/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(894.80 KB 2754x2412 Malezor-285961-ghost gift.jpg)

Ghost Vore Thread Anonymous 10/05/2021 (Tue) 14:45:36 No. 1950
Post vore content with a ghost as the predator
(524.46 KB 1000x1500 Malezor-366688-patron 65.jpg)

(92.06 KB 1272x1092 cassy fat.png)

perfect vore type to have molly mcgee from the ghost and molly mcgee swallowed alive by scratch <3
(451.30 KB 1200x982 Tabris-488973-ghostVRnr01.png)

(459.61 KB 1200x982 Tabris-488985-ghostVRnr02.png)

(455.11 KB 1200x982 Tabris-489076-ghostVRnr03.png)

(6.75 MB 2480x3508 Varu-730945-001.jpg)

(892.43 KB 3168x2016 nightly haul.png)

(781.13 KB 3168x2016 nightly haul (smooth belly).png)

(1.39 MB 3168x4320 spook.png)

(1.84 MB 1100x1788 ClipboardImage.png)

theres no way out is there...
>>6031 All Luigi needs to do is moonwalk outta there
(3.43 MB 4010x2911 Spirited Away.png)

(3.10 MB 6683x3996 Spelunker's Digest.png)

(232.08 KB 707x1000 ghost.jpg)

>>14803 artist of the yuki-ona pic

(621.90 KB 1600x1782 ELS3D-778893-Spooky.png)

Need more spooky vore
>>16444 Sauce on the second one anon
(658.94 KB 3901x3045 [tribalhunterghostqueen].png)

I suppose I should post a ghost I'm suprised does not have more vore content Seriously this ghost boss from Tribal hunter? It's actually the good shit, especially in motion - I'm honestly baffled she never got much art attention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7CUmFBLJ4c -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93QRrZA59ts -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tOQT-N2p28
(1.07 MB 1440x1440 HW2019.png)

>>19710 Someone posting my stuff and it's not me? Kinda crazy to me that people actually like my stuff enough to share. Here's a full quality version for anyone interested
A soft fuzzy Woman?
>>14807 Sauce
>>14807 Sauce?
(4.38 MB 4705x2250 CratedCheese-734685-rokuro.png)

Ghost girls are great, but I wish the artist would actually make an effort making them look scary or at least a bit creepy. It’s so tiresome that 95% of the content is just normal girls but pale or slightly see-through.
(189.80 KB 431x560 Golly gulps.gif)

(102.82 KB 900x1303 734336-89834-z69d2t-preview.jpg)

(47.48 KB 900x723 554240-45559-preview.jpg)

>>21792 Sorry these didn’t load
Do you think that there's a new fetish for Ghost Girls? What would it even be called? Ectophilliac?
(387.18 KB 1020x1020 NotNorrinRadd-571572-pinky.png)

(378.43 KB 1020x1020 NotNorrinRadd-571627-sue.png)

(426.95 KB 1020x1020 NotNorrinRadd-572126-spunky.png)

(119.73 KB 1280x1280 RoyalGhostGut.jpg)

(129.20 KB 1280x1280 RoyalGhostGut2.jpg)

(509.30 KB 1877x2048 FoOUdQUaUAAH8DB.jpeg)

Admit it, they're at least somewhat responsible for your tastes
>>25725 sauce for second pic?
(1.95 MB 3269x3535 mil amity ghostlunch.png)

>>27323 Diamonds
(418.08 KB 2784x3329 jaxbeef-939760-IMG_1891.png)

(259.16 KB 1728x1868 IMG_6937.jpeg)

(5.90 MB 5071x2800 IMG_6520.png)

(945.35 KB 600x800 SeekGr-923841-Ghost_7.png)

(2.39 MB 1000x1491 SeekGr-924427-Ghost_15+copy.png)

(1.81 MB 800x1352 SeekGr-925051-Ghost_5.png)

(1.85 MB 2724x1000 IMG_9969.png)

(1.03 MB 1520x1000 IMG_9970.png)

Image behind the spoilers is the same, but with disposal.
(2.38 MB 3856x3380 IMG_0772.png)

(3.17 MB 2381x2255 IMG_0750.png)

(4.09 MB 2907x1815 IMG_0744.png)

(721.36 KB 1800x1963 IMG_0759.png)

>>37422 F in the chat for the pizza boy. May he rest in peace.
(3.26 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963248-ellie7-1.png)

(11.57 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963249-ellie7-2.png)

(7.11 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-963250-ellie7-3.png)

(50.66 KB 437x619 GDzPMxubIAAW-_O.jpg)

(42.82 KB 437x619 GDzPMxqbUAAnvmr.jpg)

Something feels Different. Something is seeping into my code. I- | Kinda like it. It feels warm and fuzzy inside. So cozy and warm. So addictive. I love it.
>>14806 any clue who that first one is from ?
This thread is in need of some cute boo girl vore! <3
(1.16 MB 2480x3508 GNthsvUW0AEWaZL.jpg)

Dark gathering ep 18, there's a Giant Pregnant ghost woman that eats a Wraith Monk. This can count as a Giantess, Ghost pred?
(1.07 MB 1750x1102 Enzi-1021332-qONUgSIk_o.png)

(38.46 KB 458x532 20240625_134805.jpg)

(12.91 MB 4961x7016 Pack Halloween_005.png)

(12.70 MB 4961x7016 Pack Halloween_007.png)

(11.06 MB 4961x7016 Pack Halloween_011.png)

(3.53 MB 2480x3508 3-Fantasma.png)

(473.35 KB 1160x1160 FloatGhostSoft.png)

(487.80 KB 1160x1160 FloatGhostTight.png)

>>55397 What's the source?
>>55399 found it on ekas, artist is ModelOperator
Why has there been no vivian art on here yet?
(55.51 KB 512x512 JPEG image.jpeg)

It’s October everyone
>>55798 Because he's a boy
>>57630 this thread doesn't specify that the pred must be female, only that it needs to be a ghost. the first posts here are of male preds altough i think vivian's species are not supposed to be ghosts, but demons...
(1.30 MB 3508x2480 GZUht3OWUAA2onM.jfif)

(2.61 MB 3500x3247 midnite mass.png)

(2.49 MB 3500x3247 midnite belch.png)

Happy Halloween
>>61905 What?
(2.35 MB 1786x2241 Enzi-1077254-Enzicomm.png)

>>68224 So sad there's so little porn let alone vore of monster prom

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