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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3997: Budget Speculation Edition Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 12:30:48 Id: 22963c No. 479729
When is the Budget and what might be in it? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cdxl1zd07l1o
Just fuck my economy up.
we should import more pooskins
>>479725 >female flatmate He’s been troonicked Someone should tell him
>>479734 I envy the absolute commitment to total narcissistic delusion.
>Labour Energy Czar Chris Stark >'Head of Mission Control' >Effeminate jock
>>479738 matt heimbach beat him to it
>>479734 Jewish education tells jews to NEVER EVER EVER be a victim? seriously???? absolute shameless hubris of these kikes
>>479734 I guess she wasn't referring to the jewish over-representation in the ownership of porn studios?
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>>479734 October 7th was the "infelxtion point" between civilisation and barbarism? i.e. between Zionism and Islam??? is that really how she is framing this? The real inflexion point was Windrush
>>479734 god this acks my peeb so bad
>>479743 Doubt although they’re proud of that their Talmudic logic is if we don’t do it someone else will instead of let’s not do it and be a light unto the world.. ultimate double standards merchants and just continually prove their detractors right. Here’s the right wing Brit celebrating with Maher That fucking gormless gimp Francis whatever next to him legitimising him as said ‘Brit’ or something is also really grating
>>479746 > gormless gimp Francis whatever he really is just a shabbos goy isn't he
>>479745 Achieved absolutely fuck all ever until Rothschild took financial control of the world and suddenly all his tribesmen started winning positions of power and influence and every award they bribed out of corrupt institutions or invented to award to themselves on the regular. Invented both the iud and the pill. >you need us I think we’ll do fine without you, close the door on the way out
>>479747 Yeah. Mr. Shabbos Sidekick never has anything to say asks dumb questions when he does and is there for no known reason apart from to make word spewed Kisin look smarter than he actually is
>>479734 someone needs to post the Barbara Spectre video in the comments to make it clear that it was JEWS that created this "inflexion point" between civilisation and barbarism
>>479749 Francis Foster just nod and agree with whatever the Jews say
>>479752 apparently he used to be friends with Dangerfield in the past
>Yeah she’s a dumb boon but vote for her because Britain should have a dum boon as PM Get. Fucked.
>>479753 Dangerfield needs to do the honourable thing
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>>479754 >human tornado
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>>479755 lad I think this thread is just you and smee
Commie MP agitating for a violent confrontation with civnats. Say it ain’t so https://nitter.poast.org/jon_trickett/status/1845015040979550301
>>479758 honestly, music like @THIS really does cement the view that slavs are the niggers of the huwhite race
>>479759 yeah I'm not going that that obvious state trap
>>479759 74 year old Labour MP endorsing this kind of shit his party is literally ingovernment and he's playing student street politics
>tfw /brit/ down to two posters
>>479762 He looks like that EU twat Frans Timmermans Physiognomy is everything
>>479763 for (you)
>>479765 thanks lad
>>479764 the stupid fatt leftist boomer look
>>479759 what do you think will happen at this event lad? Tommy has told his supporters to behave well, and not do any violence, but how will they react to a swarm of shit skins and antfa aggressively provoking them? Obviously some of them will fall for it, and when that happens lots more arrests will ensue, and the state media will be full of accounts of "far right violence" which will be used to further restrict freedom of speech and assembly
>>479769 Think you’ve nailed it tbh. These things never change there’ll be provocateurs there for sure and plenty arrests even if it is CIVNAT FEST 2024 Pt 2
>>479760 tbh starting to think hitler was right about them
>>479771 I still prefer them to actual muds though
might give this a wootch since joe owens recommends it
>Peggy Cummins
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>>479775 keeeek based chud chudding
>>479774 waifupooster?
>>479775 >when he talks about killing babies and you think having a laugh is a good idea
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>>479773 >joe owens recommends has joe branched out in to film reviewing now?
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>>479778 >>when he talks about killing babies and you think having a laugh is a good idea it's a jew not understanding the social situation thing he just thought, "oh it's one of those guys that asks silly questions and puts it on youtube, if I laugh it will seem like I'm in on the joke" but he read the situation wrong
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>>479781 no need to shout lad
>>479783 smh don't give bins gooning material
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>>479784 it's okay lad, I'm so white that I can't even understand a single word they are saying
>>479785 I'm talking about imagery here, lad
New president soon and I don't feel like I see any excitement at all
>>479786 just looks like a zoo
>>479787 even the nigger cattle know its rigged. who would you like to win, jew supporter or the other jew supporter.
>>479789 >all the shit Kamala will give niggers while brumpf will just give whites more immigrants
>>479789 >who would you like to win, jew supporter or the other jew supporter racist sexist jew supporter or anti-white feminist jew supporter see, I made it easier
>>479787 Think the common sense candidate will win?
The Sensitive Sausages Defending Our Nation https://youtu.be/4KmQanjLw7U
>>479790 Via his son in law’s wars in Iran, Lebanon and Gaza. His mate Netanyahoo wants to settle it so that means booting them out
>>479791 >tfw no Jeb! candidate for comic relief
>>479790 not immigrants lad, hard working jeets
>comfy rain washing away the bully BIG geese shits in the garden
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>>479799 love rain, smee
>>479798 Ms. Dr. Fry needs to lay of the shortbread.
>>479798 >Woken up one night with terrible screams, we learned the next day that, short out of gas, they had thrown the children alive into the furnace. keeek kick a kike baby into the furnance for the Reich.
>>479805 * short of gas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnI6a6O5vro jeets are becoming subversive as fuck on a rapid scale. why do people act like englisc is this universal tongue
>>479808 is that real?
wait, no obviously not.
The bit about her having been branded an anti semite and dropped by the establishment not the pic obviously
>>479813 I've only just got up. I was talking about the image. I really want to see her redeem herself and become a wignat.
>Vote tory
>>479817 HnH spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) have owned him for decades. Smdh.
>>479814 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>479817 The psyops tbh, designed to just waste time and exhaust.
>>479823 >Maya Henry >Azteca Henry kek
>>479822 guess for him the one direction was down
>>479825 fucking KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK schmornvening lad
crazy how literally all the niggers on TV are gay
bum bumming is very much a nigger's MO tbh. dumb animals can't help themselves. how fares the courtship ritual lad?
>>479829 decent enough I guess its kind of kino for the life experience but alot of lads would not miss it because its like a job ontop of a job and its only worth it if you like the lass on a deeper level. this lass is kind of a trad/shut in type so no cooming probably idk but she seems really like a good lass. but she is kind of getting all worried about all the pressure to be a careerfag and she just wants to basically be a cottage core type lass and watch movies and make good food she is a rabbit/squirrel enjoyer instead of a dogfag which is kino but idk sometimes its kind of consuming. she seems to take me serious enough but who knows I am just in the back of my head thinking that this at least throws water on bullies in college and school saying 'nobody would ever like me'. hope it fleshes out into something good. its changed my views a bit on lasses where I can see how the state organism is programming our lasses to basically be drones and reject womanhood and how lasses have some conflict about it but most deal with it via pills IMO.
>>479830 >would not miss it because its like a job ontop of a job and its only worth it if you like the lass on a deeper level. tbh >this lass is kind of a trad/shut in type so no cooming probably idk but she seems really like a good lass. but she is kind of getting all worried about all the pressure to be a careerfag and she just wants to basically be a cottage core type lass and watch movies and make good food based >she is a rabbit/squirrel enjoyer instead of a dogfag which is kino but idk sometimes its kind of consuming. sounds like a cosy autiste rejecting the programming >hope it fleshes out into something good. tbh. a bunch of lads here respect you for your political takes and appreciate your banter lad, so don't ever think nobody likes you. finding lasses like that in person is like striking gold though. how did you two meet?
>>479831 It was really lucky through mummies church group which I was attending and she was there right during govid but alot of people tried to keep meeting via zoom and I eventually met her irl at a funeral and then eventually got her phone number via one of mummies friends from church who kind of set us up. not going to full disclose tbh because she probably has social media and don't want to say too much since she doesn't care about polishites really beyond girl "lets all get along" stuff.
shes obv not like some massive milker stacy skyrim boob mod thicc yoga lass but thats okay with me tbh just nice to have a lady who is like "wow don't give up steinhog your latest fence project looks great I know that it might seem bad now but you are building up your strengths" and other stuff that I have literally never heard anyone say ot me ever. but I don't want to brag too much because I have been a lonelyfag for like my whole life esp. my 20s having very few frens so I know what other lads feel like and don't want to attract bully energy but also don't want to make other lads feel bad. also who know it could all turn to shite so its just one step at time
>>479832 sweet that sounds like it lends some credence to the meeting good lasses at church theory. reckon you'll get four years of red comedy instead of more blue cringe next month?
>>479834 yeah I haven't paid too much attention to the election but the polls are showing that trump is ahead in the rustbelt which was the clear trend in 2016 and that was a bluenigger redoubt since like the FDR times. don't care too much but it would be slightly more kino to see a zumpf presidency than some pajeeta shitskin larping as a nigger
also with the whole P diddler thing it seems like the jews are ritually killing the "tough" nigger memi magic as they pivot to using 'jeets as their new golems in canada and USA
oh god, does that mean jeet gangster rap is right around the corner...
>>479836 tbh thats how I see it
oh fuck, it's so much better than I imagined. there's even a poo in the title. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsYYAPZjRDs he be flipping rupees like monopoly money.
>>479839 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
don't think kikes will be able to pull off making jeet losers look hard
>>479839 yeah sam hyde was commenting how 'jeet comedy in the west has become extremely subversive
>>479841 tbf in shartica their next move seems to make country music *not racist* by shoving niggers into it and making it degenerate and subversive instead of kind of just jingoistic folk music for people to listen to at some diner
>>479823 didn't see you already made that joke lad smh stole your (You) >>479839 wew
>>479844 No worries
>>479833 wow don't give up steinhog your latest thot project looks great I know that it might seem difficult now but you are building up your strengths
>>479847 Glad he's gonna make it tbh.
Who’s gonna hide Wessie?
>>479849 wew that is a massive overstep
>>479849 Sounds like a good idea to me, liquidate the fatties tbh.
>>479851 >Here you go Lilly. Experiment on Brits! smh
>>479852 just force them to exercise tbh we already did the whole mandatory mystery juice injections thing this decade
big brain hour is going to be fire tonight, can't wait to see based Konstantin btfo the libtards who's watching?
>>479854 Just stick them on a ww2 diet and put them in boot camps run by some retired army PTIs tbh
>>479855 Where?
>>479854 You're totally right I'm just being a fanny.
>>479855 still have no idea who this kisin lad is tbh been seeing his name come up a lot lately though >>479856 would get the problem solved that's for sure wouldn't say no to that myself tbqhwy lose that spare tyre
>>479858 all good la
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>>479859 he's the based right wing talking head our benevolent overlords have given us.
>>479859 >still have no idea who this kisin lad is tbh been seeing his name come up a lot lately though His dad is Vadim Kisin who got chased out of Russia ( most likely aided and abetted by the tragic MI6 ) for nicking a billion dollars Kuntstanstein later sets up shop here masquerading as a Brit because magic paper when he is just an Israel Firster and ‘shut up and take it in the arse racist Brits’ merchant He pretends to be smart but isn’t just uses a lot of words and is utterly subversive and he got caught out big time this week so it looks like his (and,ears have stepped on the gas to get him more mainstream airtime because you know - more exposure on msm means he’s obviously smart and totally trustworthy and the kind of based centrist Zionist Brits NEED to be listening to eh!?
>>479862 >>479863 oh another one of those smh
>>479859 Y-your’re not suggesting active clubs a-are you l-lad? They’re practically illegal
>>479734 WEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW We invented logic n shieeeeeet!
>>479859 >still have no idea who this kisin lad is tbh been seeing his name come up a lot lately though Kisin got famous online through the heavily boosted podcast Triggernometry, which was able to get big name guests on even when it was a very small channel Triggernometry popped up post 2016, after the establishment had got freaked out by the Alt Right and its influence on actual politics. Triggernometry was clearly an establishment attempt to attract that Alt Right energy in a neutered direction, whilst the actual Alt Right was cancelled out of existence Triggernometry is "anti-woke" but at best civic nationalist, and effectively useless since they propose no solutions, and only poke holes in critical race theory and feminism from a powerless position. They are against "identitiy politics" even though Kisin is proud of his jewish identity Kisin is the son of a "Russian" oligarch that was kicked out of russia by Putin as part of his anti-corruption drive. As such, Kisin is heavily anti-Russia and has been steering the online Right towards a pro-Ukraine stance
>>479863 > he got caught out big time this week what did he get caught doing this week?
>>479855 lad most of us gave up on Question Time post 2016, after Dimbleby left and the bias in the show became utterly unbearable
>>479823 >Another Brit defeated by the spic balcony smh
>>479869 He got called out on his doublespeak and use of leftist terminology by pakidemic, Lootisers and many others and they called him out on it but also for adhominem’ing everyone who did call him out for his attempts to coin phrases like ‘the woke right’ and mainstream it as well as his video last week ‘why I’m no longer on the fence about Oct 7{ when he blatantly and publicly came out in support of Isreal almost as soon as it happened Hope when he debates Lootisers and pakidemic etc they just shut up and let him hang himself in public tbh
>>479873 oh yeah he came up with the wank term "woke right" as a way to criticise aspects of the Right that don't support Israel enough
>>479873 >Hope when he debates Lootisers and pakidemic etc they just shut up and let him hang himself in public tbh he won't debate them
He’s after more subs. Wonder how many more he’ll get for his BBC appearance bet he’s got instructions from Israel to warble on about Hamas and auschwitz
>>479876 >he’s got instructions from Israel to warble on about Hamas and auschwitz Jews never EVER play the victim lad
>>479877 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK forgot excuse my antisemits
>tried >failed >not are fault They can learn to be responsible for themselves - in their own cuntry
>Thanks labar alhumdullilah very kind of you! *brings another 500,000 co dependents and family members under reunification obligation laws*
>>479775 >not one, but two people pointing at others KEEEEEEK
>>479881 This is the film of the book
>>479880 Another 60,000 votes secured.
>>479883 560,000 lad
>>479884 of course it is.
>>479879 Ah yes, educating negroes out of their indolence. I guess it has been working so far.
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>>479888 I don't want to watch ragefuel lad can you jsut tell me what it is so I don't have to see it plz?
>>479889 some mercs talking about russians being rubbish at war
>>479888 >sso Don’t know who these mercenary lads are fighting a lost war but they’re up against well trained Russian sf soldiers as he said tbh I think anyone going to fight unknowns in unofficial wars is a dumb cunt tbh especially on their home turf and on the side of notoriously back stabbing furrin mercs
>>479890 Mad thing is while they’re busy fighting conscripts they’re likely to get arse raped by properly trained soldiers or drones - forget about missile strikes targeted or otherwise. NV won’t help you then Neither will bunkers much when you see what some Russian missiles will allegedly do to rocks in Idlib Oh and another yank mercenary got it
Sinwar is kill
>>479892 F always thought frogmen were really neat as a lad
>>479888 That's not really new or controversial, still they won Bakmut with daisy chaining conscripts and this guy is still on the collapsing side.
>>479894 I'm not sure all these decapitation strikes will amount to any sort of strategic victory for Israel.
Wew fucking hell 31 months. Her child was killed by neglectful paki doctors too by the way. Nightmare world shite
>>479898 Bet those paki rapists were out in 60.
begging kike starmer for acceleration right now
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>>479890 Just propaganda lad Everyone knows Russia is winning
unironically grifting civnat race traitors like Nigel Farage aren’t going to be spared from the Day of the Rope
>>479901 everything is propaganda nothing is happening it never does
>>479902 His life can be spared if he kills his pet muzzie
>>479903 >everything is propaganda well that video obviously is lad
>>479891 >Don’t know who these mercenary lads are fighting a lost war but they’re up against well trained Russian sf soldiers as he said tbh can't make sense of this sentence lad, what are you saying plz?
>>479908 lad why did you poost this?
>>479909 they keep recomending me templin grandin videos
>>479910 well stop clicking on them until they go away
>>479908 I like Claire Danes. Romeo + Juliet was a decent adaptation, Terminator 3 is fun and the first few series of Homeland until Brody dies are great.
>>479897 Tbh it’s just making them look vindictive and they’re surrounded by them. Also not winning them the PR war - only had to maim and kill over 120k or something to get him. This is what their victory looks like. Good luck with their ai and US Spic Army digging them out of this hole they’ve dug for themselves. Everyone hates them now and their economy is fucked American tax payer will have to fund their recovery now
>>479895 The jews got their revenge on Buster Crabb paid the Russkies to slit his throat
Neobreedee landing in t minus 20 hours. Went over my instagram, snapchat, discord, messenger, deleting over hundred women I had spoken with. Kind of insane how many potential breedees I have spoken with
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>>479870 Tbh. >>479855 >The most BasedTM panel member is the foreign Jew leftist that lectured a Rotherham nonce victim for white identity politics because muh Hitler
>>479920 >The most BasedTM panel member is the foreign Jew leftist that lectured a Rotherham nonce victim for white identity politics because muh Hitler This is enough to seriously rattle the average QT watcher though I can't imagine anyone remotely right wing can stomach that show anymore
>>479924 Are we watching it in the binema?
>>479926 >Are we watching it in the binema? Question Time? Lad are you acking my peeb?
>>479923 the jews!
Kemi Badenoch is To Blame for Mass Immigration https://youtu.be/CIzWZQV5Ps4
>>479931 >Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch (née Adegoke) >spent her childhood living in Lagos, Nigeria, and in the United States >returned to the UK at the age of 16 >Minister for Women and Equalities from 25 October 2022 – 5 July 2024 >during her parliamentary maiden speech Badenoch stated that she was "to all intents and purposes a first-generation immigrant". Truly, the right wing anti-woke saviour who will stop mass immigration
spreading this awesome post from zzzchan /fascist/ (you should come over there sometime too!) >>5506 >Or, you know, more conventional forms of organising that actually affect positive change on a community level instead of getting our most advanced cadre thrown in prison for no gain. This is a system of thought which has been around since the 60s (ANP) and failed every single time, and it will fail again. If you really have commitment you should learn from this historical pattern instead of just waiting for it to happen to you so you can confirm it because by then you will be an older, more worn out man. It is inconceivable that anyone not radicalised or with a comfortable lifestyle, however decadent, would choose to join our ranks, because we have nothing to offer them. They are clothed, leashed, fed, and given housing entirely at the mercy of the System's "law" and governance. The System could and does instantly void the "money" in bank accounts of political activists, this has literally happened to civnats as mild as NIGEL FARAGE. >I'm surprised more white nationalists don't try their hands at unionism. These kinds of fantasies instantly fall apart when you think practically. Do you have any idea how much power the Corporate complex wields over the enslavement of its workers? Back in 2020 middle-aged women were getting fired for posting videos online of them worried about getting an experimental gene-editing vaccine that was rushed out with 24/7 hysteria over passports that were going to be introduced literally putting you under house arrests for not taking it and three boosters. Regardless of your opinion on vaccines, translating that show of force ahead to our current predicament, do you think an openly pro-white union could actually arise? They would fire you INSTANTLY. To focus on reality a bit, these are normies that have been conditioned since childhood to hate and fear nothing more than National Socialism. What does this mean? Absolutely fucking nothing, in actual fact it backs up the fact that the modern, decadent, lemming masses are ideological magnetic putty, that can be kept in any mindset by the elite as long as they get their needs and dopamine distractions met. So, the National Socialist Union, or, because I know you'll say this, pro-white union under a different name, because either: . you're just carbon-copying a century-old movement! (this is a great point and I agree with you to the conclusions that Dr. Pierce met.) . the masses are brainwashed against Swastikas! (also true, but irrelevant for reasons I'll explain) exists, in our scenario. Now, do you know why most unionists join unions? Is it because they care about Bureaucratic center-Left wall-head-banging? No chance in hell. It's because it means they can get a marginally higher paycheck, and live a marginally better life, with marginally better objects to consume, and thus a marginal amount of their existential dread is quelled by this improvement. It allows them to feel like they have a modicum of power over their bosses. Which they absolutely don't, as their bosses are still hugely underpaying them, but can deal with bumping up their wages a tiny amount from their yaughts surrounded by child prostitutes somewhere in the Red Sea near Israel or one of many holiday destinations (the real processes of this are more compartmentalised to subordinate management positions, but this leftist cliche is how it should be accurate, not to mention mighty vivid) Thirdly, you ought to be thinking less in hylic, capitalist terms of numbers and "OMGZ WE'RE SWEEPING THE MASSES GUYZ" and more in terms of the effect, quality, and clarity of intent. Look, there have been times when fascist or effectively neo-Fascist parties and organisations have boasted large "numbers" and "vote counts", but this turned out to mean nothing -- obviously. Golden Dawn, the British National Party -- they arise out of a constrained necessity in times of Systemic failure and doubt in the populace, get attacked by the System, and then fall, not spectacularly, not with a bang, but with rot and pathetic irrelevance. What else could better illustrate the fate of a theoretical pro-white union once its "demands" have been met, even if it managed to whip up a bunch of members out of nowhere? Less and less fold-able chairs set out for circlejerk conferences where points are restructured again, continuing that cycle of the last 50 fucking years? Conservativism: slowly losing its grip? Because to its extent of preservation, so too degrees of "reactionary" thought in whatever application turns itself out will be limited: ultimately though, almost no one gives a shit about politics. Your mom, your neighbour and teacher, your sister, once in the "voting" booth, or party conference, they start thinking: how will this lower MY taxes, this can apply to our men and women, how can I see less niggers in MY hometown, in MY backyard? Who should I "SUPPORT" with my empty-headed yes-man presence to, and it seems, poke someone braver and with a louder megaphone to do for me, whispering, "please do... something! Especially something cool, especially something that will make me happier"... redundancy! Do you WANT these lacking fucks on your side? Do you WANT to commit yourself to the self-degradation, PERPETUAL "oh no I'm not an alt-lite/fascist/Nazi/atom" rightwards-punching game of EXHAUSTING charismatic effort, which even if effective, will endow you with a glistening coat of parasitic, dependent, selfish motormouths that will bolt out as soon as the effort or risk associated with their prescence outweighs the immediate, short-term, or long-term benefit depending on their intelligence/patience, for THEM. THEM. The HOPE THEY HAVE THAT YOU COULD GIVE THEM A BETTER BREAST TO SUCKLE ON. A better host for their parasitism. You're obviously miserable and radicalised, I don't blame you, and welcome you based off your value and actual commitment. But we are desperate, radical people that need to act like it if we're going to get anywhere, and accept hard truths about human nature, to use them to our benefit and avoid the time-wasting traps. Luckily for us, we have had a path of failure after failure, anxious splintering after anxious splintering, laid for us. If it's all bullshit anyway, why not just read SIEGE with an open mind? You couldn't be scared of finding out difficult things that give you no excuse for your worldview, could you? >instead of getting our most advanced cadre thrown in prison for no gain. this is a silly line because even in the worst-case scenario of imprisonment, prisoners are a HUGE drain on the System especially in European "countries" where there aren't even death sentences after like... >15 years waiting anyway LOL. Also, better to have actually done something than have said a thousand things that have already been said before, not to mention the amount of times they have been thought over completely. >The turd worldist leftoids even have this book called "Settlers" about the racist nature of early American unions haha the author of that book should be strung around the neck on an overpass bridge with a billboard nailed to his hands that says "I died a worthless race traitor/kike/nigger". this is the kind of selfless, brave, practical mindset that we will win by conceding to. As brilliant as Hitler was, he wasn't just powerful because the volk adored him and his work -- he was also powerful because the kikes, kommunists, and other krooked undesirable spacks were rightfully scared shitless of him and his gestapo. GTKRWN and WHITE FUCKING POWER
>>479935 What in tarnation?
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>>479935 far too many words for me here lad smh
Brevity is the soul of wit
Just an absolutely atrocious wall of text
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I won that Messerschmitt Bf 109 painting I was bidding on
>>479935 good heart lad, zzzchan has very slow breads tho
>>479941 >109 oy vey!
So you’re saying the holocoaster wan’t real? https://nitter.poast.org/VividProwess/status/1846989507779817774
>>479946 the regional “nation” of Israel didn’t exist back then. Jews will obviously just pick and say whatever, whenever in this aspect of conversation too, because they never cared about consistency or whether support is organic or not. Jews are Israel, except for when we need to beg for support and say things have never been worse, or something.
question time is shite, jew is being boring af and the poo is making more sense then him not worth watching so far
isreal mentioned kisin is schvitzing
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kk got ragdolled by ash i love her lads
le based free thinker and shabbos mps getting absolutely rekt. luckily he's been getting lots of secret dms agreeing with him and telling him he won the arguement.
voting for donald trump
orange fool
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>>479957 frustrated
>>479935 >wordswordswords >whinge whinge whinge >read Siege >go to prison for daftyism that's seriously your solution? wow, how original. how effective it's been in the years since it was written.

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