Imagine if Spider-man's debut started with him monologuing about what a groovy dude or cool cat he was. I guess there's a decent chance that the character could recover, but even something good would be tarnished by "debuting" by being a narcissistic prick.
>La Puente, California
The vast majority of cities in California with Spanish names are as such because they date back to Spanish settlement and consequently have names that are religious in origin: Los Angeles ("The Angels", derivative of the settlement's original name which translated to "the Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels"), Sacramento (Sacrament), San Francisco (Saint Francisco), San Diego (Saint Diego), San Jose (Saint Jose), among others. The one notable counterexample is Fresno, which translates to "ash tree" after the kinds of trees that were abundant there at the time of its founding. The chances of a town with a Spanish name in California that translates to "the Bridge", that is large enough to host a superhero are so negligible that it's laughable. If you're going to invent a town in a region that follows a general naming scheme, try to conform a little to it. Pick something fake but religious sounding or pick a natural feature described in Spanish, do not name it after a product of human engineering.