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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Neuro art and sketches archive Anonymous 08/15/2024 (Thu) 06:53:30 No. 53816
Thread to post art made by Neuro on Aryion, Pixiv, Deviant art and Twitter since they nuked their accounts.
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Has anyone got any infomation on why this artist nuked ? Or is it the usual "Artist self nuking problem without warning because screw you all" ? either way dang it.
boredom would be my guess
>>53838 So far no idea. Managed to find some art on the wayback machine, ill post it later
Got these pics from Google Images. Unfortunately, most of these are lower resolution copies. Would be great to have higher resolutions for these, especially for the Meal in Abyss one. I have a request. Does anyone have a copy of the Tyranid T'au vore comic sketch by snifer25? Neuro had it in his gallery on Aryion as some kind of trade or something
I've got more pictures. Sourced from Google images like last time so some are low resolution copies >>54223 Thank you very much
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>>53838 More or less.
>>53818 >>53820 The real question is if anyone saved the story descriptions that went with these.
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>>53823 >A gym leader never gets days off. Their employees do, from cleaning staff to subordinate trainers. Even for national and regional holidays, they still work hard serving to protect their cities and raise up the next generation of Pokémon champions. >So nobody was there that fateful holiday to see the horror of a defeated Skyla begging for help as an Eelektross feasted on her. >>53824 >>53817
>>53936 >Rumors of a series of mysterious disappearances had been circulating about; tales of beautiful women going missing around some kind of shady biotech complex deep in the forest. Suspecting the worst, the renowned heroes of Team RWBY take it upon themselves to investigate; only to find out exactly how these women have been disappearing, close up and personal… >Tuned for rapid nutrient absorption, the frogs eagerly gorges themselves on the defeated and stripped team. Weiss lasted eight hours before expiry, likely due to her weakened aura from battling security. Ruby, twenty-five, and Blake thirty, with Yang surviving a whopping forty-nine hours. Their entries logged, and their clothing and weapons left strewn about in the Grimm-infested forest, the biotech company checked the last boxes: critical success, and ready for sale!
Low-res. >Hoping to find one of the elusive Victreebel colonies, the image of the perfect picture set upon Perrin’s mind. Who knows how many pitcher plant Pokémon there could be, tucked away in some strange, undocumented community? To see nature in its fullest - now that was a shot she couldn’t pass up. Following the rumors, she trekked deep into the jungle. She knew she was close, the saccharine scent of honey growing ever-stronger. The hallmark of a Victreebel! It was how they attracted prey, after all… >But Victreebels are not peaceful creatures. Perhaps if Perrin had not been so eager, she would have thought about their hunting tactics more. >The haunting footage of her camera, lost in the struggle, captured her final moments before she sunk into the Victreebel’s eager stomach. Morbidly, it would capture every moment of her digestion - from tight, screaming bulge to a shapeless slush. >It ran out of battery soon after.
>>54590 Stunningly, the download button on the Wayback'd Aryion page actually fucking works.
Sometimes. Oh well. Greentext in order of appearance. >Cynthia and Lusamine opted to get away from the business of daily life, looking to catch some sun on Sinnoh’s golden beaches. Such was their want for some relaxation, that they agreed to a cease-fire and left their Pokéballs back in the tree line. >A decision that would prove to be quite foolish. For not long after, two peckish Ekans found the blonde bombshells completely defenseless… - >This Halloween, two sorority girls learn that their skimpy succubus and cowprint bikini outfits and rocking bods might attract the wrong kind of attention, the hard way. And unfortunately for them, they won’t have another Halloween to learn from their mistake. Seems they’ll be the treats this year~ - >Olrock Manor, estate of the esteemed Jade Olrock, is the envy of many. Humans look on in jealousy at the extreme wealth and power that Ms. Jade holds, epitomized in Olrock Manor's tall windows and opulent architecture. Although she does not conduct her business dealings there, it is the pride of Ms. Jade as the daughter of the illustrious Melody Olrock, the symbol of her family's continued legacy. >However, in the eyes of others, it is an object of greed and gluttony. For the Olrock Manor hires only female maids, and Ms. Jade does not hire them only for their professional capability. It is rumored among politically opposed circles that she intentionally hires the bustiest, curviest women she can find for one purpose only: to keep the eyes of predators off of herself. Indeed, Ms. Jade is easily one of the most sultry women who still lives outside of a carnivore's stomach. But she is sharper than she may appear. Although she herself dresses quite modestly, she requires her maids wear skimpy lingerie. Thus the predators are more than happy to feast on a stray maid's jiggling girl meat, away from Ms. Olrock. >But lately, they've been growing bolder, and even now have begun to infiltrate Olrock Manor... - >Her fat ass had managed to stave off the inevitable, the stomach entrance working overtime to try and heave her through. It was enough to even give her hope, despite the crushing tightness, and holding tightly to her phone, tried to text someone for help. But even her bubble butt wasn't enough to stop the ways of nature from overtaking her. The moment her pink-tipped melons touched the sizzling stomach acids, she instantly realized that her doom was upon her. Frantically, she tried to send something, anything that could help her get out. >But her phone replied: no signal. Already her huge E-cup tits, which had turned so many heads in her lifetime, were beginning to digest. White-hot pain seared through her chest as her skin turned a violent shade of red, then yellow as creamy skin peeled back to reveal her generous reservoirs of milky, high-quality fat. She realized that she would not die old and surrounded by loved ones. She would die here, in the belly of an uncaring meat-eater. Because that is all she was. Meat. - >When it comes to a snake's palate, fashion models are the equivalent of prime-grade meat. Sporting flavorful marbled muscles and fat deposits so excessive that they wobble - no other food can compete. Indeed, a well-kept secret of the fashion industry is that directors love to keep pet snakes in order to deal with unruly models. For if a model changes agencies, she risks taking her fanbase with her - and so better it is to force her into "retirement". And Dahlia was about to retire early.
>>54037 >>54223 >She rent the worms apart with her bare hands, cursing her lack of foresight. Every second Ozen spent in the grime was another in danger, as she felt the odd properties of the filth draining the power from her relics. These bizarre creatures seemed to produce the stuff, even revel in it. But she couldn’t fall here… she couldn’t! >Nobody on the surface knew the fate of Ozen as her squirming bulge was dragged into the darkness. Many would assume that she had simply gone past the point of no return, as many White Whistles do. But in truth, Ozen was robbed of the honor by one of the Abyss’s many undiscovered horrors, left to endure the horrible fate that awaits her…
>Hazy colors slowly filled Jessica’s vision as she came to. Back and forth they danced, taking time to coalesce into semi-intelligible forms. The secretary felt as though she was in the middle of a caffeine crash, or possibly a hangover… but that didn’t sound right. >No, it couldn’t be right. It wasn’t the weekend yet. Memories trickled in as Jessica tried to rub the tiredness away - or whatever was causing her vision to stay blurry. Strangely, she felt her arms unable to move. >“She’s awake.” >Harsh light bathed Jessica and her surroundings, bright colors flooding her senses. A grimace spread across her face, but her eyes were adjusting a little bit easier now. The ringing colors mingled about, but the forms were becoming more solid. >As a beige pattern of speckled scales came into view, Jessica realized why she couldn’t move her arms. Or her legs. She could barely even turn her head. She inhaled sharply, a scream rising to her lips. But what left her mouth was not a scream, but a tiny squeak; the coils squeezed. And they squeezed hard. Like a rope being bound together, she felt her bones grind and groan as the snake binding her cruelly tightened its grip. Her plump thighs felt like they were going to shatter. Her throat begged for release, lungs crying out for air. >In the midst of her panicked thoughts, the secretary tried to retrace her steps. But no memory came through, as her oxygen-deprived brain began to lose focus. Already the colors were beginning to sway again. Was this the end? >“Release. That’s good enough footage.” >Jessica drew in sweet air at last, easing the burning within. Her mind, now sustained once again, started racing. There must be a reason why she was here! But how? How did she get here? Where was her boss? >“Begin.” >The snake finally came into view. A burmese python, huge and crushingly strong, slowly opened its sadistic maw. A stench that Jessica wanted to recoil from, but physically couldn’t, washed over her. It smelled of blood, rotten meat, vomit, and… perfume? >The stench brought the memories back like a flood crashing through a dam. She could see herself now, in the inky darkness of the serpent’s throat. There she was, toiling away at some papers that had an important rush order, to the point that the company desperately needed by tomorrow morning. The entire company, struggling, was relying on her. If she didn’t make it, her job was as good as gone, assuming the company didn’t sink. She remembered how light she felt when she wrote in the last numbers, excitedly sauntering off to her boss’s office. >But he wasn’t there. She searched the whole office, but it was practically deserted. Jessica had known that he was always at the office later than anyone, even at an ungodly hour like this. Even if she hadn’t told him that she planned on staying late, surely he would be somewhere? >Slowly, the maw advanced closer. >She had checked everywhere. Accounting. HR. R&D. Everywhere. Except for that twin set of doors leading into the manager section. The one place she wasn’t supposed to go. But if the paperwork wasn’t in by tomorrow morning, her career was as good as over. >Saliva dripNice personnto her heaving breasts. >As she wandered in, gingerly checking every corner, a soft noise broke the eerie quiet. At first, she wasn’t sure she was even hearing it. It was wet, accompanied by a faint electric humming. Like sucking on a lollipop. But as she rounded the corner, she could hear her boss’s voice. Her heart pounded in her well-endowed bosom, high heels sounding like jackhammers with every step she took. She needed to turn these papers in, or her job was in jeopardy. Timidly, she approached. >It was a sound that she was now too familiar with. The quivering flesh of a serpent’s mouth. Jessica damned herself for listening to her curiosity, as indeed she was about to be. >The darkness of the room she saw, well reflected in the eager esophagus that slowly rose above her head. A dozen or so men had stood in that room, one of them operating a camera, with her boss among them. But that wasn’t what she found herself focused on. Indeed, her gaze instead followed theirs as she pressed on. Chills ran down her back as the sounds grew ever more clear, and ever more disturbing. She could hear… crying. Distorted whimpering and sobbing. All against those hellish, fleshy sounds. What was going on? She got her answer, as morbid curiosity compelled her forward. >Saliva coursed down her raven black hair, pooling in her voluminous rack the snake began to descend upon her head. >A large glass cage sat in a windowed conference room. The source of the sounds. An impossibly large snake, engorged on an hourglass bulge, feasted within. Movement pulsed along its scales, and as she followed the beast’s body to its head, she began to tremble. Two long, slender legs kicked and thrashed for dear life. >No job was worth this. She had to report this. Shaking, tears welling up in her eyes, nearly frozen in fear, she agonizingly took an awkward step back. >Her grip slipped. Her heart sank and eyes widened as she watched those papers she worked so tirelessly on scatter across the floor. All eyes suddenly turned to her. She dared not look up, as a pair of heavy footsteps suddenly descended upon her, and then… >Nothing. >Nothing, like the deep dark that suddenly enveloped her vision. She screamed far too late. The feasting began.
[Expand Post]_________ >A system of cameras kept track of Jessica as she slowly traveled up the python’s body, making for an impressively curvaceous swelling. They would continue to monitor her even as she was crammed into the stomach chamber, recording every second of her muffled cries for mercy. At about the three-hour mark, her bulge began writhing and thrashing with renewed energy, whimpering turning into screaming. The digestion had begun. >Every second of the full month it took to break her down into mere meat was recorded and logged, until at last her voluminous bulge was rendered little more than a smooth lump. >Her recordings, along with others, sold for $1000 a piece. The company recovered soon after.
>>54223 >Stella Hoshii’s brief adventure into the bog somewhere outside Glitch City is met with a gruesome end. If only she hadn’t convinced Sei that she didn’t need to come along… >>53824
>>53850 ...I may have just stepped all over your toes. Sorry, anon.
>Gardenia, gym leader of Eterna City, has an unrivaled love for grass-type Pokémon. So much so that she gets a little ditzy around them. And so it is, that one day she finds herself fawning over a not-so-friendly Victreebel. Her meaty, voluptuous form gets it to start drooling, and before long, it can contain itself no more. >Suffice to say, Eterna City is going to need a new gym leader soon, because Gardenia is about to experience firsthand a Pokémon fact she knows all too well. A Victreebel’s stomach acids leave no evidence behind; to break down whatever it eats requires only 24 hours. Including a curvy gym leader, bones and all.
>>54585 Honestly, good for him
>The past few days had weighed heavily on Captain Mizuki. News had recently rolled in of Fubuki’s sudden disappearance. And as a fellow B-Class professional hero, Mizuki had little reason to not be worried. Indeed, it was often events such as this that precipitated far greater disasters. >Slipping into her tight black workout clothes, she figured it best to go for a run to clear her head. Night had already crept across the sky as she made her way down the forest trail. Down the trail she went, yet no matter how hard she pushed herself she couldn’t seem to get Fubuki out of her mind. What on earth had happened to her? Cold though she was, it wasn’t like her to walk away from everyone without a trace. >Mizuki skidded to a halt as a rustling noise to her far right caught her attention. It was only momentary, but it was enough to make her stop. Something about it was different from the usual nocturnal goings-on of the local fauna. It wasn’t so much the weight, as it was the strength behind it that had her curious. >Then, there it was again! Just off the forest trail was an obscured path leading to an abandoned building that had long since fallen into disrepair. The noise had to be coming from there, Mizuki was sure of it. Here, the trees made a small clearing with just enough room for the moon to peek through, illuminating the decrepit structure. It likely used to be some sort of park ranger outpost or rest stop, the B-Class hero reasoned as she sauntered over. >As she rounded the corner, Mizuki stopped dead in her tracks. Just beneath a small tree which bordered a large crack in the side of the building, about thirty feet away from her, was a pair of leather thigh-high heels and a set of pearl necklaces. There was no doubt who these belonged to. There they laid, discarded and crumpled, and covered in an odd sticky mixture of liquid. Parts of it were clear yet viscous, like saliva, while others far more gritty with a deep yellow color. It smelled awful. Almost like… vomit? .As she was about to make her way over to investigate, Mizuki realized too late a strange feeling of something wrapping around her heel. Before she could look down and see what it belonged to, it yanked with surprising force, causing her to fall face-first onto the soft earth, her perky breasts taking the brunt of the fall. >“OW!” Mizuki cried out, more in annoyance than in pain. “The hell is this?!” >Her eyes widened as she gazed down her shapely legs to see a long tendril wrapping around both of her ankles. It snaked up her pretty calves and huge thighs before wrapping around her chiseled abs and through her wobbling breasts (which had suddenly grown over the last year, much to her surprise). >“Is this some kind of sick joke? Well, you’ve got guts, I’ll give you that, but- WOAH-” Mizuki was cut off as suddenly the tendril yanked her back. Now Mizuki could see clearly that whatever this thing was, it was slithering out from the enormous crack in the abandoned building’s wall. >Right above where Fubuki’s discarded boots and necklaces were. >“OH, ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Mizuki grabbed at the tendril and pulled with all her might, aiming to rip it apart. The vomit and saliva, Mizuki was beginning to put together what might have happened to Fubuki, and she wanted no part in that. If anything, she would personally see to it that this thing that dared touch a B-Class hero as intelligent as Fubuki would be torn apart by her personally. But despite her immense strength, the thing wouldn’t so much as strain. Again she pulled, but to no avail. >Mizuki began to realize the danger she was in. She frantically looked for something to hold on to. A rock, a root, a piece of foundation, anything to keep her out of wherever this vine was dragging her. Her sports bra, although elastic, was the same that she had had since she joined the Hero Association, and it buckled under the newfound size of her fat breasts, leaving a smooth trail across the dirt as the young heroine was heaved closer and closer to the crumbling building. .A giant yellow pod emerged from the darkness of the crevice in the wall, unfurling to reveal an enormous flower. From its flesh-colored mouth proceeded the vine. >The young heroine finally understood Fubuki’s true fate. >“NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! YOU BASTARD!” .Driven into a desperate frenzy, Mizuki clawed at the ground, hoping against hopes that she could summon the strength necessary to anchor herself. But the plant, somehow, was leagues stronger than she. .She could feel her booty rise into the air as the carnivorous plant began to swallow her whole. Mizuki winced as she felt its sticky saliva seep through her sneakers, then all the more when its hot breath washed over her calves. .“LET GO OF ME, YOU OVERGROWN SUNFLOWER!” Mizuki cried. She was beginning to truly fear as tears welled up in her eyes. “Th… this can’t possibly be happening. Am I really… really about to die here?” >The plant’s lips began to stretch to accommodate the captain’s sizable thighs. Then even further, as her bubble butt jammed up against the plant’s eager maw. “ .“Ha, too big for you? This hero doesn’t slack on her squats! Now let me- oh!” Mizuki squealed a bit as the plant chewed lightly on her ass, her cheeks reddening as the plant savored her meaty rump. >“Stop, please…!” >In a sense, the plant did stop, but only because it managed to finally stuff her down its throat. Mizuki shuddered in horror as the plant greedily swallowed her more, coasting down her curvy hips and across her fit abs that she had worked so hard to maintain. Now she could truly feel the plant’s lips slurping down her bare skin. It felt objectifying in the worst possible sense. .Mizuki pounded as hard as she could on the plant’s massive yellow petals, her arms still free. “Spit me out, you perverted fern! I’m gonna tear you apart for what you did to Fubuki!” she yelled defiantly, doing her best to mask her fear. >But the plant cared little for her protests and swallowed even harder. Now up to her breasts, Mizuki began to cry. “No… no no! This can’t actually be happening!”
[Expand Post].Mizuki’s DD-cup breasts were not spared the fondling that her butt was. She groaned as her sensitive breasts jiggled like great mounds of meat and dough between the pod’s lips. The elastic sports bra, besieged by the pod’s perverse vine-tongue, finally snapped, and the heroine’s pink-tipped melons bounced free, much to the pod’s delight. “You gotta be kidding me.” Mizuki moaned involuntarily. >Yet even the pod could not stave off its hunger, and soon even Mizuki’s mountainous globes followed suit. “Please… no more…” Mizuki gasped. The pod’s throat was tight and slick with saliva. Now only her face, cradled beneath her rack, and her arms were free. The plant paused for a moment before even these vanished into its mouth. As the pod began to retract, only a fiery mane of orange hair remained outside of its lips. It slurped it down like noodles as it slammed shut. >Down traveled the plant’s latest meal, surrounded on all sides by pulsating muscles that heaved her further in. Hidden in the dark, an hourglass bulge wriggled and writhed down the plant’s stalk before disappearing beneath the ground. Indeed, her nightmare had just begun. Nobody would ever find Mizuki or Fubuki, and those who did never returned to tell of it. >Before long - two weeks, to be precise - her torn tights and sneakers were spat up, joining her tattered sports bra, a trophy covered in saliva and stomach acid to sit alongside Fubuki’s thigh-high heels and pearl necklaces >Mizuki, B-Class Rank 71 professional hero of the Hero Association, had been defeated.
>>54585 ... Honestly, That pathetic. Hoping he stub his toes everytime he entering house of god... Don't want his work perpetuate ? just state it beforehand and when he done nuking, aftermath people tend to respect your wish and stop posting your art or at the very least sharing in their close circle of friends and don't go far. He could retired with dignity if he said the statement beforehand for like 7 days... But nah. Gonna impose my Beliefs on all of you. Now he gone this sudden nuking way, I think a lot of people will probably go finding, archiving, and sharing his work a lot. either in archiving art or out of spite. It all sammy73 all over and over. I got more but I'll stop, this is not the thread for it. But I never understanding their way of these artist thinking.
>>54585 Last I heard, whenever someone email him, he just reply back with more preaching...
>Man. Guys, God is cool and following him made me cooler than all of you. I'm deleting all my old stuff in a fit of attention-seeking to try to get you all to convert too.
You guys sound like crack addicts who can’t get enough of his content and are now seething. Who gives a shit. There are more vore artists out there
>>54828 Apparently you enough to respond to the comments in this thread
>>54830 No? I couldn’t care less that he’s leaving. If anything I commend him since this community is mostly trash. I do think it’s desperate that folks are throwing a bitch fit over it. Boo hoo he converted to Christ. Not the end of the world. You’ll live
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>>54594 Full rez.
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Full res of >>54592

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