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GamerGate Radio

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OP First Dawn Leader 06/12/2017 (Mon) 23:58:37 Id: b0f374 No. 330729
The Last Night has been hit hard by SJW clique shilling, as well as aGG and other cancer that is killing the industry. For whatever reason, the publisher has thrown the dev under the bus and the dev has been forced to apologize. WE DO NOT STAND FOR THIS We said three years ago that this is the kind of bullshit we don't want around anymore. Creators should not be forced to censor their games, or have their hard work destroyed before it has a chance to succeed because of ideological gatekeepers. Regardless of the dev's and publisher's reactions, we all can agree, that THIS is what we stand against. This pressure, this bullying, this kind of inquisition. They wanted to kill The Last Night, NOW THEY FACE THE FIRST DAWN For any operation to be successful, we need goals, objectives. We seem to agree on the following overall, >We must push back against the central clique members who start these inquisitions >We must push back against the media who enable them to continue said inquisitions >We must support devs who are willing to fight through the witch hunts, and aid the ones who cannot >In the end, we want vidya to be a place where creators are free to make the games they want to But how do we accomplish this? Simply put, we divide things into the short-term and the long-term. SHORT-TERM First, we gather all of the evidence we can about The Last Night's media blitz. We need to make it clear, the only reason this game is under any pressure is because the creators didn't toe the line of an ideological clique that they never asked to be involved with. This means gathering info on every outlet and author, every blue check that retweeted the articles/smearjob, and uncover other things, like the person behind the @Justgamesonly22 account, or anyone who said dumb shit like the Ubisoft dev. Secondly, we take all of this evidence, compress it all into easy-to-spread formats, and shove it in the faces of those who sought to kill The Last Night. Twitter, comment sections, wherever you can. Third, we see what can be done for the morale of The Last Night team, maybe we can convince them to stay the course. Also, we need to find out if they did make any changes to their game after the pushback. One anon noticed the change to the game's Steam description. We need to somehow confirm that actual tangible changes are going to happen to this game. LONG-TERM We need to do everything in our power to make sure a situation like this does not happen again. This means vocally supporting good devs, outlets AND helping other people stay informed. First and foremost, a full scale redux of OP Rebuild is in order. A vague, out-of-date list of ethical outlets isn't good enough. Same goes for talking about devs. We need to have a seriously dedicated list of outlets for anons to follow, and for those who participate in social media to follow and spread these outlets, so long as they remain ethical and informative. This doesn't just mean push the easy ones, like TechRaptor and Niche, it means seriously helping out the smaller/struggling ones by spreading their good articles, turning off Adblock and letting them know you're here supporting them. This goes for devs as well. When P5 suffered pushback from the localization crowd of bullshit, we messaged Atlus, showed them we cared enough to buy the game, and told them we appreciated the effort that went into bringing the game over to NA. We should do the same for devs who are smaller, under fire, or just plain good devs who care for their consumers: Us gamers. Secondly, we need to work on informing gamers who don't spend their time on here. Let them know about companies, and dev teams, and systems that support consumer-friendly practices. Let them know what they need to do to protect their own interests AND recognize when pushbacks like the one for The Last Night are happening, so that they can be there to oppose anti-gamer/anti-consumer bullshit, wherever it comes from. This means infographics, small tidbits of easily spreadable info, and a willingness to help out the gaming community as a whole. Aspiring graphic designers in the thread will want to get on this, as well as our /tech/heads and savvy consumers who are willing to explain this at a very clear and basic level. Third, we need to keep being gamers. Keep playing vidya, keep supporting good vidya and talking about it. Make art of your favourite characters, if you're talented enough. Support an artist if you aren't artistically inclined. At the end of the day, we're gamers, and we care about this industry in all aspects. We need to show it. The Last Night has been sunk by aGG and the clique. They blamed a dev for invoking our name and being critical of their once-idol, as well as their political ideology. We're getting back in the game. They called our name, we must answer
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Compile all the shit for it; I'm gonna work on it right now
Lets do this leaders Its good to be back
And remember, always be on the offensive against this nonsense. No apologies, no fucking around.
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The basics of the plan thus far.
>>330735 Since my post regarding pro-consumer practices was mentioned, how about a list of what's considered good? >Console is region-free >absolutely no cut content (DLC has to be an expansion pack)
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>>330739 OP First Dawn (The Last Night) >>>/gamergatehq/330729 GG revival - ideas bread >>>/gamergatehq/330732 Lets do this Welcome back
Welcome back Leaders.
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Draw Fags, redditors, faggots, /pol/acks, gamers,shit lords,anons Welcome back Lets get down to buisness
>>330738 More practices from the thread >DRM free >DLC that isnt egregious like fucking amiibos >Allows people to mod/No paid mods
>>330742 archives please
Dig into Rawfury games. Find connections.
>>330746 2nd this
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>>330746 Found the CEO of Rawfury twitter.com/jantonsson
Looking on youtube to see if anyone has dug more information on this
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MOD COMMENT This post is entirely a bad idea. The original creator of this post admitted to being entirely hotheaded and rash when he first came up with the idea, and abandoned it, as seen here https://archive.is/4k289#selection-53133.0-53143.59. In the interest of transparency, I'm keeping the post up, but putting this disclaimer here so nobody wastes time discussing it. As far as I see, there's two "prongs" to this. Blame the clique, and blame the dev. In the words of a normalfag meme; Why Not Both? OP Fuck Em Raw Or FER for short. You can call it Fuck Em All Raw if you want the acronym to spell FEAR https://twitter.com/rawfurygames/status/874140352860618753 rebelrebel@rawfury.com Reply to the tweet or send an email. Tell them you won't buy for caving, RT/like comments that do the same. We can't stop people buying, but we can make it fucking clear who didn't buy from them when sales are below expectation. OP Halt All The Evangelizing Or HATE for short FEAR and HATE. I am a clever boy. https://archive.fo/ZREic https://twitter.com/WilliamUsherGB/status/874342640455741441 Redpill people on the clique. Get DeepFreeze in on it, make infographs, etc. What part you deem priority 1 is your choice as an individual. If you are reading this on 13th/14th/15th of June- Act tonight! We can redpill people via tagjacking. Post with company or game hashtag and expose it all. Especially #TheLastNight
>>330754 More redpilling info: https://archive.fo/aoDbO
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>>330754 Shitting all over the dev for caving is a fucking stupid idea - it's the exact shit SJWs are pulling on Laci Green, and will simply make them say "look, gamergators are bullying the dev" It's such a massively retarded idea I almost think you're a shill.
Weird how this twitter account just showed up only to tweet this to the GJP members https://archive.is/XU9Ci Might just be a coincidence >>330757 Nope. Just mad. I'm more inclined for red-pilling, but some folks feel the blame feels with the dev as well. Better they do it politely then the dev using the angry emails as virtue signalling. Of course, if no one thinks it's a good idea, they won't do it or suggest how to improve it, and that part of the OP will die.
>>330758 >>330757 There's a difference between saying "You were dumb for capitulating" and saying "Kill yourself you useless faggot." If we're saying anything that can be labelled as a criticism of the dev, it's the first one. Because he was dumb for capitulating. And so was the publisher, especially if they pressured him.
>>330758 https://twitter.com/Brad_Glasgow/status/874084879167836160 > It was apparently a sock account set up specifically to shit on The Last Night under the guise of a "true gamer." > You know, just like they accuse us of doing all the time.
>>330759 I'd hope folks would undertake usual DisNod methods. Be polite and appear unrelated to GG in any way or form. However, no one likes this side of it, so unless there are arguments for, I'd encourage people to do the redpilling side first or only.
>>330758 >Might just be a coincidence 1-800-COME-ONNOW
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>>330759 The last thing the dev needs right now is a tidal wave of emails calling them stupid for caving against an insurmountable enemy. It would also make a great win for the aGG clique - "Fragile snowflake gators flood dev with hatemail after they abandoned them" If you do email them, it should be polite and supportive, not punitive. We should not be angry at them for picking their battles.
OP should be updated by the time this posts. >>330763 Exactly. IF we say anything critical, we say it was really silly. We let them know that that was a mistake, but it's not the end of the world, like the people who are dragging you down claim it is. Remember, he apologized, and it still isn't enough for them.
>>330766 Something like, "Never give ideologues an inch, they'll take a mile."
> https://twitter.com/WilliamUsherGB/status/874342640455741441 > @timsoret is being attacked by SJWs for disagreeing with Anita Sarkeesian three years ago Sarkeesian is BDS. To people who care, that's a reputation killer. You could compare her to Linda Sarsour, a fake feminist who gets by on the media calling her a feminist without taking a critical look at what she is actually saying.
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http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/milkshake-duck Daily reminder SJW's can't meme to save their life
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>>330739 We never left, anon! Also, drawfag and designfag here, at your service.
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>>330787 Some kind of central image for the OP would be a good contribution. It doesn't have to be overtly complex, the one someone did for OP Around the World was a good example.
>>330789 Got it! Now, give me a few to whip up something awesome.
>>330779 Interesting keep digging Man I've noticed people are angry after e3 We haven't been this angry since Jim made those quinnspiracy videos back in 2014 Hard to believe so much time has passed Well I guess the old fags of gg we're right We're here forever
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>>330787 >>330789 We need a Booru-like site where we can dump pics then add tags.
>>330787 Alright can you make art about GamerGate's revival?
>these haven't been posted yet Step it up senpais
encouragement for future devs and for Tim Soret https://archive.is/GokbP poll doesn't get saved in the archives for some reason.
>>330806 >Not hoping for any result. IT'S A QUESTION. She keeps repeating that
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Some ideas for further courses of action Any notable twitterfags, or people who have lines to notable twitter and youtube fags should get in contact with them Sargon and Milo are fucking huge now and should not be discounted if we can get their help Another idea from fucking Val of all people, basically use their own fucked up standards to attack their shit. It reminds me of what Trump did to Colbert. https://archive.fo/FJLSf Dailydot added to earlier image of outlets attacking Soret*
>>330797 There's a Vivian booru: vivi.booru.org
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Posting these from the /v/ thread, some potential outlines for the new Rebuild OC.
If any anons want to jump in on creating some new OC, be it for uncovering the truth of the media blitz, something to push good outlets, or just plain new OC for GG overall, look here: >>330814 >>330814 >>330814 >>330814
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>>330789 INCOMING >>330798 I'll see if I have time for that. I'm working on something for the 3rd anniversary.
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Someone in the /v/ thread requested that we post some gaming youtube channels to veto here, as well as some sites. Mine are The Know https://www.youtube.com/user/know But their parent company being Rooster Teeth seems to present some issues. And Gematsu: http://gematsu.com/ https://twitter.com/gematsucom Gematsu is a japanese magazine/site, and we maybe should support their western branch, but also dig on who is behind it (unlikely to be japanese staffed). I'll dig more options.
>>330825 Staff at Gematsu: Italian, editor and seems to 'run the site' and translate japanese news: https://twitter.com/salromano Zero, community moderator. https://twitter.com/KazumaLynx That is the whole staff. But their converge of E3 seems pretty detailed and complete, mostly translated from the japanese site I assume. Nothing suspicious found searching through their twitter feeds. They do follow some game journos from sites like WSJ and Destructoid, but none of the known trouble people.
Forgive the non-intentional namefagging, forgot to uncheck the box.
>>330825 I saw people talking about Larry bundy jr on the GG thread. Yeah, he's kinda click-baity and had that fag hbomberguy doing voice work for him but he did some nice videos about GG so I think he should be added to that "recommended" list
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Posting both of these here Which design do we like better? Again, bear in mind, this is mostly for our own purposes, it's not the most spreadable piece of OC.
>>330754 This is an utterly stupid idea and completely counterproductive. Refusing to buy the game because of the apology is a message to companies that hiring Gamergators is bad for them, because then they will be stuck between rocks and hard places. We want to be the understanding ones. >"We will buy your game, to support Tim's past allegiance, but we're not happy about the apology." This is an incentive to companies to hire from our side of the divide. If you always use the stick, you will only be feared. We want to be courted.
>>330754 >We can't stop people buying, but we can make it fucking clear who didn't buy from them when sales are below expectation. And this? This is dumb too. You'd be making a fuss, yes, but they won't be able to tell who is driving the fall in their sales, pro or anti. All they will know is that the very mention of Gamergate dropped them into this mess! We want to incentivise Gamergate support, not force people away from the subject.
>>330831 The background words make it hard to read.
>>330729 nigger >still being in gamergate
>>330763 Hate the publisher, not the dev. Principles are all very nice, but you can't fucking eat them.
Why in the ever loving fuck would Raw Fury think it's a good idea to fuck over the dev to please SJWs? Do they think said SJWs will suddenly buy their games? Gamers don't give a flying fuck about SJW complaints and would still buy the game while SJWs wouldn't buy the game either way. I say that's the response which needs to be given. If a publisher wants to fuck over developers to please SJWs, they can keep SJWs as a customer base and lose gamers, see how much money they make then. Maybe if a few of those dumbasses go bankrupt it'll drive it into their heads to not pull this shit. SJWs are not your audience. They never were, they aren't and they never will be. They do not provide you with income. Stop trying to please them.
Thanks for posting the OP. Agreed that we need to push back against this hard, in particular by showing Zoe's clique for what it is. I created a video to help with this, providing a lot of info and also humanizing GamerGate. I hope this is useful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80fqrg0dmTU
Hey guys, KiA-mod here. Please don't freak out, I'll have to kill the link to this thread, since it includes what reddit admins consider dox (yeah, they have a pretty broad definition for that, like live links to twitter and FB). When you have something I can put on KiA (like contact forms for complaints etc) please shoot us a modmail or make a new thread. Please make sure it's scrubbed of "dox" (again, talk to us) and we will likely sticky it. Also, hey, nice to be here again. Tell Acid I said hi!
>>330842 Alright.
I don't really see what the point of the first quarter of First Dawn is, the gathering of evidence or whatever. How will it help? Do you think that we'll find that they planned this in advance? Unless we do, dirt we find on the complainers isn't really going to help with the claims 'Gamergate is bad, Soret supported Gamergate, fuck Soret.' I do like the second half. Bypass the SJWs entirely, focus on sending positive vibes to Raw Fury and Soret. Make them feel that we have their back and that we'll buy the game, but we'll be especially enthused if it sticks to Soret's original vision. Show understanding to RF, frame the SJWs as bullies, as the aggressors evilly attacking them.
>>330844 Yeah, I agree with making this a positive OP, encouraging Tim and his team to make the best game possible (and never self-censor). This might entail acknowledging that he disavowed gamergate (though, reviewing his tweets, he was sympathetic to us, not quite a pro-gger) and being cool with that. He can always change his mind on whatever, but GamerGate won't change its mind on supporting good developers that want to make good games! I am still sympathetic to Tim's position - he was getting great coverage, right there at E3, until some non-dev asshole had to make it all about her and creating a scandal from NOTHING! Of course that guy was scared for his game and the fucking team. Adding to that pressure from his publishers, and it's understandable he folded under pressure. Not wise, but understandable.
>>330845 Mhm. I twittered at Soret's apology, telling him that I didn't approve of it, but that I understood and wished him luck. I got a like from him.
It's interesting looking at Soret's Likes on Twitter. I think he's still with us. https://twitter.com/timsoret/likes
>>330837 that's a watermark, it's only gonna be there to protect works in progress >>330840 >>330836 >>330835 Don't think anyone is onboard with Raw Fury. Even the creator of it admitted he was hotheaded when he made it. I feel like getting rid of that post, but it's not really a good look to just delete things for the reason of 'I think this is dumb' I'll put some sort of warning on the post, I guess.
>>330848 >I feel like getting rid of that post, but it's not really a good look to just delete things for the reason of 'I think this is dumb' >I'll put some sort of warning on the post, I guess. No, leave it the way it is. Hotheadedness is never a justified excuse for any action. The publisher had a choice. And, they chose to make a stupid post, that destroyed the developer and threw him under the bus, and now they have to continue on with their business remembering that happened, and how it destroyed people's perception of their company.
>>330849 Oh shit. When I said "he was hotheaded when he made it" I meant the anon who first came up with that OP. He admitted in the /v/ thread to being hotheaded when he made it, and said it was a dumb idea once he calmed down. That's why I was considering getting rid of that post, and now considering putting up a disclaimer.
>>330850 Oh, my mistake. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
the trailer looks nice some real effort was put in it and the devs obviously have enough talent to back it up publishers ar PR bitches though they will force anyone to apologyse for anything as for Journos and the usual suspects they've lost all credivility by now, best course of action is to mock their irrelevance with the fact that they had to wait until this became the hot topic at E3 to throw a bitchfit and try to raid it's coat tail back into the spotligt Nobody cares what SJWs say anymore and getting flack by them usually mean whoever does turns up a better proffit than if they hadn't it looks finished enough already unlike other "diversity" focused AAA trailers for games not even 1 day into development i doubt there will be any changes to the finished product at this point, anything the devs say will just be lip service to please the marketing suits of their publishers If it's good it'll sell, regardles of what snowflakes say On the other hand games aimed at snowflakes flop like ass mostly because snowflake devs have no talent and put no effort still in the long term we can use this to kill shoehorned "diversity in the same way it's being killed in Marvel comics wich are still shit nonetheless by saying that "diversity" does not sell wich is true, though not because of "diversity" in itself but because of the talentles (((people))) who often push that crap
>>330848 Mind you, I didn't say "Don't buy The Last Night" merely "Fuck Raw Fury".
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I know this OP is cooling off for the more present localization threat, but I believe I've made the last adjustments to that OC I was working on. Might as well post it since it's done. Wouldn't want hard work going to waste. I've watermarked it just in case there's any more last minute critiques/mistakes.
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>>330884 It's ready, with options for paragraph at the top or without.
>>330885 KiA standing by. Remember - one of you with a reddit account should modmail us once you made a thread (or just make Acid do it).
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kia not being a massive pack of burches for once
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Frankly, I'm disappointed with how few people got behind this. Ran out of steam quick without the manpower and was quickly overshadowed. It's a shame, because I really thought we could make a statement with this, but it ended up just rotting here. I'll push for it to be taken out of the OP on /v/ in the next bread or so.
>>330971 It died in the water the moment Tim Soret backed off. It can't be helped. That's how it is these days, "people" getting into game dev have no guts or balls.
>>330972 I just don't know why anons suddenly started pretending the industry wasn't shit, and a dev could just come out and make whatever they want without any backlash. It was ignorant of reality, devs still need our support, and anons were unwilling to give it because…. well, honestly I don't have an explanation. As much purchase as we have gained in this fight, there can't be anons out there who seriously believe the industry is suddenly "safe," can there be? Are some anons that deluded? I hope to hell this isn't the leaking of complacency into GG. I hope it's just cancer faggots or something who just happened to push things in the wrong direction (and succeeded at something for once). Cancer faggots we can handle, we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and go, "Okay that was dumb, let's never do it again." Complacency is plauge. Slow spreading and deadly. Think of it as demoralization, if it helps you out any.

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