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GamerGate Radio

GamerGate revival Leader 06/13/2017 (Tue) 00:02:04 Id: e0b8fe No. 330732
After this E3 i think its safe to say spark and interest in Gamergate has comeback With what happened with Last Night and with EA and Ubisofts press conference I think its safe to say that people are pissed once again After 3 years and the flame dying sjws brought us back in
By the way ignore shills I remember a problem we had in the early days was calling everyone a shill back in early 2015 and it probably drove some of our numbers away
>>330737 Yeah, try to at least add something if you're going to kill a shill, like an archive or screencap to prove the initial point wrong, or something along those lines >>330732 Shitpost and make hilarious OC like always and we'll draw people to the truth like we did in the past before Obviously have substance and evidence when needed, but our strength is in our shitposting.
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Reminder to post Vivians. to sjws on twitter
Remember that most people have no idea what we're on about, so be liberal in spreading old Day 1 info. * 12 different sites posting the same article on the same day * Idiot journalists responding to sources with insults and blocks * Phil Fish attacking Wolf whatzisname for saying that Zoe sexually harassed him * The TFYC dev saying Zoe doxed and blacklisted him * The Reddit DCMA graveyard thread There is a dead Gamergate 101 thread that may be worth reviving if there is any sign that noobs are swinging by here. >>326250 > Reminder to post Vivians. That too. Art is powerful.
>>330756 Pretty much this
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Some pics to share
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More pics
Going after these guys is a good idea, thing is we can't go in with the Gamergate name. To the SJW Gamergate is a boogeyman, and we need to keep it like that, so whenever they bring it up when they're earning their shekels from the companies that use them as a shield… they just look like idiots. It's time for a new face, a new name, a new purpose.
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and more pics
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(316.43 KB 640x408 gawkersinks.png)

(475.31 KB 900x2983 gg_justwanted.png)

(807.98 KB 468x5137 gg_lastgeneration.jpg)

and the fun stuff
>>330783 > Going after these guys is a good idea, thing is we can't go in with the Gamergate name. They will do the same thing to any other name. Look at what they did to Pepe the Frog. Go in without a name if you are uncomfortable, or use idpol against them and call yourself whatever is highest on the progressive stack. > To the SJW Gamergate is a boogeyman Post the FBI pic. Make them look like idiots to the audience.
>>330785 >>330784 >>330782 >>330781 Oh wow this brings me back alert kotaku in action Tell them there's been an awakening
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>With what happened with Last Night and with EA and Ubisofts press conference I didn't really pay much attention to E3, what happened?
>>330799 >didn't really pay much attention to E3, what happened?
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>>330800 >>330801 >"this guy is guilty of wrongthink" >bitching about vidya girls not be 500lbs tumblr whales Pretty much par the course.
>>330802 It was mostly because of the Zoe quinn thing but the mario and xenoblade thing are just fuel for the flame
>>330804 >the Zoe quinn thing Well there's a name I'd have liked to have gone the rest of my fucking life never hearing again. What did that gelatinous mound of failure do this time?
>>330786 Well yes, it works to bring up how much of an idiot they are, but show that this consumer revolt isn't associated with Gamergate. Make it so they can't move SJWs between us and our goals. Gamergate took far longer to do damage as we were constantly having to take a machete to the jungles the SJWs put us through.
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>>330805 Promoting her failed book by using Soret as a scapegoat and bait GG to "harassing" her.
>>330732 Good. >>330752 >>330756 I want to make a game about the story of GamerGate.
Oy vey shits coming back hard
>>330912 I just wanted to play video games
/v/ over-run with spam
Can't post on /v/ gg thread - captcha not working/not available. fucking bot spam
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>>330942 >>330943 8chan is getting hit HARD right now. The whole server is lagging, even admin functions.
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>>330944 Can't get past the captcha on /v/ - either it freezes or I get this pic - no other option. Thing is I posted there an hour or 2 ago no problem. Bookmarked captcha page got me success here but not on v Just bot spam or soething more?
>>330945 Bot spam combined with some sort of exploit. They want to force a migration away from 8chan. Perp is a former owner of some board, apparently. /b/ is on the case. I managed to hammer my way into the admin panel and get a captcha enable to stick so we should be fine for a while. The issue is the spam is coming so heavy that its bogging the server itself, leading to slow posting and errors. It's not board-dependent - they could spam any random old dead board and generate the same effects sitewide.
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>>330947 Was a bunker ever sorted out?
>>330948 Somewhat. I did the prep work for one, but money is an issue. In the event of a catastropic 8chan failure, yes, we have one.
>>330947 Sure it isn't /leftpol/ or ggrevolt again?
>>330952 Not really their MO. Seems to be some Discord clique that has a little overlap with /intl/, but that's educated conjecture at this stage.
>>330947 It was /intl/. 2 years of their lives spent on trying to down Mongol throat singing website built with software based on tinyboard wasted.
If only everyone and their grandma wasn't obsessed with Trump

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