoric of either side (
Yes, the Woke Right is a real thing, not just a psy-op). Just constant, "
Give me what I want, or I'll burn everything to the ground".
>Just ignore it and be tolerant? That is how lost Christians their entire strangehold on power in America.
Artca, Christianity never actually had a "stranglehold" over America as America was not a Christian nation, not in it's founding nor in it's establishment. Many of the ideals and beliefs are rooted in the Bible, but just as many beliefs and ideals come from Grecian philosophy and English Fundamentalism. In addition to that, only a third of the actual 134 Founding Fathers were practicing Christians, the rest were some flavor of Agnostic or Deist. This is not saying that they denied the importance and benefits of religion, often times writing in support of practicing them, but the issue that they were concerned with at the time was just that they wanted to be left alone to be able to live their own lives. That was it.