/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Quality Vore Captions Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 07:43:04 No. 3094
Vore morphs/Photomanips/ Vore captions that are of quality and have some sort of caption or dialogue to add story, basically just the old thread from kun.
(2.94 MB 982x1280 Snapchat 53820.png)

(1.99 MB 998x1500 Warning.png)

There isn’t enough high quality manips around tbh, too many people just put text over a picture of a pregnant woman and call it a day
>>3171 The only two I know that make quality shit and are still active are Natolinnn2 and McV
(840.80 KB 768x510 ClipboardImage.png)

>>3171 just taking preg pics and slapping text on it is bad enough, but how do they have no fucking idea how to even make the text look good?
>>3267 FransicoFranco on Eka’s also does great work, he isn’t as active anymore but his stuff is top notch when he updates
(1.63 MB 852x1220 1623135364609.png)

(1.52 MB 1366x1366 1623125335209.png)

(2.99 MB 1536x2048 1608088178653.png)

(3.27 MB 1536x2048 1608088152836.png)

(1.08 MB 1280x853 1634288060362.png)

(1.19 MB 1280x853 1634368647115.png)

(1.15 MB 1280x853 1634456278413.png)

(815.40 KB 720x1080 1634545324065.png)

(167.49 KB 797x1200 dangling-snacks.jpg)

(295.19 KB 1000x1505 gulp.jpg)

(310.43 KB 1578x1080 mouth.jpg)

(1.88 MB 2600x1202 daughter copy.jpg)

(1.45 MB 1600x1122 bbwhoneymoon copy.jpg)

(1.90 MB 1066x1600 1 - Copy.png)

(1.83 MB 1066x1600 2 - Copy.png)

(2.49 MB 4342x1161 VO 304text.jpg)

>>3304 Had no idea shops could look this hot.
>>3162 Aww, so glad people still like my captions ;)
>>3344 The photo edit forum on Eka's is a goldmine
>>3356 link?
>>3304 these are fucking amazing, where did you get these?
(555.78 KB 2133x3000 astro-eats-escapee-part-1.jpg)

(632.94 KB 2100x3540 astro-eats-escapee-part-2.jpg)

(1.25 MB 2800x2339 the-hangry-giantess.jpg)

(674.65 KB 2704x1455 japanese-giantess-at-the-beach.jpg)

The only male pred or M/F vore morph I've ever seen.
(344.23 KB 640x1136 VO 315.jpg)

(344.75 KB 640x1136 VO 317.jpg)

(571.45 KB 640x1136 VO 316.jpg)

(535.27 KB 640x1136 VO 314.jpg)

(324.70 KB 640x1136 VO 319.jpg)

(336.34 KB 640x1136 VO 321.jpg)

(562.14 KB 640x1136 VO 318.jpg)

(508.54 KB 640x1136 VO 320.jpg)

(326.35 KB 640x1136 VO 323.jpg)

(567.21 KB 640x1136 VO 322.jpg)

(481.80 KB 640x1136 VO 324.jpg)

>>3304 Cool! My content made it out of ekas lmao
Would anyone be willing to do a set with Karin Spolnikova as a predator? https://vk.com/album-110092216_234384945
>>5377 Got the sauce?
(38.90 KB 402x600 7.jpg)

(175.00 KB 450x600 18.jpg)

(62.36 KB 500x667 zb266.jpg)

(139.13 KB 400x600 belly6.jpg)

(158.90 KB 400x600 belly5.jpg)

(160.47 KB 838x960 zb132.jpg)

(181.25 KB 540x720 zb108.jpg)

(112.09 KB 364x500 28.jpg)

(946.69 KB 1113x1488 Snapchat2.jpg)

(84.89 KB 471x960 zb106.jpg)

>>7326 >Ankha and Isabelle vore in photo morph form This is great, but the badly recolored nipples are a little distracting, and "tights" instead of thighs.
>>7363 Fixed
>>7354 >>7354 parallendicular made the best vore manips ive seen on the internet hands down
>>3267 wasn't here a tread on eak's were there were more vore web-sites the that one
(2.76 MB 1280x720 720P_4000K_312662191.mp4)

yo where the fat preds at
Keeping the thread alive. Photomorphs are so underrated
>>10455 source? this edit is fucking amazing
>>10498 Oh the source is me! Natolin/Natolinn2 :D
>>10502 do more plz
Really sucks there are so few oral morphers left… seems like it’s just like… Natolinn2, Ryanshow and Swallowedalivelivinginsideyou :(
>>10592 Check out DeviantArt, there are quite a number of good morphers on there
(171.79 KB 286x600 putmeinyourbellycaption.png)

Years ago there used to be someone on DA, tumblr, and Eka's called "Putmeinyourbelly". They basically nuked all their accounts years ago, but you can still find some of their content on a Google search from someone reposting their content on Tumblr. Forgot I had this one pic by them, can't remember the original title. In any case I couldn't find it anywhere online, so enjoy.
>>3304 The artist that made these has shared all their content in a mega folder - they stopped doing captions recently unfortunately and just do edits and manips but the edits are some top tier stuff https://mega.nz/folder/eEo0TbxQ#p_e321MP_iZwn74woacHiw
(142.75 KB 1080x1350 FP2wG6hX0AQwa3b.jpg)

Does anybody happen to have Jimjon101's old manips? I'm pretty sure it's him, can't find the thread anymore on ekas to save my life. It started out with some girl eating somebody on their birthday and painting their room, then forgetting about them and digesting them in a second Pic. Also some Asian girl with a glorious ass talking about willingly eating you. Also had a sort of young looking actor digesting somebody in a pool. May be a better place for this since it's missing media but all well.
(4.50 MB 2880x1920 1.choose.png)

(4.75 MB 2880x1920 2.Bad End.png)

(1.81 MB 1920x1080 caption10.png)

(3.32 MB 1868x4096 Vore Caption Contest 2.jpg)

i like vore captions so let's keep this going
(8.56 MB 4052x2069 VO 248Text.jpg)

>>18653 *scr.ap.ed wordfilters are 4cuck shit.
(233.88 KB 1500x1900 Gutslut.jpg)

one that i made, and if i know how to would make a .gif so that she would digest
>>18669 *and if i know how to i would make it a .gif so that she would digest
>>18670 Go ahead and make the modifications, then use gif maker or something else. and boom there it is.
(11.02 MB 947x1200 Gutslut.gif)

>>18683 thanks for telling a site to do it
>>18669 where was the original picture from?
>>18669 >>18685 She doesn't look very happy about it
>>18746 https://aryion.com/g4/view/617855 >>18750 no she isn't, but her pred is
(114.01 KB 1080x770 boob vore interview.jpg)

something that i made
>>18751 thank you. is there two others like the gif above showed?
>>18819 they are somewhere but i have no idea where
>>18669 do you have the originals (without the words) of the other two pics you made the gif of? I would like to see them if it's alright.
(123.98 KB 1500x1900 3_internal.jpg)

(175.33 KB 1500x1900 1_internal.jpg)

(161.52 KB 1500x1900 2_internal.jpg)

>>18826 thank you!
another vore caption that i made
>>18887 added a black backroad to make it easier to read
(498.67 KB 924x1024 POV.jpg)

Does any one have Faggot's manip pic called "Morph 2" it was removed on deviantart
>>19768 Forgot the "auto-correct" lol, I'm talking about B.i.g.B.i.g
(122.66 KB 712x1000 Classmate anal fun.jpg)

i made a new caption
(123.03 KB 712x1000 Classmate anal fun.jpg)

>>19791 i did some miner fixes to it
(122.54 KB 712x1000 Classmate anal fun.jpg)

>>3136 I still want the sauce on that gif
(219.73 KB 1225x1083 Sonia's slutty offer.jpg)

(1.00 MB 3000x2000 Beach pred to prey poop.jpg)

some more that i made
>high quality
anyone wanna cap this?
(21.07 MB 4337x4190 VO 257Text.jpg)

(24.41 MB 4585x6437 VO 261altright.jpg)

>>22756 Sauce?
>>23053 >>23053 Love seeing my work pop up here
(908.29 KB 640x1136 BellFrog2.1.jpg)

asked in another thread who redirected me to here. anyone know who made these? theyre hot as fuck
>>24525 That would be Chazdude43 on Eka's Link to his archive from Eka's https://mega.nz/folder/eEo0TbxQ#p_e321MP_iZwn74woacHiw
(15.14 MB 2730x4096 VO 280altright.jpg)

(561.99 KB 640x1136 lostandfound1.jpg)

(23.64 MB 6260x3779 VO 275altright.jpg)

more from VO
Anyone's got VOLUPTUOSDVOUR comics like this one? https://www.deviantart.com/voluptuosdvour/art/Sisters-Triple-Date-Dinner-746848450 They dissapeared a while back and there's no way to access the comics anymore
I found this guy on deviantart, ai art really starting to taking over.
Missed this one so here you go1
One more
>>28339 >>28340 >>28341 Appreciated.
(204.71 KB 965x1577 AskMe.jpg)

(59.97 KB 497x731 ClearedBeach.jpg)

(215.63 KB 1076x1384 Bad Day.jpg)

(60.75 KB 574x718 FakeBills.jpg)

(69.44 KB 900x675 Late.jpg)

KittyBoi/KittyBoiCubed makes some pretty good ones. Some with disposal too which is pretty rare
(57.68 KB 720x405 Coaxed.jpg)

(110.29 KB 1280x853 PartnerSwapping.jpg)

(96.79 KB 665x1000 Pre-Stuffed.jpg)

(120.96 KB 680x1024 WashingMachine.jpg)

(261.55 KB 1134x2048 Crushing.jpg)

(2.39 MB 1216x1696 VO 364altright.jpg)

(11.22 MB 2604x3456 VO 365altright.jpg)

(24.82 MB 5307x3537 VO 369altright.jpg)

(307.26 KB 397x550 prego prey slut 1.png)

(284.74 KB 397x550 prego prey slut 2.png)

(253.35 KB 397x550 prego prey slut 3.png)

(109.29 KB 397x550 prego prey slut 4.png)

(212.64 KB 485x1034 prego prey slut 5.png)

don't know if yall would consider this quality but it's a form of edit/caption that I always have liked
(11.84 MB 3915x2132 VO 394altright.jpg)

>>34085 Need to know WHO made these ASAP. These are godly
(6.24 MB 1989x2830 VO 456altright.jpg)

(6.16 MB 1989x2830 VO 456altrightext.jpg)

>>36211 Do you have any more from the guy who made that first one? Swear he was on DA but his account and all his shit got deleted.
(9.01 MB 3024x3543 wifebackshots2text.png)

(684.14 KB 716x863 wifebackshots1text.png)

(867.80 KB 642x856 imogenize_edit.png)

There are basically no edits of Imogenize and that's a tragedy
>>26039 They're back now with a new bundle; including all comics and extra morphs if anyone's interested https://voluptuosdvour.e-junkie.com/product/1847225/The-Vore-Pack-Volume-1-Extra-Large-Edition
>>48982 Any anons willing to get it and share?
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Wgi1ktC6He8yuBmvDpIk8qV-kIhY_Z5G This is a Google Drive folder I created, it's full of Caption Vore. Make yourself at home.
Does any one have more of Kass-it’s awesome vore gifs?
>>61765 Yeah, actually, does anyone have or know of an archive of Kass-iss's stuff?
>>61741 Bless your heart
Me too!
Anyone know what happened with hg1337343’s stuff? The old mega folder was completely wiped.
>>65984 You mean this folder? aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9ENVl6bFk2USNsWjVJSURsRktIdmNyWlFlR0xGVldR
Where does VO post now?
>>62052 It's a shame that dominant women dont exist. Imagine dating a girl who actually wants too vore you. That'd be hot as fuck.
(722.97 KB 640x1136 VO 592altrightsc.jpg)

(930.66 KB 640x1136 VO 622altright.jpg)

>>66108 There are still postings on DeviantArt, but under: https://www.deviantart.com/vo-photoshopz but all the uncensored stuff is on there, blogger: https://vo-photoshop.blogspot.com/?zx=eb2d20446efa3bdf
>>66142 Thank you for the answer
Does anyone remember SteggtheKegg’s stuff? I haven’t seen their stuff since it was nuked from DA by their staff.
has anyone had any luck using AI to assist with manips? i made some half decent manips many years ago but if the aislop can help me with the belly bumps and shading i might get back into it.
>>66344 I've experimented with inpainting and stable diffusion with vore loras but the results always need additional work because they come out too lumpy or glossy half the time.
>>24575 The link don't work
>>65996 I can't decode the link
>>68071 Now yes

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