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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Mother vore Anonymous 09/22/2021 (Wed) 02:01:18 No. 951
My favorite thread
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>>964 Source?
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Art made by a daughter obsessed with the idea of her mother swallowing people and creatures
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>>1120 What got her blog taken down? I wish I could have enjoyed it more when it was active it was amazing.
>>1129 I think she just chose to. It was well before the Tumblr purge. I can imagine her getting harassed a lot, for example, or maybe she just wanted more privacy or something.
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>>1426 >it's fulltour lame I want to see him get snuffed out in that belly not survive. The only way this can be redeemed is if she flushes him
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does anyone have the vore comic where the mom fucks her son, then eats him after? had a cartoony artstyle to it
>>3685 thanks!
>>1120 What was her name again?
>>4350 I think it was Motherbellylover? It's been a while
>>4353 Ah thanks. Her account on aryion is cuteycake88 but she doesnt post. I jerked off to a couple of her pictures but never knew any accounts or stories of peoples posts. I never knew she had a thing for her mom and the art was based on her, is there any background knowledge on that or is it just from her art?
>>4360 Goddamn, who are the artists of the last three pics?
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>>4361 Anyone?
Someone colored OP's pic but I don't have a deviantart to post it. Could someone with one please post it. Here's the link https://www.deviantart.com/deliazalt/art/Mother-Knows-Best-By-Nyxon-colored-783680328
>>7264 Here you go
Any girls if interested in vore role play as predator please message me
I'm looking for a ceratin Mom/Son vore story which was nuked from Eka's for some reason. It was called "Dreams Come True" I believe.
>>10658 Where? I don't see it...
https://aryion.com/g4/view/288168. Plug that link into the wayback machine and it comes up.
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Here ya filthy animals
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>>13979 Link?
>>13979 Is this Girls and the snake? Where you get this?
>>14061 From the B man himself
>>14061 From the B man himself
>>14066 Thank you for posting! I remember artist said that part 2 will have 14 pages, do you have other unpublished arts about this comic?
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>>14074 This is most of part two apart from some internal pics.
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>>14091 And the last piece
>>14092 Could you put this into a zip. I mean the entire comic?
>>14092 Thanks mate!
>>13979 >>14092 Is this old or new? I've been keeping an eye on this for years and never seen these 2 pics before. I'd love to see the end of it.
>>14107 It's new and is my take on what the last piece would look like. The OG commissioner disappeared a few years back, which is why it was abandoned.
>>14137 I thought the artist disappeared? Weren't there 2 original commissioners? Someone got the first part, then someone else paid to continue it? I talked to the 2nd guy a few times. Was given a rundown on how he wanted to progress it. Last talked to him end of 2020.
>>14147 Naw, artist is still on ekas, just doesn't post his art anymore. I never heard about 2 commissioners, but the artist told me that the original commissioner abandoned the project and he stopped due to the lack of funding and direction. How did this other guy want to progress it?
>>14149 Is the artist active in any way? He hasn't posted anything to Eka's or his Patreon for years. Memory may be hazy here, it's been a while. 1st commissioner was done before the mother was introduced I believe. 2nd guy picked it up and continued it. From what I was told the artist went silent. The guy had paid for some pages but not all of them, received the last sketch and heard nothing after that. He says he tried to contact the artist several times but was getting ignored. Of course I am just hearing one side of the story, maybe there was a payment issue because it wasn't fully funded? 2nd guy wanted the younger daughter to get digested but for the older one to survive. With the mother gaining some weight around the waist, with the final scene being the mother sat on the toilet talking to chat, implying disposal. I offered to continue the story after he had finished his part, with some minor changes, the younger daughter being fully absorbed, no disposal scene and the mother getting larger breasts instead. Then after that the mother would have unbirthed and absorbed the older daughter to get her tits even bigger still.
>>14152 He doesn't post stuff anymore, but he's still taking commissions. It's how I got the pic. He got it done in around a month. And didn't seem to mind me picking it up where it left of so I don't know how much of that story to believe. I like that idea of her on the toilet though. Maybe some day... And hey, if you want to go for it, you could probably commission your idea.
>>14162 Well I sent him a DM. Let's see where it goes.
>>14165 Let me know how it goes.
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>>14168 Looks like he's seen the request but no response yet.
>>14168 Still no reply. Guess he's not interested?
>>14308 It took him a few days to get back to me, I say wait on it some more.
>>14311 Still nothing. At the very least a "Sorry, not interested" would have been good manners. Jeez, I even offered to pay for the colouring on the currently unfinished pictures first.
>>14482 I'll try asking him.
>>14482 Alright, what'd he say?
>>14190 does anyone know who is the artist?
>>15731 LuckyB
>>964 Voreaholic made this. He made alot of stuff however their tumblr is inaccessible to me.
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New artist that makes mother/milf vore https://aryion.com/g4/view/807696
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does anyone know who the author is? I think I found him but want to double check. Was just wondering, was this ever completed? stumbled upon it for the long while it might have exist. and is it just me, or is there an error in date terms from this threads gas 4 and 5? Seems to jump from July 22, 2019, to December 26, 2014. how did they go backwards in time?
>>18565 it's made by https://aryion.com/g4/user/thebigbrap and the name for the comic is "Girls and the Snake". The date this is because at some point he stopped releasing them to the public, he released 25 colored pages and 6 previews to the public and someone on here got to ther one where the mom has digested the doter in her and now she's just bones (i think that it's the last one but i don't know if it continues with digestion of the other doter or disposal of the one the mom eat). i think that one of the threads here has it all but if you want i can post it all here.
>>18571 Not the same guy but if you have it all then I would definitely want to see that.
>>18571 Same here as well
>>18579 >>18580 first set >>14090 also part 2 is here
>>18583 fixing order
>>18587 >>18586 fixing order
>>18589 and then it's part 2
>>18579 you must have had the wrong guy because using a bot it still tells me "TheBigBrap" https://e-hentai.org/g/1988543/c6fbd7a92d/ they don't have the finale image there
>>18605 what? the girl on the right is Maya here hair was probably bleach by the acids or something and she's skin and bones because she hasn't eaten anything in like 2 months
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>>18605 That's the daughter, the mother gets them out of the snake and she ends up looking like that, she was in the snake for too long. Then the mother gets paid to eat her daughter and then decides to digest her leading to the part where she has bones in her stomach which I believe hasn't been posted yet so here it is.
>>18607 the fatal part is way later after they have recovered, and it has been posted here >>14090
there is also these 2 that can be found on the ehentai with them
>>1002 Oh man, what was this artist's name? They deleted all their stuff years ago, right?
>>14165 Did this ever go anywhere?
>>20797 i don't know, we do have all of it here that i know of
>>20797 I was asking about it, was all but ready to do it but then had some financial problems, then when I sorted my self out that £/$ issue popped up. Now I am kinda to embarrassed to go back and say sorry.
>>21741 Sorry to hear about that. Though I've actually just commissioned the idea for her to be on the toilet.
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>>21784 Here we go, another pic along with a smooth belly alt.
>>22011 Spoilers for suggested scat I guess idk
>>22012 Oh! You went with the original authors idea? That was a bit to hard for me. I wanted to take it down a slightly softer route where the daughter gets digested and the mother's breasts get larger. I was going to finish up the older scenes first though, which would have cost a fair bit as well.
>>22139 Yeah, hadn't heard from you for a while so I thought it was alright to do so. It's also the reason for the smooth belly alt cause I know not everybody's a bone enthusiast.
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>>22188 Hopefully in the new year I will be in a better financial position and ask to take an alternative route :3 Want to see the Mom digest and absorb the younger daughter with her already huge tits getting slightly bigger, with the Mom being quite happy with the result, showing off on cam. Meanwhile the older daughter survives and recovers. The Mom and Daughter then do another cam show a year or so later with the daughter telling the Mom she would love to join her Sister, which the Mom is happy to let happen.
>>22212 I'm really happy you shared all that anyways. That's very hot stuff !
>>22212 How about one where the mother eats the snake, a lot of pages of her swallowing the huge snake to end up with an incredibly large stomach?
>>22011 Ooh, nice to see some continuation, though, considering part of the charm of the original was the text, so as long as that's missing I feel it hasn't really reached its full potential yet. (for those who specifically invited me to come check things out here, it's me, Raven N., but I can't get it to display my name here, annoyingly enough)
>>22511 Also a really nice idea! (Raven) (Just gonna sign these messages like an idiot)
>>18590 Does anyone know what the hell happened to this artist? Do they have somewhere they post new stuff?
>>23641 I don't know if "TheBigBrap" is posting anywhere
>>23648 OMG I remember that name... Yeah I recall them having some really hot posts on aryion before the big purge... Maybe one day they'll come back Sadge
>>23641 They do commission over on aryion, it's how I got these new pages. Though they leave posting to the commissioners so that's why new stuff is so rare.
>>23350 It's good to see you Raven, I got that last pic done for you and anyone else left over at 4chan so I'm glad you were able to see it. Also I'll get around to editing your text in... eventually.
>>23662 The texts been worked out already? I can't wait to see how it goes down.
>>23663 They suggested some text for the pic before the last one, I've just haven't got around to doing it.
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>>23889 Sorry, wrong thread
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>>23662 Awesome! Looking forward to it. If any more such work needs to be done, I'd be more than happy to help. (Raven)
Any updates on Girls and Snake?
Any more Mom stuff?
>>26650 unless there is going to be a colored version I think it's finished
>>28755 Do you know where the finished version is? The pics posted here had no text.
>>28764 the commissioners never had text after the first one bailed, the felt that they couldn't have done as good a job
>>28768 Commissioner here, basically this. Raven gave some suggestions back on 4chan for the first piece I commissioned, but I've just been a right lazy bastard when it comes to actually editing the pics. That said, if anyone else wants to give it a go feel free, the font used is in paint if you want to be official with it but I forget which one it was.
>>28771 I feel like it would take me too long and I don't know if I can make it as good as all of you disserve
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>>28834 I've been following this story for a long time and I hope it ends someday
>>4356 I followed her tumblr account until she nuked it. Wish I had saved the one post where she answered my ask. Anyway yeah, she just always had like a thing for her mom and wanted to get eaten by her. She might have nuked her blog because her mom found out about it or came too close to finding out about it. I dunno, definitely wasn’t a TOS violation because that was at least a year or so before the porn purge.
I’m looking for some mother/daughter stuff in general where the mother cooks the daughter with some cooking method (oven roast, spit roast, grill, etc.) or prepares her daughter as a food item (sandwich, burger, hotdog, sub, etc.) or something similar before eating the daughter. Same size or macro/micro doesn’t matter I’m good with either. No Transformation. Shrinking is okay though.
>>28771 If you'd like, I could give it a shot. I'm not an expert, but it certainly wouldn't be unfun to try at the very least. (Raven)
>>32238 Go for it, I just don't know when I'll get to it myself.
>>32284 Alright! I think this was all of them that needed text. Hope it's to your liking! (Raven)
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>>33852 I also tried to add some flat colours to one of them. If appreciated I can repeat this for the other two, and maybe even try to ink and colour the other uncoloured pages (Raven)
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>>33853 I was in the mod so I did the other two for which I added the text as well. The other pics actually require inking still so I'll wait for you guys' response before I do that. (Raven)
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>>33854 I noticed I messed up the eyes a bit, corrected them
>>33852 >>33853 >>33854 >>33862 holy shit my man nice, finally the end of it, the only thing that would be interesting to commission next is the stream where the other daughter could be let out or digested
>>33869 I am a girl actually. That said, I agree, I think that would be nice to see (which is why I hinted at it x3) But I'm glad you enjoy. That encourages me to ink and colour the rest as well.
>>33873 Shit, forgot to sign it (Raven)
>>33873 still good work
>>33921 Thank you <3 I really appreciate that (Raven)
>>33873 I never thought I'd see that series finished. Well done on getting it there.
>>33940 Same honestly, I'm glad I could help in getting it finished x3 (Raven)
Thank you so much, you did such a good job on these! I'll be honest, I probably would have never gotten around to adding the text myself. Thanks for stepping up.
>>33854 Would you happen to have the first part of "familial acquisitions" by thebigbrap as well? It's not exactly vore but it's the one where the mom absorbs her kids to become a thicc futa. Even the censored version has been nuked off the internet.
>>34050 Of course, I'm very happy I could help <3 (Raven)
>>34052 No, sorry, that doesn't sound familiar at all. It does sound hot though. (Raven)
>>34079 Still really hot~
Bump Tomboy pred
https://kemono.su/patreon/user/63366046 Can someone update this guy(Mareta) please? He legit has the hottest mom models out there

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