/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(33.92 KB 600x450 FujiokaHaruhi2.png)

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 12:54:51 No. 63036
ITT: Characters who dont have enough, or ANY vore art made of them, ill go first. Honestly i think Haruhi Fujioka is super underrated, i remember when i was in 5th grade when the anime was first being made, my sister showed it to me and something about the way she looked, and her personality made me diamond. i couldn't shake the idea of her eating honey sempai out of my mind. this woman who is notoriously poor, eating some of the highest members of society, turning them into nothing but food.
There’s already a channel for this but ok
>>63037 oh is there? sorry i didint see that
The bikini girls from adventure time. That's all I have to say.
Honestly, Serleena. Considering she's probably the premium example of vore in film, there is not enough art and videos of her. A shame, since she should pretty much be the poster girl for vore.
>>63044 9 pages of results on ekas, what do you mean not enough.
>>63052 no such thing as too much serleena
>>63052 A lot of people draw her really fucking ugly for some reason
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Hypna. No contest. She's from Culdcept Revolt, a 3DS card game no one played because the console was dead on the water when it came out. In turn, she's got little to no fanart and that's criminal given how over the top she looks.
>>63126 she is pretty damn hot i wont lie
This game sold 26 million copies and somehow I have never seen any content of her. I guess she's relatively unpopular.
(1.32 MB 1989x957 Destiny_Render_2.png)

I promise I will NOT shut up about her for as long as I live
every despicable me girl
>>63343 who the hell is this? ive never seen this character before
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(2.27 MB 498x280 SoraChan.gif)

Tokino Sora of Hololive Gen 0, she's only got one low quality picture and once had a good written story that's been nuked from Eka's (and no one seems to have saved it unfortunately). She deserves much more than that but everyone just seems to focus on that one picture of her being eaten by AZKi and I'm kind of getting sick of seeing it.
vermeil her vore content is so underrated almost none but i found some tho
>>63546 man she is cute, kinda reminds me of subaru
>>63426 tf? what do you mean by that
>>63343 I blame her personality. She's too wholesome for a pred
>>63528 Eri from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
I was just playing with my wii until i opened up one of the random n64 games i had on it and found this hella cute character. When i searched her up on ekas, 0 results.

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