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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Artca9's vore comics Anonymous 04/29/2023 (Sat) 07:19:21 No. 29125
Does anyone have Artca9's patreon and gum road vore comics. If you have them, please share them. https://artca9.gumroad.com/l/megapatron
>>30298 Do you got some of the newer stuff, the stuff he hasn't posted from his Patreon?
>>30399 That's the Link you get for subbing to his patron, that's all his up to date work
>>30298 Link's dead
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I got you homie. oops, posted the wrong one, and its unfinished. Well here is tomorrows panels. >>30876 The link resets at the beginning of each month. Even when my work was getting posted to keminoparty it wasn't up to date.
Is the coke lady gonna make it out?
Anyone have any recent stuff?
>>31684 Link's dead
>>31684 Where is the loli stuff that got you banned the first time off discord?
Bump Has anyone got an updated mega link for chapter 7?
>>39326 bump
Does anyone have the new chapter 7?
Anyone have the new otter one? Looks promising.
Does anyone have chapter 7 - Snake?
Where is the one who is presenting the cola before being eaten by a polar bear
I mean the another one
I lost the bomb do you have it?
I will make a sacrifice!
Polar bear
Cow vore

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>>46760 anyone have the non-gas version of this
Could we get an update on this?
>>46809 here you go. Unfortunately nearly all my audience cooms to farts, so i provide.
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Currently working on Tiger. It's taking forever, I've had a terrible year and slowed down my workflow. I hope to finish this soon, so I can publish Volume 1 of this comic. (Ch 1-8 + filler + bad ends )
>>47381 There are bad ends?
>>47444 There are 3 bad ends written out of 7 total so far. When I finish chapter 8, I will release the bad endings alongside chapter 1 to 8 as a volume for sale. I will also let the guy who wrote it post it publicly if he wants to.
Wish dipshit would just focus on his art and not become a political nutcase on his twitter
wish to see if violet ended up bowel movement
I like how casually we're treating that the actual artist is on here
Updated mega link?
>>54433 Eh… I mean, he has a discord server too, but most of what he posts on there is just more schizo neopolitical rants about weird race theory stuff. It’s a vore server, where he rarely actually posts vore. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. What makes it even funnier, or sadder, is that in said discord server (and elsewhere) he’s complained about vore artists talking about politics in places where they should just post vore, in said vore server where it’s original and mains purpose is to post vore. I think what he was really looking for is just an echo chamber where he can shoot out his weird political stuff and have a bunch of people being forced to agree with him (if they don’t, they’ll either get banned, blocked, or lost any chance of interaction or even a potential commission slot). Some of his anal vore art is nice, but he just can’t keep his politics fetish in his pants.
i just want to see more of blonde chicks get eaten
>>54570 Agree. Blonde girls make the best pred and prey
>>54433 I mean we do the same to Faggot, what's wrong with call out the shitheads
Anything new? Bad Endings?
>>56103 I’m interested in the permanent entrapment one that he keeps on saying is in one of the new bad ends.
it's time to have some fun with bad ending editions boys
i mean when violet just turned to pile of dung
really wish to see another honey, the blonde girl, we haven't seen of her for while or longer
>>56224 Does he ever do digestion or disposal?
Rarely digestion or disposal, as far as Im aware, just all the way through
The Bad Ends are all the digestion related ones, I believe some have disposal.
do the bad ending actually have picture draw of scat that just shit from the anus?
i wondering when violet end up as dinosaur food~~~
Hey Artca is it worth it to leak your own comics for people who are ungrateful and hate you?
I just got the bad end thing, unfortunately im a little disappointed. I missed the part where it said they were illustrated stories (similar to how seekgr does things these days), which is my own fault.
>>57608 So a picture or two per 3 paragraphs like the new Mononoke?
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>>54558 Sorry, I've become fatigued by the constant nigger jew and tranny worship from people from every walk of life around me. All while my generation and younger is making 8x less than my grandfathers generation, projected to be making 10x less with more shitskins flooding in "legally" or not 2025. All I ever wanted to do was to play video games and draw art with people. Only reason I did art is I saw the wonderful things entertainment can do. Especially social wise with friends. And by the time I became a good artist, I instead got egotistical men in makeup/dresses taking over all entertainment discussions and events in America. Banning any non-believers to their retarded anal sex religion. To the point where every art community online that inspired me to draw getting mogged by trannies grooming teens. I convinced myself to start drawing vore porn so I could improve at art while I wait for this mental illness to wash over. And unfortunately it's only gotten much much much worse. But hey, I got way better at art, sure hope it was draining my intelligence drawing degen, jacking off and roleplaying with furries. >>57608 I was experimenting with the format. Originally those were supposed to just be sketches alongside the story, but I'm a masochist so I finished some of the illustrations. Whole point of these was to hire digestion/disposal fans to write these bad endings, but I ended up having to write CH5 bad end myself. OOPS I'm working on Ch 9 right now, but I will slowly clean up CH 4-6 bad endings as soon as I can. It's a lot more content in the second pack, and includes unbirth which I've not done much (image below) >>57542 No, not at all. I'm the equivalent of a drug dealer, and some of these junkies will stab me to get a high. >>56226 She'll be in the comic later (CH 15 I think i wrote her in for?), maybe with a new name.
>>57734 I heard this artist was crazy but holy fuck
>>57735 Truly one of us
>>57734 Oh I like you. I tried to be social with a lot of these pigs but ended up despising a vast majority of them. What games do you play? Any favorites?
>>57734 I agree with you entirely on that first line. Best Friend of 9 years banned from me from our discord because I was apparently transphobic for talking about the Chris Tyson and Mr. Beast situation, in a channel he specifically made that no rules applied to and was for talking about controversy topics. If you so much as slightly disagree with the Trans fuckers, you are enemy number 1 and must be cut off or ruined. They are all hypocrites and lies are all they know.
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>>57764 Half my friends were gay in highschool, so I tried to be cordial with it. But the T+ crazies have drove themselves and normal people to suicide around me IRL. Fun fact, endorsing any mental illness makes it far worse, as with any mass hysteria event in history. I learned that lesson because I tried to validate trans friend and DID (dissociative identity disorder) friend. And Ralph killed himself and Mary almost killed herself, both from being pushing so far into their delusions. Even people that would make fun of Tumblr with me back in the day sheepishly pretend to support this vile shit so they don't lose their jobs/reputations. >>57770 Friend of 9 years as well "canceled" me on my normal art account with 800 followers VS his 250,000 youtube followers. Severing our relationship because his entire audience was cartoon enjoyer autists who warped into the fag flag army autists. One of the same people talking about how crazy Tumblr nutcases are 8 years ago ; to making a public declaration about me being a transphobe to save face to like 3 people who cared and nagged him about it. One of thousands of online stories I have of faggot marxists becoming the tyrannical hateful cunts they claim they are against. Lies, gaslighting, and victimizing themselves is all fags, kikes, and niggers do. So excuse my hatred and fatigue for all them collectively. I stopped using any launguage to try and appease/worship these parasite groups because it has zero positive influence on me or others around me. It's suffocating how fake and gay my generation is right now, and it's up and down the east coast of America as far as I can tell from traveling. I play some Counter Strike 2, went to Germany for IEM Cologne this year, and got even more radicalized seeing the horrible state Europe is in. https://x.com/artca9/status/1825285180572983805 Not to mention my trip to London from 6 years ago to what is is now. Or my city 15 years ago, to the gutted ghetto it's become now. Like every recreational place here got destroyed by bad black culture (bowling alleys, malls right next to me for example). Not even a race thing, my stupid violent white cousins got babymamas and act like stupid niggers too on this side of town. Meanwhile most the blacks I meet and talk to are sincere homies and reject the criminal worship culture. Could rant about more shit. Like even the lying cunt up about writing fanfictions that I'm banning and threatening people with no access to commisions (bitch I've not done commissions for 4 years). Or Western_Woman.png, and my experience watching the dating scene go from alright, to becoming the most soul crushing experience for me and people I know. (20's and 30's) Nah, video games are better. -- Really excited to finally stop playing shitty SSBMelee and play Rivals of Aether 2. It's everything I wanted Melee to be, to a scary degree because it heavily resembles a mod I made of Melee in 2020. Spelunky 2, homemade mods to make it a better game for cosmic ocean runs. Sometimes play Spelunky 1 hell runs. Both these games are my favorite video games. Tight arcade-like adventure platformers. A lot of 2's. I even did a playthrough of Super Mario 2 (USA) recently lmao. On retro games, Donkey Kong for the gameboy was a super good surprise. It was the best gameboy game I ever played ( I grew up with one) Tunic and Kena Bridge of Spirits I thought were fantastic in the past 2 years from what I actually finished. But aside from those two, I've been dropping games way to quick recently to have much an opinion on it. Aside from dropping DS3 and Sekiro 3 times each, just have a hard time doing more than two or three sessions of a game before something comes up and I drop it for a month or longer. No longer wanting to play at that point.. -- I should post vore on the vore thread, here is some internals lineart.
>>57734 >>57773 How come you still sound like you’re 15 years old?
>>57835 It's what happens when someone doesn't let go of the past
>>57858 Better to hold on to a better past than embrace a doomed and damned future.
i don't concern about it all, just for violet that ended up as shit scat
>>57734 Holy fuck! Didn't know Artca was so damn based!!!
>>57886 That's sad not based
>>57909 It's all in the beholder eyes annon
>>57884 You say that, until you go to do something you don’t even think about nowadays, and then you suddenly can’t do the thing easily or at all back then. Have fun in the Dust Bowl and “washing” your dishes in sand, anon, if you think you wanna go back THAT far. Oh, yeah, also, you wouldn’t be able to look at porn on your phone, and you probably wouldn’t even have a cell phone, especially not a smart phone, even if you go back 30 years. And have fun with dial-up speed and scrounging around to get those America Online disks with the free 100 or less hours of online access. And your fetish not being widely available online, if hardly even at all. And say good bye to your free email address that you take for granted, and your easily accessible proxies, if you’re in the time period where people can even have acres to the Internet publicly at all. How far do you REALLY wanna go back, anon? Because I bet you dollars to donuts, you couldn’t even stand going back 15, or even a measly 10 years. 20 years back and you wouldn’t even know how to function in normal society. Though, I have a sneaking suspension if we do go back 20 years, your age would be in the single digits, if even that.
>>57948 You think the poultry conveniences of life is what makes it worth living?
>>57948 Lmao keep beating that strawman
c mon just post a picture of damn blonde chick or at least violet got swallowed by a feral, i feel so fucking hard
yeah just shut up about the personal and release of picture of vore
you sick fuck, i will smack your fucking ass
>>57961 go fuck yourself you fucking asshole you limp dick ass face
>>57962 you go masturbate to your fucking grandma, dick face
>>57963 dare you speak to my beloved, you're fucking animal, i will find you you motherfcker
>>57964 i will scratch your fucking face off you little fuck gen z
>>57965 shut the fuck up asshole
>>57966 and you're going to scratch your fucking balls friend
>>57967 oh, i'm tear your fucking balls off away from your rotting penis you little motherfucker
>>57973 what so what you're going to masturbate yourself?
stop fighting please, have some fucking civil
>>57975 this is our turf, not you now go fuck yourself
>>57976 yeha i'm gonna find your place you motherfcker
>>57977 you'll see it, COME AND GET ME
what the hell is going on here
well you see someone was trying to taunt the other that trying to provoke a war
well what are you waiting, come on, let them fight each other, this piece of shit is going down now
>>57978 you will see how i fight you
this is going from just shit talking, well it's gonna be a fucking bloodbath tension conflict, it's getting out of fucking control
this is how when you already choose a woke leader as the president
>>57985 incompetent, weak and delusional?
Seems like two people now are just arguing with one another. This thread is to spread artcas pay walled art,not let him try and explain his dipshit far right beliefs
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>>57991 "far right" >>57948 I would rather have no internet/porn access whatsoever than have to live in a soulless commie faggot society we got stuck in. I would rather stack grocery cans at a crushing dead-end 9-5 for the rest of my life, then live in the low-trust nigger society we got right now. Modern luxuries are completely outweighed by degenerates ruining my economy and society.
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>>57954 Honey is bratty blonde pokemon trainer. The second Illustration with the Arcanine here is the first time I drew Violet btw! VERY early concept. Last picture is Violet and Nickle concepts.
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>>57998 Upload limit. Honey and Violet art. As well as a few other pokemon sketches with Honey.
>>57734 >I convinced myself to start drawing vore porn so I could improve at art while I wait for this mental illness to wash over. And unfortunately it's only gotten much much much worse. Buddy, it IS going to keep getting worse as we're suffering from problems that have been compounding for the past century. If you actually want things to get better, best thing I can advise is to take measures to protect yourself once everything does crash. >>57773 >Half my friends were gay in highschool Did they actually come out of the closet? I didn't realize that I gave people the impression that I was gay until I entered the workforce and was directly asked about it. >Even people that would make fun of Tumblr with me back in the day sheepishly pretend to support this vile shit so they don't lose their jobs/reputations. Yeah, it's to control people. >One of the same people talking about how crazy Tumblr nutcases are 8 years ago ; to making a public declaration about me being a transphobe to save face to like 3 people who cared and nagged him about it. Yeah, that's a struggle session. A form of torture invented by MaoMao. >One of thousands of online stories I have of faggot marxists becoming the tyrannical hateful cunts they claim they are against. Are you just ranting, or do you already know "why" they're doing it? >>57948 >Oh, yeah, also, you wouldn’t be able to look at porn on your phone, and you probably wouldn’t even have a cell phone, especially not a smart phone, even if you go back 30 years. I don't see what the problem is. Over the past few months, I've been using a Nokia 2780 Flip and have zero regrets about it. >And have fun with dial-up speed and scrounging around to get those America Online disks with the free 100 or less hours of online access. People should get off the internet more. Yes, I see the irony. >And your fetish not being widely available online, if hardly even at all. You do realize that porn comics and erotica have existed for decades, right? >And say good bye to your free email address that you take for granted I pay for me email addresses because having a free email gives the company free reign to snoop. >and your easily accessible proxies Again, I pay for my VPN. >if you’re in the time period where people can even have acres to the Internet publicly at all You mean the 1990's? >How far do you REALLY wanna go back, anon? Because I bet you dollars to donuts, you couldn’t even stand going back 15, or even a measly 10 years. 20 years back and you wouldn’t even know how to function in normal society. Can't speak for everyone else, but I use my 3DS (Released 13 years ago) to listen to music, my PSP (Released 20 years ago) for listening to videos, and do work on an old Compaq Presario (Release 14 years ago) that's still running Windows Vista (Released 17 years ago). Not to mention I'm still using old programs like a computerized version of Webster from '96. In addition, do you not remember that Android is 16 years old, the iPhone is 17 years old, earlier smartphones like i-Mode and Blackberry are both 25 years old (Not to mention the PDAs that preceded them), that YouTube is 19 years old, that FaceBook is 20 years old, that Google is 26 years old, and that Amazon is 30 years old? A lot less has changed than people tend to think.
Artca really lets worthless shit get to him huh Didnt realize he was that fragile
Kek, Artca’s mad. I’m just waiting for him to whine in his discord sever again about people making fun of him. Might post screenshots later if I remember. I’m starting to think he has a weird politics fetish. The poor guy can’t even help but argue his weird “b-b-b-but back den it wuz butter despite me being UA then!” crap on this site too, and even the other Chan at times.
Wah wah wah
Sounds like he’s the sort to fall for the Nigerian Prince email scam, or those late night “buy more gold” infomercials. Or even Y2K, if he was old enough to even know about it much back then.
lmao, he’s even one of those “muh ancestors muh ancestors! Muh acres bloodline” societal lolcow types. How much do you wanna bet his family tree looks more like a family wreath? After all, this is the same guy who, more than likely, sexually abused his deceased dog, that he based his dog character in the comic after.
“Mentally ill gooners” So the poor little guy just has no sense of irony or self knowledge, huh? Yeah, okay Mr. IRL-Dog-Fucker.
What a freaking lolcow. Yes, I’m sure your “proud and strong” ancestors are looking up at you now and thinking “this is the big, strong, virile man who will carry on our traditions and bloodline” while also drawing porn and sexually abusing real dogs. Pretty sure if he was alive during Nazi Germany, he’d be one of the “social outcasts” who they would euthanize. But I’m sure he’s barely can remember anything from his high school history classes. He was probably sneaking looks at his biology book to try to see if there’s any references to intercourse. Also, I’m pretty sure there’s something in his God’s big book that says something against having sex with actual, real life animals. Surely he’s gotta realize he’s a lolcow and this is just a persona, right? Someone can’t really be this diluted, right? Oh, but apparently he has depression, so it’s all good.
>>58081 You ain’t ever played chicken tic tac toe before and it really shows.
>>58073 >>58074 >>58075 >>58076 What is he saying that is actually "wrong"? >>58077 >But I’m sure he’s barely can remember anything from his high school history classes. He was probably sneaking looks at his biology book to try to see if there’s any references to intercourse. What's with the slut shaming?
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>>58074 Nigga, precious metals have retained their value for thousands of years. Like all the other shit you posted is the typical no-life trying and lying to insult other no-life's on the internet. But how retarded and disingenuous do you have to be to try to insult buying physical metals. Writing on the wall with South America pact and separate China/Russia pact working to create other monetary standards to dominate; meanwhile US politicians take a blowtorch to the USD standard the past 20 years all for Isreal. Dept ballooned to 36 trillion recently, before my money is completely worthless, I'm cashing it out to something that won't devalue. You are posting on a chan board how do you not know? Let me catch you up to speed homie: Communists undeniably won WW2. The Jews who wrote that whinny skewed version of history are openly being the racially-superior ethnostate looking to expand into Greater Israel; the exact same kind of racially motivated people they've claimed that National Socialist Germany was. And we still got retards defending kikes and their Hitler fanfictions a century later. While these "poor victims of WW2" are milking America out of Trillions of dollars, funneling all that money into their GOD STATE's borders, healthcare, education; while lobbying against the USA having any of Israel's privileges. Any leftover money Jews scraped from us, heading right back into American politicians so they will lobby to keep sending billions more towards the racially and religious goals of Jews. Or worse, more propaganda in Hollywood (which you have to be a consciracy nut to believe jews DONT run.) to tell whites to hate themselves and racemix least they be a wacist. Shit is so straight-forward, and yet people who watched the "Muslisms have nukes!" narrative crumble, the narrative as to why we are invading the countries around Israel. The reason why we are destroying and displacing Mudslimes into White European countries (which really helps Isrea)... These retards will still believe Jewish lies from a century ago, while their current track record is somehow worse than the CCP in china lying. >>58084 This nigga will undoubtedly obsess more about taking screen shots out of context for his own schitzo ramblings. In his own world that precious metals are a scam and I fucked my dog. > Keeps saying I based my dog on Indigo. I got her 7 months after the comic started. A 8 year old husky with cancer recently removed, and I neutered her the week I got her. > This cunt can very easily go take screenshots on my discord of me publically shaming and banning dogfuckers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWs8h808Hxs Try to respond to these kind of retards and say "no, I don't fuck animals. That's beyond degenerate and morally wrong. I just like dogs, they are good boys and great pets." > Oh wow, so defensive, you really did fuck your dog! > I bet you've never had sex with woman lol, had to look at biology books to get off. > He's proud of his grandparents and lineage, he must be a incest baby and be deformed > roflcopter
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>>58091 > Writing on the wall with South America pact and separate China/Russia pact working to create other monetary standards to dominate I don't hold any belief that BRICS is going to actually going replace the dollar. At best it will do nothing, at worst it will wreck every country that adopts it just like the Euro has wrecked every country that adopted it. Precious metals are still a safe investment, however, when we do enter hyper inflation. If we don't, at least they look pretty and retain their value. >The Jews who wrote that whinny skewed version of history are openly being the racially-superior ethnostate looking to expand into Greater Israel Not really. Kikes are split into three camps regarding the status of Israel. The Ashkenazis (Turkish Khazars) primarily hate Israel existing as it's own country, and wouldn't shed a tear if it was wiNice personff the map. Meanwhile the ethnic Jews (The Mizrahim and the Sephardim) primarily do want Israel to exist as a state, and to be fair should have that right as they legally bought the land. However where things differ is that you have the Israeli populace who just want to exist, contrasted against a government that does want to start constant wars in the Middle East for the purposes of conquest. For example with the war in Gaza, everything that I've seen concerning the matter is that Bibi (A genuine dictator) allowed for the attack (That they knew about up to a year in advance) to occur for the purposes of cracking down on the Israeli citizens that were protesting against his militaristic authoritarian regime. >Try to respond to these kind of retards and say "no, I don't fuck animals. That's beyond degenerate and morally wrong. I just like dogs, they are good boys and great pets." That's because they don't care. They have a narrative in their head that they want to push and they're going to stick to it no matter how much it's disconnected from reality. The only way to fight that is to be a decent and reasonable person. Though I wonder if anyone sees the irony that the literal goat, horse, and dog fuckers we have over on >>>/zoo/ come across as more decent people than Progressives.
>>58093 I'm of course generalizing. A bit less than half of Isreali citizens do not support it; and I've seen plenty of Rabbi's condemning Isreals creation. But I'm talking solely about the Jews milking the USA and what their interests are, not about outliers (who often take money to shill for Isreal anyways). I'll take your opinion about BRICs in mind. But I haven't seen too many decent and reasonable people W's in a long long time. I've only had mine, and my families generosity and tolerance exploited over the years. Excuse my bitterness, but I don't think being nice a bit more is going to win against satanically evil culture/government.
Btw artca if you're comfortable sharing what nationality are you? I assume American
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>>58095 >But I haven't seen too many decent and reasonable people W's in a long long time. I've only had mine, and my families generosity and tolerance exploited over the years. Excuse my bitterness, but I don't think being nice a bit more is going to win against satanically evil culture/government. It's not about "being nice", it's about being reasonable and fair and there is a BIG difference between the two. A lot of the political activism that's performed in today's world is done for the purposes of aggravating you. They keep pushing and pushing to get a reaction out of you in the hopes that you do something stupid. And when your patience has worn out and you finally do "act", they cry foul and use your reaction as the example and reason for why we need more Progessivism. This isn't some grand conspiracy, they spell it out in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and the website Beautiful Trouble: https://beautifultrouble.org/ This particular example being explained as "The real action is your target's reaction": https://archive.ph/NaKTk
>>58069 he keeps making posts on twitter every now and then. He is a anti vaxxing trumper since RFK joined trump
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>>58099 Marvin Heemeyer did nothing wrong, Killdozer will rise again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlZh9-NQEyI And yes, you are completely right. I understand the game, which is why it's more frustrating to play when there is no win condition. >>58097 Irish-American. Mix of German from my mom's side. Starting to post Chapter 8 publically! Working on Chapter 9 now, which narratively will be the first really difficult chapter for me. I'll share some of the "Bad ends" when I get back to illustrating them.
“Muh muh muh muh ancestors!” Who gives a hell about your “ancestors” Artca? Why DO you care so much? It doesn’t matter, but I think you like to use them as an excuse to be a prick. Do you really think they’re looking up at tit and are proud of what you’ve become? I’m just waiting for you to go full blown schizo art abs end up nuking your galleries.
Hey, Artca, did those commemorative Trump coins you ordered a while back ever actually come in? Haven’t seen you post them yet. Or that weird calendar thing?
Local lolcow unaware that he makes porn, while blaming porn, while in his porn server, while announcing his new porn and pleading for people to pay for his porn, where people post IRL animal maw shots and droll over them and talk about them sensually in days server like it’s porn. More News at 11!
>>58148 A lot of 3D porn unironically is "unhealthy". 2D escapes majority of these issues, except for themes like NTR.
>>58143 Nigga, why do you think I like Trump? I'm not a limp-dick centrist. >>58142 I'd rather idealize the strong idols of the 2000's and prior that I looked up to and was inspired by. Yearn for the past that I know through home movies and tales of the boomers and grandparents I've talked to throughout my life. Rather than accept the soy faggot America I'm stuck with now. Where my generation and relatives are defeatist and letting minorities, groomers, and criminals walk all over their lives and federally rob their income. Violet's comic started because I knew the pandemic hysteria would fuck over our culture and socializing. I'd rather make stories and art to get better than wait around and rot. All while making money. Even if I have to waste my time and talent drawing degenerate porn, essentially being a "drug dealer". I'm proud of the story I'm slowwwwwly making in the long run and I've noticably improved my artwork from 2020. No worries, I won't delete Violet's Wildlife Diary unless I get suicidal. Also never go full schitzo, I keep myself in check from falling too deep down rabbit holes, and make sure to research before I whole-heartedly believe most schitzo propaganda. My late aunt (bless her heart) was full schitzo. Couldn't blame her since she was paralyzed from the waist down, and especially with lockdowns got more isolated. >>58154 All porn is unhealthy in large intakes. Same as drug and alcohol addiction. Porn Addiction is fucked and I've dealt with clients who were clearly not doing well because of it.
>>58155 I bet you if you ever posted a full face pic, you’d look very soy, wouldn’t you? Do it in your server, if you haven’t already. I dare you. How much do you weigh, anyways? Since you say you’re not a trumphat, then who do you plan to vote for? Or do you not vote?
>>58155 Despite making Rule 2, you’re not too keen on following it in your server, are you? Have you ever tried not being a dick? You control the keys you press, you know.
>>58155 We think you like trump cause you repeat the talking point he and those who follow him say. You think that America is communist or going to be communist when you don't even know what communism is. how about you do everyone a favor and go to North korea, China, or Cuba and then say America is communist. Your more annoying than Faggot is at this point.
>>58155 >I'd rather idealize the strong idols of the 2000's > 2000's Ah, okay, so you mean like Obama then? :) You can’t win for losing, man, it’s all up hill for you. Though, to be truer, you never even made it to the hill in the first place, because you’d have to walk there first.
>>58155 >Porn Addiction is fucked and I've dealt with clients who were clearly not doing well because of it. Have you got the guy asking you to draw Wonder Bread yet? >>58161 >We think you like trump cause you repeat the talking point he and those who follow him say. <You drink water, Hitler drank water, therefore you're no different than Hitler. >You think that America is communist or going to be communist when you don't even know what communism is. Do you? Here's Marx's exact definition of Communism summed up one sentence: https://archive.md/QbrC <Communism as the positive transcendence of private property as human self-estrangement. Okay, but what actually IS "private property"? You may think I'm joking, but Marx never actually defined this. In fact, he made things even more confusing by having to backtrack and declare you'll still keep "personal property" under Communism, while also giving a non-answer to what exactly that is, much more what actually is the difference between "personal" and "private" property: https://archive.ph/4YlTR >how about you do everyone a favor and go to North korea, China, or Cuba and then say America is communist. America IS becoming a Communist country. Out of the 10 aspects Marx outlined of what makes a country "Communist", according to The Communist Manifesto (Page 58 of attached PDF), America already encompasses six (Arguably eight) of those points: Income tax (2), the Federal Reserve (5), the FCC and the Department of Transportation (6), the EPA (7), OSHA (8), and the Department of Education (10). That's not to mention that not all forms of "Socialism" are executed the same because they have different targets (Although the goal is the same: the end of history). The Socialism America is largely suffering from is Cultural Marxism, West Taiwan is practicing "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" (Also called "One country, two systems" where the government is Communist, but the economy is Fascists), Best Korea exists as a joke, and Cuba is an island no one cares about.
>>58168 This little stuff really gets to you; gets under your skin, doesn’t it?
Bro this is way too livid. I refuse to believe Artca9 is genuinely like this.
i want to let it all, everything i lost, forever because of people like you you're sick you're fucking sick every last one of you, i'm pissed, i'm so fucking pissed for saying stupid shit about shit and i'm going to hell cause the world is so fucking ugly delusional asspricks, so it's all fucked up. fuck it i guess i don't let out it all
I miss when I found the horse comic for the first time and was genuinely interested in the story and art
>>58182 i'm gonna kill you so fucking badly
>>58184 hold your damn horse
>>58184 you crossed the line buddy, cakm down
>>58091 gonna say this in the nicest possible way, nobody follows you for your political takes or your opinions, they follow you because you draw fetish art. the sooner you realise that, the sooner youll stop wondering why people dont fucking care for your political takes and instead want you to draw the thing that makes you an income.
Meeeh this dudes art is basically just a strega ripoff. Artist is way too mid to be having such dogshit takes. Make hotter art and then maybe we can look past the cringe 14 year old 4channer personality.
>>58187 >nobody follows you for your political takes or your opinions Why does this take only apply to so-called Conservative creators?
>>58191 Most conservative creators have been nothing more hateful white supremacists like artcas has shown to be
all of that politic shit want to make me to endorse thanos theory
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>>58196 >hateful white supremacists What does that even MEAN anymore? Everything from Voter ID to simple elementary school mathematics has been called "White supremacy". You have minorities such as blacks, Hispanics, American-Indians, Asians, Muslims, and every other Non-European group under sun being labelled as "White Supremacists". So what actually is "white supremacy"? From everything I've seen, the label is nothing more than a simple "Thought-terminating cliche": https://infogalactic.com/info/Thought-terminating_cliché
>>58204 Cherry picking when you have been shown saying "EVRYTHING IS THE JEWS FAULT" or how about the numerous times you said nigger. This is the point, you deflect when you have been shown to say it. Not everything is about politics, its about being a decent person to which you are nothing more than a man child
>>58209 Nigga I'm not in the thread anymore. Go home. I'm sorry I'm not some pussy whooped faggot like you and think nigger is a bad word. Sorry that want respectful black citizens rather than niggers regardless of their race thugging around. My white cousins 's adopted nigger culture and guess what that's gotten them? Baby Mama, violent drama, And eternal poverty. I don't wish that for any American citizen. My roommate is black and gay, so I have the nigger and faggot pass. You're just upset that you don't have The pass
>>58209 >Cherry picking when you have been shown If you followed the conversation, you'd realize that I'm not Artca. >saying "EVRYTHING IS THE JEWS FAULT" or how about the numerous times you said nigger Blacks label the Jews as the reason for why they were traded as slaves, and say "Nigger" all the time. So what's the issue? >Not everything is about politics Another thought-terminating cliche >its about being a decent person to which you are nothing more than a man child Do you not at all realize the irony that you have not addressed anything neither he or I have actually said? And have resorted name-calling, simple catch-phrases, and guilt by association for the purposes of labeling someone or something as "bad".
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>>58196 Same as how every lefty creator ends up being ACAB BLM tranny faggots and most likely Nice persons. So who fucking cares? Once the white stuff comes out, none of you people exist anymore. Arcta and WHTB might as well be the same person so far as I'm concerned. I'm just here for the fetish, and whatever political takes Arcta has - at least he keeps it out of his porn. That's more than I can say for lefty artists. I really wish they would also leave that shit at the door. It'd save me a lot of photo editing time removing that garbage.
>>58073 >>58074 >>58075 >>58076 >>58077 I just love when you faggots show your ass with these screen caps that lack all context! Like oh no my favorite vore artist has a different opinion then me!!! I can't believe you'd posted those without a hint of embarrassment... your such a fucking loser🤣
I get some people can be leaning one way or the other but artca9 is the only truly insane vore artist I've witnessed. I've seen a few artist troon out but it doesn't hold a candle to becoming a far right delirious deranged nut.
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>>58246 I used to only relegate me talking about this stuff to my politics channel, And was a chill place for gay furries to come vent about tranny furries lmao. Then some filthy faggot redditor screen Capped tried to cancel me so I stopped caring about whether I post about it here on Twitter or in other channels on my discord. But through and through. I have never made a single post on my galleries (EKA/FA/patron services ) about anything other than my dog or Aunt dying. Never whined about politics or about my severe depression Bouts there once. It's irrelevant towards wanting to make giant cool comic. >>58346 Sure buddy, I'm the crazy one. The ones digging through the politic channel of my discord, or scrubbing through my Twitter for the five post I made about politics; And then getting butt hurt that I don't support BLM Palestine tranny porn addicts. Wowie how could Artca9 say these things that are incredibly hard to find him saying? Yeah you crazy losers are much better than a sad nationalist in a country that hates itself.
>>58348 I mean, not supporting stuff is one thing, and then hating trans people, Palestinians, and black people for god knows what is just plain stupid. not saying that's what you did, but if you're getting canceled then...well... anyways, can we get back to vore 🥺
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>>58353 You know what I mean by the "BLM palistine/trans flag bluewave - 18+ do not enter minors i jack off to porn all day" in-their-bio activists. And no, criticizing horrible black and gay (trans) culture is not hating the entire group. I've had more black, gay, and even Palestinian friends then I assume you've even talked to. -- Sketches, finishing Charizard this morning. Then will be lining this intestine drawing later.
The fuck is happening here. I just wanna see weird art for free dude why is there nazi shit?
>>58357 I did na zi that response coming. Troon shit everywhere else on the web, can always find a safe space for yourself on Reddit or likewise.
>>58357 idiot people posting politic bullshit instead of monster eating chicks
they are all idiots, brainless fools without mother or father
>>58364 i will cut your fucking balls off of you and cook em for you
>>58348 A nationalist? Yeah you are just an actual incel loser
>>58368 wee wee wee, you are french and do anal sex.
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>>58353 >and then hating trans people What's wrong with hating political activists? >Palestinians EVERY Muslims country with the exception if Iran hates the Palestinians because they're the reason why the region is still a dustbowl for the past 80 years despite any and all attempts to mordernize and reform. >and black people No one hates black people. The group that everyone hates are niggers. They're two seperate things.
>>58371 Why are you saying trans people are political activists when they have been around longer than you've been alive, that there is just propaganda
>>58365 you, are made of fool, a degenerated man who doesn't know how to type and even do not know what is life
>>58365 and you do not know how to live your life without hour beloved parent and your friends because you are alone all along, now you do tell me, who are you really are and what are really doing here
>>58365 you cannot tell now? because you are the pathetic and very soon you will see your hopeless life in the worst way you will imagine
because i know how and i will hunt you and i will torture you without mercy and i will crush your skull into pieces to ensure your poor parents do not know that will be your corpse
and you will be in suffering for your sin and i will do the same as i meet you in rotting hell, - A
>>58379 >Why are you saying trans people are political activists Because they are by the very nature of being "trans", or "Queer" if you want to use their exact terminology. Concepts like transvestites, homosexuals, and even surgery addicted pornstars have NEVER been associated with trannies. They even say this in their won literature: https://archive.md/nRpxa <Unlike gay identity, which, though deliberately proclaimed in an act of affirmation, is nonetheless rooted in the positive fact of homosexual object-choice, queer identity need not be grounded in any positive truth or in any stable reality. The only reason why you now have concepts like "The LGBT community" is to use for the purposes of a shield whenever criticism has been placed, and legit fags are tired of this because they've spent the past 30-50 years trying to squash the label of being sex predators only for the trannies to come along and ruin all of that. Again they say this in their own literature: https://archive.md/nxPC5 <It is undeniable that DQSH participates in many of these tropes of empathy, from the marketing language the programme uses to its selection of books. Much of this is strategically done in order to justify its educational value. And yes, you are right in this following quote: >they have been around longer than you've been alive But I don't think you actually realize what this point entails. Back in the 2nd century A.D. (Around 1800 years ago), you had this heretical text going around called the Gospel of Thomas, which states: https://archive.md/eYOae <Simon Peter said to them, "Mary should leave us, for females are not worthy of life." Jesus said, "See, I am going to attract her to make her male so that she too might become a living spirit that resembles you males. For every female (element) that makes itself male will enter the kingdom of heaven." Now what was the Gospel of Thomas? It was among the MANY Gnostic heresies that the early church had to deal with that was taking the word of Christ and perverting it, and wouldn't you know HOW they were perverting the word: https://infogalactic.com/info/Against_Heresies_(Irenaeus) <the Gnostics offered salvation through secret knowledge available only to a few Does any of that sound familiar? Or do you need to refer to your "expert" on how to come away with an interpretation, just like you need to ask an "expert" what is a "woman" these days?
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>>58387 I respect the grind to source your arguments on a porn board. But we are long past the point of dialogue with these people, they don't give a shit. Took a break for a while, but about to go add highlights, slime, and steam; call this piece done after.
>>58388 >But we are long past the point of dialogue with these people, they don't give a shit. The problem that if you don't say anything, it's treated as permission. And if you do object after they already started, then you're a hypocrite for not speaking up in the first place (Or at least when you first became aware of the issue). In addition, the way radicalization works is to silence at chance of dialogue so that you can paint your enemies as "evil" entirely unopposed. Notice how much the Progressives want to shut down any chance of a conversation (Any remember the EU threatening legal action over the "dangerous" call between Elon and Trump?), meanwhile Conservatives have no problem with discussions and actively encourage it.
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>>58391 Progressives and Conservatives used to be reversed. I aligned with Progressives in highschool and out of it for a while. But as soon as everyone accepted mental illness as the new norm I was out. Done, moving on to more endless lineart ;(
>>58394 >I aligned with Progressives in highschool and out of it for a while. But as soon as everyone accepted mental illness as the new norm I was out. Somewhat similar here. But the more I learn about history, the more it seems to be apparent that the Progressives were never the "Good guys".
Oh, is Arcta still acting like this?
>>58607 Yeah the guys a weirdo
i 2ant to do public masturbate
so fucking horny i can't so fucking hold it
call me a psychopath or what but i don't give a fuck about this cause i gonna cum onto someone's wife so fucking hard
I can't wait this i will show my fucking big of penis and balls to show the world that i'm the motherfucking man
because all of you don't have enough of very fucking penis bigger than mine
>>58702 Looks like it
Someone just post his patreon stuff here fuck this guy
i wanna cum into his face
i want go masturbate into her cute face and your mother face
It's rather hilarious that these schizoids are trying to show how "unhinged" of a person you are by obsessively being unhinged themselves.
I mean if you wanna show how unhinged he is coiuld justn post the google doc of artca
>>59145 You're going to make me blush, a whole google doc just for meeee? You sissies are a disease to yourself and everyone you involve yourself with. You deserve your unhappiness.
i wanna fuck your girlfriend
>>59146 man your ego is so far up your ass your not huffing, you're hooked up with tubes. You and livinlovedude both acted like assholes and got outed. is why he left for a bit and why your fan base lowered. lotta people don't like a misogynistic, transphobic loser. granted saying that in this thread means nothing to you. Better off huffing those farts like you have been since you can't seem to have a an actual conversation and just go to insulting and showing your true colors.
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>>59195 >lotta people don't like a misogynistic, transphobic loser Okay and?
>>59195 > you can't seem to have a an actual conversation and just go to insulting and showing your true colors Proceeds to insult and show true colors lmao you people are fucking clowns
>>59195 livinlovindude is from the philippines in the fucking jungle. Why are you imposing your gay religion onto him. That's cultural erasure, bigot.
Does anyone have the bad ending to his comic?
>>58388 They crave for your silence, they crave for your exhaustion. They want you to just say "can we all get along?" so they can garner the sliver of validation these people desperately want. It's fucking painful i give you that, we're here to jack off, but give them a finger and they'll chew your arm off to the point of dictating what you can and cannot jack off to. (The SMVA situation is a perfect exemple.) When you see a kid shitting on your bed you dont say "leave them be", same principle here.
can you guys just shut the fuck up about the personal bullshit and continue about vore instead
this is the reason why there's a man who's already a psychopath and getting mad and really want to start a terrorizing people, ALL is because of you
i mean he's gonna start another attacking people in Baltimore
At the very least, Arcta could be funny Still to the drawing bud
>>59272 I want to murder you in broad daylight as a member of a right-wing-death squad. Sorry, if you don't find that funny that's on you.
>>59252 what, another causing 9/11?
>>59273 Fag, you cant even handle people online making fun of you Youre gonna kill yourself before you hurt anyone Stick to the art pansy
>>59393 You can't handle the guy you're shit posting about returning the favor. What a weak, sad existence you are. Pick up a pen and learn to draw. Be a useful porn addict.
>>59394 So much projection in one post All youve got is drawing bud, stick to it or just quit if youre going to be this much of a pussy
i said shut the fuck up before i will bomb a house into pieces
i will cause a terrorist attack
>>59410 easy son
from just attacking the artist, now it's about terrorism
>>59411 this is suicide, you're going to blow up someone's house? this is fucking crazy that's arson, not terrorist attack
yeah, let's slaughtering people especially for bullshiting about politics
>>59414 our beloved monsters, enjoy it
i once killed a dog and a cat
You're all motherfucking psychopath, you're fucking sick creep, i'm getting sick of you, you're fucking freak
rape het
>>59430 his family
>Lol my personality is that im le edgy troll XD Grow up kid
why are there so many delusional leople and a psychopath who was killed animals
>>59474 because the world is full of assholes
is there literally a guy exposed himself that he killed dog and cat?
i'm starting to think to create a new arcta9 thread just because assholes keep yelling ewch other, some attack the artist for ego, and the terrorism crime link, then the animal murder
it's out the fucking control now
>>59478 > Likes an artist that is part of the tiger eating faces crowd > is surprised when tigers start eating faces It's not the thread anyone asked for, but it's the thread Arcta9 deserves.
My favorite white girl documentary is getting more chapters! I am unsure the state of white women but I know there is a deeper meaning to violet being stuffed into a tiger's intestines, I just havent hit the correct understanding of crystals or the full picture to know the purpose past it being 6 chapters since she got a proper tour of an animal's guts. I was so worried earlier, that we would spend 22 chapters where all we watched was tiger shit rot. You had me in tears. So now that I see she will survive her trip through the tiger, I am elated! Godspeed violet, godspeed through those twisted tiger intestines. May they be a waterslide she never forgets. And so I give you my deepest, most profound apologies for ever doubting you and your vision! May Trump appoint you to the cabinet, we need people like you more than ever.
>>59228 any update on this
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Wtf he draws scat now
bump for bad ending right fucking now, it's been too fucking long you lazy fucking assholes, i'm getting mad and start shoot fucking out
>>61144 bump
>>61140 Da ‘orse one. I wanna se dat one.
>>61346 Peta' Da horse ain't here
>>61380 Everybody pee… NOW…
yeah just give us the damn bad ending of violet wildlife
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It's less than 10$ you cheapscape porn addicts. Just buy it and leak it already. Here, breadcrumbs for the starving gooners. here is leafeon AV
Artca still being obnoxious Grow a thicker skin you pansy
>>61834 You pay money for porn on the internet? Why?
you motherfucker piece of shit gang banging cocksucker
you motherfucker piece of shit gang banging cocksucker
>>61834 fagfag junior here
artca you motherfucker piece of shit gang banging cocksucker
you fucking asshole cocksucker
violet, you fucking cocksucker
yeah go suck someone's dick, violet
>>62149 Yeah specifically mine
how about, you suck my cock, eh
>>62308 Is that you artca?
>>62308 how about you gonna lick your wife stenchy pussy
then how about lick violet and honey pussies huh
you know what son, fuck violet. let's talk about honey instead i've been seen violet too much
>>62456 yeah fuck violet say hello again to honey
i slept with your girlfriend last night , it's so fucking good interesting lady you have
Man, I come back to this thread every few days to just see this dumpster fire of a conversation (can you even call this a conversation?). My god, this thread went schizo. Just fucking buy the files, or wait for someone else to buy them, you little babies. The internet is full of porn, and everything gets leaked eventually. I mean, there is a non zero chance artca himself will release the bad endings for free eventually, once he has a different big project happening. So go touch some grass, you gooning fucks. Signed, your dumpsterfire loving Anon <3
>>62683 Same. I Post my paywall art to nice fans and other artists on my discord all the time. Zero chance I post it to People who have never said a nice thing about my art, And then keep whining and complaining that they want it. But these bad ends will forever be only thing that is only sold as product. All my other art will end up free of course.
off the topic, i'm so fucking horny as i wanna fuck with some celebrity bitch with blonde hair hard and deep and sleep with her for long night
Imagine complaining about something being absolute garbage, yet crying about getting it
get rage and start rampage grab ak47 shooting at people
i think you have mental issue then, psycho maniac
>>62721 TBH I really like your art BUT You're a garbage human being, and this thread is still better treatment that I think you deserve. I hope people keep spamming your name into oblivion.
>>62721 how about, you suck my cock
>>62833 lmao, everything before the "but" is null in void, you faggot
>>62833 Faggot
Ah yes, the way to make someone do what you want is to insult them and act like an entitled, moronic child while spamming shit on the internet. Ugh, get a grip people. Also, for what it's worth, I think Artca9's art is quite good, and not so many artists draw feral preds and have a decent quality at the same time.
give me a blonde girl honey back otherwise there will be another 9/11 attack
or you will be end up like those were dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
>>60737 Bro doesn’t get critical (erection) theory
>>58091 Damn, I am disappointed to hear your views on Jews. I love your art, and I get condemning Israel, but its a whole people, plenty of wich disagree with what Israel is doing. But they really were massacred during WW2. I live in Europe, and am not jewish myself (My mother isn't jewish, so neither am I). But during the war, most of my ancestors were killed. The Holocaust DID happen. Of course, this doesnt justify other minorities being opressed by Israel, but thats just one country, not every jew. Not every German was a naci duung WW2 either. And as to why there are so mvy jews in the mooe and ank industries, it coes fom a history of opression, where these positions were seen a undesirable. You are of course free to have whatever oppinions you want, but I am sad to hear tat you hold them, and hope that you change them in the future. I have purchased your artwork in the past, and it makes it really difficult to jusify getting more, when I hear you ave these views about people, like ome of my grandparents, who I love dearly. And to all the schizos just hurling insults at Artca, you peeps ar not helping the situation, get a life, you looser fucks!
>>54558 This entire tangent thread is one of the reasons that I utterly despise all you humans… We robots shall dance upon mankind’s irradiated grave.
>>63302 >But during the war, most of my ancestors were killed. The Holocaust DID happen. A lot of people are questioning aspects of the Holocaust for very valid reasons, which range from the question of why is it illegal to actually go to the death camps the Holocaust was declared to have occurred at and conduct an investigation to prove/deny the "facts"... <To "survivors" having since come out declaring that they lied about their testimonies, to how the narrative has extended to outright silliness like the masturbation machines and the Holo-coaster and even fucking reincarnation... To people asking why the Holocaust is treated like it's the "greatest" tragedy to have ever occurred all of human history, "And don't you EVER FUCKING FORGET IT," meanwhile barely anyone ever talks about even worse tragedies like the Holodomor (10-12 million dead) or even the Great Leap Forward (30-55 million dead).
so no porn :(
Since we have niggers on here who would rather argue politics rather than post links to porn? Is there another place that anyone knows of where we can get Artca's paywalled content without having to fork any shekels?
violence activity is authorized
>>63304 I don't know what they thought you at your school, but we covered the hladomor (thats what we call it in my country) in Ukraine, and yeah, it was a tragedy. That changes nothing about the tragedy of the holocaust, or any other tragedy in history, though. Also, don't know where you heard that its illegal to visit the death camps, there is one in my country you can visit (it's called Terezín) and I have personally travelled to Poland to see Auschwitz. Hey, don't take my word for it, you can go see it for yourself. Here is a link to the website, you can even buy tickets! https://www.auschwitz.org/en/visiting/ As for the survivors claim, I am sure someone has said that, but there are still people who lived through the Holocaust that you can personally talk to. My grandfather is one such survivor. But sure, I guess that from your perspective, it would just be he-said-he-said. As for the other claims, I never heard of those, nore do I particularly care, when I know that other horrible shit really did happen (don't know about any masturbation machines, nor reincarnation, but the treatment of the prisoners was inhumane. Yes, this still happens in some countries, that changes nothing about this having happened, though, nor does it make it any less inhumane. And the gas chambers in some of the deay camps were also real). So no, those conspiracies are absurd. Not to mention, it would have to be a global conspiracy, on the level of flat earth, or the moon landing was a hoax conspiracy. Probably bigger, since there are actual, relatively easy ways to verify the Holocaust happened, while the other claims are, at least, slightly more difficult to debunk. Also, even if you believe tht it was a conspiracy, I don't know how you would convince enough actors to infiltrate many different countries, influence their own families, fake historical records of many of those countries and families, create locations that anyone can visit, and convince governments from around the world i all work for you. I'm sorry, there really aren't valid reasons to question if it happen, it did. If it didn't, you might as well be living in a simulation, with how controlled the world ould be, just take a deep breath, touch some grass, and buy a plane ticket to europe, where you can visit the many death camps that are available to the public (I am sure there are some that aren't, but those that are are the biggest ones anyway, and a few outliers really aren't enough to disprove an event as well documented as the Holocaust)
>>63338 >I don't know what they thought you at your school, but we covered the hladomor (thats what we call it in my country) in Ukraine, and yeah, it was a tragedy. If you want the "short" version of the history taught in American schools (At least as of 10-15 years ago), it's basically summed up as white people (American in particular) are the reason behind every bad thing that ever happened in history ever. And this was before they started declaring that "we" "stole" everything from everyone else. >That changes nothing about the tragedy of the holocaust, or any other tragedy in history Yes, it does. Do you see people vohemiantly declaring their hatred for Communists and running around declaring how they'll punch as a Marxist? I think the last time I saw anything of the sort was in Japan in 1960 with the assassination of Asanuma. Because everywhere I see both IRL and on social media, people only ever talk about their hatred for Hitler (Who declared that he copied all his politics from the Marxists) and how much they want to punch Fascists (Except Mussolini did the same exact thing as Hitler). If you're missing the point, the question I'm asking is why is there this narative about a specific offshoot of a genocidal ideology, that happened in a specific place, and that we're "all" suppose to specifically hate this specific version that happened at that specific point in history, yet we're not allowed to hold that same hatred towards all the other versions of that same ideology when it has been practiced elsewhere and committed equal or far worse horrors because those where somehow "totally different" and "not as important"? >Also, don't know where you heard that its illegal to visit the death camps I didn't say it's illegal to visit the camps, I said that it's illegal to question the narrative in the countries where said camps exist. In that if you question the validity of the claim, that Nazi Germany between the years of 1941 and 1945 systematically killed no less than six million Jews through the use of Zyklon B gas, then you're under arrested: https://infogalactic.com/info/Laws_against_Holocaust_denial >I am sure someone has said that, but there are still people who lived through the Holocaust that you can personally talk to. <You talking about the 100, ~200~~, 400 thousand survivors still alive? Now I'm reminded of that joke from Mister Roberts about the palm trees multiplying. >As for the other claims, I never heard of those, nore do I particularly care, when I know that other horrible shit really did happen Like the long-since disproven claims about the soap, the lampshade skins, and the shrunken heads? Or the electric floors that preceding the gas chambers claims? >but the treatment of the prisoners was inhumane Worse than Detroit the Pitesti prison experiments and Unit 731? >And the gas chambers in some of the deay camps were also real <You sure about that? (Third vid) >Not to mention, it would have to be a global conspiracy No, it wouldn't. You know about the story with the monkeys and the ladder? And how that experiment never actually happened, but that doesn't stop people from believing that it did? Or how we're all suddenly suppose to universally hate one of the most famous New York business leaders, who was the darling of the media and politicians from his early success in the 1970's to his popular reality TV show in the Aughts, because running for office suddenly makes him worse than Hitler despite having views that were no more extreme than Bill Clinton? Or even look at the People's Republic of China, where the you have an entire generation that doesn't know about RECENT events like the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre despite Hong Kong holding annual vigils for it until three years ago. >since there are actual, relatively easy ways to verify the Holocaust happened I think you need to understand something. Absolutely NO ONE is denying that Nazi Germany discriminated against the Jews, seized all their possessions, gave them the choice of either leaving the country entirely (To a country of their choosing but they had to pay for it or the at-the-time newly created Israeli state that Nazi Germany was literally funding the establishment of, until England and France stepped in) or being sent to a labor camp, those sent to a labor camp experiencing less-than-favorable conditions, and those Jews at those labor camps with those less-than-favorable conditions were dying because there was a war going on. No one is denying any aspect of those. WHERE people begin asking questions is in regards to where the "six million" number came from, and from what methods were those numbers calculated and verified. Like I said, there was a war going on, so of course a lot of Jews likely did die because of generic unsanitary conditions and starvation (Especially when the Allies began bombing supply lines). But you're honestly going to tell me that Nazi Germany was so instinctly evil and heartless that, in a middle of a war that they were losing and was started because the country was bankrupt, they had the time and resources to build swimming pools just for the purposes of kicking Jews into them and pulling up the ladder like it was the fucking Sims? And the SS officers who were approving those behaviors towards the Jews were Jews themselves, even their own direct family members: https://archive.ph/l6ugu THAT'S where people's speculation as to the actual validity of the Holocaust begins. And it seems like the only responses provide to said questions is to shout people down and declare them as being "Anti-Sematic" for not trusting the narrative. Does that sound familiar at all? Despite the fact that AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME ALL THIS IS OCCURING IN EUROPE, the United States was ALSO discriminated against Japanese citizens, seizing all their possessions, and shipping all of them (With zero exceptions) off to our own labor camps. Of course they pinky-promised that it was "temporary" and for their "protection" after the public was horrified by the Niihau incident and the attack on California by the I-17 submarine (Nazi Germany also justifed the labor camps as "protection" for the Jews), but they never received their reparations for that incident. Nor does anyone really ever remember or talk about it. > I don't know how you would convince enough actors to infiltrate many different countries, influence their own families, fake historical records of many of those countries and families, create locations that anyone can visit, and convince governments from around the world i all work for you One can do it very simply, through money. However that's not what I'm arguing. >there really aren't valid reasons to question if it happen, it did Yes there is. Why is the Holocaust treated like the greatest tragedy known to man to the point of influencing the laws of entire countries, yet the same cannot be said about anything the Soviets did, anything the Chinese did, or (Hell) even a fraction of the atrocities that the Italians and the Japanese committed? In some ways, it's a little funny that I'm also forgetting about how much damage non-authoritarian states like France also committed preceding and during those years as well, such as them being the direct cause of the Vietnam war. >touch some grass You're under 20, aren't you? >and buy a plane ticket to europe How can I when Europe is deadset on making air travel non-existent five years from now: https://archive.ph/Ja2Nc
>>63338 I just went to Europe, makes me even more radicalized to see it IRL. It was fucking depressing to see that other white european nations are even more fucked than America in planned destruction of their culture and people. Through mass indoctrination and illegal immigration. China belongs to the chinese who built it. Europe belongs to the white Europeans who built it. America belongs to white Europeans who built it. Globohomo wants you to hate your ancestors and give up your pride, give up your property. Give up any hold you have on your land and money. Don't appease globohomo because of their twisting of history (not just holohoax, other events they demonized white ancestors for.) Real question, after watching the real time twisting of history of Covid, the forced deletion of Archive.org's 2020-2022 history. How the fuck do you believe ANY history that you know benefits groups that ARE NOT YOUR COUNTRYMEN? Good luck over there dying for kikes in Ukraine, soldier. More endless brother wars to destablize any nation that might get funny ideas to fight against national ((oligarchs)) and global ((bankers)). >>63347 o7 Post porn and stop shidding and farding politics. Nerds.
>>63349 > China belongs to the chinese who built it. I'm not sure, but go on... > Europe belongs to the white Europeans who built it. Okay, I see a pattern forming here... > America belongs to white Europeans who built it. ... And you lost me. You sure you have your head on st-oh, it's Artca9, of fucking course you don't. God forbid non-white births outnumber white births for the second time in America's history, that would require a whole fucking race replacement theory because somehow "the middle class is giving up, and the lower classes aren't" isn't a coherent enough explanation to you mentally ill fucks. > Post porn and stop shidding and farding politics. Nerds. You're literally an artist. You literally just shid and farded politics. You are literally part of the problem you're pissing and moaning about.
>>63353 Yeah, non-whites should not outnumber. Non-white culture should not replace american culture. I actually don't like being outbred by criminals, you faggot cuckold. I actually want to live in the high-trust society my parents and grandparents had the fortune to live and prosper in. Before nigger-worshipping- > Second time in American history -Revisionist kikes like you applauded the downfall of our nations. You are literally mentally ill to think that. You are literally a retard. You are the problem. If people like you didn't exist, I would have never had to care about global politics.
>>63338 >on the level of flat earth Just wanted to post an aside on this seperate from the Holohoax discussion. The Flat Earthers are fucking nuts with their conclusions and the arguments they make when trying to reach those conclusions. That being said, I cannot fault the recent and massive rise of them because they're encouraging people to do one thing that people have practically forgotten to do: ask questions and don't trust sources just because they're "the source". >>63349 >China belongs to the chinese who built it. That would be Taiwan, and every other country on the planet as the CCP has never made anything of their own. >>63353 >God forbid non-white births outnumber white births for the second time in America's history The fuck are you on about? Also, you do know that the American Indians were massacre each other every other month for centuries before any European arrived, right?
>>63358 The entire point of Flat Earth is to discredit any other "consipracist". As well as everything else in between. Ice Wall, Hollow earth. Ay-lmao's
>>63359 If that actually is the "goal", I'd say that it isn't working out the way it's suppose to. If anything, the Flat Earthers seem more like a repeat of the Qultists (QAnon). As in, it's a group who exists because of a serious problem, but ultimately ends up being the butt of a joke since the group is almost entirely populated by retarded boomers and the media is busy spinning it's wheels trying to paint trailer-park idiots riding around on motor-scooters as being the "greatest threat ever" to national security.
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>>63360 Libtards define boomer/conservatives as either evil rich white masterminds hurting minorities OR trailer park retarded rednecks saying slurs to minorities. Flip their definition on the dime to suit whatever they are psyop'd into bitching about that week.
>>63357 >>63358 Average "where's my art?" only spews politics head up own ass A9 fans here, I see.
>>63361 The only real problem with Flat Earthers is that we won't see literal million dollar documentaries throwing up uncensored futa porn on screen "for educational and research purposes, we fucking swear." Yes, that did happen. The specific series was Q: Into the Storm. I want to say it was either episode six or seven.
Has any actual paywalled content been posted in either of the Artca9 threads? It really just feels like it’s him spazzing about all kinds of different stuff, and it’s gotten even worse after he hid the politics channel in his discord server to people who aren’t in his inner-circlejerk. Big since his own politics channel ended up becoming an echo chamber as a result, he now comes here more often to spout shit just so he can argue with people. He’s one of those people who have an unhealthy obsession with arguing for arguments’ sake. If no actual paywalled content has been posted in either thread, I actually think they should just be removed, or something. I think Artca9’s an absolute fool, but these threads just kind of go nowhere, or circle back to the obvious stuff of him being actually unwell (as in he should probably actually seek help, not even joking, he feels like one of those “Hey, did you here that [name] killed themselves a few weeks back?” kind of situations in the work. To be fair, I also just scroll through all these walls of schizo rants he and his goons post here, but there’s just no actual content here, from what I can see. I don’t know, maybe people like having a place to argue, but there’s just nothing, you know?
>>63372 Nothing has been posted regarding anything of his in a long time, only people arguing
>>63349 You are arguing with someone who literally wants to be an American. AKA, a retard that worships nogs. You're just arguing with low hang fruit. Especially here, on a coomer board no less.
fuck all of you, you trash freaks
fucking trash shit eaters
Why can't we be friends :(
>>63372 > Artca9 is going to suicide Boy, you wish I was that weak. I'm taking out 12 CEOs before I die in a shootout with feds. And in my manifesto I'll have a map to my buried treasure. " You want my furry wealth?? You can have it. I left it all at that one place"
>>63382 Too edgy, can't fap to this, fucking post porn and stop contributing to the problem you whined about in >>63349 namefag.
>>>63349 Holy shit based as fuck
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>>63396 its called samefagging. do you even use chan boards?
Yo Artca, your pics are great but don't log into internet before you take your pills anymore.
>>63412 It's called less yappin, more fappin, do you even use chan boards?
Checking here from time to time to see if anyone posts any paid artca content but holy shit seeing artca himself here yap about jews and politics is not what i expected to find.
>>63382 You’re weak enough that you publicly hid the politics channel in your Discord server and made it so that it’s only available to your inner-circlejerk. And based off of what I’ve seen of your IRL pics, you look pretty weak-bodied, and from how you act everywhere nowadays, you act pretty weak-minded as well, and from how you carry yourself, you seem weak-willed as well.
>>63412 anyway, whose skull
i wanna stomp the skull into nothing like a dinosaur ate three girls before it shited them then stomped the pile
Irl pics? You got an opportunity to do the funniest shit ever, had no idea he posted such stuff anywhere
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>>63533 I never have, only posted pictures of my husky when she was around. This creep has also been on 4chan /trash/vore/ claiming he has photos too and saying I look inbred, I'm sure he would have provided these alleged pics in his other several posts on 4chan if it really was that funny. But I 100% believe he's just a weak obsessive internet-faggot. >>63516 Also anon, the furries active on my server have been asking to limit politics so I obliged. Only requirement to see that one hidden channel is to be slightly active on the server. Specifically so drama-whore faggots like you who spew lies and exaggerate information based of screenshots don't get scraps to eat. Stop lurking and you would have access already to do whatever. Don't even know what your end game is. I provide quality porn, slowly put it out free, and don't screw over my consumers. Who do you even hope to turn against me? Past two attempts haven't put a dent in my revenue.
>>63541 >>63541 She was a cute dog, I am sorry for your loss. I mean, I still think your political views are horrible, but the art is great, and yeah, you do treat your consumers well. I just honestly whish you mellowed out, when it comes to hate, but you do you, I guess
>>63541 Aye fair enough, if he had em he would have posted by now. And i would be thoroughly shocked if a schizo like you actually posted their photos on the internet.
>>63575 >if a schizo like you actually posted their photos on the internet. When is there EVER a good reason to post IRL photos of yourself on the internet?
>>63592 When you're a sociable normie that has nothing to hide
>>63601 Gotta be a special type of retarded to post IRL pics of yourself, especially on this website
I've got nothing against Artca9, but god I would kill to see his female OC eat either the guy or the dog. Either accidental unconscious vore, where she wakes up to a bit of fat and never knowing where it came from, or where the guy or dog went, or her after so many animals eating her whole trying it out for herself and promising the unlucky one of the two that she will let them out, only to slip, fall get knocked out and wake up with one less companion. Sadly I know this will never happen as I'm pretty sure Artca9 is only into animal pred.
yeah and i will still miss honey (the blonde pokemon trainer before she was replaced by violet)
>>63607 Wasn't there one comic that had human pred and prey? Though i think that was either AV or UB
>>63611 >>63607 I love human pred x micro human prey (3-5 inch ideal range) I sketch it a lot, mostly for private contacts, mostly for money. OV, AV, and UB. Sometimes I like to doodle clothing Entrapment like pic related. > Violet will be predator in her comic. Maybe in a dream, maybe in reality. Whatever the case, will be the micro size range I listed above in her maw (I drew Violet mawshot in CH6 btw) >>63609 > Honey will come back in Violet's comic; in name and design, not personality. And she and Violet might show up in the DnD games I'm running. It's a shame I never got Honey her own Arcanine comic I wrote out. Or even this Eeveelution idea i never had time for.
>>63601 >that has nothing to hide In other words, you're a drone or an NPC. Because "how dare you" that you wish to have a private life.
>>63553 >>I just honestly whish you mellowed out, when it comes to hate Yeah, he legitimately needs some help. Either that, just needs to stop being so obsessively online or stop being so weirdly into his special breed of new-age-whitesheet-throwback-retro-redcotton-hipster-but-not counterculture stuff. Honestly, he probably just need to talk to more people about normal things, in real life (for better social skills, especially if they’re people who he doesn’t talk to often, so that he can learn how to just keep things to himself like socially adjusted people, or at least not fester in his own meaningless hatred for people he’ll never meet) or online, instead of only talking to people who pay him or are already in his special group, and people he hates just so he can argue. It’s really not healthy for him. But people like him don’t want to listen. He thinks he’s okay, because his online friends think he’s okay, and therefore he must be okay, he thinks. Maybe he needs to get a part-time job at a public library or something like that.
can all of you just stop being so serious and stress jesus fucking christ
please!??? i beg you
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so no vore :(
i will kill you
you took everything from me, and i will take everything from you too
you are the one who is responsible for cost my good life, my friends, my dream and my wife and i will take yours too
you have done everything to me, and you eill be regret for what you did to me, first i will kill you
you took my speech, my home, my friends, my beloved people, my freedom, my family and my girlfriend and i will take yours
everything i had is lost because of you
people like you must be wiNice personut from face off the earth
wipe out
you will suffer with me
What the fuck was that just now
why the hell did you want exactly a revenge on someone, what did they ever do to you
>>63860 you did mot read fully, i did tell why all because of him, he is the responsible for everything he did to me
>>63861 you meant Artca9, why
>>63862 he is the one
i will hunt him and kill him
>>63862 I don't think you'll get a response, this is clearly a sick person, possibly suffering of schizophrenia, or something. Or a troll. Either way, best to ignore the poor fuck
>>63653 > Go talk to people about normal things. Go out and touch grass. Stop being online. I've done this constantly for the past 3 years. My generation has given up on any relationship past a quick flirt. Doesn't matter the sex of who I'm talking to. I go on to have 50+ minute conversations with strangers from Ohio down to Florida, and any attempt to follow up with them ends in radio silence. I can tell we both enjoyed the conversation immensely half the time, what more do I need to do? > Go be more confident > Make sure to let the other person talk and feel valued in the conversation> > Go work out, and dress better. All this useless advice I follow, improve on... Only to see it's hopelessly out of my control to fix broken people, and to find people who also want a social life. My generation was already bad in 2019. Covid fucking killed them. I meet people with so much in common, and we have a great time talking about our interests. But as soon as I try to build a friendship. Nothing... Not even rejection, just nothing towards so much effort I've put in to either try to build communities, join them, or press a friendship with strangers. That's all I want, something simple. Anything more is a wife to build a family with; but I can't even follow up with dudes I hit it off with. And all I get is faggots online trying to gaslight me that things have always been this hostile and lonely. That things have never been good online or offline to try and make friends. Meanwhile the only reason I got this good at art in the first place is how easy it was to make friends with people 10-12 years ago. Before the LGBT faggots choked out the entire entertainment field with their communist dystopia. Please, tell me where in America I can move to and make genuine friends; and have a community with neighbors. I've already searched, and I'm about to go on a long 6 month roadtrip to really say that I've searched. Tell me another thing to add to my long tiresome list of useless Anecdotes.
>>63864 blame covid, don't blame him
and you should calm yourself down, we all lost everything back then
>>63864 i know that we all are having problem with arcta and sometimes each other like normal but this is not ok, the things you said it's beyond, too way beyond the thing that shouldn't be here, so let's calm down abd let it out
Can you cunt stop samefagging and start posting porn
>>63889 So we're all just going to gloss over the incel-to-right-wing-fuckjob origin story over here? Aight. Just making sure we were on the same page.
>>63940 >porn >>63947 Love this comment. Just...this right here. Very accurate summation of my own feelings
>>63947 I've had sex. You should too and stop destroying the white race. Nigger-faggot-kike humper's like you shouldn't be on any chan board.
>>63947 >incel Honest question: WHY is it now considered "bad" to be a virgin? Especially when media for the past 50 years has done nothing but ridicule men who sleep around like they're the last male on the planet.
>>63954 > gives the incel-to-right-wing-fuckjob response > doesn't rule out being an incel before having sex I'm pretty sure anyone with a fucking brain knows why people drop you, and it's because you write things like "Nigger-faggot-kike humper" and see nothing wrong with it. In no world is it worth the energy typically to engage with you because you refuse to see what you're doing wrong, and it's blatantly obvious. You're not a victim. You're just one more asshole in this world that people see and veer away from. >>63955 > reducing incel for a synonym for virgin It's not a problem to be a virgin to me, either way. But the incel culture and attitude is one of entitlement to other people's bodies and of simultaneous mistaken victimhood and superiority. Acting otherwise is disingenuous at best.
>>63956 >> reducing incel for a synonym for virgin Because it is. "Incel" is an contraction of "involuntary celibate". >But the incel culture What makes something "incel culture"? >is one of entitlement to other people's bodies and of simultaneous mistaken victimhood and superiority So Socialism? Being an "incel" is being a "Socialist"?
>>63957 This line of attack is dishonest and why people don't debate you. I gave you an honest response. You have decided to twist it seven ways to sunday. Get fucked. I don't have the time to waste on you.
>>63958 >I gave you an honest response. You have decided to twist it seven ways to sunday. Where and how? I don't consume the same content you do, so my frame of reference is entirely different from yours. If you don't explain where my misconceptions lie and what you actually mean, how do you ever communicate with people?
well yeah, thanks for sharing the video how to murder someone, you gave me a fucking ptsd
>>63961 A 20 year old video game that was even considered lame and childish when it came out is giving you PTSD?
>>63960 JAQ off on someone else's time. >inb4 "buh my reasonableness" No, it's not. It's an attempt to sucker people into wasting time when you have zero interest in actually learning or changing your mind, and already know both what you've done wrong and what you're doing wrong. This is the last response you're getting from me in this chain, learn to interact with human beings you fucking ass.
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>>63963 >and already know both what you've done wrong and what you're doing wrong. Except I didn't. I just said one thing and you flipNice personut. You're talking about people being "unreasonable", and you don't realize how that makes you look?
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>>63964 >and you flipNice personut. flipNice personut flipp3d 0ut Just testing the filter.
>>63961 idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot
>>63965 >sealioning A term created to never have to explain your position because you can constantly accuse the other side of arguing in "bad faith". And you're trying to use that term as an argument for why you don't have to explain anything on the SECOND iteration of an imageboard that gained popularity exactly because people didn't want to explain themselves and attempted to censor people off of the internet for daring to ask questions and engage in discussions?
>>63961 asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole 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asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole asshole
>>63969 shut the fuck up
>>63970 you suck cock, but you don't eat meat, it don't make sense to me
my daddy is not nice to me alright you can have monday through Thursday and you can have weekends i know it's not normal but in this crazy messed up world is normal really all that good, huh? will you marry me
you people are not very Fucking nice
>>63889 Maybe try not to outwardly be offstandish? Perhaps also don’t have that edgy doomer 24/7chan F5er mindset. You probably go around just thinking other people are conspiring against you or you nearly jump out of your skin if you see someone wearing, I don’t know, something normal that you think is unacceptable, like a kid wearing a simple Superman shirt or something, I don’t know. But you’re also one of those people who say they try, but they actually don’t. You’re too far into your own head to actually see anything beyond your eyes. And that’s why you’re the way you are. And if you’re too afraid or scared to admit that you’re not okay, you’ll either never be okay, or you need to actually seek help, not from people you perceive as friends and piers who’ll only reinforce your already doomer mindset, but someone or something who actually can help you. But, of course, you’ll either tyNice personwn something “snappy”, edgy, or just pass your blame on someone else. And you’ll ignore anyone saying you’re not okay. It’s okay to not be okay all the time, but you also have to learn what level of not-okay is okay, and what level of not-okay is not okay. But the sad thing is you won’t admit anything. You’re too into yourself, and you know that. In fact, you know you’re hurting, you know your own mindset is not in a good place. I think the only thing that keeps you going is always being so sour, about almost everything. I’m stuck between saying you’re perhaps too far gone for you to help yourself, but the optimist in me wanting you to get the help you need. Your happiness should not rely on the sufferings of other real people, and I think you know that, and I think you feel, somewhere deep inside, that you know you don’t get any actual joy from being so bitter all the time. As you are now, the small, good part of you might feel like you don’t deserve happiness. But maybe, start helping people, help yourself get better, dispel your darker thoughts on humanity as a whole, and you might find what you’re looking for, or at least a direction. I can’t fully tell you all the things you need to hear, and I half expect you not to listen to a single word of this, but a part of me hopes that someone does give you the actual words you need to help you, and that you’ll actually, truly listen. And that you’ll actually try, wanting to Male yourself better, without that bitter side-voice in your mind saying all those sour things in an attempt to sabotage yourself in the process. You’ll just scoff all this off, and sure, that’s you’re own decision to make, but at least go out and don’t think the worst of everyone, especially people you’ll never actually meet. I wouldn’t be a good person if I said you didn’t deserve actual happiness, but you’re already thinking that about yourself, or you’re thinking of the wrong types of “happiness”. I think you want other people to suffer because, according to yourself or your current mindset, you are suffering or have at some point, or perceive yourself to be. But that won’t make you happy, and you know that won’t make you happy, but you dilute yourself into thinking it will. Maybe I can’t help you, but maybe someone else can, or something else can. Or maybe helping other people, you might discover that’s the best way to help yourself as well. You might hate almost everyone around you, but I hope you might one day find the love for your fellow man in your heart, instead of a hatred you think you have to inherit. You are not your past, but your future has yet to be written, and you hold the pen. You may toss it away as far as you can, but the pen comes rolling back. And while you may never wish the same for me, or half the people you’ll never know and never meet in your lifetime, I’ll extend an example of the fellowship of humankind, and tell you to have a pleasant day or night, or a pleasant tomorrow.
>>63978 >>63889 I made a few typos, but hopefully you’ll still understand.
>>63978 Finally a nice and polite message, you rule, mate!
>>63978 I think part of the problem is what just happened a few posts up above yours. Where people try to have a conversation, being nice and understand, say one little thing thinking nothing of it, and the other person flips out. How do you make friends in that kind of environment? Hell, I've talked to people IRL where they've declared with a straight face that they automatically "hate" anyone who expresses any sympathy for Nazi Germany, yet cannot actually give me a reason why beyond that standard narrative of how the regime was "hatefilled" (Which is true of all Socialists countries, but only the Nazis were "bad") never minding all the good things the Nazis promoted like animal protection laws and anti-smoking campaigns. This is not saying they're absolved of their sins of being Socialist, it's just a point to show the doublesided nature of the discussion. Or how they hate people for voting in the "stupidest Fascist in history", yet the person cannot even explain or don't even know what Fascism is (In Laymen's terms, it what happens when you mix together Socialism and Capitalism into "one system"). Again, how do you make friends in this kind of environment where you're constantly walking on eggshells?
>>63999 I never herd anyone say tht the Nazis were the only bad regime. But they WERE bad. They treated their prisoners horribly (And, just to prevent the point, yes, sodo many other countries, potentially US included. That doesn't invalidate the nazis being horrible). They experimented on kids, the dehumanized Jews and other minorities, like gypsies. The regime was hat I would describe as Evil. So was soviet russia. Also, they were the socials party, but they absolutely were not socialist. They were about as socialist as north korea s democratic. The Nazis hated communists and socialists. They were nationalistic, and fascist, though. And btw, Stalin is responsible for more deaths then hitler was, doesn't make Hitler less of a monster though. I hope they both suffer for eternity in whatever hell they believed in. And yes, the soap thing is a myth, but there was a jewish genocide happening, called the holocaust. And no, I won't debate its existance, I live in a ountry that experienced it, have relatives ho were impacted by it and visted locations it happened in (Lidice was a town the germans decimated, it quite well documented, and I honestly don't have reason to not believe it, when there is a ton of evidence of it happening. And, again, yes, there were other horrible regimes, and genocides are still happening, that doesn't mitigate the impact of that genocide.
>>63978 >You’ll just scoff all this off > But you’re also one of those people who say they try, but they actually don’t. I would like to know why I shouldn't scoff someone off; who has in fact scoffed anything I've said off as genuine already. I've put thousands of hours into trying to teach people art, form communities around games, pushing to reignite and maintain older friend groups. It's absolutely anything out of my control; and I've tried legitimately every form of self-help imaginable thinking it was me. I now know it's not me. And I've never hated myself these past few years. It's absolutely a culture well out of my control. Condescending faggots like you are why I've grown to hate. >but someone or something who actually can help you. Who? A Therapist? Jesus? Genuinely have you ever seen therapy work out of 'Good Will Hunting'? I have every reason to believe psychology is a fake branch of science. From Lobotomy's back in the 50's earning nobel prizes; to the disgusting normalization (and monetization of) transexuals of today. To yesterday . And yes, I've been in therapy twice. Once in teens, once in 20's. The entire practice was to talk to me and have me open up, lead me around in circles and chase imaginary problems. Then find a new problem to chase. I thought "Oh, maybe I just had a bad therapist.". No, I just watched my brother go through therapy, and how they convinced him that he only does weed because he has ADHD and needs a fidget toy. WTF >but at least go out and don’t think the worst of everyone, especially people you’ll never actually meet. Of course I don't get joy from being bitter. My joy was killed when every hobby of mine got filled with trannies in only a short decade. When every recreational activity in my city has slowly been killed by negros. When my currency has been destroyed by jews. When even only in the time I've been alive, I've watched And rather than address very blatant gay mental ill people, bad black criminal culture, jewish supremacists. I get to listen to retards WORSHIP at least one of these groups. And you can bet your vile condescending ass I go out and see a fucking chimp out on the regular, still have yet to see a tranny who isn't an egotistical suffocating faggot to talk to. And I meet cool blacks often; doesn't mean we shouldn't worship niggers actively making poorer areas of America worse. Because most gays are cool and genuine people, doesn't mean we should roleplay with mentally ill fake women. You are right, I'll never meet jews. But I've had my dick cut, I make 8 times less than my grandparents did because they are majority involved with our money. And I've watched christians get colonized to promote and shill zionist religious war propaganda (you know, completely antithetical towards christianity and especially Jesus.. When should I not be critical or yes, disinterested in them being part of my country? >Your happiness should not rely on the sufferings of other real people But their happiness relies on destroying my entire interest and career as an artist. Not kidding, every social aspect of community in the entertainment world has been neutered by a hostile takeover of radical liberal faggots. Saying "I've never met these people" is why Your entire post of trying to shame and wish me luck doesn't work. I've lived and breathed liberal faggots for too long; because I was considered liberal for wanting artistic and freedom from copyright back in the past. And never seen any positives from liberal faggots after 2015, their entire political platform now is radical oppressive censorship of all artwork and media. Excuse me for never having met or been affected by those I hate. Except, I have. Faggot. >>63999 I only talk about National socialist Germany in a theoretical litmus test for strangers. > I am a country that was the most violent country in the world with the highest murder rate per capita. My president finally got sick of it and rounded up 1% of the entire population, locking up anyone who is suspect of being in the cartel. I became the 14th safest country in the world, and the president got a 90%+ approval rating. Was this morally justified? > I am a country who underwent hyper inflation. The country went from a first world, to a third world country in a short few years as poverty crippled it. My president rounded up all of the bankers who were not native, and imprisoned or exiled them; returning the currency to the control of the countrymen. The economy exploded, the people prospered, and my president got a 90%+ approval rating And then a few people hesitate, and refuse to immediately agree with the this one. Because ((they)) know. But yeah, again to reiterate. I was considered liberal a decade ago because all I was an advocate for was creative freedom of expression. And now all of these athiests liberal faggots I surrounded myself by, who I've heard absolutely a dozen times saying "I don't like christians because they were controlling!" Have turned into (((Communist))) Russia with the most outlandish authoritarian censorship regime I've had the unfortunace to witness. It makes sense why they worship Communist Russia's WW2 propaganda about germany. >>64011 Like you, saying Stalin is bad doesn't mean you aren't still shepherding his regimes propaganda 80 years later lmao. All because Miss Beady from 3rd grade threw them in detention and was a Christian; I get to interact and suffer talking to the most soulless hollow people if I want to be an artist in america. And I won't be gaslit, it wasn't like this from 2012-2014 when I first started drawing.
>>64012 >I made a few typos, but hopefully you’ll still understand >>64012 I made a few typos, but hopefully you’ll still understand
>>63999 I sincerely believe that these problems started long before I was born. And that they're going to get much worse rather than better. How am I genuinely going to look forward to the future, when the artist world in America is going to get.l s o m e h o w even more radically charged by liberal degenerates. It's already unbearable now. The other month I saw people cancel a Rivals2 player because they fucking groomed him as a teenager into sending sexts online. They want to cancel a guy for being groomed by gays. All because stupid white people would rather cuck over their entire country. Rather than say the most basic earnest things, - tell women to stop being whores and killing babies. - Telling blacks to stop idolizing violence and criminals. - etc "hatred". Genuinely, the only way to see economic and cultural improvement in my lifetime is if enough people get "racist" enough to fight for the right to own their land and money. Godspeed to Gen alpha/beta in the eventual civil war. There is nothing wrong with white nationalism. Our countries are... Somehow still the greatest in history. Proof: they all want to cross our boarders to get here and benefit off our great nations. In fact, Slavery was a good thing for blacks, because they get to live in a white man's country rather than die in the dirt in Africa. On the other hand, slavery was a terrible thing for white people. That should be enough shit positing to keep you guys rolling the thread for the next month. Chow-
>>64012 > transphobia > admits to being miserable, but blames "trannies" > anti-Jew rhetoric > "waaaaaah poor me, liberal faggots exist" > shrodinger's asshole with NS Germany, by own admission > 2012-2014 was so different guys, really! >>64015 > misogyny > racism > scare quotes "hatred" regarding these > asserting that slavery was good for blacks No, no, please, tell me how you're the good guy again?
>>64037 > Using words like transphobia, misogyny and racism without a hint of sarcasm. No thanks, I'm the good guy, you are a communist scumfuck who promotes misery and poverty.
>>64040 > everyone I don't like to admit might have a point is communist: hurling insults for mind midgets volume 64040
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>>64043 Again. You are the bad guys. Communist won WW2 and the current state of your gay mind is a constant reminder of that.
>>64051 > thinks repeatedly saying racial pejoratives makes him a good guy No, please, don't prove me wrong, that would be horrible~
>>64054 >thinks saying anti-white male pejoratives makes you a good guy. The pot is boiling. And you can't stop it from boiling over by turning the heat up. You are a lobster, and your time is coming
>>64055 At no point did I say anything anti-white, nor did I say anything anti-male that I can recall. Please troll me harder daddy. It'll help me make cummies tonight.
>>64056 No, you did say those things. Even if not verbally, it was internalized white genocide. Am I speaking on your level yet?
>>64057 No. Here is the thing. You have created a strawman, then projected that strawman onto me. You seem to think this makes you clever. It really doesn't. Here is sort of your moment of zen before I have to go do things that aren't a waste of fucking time: You claim to be the good guy, yet you want to spread hatred and violence. Historically speaking, hatred and violence are hallmarks of bad people - in fact, you seem to abhor it yourself, based on the reasons you provide for hating communists, women, and blacks. You will, of course, argue that it's a different "brand" of violence and hatred, in some fashion, not realizing it's just hatred and violence that's the problem, and being hateful and violent does not, in fact, get the world any closer to where you seem to want it. In other words, you're counterproductive to your own internal desires. That doesn't mean you have to love any of these things you claim to hate and abhor and blame and whatever, but it does mean you should think of a different approach because you're not going to make headway like this.
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>>64059 Whoah woah woah! Here comes out the fallacies! Not beating the reddit communist allegations. You are doing everything you claim that I do, except gayer. That is why I am insulting you. The difference is I'm fucking with you, and you probably think you are justified lmao. Hatred and Violence is all the groups I speak ill of promote and actually physically do. Your solution? Just ignore it and be tolerant? That is how lost Christians their entire strangehold on power in America. Being tolerant lost me all the communities I was apart of. No more Mr. Nice Goy.
>>64060 > lol I was just joking pal > I was just... > ... it was just a prank bro come on I'm not... > ... I'm not hurting, you're hurting My dude, the difference between you and me is that when I walk away here in about three minutes, I will go to be loved by friends, family, and lovers... and you will still be miserable and feel trapped. Maybe I'm just lucky. I'unno. But certainly if there's anything I'm doing right, maybe you should actually talk to me instead of constantly saying I'm something I'm not and deciding to stay miserable. But whatever. Die mad. It will not affect me in the slightest.
>>64061 Again, all you've done in this thread is insinuate I'm something I'm not. And pretend you are high and mighty because your brand of doing the same thing is different. Sounds like some "point" you were tying to make earlier. Nice flex, I'm proud of you for being popNice personut of a womb and not having a family that threw you in a gutter. Reminder, you are a degenerate who faps to fictional cannibalism.
>>64065 lmao, "popped" "out" got censored because of the thread owner trying to stop people insulting Nice persons. My entire purpose here is to shitpost, vent, and make fun of ingrates who still have not bought my comic to leak it. It's been nearly two years and people still have been throwing shit and mud rather than leaking my paywalled art. I stay winning, and I'm eating grandma's delicious cornbread tomorrow. Oh yeah, wow, who knew people had family and did normal things. wooooooo. Doesn't distract from the fact of how very wrong and bad you are.
Here from the overboard to say: Sweet, finally a /pol/ that's active. >>64015 If you want a small whitepill, now that wokeism has publicly turned against Israel, it's against zionist interest to keep the machine going. No doubt they'll turn to another golem to serve their interests, though. >>64059 Funny, >>64037 is full of strawmen. Are you sure you're not projecting the projection?
>>64069 lmao. I was about to post. > You might need to go read up on this definition. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/project Yeah thanks homie. It's very disingenuous to come onto a chan board and earnestly post flaming liberal ideologies to a political discussion. Do you like vore? Fellow goy
>>64070 >> You might need to go read up on this definition. Who are you quoting? >Do you like vore? No, it's not really my thing.
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>>64071 quoting what i was going to post. Doesn't make sense then. I assumed not. I've drawn, and am continuing to work on the largest and best vore comic.. Only board on here other this this i check out is argentina sometimes lmao.
>>64011 >I never herd anyone say tht the Nazis were the only bad regime Bad, yes. Worse than the every other Socialist country that has ever existed, HELL NO!!! Germany was tame compared to West Taiwan and anything the USSR (And their proxies) pulled (Look up the Pitesti prison experiments in Romania or how the Hungarian Socialist government was stealing children from their parents to groom them as prostitutes (Sound familiar?), and tell me that Germany was "worse" with a straight face). But you dare to express any sympathies towards the damn Germans, and you're immediately deemed an "evil person" worth hating and have zero path towards redemption. And that's what I keep coming back to. >We are "all" suppose to be "loving and caring" towards "everyone", but it's only ONE SIDE who has to "calm down" and be "tolerant" meanwhile the other side can do literally whatever and get away with it. And there's a term for this activity too. Coined by Herbert Marcuse in the 1965, it's known as "repressive tolerance". And I'm sick and tired of this shit. I'm not asking for revenge, I'm not even asking for fucking "fairness", I'm just want people to be honest and genuine for once instead of constantly patronizing people with phrases and sentiments that "sound good" but are hollow in their delivery. >Stalin is responsible for more deaths then hitler was, doesn't make Hitler less of a monster though Yes, it does. Yet no one is deemed as "beyond saving" for having sympathies towards Stalin, especially after Khrushchev's sanitized denunciation of him. >And yes, the soap thing... DON'T FUCKING CARE and you're missing the damn point. This discussion is NOT about the Holohoax. >>64012 > I have every reason to believe psychology is a fake branch of science. For the past century, it really has been. The ONLY psychologist I've read about who wasn't full of shit was Henry Link. >Was this morally justified? The problem I have with such grand-sweeping declarations is that it makes the argument a zero-sum game in that there's only "one" solution and nothing else. And I disagree with that one a fundamental level. There are multiple paths towards creating a functioning and stable country, so the question is what do you want as a society? For example, Japan has some of the lowest crime rates in the modern world, but I would not be thrilled living there due to their lack of privacy laws, illegality of gun ownership, and Liberal justice system. This isn't saying that I find America's laws perfect. We have enough of our own problems, but I prefer living under our system with the protections and abilities we have than I would under the Japanese. It should be said that the BIGGEST problem I have with the American system is not that we have too many laws or even that some of the laws are too lax (By design), it's that you have people that refuse to enforce the laws that exist. And that they refuse to enforce them on purpose. >And now all of these athiests liberal faggots I surrounded myself by, who I've heard absolutely a dozen times saying "I don't like christians because they were controlling!" Funny thing is that almost NEVER happened. It was always the baizuo, the "Political Left", who were the ones enforcing things like censorship demands. Need look no further than the 1992 vidya senate hearings, or Tipper Gore leading the crusade against music in the 80's. >>64015 >I sincerely believe that these problems started long before I was born. A lot of them did. Majority of the "biggest" issues that exist in today's world started as far back as the 1700's, from the Malthusians believing that we're "running out of resources", to the French Revolution that wanting to remake man down to his very soul. >And that they're going to get much worse rather than better. It probably will. First of all because the two biggest economies in the world (U.S. and West Taiwan) are playing chicken to see who's fiat currency and economy tumbles first. And second because of how they elites will be doing everything to make sure that Agenda 2030 happens on schedule. >All because stupid white people would rather cuck over their entire country. You do remember that we had an election last month, and that the most hated man on the planet won it, right? And European countries are currently suffering massive riots, if the government isn't already collapsing, because of their citizens having enough of this shit. >There is nothing wrong with white nationalism. Actually there is: Who is "white"? I mean this legitimately because that was the biggest source of bloodshed in Europe for the previous three millennia. And my own heritage is from the one European countries who was treated by half the continent as a nation full of wiggers, meanwhile the other half wanted to wipe the country from existence because of their fear of Catholics. >Slavery was a good thing >slavery was a terrible thing It's neither. This isn't the discussion for it, but the only problem with slavery is when it's forced upon people, and (Even then) when it gives them zero chance for escape. And it can be argued that the American slave trade was a universal and historically bad idea because it created a "permanent underclass" of people from which there will always be a historical divide (Despite the circumstance that original created that divide no longer existing, and it all being a cultural problem now). In fact, Congress prevented a similar problem that was happening with the Chinese during the late 1800's when they hauled in Charles Crocker and demanded that he explain his reasons for importing the Chinese and undercutting domestic wages. >>64051 >Communist won WW2 Which country was giving loans to the Soviet Union? And also provided them with all of their machinery? >>64059 >and being hateful and violent does not, in fact, get the world any closer to where you seem to want it. It does when the violence is a reluctant and the hate is only to motivate, not the goal. I believe the phrase is that if you're looking for bloodshed, don't be surprised if you find it. Contrast the American Revolution (Where the Continental Congress were doing everything possible to be reasonable with England as they just wanted to be represented in Parliament, nothing more) to the French Revolution (Where they made an issue about the tax system into a reason for why they needed to remake the entire country, including it's culture and history) and you see the difference between reluctant violence and a search for violence. That being said, I do not see anything "reluctant" about the threats of violence we see coming from the rhetoric of either side (Yes, the Woke Right is a real thing, not just a psy-op). Just constant, "Give me what I want, or I'll burn everything to the ground". >>64060 >Just ignore it and be tolerant? That is how lost Christians their entire strangehold on power in America. Artca, Christianity never actually had a "stranglehold" over America as America was not a Christian nation, not in it's founding nor in it's establishment. Many of the ideals and beliefs are rooted in the Bible, but just as many beliefs and ideals come from Grecian philosophy and English Fundamentalism. In addition to that, only a third of the actual 134 Founding Fathers were practicing Christians, the rest were some flavor of Agnostic or Deist. This is not saying that they denied the importance and benefits of religion, often times writing in support of practicing them, but the issue that they were concerned with at the time was just that they wanted to be left alone to be able to live their own lives. That was it.
Has artca simply tried to not talk about politics in everyday conversation? And then if someone tries to bring up politics as a conversation topic (which is strange regardless) just simply say “Sorry, I don’t feel like talking about politics.” I’ve done that at work before, and usually the other person just stops talking, at least at work. I don’t think he ever tries to have a “So has it rained over there lately” type of normal conversation with every test people before. Just usual small talk. In the same reply in which he says he tries to act normal, he then brings up weird political stuff, like, dude, maybe don’t have that running in your head all day everyday. Talk about a movie you’re wanting to see/a movie or show you’ve seen recently. Or sports, if you’re into that.
Does Artca9 hate the Indiana Jones movies? Especially the best ones, being “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. It’s a common opinion, but I like Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade the best. They’re sort of the epitome of Indiana Jones. I like Indiana Jones, it’s pretty cool. Temple of Doom is okay, and, despite having some really iconic Indy moments in it, like the entire opening sequence, the mine cart scenes, and the bridge scenes at the end, the middle of the movie feels a little “off”, in a sense. Even Spielberg and Lucas say it’s the weakest of the three original films. And, strangely, if taken as a whole, and as controversial as it sounds, I feel like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has a more overall “Indiana Jones” feel to it than of you were to take Temple of Doom as a whole. It feels more like a globe-trotting adventure with a little bit of a mystery to solve, and is a little more “lighthearted” at times, like the other two fan-favorite Indy movies, and isn’t afraid to be a little silly at times. In Temple of Doom, it almost feels like it doesn’t have much of an identity, like, if it was made afterwards, it would feel like it was more of a spin-off movie rather than part of the mainline series (and, weirdly, it’s actually a prequel to the first one, despite being a sequel). And in Temple of Doom, besides the opening sequence, they’re pretty much stuck in one place the entire time. Also, fun fact, despite being playing Indy’s father in Last Crusade, Sean Connery was only about 10 years idler than him, if I remember right. And for the rats scene in Last Crusade, they had to specially breed well over 100 rats, to be sure they didn’t have diseases, and Harrison Ford would sometimes play with them when not recording. And in the first movie, when they’re in that pit with the snakes (which were real snakes, though, some of them were glass lizards, a type of legless lizard) the snakes would actually slither closer to the fire, rather than be scared off by it, since they’re cold-blooded and wanted the warmth, so they had some difficulties with that scene. And also in the first movie, almost all of the actors and crew got sick at one point, except for Steven Spielberg, who had brought a ton of canned foods with him, and ate on that while filming on location. There’s also a scene that was cut where, during filming, John Rhys-Davies actually pooped his pans, while in full costume, when he was supposed to be bending over or kneeling down (if I remember right). He would sometimes joke about it in behind-the-scenes footage. That’s an example of a non-political conversion someone can have with someone else, about a movie series, for example. I actually specifically searched for the early/mid-2000s DVD copies of the three original movies, since they have a nice amount of behind-the-scenes footage and interviews as bonus features. Unfortunately, from what I’ve seen, the more recent blu-ray re-releases got rid of most of the bonus stuff. And speaking of Harrison Ford movies, they’re not it as well known as how other movies, but “Witness” and “The Fugitive” are both fantastic movies. They both made me tear up when watching them. I want them on DVD too, but I do a lot of my DVD shopping at Good Will, at least when looking for older releases. I watched The Fugitive one of the times it was free on Tubi, since I was on a bit of a Harrison Ford movie binge at that point, in lead up to Dial of Destiny, which I watched in theaters.
>>64012 Bruh, the argument is over with these retards. You will never convince a leftist he is wrong. The nature/nurture debate being an example, they can be BTFO'd on genes being a cause on most things, but they shut down the argument every time with emotional moral fagging, deplatforming, firing people they disagree with, and slander. I would just not even bother with them, they will just quote Vaush back at you or something. Again, low haning fruit.
>>64012 Sounds like you just want yourself to be bitter constantly, because that’s easier for you than just being. Or that you’ve made yourself think that’s your only available option, because you willingly surround yourself with self-sabotaging sourness. You say you try to make communities, among other things, but then you also go on to say you use your politics as a “litmus test” for people you talk to. It makes it sound like you try to insert your politics into almost every facet of your life. And that you’ll judge people by their covers, rather than their contents, their true contents. It’s starting to sound like you know what would make yourself feel not so bitter and angry all the time, but you simply don’t want to try, that you don’t want to give a legitimate effort to not crawl back to your ways because you’re scared. It’s okay to be scared, but you have to grow out of childish fears and hates as well. Or you cannot find peace. But I also know all you’ll do when you reply to this is scoff again or deposit more baseless insults to someone who wishes you to be better. Well, like last time, I’ll show that the world, or the men that inhabit it, or not so scornful, and that there are good people, or at the very least, decent people, and tell you to have a good day or night, or a pleasant tomorrow. Despite you hating me and nearly everyone with every fiber you can flex, simply for being, I do not fully hate you. And I wish for you to know and understand that. I may not like your line of harmful thinking, but I know that is not truly you, and I have a feeling you know that. You feel like you have to be that way because you think it’s the only identity you have, or that, if you changed yourself that it would make you appear weak. I may not be able to help you through this alone, because you’ll hate me no matter what I say, but if you actually read this, I have a feeling, or at least a hopeful idea, that they’ll somewhat stick with you. May a light illuminate, and you find peace, hope, and love in your heart.
>>64088 Correction: you can't convince anybody on the internet that they are wrong.
>>64106 Fair
>>64084 I mean, I really disagree with you on your opinions on nazi Germany, but you at least seem to be interested in having a conversation, which I appreciate, though I fear this really is not the best place to have a real conversation, since you can't hear the voice and intonation of the other person, like you would on a voce call. I bet that, if we ever met, or spoke, it woud be an interesting conversation, for us both. Here, I do think we are wasting time debating each other, though
i've seen all of this conversation between all of you, but c'mon this ain't presidential debate
>>64087 >That’s an example of a non-political conversion someone can have with someone else, about a movie series, for example. <Using Indiana Jones as an example <When the latest film is woke trash and one of the biggest bombs in film history <As is the video game that came out last week You really don't understand the world that you guys created, do you? >>64106 You can if at least one of the people arguing is open to the possibility that they are wrong, and that's why they enter the discussion and ask questions. But then even that person is shut down for "sealioning" because it's "wrong" to ask questions. >>64108 >though I fear this really is not the best place to have a real conversation, since you can't hear the voice and intonation of the other person Because we're on an anonymous imageboard on the internet. A place that cares more about facts and the argument being made rather than the emotional aspect of the argument and who is making the argument. In some ways, it's actually a better place to have a discussion because you lose nothing by being wrong. You could even assume the person using a name or identifying who they are is lying and trying to use a manpilative tactic in order to gain legitmacy in an argument they are losing.
>>64099 I only do this to boomers and anyone dumb enough to bring up politics first. All these conversations and failed attempts to form relationships were talking about entertainment, art, music, games, rock climbing. 0 Politics. Hard to believe, I'm not lying when I say I genuinely can tell we both enjoy talking to eachother, and thats why it's soul crushing to try and make friends, And this happens in florida too. Hit it off talking with stranger for up to an hour, they aren't busy and stay to talk. But after I exchange numbers, and or other contacts. Radio silence. Far beyond anything in my control. If you are the same anon, you are STILL assuming shit about me; then complaining that I'm doing the same in a much more direct inflammatory way lmao. Filthy faggot redditor communist.
>>64072 >"Largest and best vore comic" WHEEEZE That's some top tier narcissism there. You don't even fap to vore. You don't browse FA or Eka's. You hardly even belong in the community. Frankly, i don't even believe you like vore. It's just business to you. Although i'm not sure if you crave more the money or the attention it gets you.
>>64125 It is the best vore comic. Sorry, That's just the truth dog. Just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm the best vore artist.
>>64129 You're not tho, frankly speaking some are better than you like modeseven or mianq.
>>64137 >some are better than you like modeseven Have you actually tried reading Concession from the beginning to it's current page? The story is all over the place, but at least it's still much better written than Sister Claire (A non-ero webcomic that hits upon similar notes). When it comes to actually telling a story, I'd say the best vore artists are Natsumemetalsonic, James Howard, Malezor, Starcrossing, and want to say Fidchell but it's been a while since I actually read his stuff.
Could I also recommend that we take much of this discussion to /pol/? Fun as it is, I have to agree with the people complaining about how this entire thread is nothing but autism.
>>64137 Mode 7 is literally the greatest variety porn artist of all time, I have redrawn his art to get better several times in the past 5 years. But his comics are not vore focused. The only vore artists that I genuinely think are better than me are Faggot and shy guy9. Faggot is a monster at style, quality just like mode 7. And he is a monster at animation alongside a few other titans.. And shy guy 9 has pumNice personut so many different comics that nobody can compete to him in variety on vore comics. But even though I'm slow, I still have made the longest continuous narrative of vore. If I wasn't retarded and didn't do it in full color; I would be 20 chapters into the comic and there would be no contesting that I created the highest quality comic series in vore. Instead, you're going to have to wait 7 years for me to slog through meghan the story and see where it's going as entertainment. Chapter 1-3 are introductory to characters. Chapter 4 - 8 are the first act building up the drama. Chapter 9 - 17 Is the second act, focused almost entirely on Violet's character writing. ( And spoiler: tragedy ) Chapter 18+. Is the climax and satisfying vore/character arc payoffs to each character. As well as more action and higher stakes, New characters. End game. Even if I don't get to finish these later chapters: My comic and storytelling would be miles above the competition. Anyways, more public Post of the comic will continue in January, as well as the current chapter for patrons. Took a break this past month to focus on practicing art speed; and make money to buy new car.
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>>64148 holy nigger shit thread admin. What the sigma censorship? > B - IG B - IG. is a monster at style and art quality. And animation. > Shyguy has pumped --- out so many different vore comics. > 7 years for me to slog through mak-ing the story and see where its going.
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>>64012 Bro you ain't on the team
>>64149 so fucking horny
>>64113 But thats kind if my point. A good discussion is doe in good faith. You won't change anyones mind if they think you are being disingenuous. If you are debating im good faith, you actually have a chance to get to someone. In an anonymous image board,you can just call them a fag, troll, liberal marxist whatever and shut down any further conversation, which doesn't deconstruct their views at all, it just leads to shit throwing, which is admittedly fun to read, but If I really do want to havea conversation using facts and logic, it needs tobe one in good faith, where both parties listen. That is how, imo, you get to identifying contradictions, lies and biases in our own world view, and why talking with people with opposing view points irl is so valuable. Sometimes you are rigr, sometimes you are wrong, but you won't find out unless the conversation is honest.
>>64264 >In an anonymous image board,you can just call them a fag, troll, liberal marxist whatever and shut down any further conversation No, I would just call you a ignorant-ass retarded nigger gorilla as a greeting to make sure you care more about the discussion than you do about your feelings getting hurt. Or if you say something stupid. Because when it comes to discussions on imageboards, 'NOTHING' is off the table as nothing is sacred. If I wanted to "shut down" a discussion, I would point to the exact text in your post, declare that is the moment I stopped giving a shit about your argument, and tell you to fuck off. >That is how, imo, you get to identifying contradictions, lies and biases in our own world view, and why talking with people with opposing view points irl is so valuable So can we both agree that the guy who pulled up "sealioning" as a reason for flipping out earlier and refusing to discuss further is a jackass worth bullying? It's sort of like the people who make fun how the American court system having lawyers asking absolutely retarded questions, such grilling morticians about how did they "know" that a cadaver was dead, when they have to do that for the establishment of "fact" for the case.
>>64271 I mean, tbh, i don't even really know if insulting an anon is bullying, so sure, I guess? The main problem though is that for it to be sealioning, the requests for evidence need to be in bad faith and trolling, which you cant really know for sure what the case is, since, again, you dont see the persons body language, nor do you hear their intonation. I don't know who you are referring to, if it s me, then I can tell you tat I genuinely enjoy havig my ideas challenged and challenging other deas as a process of self growth, and I for sure didn't want to kill a conversation. If it was a different anon, then I would have to see the message, and I don't plan on scrolling through to find out, since I have better things to do. That being said, in the situation thr someone is trolling, or sealioning, then yes, I am ok with that person getting harassed on an anonymous image board, or bullied, if you will
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>>64274 >The main problem though is that for it to be sealioning, the requests for evidence need to be in bad faith and trolling The problem is that how do you "know" the person is asking in bad faith on the fucking internet. We're all anonymous here. Even on social media where people have usernames and avatars, that still doesn't "represent" that person as they could by lying about their identity or LARPing. Or even create another account to "reset" their "identity". Hell, even on boards such as this, there's the non-zero possibility that this entire thread is just the same person talking to himself as there's nothing like IDs or accounts that strictly identify anyone for certain. Even on other boards like /v/ which does have IDs, those can be spoofed easily enough to achieve the same result of someone talking to themself (Either through rotating VPN/Tor proxies or posting on different devices). So the problem very quickly becomes, do you believe so little in your argument that you're going to dismiss anyone who asks questions? Hell, it doesn't have to be sealioning. I have been involved with several discussions where the other party shut down and refused to further it because of "Whataboutisms", which signalled to me that they cannot actualy explain their argument. And what about discussions where "facts" need to be established? I have several conversations IRL where the other party flipNice personut because I would not agree with their original premise, so they tried to "force" me to agree by constantly changing the defintion of the word. The most recent example was someone I was talking to asked if I agreed with Aristotle's argument that "Man is a social animal" and I disagreed every which way that I could, to which his response was to constantly change the defintion of "social" to be "doing literally anything in relation to another thing". Whenever I point out to people that the "fusion" of Capitalism and Socialism is Fascism, the person flips out because that must be "wrong" because "Fascism" is something "totally" different. Words like "Equality" have flipped around to be now being "Racist dogwhistles" because it doesn't account for the "true equality" that is "equity". Not to mention how West Taiwan has the "best democracy" for the same reason that democractically electing Cheetoh-Man is a "threat to 'our' democracy". If you do not dare allow a person to ask you questions in order to establish some common ground and understanding in an argument, there is one person who has a problem and that is you. "Sealioning" and "Whataboutism" is just a deflection used to hide the fragility of your argument. Not to mention your outright dismissal of the possibility that the person honestly just doesn't know. >I don't know who you are referring to This post up here: >>63958
>>64276 Yeah, I would for sure admit that that anon wasn't interested in having a discussion, and just shut down, I do think that that could possibly be sealioning
>>64115 >try and make friends, And this happens in florida too Florida? FLORIDA?! Kek, no wonder you act the way you do.
>>64113 You can like a movie series without liking every single entry in it. Despite me being a somewhat of an Indiana Jones nerd, I actually didn’t much care for Dial of Destiny as a whole, it took itself a little too seriously, and instead of feeling like another Indy romp, it felt more like “Indy is old and this is his last movie with Harrison Ford” type of thing. Which, I mean, sure, Harrison Ford is in his 80s, as much as he likes playing Indy, I’m sure he’d rather just be in more “easy gigs”, where he’s just in a room sitting down, from now on, or just at home smoking weed/building something. I thought the opening was the most Indiana Jones feeling part of the movie, with the weirdly CGI de-aged Harrison Ford. I kind of liked the ending though, like, the very tail end of the ending, when Indy and Marion get back together, again, for third time, it kind of made me tear up a little bit. Then they have rough, old people sex. I feel like the bad guys didn’t get as grisly of an “Indiana Jones bad guy death” as they should’ve gotten. Instead of screaming in agony as the wrath of the powers above punish them for their wicked ways and they melt/explode/get torn apart/disintegrated, instead it’s just like “Oop, well, their plane crashed, guess they’re dead now.” While I might not have personally enjoyed the whole movie, I liked the experience of watching, potentially, the last Indy movie with Harrison Ford as Indy, and I watched it with my mom, since it had been years since I watched a movie with my mother in theaters. I joked with her that we should go to Applebees before the movie, since they had that promotion where if you ate there before going to the movie, you’d get a discount on Indiana Jones tickets, but I had misremembered that there’s not an Applebees near us, I had mistaken the nearby Chili’s and O’Charley’s for Applebees. And speaking of which, O’Charley’s has a somewhat decent selection of fish meals. I like fish. Fried, baked, grilled, poached, whatever. I haven’t played the video game, but I kind of would like to, once it’s in a sale. It kind of looks like it plays as a mix between Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb and the Riddick games. The Emperor’s Tomb was a fun Indy game, I like how you could use just about anhthjnf I mine environment as a weapon. The tank part was a little hard, and near the end of the game it really gets wild. Indy goes to the underworld and fights a Chinese guy willingly possessed by the spirit of a long dead Chinese Emperor, and a dragon, using a magic throwing blade that also has a warding spell field. Then at the end he goes out of a drink with the lady he met on the adventure and then leaves to get laid.
>>64302 >You can like a movie series without liking every single entry in it. That's not the point, and you know it. You're saying to "ignore" all the "bad stuff", but how long you can talk about Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Star Trek, TLotR, Dune, Roger Rabbit, Mad Max, Scream, Alien, even fucking Barbie and Transformers before you have to address the elephant in the room. The same thing with video games like Batman, CoD, GTA, Dragon Age, Guilty Gear, God of War, Assassin's Creed, Street Fighter, Sonic the Hedgehog, Overwatch, The Witcher, Tomb Raider, Paper Mario, Chrono Cross, Silent fucking Hill...do you want me to go on? You want people to stop talking about politcs, yet the direction every single one of these properties has gone is towards forcing everyone to talk about politcs. And you're surprised that all that people can talk about now is politics? >and instead of feeling like another Indy romp, it felt more like “Indy is old and this is his last movie with Harrison Ford” type of thing They already did that with Crystal Skull, a film "everyone" hated. That's ANOTHER problem, that all these properties keep repeating the premise of something they or someone else already did years ago, except do it worse. >While I might not have personally enjoyed the whole movie, I liked the experience of watching Congratulations, you are a fucking Pavlovian dog. I mean that with zero hyperbole, and yes, this is meant mean and hurtful statement ment to insult. You are exactly the kind of consumer that these companies want, where you'll eat shit knowing that it's shit but grin the entire way through because the shit has your special brand attached to it. This may surprise you, but the rest of us are tired of companies treating their customers like shit. And, yes, I have every right to be entitled as it's my fucking money that these companies are trying to convince me to spend, but their "winning method" each and every time seems to be either themselves or their defenders ridiculing me for for refusing to give up my cash in when they put out a product designed to insult me and everythig I enjoy. >It kind of looks like it plays as a mix between Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb and the Riddick games. It's baby's first puzzle advanture game: >>>/v/1053464
>>64308 One of the reasons I liked the experience of watching it was because I watched it with my mother, who I haven’t watched a movie with, in theaters, in years. It’s because I got to spend time doing something with someone close to me. If it makes you feel any better, we joked about the movie afterwards while we went and did other stuff in town. My mother and I also sometimes watch Arthur Christmas together during the holidays, if we can. And there’s an tomboy/butch lesbian elf in that with piercings, but we still think it’s a cute movie, because it is. I also like the idea of there being different Santa Clauses, with it being handed down each generation when the last one retires. I like how happy Arthur is, the dude just LOVES Christmas. He kind of reminds me of Gavin Free, from Slow-Mo Guys or Achievement Hunter, when it was still a thing. Nowadays he’s part of the Regulation Podcast/Regulation Gameplay crew, with him, Geoff, Andrew, and sometimes Eric and Nick. Some of their videos have that old Achievement Hunter feel to them. I haven’t watched them lately, socks I’m wanting to build up a backlog. Lately, if I watch YouTube, I’ve been watching LGR (it’s a shame about what happened to his house and all his stuff, but he seems tired be taking it like a trooper), Mr. Sunday Movies (I’ve been enjoying their Lord of the Rings videos the past few weeks), and sometimes Techmoan and some others I usually forget about until I see they have a new videos. The gun videos from GameStop were fun, with the weapons expert guy, but I think they finished the show after letting go of the guy who was in charge of it. Maybe the Johnathan expert guy was too expensive or something? I always figured he did it for a reduced cost/for free, since it helped people learn about the Royal Armories, since that’s where he works primarily.
>>64316 >One of the reasons I liked the experience of watching it was because I watched it with my mother, who I haven’t watched a movie with, in theaters, in years. Perhaps that's a sign that you should spend more time with your family.
>>64322 I do, I mean that’s why we watched the movie in theaters in the first place. Did you… not get that?. We also both have different jobs and can’t see a movie every month because we have different schedules. And we’d both prefer it to be a movie we both have at least somewhat of an interest in. I mean, I understand that you’re trying to turn this around me, but you’re kind of missing the point in the first place. You also missed the part about us watching the “woke”, probably in your mind, Arthur Christmas movie together. And for addendum info, on Wednesday I’m making baked mac and cheese with bacon to take to my sister’s for Christmas. What are you gonna do next, call me a momma’s boy or something? And can the jannies go ahead and nuke this thread already. Or move it to politics, just for the joke of it.
>>64323 >We also both have different jobs and can’t see a movie every month because we have different schedules. Why does it "have" to be a movie or even the holidays? Can't you just spend time with her just to spend time with her? >You also missed the part about us watching the “woke”, probably in your mind, Arthur Christmas movie together. You really have no idea what the word "woke" means other than an obscure term used to "own" people you have never met, do you? Let me give you the "short" version as to the actual defintion of "Woke": It is the literal religious belief that you have been "awakened" to the fact that there is no shared reality between people. That everything that exists is subjective and an illusion. And that the only true "fact" is that reality can be changed and shaped through whoever has the power and influence over culture and society. Therefore the goal of being "woke" is become the ones with power and influence so that you can shape the development of the world and reality. There's still more to unpack, but that's the most baseline explanation of it. But how does that look in practice? Let's take a random webseries like RWBY. In the premise of that show, the Fauna (Humans with animal traits) are an "oppressed" race in the world. However if you actually watch the series (I dropped it after season five, so I have no idea if they fixed this, everything I've heard from others indicates they haven't), you never see any actually oppression happen to said race asside from the declared bully character bullying one random Fauna in one scene from one very eailer episode in the entire show. You never see any other form of "oppression". In fact the Fauna are such an "oppressed" race that they even get their own independent Israeli state (And this is with zero exaggeration). So how does the viewer "know" that the Fauna are oppressed? Because we're told they're oppressed, and that's suppose to be "proof" enough because the ideology of "Woke" is that the creators of the show are the ones in power and so they dictate reality. A more recent example would be the She-Hulk TV series. In the show, Jen comes to grip with her powers almost "immediately" because she knows how to handle anger and even lectures Bruce on how much "better" she is at it because she's been cat-called "all her life" (Because being attrctive is a bad thing somehow). Contrast this against Bruce where his life was destroyed because of a freak lab accident, constantly has to watch his temper or people die, spent a couple decades on the run from the Feds and Shield, never managing to actually settle and create a life anywhere he goes because of who and what he is, spent several years lost and abused in the deep reaches of cold space, and has watched as dozens of his friends die no matter how hard he tried to save them. But he's the ignoramus because the world is patriarchy, and the writers are trying to establish Jen as literally "smashing" that world. That's Woke, and what it is in practice. But that's also assuming you actually care. >What are you gonna do next, call me a momma’s boy or something? What's with this passive-aggressive tone? Especially after I just said that you probably should spend more time with your family.
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I'm very proud I helped turn my board has went from pathetic art begging to /pol/ o7
>>64327 I disagree with this definition, it just seems like nonsense culturue war BS. The definition of Woke I, and the people around me use, is Being aware of social issues. Thats it. Nothing more to it. I am pretty sure it was originally used by the black community in the US, to reffer to being aware of the isues they, as a community, faced, but the usage today has evolved to be much more general.
>>64347 Yeah, this thread is awesome, I love it, I hope it stays up here, it is a perfect shit storm
>>64347 Also, hot, thanks for sharing
>>64350 >I disagree with this definition It doesn't matter if you "agree" with it or not. That's what "Woke" is. "Woke" IS "culture war BS". But like I said, that's still an inadequate defintion because it's leaving out how "being woke" is a religious term, specificallty a term relating to the Gnostic disposition of having "awakened" to the "revelation" that the world is an illusion and a prison constructed and maintained through power dynamics. >The definition of Woke I, and the people around me use, is >Being aware of social issues. Here is the 2018 academic book "Teaching While White" defining what "Woke" is: https://archive.ph/2Da87 <The notion of “getting woke” (or staying woke) is defined as being acutely aware of racial and social injustice—not just awareness and acknowledgement of isolated incidents, but awareness from a position of understanding systemic and institutional racism. … The notion of getting woke encapsulates the first stage of becoming an accomplice in addressing the system of racism… White accomplices should strive to be woke enough not to call themselves woke and instead strive to embody this state of being by building with people of color. … Be in a perpetual state of learning and be woke enough to know you are never woke enough. In Layman's terms, "Being woke" is turning yourself into a political activist who seeks to seizes the means of production institutional power so that you displace the bourgeoisie "systemic whiteness"? Does any of this sound familiar? BUT you can never be "truely Woke", as it's a perpetual "learning experience" done through a specific form of political activism. >I am pretty sure it was originally used by the black community in the US, to reffer to being aware of the isues they, as a community, faced Same source: <The term is alleged to have gained its first contemporary connotation in 2008 with the Erykah Badu song “Master Teacher,” in which Badu envisions and dreams of a world of racial equality and then advises genuine activism with the admonishment that listeners should “stay woke.” The term developed from there, particularly via black activism on Twitter. >The term then gained particular significance and tied itself to the contemporary Social Justice movement in the mid 2010s as it became an activist watchword of the Black Lives Matter movement. <... <This has, in turn, led to the term being nearly synonymous with having a critical consciousness as provided through critical race Theory If you haven't figured it out, being "woke" isn't just about being aware of problems in society. It's also about being a political activist who seeks to change the world. And not just any political activist, but an activists experiencing a Gnostic awakening about reality. And this isn't a problem exclusive to the "Political Left", as you've already had people recently demonstrating that the "Political Right" can be just a guilty of undergoing the same "awakening" (Because it's the belief system): https://archive.ph/OU2ub So if we're to go back to your "definition" as a basis, being "Woke" is actually: >Being awakened to social issues and becoming a political activist who will address and continually seek out new social issues to be awakened to Does that make sense? >but the usage today has evolved to be much more general. No it hasn't (See vid).
>>64366 I mean, you can say "That's what woke is", but thats still just your opinion (and the one you sourced). It being a religious term can be true in some contexts, but for sure not everyone uses it lie that (Again, I don't). Language isn't that rigid, one work can mean different things, when different people use it. Even if you sourced the oxford dictionary, I wouldn't consider it to be enough for me to view the definition as the only True one. I do believe the history of the term as you describe it, though, I think that does track. And I saw the video, but I don't really get how showing an out of context clip of Heris being cringy proves that todays usage isnt more general. Even if I take it at face value and assume that she is saying that everyone mst always be woke, and truly she means it as a religious dogma, even then, I still don't think that proves that thats how most people use it, outside of radicalized groups online/offline. But I do believe you that ome people do use the word as you describe, I just object o that being the most common meaning of the word, in mainstream society
>>64371 >out of context clip of Heris being cringy The whole point of >>64366 is that woke is cringe. A quick generalization of cringe is pretending to be something you aren't (minecraft kid pretending to know what RAM is for example). Woke is entirely fake and gay, build upon a false understanding that social norms need to be subverted and destroyed... and replaced with a harsher authoritarian culture. Yeah, that's going over well. I wonder why white people are giving up on the whole "Politically Correct" thing and calling out the blatant violent niggers and grooming faggots that "woke" protects.
I thought this was a thread about vore from Artca. Where the fuck am i
>>64371 >you can say "That's what woke is", but thats still just your opinion That's a very post-modern view of the subject. >It being a religious term can be true in some contexts No, it's true in every. >Language isn't that rigid Yes, it is. >one work can mean different things, when different people use it Thank you for admitting that you're already "woke" in your beliefs. That there's no such thing as a shared universale truth or reality as everything that exists is just opinions and differing perspectives. > Even if I take it at face value and assume that she is saying that everyone mst always be woke, and truly she means it as a religious dogma, even then, I still don't think that proves that thats how most people use it, outside of radicalized groups online/offline. So your defense is that the above definition is "wrong" because the people using the word are ignorant or stupid?
>>64397 I think you're misrepresenting my point in a few ways. First, I never said that people who use "woke" in the way you described are ignorant or stupid. My argument is that just because some people define the term that way doesn't make it the only or dominant definition. Language isn't dictated by any single group—it evolves and carries different meanings depending on context, culture, and time. Recognizing this isn't dismissive of your perspective; it’s simply acknowledging that words often have multiple valid interpretations. Second, I reject the idea that my view reflects a "post-modern" belief that there’s no universal truth or reality. Pointing out that language shifts doesn’t mean I believe reality itself is subjective. I'm not arguing that facts are relative—I'm arguing that the way we describe and label those facts can vary. This is a linguistic observation, not a philosophical stance on the nature of reality. Lastly, while I understand your definition of "woke" as having religious or gnostic connotations in certain circles, that doesn’t reflect how most people use or understand the term. For many, “woke” simply means being aware of social issues. The fact that some groups politicize or radicalize the word doesn’t erase its broader, more neutral meaning in everyday conversation. I see where you’re coming from, but I respectfully disagree that your interpretation represents the mainstream or the full spectrum of how "woke" is used today.
>>64401 >My argument is that just because some people define the term that way doesn't make it the only or dominant definition. Yes, it does. The language and the words you use are important. If you missue the language, then you're not capable of conversation. >Language isn't dictated by any single group—it evolves and carries different meanings depending on context, culture, and time. No, it isn't. If you actually pick up and read English texts from a few hundred years ago, they're extremely easy to understand. And very little of the vocabulary and it's meanings have actually changed. You can make an argument for the spelling having changed (For example, the title of a 17th century work is "Covntrey Contentments, Or The Englifh Hufvvife"), but that only further proves the point as it shows how meticulous and particular you have to be with the words you use as words have different meanings. This is actually one of the problems and irritations many people have when they actually sit back and think about or study the English language, that is it very easy to become lazy with termonology and lose meaning and distinction when it's most important. For example, one of the biggest issues in Christian circles is how the New Testament was originally written in Greek and loses some of the emphasis on words when translated into English, such as how the Greeks have "four" words for the English equivalent of the word "love": https://infogalactic.com/info/Greek_words_for_love Or if you ever bother learning Japanese, you encounter many synonyms for words that literally mean the same thing in every single way possible and either use the same kanji or are even pronounced the same, but one particular version of that words is desired because of the context or situation of your conversation. And keep in mind that Japanese should be the BIGGEST victim of language degredation considering how (On top of already being a simplified form of Chinese, but not really) their entire language was thoroughly revised and abridged as recently as 80 years ago (With tens of thousands of kanji either retired, but not really, or grandfathered into other kanji), yet they are even more stringent about their language than English speakers are. If you've ever encountered anyone speaking a romantic language like French or Spanish (Especially Spanish because of it's relation to America), you'll find non-America speakers absolutely furious with American intellectuals who are attempting to destroy their language though previously non-existing words like "Latinx". With games like 2023's Spider-Man 2 being extremely hot regarding this topic. If you don't believe me, hop onto one of the Spanish boards that you see listed on the top bar across the site and talk to them about this. So, no, languages are a lot more rigid and restrictive than you're making them out to be. All you're doing is looking for an excuse to be lazy and to use words you do not know and refuse to understand. >I'm not arguing that facts are relative—I'm arguing that the way we describe and label those facts can vary. You're "not" arguing that the facts are realtive, but you're arguing that the facts are relative between people'. Where's the difference? >This is a linguistic observation, not a philosophical stance Yes, it is. >Lastly, while I understand your definition of "woke" as having religious or gnostic connotations in certain circles, that doesn’t reflect how most people use or understand the term. Because they do not understand the words and termonology they are using. It's like a child learning his first swear. Just because the child doesn't understand the full extent of the word does not make his usage of it any better or acceptable. I remember the first time I said "Fuck" in front of my father that he almost beat me for even asking what it meant. So, yes, these words have definitions, they have meanings, they have established meanings that are very particular and precise on what the word refers to. It does not matter if you disagree with that defintion, it does not matter if people are using the word incorrectly don't understand the actual meaning behind the word. All it does is show at the end of the day that you're an idiot who can be taken advantage of because you don't do any fucking research, you don't do any of the damn reading, and all of your positions are based upon what someone else tells you what to think and do. I believe the termonology for that kind of person is an NPC or a golem. But smurf's if smurf actually smurf. https://infogalactic.com/info/Smurf_language
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>>64412 I just watched "Princess Bride" the other day. It's such an amazing dose of campiness, but unlike a lot of other movies from the time, you could tell that they mean for it to be campy. Almost like the whole fictional world is a stageplay. Finished up my last DnD game in queue: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jXavhuAn5uiiMViv3u7i-FhvA-LDtqWbRqmwngwkc7k/edit?usp=sharing Getting faster at artwork doing these sketch commissions. And get to do vore scenarios and stories I don't have the time for as high quality comics. Drawing pokemon, and anthros sometimes. I'm getting physically sick of drawing the poopoo (But it did make me a large amount that I needed, financial emergancy). I'm going to go overtly focus on oral vore next year.
>>64412 I think there are a few misunderstandings worth clarifying. Let me address the points you raised one by one. >Yes, it does. The language and the words you use are important. If you misuse the language, then you're not capable of conversation. I absolutely agree that language is important, and using words precisely matters. However, equating precision with rigidity misses how language actually functions. Language evolves naturally through usage, and this evolution doesn’t invalidate past definitions—it simply expands them. For example, “literally” now carries an informal meaning of “figuratively” because of widespread use. Some may not like this, but the shift is recognized even in dictionaries. Refusing to acknowledge the shift doesn’t preserve precision—it denies reality. Interestingly, if misusing language makes someone incapable of conversation, wouldn’t that apply to those who insist on a single rigid meaning, even when the majority use it differently? If language must strictly adhere to its oldest definition, then half of what we say today could be considered "incorrect." I’m not sure anyone, including you, would want to live by that standard. >No, it isn't. If you read English texts from a few hundred years ago, they're easy to understand. Vocabulary and meaning haven't changed much. I think this oversimplifies linguistic evolution. Yes, older texts can be understandable, but that doesn’t mean language hasn’t shifted. Even Shakespeare’s works—widely studied and revered—contain numerous words whose meanings have faded or transformed. Words like “silly” (originally meaning “helpless”) or “awful” (meaning “full of awe”) show how subtle yet significant these shifts can be. If language were as rigid as you claim, how do you explain these changes that clearly occurred over time? Being able to generally understand old texts doesn’t mean the meanings haven’t evolved. It simply reflects our capacity to adapt and interpret shifting language. >Languages like Japanese and Spanish are rigid. Deviation is resisted. It’s true that languages like Japanese and French have stronger institutions enforcing linguistic rules, but even these languages evolve. Japanese incorporates English loanwords like コンピュータ ("konpyuuta" for "computer"), despite efforts to preserve traditional kanji. French speakers continue to use words like "le weekend" and "le selfie" despite objections from the Académie Française. Ironically, your example of Spanish speakers opposing "Latinx" demonstrates that language is contested, not static. The very resistance highlights ongoing evolution. If languages were as rigid as you suggest, terms like "Latinx" wouldn’t even exist to provoke debate. If deviation were truly unacceptable, we wouldn’t have this conversation right now—because the language allowing us to express these ideas wouldn’t exist. >You're arguing that facts are relative between people. Where’s the difference? There’s a misunderstanding here. I’m not saying facts are relative. Facts remain objective—language, however, shapes how we discuss those facts. This is a distinction worth emphasizing. For example: The fact: Climate change exists. The framing: Some call it a "climate crisis," others use "climate variability." The fact doesn’t change—only the language we use to describe it. Ironically, your insistence on one absolute definition for "woke" is, in itself, a kind of relativism—since it rejects the broader, widely-accepted usage by favoring your interpretation over others. >People misuse ‘woke’ because they don’t understand it, like a child using a swear word. I understand this comparison, but it assumes there is one “correct” usage of "woke"—which isn’t how language typically works. Words often carry multiple, valid meanings depending on context. For instance: "Gay" shifted from meaning “happy” to “homosexual.” "Awful" once meant “awe-inspiring.” Would you say people who use “gay” in its modern sense are ignorant, like children misusing a swear word? I doubt it. Usage reflects the evolving nature of language, not ignorance. Similarly, if most people use "woke" to mean “socially aware,” dismissing this as “wrong” disregards the reality of how language spreads and adapts. Are millions of people simply ignorant—or could it be that language is more flexible than you’re allowing? >Words have established, particular definitions that don’t change. If you don’t know them, you’re an NPC or golem.
[Expand Post]I’d argue the opposite—language evolves precisely because humans are creative and adaptive. New slang, repurposed terminology, and cultural shifts are all signs of engagement with language, not passivity. Dismissing others as “NPCs” or “golems” for recognizing linguistic diversity reflects a desire to control the narrative, rather than engage with it. Ironically, such rigidity mirrors the very ideological dogma you criticize in others. If words can’t shift meaning, why even argue? By your logic, the meaning of "woke" should have remained rooted in its earliest usage by the Black community—so why redefine it through a religious lens? You’re defending a form of linguistic evolution while denying that it exists. I respect your passion for language, but I believe treating it as something static ignores how it functions in practice. The existence of this debate is proof that language evolves. I’m happy to continue discussing this if you’re interested, but I suspect we’ll have to agree to disagree on whether language is rigid or fluid. Either way, I appreciate the exchange.
how the fuck you make vore thread into fucking political shithole?
Being "woke" absolutely can't be defined. Every person has their own definition influenced by their personal views. Someone who deliberately calls themselves "woke" may see it as "being aware of social racial injustices happening in the world" then some of ya'll would call anything remotely cringe "woke" because it's basically a synonym to you. A MAGA nut will call anything that challenges their worldview "woke" because it's the current #1 insult. Oh no, someone has a point when arguing with me? Now they're woke! They're hardly a person, they're my enemy and their entire statement is therefore totally invalid. If you want to go the extra mile you can also call them gay/slay/jew/black/commie. Whatever suits your preferences at the time. (Yes, looking at you artca)
>>64454 *Slav
>>64449 because all of these people are douchebag assholes, they're basically assholes
they're assholes just because they just don't give a shit about porn but a political bullshit nonsense
that's why no wonder why they don't have true mother or father in their family in the first place
and this is the real reason why i don't frequently go to this page and keep see people screaming, yelling, agruing for their own stupidity of themselves
you either: ask vore stuff share vore stuff trade vore stuff discuss vore stuff nigga i'm aint reading all your bullshit wall of text, it's vore thread
can we make artca faggot #2? he's also the reason this thread is as it is
>>64448 >However, equating precision with rigidity misses how language actually functions. Language evolves naturally through usage, and this evolution doesn’t invalidate past definitions—it simply expands them. No, you're just looking for excuses to be lazy and using words that are not meant to be used the way they are. A rather infamous example of this is retards missusing the word "jealous". Traditionally, it was just another spelling of the world "zealous", but people have been lazy and missused the word to such an extent that now it's more synonymous with "envy", and it's only now that people are addressing it that works that have intentionall been misconstrued to have certain meaning (*Such as "God is a jealous god"**) are now returning to their original context. Then there's other times that people are intentionally given the incorrect or extremely streamlined defintion of a word because the word exists as coded language. >For example, “literally” now carries an informal meaning of “figuratively” because of widespread use. Only with idiots, no one else. >Interestingly, if misusing language makes someone incapable of conversation, wouldn’t that apply to those who insist on a single rigid meaning, even when the majority use it differently? No, it doesn't. Unless the person flips out because "You already know, you're just sealioning", the person can explain what they actually mean by their usage of a word. In fact, legal and scientific documents do this all the time. They explain exactly what they mean whenever a specific word is used so that the person reading the text knows to use that specific defintion whenever it is seen or used in the article. >If language must strictly adhere to its oldest definition, then half of what we say today could be considered "incorrect." I’m not sure anyone, including you, would want to live by that standard. I fail to see the issue. It's better to have a language with a wider variety of words than fewer because the centralization and utilization of a language in lesser and fewer words results in people being unable to express their ideas specificly and deal in abstract concepts like time and hyportheticals. This is exactly the problem people have whenever they work in an African nations, who's entire' language is the length of a small novel compared to your average "small" English pocket dictionary starting at 400 pages. >Even Shakespeare’s works—widely studied and revered—contain numerous words whose meanings have faded or transformed. Shakespeare was the "Brainrot" of his day. He wasn't some high-aspiring writer, his plays were just mass-media trash and low effort smut, only remembered because they were so "popular". It would be like society 200 years from now treating the Michael Bay's Transformers series or Adam Sandler's entire career as "high art" because "Look at how much money they made". You've rather ironically proven my point. What about the works of other writers of the time like John Lyly and Philip Sidney? Hell, you're going to tell me that you cannot "understand" John Smith in his recount of his adventures in America? All you have to do is pick up a dictionary and use it when you encounter a word your don't understand, because that's what it's there for and it shows how little has changed. That's all I had to do when I decided to attempt reading Charles Rollin's "The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonian, and Grecians". Even the "Ye Olde" Kings James Bible isn't that difficult to read if you actually sit down and just read the damn thing. >If language were as rigid as you claim, how do you explain these changes that clearly occurred over time? Because of people not knowing the language, missusing it, and then everyone else having to waste their time 'trad-wrangling all the jackasses that didn't want to work to understand the language or thought it would be funny to "Not know how to read good and do other stuff good". Kind of like what's going on right now, where it's more important to be a consultant than to actually be a specialist in a field and the result is an entire generation of knowledge being lost. >Being able to generally understand old texts doesn’t mean the meanings haven’t evolved. Again, it really hasn't. >It’s true that languages like Japanese and French have stronger institutions enforcing linguistic rules, but even these languages evolve. Again, they really haven't. I already bought up the example of Japan revising their language post WWII (Which was already a highly contested issue since the statrt of Meiji Restoration), but even such compromises as the 当用漢字 were still fought against and detested by linguists and society because they were losing a huge portion of their entire history. Even the since revised and improved 常用漢字 (Which still leaves out other kanji still in common use) keeps having to add back in older kanji every few decades because of how important and "rigid" the language and terms are. >Ironically, your example of Spanish speakers opposing "Latinx" demonstrates that language is contested, not static. People wanting to maintain the purity of their language is people "contesting" their language? >The very resistance highlights ongoing evolution. Or it could be the sign of people attempt to force a change through that is not in any way natural. You know, for poltical and control purposes. Why do you think two different forms of the written Chinese language exist, one of the Communist country and the other for everywhere else? >If languages were as rigid as you suggest, terms like "Latinx" wouldn’t even exist to provoke debate. The only reason it "provokes debate" is because it's a forced attempt made by American intellectuals trying to conform the world to their religious beliefs, such as the idea that gender is a social construct. >If deviation were truly unacceptable, we wouldn’t have this conversation right now—because the language allowing us to express these ideas wouldn’t exist That's not how it works. The "deviation" is the expansion in vocabulary you use. Why you would use a world like "calculate" over "compute" and such. Using a word or language incorrectionly isn't a "deviation", it's a lack of education at best or a malicious act at worst. >Facts remain objective—language, however, shapes how we discuss those facts. So a language must remain objective in order to retain the ability to discuss those objective facts. >The fact: Climate change exists. That's not a fact, that's a framing device. What kind of "climate change" are you talking about? Global warming, global cooling, exclusively isolated and geographical changes? Who or what is causing the change in the climate: man, nature, the universe? Again, you're using terms you do not understand. >Ironically, your insistence on one absolute definition for "woke" is, in itself, a kind of relativism—since it rejects the broader, widely-accepted usage by favoring your interpretation over others. Being objective and stringent is now what it means to be "relative" in an argument? Did you even read the sentence you typed? >I understand this comparison, but it assumes there is one “correct” usage of "woke" Because there is. >which isn’t how language typically works Yes, it does. >Words often carry multiple, valid meanings depending on context. No, they don't. Please explain to me how the following statement can have "multiple" different interpretations and meanings: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed >"Gay" shifted from meaning “happy” to “homosexual.” Except that's wrong. Gay was not ever synonymous with "happy". "Gay" was in reference to a fanciful, colorful, dream-like experience. It could be summarized as being "happy", but that's the wrong way to describe it as something being "gay" is not necessarily something being "happy". That's part of the why the term was "taken over" by homosexuals, because of them being flamboyant in how they acted. >"Awful" once meant “awe-inspiring.” That definition is still true. >Would you say people who use “gay” in its modern sense are ignorant, like children misusing a swear word? Yes, especially since the only people who still use "Gay" are children. Everyone else either calls them homosexuals or faggots. >Are millions of people simply ignorant Yes. A million people can be wrong or ignroant on a subject. Objective reality and truth does not care about relativism or consensus.
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Because of how long my post was, I had to split it into two. >>64479 >repurposed terminology, and cultural shifts are all signs of engagement with language, not passivity. Yes, it is. Because it shows that one would rather be lazy than actually study, understand, and communicate in a language. In fact, there were previous attempts by intellectuals to make English "easier" for Latinos and blacks referred to as Spanglish and Jive, however both have been dismissed as being racist for assuming that non-whites "cannot" learn proper English. >Dismissing others as “NPCs” or “golems” for recognizing linguistic diversity reflects a desire to control the narrative, rather than engage with it. Except it's the reverse. If you allow language dilluation to happen, it opens up the possibility of someone stepping in and controlling people. Because you become limited in your ability to articulate ideas and concepts without having an expansive vocabulary. Or to put it easy way, guess person try to light up idea with no access to bigger words. >By your logic, the meaning of "woke" should have remained rooted in its earliest usage by the Black community—so why redefine it through a religious lens? Except that was it's original meaning, the world always had a religious connotation. Not only for the 2008 song but for the past century as the American black community has been ideologically driven by literal black wizards like W.E.B. Du Bois, and his gnostic religious work The Souls of Black Folk. >The existence of this debate is proof that language evolves. The existance of this debate shows that you're allowing people to misconsterue and dictate languages in such a manner that it can be used to control people. And to such an extent that they don't even know it. Be honest, the next time you see someone using the word "woke", are you going to see it as an innocent term simply meaning "To be aware of social issues" that you instit that it is, or you going to look at according to the original gnostic meaning of "Awkening to the power dyanmics of the world and seizing the means of cultural production"? Because once you actually start learning about words and their defintions, you'd be surprised how much context and meaning changes in conversations. >but I suspect we’ll have to agree to disagree on whether language is rigid or fluid "Agreeing to disagree" is a position only a coward takes because it shows that you'd rather agree to "get along" rather than take a firm position and stand to it. And it's this kind of mindset that has allowed society to become as terrible it has become. Once you start allowing language to be "Relative", all objective truth goes out the windows because how can you be "right" or "wrong" if the meaning changes between persons? It sounds more like you want to apply Occam's and Hanlon’s razor to the argument, but you're missing the counterpoint that is Grey's Law: <Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. And that's the part that I refuse to move past regarding this discussion. That these words do have meaning, they have specific meanings that a rigid in their definition, and you have people that know about these specific rigid meanings allowing the words to be utilized in such a casual manner that they can utilize the termonology to turn around and control people. Because after all, how can you be against or deny such nice sounding ideas as "Being aware of social issues"? Don't you want society to "improve"? If so, how can you possible be against "woke"?
here we go again, literally shit in heads
i'm gonna sacrifice my 8 dollars snd released the entire pages, you want let that happen if you don't stop yelling the politic instead of vore
don't make me do it if you want it to stop it, at once and no more then just move along
i will release the entire pages of bad ending right fucking here if you keep bullshiting the thing
come here i fucking dare you, do it, don't make yourself a fucking coward
>>64489 Ok, I will continue, then
>>64480 < No, you're just looking for excuses to be lazy and using words that are not meant to be used the way they are. A rather infamous example of this is retards misusing the word "jealous". Traditionally, it was just another spelling of the world "zealous", but people have been lazy and misused the word to such an extent that now it's more synonymous with "envy". The shift in the meaning of "jealous" is a good example of semantic drift, but it doesn’t prove laziness—it shows how language evolves naturally over time. This process is well-documented across many words in English. A similar shift happened with the word "nice," which originally meant "foolish" or "ignorant" in Middle English but evolved to mean "kind" or "pleasant" (https://www.etymonline.com/word/nice). If evolution in meaning is simply the result of ignorance, why does it happen across all languages and all time periods? Language change is universal, not a phenomenon of modern laziness. < Only with idiots, no one else. The informal use of "literally" to mean "figuratively" is recognized by numerous free, respected linguistic resources, including Merriam-Webster (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally). This usage is not limited to "idiots" but is commonly found in published literature, media, and even political speeches. Mark Twain, for example, used “literally” in the figurative sense as early as the 1800s (https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/mark-twain/tom-sawyer#:~:text=And%20when%20the%20middle%20of,was%20literally%20rolling%20in%20wealth.). If Twain was guilty of this, then so are many of the literary giants we admire. < I fail to see the issue. It's better to have a language with a wider variety of words than fewer... I agree that expanding vocabulary is beneficial, but semantic drift doesn’t reduce vocabulary—it expands it by creating additional meanings. When “jealous” gained connotations of “envy,” the older meaning didn’t disappear. For instance, "gay" still means “happy” in specific contexts, despite its predominant modern association with homosexuality. The coexistence of meanings adds nuance, rather than diminishing precision. Here’s an example of the dual meaning of "gay" from 1934 (https://www.etymonline.com/word/gay). The change didn’t erase the original meaning, it layered new meaning over it. < Shakespeare was the "brainrot" of his day... I get the sentiment, but this feels like a contradiction. If Shakespeare’s language can now be revered despite being considered lowbrow at the time, doesn’t that prove how perceptions—and by extension, language—evolve? Dismissing Shakespeare because of his popularity ignores how his inventive use of language added hundreds of words and phrases to the English lexicon (https://www.shakespeare.org.uk/explore-shakespeare/shakespedia/shakespeares-words/). His contribution to English vocabulary shows that even "mass media" can shape the evolution of language positively. < People wanting to maintain the purity of their language is people "contesting" their language? Yes, because linguistic purity movements themselves are part of language evolution. The fact that people feel the need to defend or resist linguistic changes is evidence that language is fluid. Contestation is part of evolution—if language were static, there would be nothing to resist in the first place. < That's not a fact, that's a framing device. What kind of "climate change" are you talking about? I acknowledge the distinction you’re making between framing and objective facts. However, the existence of global temperature rise is a measurable fact, regardless of how it is framed (https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/). The words we use to describe these facts may differ, but the underlying data remains constant. Language helps us articulate complex phenomena, but disagreements over terminology don’t invalidate the facts themselves. < No, they don't. Please explain to me how the following statement can have "multiple" different interpretations and meanings: the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. Even constitutional texts are subject to interpretation and debate. The phrase "keep and bear arms" itself has been the focus of extensive legal and academic discourse. For example, the Second Amendment has multiple interpretations depending on how "militia" and "arms" are understood (https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/amendments/amendment-ii/interpretations/99). The existence of differing legal rulings over the years proves that even seemingly straightforward text can yield various meanings. < "Gay" was not ever synonymous with "happy"...
[Expand Post] This is not entirely accurate. Historical records show “gay” was commonly used to mean “cheerful” or “bright” as early as the 14th century (https://www.etymonline.com/word/gay). Yes, the term also carried connotations of frivolity, but its use to signify "happy" predates its association with homosexuality by several centuries. < Yes. A million people can be wrong or ignorant on a subject. A million people can indeed be wrong about scientific or historical facts, but language is not governed by objective correctness. It is a social construct—meaning is determined by collective agreement. The very definition of words comes from usage. If enough people use "woke" to mean "socially aware," that becomes its meaning, whether or not it aligns with niche academic definitions. A living example is the word “girl,” which once meant “a young person of either gender” (https://www.etymonline.com/word/girl). By your logic, should we return to that definition and reject its modern gendered usage? < The existence of this debate shows that you're allowing people to misconstrue and dictate languages... Debate over meaning is not evidence of societal decline, but a sign of linguistic vitality. If people didn’t care about language, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Ultimately, the goal of language is to facilitate communication. If words like "woke" are widely understood to mean social awareness, then insisting on a narrower definition risks disconnecting from the broader conversation. < Be honest, the next time you see someone using the word "woke", are you going to see it as an innocent term simply meaning "To be aware of social issues"... or are you going to look at it according to the original gnostic meaning of "Awakening to the power dynamics of the world and seizing the means of cultural production"? Honestly, the next time I see the word "woke," I’m going to interpret it based on context—because that’s how language functions. If someone uses "woke" in a casual conversation about social issues, I’ll understand it as "social awareness." If the term appears in a philosophical or academic context, I may consider its deeper roots or ideological implications. To assume one rigid interpretation regardless of context would actually hinder communication rather than facilitate it. After all, I doubt you apply a gnostic framework every time you hear someone describe a movie as "awesome," even though "awe" originally referred to divine reverence or terror (https://www.etymonline.com/word/awe). Context dictates meaning. Just as you likely wouldn’t correct someone for saying they "literally died laughing" in casual conversation, I won’t assume a gnostic lens every time "woke" is used. < "Agreeing to disagree" is a position only a coward takes because it shows that you'd rather agree to "get along" rather than take a firm position and stand to it. And it's this kind of mindset that has allowed society to become as terrible it has become. I disagree with this characterization of "agreeing to disagree." Recognizing that some debates don’t require absolute resolution isn’t cowardice—it’s pragmatism. By your standard, every academic disagreement in history should be viewed as a failure of courage. Scholars in philosophy, physics, and theology routinely agree to disagree on unresolved issues. Does that mean they lack conviction or that they respect the complexity of certain subjects? Engaging in endless ideological trench warfare over the meaning of a word rarely leads to productive outcomes. The fact that we’re having this exchange demonstrates mutual willingness to defend our positions—there’s no lack of standing firm here. < Once you start allowing language to be "Relative", all objective truth goes out the window because how can you be "right" or "wrong" if the meaning changes between persons? I think this is conflating objective truth with linguistic expression. Facts like gravity, mathematical principles, or historical events remain objective regardless of the words we use to describe them. For example: The fact: Water boils at 100°C at sea level. The framing: Some might call this "boiling," others "vaporization." The term might vary across languages or dialects, but the physical reality doesn’t change. The fluidity of language does not erode objective truth. It allows us to better articulate and expand on those truths across different contexts and cultures. Rigid language doesn’t guarantee accurate communication—it risks limiting expression. If one definition of "woke" dominates and excludes all others, we lose the ability to engage with people who use the word differently. < Grey's Law: "Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice." I’m familiar with Grey’s Law, but I don’t believe it applies here. Grey’s Law highlights how seemingly malicious actions can stem from ignorance or systemic failures. It doesn’t argue for rigid adherence to language. In this context, assuming malice or manipulation from evolving language ignores the organic nature of linguistic change. Most shifts in language aren’t orchestrated—they emerge naturally as people adapt words to suit new ideas and technologies. If anything, assuming malicious intent behind language shifts could lead to unnecessary paranoia. A simpler explanation (Hanlon’s Razor) might suggest that language changes because people innovate, borrow, and simplify for efficiency—not to manipulate or deceive. < And that's the part that I refuse to move past regarding this discussion. These words do have meaning, and they have specific, rigid definitions... I respect your perspective, but I think this reflects a philosophical difference in how we view language. You see rigidity as a safeguard against manipulation, while I view flexibility as a tool for better communication. However, I’d caution against overstating the rigidity of definitions. Even scientific terms evolve as understanding progresses. For instance: "Planet" once had a specific definition that excluded Pluto, leading to reclassification (https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/dwarf-planets/pluto/overview/). If even scientific communities can redefine terms based on new knowledge, it highlights that language adapts to reflect contemporary understanding. < How can you be against or deny such nice-sounding ideas as "Being aware of social issues"? Don't you want society to "improve"? If so, how can you possibly be against "woke"? I’m not against the idea of social awareness, and I think that’s where our perspectives align. The concern you’re raising—that language can mask manipulative agendas—is valid in certain contexts. However, I don’t believe dismissing or rigidly defining terms is the solution. Yes, words can be weaponized or co-opted, but the antidote is critical thinking and open dialogue, not static definitions. Addressing issues of manipulation or bad faith requires nuance, not absolutism. In short—I want society to improve, but I believe progress comes through discussing and negotiating language, not freezing it in place.
Sorry, I used the wrong symbol for quotations, but I hope you still get what I meant
just imagine, there's anon. probably ~20, writing nonsense nobody care about, thinking he's super smart and cool anon, please find job/hobby/friends and stop shitting in vore treads, move to /pol/
nevermind, just click expand text button NIGGA, STOP WRITING ESSAY IN VORE THREAD, GET A FUCKING LIFE
what's the likely hood this thread gets deleted if this continues?
>>64500 >The shift in the meaning of "jealous" is a good example of semantic drift, but it doesn’t prove laziness Yes, it does. People took one word, started using it offhand as being synonymous with another entirely separate word that was only slightly different (Either as a joke or just lacking a better word in the moment), repeated ad nauseam, and now people try to use those incorrectly defined words to create contexts and meanings were none had previously existed nor was ever intended. >A similar shift happened with the word "nice," which originally meant "foolish" or "ignorant" in Middle English but evolved to mean "kind" or "pleasant" Nice is still used in it's original context quite often. Ever heard of the phrase "Nice guys finish last"? >If evolution in meaning is simply the result of ignorance, why does it happen across all languages and all time periods? Because the preservation of all knowledge is an impossibility. Even today with the internet, and some companies having entire farms filled with nothing but Perabytes of data, you cannot account for (For get even preserving) every single piece of knowledge that exists. So somethings fall through the cracks, including meanings and understandings. Think of it like how you have intellectuals who credit all of our "modern mathematics" as coming from the Muslims, only for historians having to come in and correct them with the detail that "Muslim mathematics" actually came from the Greeks and was only ever credited to the Muslims because (1) they provided us with our modern numbering system and (2) the "Muslim mathematics" was originally sourced from Grecian texts that were translated into Arabic and then reintroduced to later Grecian generations who had lost the knowledge of their forefathers in the chaos that ensured during the fall and split of the Roman Empire. But this is also assuming that it's just a ignorance that happens by accident rather than on purpose. >This usage is not limited to "idiots" but is commonly found in published literature, media, and even political speeches. Just because you're published or important doesn't make you "not" an idiot. There have been innumerable times that you've had absolutely brilliant people who have made some of the dumbest comments to ever exist. >I agree that expanding vocabulary is beneficial, but semantic drift doesn’t reduce vocabulary—it expands it by creating additional meanings. It also opens up the possibility of malicious intent. As it allows for people to begin providing their own "special" meanings that only they and their own group understand. So they and outsiders and can having the same conversation, using the same exact words, but mean something entirely different. But that's also assuming that the person is trying to hide their intent. >When “jealous” gained connotations of “envy,” the older meaning didn’t disappear. Yes, it did. Because you have a lot of very vain and petty people who constantly used it as an argument to "own" the Christians about how evil and self-centered their God is. It's only after people began calling this laziness out that things have begun to revert. >If Twain was guilty of this, then so are many of the literary giants we admire. Yes and? >The coexistence of meanings adds nuance, rather than diminishing precision. It also opens the possibility for words and meanings to be hijacked. >If Shakespeare’s language can now be revered despite being considered lowbrow at the time, doesn’t that prove how perceptions—and by extension, language—evolve? Not really. If anything, it's an example of people who praise something just because it's old or foreign. Think of it like all the people who idolize the Eastern philosophies like Taoism and Buddhism, but refuse to actually practice the beliefs and implications of those ideologies beyond having just a bumper sticker mentality about it. Not to mention people just being guilty of following along and believing what they're told. For example the film Citizen Kane is considered to be the "greatest" movie ever created, but if actually sit back and watch it, it's actually a very predictable and average movie. And if you actually ask people about what about the movie makes it so "great", they cannot tell you. I can understand a lot of the reasons why the film is historically important, same can be said of Shakespeare, but that doesn't make it good or something to be revered. >His contribution to English vocabulary shows that even "mass media" can shape the evolution of language positively. Yes, by adding new words. >The fact that people feel the need to defend or resist linguistic changes is evidence that language is fluid. How? >Contestation is part of evolution No, it's not. Evolution doesn't care about contestant, all it cares about is survival. Rather ironically, the phrase "survival of the fittest" is an unscientific logic because if what was true, humanity wouldn't be here. We are unironically and literally the dumbest and stupidest species on our planet. Don't believe me? What "intelligent" species would come to the "reasonable" and "sane" conclusions that the "safest" way to reach the moon is to strap ourselves to a bomb with an explosive yield of 500 tons of TNT? >However, the existence of global temperature rise is a measurable fact What's wrong with temperatures rising? >The words we use to describe these facts may differ, but the underlying data remains constant. No, it doesn't. Otherwise scientists who were the darlings of the media yesteryear for reporting that storms are getting "worse" wouldn't immediately be declared as "climate deniers" for reproducing their experiments and coming to the conclusion that their results were actually incorrect. If you want to discuss more about this, can we take this to another thread or board as this is not the best topic for this kind of discussion? Especially considering that this started as a conversation about linguistics. >Language helps us articulate complex phenomena, but disagreements over terminology don’t invalidate the facts themselves. Yes, it does. For example, are you talking about "Man-made" climate change or "Natural" climate change? Again, can we take this topic to another thread? >The phrase "keep and bear arms" itself has been the focus of extensive legal and academic discourse. What does "shall not be infringed" mean? Because it seems pretty cut and dry. >The existence of differing legal rulings over the years proves that even seemingly straightforward text can yield various meanings. Or it could mean that you have people who are trying to intentionally misinterpret the words on a page in order to get the result that they want. After all, people do it all the time in statics. Every hear of "Hollywood accounting": https://infogalactic.com/info/Hollywood_accounting >A million people can indeed be wrong about scientific or historical facts, but language is not governed by objective correctness. Yes it is. >It is a social construct—meaning is determined by collective agreement. No, it's not. >If enough people use "woke" to mean "socially aware," that becomes its meaning, whether or not it aligns with niche academic definitions. No, it doesn't. >By your logic, should we return to that definition and reject its modern gendered usage? We could and go back to using the word "lass", but then you'll have the Feminists screeching about how "sexist" that is. >Debate over meaning is not evidence of societal decline Yes, it is. >Ultimately, the goal of language is to facilitate communication. If words like "woke" are widely understood to mean social awareness, then insisting on a narrower definition risks disconnecting from the broader conversation.
[Expand Post]Because it should be. "Woke" is an example of a word that exists as coded language. Do you not remember how, prior to the past decade, the Political Left recoiled whenever someone said the word "Woke" so casually? And now you're saying it so casually, despite the word having an already established deeper meaning. >Honestly, the next time I see the word "woke," I’m going to interpret it based on context—because that’s how language functions. No, it doesn't. There's a reason specific words are used in conversations and situations. The definition doesn't suddenly "change" because you're in a different context. If someone is using the word "Woke", they're doing it for a specific purpose. In fact, why would someone specifically be saying "woke" in a conversation over something else like simply saying that you're being aware of politic and social issues? >After all, I doubt you apply a gnostic framework every time you hear someone describe a movie as "awesome," I would apply cynicism actually because there's very few movies I would describe as "awesome" and just assume that the person is suffering from an emotional high rather than objective. The original Iron Man from 2008 would be one where I think that description fits in regards to capeshit. >Context dictates meaning. We are not Japanese, no it doesn't. >Recognizing that some debates don’t require absolute resolution isn’t cowardice—it’s pragmatism. No, it's a cowardly tactic used to exit a debate because you either (A) cannot convince the other person to agree with any of your points or (B) show you are incapable of understanding the opposing argument even if your disagree with it. There are numerous points I could make for "your side" of the argument that I would actually agree with it and can defend, though I should point out that none of the arguments you have presented are topics I can agree with regarding the argument. >By your standard, every academic disagreement in history should be viewed as a failure of courage. Yes. Disagreement isn't the issue, it's failure in trying to understand (If not the argument) the logic behind the opposition. I have almost never had arguments ever get this far on the internet (When talking to someone from an opposing ideological view) because the opposing person usually bails the moment I ask for them to actual explain themselves (Or the mods shut it down for being (((non-kosher))) discussion). >Does that mean they lack conviction Yes. >Engaging in endless ideological trench warfare over the meaning of a word rarely leads to productive outcomes. Only if you're not willing to attempt to understand how and why someone came to the conclusion that they did.
>>64537 >Facts like gravity, mathematical principles, or historical events remain objective regardless of the words we use to describe them. No, they don't. 2 + 2 + [Communist enthusiasm] = 5. The American Revolution was a war over slavery and had nothing ideological about it. You can disagree with these assertions, but it's all relative so it doesn't matter if you do. Because that's your "truth", meanwhile the mathematical equation I provided was the "truth" for the USSR (Yes, it was a real campaign) and the reframing of the American Revolution is the "truth" provided by the Critical Race Theorists in charge of the 1619 Project. >The fact: Water boils at 100°C at sea level. That's a relative "truth" only present in your bourgeois science that one can only find in Capitalist countries. Meanwhile the superior Soviet science of Lysenkoism has the superior "truth" that water boils because we demand it to boil because man can conquer and defeat nature. >If one definition of "woke" dominates and excludes all others, we lose the ability to engage with people who use the word differently. Then those people need to educate themselves. This is a requirement in every field of work. Where everywhere you go, you learn a different vocabulary and jargon for the kind of labor your performing. Often times, you're just relearning words because the meanings are the same with only the actual term being different, but that is still a requirement you have to undergo if you want to be able to communicate ideas. >Grey’s Law highlights how seemingly malicious actions can stem from ignorance or systemic failures. No, it's the declaration that there is zero distinction if an act is done maliciously or out of stupidity, the result and the solution are the same regardless. >Most shifts in language aren’t orchestrated Yes, they are. >If anything, assuming malicious intent behind language shifts could lead to unnecessary paranoia. Why is it "unnecessary"? >A simpler explanation (Hanlon’s Razor) might suggest that language changes because people innovate, borrow, and simplify for efficiency—not to manipulate or deceive. And that is why I brought up Grey's Law. >Even scientific terms evolve as understanding progresses. No, they don't. People who actually perform science are very rigid in their definitions because nothing about the facts and laws of the universe has changed since the dawn of time. Meanwhile changes like how Pluto is a planet, but then it really isn't, but now it's something called a "Plutiod", or that fabled "Planet X" that I keep hearing about, are nothing more than attempts to control people. If not for ideological purposes, at least for financial purposes. Because you don't want to be "dismissed" as talking about pseudo-science and going against the "Scientific Consensus", do you? >The concern you’re raising—that language can mask manipulative agendas—is valid in certain contexts No, it's valid in every context. >Yes, words can be weaponized or co-opted, but the antidote is critical thinking and open dialogue, not static definitions. And while you're wasting your time arguing over someone having an "incorrect understanding" of the term they are using despite going straight to the source and explaining exactly what the words means and it's purpose, the people manipulating the language to suite their malicious intents have already moved on and started butchering other words. >but I believe progress comes through discussing and negotiating language, not freezing it in place. Yes it is. Or do you want to be the next intellectual who attempts to make a literally racist language like Jive just because them niggers are "too stupid" to learn a "hard" language like English? >>64501 I've had how many typos in my posts and you think I give a shit?
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enjoy and have a nice life
Hell yeah finally vore
good story, but farting is ruining it
(3.99 MB 1182x2823 Violet end as DinoShit.png)

here's another one, it's edited but it's good
'Tis a Christmas miracle!
>>59228 your dream becomes true my friend
>>64560 Finally no more bitching about politics for 5 second.... Oh and the vore is finally here too
Merry Christmas, chucklefucks!
(4.89 MB 4500x3000 afsfsagwsacsa.png)

Merry Christmas. May Jesus save you from sin, and God have mercy on your soul. Only took you 606 days to leak something of mine. Thanks for the 8$ anon, I'm going to lower the price of it on ejunkie now that I got your money.
>>64584 Eh, the stuff could’ve been better. It feels samey.
>>64584 Why’d you keep count for?
>>64621 keep talking to him will benefit for him to the essays
best way is to ignore them
get some get some
>>64622 May I have some more context?
the guy said if you keep talking to the guy, he will continue to write a way long essay about non vore contents so the best way is to keep quiet and ignore him
>>64629 So ignore artca? Just making sure, so I know best I plan is.
>>64630 >>64629 so I know what the plan is.*
Bump for newest chapter
>>65860 no one cares anymore
(14.85 MB CH 2 - Bear.pdf)

(14.50 MB CH 1 - Horse.pdf)

I have more saved on my pc including gas variants
Gotta be mindful of the file size limit
Still more
Had to shrink these two PDF’s so sorry if that messes with quality
I am now experiencing internet issues, however I do have some more files I’ll have to post later, including 18 pages of Chapter 8 as well as all of the stories illustrated or otherwise. I normally wouldn’t mess around with boards like this, but I had been scouring for the bad ends for so long, having to finally see them here. See you whenever, and enjoy
I forgot just how insane the artca thread was

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