I was born around the peak of the West pos-WW2, 1989. In the 1990s the Soviet Union had crumbled due to internal (primarily economic) contradictions and it looked like the CCP would be next. In NA, the 1990s were the most optimistic decade since the 1950s. The music of this time reflects this optimism. Europop groups like Nsync, Spice Girls, Aqua, and Ace of Base—and games like Dance Dance Revolution defined this decade. This optimistic 'euphoric' period ended with
(((occult))) sacrifice on September 11, 2001—the pre-airing of the event on the
(((BBC))), the USAF being ordered to do nothing, the dancing Israelis, Larry Silverstein's convenient insurance policy timing,
(((CIA's))) controlled demolition of Building 7, ect, the evidence is overwhelming. Regardless, the elite 'Jews' or the 'Synagogue of Satan' murdered the (illusionary) optimism of the 90s. In many ways the course of the West has been accelerating down hill since my birth. This is obviously depressing. I have to imagine though, that if I was born in 2000-2010, there would quite possibly have been major drama over the fact that I would have at some point openly identified as BT or 2SB on the 2SLGBT scale. Why? Because it is the (partial) truth and society would have pushed me to come out (explode) rather than suffer in silence (implode) as I did. Needless to say, I probably would not have any contact with my family if I was 22 at this point rather than 32. I would also be a no-op newhalf butt still anti-
(((vax-poison))) and pro-White because I've never been an idiot. It would have been a very different (quite possibly better) life. Who knows, I might have even had better luck with the gals as I've never been able to compete as an 'alpha-male' nya~