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King of Shitposting

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Who's next? Boliever 02/09/2018 (Fri) 00:48:51 Id: 44f71c No. 97764
Which wrestler(s) do you think is going to join the HWF at the Pearly Gates this year? >Ric Flair That heart scare took a lot out of him, he's practically a walking corpse now. >Perry Saturn The guy's an absolute mess and were it not for the face tattoo, I would never have recognized him in his latest videos. He looks like he's in the terminal stages of full-blown AIDS. >Bruno Sammartino He's the current Jack Lalanne, but one day his body will give up, and at the age of 82 that day seems fairly close.
The Undertaker will go out Misawa-style.
When Daniel Bryan's WWE contract is up and he goes to wrestle in NJPW and gets bonked on the head a few times he'll go Benoit, killing his wife, daughter and himself.
>>97767 Nah, I'm pretty sure it's the WWE doctor not knowing shit while every other doctor said he was good to go.
>>97767 Shit, well this thread escalated quickly.
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Jesus enters in at 30, throws out Andre the Giant, Dusty Rhodes, and Crash Holly all at the same time to win for the 10th consecutive year.
>>97767 gonna agree on this, or he'll BREAK his neck during the match and die right there
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>>97764 My money is on Bret Hart
>>97764 Wasn't just Flair's heart, it was every organ in his body. His bowels were so fucked he needs an ostomy bag now. That he's alive at all is something of a miracle.
Someone in THE wwe will die via car crash screencap this
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could be anyone
Completely forgot about this guy. Everyone's been treating him as a dead man walking YOU'VE DONE IT NOW for the past two years.
>>100102 >0 dimes jarret going i to the HOF >Vader isn't Vader even thought he would die last year.
>ric flair that fucking dude will live until 2034. the next person to die will be sami zayn from blowing himself up inside a church.
>>98037 11 months off.
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>>98600 >Bret is the only Hart that's alive >All Kliq members are still well and alive
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>>98044 Well Billy Herrington died in a car crash but I don't think he was ever in WWE. RIP Aniki gone too soon.
>>132672 More like 3 days off
>>133026 Scratch that thought the thread was about who will die in 2018
>>133024 >first pic when you grey out everyone that's dead it really drives the point home on how unluckily depressing Bret's life has been.
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>>133029 also this was my fucking captcha lmao
>>133029 >click on pic >everyone grayed out is happy >Bret looks sad >everyone is gone
>>133029 >family values grayed out as well
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>>100348 Shamefully underrated. >>97764 Let's hope it's Vince, eh?

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