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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Vore VTubers that you like Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 14:51:46 No. 62650
The Voraisha and Nora thread got taken down because of doxxing and people acting like fucking retards. It seems like every Vore VTuber has something going on. Here’s a list of some of them: Nora Voraisha MuzuNomi Let’s keep this civil and no fucking doxxing this time. https://www.twitch.tv/voraisha https://www.twitch.tv/norathefrozentundra https://www.twitch.tv/muzunomi ____ If you wanna complain about one go to the artist hate thread
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 12/29/2024 (Sun) 00:24:54.
Genuinely what is the appeal for voretubers? Not trying to sound like an ass or anything just curious? Muzu especially seems like the least interesting of the bunch. I watched a few minutes of one of her streams and decided it wasn't for me.
>>62652 It’s for really lonely people with a vore fetish who give away all their money for affection, dreaming they’ll date them in real life.
>>62653 So basically parasocial shut-ins, got it. I mean if people like it then that's fine but I cannot find any reason to watch voretubers letalone regular vtubers unless they actually have personalities. I could understand the avatar supplementing their lack of camera but otherwise it adds nothing of value to the actual stream imho. >>62654 Why was this directed at my reply?
>>62655 I didn't mean to send that pic in reply
>>62655 Well, it also seems like every Vore VTuber is a scumbag for some reason
don't forget, Voraisha is still a piece of shit __ Shush tranny.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 12/01/2024 (Sun) 22:42:31.
>>62685 clearly, people here just wanna pretend to be other people so they can cause drama, its sad af
>>62685 Happiness doesn't bring that reddit gold we fucking crave
>>62685 vex the sun eater is cool
>>62687 Happiness is temporary, reddit karma is forever bros.
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>>62711 Same. Tranny or not, he gets me off
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>>62685 The only thread I post about vtubers in, as in looking for people to watch or listen to, is on a completely different imageboard. And even then, I don't look for fetish shit from vtubers. >>62687 >>62706 <Vid related
>>62659 Idk why that surprises people The entire fanbase is fetishist coomers. Even worse than normal twitch horndogs. You don't need a decent personality or track record to stand out and gain a following, because the niche is so tight and constricting. I'd be fine if these voretubers just accepted that they've chosen to be a 2view by embracing a paraphilia. My issue is that they genuinely think that they are part of the whole vtuber community even though they'd be looked down on by other 2view lewdtubers.
>>62715 I see tits nigga, that's female enough
>>62718 I mean, I'm just afraid that someone like Voraisha might try to take over the vore community. She already has some artists under her thumb
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>>62652 For me I can kind of get it. A lot of people into vore like vore RP and Voraisha's model is really well-made so I understand liking hers, but what I don't get is how people can like the same thing over and over again. Even Voraisha, who has the best model, is just pretending to eat people with the same belly, animations, and cheese RP. Also, I find that the people doing these things have no personality to keep them up. I like vore of Marine because I like Marine so I really love it if I got vore content from her, but I have no reason to like Voraisha because all she does is vore and I only like her model.
>>62685 People just don't like Vore Vtubers. However, it's getting old since all they do, is call them names and never give much valid reason to hate them. It's as if they want this place to be just like 4chan, but they don't have the wit or charm to make it work and just come off as the worst parts of /VT/.
>>62728 Yeah, without Vore Vora would just be another shitty VTuber with little to no personality
>>62685 thank you. holy shit the last two threads were retarded as fuck >>62711 i like ember as well. i never understood the voraisha hate as i really liked her og model and all the stomach sounds going off in the background. got silly sometimes but i mean i respected the idea. also enjoy vexoria, smoctane on more of the giantess side and a bit of acvalens. if im being honest though i spend more time on youtube than twitch these days which is how I originally found ember and ac >>62728 it’s really in right now because it’s a novelty but eventually every vore vtuber will have to diversify. notice how vexoria does shit that isnt vore on fansly and ember leans heavily into the giantess niche to keep things diverse. ember is on pornhub and ac does futa. i think the only relatively popular vore vtuber who hasnt diversified is nora, and im not going to speculate on her relation to the last few threads but i do think shes likely to struggle the most between the ones mentioned here
I only hate Vora because of all the scams and lies she’s pulled
>>62729 I get why people dislike the concept of a girl sitting on Twitch for three hours and pretending to eat people while making thousands a month, but a lot of the vtubers mentioned in this thread have been doing this long enough that they’re in it for the long haul. Like they’re going to be part of vore porn outside of Twitch one way or another. If Ember was a VA for example I would listen to her and I’m sure animators will eventually reach out to her and ask if she wants to voice one of their characters. I think the hate is fucking retarded. If you don’t like the current meta just find the vore vtubers who don’t sit in front of vtube studio all day moaning “mmm yummy” into a 3dio. and if any of these girls dont hit the right spot quite yet, whatever, just wait. I it’s obvious that more are coming
How many vore VTubers are there? Off the top of my head: >Voraisha >Muzu >Nora >Ember >Ac >Vex >Roxy Manticore (inactive) Is that it? There really aren’t that many.
Do you think these streamers are bothered by these threads?
>>62735 it's a mixed bag as some hate is just dumb, but some can be reasonable, like valid criticism, personal opinions or warning people of certain bad actors. It's not just bitching but actual reason and something a discussion and a thread can be built on. I also think having a place to warn people of things like the art problem and mouse pad issue can be good as long as you don't have some nut job like last time. I've said it in other threads, but my personal grip with vore vtubers is when they try to interact outside of vore and with normal Vtubers, well commission art of themselves eating Vtubers. It's like talking to a girl well having made porn of her and you, it's just creepy. I wouldn't be surprised that within a year or two Vore vtubers will die out if they don't change it up. Voraisha has the most potential since she did rehaul her look and has some great features, but she is not there yet and the voice filter isn't helping her since it makes her hard to hear and ruins a lot of RP she attempts. If she's able to fix up the voice filter and keep up with unique events and develop more of a personality, then I can see her doing well.
>>62738 I would say no or they shouldn't be, but with what happened with the Voraisha thread I think yes and that it is kind of valid. >>62737 It's a niche in a niche, but some vtubers do vore-like content, suggest vore and joke about vore. Saa was one person who was big before vore vtubers started since she was the closest thing to one, and you have some vtubers and lewd vtubers that would joke and talk about vore more often than most, like Snuffy with her saying she was into vore, talking about eating lego pieces, yelling vore well she was playing spore and so on and so on. >>62733 Some of the Vora hate was due to her actions and I think that helped fester this hatred she now has here. Other than that I think a lot of the complaints are an overreaction, invalid or just generalised to all vore vtubers or just hate for vtuber in general. Most felt like they didn't need to justify it since that was what the old thread was about and what didn't help was that some had massive grudges with her for some unknown reason.
>>62742 Forgot to add that this is Saa for those who don't know who she is. I haven't seen much of her recently and she's on hiatus right now. https://x.com/SaaVLewd/media?t=-2ZucdXx3cufkwhgm5dKYg&s=09 https://youtu.be/XO5wN3J3BQ4 https://youtu.be/GHVA3sGV0zE https://youtu.be/N3rJZRJeHCY
>>62739 By the way, people still haven’t gotten the mousepads she promised. If they didn’t get them by December 1st, she said she would do something about it. But she’ll most likely just say there’s nothing I can do and run away with the money
Can we stop talking about Voraisha PLEASE. Good god I don’t give a fuck about mousepads. I do not want this thread dumpstered again. Voraisha could rob a bank and eat all the customers and I would not give a fuck. I’m not interested in drama I’m interested in vore porn to fap to. The more anons that sperg out over muh mousepads the more likely we are to see a vore vtuber discussion ban. >>62738 Yes and no. Voraisha and Nora? Yes. Anyone else lightly mentioned? Probably not. Some of the people mentioned in both these threads have lengthy internet histories and much bigger things to worry about than “did a bunch of anons talk about me during Thanksgiving weekend.”
>>62733 speaking of smoctane and anna valens there are also a couple vtubers in the giantess niche that are doing interesting stuff like chonkylotus. and if you want to include vrchat models that also means willowvr and yumivr along with a lot of japanese vrc users. i think the vore niche is kind of boring but giantess stuff allows for much more shit to do so i generally gravitate toward that stuff
I kinda miss the Voraisha thread. Don’t get me wrong, it was a shitstorm, but it was entertaining as hell with Nora trying to dox Vora
Knowing Nora she will sperg out without our interference. Just wait and watch
Personally I'm glad the thread got taken down. As entertaining as it was to watch the shit storm it could also be slandering Nora. Not trying to dick ride but because of this site being mostly Annons posting it could be anyone. Someone saying they are said person isn't really enough to prove or disprove anything. So yeah we can speculate on if it was her, but personally I don't think it's her. Why out 2 random members of the mod team, also from what i saw before that annon went schizo and said some of the more vile stuff, Nora had already left voras server. Also I realized the images the person grabbed are all publicly available ones. So again could be anyone.
>>62743 I watched one of her last streams (IDK if it got nuked since I saw it live) before she went on her hiatus. My guess is that the stalker she brought up in that stream probably put her off and made her semi leave the internet with her only retweeting here and there. I miss her bros. I just want THICC snake woman to come back.
>>62763 It doesn’t really explain the backstory she shared
>>62765 I thought she had bad health issues or something
>>62766 I know, but from what I know Johnathan is one of voras most trusted mods, and even devora had said something about having little information on vora, or was it gibby? Either way feels reckless to just believe it's Nora without any proof other than publicly accessible images. Someone could do the same with Emmy and say Emmy was the one trying to doxx her and stuff, i dunno I personally feel the whole old throws went from good information to schizo fast. I dunno there seems to be a lot of holes for it to be confirmed nora.
if all we’re gonna do is keep speculating on nora and vora then this thread should be chucked too tbh
>>62771 I agree on that. I was just stating we shouldn't say it's nora or not. It won't get us anywhere and this is supposed to be more light hearted so it isn't nuked.
>>62769 It was Gibby, but maybe Jonathan is just sick of Vora’s shit and wants to do something about it. Or maybe she lied about Jonathan working for her, and it’s actually another mod or someone who knows Vora really well
>>62771 Yeah, I know, but if you ask me, Nora and Vora are the most interesting things to happen to Vore in a long time
>>62771 Half of this thread has nothing to do with that drama. If it gets too out of hand, then the posts should be deleted rather than nuking it all. As much as the last thread went to shit I feel nuking it was not the right choice and if this one got nuked then it's only going to lead to people putting less effort into their post, since why bother if it only going to get nuked because of a couple of people posts.
>>62737 Theres def more than that. Not a whole lot but much smaller streamers than the ones you listed. Theres a good amount of people who get into voretubing but back out/tone down the vore when they realize it's all they're associated with. Very few stay true to it which sucks cause its a nice addition when a streamer has a personality AND is willing to talk about vore on the side.
>>62767 Did she? I'm unaware of that.
>>62783 most vore vtubers are small because it’s a niche within a niche, so it’s very likely to be a hobby for most of them too. everyone on that list but roxy is full timing it and creating content regularly. so yeah, you’re more likely to hear about ember or nora than some random girl who streams once a month and creates one audio every 6 weeks. i dont even watch twitch and i know who ember is just from streaming so much & making so much audio & collabing with people and so on
How many vore vtubers are giantess vtubers? I’m not really into the Voraisha style stuff but I wouldn’t mind checking out giantess vtubers. I only really know of like Chonky and Ember
>>62650 i remember i used to be friend with that muzu guy, he was honestly a pretty chill dude at the time. though i stopped talking to him once a mutual friend of ours deleted her server
>>62737 There is also Umi_Durg, Liz_Akita, littlevore, and fishfishing12 if those haven't been mentioned yet
>>62795 Liz is good, never heard of these other ones. There really are some hidden gems
>>63018 Why should we give a fuck?
>>62949 Because all you're wanting to do is cause trouble. And because you're black.
>>62737 Ava Lamp
>>63167 Ava lamp tries to do vore content but tbh, it falls flat. It's just bad quality and poorly edited. If she actually tried, like take shortcakeasmr for example, it would be good, but her vids are just... Meh.
Vorahisa's Twitch has been taken down. I repeat, Vorahisa's Twitch has been taken down this is not a drill
>>63399 Good, get porn off of the streaming website for kids
>>63403 >Thinking Twitch is for kids >When Twitch doesn't fucking state otherwise Fucking lmao, TOS doesn't fucking say kids are allowed on the fucking site anywhere, you retard. >>63406 >Voraisha loses their Twitch Holy shit, that's wild, didn't think I'd see a cringy motherfucker go and get taken down off the site since I fucking kicked KuroOneHalf off of the platform for being a fuckin' creeper that draws underage art of bullshit lmao-
What’s going to happen now that her Twitch is down?
A power vacuum for the next vore streamer
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So what "voretubers" are actually good? As in, has a personality beyond just just the fetish, does something other than just sit in front of a camera and does absolutely nothing else, and isn't just a prettier slut looking to make some fast cash from a trend where the bubble just popped (Hololive just went public and everyone is jumping ship and a Cali-pozz is now setting in).
She says it’s a 7-day ban, and she was banned for unspecified reasons
>>63432 Asking for a good vore VTuber is like asking what the best type of cancer is
>>62743 > shes the only woman whose not some grift monkey who tried to steal peoples money with "commissions",saa is infact the only non-"wo"man in the bunch thats out there. The sun snek doesnt count shes just one of those who may or maynot have defended some f-list gayops relating to harrasing a user both online and real life and also gotten said user into a mental hospital.
Are there any active vore vtubers that are actually women?
This thread is now only for Vore vtuber that you like. No more complaining about them. You shit up this thread every other day and it's usually about the same woman every god damn time. You lot clearly cannot handle complaining outside of containment threats without turning it into either a doxfest or a god damn battlefield. No more bitching. You wanna bitch, go to the vore artists that you hate thread. In this thread. Talk only about those that you actually like. Problem solved.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 12/29/2024 (Sun) 00:28:21.
Voraisha streams are hot now
>>64815 Always have been
>>64818 Eh. Was never into the water kitsune thing of her old model. New one is prime pred material though

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