/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Off topic and discussion Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 10:13:01 No. 9904 >>13103 >>13197 >>59926
Send discussions that are off topic or are filling up a thread here.
Why would you make this thread? There isn't any off-topic posting on this board. Did your autistic brain see that "off-topic" threads get created elsewhere and so you decided to create one here as well?
cool. i hate niggers and trannies
>>9909 Read before responding, if a thread has an offtopic conversation then send a link to here so they don't fill over threads with unrelated topics. If you read something you may find that it explains the reason for its creation, but I'll give an example. If a conversation starts in a thread that is clogging it and hindering it from its actual purposes like a request thread or image thread then instead of a long conversation that can be annoying to see when you are looking for something you can tell them to go here so they don't clog it up.
>>9913 I hate them too
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I saw this on Twitter and I wanted to say "Shinji is right, why sexualizes 2d minors when we can get the real ones, thanks Shinji for the advice" as a joke, but I don't want to get banned from Twitter for a joke pointing out how dumb this shit is. So being someone who doesn't use any other sites I thought it would be best to post this in off-topic. If anyone else wants to risk it then here is the post but to be fair it's not worth it, it's a shit take on a shit site where the poster probably stays in their echo chamber to feel in the right, just look at the replies and you'll see what i mean.
Anyone knows if theres a thread of ludella hahn non vore content?
>>11178 is he implying we should go outside and get real 3d minors? What?
>>12244 It seems like it. These people seem to care more about fictional characters than real people. Probably because it's the only emotional attachment they have had and his post doesn't help them.
creeNice personut
creep3d out
>>13068 >>13069 I was testing this because I made a request and for some reason, the word creep3d out was changed to creeNice personut.
>>13070 It changes p_(e)do to "nice person" It's the scunthorpe problem, the word filter doesn't account for spaces
>>13098 Jenny moment
>>13098 *Jannie
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>>9904 (OP) >That image I see what you did there.
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Jahy Is just a better Satania. Satania can act cruel but will always be too kind and soft, well jahy is truly cruel and strong but is in a situation that grows on her. She also tanned, smarter, more smug, great with animals and children (may get arrested), has two forms and fits a pred role better than most character in both body and soul, well above satania who is more a prey.
>>9904 (OP) Holy shit we are #3 biggest board here
>>13197 Doesn't really mean anything when site is basically dead besides /v/. The BO arbitrarily deleting random threads doesn't help.
>>13109 Jahy and Satania based. More jahy-sama pred.
Wonder how many tranny suicides we just caused?
I think the wrong post was taken down because I swear there was a replay to the jahy post that had no reason to be taken down but this >>13508 is still up well all its replays are gone. So I'm assuming the mod accidentally took down the wrong post or whatever that person said about the jahy post was worse than >>13508.
>>13608 Fixed
>>13608 It was taken down for them being the clown spammer or one of the others. They're the only ones I've given asn bans to.
>>13608 When someone gets banned it delete everything they've posted.
>>13612 Yes. This is off topic. Aka sperg containment. I don't care what you do here.
Does anyone know why kemono.party doesn't post PM's, a lot of artist have been using them now.
there are a lot fewer people who seem to be into safe vore now. maybe it's because most start with it and due to it being so limiting they move on but it is strange since it used to be the most common type of vore.
>>15370 That tends to happen the more women get involved in any sexual content. More vanilla fetishes get's replaced by more extreme or degenerate fetishes.
with the recent use of AI art are there any programs that are good at doing vore art or has anyone had any attempts of making vore that looks decent?
>>15419 No we haven't gotten there yet. We've just gotten close to putting Walter white into fortnite with ai art
The video has nothing to do with vore but watching it has made me want to see more Touhou characters eating people, especially Nitori and Futo as preds. The models and animation are great and well watching this I realised that many of these characters have barely any or no vore. Also if more 3D vore animations looked even a tiny bit like the animations in this video then I think there would be more love for 3D vore, even micro prey would be great if they used some of the expressions seen in this and had the same smooth and expressive animation. https://youtu.be/3dvFcSvRO_c
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So apparently this artist in the fat community is being hated on for his opinion that being fat IRL is bad and after backlash, he seems to be seeing if people will still like his work. Some seem to still be interested in him but others are calling him fatphobic. You can find it on his Twitter. https://twitter.com/cozynakovich/media He is a great artist but the community he is in seems to be against him. I get why people wouldn't agree with him saying depicting it is harmful, but he isn't wrong about obesity being something not to praise. He is right that it isn't good to be overweight, it's like smoking but at least a smoker can walk to the bathroom and fit through doorways. But hey maybe he would like to join the vore community? After all, vore is pretty similar, it has a big belly but with a human inside, but then the belly shrinks and he can have the character be depicted any way he wants. It also would be funny to see how these people would react to the possibility of losing an artist to another fetish. They clearly like his art and don't want him to go so if he left then it means they just fucked themselves over and lost an artist because they couldn't help but start drama.
>>18441 I hope they can find their niche and it would be good if they joined us as long as the community didn't put them off. Never got the whole backlash around that but I think some just use it as an excuse to be vile.
>>18444 >Never got the whole backlash around that Because it implies that people are responsible for what happens to themselves. That's what a lot of these kinds of "backlash" are in a nutshell, people being angry about being told that they have to be responsible. If you want to see it on a grander scale, look at how the media is tiptoeing around Monkeypox being primarily spread via anal sex, pushing out news articles about how "unfairly" the alphabet sexualities are being effected by it, all the while omitting how their promiscuous and polygamous lifestyle what's causing the issue.
can someome watch my glass of chocolate milk while im away? Thanks
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What do you think is the best amount of clothing? Fully clothed, bottomless, topless, ripped clothes or nude. I prefer fully clothed and topless with the other 3 being nice to see but normally less appealing. I do enjoy ripped clothing when it comes to vore and it's great seeing clothing constricting the belly with some rips.
I ain't your average kind of sicko, I'm dead just like disco~
Nobody is listening to me I need help finding a (non-scat) archive of this audio
>>19015 If I have to pick, then nude simply for the sexual appeal, closely followed by clothed with displaced/rolled up shirts. >>15370 While I get the appeal, most safe vore stuff just comes off as rather cringy even for this shitty fetishes standards I'd rather have non-lethal content spiced up with digestion remaining a background threat. There's just sadly not a lot of it, apart from a few specific artists/writers.
Quick Question. I've been playing God Complex for a while now, and I've been trying to find as many NPCs as I can. Sooo how do I recruit: The Blonde Centaur Paladin Juliet (Red Hair Magic School Gorl) Etc if You Wanna List them
>>20187 Hangrydemon, I'm a huge fan of your art but this isn't the place to shill it
>>20189 This is off topic, really anything can go here. So if he wants to shill he can shill.
Does anyone have an archive of AlauddinSlayer?
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I saw this Irys non-vore animation and because of the style, It reminded me of a vore artist who does animations, so for a split second I thought someone had done a vore animation of her. Even though it wasn't vore I can't help but be reminded of a vore artist when I see the animation as I sware there is someone with that style but I don't know who. Does anyone know who I may be thinking of since I can't remember who has this style? here is the non-vore the animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=037_k1AgLeA
>>30682 ezkerbkun?
>>30724 It could be them as I forgot they had done animations and their style is similar but I also feel that it may be someone else. Ezkerbkun seems to likely be the one I was thinking of, I've seen a lot of his work so I could have been thinking of one of his many artworks he's done, but If anyone knows any other artist please mention them as I'm not 100% sure if Ezkerbkun is the one.
I believe that the board has too many pinned threads. At present we have pinned threads for loli and shota predators, but we don't pin threads for loli/shota prey, nor the redundant "child prey" thread. Monmusu Delicious doesn't need to be pinned. And the "no real animals" announcement is redundant because there is already a big red message above the board itself. We should instead have a single pinned thread listing board rules (what even are they?) with links to the containment and drawthreads.
>>30774 The only real board rule seems to be, do not post and encourage real abuse I.E. no real-life vore and no threats. Everything else seems to be allowed, and you can say almost any shit you want, but if you're saying shit, then expect to get shit back. This is an anon board, so enforcing rules that aren't just being a decent human makes the anon part pointless. I wouldn't even say that there is a rule that discussions need to be about Vore. It's more like a place for people who like Vore to gather and talk without many restrictions. A rule thread just seems pointless since most threads are policed by the users of their respective threads and there is only one rule all must follow.
>>18477 No problem
Hello hungry friends, come check us out on >>>/x/ for spooky stuff! :)
The amount of moralfagging I see regarding this fetish astounds me. It’s LITCHERALY a cannibal acid death fetish, why virtue-signal with it? No one cares about retarded mutt politics, I just want to fap, damn it!
>>30791 quick, let's swap it out with some iced piss
>>41915 Sorry, I drank it all /\_/\ ( ( ^.^ ) _) \"/ ( ( | | ) (d b)
>>41923 even more reason to swap it out
Ayo, there's some real Nice person shit being posted, and no I don't mean loli shit
>>42281 Where?
>>42287 every once in a while a spambot or something makes a thread posting links using real cp as the thumbnail
>>42287 was dealt with but yeah like >>42288 said, it's a bot doing it, there was two posts that were made
For those wanting to know what's going on with the cheeze pizza spammer: >>>/site/9381
i pray for the day someone actually makes an aryion archive tool, like what furarchiver is for furaffinity
Happy Halloween
>>59574 happy Halloween to you to
>>59632 Thanks
>>9904 (OP) The fuckers in the Vorisha board are going to get this board shut down cause they want to dox where she lives,
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>>59926 You can report posts.
>>59926 i hate that thread. vora's a total lolcow, no denying that, but they can't just point and laugh at her bullshit. there's always one nigga who can't handle rejection, and uses the fact 8chan doesnt like her to rp as the riddler. corny as fuck
>>59926 For real?
I fucking hate the fact that furries control the entirety of the vore market and the fact that i can't do shit against it
>>60071 cry about it
>>60071 >>60078 nah i'm just joking, you are kinda right, it's not the really the "furries" but the degenerate troons and binary faggots that are using the furry fandom as a shield
RIP Voraisha and the Nora thread. Kinda wanna make another Vore VTuber thread, but I'll wait for now
>>62611 Boards going to be faced with a sticky banning it or a sticky containing it
So what, are we just not allowed to discuss Vore VTubers anymore
>>62613 You're allowed to not be fucking retarded about it that's what you're allowed to do. Discuss. Don't fling shit at each other like apes.
>>62614 Alright, fine. I’ll wait a couple of days before starting a new one that’ll be for Vore VTuber general
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https://x.com/SOUFrames/status/1876708407765246142 Has nothing to do with Vore, but we could try suggesting some dumb fetish characters. I was thinking of Crisis from Felarya, but I feel there are better choices. the fat farting Bowser would be interesting but I feel he would just use normal Bowser.
Just did a cursory search for the panda girl that serve as Ken Ashcorp mascot and found myself surprised by just how little porn of it exist. I don't think there's any vore of her on the internet either
>>65555 Nice quads
>>41929 The colour is too different he would know we did it. If we're going to do this we will need to gaslight him into thinking he had lemonade.
Has anyone seen a sequential comic piece of a dog boy being praised for capturing (read: having orally vored) an intruder and their owner tells them to clench to dispose of the intruder, resulting in them growing? It's a singular image but looks like a comic with everything being contained in one image. I remember it was on e621 and rule34 but can't find it anymore, can someone send it here?

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