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King of Shitposting

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205 LIVE: NO Elves & Flippyshit General Boliever 06/29/2017 (Thu) 07:15:21 Id: add05a No. 65979
A.k.a. the third hour of smackdown. NO MORE ELVES THE SCOIATEL HAVE BEEN ROUTED >cucked by mixed match challenge >top talent #1 left the company over Enzo's push >top talent #2 and biggest draw for the show is allegedly a rapist and got removed within a day >only just now getting a GM Is the loserweight division doomed?
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>potential General Manager for WWE 205 Live
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TRIAL BASIS >this thread for news and shit >smarkdown threads for the show
>>94334 hmmmmmm
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So we've got a 16-man tournament for the vacant CW title, culminating at WrestleMania Kickoff Last Night: Cedric Alexander beat Gran Metalik TJP beat Tyler Bate Next Week: Hideo Itami vs. Roderick Strong Kalisto vs. Lince Dorado Assuming the remaining active guys compete - Akira Tozawa, Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak, Jack Gallagher, Mustafa Ali, Tony Nese - that still leaves 2 empty spots. Will be interesting to see who they come up with.
>>96842 >Roderick Strong >lots of praise from smarks >dropped onto 205 wew >that still leaves 2 empty spots. Will be interesting to see who they come up with. Sin Cara is an obvious choice, he's not exactly doing anything but house shows/dark matches and his mini-push with Corbin went fucking nowhere because FIVE YEARS. Is Curt Hawkins under 205? I have to think if he gets put in 205 he might do something other than just be the in-house version of the local competitors for squash matches.
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>>97729 He has to go back, to Japan. No way of salvaging this failed run in WWE.
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>>97730 Indeed.
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>>97733 >bushi threw bushi up his own ass what kinda hurricanrana is this
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>>97729 >guy who got injured multiple times and injured "THE" Brian Kendrick because the idiot didn't get ready for a GTS right vs >guy just called up from NXT with a big tear jerker promo package about his hard life and his mother killing his father There was only one way that match could have gone. It was a great match, but there was no way Hideo would have won after that promo package. >>97730 >getting worked like the marks and smarks on twitter kek He just last match beat Jack Gallagher, so it's not like he's destined for total burial. Pic related is what cursed him.
>>97736 >it's not like he's destined for total burial He's on 205 live, everyone there is practically buried, no one really cares for most of the people there. >getting worked I don't even watch 205 live but Hideo Itami's run in NXT was ruined thanks to injuries and now on 205 live, who actually cares?
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>>97735 The gay community kind.
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>>97747 He needs to JUST give up and leave
So is Roddy gone to 205 for good or just to fill a tournament spot?
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Is this true?
>>98070 True in the sense that it's been reported by all the usual dirtsheets in recent weeks. But the Mixed Match Challenge ends right around Wrestlemania, so if this deal between WWE and (((Facebook))) ends after the MMC, 205 Live goes back to a full hour after Smackdown, and we're back to square one with Alicia Fox and Goldust and Tony Nese selling for candy corn like they're thumbtacks… don't be surprised if Meltzer and his ilk are suddenly (and conveniently) saying Vince is taking control of the show again. >>97776 I don't think there's been any official statement on this, but this is my speculation on the matter: Last summer they gave Roderick Strong that great video package, but afterwards he kept failing to win big matches at TV tapings (other than against an outgoing Bobby Roode) and he ultimately wound up as a sort of a third-wheel in that Wargames match in November. Since then, he called out Lars Sullivan at an NXT taping (which went nowhere), and then he was used as UK title filler/fodder. It's entirely possible he could spend many more months spinning his tires like this in NXT, but after more than a year 'learning where the hard cam is' and with like half of Ring of Honor's 2015 roster on the docket I suspect his main roster debut was imminent and he's been slotted as a cruiserweight. Best of luck to you Mr. Strong, you're going to need it.
>>98070 That's the current rumor on the sheets.
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>triple lowercase h
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>>98506 >Spuds horrible tan
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>>98514 Buddy Blake stepping in to win
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>>98991 Buddy Obeta repackage soon
Will tonight's show be any good?
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>>98997 >will flippy shit ever be good
>>98998 >tfw snek will never randomly invade 205 and RKO the whole roster
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>>98997 >>98998 It might be worth watching to see what Buddy Murphy is like now. He's lookin real jacked too baby.
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mfw enzo returns
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mfw Cedric Alexander is only a few days away from an assault charge.
>>118118 Why hasn't Neville returned?
>>118122 He's already gone, he even moved back to england.
>>118124 >>118122 >In January 2018, Fightful reported that WWE froze Nevill's contract, keeping him under contract indefinitely or until a release is agreed upon. He's been out of action for 8 months now, wonder when will he be free from Vince's grasp

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