It is correlated, but not biologically. Big titted meatsacks get more attention, and usually indulge in sex more than the small titted ones. A woman who has sex too many times ends up destroying her metabolism. that also affects her mind. And all of that is accelerate when she has sex without becoming pregnant. AND that is also double accelerated by taking birth control pills.
So, it is true that big tits = rots faster with age. But not because their bodies are programmed to do so, but because of their slutness and lack of impulse control, having sex all the time.
Sex is draining. And when done frequently, it destroys your health. For both men and women. But the damage is bigger on women (even when they don't get pregnant). Men's body can endure more and recover faster, but engaging in sex too many times can produce irreversible damage to a man's health too, just like it does to a woman's.
Celibates live longer for that reason. And society, as a whole, forces the idea of "sex = healthy" down our throats because it desperately needs cattle to produce slaves (children) over and over again, to be used by those in charge of society.
Don't ever fall for the "sex = health" myth. If you are going to have sex, do it periodically, with months apart from each time. Or else, your body will rot. Doubly so for women.