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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

My Little Pony Vore Thread Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 16:38:22 No. 5354
Post My Little Pony vore content
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>>5603 >>5604 >>5605 >>5606 >>5607 >>5608 >>5609 >Chrysalis pred >gets larger and larger This is the best MLP vore
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>>8088 no don't leak that one, it will be free eventually like all their previous ones. those guys actually do good consumer processes, so let the artists make their money, it's only been out 4 days. and it will be released free eventually, so you just have to be patient.
Yeah don't leak that Pony Pack. As long as they keep making the full pack and it's Mega Zip free after like 4 months, no reason to make them regret it. Honestly wish more artists worked like that, making their packs free after like 6 months to a year or something.
>>8121 >>8137 shut the fuck up, samefag. >>8088 seconding this.
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>>8182 yeah not the same person, we both just that the reasonable opinion on the matter. There is no point leaking something that is going to be free in 6 to 8 months, especially if it helps out the already shrinking pool of active pony artists.
>>8187 Cope harder, samefag.
>>8202 your the only one seething about being told to learn some simple patience
Any pics of Chrysalis nomming Cozy Glow?
>>8228 Thanks bruv. Love it >>8203 >no u! lmao cope
tbh im pretty sure this pack violates the mlp trademark, which is illegal lmao, you cant sell fanart of trademarked or copyrighted properties
>>8236 thats not how trademark works lmao
>>8271 selling fanart of trademarked properties is illegal, it literally takes a single google search you're either one of the artists in denial or a soycuck fan trying to suck up to them lmao
>>8273 then why aren't most artists being sued out their asses clearly hasbro doesn't care enough to enforce it
>>8236 >>8271 >>8273 >>8337 Not a lawyer but fan work is covered by a "gentleman's agreement" understanding between copyright holder and fans. Hasbro's within their legal right to send a cease and desist or pursue legal action, but they don't because fan works don't compete with Hasbro products and most are "off brand" enough to not confuse consumers. A rare example of Hasbro sending a C&D was Them Fightin Herds when was still a MLP themed fighting game, because the project was high profile and of high enough quality that there would be concerns of consumer confusion and hurting the brand reputation. Unless there's a risk of competition or market confusion, legal action against fan work is rarely considered beneficial to most copyright holders.
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>>8348 yeah pretty much, i doubt they'd care about a microscopic vore pack, something like oversexed eeveelutions got dmca'd because of the popularity btw pls post mlp content, malding artists is funny and all but this thread has derailed
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does anyone have School Takeover and Detention by Marceber on Ekas? seems like they took those stories down and i can't find them anywhere.
Could anybody, please, share this artpack? https://aryion.com/g4/view/836062 Especially animation (it's sad, that even patrons of these artist have to wait for public release).
>>22106 I did not mean to fucking send that shit
perhaps anyone still have PonyThroat past works and old seb11114 animations?
>>22105 Yea, I don't like art packs too, but not because of patreon thing and all, but because you should buy all stuff together. It doesn't matter whether you like only one or two artists from the pack and want to give them money and support them - buy all of them, or don't buy at all.
>>22105 Have you bought it yet? If anybody here have seen it, can you tell is it worth it or no? Is it better or on the same level as last year Halloween one from blueblaze?
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Cozy Glow is such a good pred, evil tip top qt.
>>30393 I for one are still hoping for an image of Cheeselegs growing tired of Cozys antics and devouring her on the spot. Maybe after they share the bell's power so she gets Cozys part as well (by digesting her)
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>>30406 You wouldn't ever catch me advocating for anything Cozysub myself. Hell I'd sooner push for Cozy eating Chryssy! That sounds like something you'd need to commission or get drawn for you, I don't think it will occur naturally in the wild. But stealing magic power through digestion sounds fun
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>>30456 This so much. I want this evil little filly to gulp me down and gurgle me so bad. Cozy is a top tier pred. Need to be digested by her!
>>30456 Understandable. I wouldn't mind the reverse scenario either. Just any horngy interaction between these 2 character would already be s-tier to me. Personally, I just prefer traditional pred-to-prey sizes, and I think Shrabby (and I'm not joking, the official mlp comic) wired my brain to fall in love with Chrissy going vorno on fillies.
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>>30474 Twilight and co. should be so lucky for the honor of a burial of being pushed out their empress' butt~ >>30484 I agree with the size thing, and any instance where pred is smaller, I usually handwave something to make the eaten party smaller. I know exactly what you're talking about with the official comic, she has a sexy, bestial vibe to her in that Andy Price comic—it isn't a stretch to imagine her eating a pony in that portrayal.
>>30512 Yeah, right? The comic made her so vorny lmao. I like how the comic just casually drops "oh yeah, chrissy and her changelings may have eaten an entire species of magical feral cats" as a joke. And then they have this brutal panel. Imagine seeing this in the show haha. I'm also fully convinced that she would've straight up eaten the CMC if Twinkie and her posse hadn't arrived in time (which is another scenario I would loooove to see fanart of).
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Bad end and good end. Which is which is up to you
>>30526 I only see good end and gooder end here.
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>>30512 So much honor of being added to her thicc filly flanks~
>>30522 >M6 arrive just in time for the treat of a particularly loud gurgle from a lounging Chryssy's soft, fat, ```uniform``` belly. Hope she'll be ready for some particularly motivated enemy horses. If she is, she'll have a victory feast to last her a week. Not particularly vorish, but I always liked my Chryssy wins to include a forever enthralled Twilight, to dote over her new queen. The succubus-like angle was always hot to me, and could be weaved into a vore end to change the flavor.
>>30551 I can definitely get behind the succubutte angle. It's been drawn pretty well in a number of pics. I also like to imagine that her hunger is so ravenous that she eats members of her horde every (other) day. But she produces enough eggs that it evens out. (I like to think that Salazzles do the same thing) Also, luv the Flubbers pic. Don't think I've seen it before. AV is unf and the Changeling pushing her inside is cute and hot. Just gotta watch out not to push too hard, otherwise Cheeselegs is getting a double meal.
>>30536 Needs to be way more vore with filly preds getting thicc as hell
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>>30569 Aside from Cozy, I always thought Sweetie made a good filly pred. There's always been something mistress-y about her. When she opens wide and commands you to get in, you obey. >"There's a good little snack. Have a fun trip through my body!"
>>30604 Oh, agree on that. BlueBlaze’s animation where Sweetie tele-vored Twilight is one of my favorites. Makes me wish we saw Sweetie turning the rest of the six into mega filly flanks and lug em around
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>>30607 Agree on the Blueblaze anim. Shame he doesn't do ponies (aside from anthro) anymore, let alone fillies. Some folks that used to do fils back in the day have since gone quiet. I've always had this idea in mind, during a Breezie migration, Sweetie takes advantage to indulge in something she's found out she rather enjoys. I always see this image of a Breezie lounging about on a flower, and a familiar silhouette rises up behind him/her, revealing Rarity's little sister right before the chomp. The migration is a prime time for Breezie's natural predators to come out and fill their tums, of course.
There's a video from like 10 years ago made by PreggoAppleBloom about Starfire eating a buff pony, does anyone have it saved? The thumbnail image is still pretty easy to find, and the link to the video is even in the description, but the link's been dead for ages. https://www.deviantart.com/preggoapplebloom/art/Vore-Belly-Starfire-559200044
>>30604 out of the cmc, she definitely has the biggest pred energy. would love to see her gettin some revenge on cozy (and all the bully characters)
There are some cool animations similar to Blueblaze's stuff: https://twitter.com/BlopFry By the way, has anybody seen stuff from this artpack? Is it good? https://twitter.com/CrazyWater3/status/1587139670344978436
>>30526 Everyone knows it isn't real vore unless they turn to soup
>>30925 (I'm very biased but) To me, vore without digestion is like porn without a climax. It lacks the perfect finish.
>>30474 >After a long chase she finally has you cornered >all you can do is cry for help and she LOVES that >and no one can save you from that growing filly's digestive tract Man villains are such fun preds, and cute and evil is such a good combo in Cozy's case.
Has somebody images from this pack? A lot of time has passed.
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Derpibooru is the best place for MLP vore. It's as good as Eka and in some ways better since it also has many deleted deviant art and Eka posts and a great search system. https://derpibooru.org/search?q=vore

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