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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3996: Green and Pleasant Land Edition Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 21:23:38 Id: 01eab7 No. 478989
How will the changes to workers' rights affect you? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy0l19j9jgko China-Europe trade war ‘unavoidable’ on current trends, EU business leader says https://archive.is/919uf EU could die, warns Macron https://archive.is/fCnOq
Edited last time by Enoch on 10/10/2024 (Thu) 21:24:51.
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>>478992 Love it when she does that. >>478986 He wasn't kicked but I miss him. They're all gigabased now even sargoon.
>>478975 Her name is Sophie Reade, she's an ex-Nuts mag/Page 3 model who got famous for dating basically every mid-'00s era Ngubu footballer and she currently does hardcore interracial porn lmao you pathetic whiteknighting Amerimutt
>only one day of toil to go until muh holiday >>478976 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
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>>478995 that's not even the right thot you faceblind retard, it was Beth Lily. I've never even heard of the whore you're referring to. and all that transpired was I saw some softcore topless pics/videos of her and said, 'this woman looks attractive', I never did background research on her or endorsed the thot's existence or decision-making or anything like that. you're totally mischaracterizing what transpired and it's very disingenuous and pathetic, you make yourself look like a retarded cuckbrain and it's embarrassing
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LMAO lad you obsessively poosted Sophie Reade for ages. Don't try and wiggle out of it by posting another dumb silicone thot as though she's any better
>>478998 no, you're lying. I legitimately have never heard of that whore, and I remember clearly that it was Bethany Lily April that I posted and you said all this about "NUTS" or whatever the fuck British thing that I've never even heard of. either you remember it wrong or you are lying
and as for evidence? all you have to do is look at the thot I just posted and at this "Reade" whore and see that the latter is ugly. whereas the one I just posted is clearly in good taste. case closed
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t. known compulsive liar and headcanon fantasist (Spicposter)
>>478994 > They're all gigabased now even sargoon. they seemed to go massively further to the Right as the months have gone on, I'm not exactly sure how or why though
Debate: Matt Goodwin vs Ash Sarkar – The TRUTH About UK Immigration https://youtu.be/JwOre5Rds3g
if u could all kys that would be great
>>479001 I am not a liar, I am actually so honest that I am gullible
btw, tremors have been felt throughout Iran, and there is speculation that this was not an earthquake but an underground nuclear test. Israel getting nuked in the near future is not impossible DO IT KHAMENEI, LAUNCH THE NUCLEAR WARHEADS, INCINERATE THEIR FLESH, DO IT NOW!
>>479007 its too late lad israel has already won
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>>479008 not if Iran is testing nuclear warheads underground. what the fuck are they gonna do about that? also major drama: allegedly the leader of the Quds Force (that succeeeded Soleimani) was an Israeli spy all these years and finally got caught, and the Mossad pushed the aheart attack button when they started to interrogate him or something. crazy shit >In October 2024, speculation arose that he was either killed or injured alongside Hashem Safieddine, who was targeted in the October 2024 Dahieh airstrike.[8][9][10] IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency reported that he will be awarded the Fath medal within days.[11]. On October 10, many media outlets reported that Qanni was arrested and interrogated on suspicion of spying for Israel. It was also reported that he suffered a heart attack on the way to the interrogation[12].
zionigger have no realistic end game that isn't some masterbatory larp. they are a tiny minority of the world population that exists as a parasite of anglos their memi country only exists because of the USSR/USA post war stability which they played both sides of. the new SINO-RUS/USA axis is too unstable for a memi jew country to act like it is a global power. lad they literally lost to hezbollah like 15 years ago and they have already stalled in their invasion of lebanon. all they can do is collapse countries interally they can't rule them like how our people did.
think they are hoping for pookraine to become their new home
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>>479010 thing is though, what they are probably planning on doing is: >do an extremely provacative attack on Iran's oil/gas, prompting Iran to retaliate against both Israel and the Gulf states, causing global energy prices to skyrocket and handing the election to Trump >Trump then ends the war in the Ukraine and goes to war with Iran >the US crushes Hezbollah, performs regime change in Syria/Iran, probably the Houthis cannot be defeated but they will be bombed into submission >Israel annexes and ethnically cleanses Gaza, the West Bank, and southern Lebanon, US recognizes all of it as Israel. Jerusalem becomes de facto capital, Al Aqsa mosque destroyed, Third Temple to be built this leaves all of Israel's enemies either destroyed or severely degraded to the point where they no longer pose a threat with no nuclear capability, all other countries in the region are paid off by Uncle Sam. antisemitism censored, protests/riots crushed now is it all going to go like that? I don't know, I hope not. I hope it fails miserably and Israel gets nuked. but clearly there are Jews calculating that this outcome is probable enough that they're going to send it and hope they're adhering to the Mitzvoh or whatever and their Hashem Satan-God thing will grant them total victory. then they'll build an autonomous facial recognition slaughter drone swarm so if antisemites ever have a chance of dethroning them from the west they will blow our brains with the slaughter drones, and there will be only stupid browns left that will never even realize that Jews rule over them. and then it's over, they will just do wars of expansion every so often until they have Greater Israel with control of the Suez and the world's energy supply, every country will either be heavily infiltrated by Mossad and menaced by slaughter drones or will be a Chinese satellite. and there will be a Jew-Chinese Cold War and we'll see who wins that... maybe the Chinese will do genetic engineering and make 150IQ uberchinks and wipe out cumskin kikes with a bioweapon that chinkoids are immune to
the major wildcards are: >Iran getting nuclear missiles and launching them before their ability to do so can be eliminated >Turkey >extreme discontent throughout the masses of the region that could, for example, result in the overthrow of the Egyptian government and install Islamists that would join the fray >the US military being too brown to win and/or their strategy being ineffective (carriers get sunk by cruise missiles and/or drone swarm, more and more of the Middle Eastern population becoming guerillas, the US running out of materiel) >major discontent/unrest/happenings in the US causing instability, or insubordination in the US military (which is very brown, especially the Marines)
in any case it seems like the Jews are making the last big push to secure Israel and annihilate whitoids. they are gambling everything on one last big push, and it could very well go horribly wrong for them
>>479016 man you can't do that you have to at least break down your input point by point like I did
>>479004 *vomits* at her stupidity? Or her shit ability at being a paid shill for big business. Either way leaves me recoiling tbh
>>479015 Not “could” but it WILL go horribly wrong for them Tbh
>>479013 this comment teleported from like 2012 or some shite. america is a shithole collapsed hellhole lad you think they can invade iran lmao
>jewish slaughterbots
anglo saxon internet white nationalism literally woke the entire world up to the jews lad
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>>479013 I'm pretty sure US military planners said it was impossible 20 years ago. >>479023 Dreidel manhacks flying down your alleyway goy.
morn www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdIRrmNN_CQ wish I could drink and be permanently slightly sloshed so as to do better in social situations I genuinely don't want to have to be around family and keeping up the pretense of having a good time misanthropic autistic introvert retard feels
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this nigger is retarded
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how can people vote for these teeth how can people vote for Zion Don the only explanation is that most Americans are not people, their brain is kike Bayer-Monsanto Roundup Ready HFCS slurpee
>>479031 was just listening to colm interviewing miles and miles had the based take on vooting "I would only vote if the candidate got up on stage and tore his shirt off and started flexing and bench pressing his opposition"
>>479029 personally I'm excited to be attending your birthday la
>>479033 thenks good to have you
if only keeksmh
>>479036 speccy twats feel justified in pulling this shit with basic bitch slightly right of far left traitors like nigger elf so they obviously have compunctions whatsoever about psyopping and killing your average briton let alone britnat smh
>>479038 >twat not found deleted already? what was it tbh
>>479039 Screenshotted it but these lefties have deleted it because of the replies which were 95% hostile They didn’t get the ( you )s they wanted with their virtue signalling posting
>>479040 >niggercattle using nigger reaction images to threaten niggers and nigger enablers niggered niggkeeek
Israel just shooting at peace keepers again >why do people hate us so >muh precision strikes Any other country doing this would get bombed flat within 24 hours tbh and then occupied and regime changed
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>it is right to rebel, Hillel go to hell (with a red triangle) very very based >bring the war home (with an ak) wew that's practically fedposting https://nypost.com/2024/10/10/us-news/jewish-life-on-campus-attacked-with-calls-to-defund-hillels/
luv it when lasses at the shops ask me to help get something from the back of the top shelf >>479036 nigger elf getting bumped off by a brownoid would galvanise the right wing whilst also getting rid of one of the bigger obstacles to an openly ethnonationalist political party tbqh
>>479046 maybe the chinkies will fund roight wang groups in yurop to destabilise the zoggy empire one day
>>479048 yellow frens have our back
>>479050 based chuds
>>479050 it's like that meme Bins made. Skyrim, Adolf, Gunther...
>>479053 he's made it
Whoa the Tory MP the media is holding up as the next Hitler is actually a duplicitous libtarded quisling?
>>479056 >Tory is offering what Tories have promised and then not delivered on for 15 years >>479057 Based.
>>479056 The regime will never fall because the people are retarded
>>479057 there's a good rip out already? not sure when I will be back tbh please wait if i'm not on time >>479059 throw him off a building habibis
Imagine reading >sentenced to death with a minimum sentence of having a leg chopped off Fucking retarded country
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>>479035 >that weird angular style that 22st experimented with for 2 pieces of OC
>>479060 He’s just promising I will not deport 100,000 and only bring in another 10,000 Yet another radical moderate toryboy
>>479062 >good rip out already yeah apparently it's out in HD. I will check though >not sure when I will be back tbh please wait if i'm not on time what time should we expect you back?
>>479064 it's pretty good tbh >>479063 >for life >a minimum of eight years he'll be out before melia is then >>479066 I don't know think I'll be with relatives for dinner so maybe nine, or later depending on how slow and laggardly they are and how much smuckling about libtard shit there is to do
Sellner banned from Neutralland
>>479067 He’ll be out next week on appeal because there’s not enough space to hold him pending his successful appeal
>>479068 He autistically documents them Once he dressed up as Riff Raff by the looks of things https://rumble.com/c/MartinSellnerEnglish
>>479067 >it's pretty good tbh kind of, but he just suddenly dropped it for no reason (think the 4 panel format was too much work) I still prefer the classic bulbous style pic related >I don't know >think I'll be with relatives for dinner so maybe nine, or later depending on how slow and laggardly they are and how much smuckling about libtard shit there is to do Could put it on tomorrow instead if you prefer? Can't really watch it without you since it's your choice. I also want to watch Poor Things (2023)
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>>479068 remember when Wews said that cancel culture was over (even after Russia Today had just been banned from all Western sites) Now Keith Woods is banned too, and Sellner is banned from yet another country When was the last time Wews had a good take?
>>479071 I'm good with staying up late if others are will sneed something comfy after the obligations of the day
>>479072 His xost about lesbian prison rape was okay, though more of a comment really
>>479047 what the ack???!?
>>479073 >I'm good with staying up late if others are okay fairs, will stick with Beetlejuice (2024) then, but a late showing
poor things looks like particularly degenerate shite btw
>>479071 >Poor Things Interracial dyke cuckold nonce gore with pretentious diatribes jewslop.
>>479078 is it?
>>479077 oh, I watched the first 5 minutes of it yesterday and it looked like it might be good
>>479079 It is. Smdh.
It's engaging if only at how bizzare and vulgar it is throughout.
>>479082 worth a film night or no?
off to embarrass myself bye las
https://youtu.be/xqj7XOv9mC8 They remade Papilion
steiner should kidnap her for real this time
>>479080 Are you Twit?
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>>479090 no it's smee
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Calendar says its the big mans BD today
Another year conquered, the eternal survivor Wessica! >>479092
>>479088 What is this supposed to convey?
>>479094 women trying to be funny and failing as usual
>>479094 It's an unfunny yank pun in support of federal legislation from a couple of years ago. "Chips" as in both microchips and yank crisps. It's the law apparently giving $280 billion to US semiconductor manufacturing and research. Of course, many Senators entirely coincidentally invested in companies that would benefit from this funding before it became public knowledge. How lucky.
One for the binema Only a good copy though Have a feeling this will become a /brit/ cult classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNlrGhBpYjc
>>479095 Many such cases. >>479096 Brazen. >>479097 >feminist slop No thanks.
>>479083 Stick this on the list as well. At least it’s set in England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjzxI6uf8H8
>win10 forced update makes everything worse >now instead of being immediately visible my image collection takes time for the thumbnails to load probably making sure it's all scraped to their spy servers or some shit smh >>479089 nice shoop >>479092 thanks la I told the fam about your steam train commute and ruby ring cutting adventures so they think I have real frfiends >>479101 goondor calls for aid and I shall answer
keeking at the wagies going fast
>>479103 where
>>479102 shall we get this film on the go then?
>>479104 in manxs' birthday webbum
>>479105 yeah go on
>>479086 the soyim immediately jumping to multiculti defence because it's the only thing it has going keeeeekACK
>>479102 got any birthday stories for us la?
>>479110 the boomers tried really hard and came up with a book about are kangs and kweens written by "comedian historians" and rated as based and epic by all the big newspapers so you just know it will be nothing but nonstop anti-indigenous propaganda trying to ridicule and deconstruct our past and paint our monarchs as all being ultra degens mummy got me some made in china polyester vikang style larp shirts for some reason best pressie were the charles oman handbook on napoleon's maxims and a book on the chinky army I bought at tescos charity box while getting cake
uncle's demented mummy was visiting and she has an equally demented and psychotic little dog that was on the verge of chimping out for a few hours, they said it takes at least two weeks for it to get used to new people but I had it comfy and quiet pretty soon using drvid psychic powers
>>479102 Happened to me on win10 too. Try changing these settings and see which works best. Also happy birthday de lad
>>479102 happy birthday wess
>>479115 ta lad didn't really help tbhsmh might have to separate my webbums and peengis >>479116 phwwwooooaaaaarrrrgghh
>>479118 >phwwwooooaaaaarrrrgghh they're underage, nonce bastard
>479119 t.
>>479088 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek is this real I wish mummy gretchen was president she has meme capability
>>479086 I am confused why is his place called "motown" when its in DC? he also isn't a great lakesoid but actually a foreigner and putting foreign shite on a great lakes theme 'za. if it was going to be real great lakes hipster 'za I would put fried beer battered walleye on it with maybe bits of pork belly and then use some kind of wisconsin style cheese instead of the memizorella. but idk the only detroit style 'zas worth eating are made by buddy's pizza
>>479111 smh shame tha lad, i remember being in caernarfon and seeing some """anti-history""" book being shilled, more vague tongue in cheek xoomer shite got a nice state hermitage book on oriental arms last bday from stepdad
>>479121 Confirmed real and not Qoomer AI porn https://www.youtube.com/shorts/P2UsUkZH9WA keeeek that woman has a Trayvon Martin march video on her youtube ahhh now that was a fun time
>>479123 goola hope it's got kinos in there the grail is evidence of the janniesaries getting caught inside red hot burning iron hoops at the great siege of malta tbh contemplated a naval inventory of ironclads going back to the 1870s but it was mostly just a tonnage list rather than with cool pics and stuff
>>479125 never read much about malta tbh might try find the henry balbi translation of francisco correggio's account
>>479114 You tell the thread but not the bongo? ACK. Wondered why an hour passed from starting soon. Assumed a holdup due to pooing peeing and amazon packages. Roooo.
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>no more toil >>479111 happy bday laddo
me after too much cake slices >>479128 cheersla
smorb lads happy bidet wessie
>steinhog will defend this vile slop I've always hated the nigger cattle that purchase and consume this sort of 200 ingredient processed garbage. she even uses paper plates. no white person should eat this kind of trash, this is slop befitting nigger slaves
this makes me so angry. the scrapple, I don't see a problem with, but putting jam on a meat dish and using the processed "American cheese" (archdemon of slop) and wasting all the egg yolk which is the healthiest thing in this... for fucks sake. and it's cooked on a (((nonstick))) PFAS griddle, and the bitch is fat as fuck it's just so unbefitting of an Aryan, this putting the processed wigger garbage disposal slop into an ethnically European stomach, it's sickening
I remember I posted something like this awhile back and Steiner was defending it, saying "my people"... like glamorizing poverty, lack of tact/class, low standards... it's indefensible. white people should be eating real food that's healthy and nutritious and not poison, that looks and tastes good and is respectable/classy
>>479132 thats not a michigan accent lad
not a bad looking mummy though
thats vile though its like a horrible version of a casserole there aren't any mushrooms or cauliflower and potatoes she would have been better off with hashbrowns instead of that ramen shite. smh don't bully american mummy casseroles they are not that bad. that one was vile though
>>479136 I didn't say it was >>479138 the ingredient quality is the problem >pre-cooked, conventional chicken from a BPA can with the liquid dumped in >conventional mayonnaise >(((Kraft))) "cheese" like why can't she just make this: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/276725/creamy-chicken-alfredo/ with organic chicken, broccoli, onion and alfredo sauce, and imported Parmegiano-Regianno? and half as much basil if dried which is okay. like sure it'd be a little more expensive but it's worth it to be eating something that's good for your health, medical bills are not cheap either...
Parmigiano-Reggiano that's how it's spelled. I never get it right
please do not bully american mummy casseroles or I will get angry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFHqxpzDJ5U alfredo sauce is vile most "italian" food tastes like shite. americanized versions are better but yeah that video you posted was disgusting vomit looking casserole larping as chicken alfredo. for me its >za >spagahetti or however its spelled >chicken parmasean every other guinea wop food is shite
the fact that grown adult woman is feeding her children ramen is suspect enough to their IQ level that shite is not even fit for animal consumption
>>479131 ta lad >>479133 it's kind of like a really shit giga fryup blt sarnie that I used to do of baguette with butter, cranberry or other red jam, brie, bacon, egg, salad, tomato lush
>>479141 the concept of casserole isn't the problem, it's bad quality ingredients and a bad recipe >alfredo sauce is vile most "italian" food tastes like shite ridiculous. every Italian thing is good except that cazu marzu shite with the maggots >>479144 >baguette with butter, cranberry or other red jam, brie, bacon, egg, salad, tomato sounds decent enough. as long as the ingredient quality is respectable so it's actual edible food you're putting in your body, the processed slop that's sold on the shelves of American supermarkets with 200 ingredients is not fit for consumption
see for example I'm having bacon cheeseburgers for lunch, but it's not trashy or wiggerish because of the passable ingredient quality >100% grass-fed, organic beef patties (frozen, unfortunately) >one half of an organic sharp cheddar cheese slice on each (unfortunately not grass-fed, and pre-sliced so there is a lot of plastic contact. not happy about that, need to do something about this- find better cheese and slice it. used to get raw grass-fed cheese from Wisconsin but the old guy that ran the business died and their website went down afterward...) >organic bacon >organic buns >organic ketchup see it's not hard
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preliminary scans are showing what appears to be a small latin american humanoid with surgical scars for some crude tribalistic leg lengthening ritual mutilation as well as a dense amount of lubrication cremes applied to the humanoids scalp. he is currently submersing his genital analogues in red light
I did do red light therapy on my face/scalp ("upstairs") for 2 minutes and penis/testicles ("downstairs") for 3.75 minutes while the mummer was grilling the burgs. and then I pounded down the burgs and took Zinc, Vitamin D3, and L. reuteri probiotic (makes my already-large testicles larger), washed down with filtered water
>>479148 keeeeeeeek
>EDC shite
>>479152 keeeeeksmh must've tasted alright if he ate half a litre
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>>479155 >thin blue line flag >still got pulled over
Morning lads
Blumpf is Chudposting to try to salvage Chud votes, probably in between "stop antisemitism" events
>>479159 smorb lad keeeeeeeeeek that ding >>479160 still can't quite believe how things have changed enough that this kind of thing is mainstream rhetoric now tbh even if it is still empty promises like always
>>479161 African tyre fitting magic didn’t work
>>479159 Even the other afrinogs are laughing at how retarded he is keek.
Britain First have toned down the Israel flag posting and upped the rhetoric https://nitter.poast.org/BFirstParty/status/1844800933693440437 >>479164 You just know he was offered a couple grilled rats if he could pass the tyre mounting challenge
>>479163 did even worse than the lib dems smh
>Afwefwe! Trow di weel into di tya an we wil gi’ u a bowl o’ di Abupoopoo soup!
>state of Golding Thinks a troon is a woman ( could even be an undercover at best ) but ffs not being able to recognise male body mechanics https://nitter.poast.org/GoldingBF/status/1844792606330372439
>>479167 looks like it was skimmed off the top of a stagnant pond >>479168 tbh
>>479170 Looks like croc shit
>>479013 The gulf states has made it clear they're on Iran's side for the most part,
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/10/11/fatmir-bleta-albania-echr-home-office-right-to-stay/ >Murder someone in your own country >Pretend to be from somewhere else and claim asylum >Get found out on both counts >Allowed to stay anyway because it would be "unduly harsh" on his family (some of whom are convicted drug dealers)
decided on a whim to read "the english are they human" and just finished it recently interesting little deep dive into the whole stiff upper lip kind of thing and where it came from tbh latter half of the book is basically a short history of public schools (particularly rugby) and how they created an officer class >>479173 echr needs gassed and bombed
>>479174 Yeah well all those public school boys are useless self serving tory voters now.
Mass conscription going on in Kiev right now, they've actually started to go after the rich sons.
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>now back to work.
>>479177 they're not going to stop until every adult male ukranian has been turned into mincemeat smdh at this point even the russian government cares more about ukranian lives than the ukie gov does tbqh at least they have a plan to end the war at some point without going for total depopulation what a waste smh said right at the start that as soon as gayto showed they weren't willing to put boots on the ground that ukraine should've surrendered surrender is embarrassing and fighting a losing battle is romantic and all but the de-facto extinction of your ethnic group with the only reminder that your people ever existed being instagram thots who fled to europe and the anglosphere is not a price worth paying just to delay the inevitable
>>479180 stupendously based luv steam trains tbh
>>479177 >>479179 Tbh I wonder which way this will go Their best hope is revolution tbh and that’s a long shot https://nitter.poast.org/GetWired_In/status/1845052557548208231
>>479182 I was at a Ukrainian center recently and some old women had been raising money for an orphanage. Turned out they'd been doing it well before the war, and that now, despite the billions Zelensky gets, they are literally the only organisation supporting the orphanage, so they can have clothes, sheets and cleaning stuff. They stressed too that they'd been there in person many times to make sure it was real and their own money wasn't getting wasted. Of course they didn't phrase everything so bluntly but it's what I could infer; Zelensky really doesn't give two shits about Ukrainian lives.
>>479183 >we’re winning! >press ganging people >Russia are losing! >Russia not apparently press ganging anyone at the moment
>>479184 Really some cunt should bash him into the ground. I wonder how many attempts have been made on his life by Ukrainians, I think that’s being covered up, he always looks like his pants are full of shit, his eyes are constantly darting around and he sweats like he’s being interrogated. The manlet is a waste of oxygen and space he should be decarbonised tbh
>>479186 no such duty to their own people though >>479188 that's the price of being a high profile shabbos goyim
>>479189 sorry lad but only 0.001% of kikes believe the talmud and goys take it out of heckin context
>>479102 aww awesome lad they think you have real friends because you DO have real friends
>>479159 is that his fucking teeth spilling out
>>479189 feeling a bit called out here smh
>>479194 thought that too tbh but then later on he seems to have full set think it must have just been a glob of spit
>>479193 tbh tbqh luv all you lads
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQOlGHLSUnk what does brit think of this shite?
making fun of yanks is like peak 2000s now its like this out of date eurotrash cringe IMO. imagine living on a tiny island and aligning yourselves with your conquerors to spite your diaspora over a sense of superiority
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>>479197 good lad
>>479198 >>479199 plastic paddies are cringe but honestly all comedy is cringe and has been for a very long time always going after safe targets smh got no bite to it
>>479201 luv your goodnight webbums tbh
>>479202 that comment section is cancer its full of taig boomers saying that mugubu is more irish than some yank diaspora
>>479198 >that comment wew
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>>479205 I mean its okay when britioids and taigs and aussies bully smee because that is between bruders but its white mans buisness, wogs can fuck off. foreigners have become so arrogant and presumptuous
>>479206 tbh can imagine a scenario where auslad has children in australia and some paki or nigcel squatting in britain could say he's more british than them
>>479207 its already very common for immigrants from canada to try to do the michigan/canadian banter with me and its really confusing
>>479208 do jeets in michigan do a lot of illegal fishing? chuds in canada have been poosting about it happening there
>>479209 yes but its mostly on the canadians side of the lakes
tried the boomers' shitty book last night couldn't even read a single full page and just flipped through and stopped in a few places to check on the contents before even getting out of the introduction it was made explicit that it really is about tarring our monarchs and deconstructing our history and even denying the existence of the English people as an ethnicity and nation (via the grotesque method of insisting that it's actually just about our institutions and that the government is of prime importance and it doesn't matter if it's made up of niggers ruling niggers) skipping through to actual content it was just modern agenda pushing "comedy" shite that didn't even have any relevance to the topic at hand >expect to read about king cnut >get multiple long paragraphs on muh brexit muh climate change woke moralist garbage >if it's not agenda shit it's boring nonsense blogposting "comedy" for retards about shopping at marks and spencers or whatever >>479193 >>479197 >>479200 TRVE heroes saving that BIG lad against his will
"unruly" by david mitchell forgot who he was until looking up his face keeek
alex salmon rip
>>479192 Haven't read it entirely but the only thing new in the Talmud I'm aware of is explicitly rejecting Jesus and saying him and all his followers with boil in shit. Even the cherry picked line in Schindler's list from the Talmud - and in the Qur'an, about killing all of moomanity if you kill one moomin - is from the Torah. And of course yidsrarlites were as supremacist and had the situational morality of every other group throughout all history except modern westoids so that isn't just a hasidic thing.
>>479213 Tis a shame. I didn't dislike him nearly as much as I dislike Nicola Sturgeon.
Thinking of bidding on a painting of a Messerschmitt Bf 109
>>479180 A steam train post is a good post.
>>479212 >Kike Mitchell
>>479216 you should win it and present it to wews for millenniyule
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>>479213 died while tweeting about the blood god
Still keeking about this
>>479186 Wait. I thought they lived undergound or something. I was told they don't affect the housing problem
Morrissey Looks Back in Anger https://youtu.be/2ynQTXKVdns
>>479212 lad you coming to film night? https://app.kosmi.io/room/zu62pm
Dead thread. Dead film night. It's so over
https://youtu.be/hRVwnvqyj0I they are making a film about The order dafties
>>479190 Zelensky is jewish lad
>>479186 >Local Democracy Reporting Service geg this clown is getting the rope >buying homes with addresses for invaders with names okay. Well, this is in NORTHUMBERLAND, for a start, and was approved by LIVING councilors. If any of you live near there. It's like in this article I just found a moment ago by searching "Council to" (LOL!) on the BBC Jews website. A few minutes' research, and E7 9NB >INB4, fed, sloppy job Mossad, other veiled excuses, you could do something, but you might prefer to sit cowardly in your room all day calling imageboard anons feds and rotting with your headphones softly playing Sargon of Akkad videos, as a lot do. Then again, who knows =) I might invest some time in a list of every one of those nests' addresses. Then again, here's a list of the race traitors https://northumberland.moderngov.co.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?bcr=1
>>479172 >The gulf states has made it clear they're on Iran's side for the most part, Qatar is, they're the main backer of Hamas. Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman all want to be neutral so they're telling the Jews they can't use their airspace because Iran said that if they do, they will also be targeted >>479194 looks like it to me, drool doesn't look like that, looks too solid/white/tooth-shaped and he got hit very hard by something very hard in the mouth. can't see blood though which you'd think there'd be a lot of if he lost teeth so idk for sure
>>479232 More boomer cuckery
>>479233 > Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman all want to be neutral so they're telling the Jews they can't use their airspace Anti semitism right there! Bomb them America!
I hate niggers and shit
>>479163 >Reform Holy NGMI...
>>479237 Nigger Elf’s job is to attract a following to something and then implode it. That’s all his function has ever been. He’s one of them A good showman but he doesn’t fool smee
22st can sing like that?? https://youtu.be/SurtkCoETII
mummy got outmanipulated wew >her whole guilt trip on me to get me to agree enough to a change of restaurant venue was initiated by my cousin who looked up the place >she neglected to mention that the pub was doing soytoberfest and was full of IPA drinking fat bearded retards (but not based like me) playing shitty rock way too loud, until we were actually there and had no time to think about somewhere better >so she "coincidentally" finds the next closest and best place >which "coincidentally" also serves posh vegan slop which she and her parents wanted (and is also more expensive than anywhere else even THOUGH me being guilted into somewhere less expensive is why the venue was changed to begin with) so my special birthday meal out I didn't get any kind of food I actually wanted (based italian slop) and instead had a "gourmet" meal (very small serving of char siu pork on a very large plate) while everyone else virtue signalled about enjoying their fake gmo plant veganslop for cousin at least I didn't let myself get guilted into paying for any of it smdh >>479227 I was at dinner see blogpost above shame tbh was itnerested in seeing soyboy 3 >>479232 you first lad
>>479240 Only if you boot him in the knackers
>>479241 this will be britain when they start rounding up dissenters and similarly nobody will prepare for it or fight against it when it happens because the niggercattle are retarded and the chuds demoralised
>>479245 This will be mp’s when they get deported to Afghanistan
just pood my entire self!
>>479248 this seems to happen quite a lot lad, have you seen a doctor?
> hands to do work We need more drug dealers deliverpoos and rapists Cheers you fat cunt. A curse on you and yours
might moan to my dad about land enclosure again, always gets him going
any posts anyone?
>>479254 thank you for this post, seems quiet tonight for some reason
>>479255 keeke tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MCikBXZLW8 you lads want some based content?
Don't know if lads here were aware but I only found out the other day that St.Dbdr the incel youtuber deleted all his videos after his family found his channel, also he's an alcoholic now smh.
>>479259 he was le zoomer that posted gameplay? hs channel was ok but i do feel he just whined about normal stuff that happens in your early 20s a lot
>>479260 you didn't watch enough of his videos I think, he was also very funny too tbh.
>>479261 spic?
my empire...my rome
>>479258 came across this chink's channel a few days ago but didn't subscribe because he was defending the eating of dogs keeeek
smorbius lads >>479265 keeeeeeeeeek
>>479259 Ta lad, I noticed his channel was down the other week, but didn't know why. Thought it would be something like that, but he did say former 'friends' had found his channel before, so I guessed maybe he'd tried to get with a goblina and failed when she found his channel or smth. Still worried Steiner's rants being online could backfire on him one day even if he's careful. Is the tradlass arc still going well?
i hope it's a cold winter this year. i have a cupboard full of sardines and tinnies, i fully embrace being put under seige by a heavy snowfall
>>479268 tbh want many nigcicles to drown and feed the fish to replenish our stocks.
>>479266 smorb
>>479268 based
The ukrainian govt is more desperate than ever with this recent conscription wave tbh, they just beat a guy to death for resisting yesterday.
>>479272 wew, source on that? it is unimaginable what's been done to ukrainian families and the mourning that must be going on
>>479271 i'm not that based lad, i have no plan for the ethnic neighbours who'd probably try to eat me given such a scenario

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>>479272 >>479273 it's blatantly genocide under the guise of defending the country I don't have much sympathy since most hohols fell for it, at least initially
>dispo on its last legs
err.. yeah, posts please!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXdNnw99-Ic this is a great singing song for the toilmobile if any of you lads are looking, you can sing to the guitar or hum if you prefer, it is perfect for singing on the commute
Will teach mine to be a nigger to fight other niggers and nigger bots and then become supreme leader https://nitter.poast.org/elonmusk/status/1844613394353230112
>>479283 tbh lad ynhii you know how it is
levelling up my incel game with suspected klinefelters syndrome tbh its so over it never even began
hangover finally gone and the day's almost over smdh >>479285 grim smh
>>479285 Damn that's rough lad.
>>479287 choon that
>>479289 that's just ridiculous
>son of Immigrants bemoaning mass immigration with boomer Iron Mike https://nitter.poast.org/RafHM/status/1844300769522012606
LABOUR UNVEIL TOUGH PLANS TO TACKLE ILLEGAL MIGRATION BY FUN…WUT? https://nitter.poast.org/SimonJonesNews/status/1845347404796617069
Matched with a 6ft ginger giantess on Bumble lads. Wut do?
>>479294 Remember to bring stirrups lad. Tall girls are hard to mount.
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>tfw toilet witch bewitches your car for using a bottle instead of getting out and using the designated street
>>479294 Stop using dating apps
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>>479294 I thought the point of Bumble was that the girls have to be the ones to go first/take lead
>>479300 keeeek they changed that this year because women didn't like doing it. Even feminists can't deny their nature when there's money on the line.
>>479299 Preoccupation with bulbous buttocks is nigger-tier. She is attractive though.
Fucking jeets. Whole country of theirs is a toxic wasteland and they want to do the same to the rest of the world. If you let them into your country expect the same https://nitter.poast.org/engl1shtradcat/status/1845412040036212751
Basically happening all over the world Could be solved by jailing a few of these CEOs forever Tbh https://nitter.poast.org/a_newsman/status/1845190250173440075
>Tories Gatekeepers. work hard at hogging all the future Tory positions while voting Labour at the ballot box and trying to drag the cuck party to the left. Just infiltrate and subvert your opponent why not?
Didn’t know Dominic Grieve was a lefty as well https://nitter.poast.org/LBC/status/1845064731494629404
Ahh fuckoff
Fresh frogchoons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKmpO6bg2Fs Class tbh, their best album since Psychotropical Berlin
>>479313 I must be getting dementia because I feel like I've read this story 10 times before already.
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>there was another season of Frasier already that was fast, hope they dialed back on the crappy Niles replacement
>>479310 Preaching to the choir but everyone piling on daft spy Steve for that xeet is complaining that he neutrally described what Tories are doing.
>>479318 Frasier is still going? John Mahoney is dead.
>>479316 Tbh I get that groundhog day feeling as well
>>479321 The media is running out of ideas and recycling the same seethe as last decade thinking we won't notice.
>>479325 He couldn't really say anything else
>>479314 Based, more evidence to the pile showing that the whole new-world plantation west-African slave trade shenanigans were chiefly instigated by 'conversos' (stealthy crypto-kikes in Latin countries) trying to maximise profit off human misery. >I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men, and govern them as I pleased. (Christopher Columbus's log in the 'Indies', Sneetheful Snunday, 14 October, 1492.)
>>479325 >>479326 tbh that pathetic old cuckold will continue the destruction of our once great empire.
>>479325 what are the supposed benefits of making australia a republic? do they want a chinky head of state that badly?
So >she’s dumb as fuck Great
>>479331 Who ever said the pen is mightier than the sword?
>arse bleeding again Hemorrhoids flaring up smh
>>479009 >heart attack Unless kikes implant a ranged depacemaker, it's likely the guy swallowed a special pill.
Fat fucking Greek deboonker with an unnatural Churchill fetish who looks like he is partial to troonalikes to boot is having a dig at Sargoon
>Andreas Koureas >I’m British No
>>479328 >great empire >great Please. It was entirely based on kike economics. It was merely useful to them. Now they keep the City up but the big empire used now is the US.
>>479314 >wah wah you rassiss! stop calling me leftist!!
We need reform of councils. They have too much fucking power out of fucking control tbh lads totally out of control
>>479335 sargn will rape him
>>479314 But Columbus being Jewish was already leaked many years ago. I can't remember how the information came to be but it's nice to have this firmly confirmed by DNA testing.
>>479304 .5M /year into Canada over three years or more is the plan too. It is going to be an absolute disaster. Surely Rowley will keep an eye on these heinous racist pigs!
>>479014 >>the US military being too brown to win and/or their strategy being ineffective (carriers get sunk by cruise missiles and/or drone swarm, more and more of the Middle Eastern population becoming guerillas, the US running out of materiel) Let a lesbian woman take care of the cruisin'. She'll sink that one even before it leaves the docks.
>>479015 >could Will. Thousands of years of being a pest to all and Whites first, this has to stop in such a way that never ever will they be a threat to anyone. This current human cycle is coming to an end anyway, it's going to get extremely dirty and I'm not saying this because of the massive influx of pajeets. TKD
>>479337 These posts are too short to be spic, and lack the signature speech impediment. Who could the pooer be? Only the Shadow knows. He's not wrong though.
>>479040 >everybody on this picture should be arrested The amount of brutal retaliation that's coming will be oof'd to high heavens. It is barely thinkable, all the trash, the traitors, the invaders, the misfits. Eugenics on a scale never seen before. It needs to happen.
>>479339 this exact thing is happening here via a different mechanism (HUD) but its all clearly by design. its the exact same process. *muh housing scarcity>build houses>fill with shitskins>muh housing scarcity>etc.
>>479345 Hm... that plot doth truly thicken.
>>479350 yeah that video was seethemaxx and I don't like vance at all, he should have grabbed the muh socialism angle from the kike and said that he is standing up for american labor but instead he does the meem "nobody wants to work anymore" boomer shite. Im voting straight jeb because these lames would be greenlit by jeb the second they opened their pussy white trash sellout mouths about "housing scarcity" jeb is going to make houses out the illegal migrants nigger
Koonmalala speaks so slowly. Even on 2x speed it's a chore listening to her, ultimately saying nothing.
the worst meem of all is the upper middle class bureaucrats who have decided arbitrarily that labor work is for immigrants and they invent shite like how "they work harder"
>she thinks wanting low taxation makes you right wing and not a leftist fuck everything else Irritating dumb thot. Not even fit to be a scullery maid tbh
>>479354 Fuck it. I'll get behind reactionary King Carl of Swindon and shed blood for him if he ever asks. Him and the lootisers are the British roight wang now.
If they're all refugees of conflicts and crap, where will they go once it becomes conflict and crap in UK and Europe and USA?
>>479351 Well he’s right nobody wants to work but only because they are forced to compete in a race to the bottom labour market with illegals hired cheap same happens here and in Europe and we have millions of people who think what’s the point will never be able to afford anything especially when they also have to compete with tech taking over any job they could possibly retrain for in the next few years
>>479356 they are being brought here to be conscripted into the jewish military to exterminate the races of the earth that have a higher IQ than the jews
>>479356 Into the earth
>>479354 Would.
>>479357 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek muh 'bots elon musk is such a mong I hate him >>479357
>>479360 Then I shall pray for your soul.
>>479360 I wouldn't even, but somebody should.
>Migration Watch man only likes rich areas of London culturally enriched by rich foreigners and banking elites >forgets the areas that surround them >forgets the rest of Britain Remember London is under 37% white British now https://nitter.poast.org/technopopulist/status/1845139414772744328
>>479357 When you consider the price of an electric car that is already in the five digit figures just because they added fucking batteries to a century old concept, just imagine how stupidly expensive these tincans will be. All for what? Doing things that you dog, children or wife or even yourself could already do? Fuck them and their golems. >>479364 Unironically begging to be nuked at this point.
>Rich Arabs think London is shit as well. They can take their shite back with them tbh
>>479365 > Unironically begging to be nuked at this point. Think it’s the only way out tbh
>>479360 Pin the apology Carl
>>479368 She has always denied being one but we know she is one.
>>479365 keeeek imagine having a faulty lithium battery 'bot in your house just walking around on fire spewing toxic smoke everywhere chasing you with a dragon dildo thats the average femcel experience
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>>479370 what is her phenotype lad
>>479351 good lad
>>479375 >scanning >please wait >___ >result: >never would
>>479362 Spare a soul, kind stranger? >>479374 KEEEEEEK
>>479374 >Bad Enoch >Anti Enoch >Pro heaping up our nations funeral pyre by even being here At last I snee.
>>479373 tbh lithium batteries are such a scam. BIG lead-bellied Norf-bots or nuffin for me, thanx.
>>479382 >two more weeks
>>479382 Not surprising but the confirmation makes my blood boil. Never ever vooting for Niggerelf's party now.
>everyone on his timeline wants to hang him Britain vs Nigel Paul Farage should be the trial of the century
He sanctioned that
went to a bird sanctuary good lads tbh handler btfoing the mummies talking about evolution and natural selection and how birds of different races will genocide eachother if they are put in the same room
>>479349 I swear there was one who speed-ran this in under 24 hours after the Afghanistan evacuation, maybe in another European country but I can't find it right now.
>Environment Agency Politicians and bureaucrats and business are just wantonly vandalising the country https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/11/flood-defence-plan-surrey-swimming-ferris-meadow-lake
Hezbollah bashing Israel atm apparently https://nitter.poast.org/DD_Geopolitics
>>479393 >will instigate war by patrolling the borders of another country on the other side of europe >won't patrol our home waters
>>479394 Tbh We are an economic zone run by wristlet traitors and foreigners
he needs to link up with joe owens for a localist meetup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNyI5LfEM64
>>479400 lad thats a bot post I have seen posts like that like 5 years ago
>>479402 bad sign if the JIDF blackedbot server farms are back up and running smh that gazacaust and lebocaust must be going well
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>>479402 smh I just thought it was funny
>>479404 it is funny
the best is how when the palis attacked that one online kike base the BBC spam on 4chan actually stopped for a week or so
>>479406 big keeeeeeeeeeeek if true
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>there is a paid government agency that uses my tax money to spam BBC porn on a shitty politics memi forum full of shitskins larping as nordic william luther pierceists
>>479388 >muh polls >muh opinions It was just like that before two world wars and Vietnam. Then false flags happened, the TVs and radios kept screaming their outrage porn, politicians pretended that one's colors didn't matter and all called for blood, finally the (You)s went to war and died. Unless an armed force opposes the government, civil war that is, the government will say go die there and people will go die there, drafted if they please.
>>479403 Thy’re getting bashed by Hezbollah tbh Rockets have landed in and around their nuclear reactor and the an ‘elite’ army unit got a pasting from rocket fire and other shit has been going down https://nitter.poast.org/DD_Geopolitics
>>479394 Kikes want this bullshit war and traitors on both sides are pushing for it. They want to finally ruin and destroy Europe so that it will never recover and will forever remain a self-neutralizing mutt hell. This is why they channel so much of our wealth into the big companies that can move it (((elsewhere))), this is why they exploded the debts, and that's why they're dumping infinite quantities of brown and yellow creatures in UK and other White countries. All politicians are transparently pro-kike and anti-White. They all deserve the slowest and most painful death possible.
>>479406 Any way to confirm this? Do we know where the subversive online center was located?
Sulfuric acid enemas
>>479414 The only way to be sure.
> Do we know where the subversive online center was located? I’m getting a T…and an A…
>>479415 >This is no Parliament. I shall put an end to their sitting!... Drunkards, tricksters, villains, whoremungers, godless self-seeking ambitious tricksters! They are no more capable of running the affairs of this nation than they are of running a brothel!... They are scum, Sir.
Based jollof rice and chicken korma enthusijak
*rolls up* morning mexicans! a blessed day of toil is gifted to us *drives off*
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>holiday proper begins today shni lads, gotta be up for t'train
>>479393 >Sources tracking obituaries have officially reported over 517,000 Ukrainian military fatalities, surpassing the 500,000 mark. This figure contradicts President Zelensky’s claim of 31,000 casualties.
sorry for lads who have servitude tomorrow, i am NEET so maybe i'm entitled to expect posts at this hour
wish I had more to poost about
>>479424 very sorry lad
>>479427 you ok lad?
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>>479418 Hammerable face.
>>479429 She’s a curry aficionado
>>479344 A year ago I was a moderate “muh repatriation!!!!” “wokies are the real racistis!” goober now I wouldn’t hesitate to potentially watch David Lynch movies with kikes, pajeets, niggers, and other worthless life in the streets yes, we ARE waking up
Oh dear, whatever is going to happen?
>>479398 these fucking poofs think they can get rid of us permanently, not going to happen san
>>479434 Tbh people are waking up to the deliberately divisive and devious anti nationalist globalshits like Farage and co This divide, collapse and rule bollocks won’t last forever
> >5% think like you! Boy oh boy even the non black black pilled know this is a gross underestimation but even if it were true that’s about three million plus people and it only takes a motivated 5% to turn the tide tbh Bumbaklart head
‘Atheist’ Bill Maher with his ChatGPT generated reply which is basically ‘God gave us Palestine so there!’ https://nitter.poast.org/billmaher/status/1844938477512675654
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >Maher has a thing for nignogs and pays porn stars to go slow and kiss him so he can simulate what it feels to be loved Can’t stop laughing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y-weAe1Xz0
So. Bill Maher was a Trump supporter
>>479438 interesing
>>479419 Giwtwm
>>479442 Who’s that? His new boyfriend?
>>479418 She looks like a thalmor agent
Move along citizen this is official thalmor business Lydiabros...
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Actually fucking sinister. Getting married to a gay fuckstump that he's just going to keep him around the house, chained by the neck to a kennel.
Keeeeek a portable blow job slave
>>479444 just some reform drone that I found on twitter
>>479448 what the actual fuck
I suppose he can't walk out on him.
>>479453 He doesn't even have arms, is he just going to control it by sitting on a dildo?
>>479450 Reform UKIP Berxid Party all worked/working hand in hand with the dumb gay civnat services
>>479454 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek one for the mouth lad
>You Brits are retarded and the only way you can be saved is if a nigger, jeet or better still a jew like myself lead your country >adhominems, emojis and tries to cancel Harry Lootiser as well as indirectly implying Sargoon is a retard because ‘your followers are retards lol’ Putin. Do the necessary. We’ll look the other way after all didn’t you kick his dad out for stealing or something? Fucking subversive shit lib Zionist supremacist Sargoon will now debate him after his weak attempt to divide and conquer the Lootisers. Carl should stab him in the head live on air for a laugh
>>479457 >HamWow >not ShamHam
>>479459 >kikes doing the usual
>>479461 Cuntingstein Quibbling
>>479462 fucking hate him >>479455 he made a valid point here
>>479463 He’s an irritating pseudo intellectual Marxist infiltrator
>>479465 we need de-semitisation tribunals
>>479466 Stalinesque purges are in order tbh
>>479467 Please state your name for the court Mark Rubens- guilt next defendent.
>>479468 They’re all the same so the process will be very quick >name? >guilty! I like it. Efficient
no more job
>>479471 Did you sack yourself?
>>479472 cost cutting measure as surplus to requirements >didn't save the dancing 22st pepe NEET NEET NEET gif smh
>>479473 Laber will saev the day
>>479474 made small talk with the boss tbh and despite being a liberal progressive even he could nootice how shit things were and how sussy the green agenda was and how living standards are plummetting etc not that such demographics nooticing things means anything will change though is that a BASED black JOURNALIST btfo an evil white MP?! wtf I love sky news now
wish I could have a job feeding politicians into a big mincing machine and manually turning the crank all day tbh
>>479476 Think of all the muscles you could build by performing this great and worthwhile service to the public
>>479475 Funny to see a wog challenge the student union level leftist foot stamping MUSK IS NOT INVITED! twattery. Musk who wants to and could build all kinds of shit here just fucked off because “I don’t liek him, so there!”
Beevor and Butthead >Tsar was weak and didn’t listen to anyone just like Hitler and Stalin was the same! >Can I have my good goy points and shekels now please Cuntenstein? 15 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUPzv6EB28I
>>479481 nigelf should mobilise the dafties
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>>479459 Are Harry pulling no punches again the leftist rat.
>mass deportation would involve barbarism Not necessarily but becoming a minority will. Barbarism directed at us These wet behind the ear liberals Smh https://nitter.poast.org/Mikefreer145210/status/1845549958495379634
She’s chop his fucking head off tbh. Kang Cuck-Carlos should do the same
>>479481 be patient. 2 more years
Keek even Sargonites vore jews now
Wait, what did Konstantin say to a grooming gang victim?
>>479485 >Not necessarily but becoming a minority will. Barbarism directed at us Tbh this is what they always miss. Some of them on purpose.
>>479489 Kisin is done He would be wise to fuck off to America or somewhere because he’s about to get disembowelled and dismembered in the public square just watch him ramp up the pilpul as his detractors set to work He’s picked the wrong fight here
>>479493 He should fuck off to Israel proper.
>>479491 Kuntenstein and his dopey acolyte with his pseudo intellectual pilpul is something else https://nitter.poast.org/MrNChance/status/1834253103685619775
>>479494 He couldn’t deal with the hardship of having too small a market to grift off of
>sir walter raleigh >having been one of the people to popularise tobacco smoking in england, he left a small tobacco pouch, found in his cell shortly after his execution. engraved upon the pouch was a latin inscription: comes meus fuit in illo miserrimo tempore ("it was my companion at that most miserable time"). smh another trial for my people......
Kick his fucking ‘ead in ‘arry lad!
>>479497 He’s going to be doing a lot of debating soon followed by the rest of his life masturbating Here’s some history on his dad - booted out of Russia for stealing - well probably smuggled out by MI6 tbh
Woes asking the important questions
Kind of embarrassing that Woes used to rub shoulders with giants and he's just been reduced to a reply guy smh
>>479503 That’s his fault for being lazy tbh
>>479502 >our history He’s not Scottish nor British Hope someone is making a deportation list
>>479505 Has his Rotherham series got past 1919 yet?
More cringe from former head of MI6 >Brexit weakened us >France is stronger >I’m an intelligence officer NO on both counts Weak pompous stupid indecisive fence sitting slow moving liberal pricks like you are the cause of all the problems in this country tbh you should do the honourable thing boomer https://nitter.poast.org/BestForBritain/status/1845851984701640916
Was both but then I added one Smh
>make it economically impossible to have families >’grow economy’ with retarded incompatible foreign and unproductive people >actually just importing consumers and printing money to prop up your Ponzi Shuffle off boomer nonce https://nitter.poast.org/JoeySalads/status/1845878881917583722
>’our’ great nation >FUCK EUROPEAN EXPLORERS! t. Jeet Negro https://nitter.poast.org/disclosetv/status/1845822409351237895
Did someone mention to her she’s running for President of the United States at some point? She’s absolutely retarded
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK It’s over for you leftists You sowed the seed and now you will reap the whirlwind https://nitter.poast.org/Papa_Roman/status/1845626704422646213
Cuckism is a disease tbh He insulted the British people and suggested we need a furriner to lead us Hardly the ramblings of a ‘smart guy’ https://nitter.poast.org/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1845763766618656780
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lads... explain to me how there is corn in the Bible? I thought corn as a New World crop that did not exist in the Old World until after the Columbian Exchange. but there is corn in the Bible...?
>>479516 corn, grain, seed, kernel, shluputtz, goihbuttzdl, etcetera
>>479504 Ayy we black irish nameen
>>479513 when will scam snyde knock this cockroachs teeth in?
Tommy Robinson’s SHOCKING Speech about Keir Starmer & Nigel Farage *ACTUAL FOOTAGE* https://youtu.be/fWQN3ZORS-Y
>>479497 He's actually close to resembling some sort of fairy tale character that steals children or the bread from peasants (and sells the bread back to them with rocks in it).
>>479516 there is a roman mosaic of a banana too
>>479517 so it's not literally corn as in maize, it's the word "corn" used generically to refer to some other crop? what crop did they grow there, wheat?
corne on ye cobbe
>>479528 He seems demonic. *Tips tinfoil*
>>479529 more explainable given proximity to the African continent.
>>479527 very upset this was not just a pig farting.
>>479533 bananas are a new world fruit retard
pigs are so afraid of getting Derek Chauvin'd that they opt to get slashed multiple times by insane niggerbitches (or is it a tranny?) rather than risk pulling the trigger too early
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bitch was 6'5 wtf? I'm inclined to think that it's a tranny. also the pig was a gook https://nitter.poast.org/MrAndyNgo/status/1845963129026498974
>>479536 then I'm back on the wowo train baby.
>>479536 but also after a quick google it isn't.
>>479516 corn referred to any grain until burgers co-opted it to refer to maize exclusively
thus concludes the corn quandry
ayy yo sassanigga whachu whitebairn ass niggas think you can ride up on my nigga bonnie chuck he finna flick a blick on all y'all whitebairn sassaniggas
want to go back to 1996 except as an adult just to remember what it was like. imagine if you could time travel and just explore different times as an ethereal invisible soul that just floats through observing
>>479545 >a BIG boot steps on a farting pig at the end >>479547 based and gondolapilled
there was a BIG british pig at the place I went recently absolute unit stayed inside his hut until nearly everyone left and could barely leave he was so BIG there was also an incel ram who had his horns lopped and had spent 17+ years without a gf and the keepers made fun of him by writing that on his paddock information I shared some scratches and an incelloid bond with him and he followed me as far as he could as I left
>>479549 would love to keep some livestock, we should really take back or food supply from shopberg. it used to be normal to own chickens and pigs
>>479550 and now queer sharter will gulag you and get you killed by murderer rapist wogs if you don't register your chickens and pay fees for the privilege
>>479549 >the keepers made fun of him by writing that on his paddock information
>>479552 yeah smh cruel isn't it other highlight was seeing an emu up close since it wasn't bothered to move when I passed by can well understand how the australian army lost to them now tbh very BIG and intimidating birds that look like mutilated crackheads
>teehee *throws you in jail for being racist*
just have to laugh at it all really
https://youtu.be/_fnqU8EQdhQ Fresh are Welshman tearing Cuntstantin a 3rd arsehole.
>pakidemic gaygent
sargon just showing everyone how much of a mong he is yet again by defending kisin, don't know why anyone ever gives him the time of day.
>>479559 he's obsessed with appearing to be the sensible centrist adult in the room but is too retarded to actually maintain any kind of persona beyond "boring bloviating midwit"
woes taking a moment from his busy schedyule of preparing for the preparations for preparing for milleniyule to post memes of himself on shitter
>>479561 I know it to be true that one day woes will find, save and post derogatory brit/pol/ OC on his shitter shartline without realising he is being mocked
>>479562 *by doing nothing
>>479563 he did post brit OC on his telegram before
>>479565 from here or the williamoid 4chan brit/? i doubt woes posts here
toil almost
POV: The year is 2069. You are a United Nations Blue Helmet tasked with eliminating the last white male, codenamed, "Gookposter".
>>479554 Stupid lefty bint retweeting ww2 jewish Hollywood propaganda and making her prejudices kniwn. Yet another ‘do gooder’ brainlet in the legal system
>>479570 >one eyed gordo grooming the retard ginger to do whatever he wants
>>479557 Keeeeeeek. >Chutzpah >pro hardline Israel >a foreigner >who are these anti white ethnonationalists yet pro Israel ethnonationalists springing up all over the place in the UK? Yes. We have been asking for ages tbh
>>479571 She stabbed her own class in the back Women need banning from politics and any kind of serious position along with teh gays. Women will feign interest in anything as pakidemic recently just to get what they want basically And it’s true. They utterly lack any conviction for the most part and would quite happily run off with invaders https://nitter.poast.org/OGRolandRat/status/1845535145605882330
>>479562 MI5 cry wolf again The establishment should really learn what internet is tbh and also that if they keep gaslighting their own people and betraying them nobody will ever believe what they fucking say again - too late for that bit though. Dinosaurs. They’re still stuck in ww2/Cold War secret squirrel mode and think that they can drag hordes of zoomers and foreigners, senile and decreasing in number boomers who mostly don’t care anymore and busy/depressed xoomers into believing this shite
>>479574 At least it’s not SOIL ALERT
>MI6’s finest We’re in this mess because of gormless cunts like this tbh
>>479577 Rory Stewart is a bellend and gambling odds are even.
>>479578 One of the biggest I’ve ever come across tbh He’s getting rekt on the daily keeeeeeeek Especially in that thread https://nitter.poast.org/RoryStewartUK/status/1845470918765629820 He didn’t make it in ‘UK’ politics either
>>479569 keeeeeeeeeek >>479575 tbh old men playing at running the world
>>479580 They’re idiots and grifters for sure. No doubt about that whatsoever
Britian activates "Blacksout Prevention System" as immigration system comes under immense pressure in an ideal world soon
>>479582 smh who could have seen this coming?
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Nanberg ended her text with "Hh"
You can hide in my attic wessie lad dont worry
>>479587 >King Kong of jabs WDTMBT?
David Amess has been stabbed
>Good news Thousands of semi military trained savages who stabbed their own countrymen in the back What could go wrong? https://nitter.poast.org/BBCWorld/status/1845933691744211232
>more blacks than Hispanics than whites think Hitler "had some good ideas"
>>479591 >overlood evidence keeeeek our rulers are so evil I cannot wait until they are all dead
>>479593 >special forces Yeah. Speak to the zoggies that trained them and you’ll soon find out how special they were including turning weapons on their comrades and each other Owt special about them just more blather to give these incompatible rapists and criminals some perceived value Must be government policy to have every child in Britain blown up or raped at least 6 million times before they’re 16
>Jolly well done! Huzzah! t. Penny and Tim, Cotswolds and Belgravia
Fuck these politicians >muh based Afghans Some of the worst scum you could meet and who have been mass booted recently from Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and other countries
>>479596 browns are so ridiculous >stabby stabby stab! stabby stab stab! >heheh, I really showed those cumskins *adjusts glasses*
GDL wignats sperged up some Zion Don boating event, got splashed with water by angry Zio-boomers idk if they are feds or what but honestly it would be good for Blumpf to lose. it is clearly the Jew plan to: >elect Trump >do Iran war, using Trump's charisma and cult of personality to summon whatever is left of America's might to win their last big war where they defeat all of their enemies and become the untouchable hegemon of the Middle East >then people will be mad as fuck about it and there will be permanent Democrat trifecta from 2028 onward with packed Supreme Court, browns will be salivating for white blood, whites will be totally hated and disempowered, and the Jews won't even need America to be powerful anymore so they'll just make it as brown and dystopian as possible as quickly as possible this is the worst case scenario. at least if Koonmala won then her ugly brown face will be the face of the Iran War, instead of a blond white male villain. and then after 4 years of that people will be angry and radicalized and understand that there is no hope of winning elections though if Blumpf gets in because people want mass deportations, and then he doesn't do mass deportations and instead does a massive Jew war, that will be a very easy way to redpill people too. so it doesn't really matter in the end. people that are invested in the election are just dumb
>>479599 >ammo and health don't deplete it was almost a good webm
>>479597 God they're so fucking thick and smarmy
>>479602 literal system pigs
>>479598 Not even sure if they even think at all bh apart from raep and Mercedes
>>479597 >Cops doing their duty being baited by tax payer funded domestic Israeli op Campaign against antisemitism Troublemaking zionist subversives Round ‘em up and boot ‘em out MI5 Ok https://nitter.poast.org/LBC/status/1846091191730737408 https://nitter.poast.org/antisemitism/status/1846124006425997448 https://nitter.poast.org/antisemitism/status/1845785191941284016
>>479597 Also this barrister is a twat. Those cops are told to be there - they’re PCs tbh they take orders from superiors they don’t randomly decide what to attend and not attend. Also good luck banning this kind of stuff with 6 million or whatever Muslims that you invited in HM Gov Tbh
Fresh Lootisers THEY’RE ALL WORKING WITH THE SECURITY SERVICE’S HOPE NOT HATE! REEEE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VviCeefelwA
Why did Sargon throw Steve Laws under the racist bus? Beau wasn’t impressed
>this wanna be Sargon style sensible centrist cuckold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXStjLKTi9Q
>>479610 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek why are there still mongs like this
>>479611 Irritating little cunt has probably got jeet friends and an autistic black gf
No you can’t apply for this ‘cos.. *checks notes..you’re white
Leftists and neoliberals are such rude bullies tbh https://nitter.poast.org/PicturesFoIder/status/1845777350920683867
Just Turks being hired in Ireland to police migrants https://nitter.poast.org/Mick_O_Keeffe/status/1846119845277884732
>>479615 someone should tell them that being petty and discourteous doesn't make them hard
https://x.com/i/status/1845863334190756335 HEY MARTIN Or whoever it is that posts the Lego man child vids, hopefully ironically.
>>479608 Did he? Thought he was just reverting to fence sitting mode (which was odd enough).
WE’RE LOSING CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE! Get fucked bunch of shit commie neolibs or whatever the fuck you are https://nitter.poast.org/frogNscorpion/status/1846191324602445866
>>479619 Now’s not really the time to be throwing each other under the bus just to appear centrist. He’s probably terrified of losing his brand altogether having been demonetised from youtube but just trying to fight over being given a piece of the centre ground? What for? To fight absolutists like these progressive neolibs you need to not just double down but triple down tbh or the risk is continuing to go round and round in circles or he’ll destroy his following in other ways He should invite Kisin on his show and dominate him by having him raped live on air by an xl bully like are ancestors would have
>>479617 These types have always been petulant fuckers and also women should be totally removed from these positions
>highlights anti-white gay race communism for the 3987th time Still does shock me a little how brazen it is tbf
Cringe from good goy Andrew Fox Couldn’t suck their cocks harder could he tbh even has some hebrew header on his twatter Endorsing vandalism of London Underground property as well because >muh protest smh
Pathetic as well, no one cares
Dear Mr Beast. I am from Pakistan, I like your contents very much...
>>479627 show bobs
>>479628 Green hats in China are the sign of a cuckold. Must be the same with green hair
>>479609 >fuck the jew aherm... dont mind if i do!
>>479630 H'what relevance was this?
>>479632 That’s her dad
>has Enoch as his header >kick one of the main people behind moving the Overton window ShitlIB milquetoast centrist CUCKOLD! >we will win by staying mild mannered centrists Useless absolutely useless
>People like this are hateful and must be challenged on their inability to put forward a robust argument. They damage the cause of us on the right! >Culture is more than skin colour - it’s about values and traditions! >He literally wants to deport @KemiBadenoch because she’s black. He isn’t a serious person! He’s a racist! >I am very strong on immigration and people like him make it harder for us to make our case! >Conserving Britain by sticking my dick in other mens arses https://nitter.poast.org/lukerobertblack/status/1845874639442231323
>>479636 She's a foreigner with no tie to the land and people ffs. >muh skintone strawman >checkm8 rightists racists t. toreee
https://youtu.be/oB9YAVEqWrY me and are elvis lamenting are lives of toil
>>479638 Can’t turn up to a meeting on time, kisses her teeth and bullies staff She thinks she can be an African dictator in Britain No
>>479640 The cunt who tried justifying are Sam's imprisonment on gbnews.
>Afghanistan>Sweden>France>Please let me into Britain >I am not dangerous gunman >these face tattoos of AK-47s are not real Had Frenchman Farage waving a white flag and cacking his trousers from a tent in Calais. Smh If Farage had any nuts he’d go over there and bash him
>>479642 Yeah tbh >tory More like hard left infiltrator. Party is infested with them - Rules for Radicals - all his lot are Alinskyites
>>479643 >his Swedish enemy
>>479624 keeeeeeeeeeeek wtf I thought that tunnel map was satire? it's unironic propaganda?? >Hostage Execution Tunnel >Iranian Proxy War Tunnel >Islamic Jihad Torture Tunnel >Hamas Rape Tunnel >Hamas UNRWA HQ keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek wtf there's no way this is unironic
>>479646 Crude propaganda making it obvious who was behind most of the ww propaganda
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek Stevie boy’s really riled the fake tory gays up
This will cost the country nearly £2 billion Think a huge bonfire would solve it tbh
smh the twitter shite is a little tiring..... in other news, i had a big poo!
>>479652 It’s fun watching them getting a riled up and showing everyone what leftists they really are also where are all the other poosters pooer?
>>479654 erm probably on the toilet!
>>479655 Maybe the rain has come and washed the night shift away
Nah m8 you’re on a gay soho battlefield sucking off foreign teenagers you fucking nonce
>thread full of seethebait x posts is SA back lads?
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it's coconover... seems like the Jew media is slowly but surely character-assassinating her to ensure a Blumpf Six Day War
Blumpf did a 'town hall' in PA where he took 2 questions and said "no more questions" and danced to music for 40 minutes
little z complaining BIG KIM is sending his soldiers to fight against him
the YMCA song is a 'women bleeding out in parking lots' anthem. if you want a picture of the future, imagine a woman with an ectopic pregnancy bleeding out in a parking lot while the YMCA song plays in the distance, forever
>Reform! She said Reform!
Big poo
>it's another 'we all post random shite that nobody cares about and ignore eachother's posts' episode
first one to post gets to stay in my thread
im pooooooooooooooooostan
>>479678 >>479680 good lads

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