/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Yandere Preds Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 21:11:29 No. 7905
Vore is the perfect Yandere fetish and it makes me upset that there's an extreme lack of it/hard to find.
(3.24 MB 2400x3200 386WIP.png)

(4.70 MB 3000x3000 472WIP.png)

(3.56 MB 3000x3000 510WIP.png)

My new favorite thread
(1.79 MB 1992x3000 1641003905458.png)

(69.50 KB 992x961 Anonno-749750-nuzEEpD.jpg)

Tell me I'm pretty
(2.80 MB 4000x5000 Vlumpy-800025-Clean+Saiko.png)

(6.00 MB 4000x5000 Vlumpy-800023-Bloody+Saiko.png)

(5.21 MB 4000x5000 Vlumpy-800024-Bunny+Saiko.png)

>>15984 I'm honestly stunned I hadn't seen vore of this game till now, thanks anon for sharing this!
Why aren't these types of preds as common for art when they're the only types who would canonically do something like this?
Here’s a list of the danger levels of these types if your interested
I appreciate how well Doki-Doki Literature Club lends itself to this theme. I had an inkling in the back of my mind as I played the game (obviously I have this fetish, so things click in their own way sometimes)
>>8029 Would anyone happen to know the name of the female character in the first image?
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>>9037 more art of the third image exists, artist is Mamerui and the character's called Zhavia. there's also a nude alt of the image they posted but that's on patreon. the other image is unrelated.
>>20233 Kirukiru Amou
>>20206 I do not know the names of most of them damn
>>20327 Thank you!
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(77.30 KB 1440x1080 Cassidy_Vore_pt.3.jpg)

(72.46 KB 1440x850 Cassidy_Facesitting.jpg)

>>21352 Anon please kindly fuck off
>>22600 Please leave
Wish there was one with a good ending for her
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Hey y’all
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(264.92 KB 900x1101 Image_781373.jpg)

>>25395 I (very shitily) tried to finish it.
(59.30 KB 900x1013 833608-137262-nsb1cu-preview.jpg)

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I mean apparently this is a yandere???
>>38680 Cute OC, is it yours? Anyways, yes a pred that is overly obsessive with their prey usually to a romantic degree is considered yandere
>>38690 No it’s from the creator of this tho
>>39051 Dead dove do not eat
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(8.80 MB 3000x4800 _com.apple.Pasteboard.lvYWwv.png)

A underrated vore pick (and a underrated yandere pick as well)
>>44530 >>44531 I NEED a post digestion followup of any of these. I need to see her body completely churn him up.
>>47280 Oh hey! I'm friends with the artist who made this!
(4.87 MB 3702x2929 _com.apple.Pasteboard.wB3I2B.jpeg)

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(195.50 KB 1200x857 FQ5_s6nVsAAmtD-.png)

(1.44 MB 1958x1229 685266-114313-xvyoz9-1.png)

It has Monika in it so it counts
>>56680 Oops already here
(173.35 KB 1280x1928 yuri.png)

>>58826 Sauce?
Nothing from Miside yet?

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