My whole life, so far, I've had to fit into two boxes. My parent's (and later also my brother's) expectations and wider societies expectations. My parent's 'love' has always been conditional. My mother even defines 'love' as obeying yahweh. Wider societies 'love' a combination of what darwinist selection makes them love and what they a
(((propagandized))) to love. The boxes I was forced into, more often by the fear of consequences than physical force, could not comfortably contain me, and as a consequence I have been crushed and cut into pieces. Psychologically, and then physically. My love has been denied by the people that I have met in this world. A life without fulfilled love, is not a life worth living. I life only in hope of one day fulfilling my love. I love my family because they are my family and I have spent a great deal of time with them. I also recognize that I suffer from 'captives affection' where a captive begins to 'love' her captors. I also passionately hate my birth-family, and most of all my father. Why? He experienced being rejected by his father for a woman other than his mother—and for his choice of faith. My father has done the same, except my mother has stayed with him because he is her 'preacher idol.' If I must define a purpose in my life more clearly than fulfilled-love, then I say a healthy religion-society. The worship of yahwey, like the worship of khazar power itself, is deeply unhealthy nya~