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King of Shitposting

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PAIGE IS OVAHHH Boliever 01/13/2018 (Sat) 01:15:54 Id: 3cf8ea No. 92770
PWInsider: "PAIGE DONE AS IN-RING PERFORMER FOR WWE" Paige Forced To End Her WWE In-Ring Career After Latest Injury! Link: https: //www.pwinsider.com/article/114747/paige-done-as-inring-performer-for-wwe-.html?p=1 #Feel free to laugh thread# P.S.: Sorry for the shitty thread…
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Still the botcha 1973.
Sasha learning from Seth
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>>92770 Will botcha somehow get off scot-free for this?
>>92774 Pretty much. Sjws love her even if the veteran wrestlers, former fans, and her coworkers hate her guts for being an ass-hole to everyone.
>>92770 Honestly, it's probably for the best Botcha fucked her up because if she was that fragile to begin with, the whale would of put her in a wheelchair.
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>>92770 Nice
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>>92772 >Feet It's always feet with you horse lovers
It's gotta be great to be Sasha. You can support racist-hate groups like Black Lives Matter, act like a complete bitch to your fans even if they're respectful or kids, and get your coworkers hurt with little or no consequences. Hell, you can even disrespect older wrestlers with your feminist-sjw shit, or ruin your bosses plans and coworkers' lives and careers without any remorse.
>>92781 >>92792 Which vets hate Sasha now?
Please god, make her get into (professional) porn now. Please.
https://twitter.com/hashtag/firesasha?src=hash >Someone makes a Twitter hashtag begging WWE fires Botcha Banks <Sjws defend her LOL
>>92770 >>92820 Paige will end just like Chyna
>>92771 The horrifying results of miscegenation
>>92788 nice Gimme that spaghoo.

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