Doomsday Clock is less bad than HBO's show. It's not a high bar to beat. HBO's Watchmen was just a very dumb show. It is like all edgy comics that learned wrong lessons from Watchmen, but live action version that skipped edge for politics overdose and mixed it with modern pandering. It is so clueless that the series almost becomes a parody of itself and of all other modern, incompetent adaptions. Idiotic, cringe dialogue that is supposed to come across as witty, badass, or insightful is the best example.
Like many other Watchemn continuations, it only uses superficial elements of the original comic, and characters are dumbed down. At the end of the comic it was clear that Manhattan was not interested in fitting into human society, done with Earth, and that Owl and Silk Specter were done with crime fighting. TV show's entire premise meanwhile hinges on the fact that Manhattan is back on Earth and he suddenly wants to be a normal human. Silk Specter meanwhile is now working as a government agent (back to crime fighting but without a suit) and is obsessed with finding Manhattan. Ozymandias was butchered too. He goes from calculating thinker with a superiority complex in comics, to an over-the-top raging lunatic with an edgy hobby of torturing his clone servants.
HBO's show is just a run of the mill modern trash. It literally ends with blue laser shooting into the sky, villain defeated with sneaking back behind him and whacking him unconscious, and a "brave" ambiguous non-conclusion as to whether Sister Night got Manhattan powers.
It was Lindelof's project, and he will always force in pozz no matter how hamfisted it has to be. Lindeloff is almost 50 years old.