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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Having babies only to vore/vore after giving birth? Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 00:47:33 No. 59180
Is there any content like this? Ive tried really hard to find it but theres obviously not an easy way to do it. Its to the point i think ill probably have to write a story about it myself. Makes sense since its fucked up and relatively niche but its a market thats hot as hell. Mother farming her own meals in her belly, every nine months indulging in a feast of swallowing the baby whole once it exits her womb. Or just generally new life created only for their taste like livestock to be churned in a belly. My main idea for my story being imagining a noble lady heavily pregnant, contractions soon to come. She got pregnant only to vore the baby as a gourmet meal, talking about how delicious the baby is going to be once churned into mush. After a teenage pregnancy with a bastard child as a teenager she decided to vore and digest the baby to hide the evidence of sleeping with a powerful man and having no desire to be a mother. Now, after becoming a noble herself every nine months she births one of her own meals. Bulky dresses in meetings hide the giant round belly that she still needs to seclude herself for. Only her servants see her grow rotund, then her belly filled, layered with the fat from the nutrients of her own children. Even a Noble would be ostracized for such a thing, but the servants know better after one of them was mercilessly swallowed for asking for mercy to her babies. The babies owe it to their noble mother to keep her full, and each one makes her ass and tits larger. Each birth is painful and rewarding. She relaxes and pushes them out in a lightly seasoned warm bath water. After cleaning and removal of the umbilical cord she reads out last rites and performs a quick ritual to ensure the baby goes to paradise, before opening her mouth wide and putting the baby back in her belly where they belong, and in a few hours shell gain some pounds in the right places. The only acknowledgement the baby will get is a candle on a shrine and the title "Meal 19". One day the noblewoman will die and may be punished for gluttony or rewarded for how many little ones she has sent to paradise, but she still has many fertile years, and meals left.
Can you literally fucking kill yourself
>>59180 dude, what the fuck. you just made an older thread get deleted for this shit. what the fuck is wrong with you, how can someone become this fucked up. did you get molested as a kid?
Yeah i had enough internet for the day
For a moment I thought this was about pregnant preds that were eating for her own sake and for her babies(which I find fucking hot). But this is SHIT.
Like, the pred was like "I'm gonna get pregnant so I can have an excuse to vore people, after all I'm eating for two". Kys
>>59180 kats vore night on exhentai implies it will happen through pred dialogue with the father but doesn't show it
>>59182 >>59185 >>59204 >>59205 >>59206 Seriously, this is the shit you idiots freak out about?

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