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King of Shitposting

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ELIMINATION CHAMBER 2018 Autistic booking/bookering/predictions/show thread Boliever 02/12/2018 (Mon) 07:31:57 Id: 4e9870 No. 98072
Onry two weeks away! Who will win a chance to face THE BORE Brock Lesnar? Who will will the (((HISTORIC))) Wymyn's Erimination Chamber? Will Dwayne Johnson's fat cousin BREAK asska's streak? Will something terrible happen since this will be in Las Vegas? Will the preshow be all 205 Dive and irrelevant jobber match? How quickly will Booley get wrecked in the chamber? Will it be any good? Will it at least be enjoyable shitposting time?
>>98072 I do bolieve that Mr. Roman Reigns will win the Elimination Chamber match.
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Ramen wins lol Bliss wins lol Asuka wins lol However would like to see Braun and Brock at mania since they have build up and shoot knees and punches. And for Littlebig to be Uni and Wamens champs
(603.75 KB 456x671 Casca stares at your post.png)

>>98072 >Who will win a chance to face THE BORE Brock Lesnar? Don't act like you don't know.
>>98072 >Who will win a chance to face THE BORE Brock Lesnar? Everybody's favourite Samoan ofcourse, and by everybody I mean VKM's. Will Dwayne Johnson's fat cousin BREAK asska's streak? Most likely not >Who will will the (((HISTORIC))) Wymyn's Erimination Chamber? Bliss wins to set up a triple threat between her, Asuka and Ronda Rousey who will somehow squeeze herself into the match. >Will something terrible happen since this will be in Las Vegas? Roman will win but if you mean something happening outside the ring, sure why not. >Will the preshow be all 205 Dive and irrelevant jobber match? Who cares? >How quickly will Booley get wrecked in the chamber? Probably the first elimination or at least the 2nd. >Will it be any good? Fuck no, fuck the PG Chamber.
>>98078 >Bliss wins to set up a triple threat between her, Asuka and Ronda Rousey who will somehow squeeze herself into the match. Ronda is going to be in a match with kurt vs HHH and steph. Remember how survivor series ended? Of course you don't, that was months ago and they did fuck all about it since then but trips is going to pop up out of nowhere to continue the story just like what happened with rollins last year. >Will it be any good? I liked last year's.
3 hours of awful tv, here we go!
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>For Germany, it was feared that the name "Elimination Chamber" may remind people of the gas chambers used during the Holocaust.[citation needed] >[citation needed] Even if it turned out to be bullshit, I'd still bolieve it. Oy fucking vey.
>>98642 >(((the Holocaust))) it sounds like a shitty tagline haitch would use if he didnt just name it after places. NXT TakeOver: No Escape
>>98642 >it was feared it might remind somebody of something that was fake wwew
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>yfw the women main event again
I want Braun to get really tired of waiting in the pod and rip the door open to enter the match early. If I get that, the rest of the PPV can fuck off, it's a 10/10.
>>99109 >Ripping open the triple reinforced bulletproof glass
>>99110 >Implying Braun can't
>>99109 >braun is first out the pod >beats up whoever else in the ring >goes over to elias' pod who is entering last >BRAUUUN SMASSSH >pulls out elias and fuckign kills him <roman spears them both and wins
>>98072 >Who will win a chance to face THE BORE Brock Lesnar? This [LOUD BOOING]™ baby, yezzir. >Who will will the (((HISTORIC))) Wymyn's Erimination Chamber? Hopefully Bliss. Probably Sasha. >Will Dwayne Johnson's fat cousin BREAK asska's streak? Lol no. >Will something terrible happen since this will be in Las Vegas? Hopefully. That'd be cool. >Will the preshow be all 205 Dive and irrelevant jobber match? Signs point to yes. >How quickly will Booley get wrecked in the chamber? Immediately. >Will it be any good? Maybe. >Will it at least be enjoyable shitposting time? Probably.
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bliss retaining brother hh finger poke of doom 2.0 with mickie jam
>>99512 >finger poke of doom 2.0 with mickie jam 2.0 already happened brother, this will be 3.0
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>>99119 pls this
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Do normalfags care about Ronda?
>>99529 Emotional cry babies might care because Ronda got really depressed or something after being BTFO so hard in UFC. Most normalfags probably don't give a shit though since she's not getting her head kicked in.
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>>99531 >Karls 5000 mile stare
>>99529 She was the 7th most googled athlete in 2017 even though she wasn't in any fights. I don't get it man, I can't se how anyone still bolieves in the illusion that she's some badass fighter after seeing that last fight.
Only a couple hours away, get HYPE
Anyone else considering buying some Brock Lesnar-promoted Jimmy Johns for the show?
>>99531 I thought this was just something you were posting as a joke. I just checked the card and, fuck me, it's real.
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>>99536 Who will be JUSTed this time?
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i got bored
Is the preshow at 7 or 8 EST? For some reason the fucking site and social media shit aren't saying.
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Bo is lookin BALLIN. Slick black attire, hair, baller beard. That shit is slick. Slick. Like, shwee shwoo shwee. That shit is nice.
>>99542 also that chain must have ran him like 50 stacks
>>98072 >Who will win a chance to face THE BORE Brock Lesnar? Roman will enter at #6 and beat Rollins who entered at #1 >Who will will the (((HISTORIC))) Wymyn's Erimination Chamber? Bliss >Will Dwayne Johnson's fat cousin BREAK asska's streak? Not unless she puts all her weight on her >Will something terrible happen since this will be in Las Vegas? Yes, people will actually give a shit about Ronda >Will the preshow be all 205 Dive and irrelevant jobber match? N-no, Bo Dallas is in it. The Balor Club will probably win since they seem to be getting a push though. Bo will still bump and feed like a champ. >How quickly will Booley get wrecked in the chamber? Sasha will turn on her >Will it be any good? No >Will it at least be enjoyable shitposting time? Yes
>Taima down Lol, nothing new. Might as well find a stream.
>>99545 https://synchtu.be/r/wooo
>>99545 Taima would just use a shitty unwatchable stream anyway.
yelyaB should become the new leader of Absolution, then we can have a trio of top tier girls.
>>99546 Thank you. >>99547 Yea, and it would be full of sjw-cucks, shitty memes, or kpop shit. >>99548 Still trying to avoid Booley being called Booley Lol, you're a pathetic faggot. That aside, who thinks she's finally going heel? There've been rumors that she's gonna turn after this PPV or when she and Elias wrestle Team Shovel (Cena and his slut fiance).
>>99548 >a failed autism gimmick with two green as grass bitches >top tier lol
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>mfw the hug autist's gonna win
>>99552 Booley's only there so sasha has someone to turn heel against, then they can have their match at wrestlemania. In the pre show between the CW match and the jobber battle royal.
>>99553 Word is Booley might go heel because she doesn't sell shit like Botcha. Botcha can sell stuff whether she's a face or heel. Not even numales are cheering for Booley.
>>99550 Because her name isn't "booley" you retard
>>99555 What is her name then
>>99555 Lol you're a faggot. >>99556 Loser like the Booley fag
(15.51 MB 960x540 Booley Goes Full Retard.webm)

Booley should either go full autism or full emo heel
>>99556 >>99557 All you are is a small pimple of a man.
>>99558 Wow that was full eugene. Who would've thought booley was even more autistic?
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>>99558 She was absolutely adorable then, I see nothing wrong.
>>99561 It didn't transition well into the main roster, and she can't do a promo worth a shit.
>They tried to get rid of Booker cuz Graves <They won't put king with the SJW Jew >They put Booker back in there >Sjw Jew is hyping up the WYMNZ CHAEMBR <Others just move onto other shit, cringing from the Sjw Jew >IM GUNNA KEEP HYPING THE WYMNZ CHAMEBR CUZ MUH FEMINISM AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Shut the fuck up, you bald Jew!
The Boobsweater is back. Nice.
>>99564 How ya doing, Joe?
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>>99564 >They tried to get rid of Booker cuz Graves
Any streams?
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>>99568 http://www.wwe.com/wwenetwork
>>99567 >i-it was a work g-guys
>retiredbybotcha is on the preshow >she's visibly hurt when Renee says she can't be a part of it
>>99572 >i-it was a work g-guys th-that's why WWE made them both come out and say th-they were s-still good
>>99573 Top mark
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Paige seems really bitter that Botcha killed her career (Even though she did that all on her own). You know that guy who claims to be all into that sjw-feminist shit, so he can get pussy with or without rape? The bald Jew reeks of that shit. >MUH ABSOLUTION WILL WIN Whatever, both are eliminated within 30 minutes. >Booley still can't do a promo Typical. >>99572 >>99570 >>99567 Crowd Control at it's finest
>they have mickie turn on booley and botcha after two weeks of 30 second spots with alexa
So whos going heel Booley or Botcha?
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>cucknadian potheads can't keep a site up for a midcard ppv
Leave it to WWE to kill a gimmick that fast
https://twitter.com/BookerT5x/status/967904096039485440 i-it was a shoot guise..
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>As a fan, IM SO EXCITED FOR A WYMNZ MATCH We get it, Jew. You're stoked to see women wrestle like a numale soy cuck. Can you try to sound less like a soy bitch?! We know you give no fucks about the other parts of the WWE.
(168.81 KB 640x360 Oh, Hi Mark.webm)

>people actually think "if i see him on the streets, not at starbucks, not at the airport, not at [x], but in DA STREETZ (laughs) ima get him" was a shoot
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>the white and the jew call for asska >the two blacks call for nia
I can't be the only one who notices that bald Sjw Jew fuck spazzes all over WYMZ matches, but when it's everything else he's just meh. And is it me, or does everyone else look uncomfortable around that bald jew fuck? I'd rather deal with AfroJew than bald Jew because Afro didn't shove his shit down my face.
Please don't kill Asuka's streak, Minoru Suzuki didn't slap her for nothing.
>>99586 >sjw jew >not sjew
>halfway done >still not doing the opening match
i gotta work work i gotta go shine
>Look how edgy I am by showing a Seth shirt <Everyone else is cringing Is he the Ja[LOUD BOOING]an/Michael Cole of the Kick-Off? He's just been an annoying cunt from the get-go. >>99588 Whatever, he's still a faggot either way. >>99589 We gotta have a bald sjew act like a creepy fuck for 30 minutes.
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Absolute madman Booker
>sjew says "Apollo Crews" >they immediately shout him down WEW
>TIME TO SHILL ANOTHER WOMAN AND SPEAK FOR MINORITIES CUZ SOCIAL JUSTICE AND DIVERSITY This fucking Jew is aggravating. >>99592 >>99594 Otunga is just pissed, but Booker is trying to put up with him.
>>99595 In this specific case I think it's because he said Crews and Vince™ doesn't want people saying that because (((Cruz))).
>Marks still think it was a shoot
>>99596 I get that, but all the other shit he's doing is so cringe-worthy. I don't know they keep this Sjew fuck on Kick-offs if everyone hates his guts.
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>hungry early for some reason even though I usually go like 10-13 hours between meals >thinking of going jimmyjohns >can't even get bread because it has soy in it
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>>99600 >axel stealing bo's swag
>Match goes on <FUCK THE MATCH ITS ABOUT MUH HISTYR CHANGE N WYMNZ REVLUCCION <Hardly any commentary on the match I hate you, Steph. .
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Bo's lookin' real strong tonight.
aere therr e normally ads in the kick off lol????
>>99605 Of courshe.
>>99605 You alright there, sport?
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Stupid idiot Curt Axel making Bo lose
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Jesus, this jew cuck wont shut up about the wymin
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>flood detected
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>>99611 They finally chyme in to make him shut up. He puts no effort into talking about other wrestlers.
>>99614 who even is he? Isn't he some jewtube fag?
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>alright, almost time for the payperview, please now take this one minute of silence to remember the 6 million what did he mean by this ??
>I want to be the man, ONE MORE TIME I-is this Rollins' ONE MORE MATCH moment? Are we going to lose BURN IT DOWN man?
>drinking >roman starts speaking >almost choke on my drink laughing at how retarded he sounds Goddammit
its literally now 2 jews
>Men going first
>>99620 MENS, ***
(234.41 KB 1845x621 oy vey.jpg)

>nervous white woman, angry black man, happy merchant, angry merchant
>>99619 At least Heyman doesn't make me want to choke him.
Are the Men opening the show?
>actual show stream is on periscope http://www.psp-tv.com/r/wooobackup Are these weedfags serious? What are they even doing?
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>>99626 probably
>>99628 Gif ends too soon damnit, needs to go lower
>>99628 gotta get those boos out as soon as possible
>Ronda is signing her contract <WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!?
>the sportsarefree.xyz stream is known and malware-free >they're using the malware stream instead I will build a personal gaschamber for all thsese 420chan taimafaggots.
>>99629 nope, even wwe knows feet are pleb tier
>>99633 It's the thinking mans fetish
>>99634 It's actually directly related to autism, look into it.
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>>99632 Taima and that site is down
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>this fucking "Sevendust but with a woman vocalist" music
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>>99632 xyz stream seems to be down, so gotta deal with pic related
BASED WWEreddit stream
>they switched streams >it's still from a malware site so you can't interact with the player at all without shoahing your computer
>>99639 >381 ads blocked >not using host file blocking to block malware cancer before it even gets to the adblocker
(10.37 KB 235x235 big smile.jpg)

>(((Kaufmann)) in an elimination chamber
>>99641 right click the stream
>>99643 booleyfag detected
>padded floor >booleyfag is already calling alexa a jew on nottaima baselessly
>I'm gonna repeat the same story of Botcha getting nervous now We're not that fucking dumb, Cole.
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(406.67 KB 444x250 kakakakakakakakakakakakaka.gif)

>Sonya vs Booley to start
>Mickie got more pops than Botcha and Booley <Dunn adds pops Let this sink in
(247.08 KB 1753x611 booley btfo'ddddd.jpg)

>>99654 >getting worked by Dunn's editing
>Stop stop she's already dead.
>>99655 No editing here, that was on the preshow with BOLIEVE
(2.86 MB 480x271 possible.gif)

>there are multiple booleyfags in dudeweed stream
>>99658 New thread theme?
Fans went from cheers to jeers.
>someone is doing a loud Frankie laugh in the crowd while booley gets destroyed
>>99662 L E G E N D
>botcha comes in >let's push her to the moon Shit.
No streams?
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>State of Sashas hair
>mandy rose is eliminated FUCK THIS
>Mandy eliminated.
>>99668 We all saw it coming.
Make. Mickie. Look Good.
>botcha gets kicked right in the jaw wew
It's official: Absolution is buried.
>the freshest woman in the ring gets beat by a rollup from the least fresh
Fug dis I'm getting pizza.
>>99675 WE WANT MICKIE! >Mass crowd booing LOL
WE WANT MICKIE [THUNDEROUS BOOMING] >>99676 Don't do that, pizza has soy in the crust.
This match better have a heel turn. It's the only way to save it now that it's a shit show.
>Jew being a squirmy bitch
>>99679 I'll take booley winning over botcha.
>Crowd goes wild for Booley btfo by Botcha LOL I like Botcha…for now.
Of course, this would be the best outcome.
Silky smooth 2FPS.
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This is god awful
Who will get its career finished by Sasha tonight?
>The old "let's fight each other instead of fighting the person we're trying to actually beat" gambit Please end my life.
>>99686 Jewlexa
Eddie rolling in his grave
This is awful Lol
>>99689 Why couldn't Vickie die instead of him.
I want Booley to BREAK botcha and pin her only to get immediately rollup pinned by Alexa
The only downside is now you can guarantee they're putting botcha over.
>THAT MEAN STREAK <Was an annoying babyface for 2 years Consistency, Cole
>no selling a chambertop finisher >immediate finisher submission hold
Fug dis.
Women were more dignified with their bra and panty matches. This shit is just embarrassing
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Alexa wins again, losers.
This stream is not on the neville level
omg, now they're crying? All these fucking whores do is cry
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>ending on a ddt >not on a top-of-chamber dive
(12.38 KB 233x241 laughingokada.jpg)

>Bliss face turn SWERVED
>that swerve by Alexa LEGENDARY
>This fucking jew with the crocodile tears
>pointing to wm sign
(189.33 KB 750x479 goobyfacepalm.png)

>Absolution is buried and dead <No official heel turns <Booley btfo <More pushes for the leftist-blm-feminist bitch Botcha to be the last opponent >Alexa wins What the fuck was the whole point of this?! >The heel is treated like a face <The crowd loves her fake face pop when she burns them LOL
>Corey sarcastic about Botcha lol
>no booley run out to beat up botcha and join ranks with Alexa
Oh boy here we go.
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Can't wait to hear the defeaning boos when bbygurl wins
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>Strowman promo starts >MASSIVE pops <Dunn mutes them
>freaks out and cries because she won >remembers she's a heel Elexa "Helmsley" Bliss when?
>>99717 >Dunn mutes The bar <Puts pops for team BLM
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>>99719 >getting worked this much
>>99720 What the fuck no I clicked on >>99718 to respond
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>>99718 >freaks out and cries because she won >remembers she's a heel Wrong. It's called a swerve
>>99720 All, Booley fag. You're still a worthless faggot though.
This better not end with "jobber worldwide who only got a push after The Shield went irrelevant again and they didn't want to give Heath Slater and Rhyno a push for whatever reason" winning the title.
>>99724 Go drink your Budweiser, Cletus
>>99726 >tries to insult someone by implying they're a hick >uses the most obvious name and the most universal beer possible
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>tfw no hair vs hair matches in dubdubyee
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>Dana's easily the best looking woman on the roster >they're booking her as just a joke comedy statistician in a mixed race group
So team Titus Worldwide is essentially team Blacked.com?
>>99729 Shame she can't sports entertain worth shit
I wanna fuck Dana Brock
>>99732 She's the sexiest lady in WWE right now
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TEAM BLM BTFO! >>99734 I'm so happy blm month ends this week.
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>>99733 >Saying that when Mandy Rose exists
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>Black people always lose in WWE during black history month
I love how Cole tries to make the Bar heels when the crowd loves them more than team BLM.
>NJPW fears WWE sign
>Andre the Giant documentary
>>99739 I want to see that
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>>99737 >reminder that Vince is currently booking world politics
You know what? I want Nia to win this one.
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>>99743 >Burying this fresh talent
>>99746 and I want her to lose weight but neither of those things will happen
Daily reminder they made Emma and Dana 5 second job to asska like nameless local talent while pushing even booley to have normal matches with her.
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Preview of this match's outcome.
>>99749 Emma had two normal matches with Asuka though
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>>99749 >Forgetting Emma had a normal match with her before getting released
>Asuka won the Rumble, and gets to pick her opp- <FUCK THAT! MAKE HER FIGHT NIA Still retarded how they ruined that part of the Rumble. Fuck you, Steph.
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>>99753 Asuka will win and look super strong
I love Nia Jax, I dont give a fuck. She's one of the best female wrestlers cause she's the most believable. A big huge bitch that throws little girls around
>>99756 t. The Dwayne
>>99756 (You)
>>99756 >throws little girls around >not eats little girls between her five-course meals
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>all these fat lovers in taima chat
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>coach: "I'm hard for asska right now"
How many botches did this Fat Samoan make? I lost count.
(1.47 MB 300x170 fat.gif)

>fat bitch nearly BREAKing asuka's legs with a botch
(152.42 KB 1059x593 cringeska.jpg)

>asska fucking dies >still wins
(150.81 KB 1083x609 asska is dead.jpg)

>asska might have internal injuries from nia's weight alone >nia almost smashes the ref in the face with the barrier
Mics didn't work lol
>>99766 >WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT OF THIS? To watch a small japanese girl pin an obese burger.
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Well morning I'm goin to see that ppv all streams are fucking laggy
>roman reigns >[LOUD BOOING]
>Roman reading off cue cards
>5 minutes of old shit from past Rams <For a piss BREAK/beer grabbing match Wyatt will lose This is how they make PPVs 3 hours? Don't we have a Loserweight division match they could have done instead of this?
>Absolutely no pop for le wacky laugh man
>fakeout match
>>99778 They lost the plot when it came to the loserweights after they shitcanned Enzo the Manlet.
>Le evil is scared by missing Wacky laugh man So much for the evil gimmick
>>99783 THIS
>smarks getting worked
>>99782 It's gotten kinda good again with the tournament now that Triple H books it and changed the pacing and feel of it all.
>>99784 I think everyone knows Bray has been ruined by the WWE.
>maggle tries to start heat with booker too
>>99789 >Starts heat with Coach This PPV is a trainwreck shit show.
>>99790 Wrong. >Alexa wins >Bar wins Good so far.
(12.38 KB 233x241 laughingokada.jpg)

The beachball got more pops than the rest of this PPV.
(994.62 KB 250x250 your dick.gif)

>Match so shit people rather shitpost with a beach ball
>>99794 Even Graves knows this match is shit.
>>99794 >>99793 They do it all the time, even during good matches or when their guys are wrestling.
>>99795 Shut up Corey.
>Chanting for a guy that's not even on the same brand
>>99798 >being this over
The match was so bad the crowd chanted for Rusev! Even the announcers couldn't handle it.
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>still conscious after losing >just walks away with a pissed off look When is Bray going to get his swamp goons back?
(1.72 MB 500x245 aliyah.gif)

>yfw Ronda is the main event
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>>99805 Vince needs to show everyone that sports entertainment is real sports. What better way than to put the spotlight on the potato nigger you just bought?
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>Ronda will never do this to Jewlexa
>>99812 good son ronda is a wack ass hoot as bitch son she quit mma cause she is shit son straight up son
>steph getting buried by haich chants
>MUH HISTRY Shut up, Steph. You're signing the female version of Brock Lesnar. No one fucking cares.
>>99816 No one who watches wrestling cares, but the MMAfags that care about Rhombus Arousing probably do.
>>99816 Brock didn't quit MMA when he lost though
Why would WWE do this lmao
>h….h-hey guys
>>99821 And the rest of the WYMNZ REVLUCCN being a complete joke
>"I WANNA URN YOUR RESPECK" >drops MMA for wrestling entertainment
I wanna HUG Ronda
Just let Hot Rod rest in peace and stop trying to ride off of his legacy.
Jesus, she wasnt this bad of a talker in UFC
>Rhonda gets a Wrestlemania match <Crowd is pissed <Dunn mutes them LOL >>99827 That's like asking them to stop milking Eddie Geurrero and Randy Savage.
>>99813 Yoshiko did nothing wrong.
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this is going on for way too long.
I almost cant stand to watch this shit. Its so awful and painful. They do this stupid crap that the vicious ass audience cant do anything but tear into. What were they expecting? This is their big moment and its retarded and this girl is an actual fighter but you cant fight the crowd.
WWE is invalidating their entire wymyns history by saying that Ronda did it all first. HILARIOUS!
>unhappy crowd
>>99831 This shit is why this ppv is 3 hours.
>ronda will fall for this
(55.50 KB 600x806 JUST.jpg)

>>99830 Yoshiko vs Bliss
>>99839 Stephany still hasn't gotten punched to death. So no they didn't.
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Ronda is gross.
Kurt/Ronda vs HHH/Steph confrimed
>Ronda just buried the COO Triple H Is Cole aware of the meme?
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>>99841 Did someone BREAK her clitoris?
>ronda on the mic
(1.64 MB 3456x5184 Ronda-Rousey-Feet-2827079.jpg)

>>99841 Who cares about that
>>99832 >>99833 They shat all over the whole Rumble by giving everything to a shitty MMA fighter.
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>>99848 Ronda is more believable than every woman in that rumble
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>>99841 could be worse
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>>99852 That's old, she looks excellent now.
>>99855 Post proof faggot.
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Yeah, fuck las vegas
>>99855 She doesn't have the grossly skinnyness to her anymore, but she still has guy hips.
This PPV had over 50 minutes of commercials and recaps, and the shitty Rhonda segment was 20-something minutes. >No Loserweight Division This division needs to die >Elias takes shots at cities <Yet everyone loves it I'll never get over how heels get pops, and faces get boo'd the fuck out of the matches. Do you guys think the WWE will fuck the main event up with Ramen and Cena being the last 2-4 guys in the ring? >>99851 It's so sad. Despite this REVLUCCN the whole WYMZ division is a god damn joke. Nia is the only one who can sell a character, but she is so fat and sloppy. Botcha can be a heel, but never gets to go full heel (tomorrow her and Booley will hug it out). Absolution is buried, and as talented as Mickie is, she's becoming the Big Slow of the WYMZ REVLUCCN.
(232.54 KB 1918x1077 booley denied.jpg)

>nuclear heat Fucking vegas.
>>99862 she looks identical
(87.51 KB 1200x675 expensive belts, maggle.jpg)

Winner of tonight's match coming through.
(3.85 MB 200x200 laughing_benoit.gif)

>>99861 >that fighting stance
>Elias didn't bring his guitar into the pod RUINED
Her titties remind me of Robert gibson
Dunn is going overtime mode because you can barely hear the boos and Cena sucks chants.
>>99863 No she doesnt
>>99868 >crowd is almost 100% muted for Roman's entrance
(490.09 KB 449x401 Girlslaughing.png)

>>99868 Dunn went all out muting the boos LOL
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Who's winning this one?
>Mens Cage has 7 guys >Womens has 5 <They couldn't get anyone else to wrestle because one retired (Paige), one is injured (Alicia), and one just flat out sucks (Dana) It makes you think.
>>99873 Nothing Vince does makes me think anymore.
>>99874 Dana is so bad they don't want her wrestling anymore.
So does Finn just not do the facepaint gimmick anymore?
>>99873 >>99875 Fuck off booleyfag.
>>99875 At least her tits looked nice in her outfit.
>>99878 But I hate Booley. How is it my fault Dana sucks at wrestling and life? >>99879 I've seen better.
>>99878 >Dana "50 shades of green" Brooke >good wrestler
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>denied a two sweet >denied a shield fist >thrown out of the match
For the life of me, I can't understand why this miz faggot still has a job with wwe. He must let Vince fuck him directly in the ass hole with no lube or rubber on. His career has been a shitpost. The only joy i got out of ever watching this worthless fuck is when kofi hate crimed his ass that time. Sorry for being a faggot, but fuck miz
>>99883 t. John Morrison
>>99883 lol get worked mark
(168.81 KB 640x360 Oh, Hi Mark.webm)

>>99883 You're not a faggot, in fact, I think you're right. Miz was barely bearable with the Dirt Sheets, but he was never good enough to be anything noteworthy by himself.
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>"Who needs this win the most, Corey?" >"John Cena because he said so"
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>>99883 His ring skills sort of improved, but he can sell a heel gimmick. If he's pissing you off, he's doing his job as a heel. He made a great promo that burned hipster-sjw faggots like Daniel Bryan and shitty Indie wrestlers. >>99888 The announcers have been a mess tonight.
Aaaaaand the crowd is dead, booing this match.
>Corey saying Big Match Jhon <Has no idea everyone says this in spite of Cena because everyone hates him Is Corey on something tonight?
>>99892 Erm Michael
>>99890 His only bearable offensive are the moves that he stole from Daniel Bryan. And he isn't pissing people properly as a heel, he has that "I don't want to see you on screen and I'm willing to change channels" heat, not the "I want to see you getting beat" heat.
(172.49 KB 401x417 big respect john.png)

>>99893 Maggle's learning the way of shitposting.
So… Who do you think is going to win this match guys? WHO COULD IT POSSIBLY BE?
>>99896 Finn
(384.26 KB 221x196 NO_EXIT.gif)

The crowd is so dead tonight. Did the Vegas shooter come back?
>>99895 He mastered that years ago. >>99899 As horrible as it sounds, a shooting would redeem this ppv even if Ramen and Cena make it alive.
(3.85 MB 200x200 Laughing_[REDACTED].gif)

>Dunn adding the "go cena, cena sucks" chant making viewers think the crowd still does it Oh Dunn…
>>99899 >John Cena and [LOUD BOOING] in the same match >Braun hasn't been released yet It's a fucking mystery.
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>crowd's dead crowd's bored crowd's dead How can you say this when you know Dunn edits the shit out of the audio? Checkmate, smarks.
>trying to pin on a ddt
>that piss-poor setup >for duck duck goose with a stolen move
>Miz gets nuclear pops for kicking the shit out of noodleman
>>99909 Face turn when?
>>99905 I did go off to watch the old Elimination Chamber matches as a warmup and this actually is one of the issues with modern WWE. You can hear the crowd and the ring back then while now it's like sports commentating where it's all see no hear. What made the older matches fantastic was the crowd screaming their heads off and the loud impacts on the ring when wrestlers slammed each other.
>Braun hasnt flipped the chamber
>not having Braun BREAK the pod WASTED OPPORTUNITY
I hope the crowd riottttttttts when Braun loses, and it's between Ramen and Cena
The miz faggot doesn't get "heel" heat with me, he never has. He has "why the fuck is this beta fag on my tv" heat His #movez look like shit, and he looks like he's playing sports entertainer. If he hadn't sucked a bunch of dick on TRW, I doubt he would be here on my tv now.. I mean fuck, I'd rather watch titus…at least it's comical when that stupid faggot botches a fucking Irish whip on national tv
>Braun didn't bust through his pod >Nothing was BROKEN upon his entrance Fuck this company.
(172.21 KB 1200x1200 get em on board.jpg)

>climbing a 10-foot high chamber >"That's like climbing the Empire State building!" Did someone dump paint thinner on the announcer's desk? >>99912 >Braun didn't kick the chamber window out Very disappointing.
>everyone fucking dies
>>99915 Is this some copypasta from plebbit?
THIS IS AVERAGE! Did you guys hear that?!
>all this strong Braun booking <you know it's just so he still looks strong because he's going to lose
>>99920 probably, or from /asp/
>>99920 Do you like the Miz that much or are you just deluded?
(307.55 KB 1920x1080 miz_JUST.jpg)

>>99921 I thought I was the only one who chanted that at shows.
(110.97 KB 1920x1080 ydgtbf.jpg)

>>99917 uh, you don't get to bring horses
>With a "STOMP" to Strowman Just call it the curbstomp you fucking faggots.
>>99927 It's not my horse
>>99928 DAS RACIS
(215.28 KB 1915x1075 gulak mad.jpg)

>everyone hits strowman with a finisher >Elias's attacks get no-sold
(206.87 KB 1920x1078 kopain.jpg)

>Elias gets Curt Hawkins'd
>crowd sings to Elias as he leaves It's like pottery.
>>99933 Fuck This Company
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Oh no, John Cena was eliminated. How will he ever get to Wrestlemania now.
(1.34 MB 967x783 Braun Strowman (2).png)

>Cena is out
<you now realize it's going to come down to Roman and Braun
>Dunn mutes the goodbye chants cuz Cena
(486.79 KB 887x473 cena feels.png)

(564.58 KB 515x918 ceanfull.png)

>>99941 >Strowman gonna lose to a shitty running hug
>Rollins tried to Rainmaker-Knee Balor >Balor has fought Okada >knows exactly how to counter It's like one of my japanese professional wrestling animations
>Greatest ever! <Was horrible until Braun came out Oh Cole…
>>99949 >getting worked by maggle
>themselves >not himself MAGGLE WHY
>>99946 The spear should be banned.
>>99950 He's been shit all night
(195.90 KB 584x239 smug cole.png)

>>99955 >worked this successfully
(93.23 KB 1200x675 Braun Strowman (2).jpg)

>trying to pin Strowman
(203.39 KB 672x774 Eddie in heaven.jpg)

This better not end on a Roman win.
I can't wait for everyone to flip out when Ramen wins
I wonder who does more steroids, brain or roman
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>>99959 Man you're in for some disappointment
(3.11 MB 200x150 vinnie.gif)

>Ramey getting yet another big WM spot just because of ?????
50 cent! 50 cent! >Crowds always crazy maggle lol
>>99959 I don't think you quite realize whose yard this is.
>pod BREAK spot >it doesn't feature roman falling through
<crowd is starting to turn on the match >BE READY TO TURN THEM DOWN DUNN!!
(800.91 KB 850x474 ClipboardImage.png)

>all this booing
LOUD BOOING! Come on riottttttttt! I want to see a riottttttttt.
>and not a single cheer to be heard
Was that fake crowd noise just now?
>>99976 of course it was
>>99946 Not just one running hug, 2!!!
>people are already leaving
(98.73 KB 1200x675 FUCK MAGGLE.jpg)

(98.68 KB 1200x675 FUCK TRUCKS.jpg)

(93.13 KB 1200x675 FUCK JOBBERS.jpg)

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>>99967 I unironically enjoy 50 cent's movies
>mics muted already Why do they push a guy this hard this constantly? I don't understand how over two years later they still think Roman is the next Cena. Are all of the writers related to DSP?
We're in for a really awful Wrestlemania next month.
>>99977 You're right. That OOOOO-AAAAHHHH was so piped in. That's why dunn couldn't mute the boos, he was staying ready to pipe it in.
>Reigns has to be thinking 'I've thrown everything I have, what does it take?' >Reigns threw literally two moves >He was trying to be hyperbolic >He was right on the nose
>>99984 AJ v Nakamura should be good
>>99988 >Preshow tier match
>Strowman slams Rogaine >cheering begins again You can't make this shit up. >>99983 They've either invested too much in him to not get a return, or Vince really wants his pick to be popular.
(48.90 KB 300x100 ftc.gif)

>>99990 The crowd doesn't seem to be feeling it either. I mean some do, but the cheers aren't as loud as before. I think tonight be the start of Braun being ruined.
(15.68 KB 229x220 beeg dawg.jpg)

>>99989 Oh, I didn't realize you hate wrestling.
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(59.74 KB 840x840 Bayley checksdeleted)

>>99997 >being this worked
(406.67 KB 444x250 kakakakakakakakakakakakaka.gif)

>>99999 >autistic booley footfag is also a getcuck Just when I think you can't get any worse you hit a new low baileyfag.
>>99996 >Implying it wont open WM >Thinking it'll be as good as in Japan
>Booleyfag gets the quints Good job, you disgusting fruit.
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Holy shit, is John actually going to hang himself?
(1.14 MB 268x268 tofu.gif)

Happy 100K posts
(132.91 KB 1059x595 depressedcena.jpg)

>>100012 Does this mean John earned his manlet beard?
This whole PPV was a shit show mess from the Sjew being an unlikable cuntto the shit awful Chamber match ending with a Ramen win. They did us a favor by not having a loserweight division match. >>99988 Yay, a match that will probably be shit somehow. >>99991 Yet Vince still doesn't get it. This is why everyone hates Jason, Ramen, Cena, the Bellas, and Booley. This is why ratings go down. Only a few are gonna watch Ram for a month for a WM push Ramen deserve because Bork is gonna be autistic at UFC. No one wants to hear Cena demand a WM shot with his slut fiance. Everyone gave up on Booley. Vince doesn't care: he'll destroy his legacy and business if it means his favorites are shoved down everyone throats. Vince still thinks the hate Jordan got is legit, but nobody likes the guy. He lacks the charisma and rings skills a heel needs. Just being an annoying cunt doesn't make people give you legit heel heat if none of them want to buy your shitty merchandise let alone sit through a promo/match.
(108.15 KB 502x394 Immortalized.png)

(7.76 MB 631x352 Joy2.gif)

>stepping outside proper etiquette HEEL JHON CONFIRMED
>>100012 >that depressing music in the background
>giving the talk show hosts shitty headsets that make renee sound like she has a lisp
I can't wait for Hollywood Cena
>>100021 He's already hollywood
>>100019 I don't care if he ever goes heel. I just don't want this fucker in the ring anymore. Shit like Ramen winning or Cena being one of the last guys in a Rumble match make me glad I didn't waste money of a WWE ticket. >>100020 They had problems with their mics through the whole ppv. When Renee talked to Alexa, you couldn't hear her.
(62.53 KB 295x175 punkeddotcom.png)

Shut up Steph.
(7.24 MB 640x360 cena heel theme.webm)

(1.41 MB 350x272 1439844320356.gif)

>Implying Jhon isn't getting ready for his match against Tana at the dome
>hand is still bleeding fugg
#4WrestlemaniaMainEventsInaRowBbygurl Not even Cena has done this. Roan has eclipsed Cena, on his way to Hogan's level.
This whole PPV was nothing more than a shitty Ram episode.
>>100022 He needs portray himself as being up his own ass and against fans to truly be Hollywood.
>>100027 lmao nigger what did you do
(147.03 KB 1500x1500 ice pack.jpg)

(90.23 KB 600x400 kitamura600x400.jpg)

>>99747 Tiny gooks don't put asses in seat brother HH
>>100031 Tried to make a funny weebum for /wooo/ BREAKing a glass but it backfired.
(5.04 KB 125x63 DUDE.png)

>>100034 And I'M the autistic one
>>100034 upload it anyway
>>100028 Yet dumb kids liked Hogan and Cena back then until Vince overdid it with Cena. Damn near everyone hates the living shit out of Ramen including the women who want to fuck a tattoo'd bad-ass. He sucks in the ring, is an ass-hole in the business, and is an ass-hole out of the ring. At least Cena his real personality with his slut fiance when he worked with Vince.
>>100018 Holy shit, I just realized I had a game running in the background playing sad music for John Cena. I'M RETARDED
>>100035 Yes, you are.
>>100037 >is an ass-hole out of the ring he seems chill
>>99983 >two years later Actually 3 years brother.
lol @ fat jews
>roman burying the jew WEW NO LONGER ANTI-ROMAN NOW
>>100045 Also I have no idea how that ended up in my /wooo/ folder but it finally has a use.
>shield 2.0 BREAKs up because Dean's out and Roman/Seff have been fighting >Roman teams up with Samoa Joe to form the Samoan Shoah Brothers
>>100045 >Everyone is pissed at Ramen, Vince <Have him burn the bald sjw Jew after the PPV after Braun kicks his ass at the end Sorry Vinny, but it doesn't work like that. Ramen is still hated.
Whatever happened to Afro Jew?
>>100050 Fatty Owens made fun of him on a preshow. He might be SD preshow only.
>>100051 Any clips?
>>99894 That's called "X-Pac Heat"
>>100053 But people like seeing the Miz despite his shitty ring skills. Ramen is a better example of X-Pac heat.
>>100054 Oh, I agree. As bad as the miz is, he's Mr Perfect compared to Roman. I'm just explain to this mark that we already have a term for what he was describing. t. oldmark
>>100055 I'd also throw Jordan having X-Pac heat. Nothing is working for him even when the WWE said, "fuck it. No one is liking him." His heel stuff isn't working when guys like Kurt still treat him like a face, but everyone can't stand him.
>>100056 I honestly can't say I fault teh Dubya dub for that one, though. They look at the average audience member, they look at the twatts, they look at the streamers, and what do they see? That's right, Soyboy faggots. So why wouldn't this arena full of hipster nu-males love this fucking mutt? It's almost like even when you pretend to like niggers, you still don't want to see niggers. Even half a nigger is too much.
>>100057 How good would the product be if they went to this board to gauge interest and feedback instead?
>>100058 Bo Dallas would be in Roman's position.
Maybe it's me, but I think crowd is starting to go more balls out in PPVs by chanting, "This is average/boring," or random shit like "50 cent" or "Rusev Day." They did it in Philly in the Rumble, but Vegas was way more aggressive. When someone else on a different show or a beachball are getting more pops than the wrestlers, this should tell Vince, Dunn, and Paul/Trips something is wrong. >>100057 New Meme are annoying as fuck, but they have personalities. It's not their fault the WWE can't booking faces and heels. Jordan is just a shit wrestler with no skills. At least Botcha put a little effort into being likable before using Snoop Dogg, blm, and sjws to go somewhere, and she can actually play a decent heel. Jordan isn't wowing anyone as a heel or a face. They gave Titus and Apollo a chance, but nobody likes them (Not even Dana can save them). Alicia has no luck at all. >>100058 They didn't listen to anyone bitching about Cena. They're not going to listen to a site like 8chan knowing how fucked up 8chan can be (Not to diss 8chan, but…you know…).
>>100058 Mixed bag, some great ideas come from here, but there is also a resident booley fag. So we'd see AJ gas the entire gay community during the Bergen-Belsen Chamber, but we'd also have to deal with a tenfold increase in feet shots. >>100061 Again, niggers normally don't get over. At best you'll get upper midcard talent like Booker T or Bobby Lashley, but mostly you'll get JTG's or Mabel's. The Rock being the exception to this rule, and he's only half a coon. No one likes niggers, not even other niggers (ex: Chicago, LA, Jew York)
>>100062 I liked Big E before New Meme went face. He can actually wrestle with Kofi and Xavier (Kofie improved too). The Usos used to take a lot of shit from people until they went heel and improved their ring skills (they need to cute down on the rapist thug shit though). Lashley and Booker had personalities and skills to back them up while they didn't piss Vince off too much. Alicia just keeps getting screwed over, but she can do something unlike Booley (I'm not an Alicia fag btw)
>>100063 Honestly, if they just remade the Nation and had all these black wrestlers chimping and "muh raycyst"-ing, I'd watch every single week. Mark Henry was my favorite black wrestler a few years ago, cause he'd just scream at crackers while he worked them. That to me is bolieveability, and I can get behind that. But some happy go lucky, grinning "i'm your friend" face? Nah, that nigger would rob me of my shoes if he had the chance and a glock.
>>100061 >Not to diss 8chan, but…you know… FUCK YOU
(33.40 KB 609x350 fa.jpg)

>Everyone's shitposting maggle ah love it >>100066 Alexa's arm freaks me out. It always reminds of that time when she pretended it was BROKEN.
>>100078 Whats wrong with hyperflexibility? I'm looking forward to selling standing armbars and hammerlocks like a motherfucker when I can get back in good enough shape to train again.
(9.20 MB 1280x720 Alexa's Broken Arm 1.webm)

>>100078 all those disarmers from lynch really took a toll or all those handjobs amirite HAHOOH [smacks knee] yesserie comedy!
(405.42 KB 449x463 aj proud.png)

>>100058 >tv-14, maybe even tv-ma >bo wyatt (or maybe just super bo) >actual proper BROKEN matt >road dogg fired >booley buried even further *or maybe booked properly if such a thing is possible** >bra and panties matches come back, maybe tits exposed if tv-ma >rusev pushed >braun strowman vs lesnar at WM >roman finally is heel >fashion files come back and breezango actually have matches and actually win sometimes, maybe even capturing the belts >kevin dunn fired >snek goes heel >ascension rises as faces >daniel bryan in ring return >ziggler booked as more than just a guy who jobs to new nxt call ups maybe even heel shooter stable >karl anderson allowed to do the gun stun >AJ is allowed to call people faggots in his promos >brock lesnar actually has to defend his title at more than just the big 4 (and loses to Strowman) or Bo >talking smack returns >mike and maria kannellis return in nxt where they both wrestle and they get over with help from their epic theme >actual intergender matches Some of these are just my own autistic fantasy shit though
(306.39 KB 777x437 BulletClub.jpg)

>>100094 I approve of all except the last two. Few things I want to add: >working relationship with NJPW formed >once a year they put on a big cross-company show putting on crazy dream matches >some feuds go on all year across brands >Bullet Club officially in WWE, maybe other stables added later leading to a new era of stable wars
>>100096 One thing I forgot: >Bullet Club eventually becomes BOllet Club when Bo is put over by both Balor and Styles before he begins his climb to the big title >Bo main events Wrestlemania against Reigns and claims the new Unified Belt as he anointed the new face of the company.
>>99894 Fire all flippy midgets. Balor included
>>100096 >working relationship with NJPW Recently the owner of NJPW said that he would like to make that happen. Too bad Vince won't go for it, HHH possibly would if he was in charge, at least with NXT if not the main roster.
>>100099 I love Vince but sometimes I wish he would die.

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