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King of Shitposting

WWE Comic Book Boliever 04/27/2017 (Thu) 06:52:49 Id: ad15ea No. 58119
We're back with issue #4, which is really #5 but welcome to comic books. The hack/crash/whatever killed the old thread so here's a fresh one. To recap, this is the story of Seth Rollins turning heel, getting the title, hurting his knee with a dozen montages an issue while Hunter got more and more annoyed at Seth for not doing what he said and being weak. Last issue New Day broke into Seth's apartment and gave him a bunch of VHS tapes while stealing his food, inspiring Seth to new heights as everything gets sillier and sillier.
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>>87015 Meh this week's was just boring, not as fun as the first issue, but not as bad as the 2nd one, but not really good either way. >>87016 >Cena's face in these panels Whoever was drawing wasn't even trying, the ones proceeding this had his face drawn better. >>87018 >>87019 This all was just weird. I think it's some movie cliche, where the hotheaded protagonist just has to fight out with his wise elder who talks in riddles to help the protagonist overcome his anger. It was done so generically, what a bore. Also they were no selling everything, including their finishers, that sure riled me up. >>87020 >Orton vs Rowan That was just random.
>>87021 It feels like Hopeless has a set number of issues to tell a story that should of taken two. The first Roman issue was a brilliant backstory of the universe cosmically booing one man. The next two have been some of the worst examples of decompressed story telling in modern comics. Nothing fucking happens. I remember Warren Ellis saying that a single issue of a comic needs six story beats to keep a decent pace. This has three, Cena notices Roman's a dumb shit (a repeat of last issue where he at least BROKE Stonehenge), Cena talks to/fights Roman, Roman is unsuspended.
>>87016 >>87018 >>87019 >Cena with a plain red t shirt
>>87046 Like the artist was going to put in effort for this script.
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Good news! This is the blow off issue! Bad news! It's the same old shit! Just like WWE. Terrible inner monologues and flashbacks for all. Even the artist couldn't be bothered to do the whole issue.
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I do like them driving around in their gear.
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Dean thinks wins and losses matter in WWE. He really is a lunatic.
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Oh look, we're coming full circle. What an amazing writer.
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Next issue? What? No this is supposed to it. Why? WHY In all honesty I'm curious to see where this goes now, free of this boring shit.
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Oh and here's the Kane backup, which seems to be about a decade out of date.
Meh this issue is not even worth a comment
>>90796 >BIG RED MONSTER Did they forget this was an official product and not a knock-off in another promo?
Well something interesting and outside the norm has appeared, a Royal Rumble comic with 4 different stories. I say interesting because look at that credits page, AJ Styles is writing himself in the main event. This will be important. But we need to begin with Ric Flair as written by WWE Creative.
Where are the women? Where are the Rolexes? Why the fuck are they burying southern wrestling? These are rhetorical, we know the answer.
God I hate WWE
Time for New Day, where we're going over Kofi's Rumble gimmick.
You either like New Day or you're sick of them, not much more to say. This was fine.
Our third tale… madness
JAKE NO Warrior huffing is a nice touch
This one was actually a lot of fun.
Time for the main event. Already we're burying how WWE treats people's pasts.
Cena acting like an egotistical lunatic while being drawn as ugly as possible. We even get some good brothering. That's it, greatly varied quality but ultimately worthwhile.
>>92722 >>92723 Now we just wait for "The Gay Community" reaction image edits.
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>>92725 level 99 paint skills within 3 minute
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>>92725 Oh fuck it, even if im awful in this i will still have my fun!
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>>92755 f o l l o w t h e b a n n e r s
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>>92759 I can't do it, dude! On that size the text too small, plus if i downgrade the quality to fit in the banner file size then the pic goes all-fucked-up. It1s like Roman Reigns himself… you can't force it to work. Sorry…
>>92767 f o l l o w t h e r o t a t i o n if you seek it it will come
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And now issue #13 of the main book, the RAM 25th anniversary special. It's kinda shit and has little to do with RAM for the most part, but we're doing it anyway. Note once again the credits where Samoa Joe is writing himself.
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This isn't as exciting as AJ's was but we do get one piece of insight from it. They know to stay in NXT as long as possible.
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Here's the Daniel Bryan story. It makes you question why people would ever pay for this comic.
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It's like I'm really watching the match!
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Oh, missed a page. Luckily it doesn't matter.
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This one is actually kinda fun. The…. art, even adds to it.
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And the sad ending. How appropriate for this comic book.

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