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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Merry Macross+ Melodies Edition Anonymous 12/15/2021 (Wed) 23:10:44 Id: 70d1c2 No. 112289
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://yewtu.be/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids https://archive.fo/U3GLa -Confirms censorship was deliberate https://archive.fo/XgAgP -No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case https://archive.fo/37DhK -Marvelous partner starts petition against policy https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo •Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. •Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well. http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc.
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): •Use https://archive.fo to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later •Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags •Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 •Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources: >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics •https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU #GamerGate in 60 Seconds •https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: •The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb •#GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page •History of #GamerGate: http://www.historyofgamergate.com/ •View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Pro-GG developer explains reason for leaving project. Claims family issues rather than cancel culture are to blame https://yewtu.be/YBVyJhn5AGg >Game journo who wrote articles for Vice Waypoint and PCGamer calling for blacklist on Hogwarts Legacy over pro-GG lead developer: https://archive.is/7gsws >State of Decay 2 drama involving the "Punched Nazis" trait https://archive.vn/XsItt >Lists: •GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb •Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat (Needs updating) >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository Remember that other boards and sites exist for discussing and posting about hobbies, lewds, and other interests. To conveniently find these locations, regularly visit the board list: https://8chan.moe/boards.js >/vg/ under new management; alternative GG thread can be found there: >>>/vg/ >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? https://8chan.se/gamergatehq/ •All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations •OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L •An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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>>112291 benis
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>>492698 >If only he could've predicted Corona Chan. Do you honestly think anyone could have predicted that a West Taiwanese government-created project, funded by U.S. tax dollars, being leaked from a lab, only for the virus to kill off everyone BUT who it was suppose to kill. I think the closest media to predict this was Ultraviolet.
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what set off the tor schizo
>>112297 I farted on his lunch.
>>492729 yes. on youtube. just type in "no way home leak" and there like 30+ videos. Sony is dmca'ing all of them like crazy
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>>112297 he doesn't get set off, he has a schedule.
>>112301 Ah so he does this regularly then? What a sperg.
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Macross is shit.
>>112292 My ancestors!
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Merry Christmas!
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>>112296 China leak confirmed I guess
>>112299 Wasn't there another Elden Ring leak too?
>>492750 It's called corona virus. :^)
What about this gas leak i'm hearing so much about?
>>112303 Which series?
>>112306 I want to put my pp in her shark cunny.
>>492750 basically china spoiled the entire spiderman plot
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>>112306 That's just nice. She has a pleasant voice.
>>492760 get your ears checked.
>>112304 I assume youre spaniard since visigoth, youre most likely a mix of celtiberans and romans, the visigoths didnt leave that much of a genetic mark.
>>112318 How the hell was that even possible? Didn't they occupied Rome for the longest time before Belisarius retook the Eternal City under Justinian during the Restoration of Rome period?
>>492750 When you cum inside a Chinese and your cum starts leaking from their holes.
>>112319 First, those were the ostrogoths. Second, they took over as rulling class, that doesnt mean the blandaupped the entire population of the WRE, for most people life went on as normal, only that their Dux was now a barbarian instead of a roman, hell, they still used roman coinage and considered the basileus in constantinople the augustus.
>>492768 She's a fucking gaming youtuber. No one is looking for love while watching v-tubers. Stop being jealous so much you tranny faggots!
>>492768 >>492773 I seriusly wonder what talking head molested you for you to be this autistic about it every fucking thread.
That tranny sure loves inserting himself into this shit over and over, doesn't he? I think I prefer niggerpill or the spammer over him.
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>>492750 Peter gets cucked. His best friend ends up with MJ
>>492780 Mark isn't people.
>>492786 Noone cares nigger, shoot yourself.
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>>492773 I'd dick that
>>112327 Wait, so Peter basically cucks himself by erasing himself from peoples' memory because MUH SECRET IDENTITY?
>>112324 Seems like there's been a lot of rapefugees on the site for the past week.
>>112332 No that autistic cunt has been here for quite some time, he even posts the same images every fucking time.
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Friendly reminder that Tsugu is the only one good "VTuber" because she isn't the only one who isn't PewDiePie with a 3D anime mask on top. Dog bless Tusgu.
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>>492800 >vtuber autist is butthurt because he failed to get into hololive That would be hilarius if true.
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>v-tuber derail >>112296 When will capeshit be finally over in (((Hollywood)))? Superheroes are falling out of style these days.
>>112324 Initially, it was just supposed to be Saber that was the genderbent historical figure. Nasu originally wanted too keep King Arthur a man, but realized that for the story to work he would have to make Shirou a girl, and an H-VN with a female protagonist probably wouldn't have too done as well. After that, it just became the running thing with Fate. Nero, Francis Drake, etc. >>492669 There are plenty of historical figures to chose from, just listing the one's canon to Fate we have >Joan of Arc >Semiramis >Wu Xeitian >Florence Nightingale >Mata Hari >Boudica >Tomoe Gozen >Anastasia Romanov (Only famous for getting shot by commies, but still) >Cleopatra And beyond that you have women like Catherine the Great, Elizabeth Tudor, and Isabelle of Castile. There are plenty of interesting female historical figures, Nasu just like pulling Rule 63 on male ones because it's a tradition started with Arthur/Arturia.
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>>492807 Joke's on you, it is possible that she is already dead and the videos that exist of her only show her spirit in some kind of Limbo.
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>>112335 I kind of like choobie.
>>112337 What you're actually asking is "when will the Big 2 die", and from there "when will Warner/Disney die". My best estimate is "well when we're old men".
First post was meant for >>492642
>>112337 Maybe after this Spider-man movie. Anyone that cares about it cares about Tobey's Spider-man, not the second one or Iron Man Jr. >>112338 There's also >Artemis (as Orion's replacement) >Europa >Marie Antoinette >Elizabeth Bathory >Queen Medb >Euryale >Stheno >Helena Blavatsky The list goes on.
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>Retards are falling for vtuber derailment again I guess he chose to switch tactics after the spam failed.
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>>112340 That looks like one of these VRchan rooms full of chibi anime avatars controlled by 40yo men roleplaying as toddlers. I've been looking for channels similar to Tsugu's, with characters acting "normal" in dark, strange places without a clear purpose or explanation.
>>112336 we did have 2 or 3 tranny anons trying to get in as a girl
>>492844 Checked. Say anon, do you have that Hamas rap that was posted in the early years of GG?
>>492844 No. And technically Tsugu is more of an experiment than a celeb since the only interaction with fans "she" has done was sending VHS tapes with random recordings to a bunch of nips after they asked what was going on. >>112346 And even Mark as a manager.
>derailing the thread by replying to the anti vtuber autist >>112347 Pick one
>>112349 The 2nd one is the one I've been looking for in a long while. Thanks anon! Brings back memories. Good memories.
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>>112349 >that second one Man those are some nice memories, i remember the threads monitoring the syrian civil war week by week on KC and the butthurt russians getting memed.
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>>112346 Speaking of trannies, Video Shows Tranny Swimmer Crushing Female Competitors >A video purporting to show transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas utterly destroying natural-born female opponents has emerged. >The video reportedly chronicles the 1650 Free swim event in which Thomas set a record as a female swimmer, crushing the competition by an incredible 38 seconds. In that swim meet, Thomas blasted past the competition to win the 500 by 12 seconds and the 200 free by seven seconds. These numbers are enormous, considering wins are usually clocked by less than two or three seconds ahead of the swimmer in second place.
>>492861 I use phonograph from f-droid
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>>112352 I look forward to the inevitable war between trannies and feminists
>>112352 I can't wait until at least >50% of female world records in sports be held by men. I can't wait until trannies start going after non-sports related women held records too.
>>492786 But seriously though you would spray down all houses to prevent the spread of the fire. The one on fire is already a lost cause just like niggers
>>112354 Its already a thing, TERFs vs trannies are a hot issue among them, j.k. rowling even got threatened over it.
>>112354 It's been a thing for years now.
>>112358 >>112357 Kind of a boring war then.
>>112359 only because its retards spitting at each other on twitter
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Blue Archive is censored After they said they wouldn't censor. https://archive.md/Z701l https://archive.md/krzG6
Reminder to draw bane frames >>>/bane/145754
>>112359 >Kind of a boring war then. Of course it is. It's only women and castrated men pretending to be women that are fighting it.
>>112361 I remember reading that they named the character Aris even though her weapon says Alice on the side. Not only it's Nexon being Nexon, they also cannot even name their own characters right.

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>be me >want a Steam Deck™ >Commiefornia decides to lock down their entire state >lol no shipping I guess, hope you faggots like waiting to 2045 Fuck, if I had a comically big saw I'd turn Commiefornia into an island so we can all be done with their bullshit and they can continue sucking Chinese cock and intentionally spread aids or whatever it is those hipster leftist retards do these days. I dunno I don't keep up with their stupid trends. Alright in all fairness they do get some things right, I do like all their trams for example because trams are comfy and convenient. I wanna buy a Steam Deck... >>112332 >Seems like there's been a lot of rapefugees on the site for the past week. Inevitable given 4Cuck is slowly dying as a result of their B& happy faggot mods plus the fact that 8Kunt is objectively a dead joke of a site at this point. Post more lewd cute nigger moths, that should scare the Q-tards and Plebbitors away at least. >>112349 Those guys make some comfy music for sure.
>>112360 How long until TERFs stage a squat-in where they menstruate on the floors of their bathrooms in order to mark their territory?
>>112365 but then california would be our taiwan, and the whole island would end up becoming 20 ports that take even more traffic
>>112366 trannies already have the first strike, someone was dilating and shitting all over the baby care station because they couldnt find a dildo
>>112361 A bit strange that the country that banned porn got the lewdest version. >>112365 >4Cuck is slowly dying as a result of their B& happy faggot mods Don't they get 1M posts per day?
>>112367 Shit I didn't think about that... Alright we saw Commiefornia off from the rest of the Jewnited States and then we use a dozen tug boats to drag it all the way to one of Australia's beaches, or perhaps we should do that with New Zealand instead? I guess it doesn't matter which one actually so long as it's gone.
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>>112365 The only way halfchan is going to die is if it actually shuts down; even if a fresh new place opens up and draws shitloads of attention there'll still be motherfuckers that stay there not unlike how even to this day people still use Something Awful.
>>112370 or you could load it with nukes and crash it into israel
>>112306 >has a voice like this and wastes her life on... Well shit, she probably gets six figures from the "simps" resultant from her poor gaming abilities. Still >...voice could be used for so much more good than this Damn shame.
>>112371 It's run by the nip who owned the original 2ch isn't it? The one now owned by jim watkins which a good chunk left for 5ch.
>>112373 you imply any other voice acting job would pay minimum wage or higher in burgerland, without sucking off some jews
Sorry for going off-topic, but is it just me or is Pixiv one of the worst sites for porn or to just look at cute animus? Everytime I want to look at normal lewds, for no reason I keep getting cringe BBC shit on recommendations even though I have never clicked on a single pic with some whore with a niggermonkey, and you can't mute/block the tags nor the artists who draw this type of cringey ass shit, because you need to pay for muh (((premium))) to cleanse your eyes from the type shit faggots draw due to their lack of a father figure. When did Pixiv get so pozzed?
>>112374 Hiroyuki "the Jew of the East" Nishimura, yes.
>>112369 >Don't they get 1M posts per day? Bots designed to spam /b/ and /pol/ don't count as active users, they're an merely annoyance that sucks all the life and fun out of everything and 404's any good and organic thread that gets made. There's just to many r/theDonald threads, "tribute" threads, and unironic meme crypto shilling there for my liking honestly. >>112372 Sounds expensive and dangerous to marine life, I don't think PragerU would approve anon.
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>>112365 Mothgirls are cute Also, you're a fag for wanting a Steamy Dick
>>112376 It also has a tag limit of 10 per image, and japanese tags are biased over english equivalents. There have also been a ton of twitter, tumblr, and patreon refugees going there.
>>112376 >Just realizing that Pixiv is shit Is it your first time visit or something? Pixiv has always been shit and the reason for the discord-tier fetishes is due to commission made by kikes and twitter types. Most people on Pixiv don't watch this shit, it's usually only like 10-20 out of the thousands of people who commission what you're complaining about.
>>112380 >japanese tags are biased over english equivalents Doesn't make any sense, because niggermoneky.com only make up 1% of the porn on pixiv and is more likely to be shown. >There have also been a ton of twitter, tumblr, and patreon refugees going there What compels a person to commission so much fucking garbage? >>112381 >Is it your first time visit or something? Pixiv has always been shit and the reason for the discord-tier fetishes is due to commission made by kikes and twitter types. I'm just returning back to it due to so many porn sites for anime cucking out on the loli debacle or shilling content behind a paywall. But like I said above, what is compels a man to to shit up the entire NSFW section of Pixiv?
>>112382 Then just use yande.re or Rule34.us. They both have loli and rule34.us give you the ability to block whatever tag you personally do not want to see, while yande.re doesn't have any the type of stuff that discord trannies enjoy.
>>112337 As a child, I would have been quite pleased with what they were doing. To me, then, it would have taken effort. "Wow, they got THAT guy back!" I remember, as a kid, thinking that about old Barney episodes, even. There was a reunion and the original characters came back for a show, grown up. But that's just it, see. As a child. You're supposed to grow out of "WOW WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF [every character from x franchise] GOT TOGETHER MAN?" We now have two full generations (and a third on the way) who have never and will never neurologically grow up. I don't need to post the articles showing that 30 year olds self-identify as "not an adult yet." You're probably already aware. This isn't going to stop, is my point. (((Superhero))) movies are here to stay, forever, because these companies can't go bankrupt ever again. >>112365 >Inevitable given 4Cuck is slowly dying as a result of their B& happy faggot mods How does that differ from here? Cuckchan won't die, anon. It's too useful as a datamining tool.
>>112382 >what is compels a man to to shit up the entire NSFW section of anything It's not like there is a horde of braindead NPCs that want to destroy anything fun.
>>112382 Gelbooru is uncucked but filters loli from normalniggers with no account. Better than hearing perpetual bitching about it.
>>112384 >As a child, I would have been quite pleased with what they were doing. To me, then, it would have taken effort. "Wow, they got THAT guy back!" I remember, as a kid, thinking that about old Barney episodes, even. There was a reunion and the original characters came back for a show, grown up. The difference is that now SJWs are doing it, so they're bringing back the old characters only to shit on them. On /co/ right now there is a clip where Andrew Garfield Spider-Man literally apologizes to Electro for being white. Good thing nobody ever liked Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, because that would obviously turn away anyone who did. But though I love Raimi movies, seeing those characters come back doesn't make me want to see the movie, it makes me angry at the movie for bringing back characters from good movies only to put them in a shitty movie. This is only motivating me harder to never watch any Marvel or Hollywood movies ever again. Yes it's technically Sony and not Marvel Studios. I don't care anymore.
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>>112381 The purges of (loli) porn on Twitter and Tumblr caused heavy damage to Pixiv. Now there's a flood of DeviantArt-tier garbage porn from Western accounts that don't even use the translated tags. >>112386 You don't need an account to see loli/shota porn on Gelbooru, just go to Settings > Options and check Display all site content.
>>112387 That's precisely it. How long before we see a "It's a Wonderful Life 2" set in modern times as narrative justification for continuing to obey everything the government says? Or just a remake titled "It's a Wonderful Life" but with everyone a nigger and a spic and a slant? How long before the art at the Louvre is burned to ash and smashed to dust as part of "performance art" itself?
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>>112371 >not unlike how even to this day people still use Something Awful. I thought that place remained active because it was the first "cool kids club" on the net. >>112389 >Or just a remake titled "It's a Wonderful Life" but with everyone a nigger and a spic and a slant? <You mean, this?
>>112388 I made an account anyways for the tag saving feature before switching to downloading everything with hydrus.
>>112389 my first though is 'its a wonderful life but with niggerpill and everything actually WOULD be better if he wasnt born' but then i remembered that was a beavis and butthead episode
>>112390 >You mean, this? Lots of movies and other things have ripped off It's A Wonderful Life. But an actual remake would be a whole 'nother level.
>>112390 >You mean, this? Oh. Right. >>112392 They might do that with all whites being removed from the world. They've abandoned subtlety entirely now that they know they can get away with publicly telling the world that they stole an election and faked a pandemic and there'll be no retribution.
>>112394 >They might do that with all whites being removed from the world. Thinking about if someone did do that story without making it a pozzed production, wouldn't that result in the Mongolians ruling the planet?
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>>112382 >shilling content behind a paywall That's just Jap artists in general now. >"Come to my Fanbox, Goyim-san."
>>492936 >(1) opinion discarded its like you don't have any reading comprehension either, gelbooru hides the actual results without ticking a box while this site just spoilers it, and pixiv runs the patreon of loli
>>112397 >Responding to "Loli = CP" false equivalence bait. Learn the cycle, Anon, we had the people arguing about v-tubers, now it's time for loli is/is not pedo shitflinging
>>112397 unless you navigate through this site in a specific way to get to the loli boards they're hidden. type 8chan.moe/loli/ into your address bar and see what happens. if the result wasn't functionally identical then the host of this site would deplatform it because that is what it demands of the sites it hosts. for now at least so enjoy it while it lasts and don't take it for granted.
>>112306 Reddit post >>112352 As much as I hate feminist I still think it awful that trannies have decided to take away many of sports from actual women. Although TERFs deserve to get BTFO'd for being retarded and this should be an example that their belief of female supremacy is delusional and never going to work in reality. >>112369 >Don't they get 1M posts per day? Most of those posters are likely bots.
>>112398 It would be easier if this thread was split into games, politics/ecelebs, and tech threads on an internet culture board. Then any whataboutisms could get deleted for offtopic. >>112399 go investigate picrel in the topbar fbi-kun
>>112400 Most of the posts are assuredly on the porn boards.
>>112380 Dont forget deviantart autists shitting up tags with their daz3d garbage I just wanted to get images of oneshota but that tag is flooded with 3dcg western trash just because deviantart users can post porn in it >>112398 Im personally waiting for the metafaggotry of unironic pedos
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This is waaay the fuck offtopic, but the author of Science Made Stupid allowed it to be posted online. It's some of the funniest shit I've ever read. Enjoy. http://www.chrispennello.com/tweller/
>>112400 Women are allowed to compete. They just aren't good. There are no men's sports leagues, women just aren't good enough to compete with the best. Neither am I, but I don't demand my own league where I get to keep out everyone who is better than me. Feminists get to reap what they sew now, and be reminded of reality. Great.
>>112401 without specifically navigating through the site using the top bar or the board list how would you get to those boards?
>>112405 >There are no men's sports leagues They're just called "sports leagues", because there never was an expectation women would take part in them. Hell, women used to have entirely separate rules for games like basketball.
>>112405 I can't not notice this: 'sew' is when you stitch clothing, 'sow' is when you plant seeds. 'Sow' is also the term for a female pig but it's pronounced differently.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide ☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial
[Expand Post]☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse
>>112396 >That's just Jap artists in general now. That's every artists in general now. Doesn't matter the ethnicity, they will do anything for money. >>112402 Like I said they're bots. Most of cuckchan's posts are about porn. Both /v/, /b/, /co/, etc are all porn boards thanks to bots and normalfaggotry. >>112405 >Women are allowed to compete. They just aren't good. There are no men's sports leagues, women just aren't good enough to compete with the best I know this, but what I'm saying here is more that I think it would be fine if wahmen had their own sports made competing against themselves. It's just pathetic that troons are taking them over, because they suck at sports against other guys.
>>112408 But the point is that women are allowed. They just fail. Women's sports are sexist. Men's sports don't exist. Women are just mad that they aren't the best. Plenty of men aren't the best either. 99.99% of men. But they don't bitch about it. Get good or get out. >>112409 I knew the difference and am greatly ashamed of my mistake. It will take me days to forgive myself.
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>>112412 See pic related fellow ESL-kun
>>112403 Feds get vr training to break up virtual metadiscord pedo rings? Never happening anon. >>112405 I remember someone comparing men's to women's tennis because the sheboon wanted higher wages. You get 3 sets instead of 5, the women still tire sooner, and are overall more boring to watch. If you make a ratio of air time to wages, women in tennis get paid more than men already as well. >>112411 They started it when they wanted in on boy scouts, then kvetched when fags were hired in girl scouts.
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>>112296 >"There's got to be a black Spider-Man somewhere out there" DID YOU GET OUR MILES MORALES REFERENCE GUYS? DID YOU CLAP? >>112332 >Seems like there's been a lot of rapefugees on the site for the past week <you must be a cuckchanner if you don't worship v-tuber Quite the opposite, my dear redditor. >>112354 That's been a thing for years now, the feminists will inevitably lose though since there are more tranny enablers than them.
>>112413 I for one welcome our new rodent overlords. >>112415 The other thing to note is the amount of women, feminists, that act as if women's sports leagues exist to oppress women somehow. "If only I wasn't a woman and was allowed in the male sports leagues!" Then you point out to them that male sports leagues literally don't exist and females are allowed to try out for any league, while men are not. Then you get arrested for disagreeing with a feminist.
>>112408 >They're just called "sports leagues", because there never was an expectation women would take part in them. Has anyone ever told you about the Heraean Games? https://infogalactic.com/info/Heraean_Games <The ancient Heraean Games, dedicated to the goddess Hera (also spelled Heraia) were the first sanctioned (and recorded) women's athletic competition to be held in the stadium at Olympia, possibly in the Olympic year, prior to the men's events.
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Did anyone else catch that Nintendo Indie World stream today? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/12/round-up-every-switch-game-announced-in-nintendos-indie-world-showcase-december-2021 The games I found mildly interesting were: River City Girls 2, Sea of Stars, Endling Extinction is Forever, Dungeon Munchies. also Grime and Timelie, but those games have already been released.
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>>112418 >I for one welcome our new rodent overlords.
>>112420 All I heard was that Omori is getting ported to Switch
>>112413 >you will be able to play doom deathmatch with rats in your lifetime Fucking radical.
>>112423 More like fucking RATICAL!
>>112384 A good data mining website is useless without an active user based made up of real breathing flesh and blood people. It's just Plebbitors CIAniggers and the Russian equivalent of CIAniggers in Cyrillic. It won't die over night of course but it will be a frog in a slow boiling pot much like how Yahoo or MySpace didn't just drop dead all of a sudden. >>112379 The specs on the Deck are better than my current gaymer rig which is very old now, plus I want to financially incentivize game devs to make more of their titles work natively on Loonix without having to use emulation and protocols. Why? Because fuck Wingblows and the Great Satan of the West Bill Gates, my hatred for them is greater than it is for Valve and their bullshit who admittedly have their own problems but they aren't a global cancer that encompasses the entire world except for North Korea since they just reverse engineering old iMacs to run their own national brand of an operating system mostly used just to design weapons and and hack (((Soyny))) which is pretty based honestly. >>492936 >pedo porn as a whole is living on borrowed time on the clearnet and before you know it hosts will be demanding it be removed entirely and you'll be relegated to onion sites just like your more honest counterparts. Yeah for fucking drawings and by the same politicians who fuck rape actual posting on /leftypol/ slaves on Epstein's private island no less. Their hypocrisy is infuriating but that's nothing new, fucking morality grifters. >>112376 Like the other anons said it's always been shit which I why I prefer just using using Gelbooru/Danbooru and Rule34, yeah you have to sift through a lot of shit but that's nothing new on the internet and you quickly learn the right tag combinations to avoid most of it anyway so long as you have basic reading comprehension skills.
>>112421 It always amazes me that a song about a rat won an Oscar.
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>>112424 I hate myself for laughing at that
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>>112357 >Its already a thing >>112358 >It's been a thing >>112417 >That's been a thing it's not a war until there's bloodshed and not the menstrual or axe wound kind >>112420 >River City Girls 2 is the first game any good?
>>112424 Ok you got a laugh out of me anon.
>>112426 It didn't, it lost to some song from The Poseidon Adventure. Should have won though.
>>112425 Don't forget the steam deck will also set a cpu/gpu/ram/storage standard so devs won't shortcut their way with soydeving games on pc.
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>>112413 >not posting the actual video https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qMNxkQXwykA >>112422 Yep. Switchfags are getting a dose of shota sugar. Personally I'd prefer if they finally made a Japanese translation just to get a boost with nips and get more non-Tumblr art.
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>>112425 Kim Jung Un shitposts on these iMacs?
>>112433 They built a national OS that looks a whole hell of a lot like Mac OS X from 10.0 to 10.5, yeah.
>>112433 At least he gets accurate subpixel blending and old anime looks good without remastering the footage. >>112434 based on fedora
>>112428 The director's a cuck, no online co op, and has ecelebs like Egoraptor in it, so not really.
>>112434 >>112435 Does any country or big business run everything on MS-DOS? Windows command line doesn't count
>>112425 Remember steam machines? Yea didn't work out so good and here are reasons against the deck > Display variety and options are to the moon 32 inch screens with hz that go from 165-360hz being some of sweeter options >Storage options up to 18TB along with endurance and speed types depending if you go mechanical HD, sata ssd and Nvme ssd >M&KB variety and options are to the moon >Controller variety and options are to the moon >You can install any Linux distro you please >Hardware variety and options are to the moon >Cooling options are insane you can do a mineral oil cooled rig if you so choose >Emulation options will be better overall >You won't play on tiny ass screen >Plus everything on the deck I already can play on PC and better so why waste the money? Why shill for this?
>>112437 Some countries are switching to linux, unlike banks governments don't have a gorrillion dollars to port security fixes to old software.
>>112438 >Plus everything on the deck I already can play on PC and better so why waste the money? He already mentioned his machine is ancient and $400 won't even buy you a gpu now.
>>112436 Damn shame about Kunio in the west.
>>112440 So the alt is wasting money on Valve's poorman switch? He can go buy an Ryzen apu which will do him nicely and can even ask the hardware thread for advice.
>>112371 If halfchan dies, wouldn't they just all come here?
>>112443 God, I hope not. Most would just do what the worst of Tumblr did when that site bit the dust, (i.e. fuck off back to twitter and discord)
>>112442 Why buy an APU when you can use a steam deck with a dock?
>>112442 >Steam deck is now a poor man's Switch
>>112444 True, but even on cuckchan there are niche boards that never made the move.
>>112436 Also, they never introduced Bubbles into the game. Not even as DLC.
>>112434 8 years later and it still has the best macOS-like theme available for Linux. >>112437 >Does any country or big business run everything on MS-DOS? Not MS-DOS, but The Pentagon and similar agencies run a mixture of Windows from 95 to 10. https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2017/04/pentagons-bug-bounty-program-should-be-expanded-americas-military-bases-dod-official-says/137229/
>>112442 Meh, I won't pretend to know his decision process, but it's better to get one while they're still in production than want one later, psp and nds/3ds prices are pretty high compared to double digit prices I bought mine at. >>112445 Heat dispersion I imagine, but mini-itx cases and mobos cost a pretty penny, and full size components aren't for everyone when the alternative is a book-sized docked device. >>112444 That's what 8chan anons did instead of visiting the webring, 8kuk, and here. Fatchan took a good few out as well.
>>112442 >>112446 Ha ha imagine if someone drew Switch bitch doming Steam Deck-tan as a joke HAHA!
>>112445 Why give money to valve? >>112446 Because at the least there are some games on the switch I can't find anywhere else Excluding emulation where the deck has games which one can already play on PC.
>>112452 because it's either Valve or Microsoft, your call.
>>112452 Are you perhaps implying you should give your money to intel or amd? The former has spyware embedded on the cpu and the latter revoked a vtuber invite over taiwan.
>>112454 The latter also has spyware in their cpus, don't forget about the platform security processor
>>112455 wrong, its a motherboard component, my asrock mobo and maybe some asus boards can disable it.
>>112456 Tells you it disables it. Doesn't actually disable it. What, you thought the NSA gives a shit about your preferences?
>>112457 I'm sure the people who find the exact point of your cpu to nuke to disable intel's IME can verify that the PSP is, in fact, disabled.
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>>112453 You can download a linux distro of your choosing boom you removed both from the equation. >>112454 Ok so what hardware are you going to use then as both pretty much are currently the only two options cpu wise? Also the Deck uses a custom AMD APU for it's hardware so by your logic you should drop the Deck on principle.
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>>112449 >Windows 95 at the earliest Rats, I had hoped someone there would know how to use a terminal. >inb4 some glownigger actually has TempleOS installed in a fed's computer somewhere
All this hardware talk & I still have no idea how to upgrade my PC. Not that I have the money for it anyway.
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Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/2219 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://cryptosphere.io/ >Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/
[Expand Post]>Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Pale Moon (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/palemoon.html ): http://www.palemoon.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >OpenBazaar: https://openbazaar.org/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >LBRY: https://lbry.com/ >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Neckbeard.xyz: https://neckbeard.xyz/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.com/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ >Twister: http://twister.net.co/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >AudioToWebm: https://tsun.itch.io/audiotowebm >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 9/13/21: https://archive.vn/4nl7B
>>112461 You can ask here for advice anon >>469021
>>112463 Aren't parts like crazy expensive still though?
>>112464 GPUs are but other shit isn't.
>>112458 And I'm sure that unless you physically remove the chip in question, it's not turned off.
>>112461 >Know how to upgrade >Have the money >Don't want to pay 800 eurodollars for a fucking mid spec card Not like I play new stuff anyway, but running Bannerlord Wargame and Hell Let Loose well would be nice. CoH3 is also coming out next year I'd like to play that.
>>112464 Just GPUs anon Other components are still standart price, RAM varies but shortages haven't happened in years.
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>>112365 >be me Simply not possible, I cannot be you for I am me and you are you. Die, you won't take root here.
>>112459 You should, of course, use/build a commodore or apple II using a 6502 processor, which the nes and snes use variants of. I'm just pointing out it's hypocritical to say other companies are any better than valve. Maybe some chink emulation consoles running arm processors are the most ethical, they can run linux too. >>112464 I heard physical stores only add a 50% markup instead of the 200% online stores do. >>112467 Nvidia's 40xx lineup is announced some time Q2 maybe, and the phizermectin pill might alleviate the virus enough for wagecucks to bring me my packages again, brandon willing.
>>112436 >The director's a cuck good to know... speaking of which, someone should make a database/spreadsheet detailing the pozzed (and non-pozzed) status of people in the industry (i.e. political alignments, stances on LGBT shit, GG, censorship, "localization", ///West Taiwan\\\, DRM, piracy, etc.)
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>>112470 > I'm just pointing out it's hypocritical to say other companies are any better than valve. Expect I never said that at all. >Maybe some chink emulation consoles running arm processors are the most ethical Stopped reading right there!
>>112472 Raspberry pi then, if you like giving money to britbong commies. If not then some derivative with various levels of software support. Oh but of course ARM is being bought by nvidia, the company that actively sabotages open source drivers on linux from providing gpu passthrough for virtual machines.
>>112470 If physical prices are better then I should be okay. There's a good custom PC store I got my current computer from years ago. They seemed to actually know what they're doing instead of trying to sell me a cheap ass Dell.
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>>112471 Sort of. RIP Billy.
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>>112433 >>112434 >North Korean iToddlers
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>>112478 What good is the TV if it has no remote to go with it?
>>112479 Glad to see disney is /ourguy/ in the fight against chinks and chink satellite states. :^)
>>112478 I don't understand. Why are you calling him a chink?
>>112481 If I recall, korea is culturally if not also genetically very similar to china, at least until this past century. North korea also relies on the ccp heavily at this time, it's pretty much a vassal state.
>>112482 I know, but why reply to the guy mocking North Korea?
>>112483 For reasons beyond your comprehension, apparently.
>>112436 Is there any source to the director knowing jackshit about Kunio?
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>>112462 >neckbeard.xyz The website got deleted. It's now bae.st
>>112483 >mocking North Korea? I'm just having a good laugh but there's nothing wrong with taking crApple hardware and repurposing it for better things. Hell I hate to admit it at least every decade or so crApple does periodically sell some killer hardware that crushes their competitors in performance but that's a perk in having dedicated fanboy Soy chuggers buying your over priced products gives you plenty of money to invest in research for new tech.
>>112437 Certain medical equipment made in certain second world countries
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>>112486 I'm gonna miss Jahy when her anime ends this saturday. It's been a fun 20 episodes.
>>112410 Don't forget: ☑ Fucked the Oscars
>>112490 >another mega homo "wow so cute happy feelings 24/7" anime with not a hint of testosterone anywhere I'm shitposting but it really bothers me how there's barely any edge to a lot of recent anime or if there is it's absolutely shameless power/harem fantasies where the story thinks its super cool but it really isn't, like that Assassin isekai story.
>>112476 Fuck all these people throwing Billy under the bus. He was one of the few people writing actually quality articles on gaming/news. This image gives no evidence and basically reads like a leftist pretending to be a faithful reader. >Cringey rhetoric Glad I'm listening to this guy random anon who uses reddit lingo. He also refuses to give any evidence and just does the classic leftist "Go do your own research!!" >Doesn't know when to pick his battles so everything is reactionary and emotionally charged Again, does not provide evidence. Plus the phrase 'know when to pick your battles' is a motto held by cowards and cucks. What does this have to do with a journalist? If you follow this lifestyle you become Jason Schrier and no different from all the other faggot journalists out there. >Jumps the gun sometimes, pushing misinformation (like that article of the one guy joking he was going to localize a game and OAG ran with it without verifying) Congratulations, he finally provided a piece of evidence, but its clever. He's making a broad claim and gives a single piece of evidence for it. Even in this case, why should I believe him and he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Plus, a journalist making a mistake doesn't mean he doesn't do his due diligence. If anything, the transparency Billy had compared to the rest of the gaming news outlets was above and beyond higher. He always responded to criticism and comments. If he had to provide an update on an article he would do so. Fuck this guy for using such a slimey tactic. >Even when h'es right 100% and his detractors are hilariously wrong he can't argue to save his life (the entirety of the Mortal Kombat controversy was this) Now this faggot admits Billy was correct 100% but that isn't good enough for him. The faggot says that he can't argue to save his life? What he's likely referring to is twitter conversations where typical centrists would attempt to clown on him with little success. Again, no evidence provided by the anon and no archives. Just take his word for it, he's on our side! >comment section full of glowniggers What does this have to do with anything and no evidence >Pretends he's some mastermind pulling strings (KF drama showcases this when he tried to use some other sperg to start shit, and now dumb kiwifags think it was Billy himself. It just made him look like a fool and even his regulars in his comment section of his articles warned him about this) ??? What does this even have to do with anything. Again, no archive and I'm not even sure what this referring to. They project this image of Billy and they expect you to believe its him because they say so. >often slow as fuck on teh news uptake desptie having more staff these days HE WROTE MULTIPLE ARTICLES PER DAY BY HIMSELF I've never seen a harder working journalist - especially when almost all his articles were lengthy and well written. >Defends Scam Citizen Here's where he pretends hes not a leftist by bringing up Scam Citizen. If this is his biggest sin, I could care less. >words words words Look, anytime you see posts like this that attempt to gaslight who Billy was and the amount of effort he put into gaming journalism, tell them to shut the fuck up. We lost someone who cared about video games and censorship and about the encroaching tide of leftism polluting games and centrists and leftists banded together to take him down. I won't forgive them for it, and any anon that propagates this is no different.
>>112491 >Fucked the Oscars
>>112485 I'll try to remember to ask that the next time I see Kunio >>112494 Billy, is that you?
>>112491 >☑ Fucked the Oscars Huh? Since when? Well regardless it will be funny seeing the left do a 180 and defend the Oscars after decades of debasing it for being to "white" and admittedly indeed full of sexual predictors half of whom are male feminist ally's of course. Of course the Oscars have always been shit and easily bribed so whatever.
>>112492 most things that get turned into anime usually either arent that bloody and traumatizing or have the worst of it tuned down for bitches, i hear re:zero is basically torture porn and i know Gleipnir has an anime but i dunno how toned down it is; if those dont thrill you then your gonna have to not fall for the fucking normalfag trap that is anime and actually find some manga that might be horribly bloody
>>112476 No, but tired of hearing centrist twitter faggotry make its rounds to halfchan then make its way here and have people pretend its correct.
>>112494 I have yet to find a good replacement for him and his website. I hope whoever ran him off the internet gets what they deserve in the end. >>112496 (checked) >spoiler I wish it was.
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>>112494 > This image gives no evidence and basically reads like a leftist pretending to be a faithful reader. The image is pretty good critique of Usher/OAG hell it even gave Billy constructive words towards the end. Anon your taking this pretty personally.
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>>112499 >>493099 >oh it's nulist Only you'd be this bent out of shape and accuse people of being centrist for an image that straight up gave him fair criticism.
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>>112492 I hope FFO will get an anime tie-in. Just imagine the edge.
>>112504 >Nulist Nice, you can't say how the original image provided good nor fair criticism, you just keep telling me that it does and the only way to get people to think I was talking out my ass is to pretend I'm nulist. Whats next, I'm luciano? Go to twitter and look at all the people who lambasted Billy during that saga - it was mostly leftists and centrists thats why I brought it up. Explain how the criticism was fair and stop retreating and avoiding the question.
>>112498 It's not that I want misery I just want anything that feels like an engaging story beyond just sticking cute characters in my face all the time. I want a mellow spy story or a cool cyberpunk story or something with some interesting drama. Odd Taxi was pretty nice though. And I'm really liking Ranking of Kings so far as well
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>>112501 He sold the site after his Traitors to America, so "thank" Black Lives Matter for that, alternative;y, Dr Manhattan after a heated debate. >>112497 Might be referring to The Gayme Awards this year where "It Takes Two" won GOTY with a couple other awards as one of the least pozzed contenders.
>>112506 Nulist the fact you honestly take that image as a personal attack either shows you have no reading comprehension or like a leftist you freak out on anything that even gives the slightest criticism of what you like or are Usher himself for just how personally mad your getting >>112508 >He sold the site after his Traitors to America, That was a decent list and I hope someone saved it. >>112508 >"It Takes Two" won GOTY with a couple other awards as one of the least pozzed contenders. What's odd is that it was very pro family and anti divorce which you'd think wouldn't sell in the current year + 13.
>>112492 >or if there is it's absolutely shameless power/harem fantasies where the story thinks its super cool but it really isn't Felt the same way about OverBored, such a waste of time watching that shit. Should have just dropped it on episode one but I was that bored I guess. Honestly the kind of people who enjoy that shit are the kinds of people I'd imagine to be skinny limp wrist faggots who refuse to change their diet and lift a damn dumbbell once in a while ie: the weak and horny. Same too, they had some neat characters that could have so much potential if they weren't tied that but that plebbit tier anime but oh well, I've become desensitized to disappointment. >>112508 Haven't taken the time to sit my apparent masochist ass down to watch that asinine corporate board room humor garbage yet. What was it like?
>>112508 First time a wojak actually made me laugh. Fuck my life.
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>>112509 >Nulist the fact you honestly take that image as a personal attack <He fell for it.
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>>112509 >Nulist the fact you honestly take that image as a personal attack either shows you have no reading comprehension I already explained why its a personal attack here>>493099, it looks like you can't pay attention. I'm not going to repeat myself. >or like a leftist you freak out on anything that even gives the slightest criticism of what you like or are Usher himself for just how personally mad your getting Keep retreating, now your saying its slight criticism. You also can't back any statement you have, the only defense you have is to say that I am either Nulist or Billy. Its not that hard of a question, if you stand by the criticisms presented in the image and claim that they are fair, explain how. The more you retreat the more you show people how disingenuous or ignorant you are.
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>>112490 The anime didn't do justice to the manga. >>112492 I recently found a good mango, The Elusive Samurai. It's written by the author of Assassination Classroom and based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C5%8Dj%C5%8D_Tokiyuki but with Tokiyuki as a shota with max evasion. I really like how the comedy blends perfectly with the multiple moments of tension (like when the MC is fighting or running from much more experienced opponents and a mistake can get him killed).
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>>112488 Apple can suck my left nut for the repair bullshit and I'll never understand the people who shill for their bullshit.
I want to fuck Galko-chan.
>>112511 That "Trump is coming back to office this year!" fag was also from OneAngryGamer's comment section and was/is a newfag to imageboards; almost quit when people called him out for his retardation, too. >>112509 That ID and nulist's is different. He could be IP hopping, but it's not something you can easily prove And journalists had a fit when that game came out, too. It winning the way it did was also pleasantly unexpected. >>112510 The Game Awards ir the GOTY winner, itself? I'll try to find that list when the archive site is working better.
Archive of previous bread https://archive.fo/TyblO
>>112519 > It winning the way it did was also pleasantly unexpected. The game isn't my cup of tea but I didn't mind it winning either.
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Found the list: https://archive.vn/wvWe2 Never forget what Nigger Lives Splatter took from you
>>112515 Cheers for the rec, this sounds nice. I've been reading The Fable recently, it's about a legendary hitman being asked to lay low in a city and the ensuing shenanigans. Has it's fair share of comedy and drama and I really like Fable as a character.
>>112521 Here's the clip just in case everyone hasn't seen it yet. >>112518 Who doesn't? >>112510 >(((elves)))
>>493146 .t butthurt apple fag.
>>112521 It's not anything special, but it winning wasn't that bad, probably makes those kikes at (((Take-Two))) angry because they had just gotten done attempting to murder them over (((trademark))) bullshit.
https://archive.vn/62qzo Ah I see, TOR are BLACKED fags, as well.
>>493146 .t butthurt new york real estate fag.
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>>112517 >Apple can suck my left nut for the repair bullshit and I'll never understand the people who shill for their bullshit. Good, me complimenting their ability to make powerful hardware doesn't mean I'm shilling for them in fact I wish they'd go the way of IBM and stop existing in any relevant form... No not even that, I wish they'd go extinct as a company. And while I do unironically own an aluminum body iMac I got that shit for free as a kid which was originally going to get thrown out and I current run Linux Mint on it. It was a pain dragging that into my school bus and then walking it back home afterwards but that was because I was a lanky skinny little faggot back then. >>112519 >I'll try to find that list when the archive site is working better. Thanks, look forward to it. >>112525 >>(((elves))) The Elf's are an honorable law abiding nature loving race of people for the most part. Don't let (((Netflexis))) shilling attempts to rewrite history fool you.
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>>112530 At least post his sister you huge fucking trap posting faggot.
>>112530 It's here: >>112523
Blue Archive Addresses Censorship Criticisms >LOL. Fuck you, we gonna do it again. https://archive.md/J77eC
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>>112470 >the phizermectin pill might alleviate the virus Sure. That's definitely not a depopulation candy.
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>>112535 Made more memes of the Pfizer CEO with the template
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>>112536 Fixed typo and made one more
>>112436 Adam still works as Wayforward, but is he still the director? That screenshot was the fiasco during the first game. Also how does "Kunio" know any of this. >>112494 Nah, fuck you. Billy not only caused massive damage by being a retard, not only did he destroy a valuable resource, but allowed his site to get censored and articles deleted losing valuable information forever, more then any average SJW could achieve. I will never forgive him and wish him the worst. He's no ally of mine.
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>>112538 >Nah, fuck you. Billy not only caused massive damage by being a retard, not only did he destroy a valuable resource, but allowed his site to get censored and articles deleted losing valuable information forever, more then any average SJW could achieve. I will never forgive him and wish him the worst. He's no ally of mine. Again, explain what how he was a retard and how it caused 'massive damage'. Explain how he 'allowed' his site to get censored. Don't be like that one anon that only reposts images from halfchan and gets his opinions from centrists on twitter. Actually back up your statements and prove your beliefs. Of course, I expect you to resort to calling me Nulist or retreating like the last guy but I have hope you can convince me Billy was as bad as you claim. I'm waiting.
>>112539 >Again, explain what how he was a retard and how it caused 'massive damage'. Explain how he 'allowed' his site to get censored. As I remember, Billy's complete lack of tact and tendency to get into butt-bothered and petty twatter spats made his message unpalatable to anyone who wasn't already of an anti-SJW mind and had a blackpilling effect on him overall. The hyperbolic and accusatory writing of his articles as a result (like Traitors of America thing) made him easy to mock and make out as unhinged and had a bad habit overtaking his source-providing. Not to mention selling his goddamn site to the enemy, allowing them to scrub it of anything worthwhile that was there. Why he did that and where he disappeared to afterward, I don't know. All I know is it's his fault we're stuck with Luciano full time since his blog isn't around to contain the stupid brazillian anymore. According to the "reminder Trump is coming back this year" faggot who admitted he was an OAG rapefugee, he came here because Billy blabbed about 8chan to his idiot userbase.
>>112533 >don't worry guys we won't sell out >*proceeds to sell out* It's all so tiresome... >>112531 I did post his twin anon look. >>112510 But I'll post more it eases your spergyness. >>112532 >>112523 Neat thanks
>>112361 >>112533 >I would like to inform you that the scenario difference between regions is not due to the policy of development studios and publishers favoring or neglecting certain regions. In this case, we had no choice but to respond to external requests. There were choices to be made among options such as removing the entire content, modifying images, or changing the production, and we considered the best choice was to change the production as it would minimize the damage to the content. We are fully aware of the importance of preserving the original contents, but we believed providing stable service of the game was more important. So they're claiming someone strangled them with a "censor it or else"?
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It's probably safe to assume this is just Billy's homosexual lover Luciano at this point.
>>112436 People only gave a shit about WF because of their autistic sandnigger cunt waifu JUST BUY A HOOKER YOU NIGGER FAGGOTS
>>493195 You're missing the point. Put bluntly, that kind of hardline rhetoric only rings with those were already inclined to agree (/pol/ adjacent people like anons). The average person who sees a sputtering and raging rant about how Wendy's has betrayed the entire country for posting about an activist slogan, especially at the time which was before BLM burned entire cities so the phrase "Black Lives Matter" was just some hashtag they'd ostensibly agree with on its face, would at best brush it off as way too political for their tastes over something minor and leave, or at worst be more inclined to see you as the exact sort of extremist caricature the media has framed you as because of your extreme language. You don't start questioning the details of the holocaust by jumping straight to the inconsistent numbers. >>112545 Are there even hookers who dress as bellydancers? Shantaefaggots wouldn't settle for just any mystery meat assuming they were willing to go after 3DPD.
What kind of homosexual internet activity leads one to find that "Hot Boy Summer" image? Makes you really wonder what he's taking in that "I'm taking it" image.
Option to globally filter TOR WHEN?
>>112547 >What kind of homosexual internet activity tiktok.
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So much for that fucking R9K filter, it does jack shit against spammers.
Tell me why Lynxchan didn't come with an option to ban Tor on a per-board basis. Actually, for that matter, if it's so goddamn shit that mods and other people complain about it why didn't we use the other software the other webring sites use, like whatever Fatchan/Zzz does?
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>>112551 You retard, they use lynxchan too.
>>112552 I thought it was something named JSchan?
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>>112553 I guess you are right, I just remember that half the webring is on lynx and smug uses pre-Shitfinity Next vichan still.
>>112551 >>112553 JSChan has its downsides as well, they'd probably be getting spam as well if they were as popular as 8moe is. I personally prefer vichan/tinyboard/infinity which tvch and smuglo.li use.
What if we use a different captcha system? I remember someone posted a 'doom' captcha at some point and I also know ZZZ uses this mythical chess captcha that's really divisive on how apparently it's the easiest shit ever or it's impossible God Hard difficulty. Given that only a world class, genuine subhuman and all around literal and metaphorical nigger would be the only one spamming like this I think it would be a deterrent since they would be too retarded to solve a doom/chess captcha. Plus I really hate the current captcha system.
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>>112545 >Wanting to waste money at the risk of getting an STD/STI to some roastie that went through over a thousand cocks.
>>112556 The real solution is banning TOR from posting images or links. It's that simple. >>112557 No different from the average woman.
>>112556 >>112558 A touhou captcha would be ingenius and if it was just one spell card you had to capture, it would be easy enough even for the more casual anons here. Preferably it would be one spell card = x many posts until you had to do it again. This would solve the spam problem for good.
>>112558 That should be the default on /delicious/ in particular.
I don't really understand what the spam is supposed to accomplish.
>>112561 psychological torture. not disruptive enough to destroy the site, but consistent enough to piss you off and demoralize you. and he's likely doing it for absolutely no reason. he couldn't be paid to stop doing it, he probably doesn't enjoy doing it, he probably doesn't even particularly want to annoy anyone in the thread, but he's still doing it. every day. for hours at a time.
>>112563 >>112562 >>112561 Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Spam Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Filter Away The Tor Fag, Just Filter Him Out Haha
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>>112563 >Mark turns on a feature that forces board-wide unique image uploads >instead of affecting spammers it only affects regular anons
>>112565 > "hot boy summer" : 1 > kike mark : 0 imagine getting bested by a faggot retard, typical mark, proper egg on his face, what a loser
>>112563 >psychological torture Well he's not very good at it. I see the first post and I filter him.
>>112565 Name 1(one) thing mark doesn't fuck up I vote to make kazu BO
>>112568 hes p gud at murdering cake but thats about it; even his bowels cant digest anything without turning it into sarin gas
>>112568 Kazu is a worse mod then Mark.
>>112570 fuck off mark youre shit
Treadly reminder that Trump is not going into office this year.
>>112494 Billy is a dumb retard who sometimes jumps into conclusions that he makes clickbait articles at times. He even waste his times arguing with morons on Twitter when he made that one article covering the Mortal Kombat 11 costume changes, and the Traitors of America was the nail on the coffin for OAG because he pissed off people of high status like journalists, e-ecelebs, and gamedevs. >>112517 Why does Apple have to be so anal when it comes to repair? >>112539 >Again, explain what how he was a retard and how it caused 'massive damage'. When was the last time he made a comeback after he made the #TraitorsofAmerica list? I don't fucking get it why do you have to defend that raging sperg.
>>112573 >Why does Apple have to be so anal when it comes to repair? Because you should just buy a new one, you poorfag scum.
>>112573 >Why does Apple have to be so anal when it comes to repair? Because apple is an fag company
>>112573 >Why does Apple have to be so anal when it comes to repair? A lot of modern electronics is made to break and be replaced. The entire model is built around 'people' replacing their gay gadgets with the newest model every two years. Because you know God forbid we just have a phone that can double as a music player, ebook reader and internet browser, God forbid we have a really light digital watch that can also double as a silent alarm, I just can't live if I don't have the newest model. The newest model has a slightly better camera or can measure my heartrate and sleep 'score'. Because I really needed that.
>>112576 I only got a new phone because my old phone was broken, fuck getting a new device every two years.
>>112577 Even then, most phones are made to start giving you problems at around 2 years.
>>112578 I heard the pixel 7 might have a user-replaceable battery. It's jewgleshit but its also the model of choice for grapheneOS and calyxOS for privacy features.
>>112577 It's amazing how much waste we're producing and willing to put up with just to avoid a tiny bit of inconvenience. I noticed this when a lot of homos were going "wash your hands and stay safe" as their way of 'contributing to the health effort', a good chunk of these idiots waste so much water and soap on simply washing their hands(especially how they keep the fucking tap open, on full, when they're just lathering up their hands and not having them under the running water, or how they keep the actual soap bar under the running water, instead of wetting their hands and then grabbing the bar to lather) and now you have all of these retards under a health scare deciding they'll wash their hands ten, twenty times a day in that wasteful fucking fashion under the guise of keeping safe and healthy when the inconvenience would just relying on your immune system like you have pre 2020 when apparently such a concept seized to exit. Or how so many electronics decide actually shutting down the machine and disconnecting it from is bad and old and for meanies so we have to instead go into a sleep 'power saver mode' instead so that the machine boots up a tiny bit faster. I've gotten so fucking paranoid about this shit I get power strips just so I can use an on off switch on many of my electronics, I don't want this fucking shit on and off I have power bills to pay. >>112578 They are but I think you can go at least five(my current phone is four and I still don't think I'll change it for another three unless something drastic happens). The thing is the "average" user is 24/7
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Smartphones are just portable spyware. They are GPS trackers that the government can use to pinpoint your location. Record your calls. Record your text messages. Your browser history. Your online downloads. Listening in on your conversations while they're in "sleep" mode. Using the camera to see and record what your face looks like. Truly, smartphones are the perfect tool to monitor you.
>>112581 I wonder how hard it actually is to make an actually untraceable phone, probably would need to make the hardware from scratch.
>>112580 Whoops, replies too early. The average phone user is 24/7 on the thing and is constantly recharging it on a daily(if not more) basis so it's granted these things don't last. There's also shit like bloatware that you can't uninstall without going through a lot of hassle(which I recommend). Why do I need a health app on my phone, I don't need to track how many steps I've taken on a daily basis. Why do I need two gallery applications and a separate 'files' application, or an uninstallable browser, or a radio station, or a compass, or an always on 'play store', or any of that shit, constantly in the background using up my battery?
>>112580 >waste so much water Wasting soap I can understand, but water is free and unlimited unless you live in a barren shithole where humans were never supposed to live.
>>112582 Use processors like the 6502 and physical rom chips, the only proprietary part might be the cell modem and it would be worth looking at what foss phones use. And of course the cell modem would have a serial number or imei code, and even if it didn't your sim card probably would identify you. Phreaking was a thing until phone companies wised up to it, now it's an easy way to get swatted unless used sparingly in the field.
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>>493308 >Cuckchan >Dying Post numbers.
>>>>112584 Cenk's nephew is both a nigger and a cracker.
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>>493311 That's only because we flood their markets with $0 food during harvest season, preventing the simplest of economies from forming.
>>112585 Fair, but what about the power/money being used in order to pump that running water and the subsequent systems used to filter and treat waste? >>493311 >Blame my parents telling me that there were little nigs in Africa not having any food when I didn't finish dinner. I always hated it when someone took this to the extreme and gave you shit for not eating something inedible like orange seeds or on really minute amounts of waste like a few grains of rice or not licking the plate clean of a minor amount of sauce or whatever. But you know dumping a barely touched meal because "I don't want to eat" or "it has something I don't like" instead of just eating the fucking thing or keeping it for later boils my blood. It's such nigger behavior.
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>>112591 At the same time, serving sizes for ultraprocessed pre-packaged foods are fucked sometimes, and part of why I think obesity is a thing among the poor. Who makes half a packet of ramen or stores half until its soggy?
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>>112413 So, he trained jews to play Doom II?
I should hire a maid.
Is archive.is broken for anyone else or is it just me? It goes into an endless loop with a submitid url, never recovers, and never saves the site.
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>>112597 You should? Man it really depresses me looking up the actress for Yvette. Time has not been kind to her at all. >>112598 Sometimes it breaks for me for a period of time(constant 404s) and then comes back.
>>112597 You must.
Wow, he is really desperate for attention today.
>>112602 He's desperate everyday, this guy uses Jewcobs FoxDickFarms, his life is pain.
turks will never be white
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>we can't post files that are possibly in some thread at the very end of the index <but this faggot can keep spamming the same images over and over again
>>112602 I never really got what set this fag off enough to manually spam shit for hours or days at a time. I hope someone is at least paying him for this. >>112605 He makes slight tweaks to the images each time so it doesn't catch shit.
>>112606 I figure the bone goblin pays him, I can't imagine anyone else still caring this much.
>>112573 >Why does Apple have to be so anal when it comes to repair? Quality control. If they ensure that only approved parts and approved technicians are in their machines, they can troubleshoot much more easily than having to deal with any part from any source with anyone repairing it. Cuts down on damage-during-repair fraud, too. To anyone complaining about Apple and repair, they just instituted a new policy that allows users to buy parts straight from them and perform at home, in-warranty repairs. So there's little argument left in that regard.
>>112580 >Or how so many electronics decide actually shutting down the machine and disconnecting it from is bad and old and for meanies so we have to instead go into a sleep 'power saver mode' instead so that the machine boots up a tiny bit faster. Traditionally, sleep/wake is far less power intensive than a full boot cycle. I don't know about computers in the last 10 years my daily driver comes from 2009, as does most of its hardware, but it only makes sense to lower wear on devices by using sleep. >>112582 Physically impossible by definition. Telephony works on tower triangulation. If you're using it, they've found you.
>>112583 >Why do I need a health app on my phone, I don't need to track how many steps I've taken on a daily basis. Ah, but the companies that data is sold to do need to track you. As does your insurance company, for increasing your premium for doing unhealthy things. And from an honest perspective, having that (and other) health data genuinely would help your doctor build a profile of your health to diagnose you and give appropriate treatment. It's just that this is secondary to the financial incentive of owning literally every single point of data about everyone on Earth. You remember Google's Selfish Ledger, right? That's why it's there.
>>112592 >ඞ Is that a funcking amongus rune?
>>112599 >>112600 Do you guys have a maid, currently?
>>112611 sinhalese "ng"
>>112609 >Telephony works on tower triangulation Well yeah, when you are using your phone to make calls, yes. I mean literally everything else that they certainly do
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>>112612 NEETs can't afford maids.
>>112607 I thought his vendetta was against the pig farmer.
>>112615 Then stop being a NEET. Or become the maid.
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>>112617 Please, we dont need more transexuals. >>112618 This is not ok, delete this.
>>112619 >Please, we dont need more transexuals. I didn't mention any tranny shit.
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>>112618 ok, well played.
>>112615 >>112617 I hear if you become a computer programmer then there's a chance that a cute dragon will become your maid.
>>112619 >Please, we dont need more transexuals. he can become a low level butler, you know?
I don't understand why he added in the muslim baby stuff too? What does it mean?
>>493446 Nice fuck-up. Also, trim the damn gray bar off the bottom of the Sharia tot; it's annoying--
Acid I think it's time to implement the impossible chess captcha.
>>112626 If she's a sharia tot, why is she wearing a santa hat?
>>112625 That's his wife.
>>112628 Who doesn't love Christmas? Hello? >>112627 No, not that one. Anything but that damn chess captcha--
Why do muslim babies even need to wear burkas?
>>112631 I'm pretty sure they start covering girls when they reach sexual maturity. Which if they're putting on toddlers, means something really fucked up.
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>>112630 >Who doesn't love Christmas? Elfs.
>>112626 the grey bar is how he bypasses the R9K "no repeated image posting" stuff, he just slightly edits the picture and the file has a new hash that isn't on the system, this is also why he stops for a while, he is generating the edits manually also what is is itt with your "--" at the end of your post, from where do you come from that such a thing has an effect that you have trained yourself to write subconsciously like what happened to redditors double-spacing due to markup?
>>112634 >the grey bar is how he bypasses the R9K "no repeated image posting" stuff, he just slightly edits the picture and the file has a new hash that isn't on the system, this is also why he stops for a while, he is generating the edits manually I posted an image repeatadly on the /test/ board succesfully, withoout having to edit it. Is R9K not checking the /test/ board?
>>112583 I don't have a cell phone but if I ever get one then I'm keeping it in a Faraday cage when not in use.
>>112635 I believe it's a per-thread limitation.
>>112637 It's definitely not.
>>112634 No, the grey bar was on the original image that he took from someone else. And he is not taking a break to alter the images, otherwise he's the most retarded spammer ever and he might be. More likely it's automated in batches which can generate a dozen new hashes per second (and even simple photo-editing programs have that feature built-in). R9K is a joke that only effects genuine posters, not spammers-- >>112637 >>112638 >>112635 Board-specific.
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>>112637 It's BOARD FUCKING WIDE not per-thread, that faggot Lynx hasn't developed the per-thread version yet.
>>112637 what's the limit? I've posted the exact same image 12 times on /test/ in the span of 4 posts.
>>112641 Ah, fair enough. >>112644 No idea. It's almost effortless to bypass it anyway. The only solution is to ban tor image posting.
>>112608 >allows users to buy parts straight from them That is the crime. I want to buy from anyone, anywhere, and customize everything. No company controls where I buy from.
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>>112399 >unless you navigate through this site in a specific way to get to the loli boards they're hidden. >type 8chan.moe/loli/ into your address bar and see what happens. This applies to other boards too. I couldn't get to /b/ without specifically navigating the site itself either. I thought it was just a problem with how my router set up was made, and wrote it off, but it did bother me that I even if I knew exactly what to type into the bar that it was refusing to load. It displays a 404 error, and this is using brave. Don't know what the problem is, but this has been happening to at least me for a few months now. Should I also mention the captchas just acting li
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>>112657 Holy shit what the fuck was that. The captcha returned a failure so I attempted to reload it, but the post actually went through, the hiccup seems to have occured at the exact same time as the tornigger spam started. I'm not tech literate enough to tell you how these two things are related, but that is really fucking weird.
>>112657 This is intentional, you can only visit certain boards from elsewhere on the site, and not via direct url. This was done because of (((kikes))) feeding links to various (((government agencies))) to try and get the site's hosting pulled.
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>>112647 >The only solution is to ban tor image posting. It would certainly help and I wonder why they just didn't do that yet, but I'm afraid it won't be enough. >>112649 Well it's not enabled on /v/ either, if you catch my drift.
>>112659 Well, makes enough sense I suppose. Doesn't sound correct that it should be set up as such, but whatever. Odd question though, why put the ((())) around "kikes"? That's just redundant.
>>112661 much like there is double nigger there is (((jews)))
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>>112661 >why put the ((())) around "kikes"? In case you confuse them with the ///kikes\\\.
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>>112661 Just think of it as our version of the panda, or other slight inconveniences that sites use to avoid being deplatformed for loli content, it's better than needing an (((account))) to access certain boards.
>>112663 >posted the same image again hold up
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>>112663 Oh, of course, how could I forget?
>>112663 >///kikes\\\ ah yes, the chews
>>112667 Well we could always mix things up with ///(((Kikes)))\\\ and (((///Chinese\\\)))
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>>112665 damn, i checked and they are the same, lets see if a can post this cap i miss-posted on a dead braed
>>112669 You mind if I try to spam the smug cat imageto test that R9K? Just to check if it really works.
>>112664 Hmmm, alright, I'm convinced. Doesn't explain the odd captcha hiccup right as I attempted to post. It's possible there's been a workaround found for that portion that occurred here. >>112658 The serendipitous quality of complaining about a captcha fuck up just for my post to go through in a strange fashion with tornigger posts is, for lack of a better term *eh hem* sus.
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>>112599 >>112612 Why is the concept of maids so attractive? I posit that it is because of unapologetic traditional femininity (frilly dresses, housekeeping and servitude) somehow bred with consummate professionalism.
>>112672 The servility.
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>>112671 Honestly the safest bet is to reload the captcha before you attempt a post, even if it says there's a few hundred seconds left, better safe than sorry.
>>112674 But that's true of the regular captcha even, not just today. The entire system is a completely broken mess and doesn't do its job, so it needs to just be removed.
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Alright, curiosity got the better of me, testing again.
>>112672 The concept of a woman serving you unquestioningly instead of playing games with your head or finances or friends is attractive. It would be considered a fantasy where the woman is attractive and well mannered above anything else, not even necessarily serving you, just being there without being a bitch.
>>112676 Mother of fuck, this is the exact same image, no edit whatsoever.
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>>112672 Because routine cleaning tasks are really fucking boring and a maid solves this problem while also giving you something beautiful to look at at the same time. It solves the banality of fucking vaccuuming/sweeping/etc freeing the mental load on anyone who actually worries about such things (and you definitely fucking should because it's fucking unhealthy). If the woman is younger it's also fun as it gives the girl a good chance to show off clumsiness when performing physical bodily oriented tasks which is always cute. >>112673 Ehhhhh, a little I guess. Maybe if you're already pretty dom, but if you just wanted servile there are FAR easier avenues for that. >>112674 That's just my default way of posting. The routine for making a post on this website has been >solve captcha >get prompted a second captcha (because the first didn't matter?) >solve second captcha >captcha returns expired or wrong >manually refresh captcha >enter captcha >actually get to damn well post However, with that post specifically what happened >get to second captcha >entered captcha >got returned an expired/failure >attempted to reload captcha >added more text to my post to bitch about captcha >post went through mid sentence without me entering the captcha again
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Mark did you finally turn the fucking R9K mode off?
>>112678 perhaps he disabled it for now?
>>112679 I should also note about the captcha bitching >typing mid sentence >words stop being accepted in textbox >half a second pause >suddenly my post along with four tornigger posts go through on the exact same refresh Again, I don't see how the two are related, but I was unable to enter text, the entire site refreshed, four tornigger post and my supposed failure of a post at the same time.
>>112681 I think he turned it off some time last night because I was finally able to post something that r9k was catching me before.
>>112573 >journalists, e-celebs, gamedevs <not megacorps He was literally delisted by Google and Bing (and lost his Google adsense revenue), throttled and shadowbanned by Twitter, and had his entire comment section of literal years completely deplatformed by Disqus, on top of lawsuits being speculated He never once did click bait you dumbfounded, because his articles were true. Its not bait when it's what actually happened, clickbait is when you Bair people into clicking through sensationalist headlines that are not based in reality; Billy's were merely attention-grabbing because they were truthful. Asserting something doesn't automatically make it true. Billy did make a mistake in that he was too nice of a guy for trying to engage with people on Twitter who disagreed with him, and horrible people took advantage of his nature to genuinely assume people disagreed in good faith to make him look like an idiot. But that has nothing to do with his articles, the real problem was that the megacorps and lawsuits fucked him over.
>>112684 *dumbfuck *Bait
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Alright, which one of you guys sent over this TV?
>>112687 That's a cheapass tv mark
>>112686 Robot Catmaids when What is fucking elon musk doing? Fuck Mars, I want robot catmaids
>>112687 Get your glock ready just in case someone filled the box with cockroaches because I know some asshole would do that.
>>112687 The feds so they can spy on our ringleader
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>>112689 I too, want to fuck Mars.
>>112684 Clickbait falls into two categories >outright lie about the content >exaggerate to the most extreme interpretation of something true I have no idea who OAG is or who the fuck Billy is, but you don't need to lie to be clickbait. >>112687 4k? Is there anything worth seeing in 4k at this point in time?
>>112688 I know, but someone sent a 300 dollar TV to me for some reason. They even call me Wiseberg. Is that even a real name? Why would someone do this?
>>112687 Actually it's clear you have a working TV anyway so maybe you should donate it to some charity group or some shit. >>112691 Cause someone really would do this to board owners.
>>112695 Well, congrats on your new, free TV, mark.
>>112695 in case the cake wasn't enough
>>112695 Did you actually open it? For all we know they could have bought you a TV and spraypainted a star of david on it to fuck with you. Maybe it's rock. Open it idiot.
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>>112692 Are you really sure you want that?
>>112697 Guess so. It's just strange man. I figured someone here probably did it.
>>112694 Except it wasn't a lie or an exaggeration is what I'm saying. An exaggeration to that extent is functionally all but a lie, OAG never did that.
>>112699 It's sealed from best buy
>>112695 It's probably a bomb or a detonator filled with zyklon b. You should open it up immediately without any protection just to make sure its safe.
>>112703 Hey dumbfounded, make sure its not a shipping error or something so you don't fuck with someone else's package
>>112695 >>112701 You should still check to make sure there's nothing suspicious about it. Also what >>112705 said.
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>>112679 Professional servility. Her job is to do what you say. I can see how that's attractive. I'm not into outright puppets myself. I like maids for the long dresses and the way in which they carry themselves. Why? Because no one behaves properly anymore. It's all just whoring and short hair and pants and pretending to be a man. But a maid? A maid is femininity in job form. >>112687 >only 43" I don't think you have a guy. Enjoy your TV.
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>>112692 >>112700 No you fucking idiots, fuck the green people on Mars, I want to have sex with Mars itself. I am aroused by it's typography much like Ohio-anon.
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>>112692 Who wouldn't a Gilda Mars?
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>>112700 I dunno they're kinda hot tbh. Long as they're sentient and consenting I will pound that green harder than an oil company.
>>112705 The address is right, but the last name is something out of parody. I'm gonna look around just incase.
>>112701 >>112703 You know what would be a perfect gift for you next christmas? Some weight loss supplements and a treadmill. No use sitting on your ass with TWO tv's in your house now is there?
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>>112695 >is wiseberg even a real name always assume every cliche and stereotype is completely true until disproven on an individual basis
>>112713 Fucking. I'll just return it to best buy. Hopefully they can give me some cash.
>>112708 Would fucking mars be safe for your benis though? Lets assume youre in mars with oxygen covered, would the contact melt it or something like that?
>>112692 >fuck Mars
>>112695 >Why would someone do this? Did you mention needing one? Or maybe some anon is just trying to buy their way into your pants after years of looking at your asshole. >>112713 >mark stole some other jew's tv Oy vey.
>>112714 Now thats rude.
>>112718 not as rude as tech trash
>>112718 I mean, the address is right but maybe it was for Manhattan instead of Brooklyn.
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>>112714 I expected nothing less from a jew
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Maybe they want to spy on you
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>>112708 I think Ohio-san was more about the concept of Ohio instead of the actual place, like getting off to the idea of stealing something or some shit instead of actually doing it which ruins the boner due to the danger. Like the fetish version of anticipation. Or like the idea of dominating someone in your mind getting you off but the actual act being a turn off because of your morality.
>>112723 >concept of ohio So, would he get turned on by official documents of the state?
>>112707 >Professional servility. Her job is to do what you say. I can see how that's attractive. That's what I mean though, yes there is servility there, but there's easier ways of going about it. >I'm not into outright puppets myself. I like maids for the long dresses and the way in which they carry themselves. Why? Because no one behaves properly anymore. It's all just whoring and short hair and pants and pretending to be a man. But a maid? A maid is femininity in job form. Ehhhhhhh, I suppose on average woman have a predilection to cleaning as their higher on average neuroticism leads them to care about messy living conditions before men do, but I can't agree that a maid is femininity in job form. There's elegance, there's beauty, but that seems to be missing a bit of the fun. I would have to argue it leads more into a fun clashing between how the clothes of the maid must be functional (they will be cleaning and they need to move around for that) mixed with the sensual desire. There is a woman, she is in your space, she is in your rooms, yet she is not yours. There is a tension that exists there between object/person that dances around. It is in your space, but is not yours (yet), it is in your room but is not yours (yet), it is among your objects but is not yours (yet). The maid brings with her the social space, that of other persons, and drags it all over your house and rooms, what is typically your space. I think that is the mystique of a maid. In reality having had a maid it is really just quite fucking awkward because sometimes I am going about my business and suddenly there is a middle aged spanish woman I don't know cleaning my toilet and I just don't have the mental capacity as a teenage autist to death with this so I just turn 360 degrees and walk away. >>112723 The post denotes him having a shamanistic experience involving mushrooms and specifically mentions the land itself and being related to it as intentionally. He is not in love with the principality known as the state of Ohio is in love with the land that Ohio is over.
>>112724 No joke that might get him. Since his memories are based on the state then anything that reminds him of that drugged up jackoff session will set him off. The word "Ohio", A smell from the place he was in that reminds him of Ohio, something similar to what he ate there, or even the smell of dirt, it could set the guy off. >>112725 Fetishes are based on association and I know that intimately, it's not just the idea of sex that can set someone off, a subconscious reminder can do.
>>112726 Well I agree with the idea of associations connecting to arousal. In that case, what aroused him about a map of Ohio was that the map of Ohio pointed him towards the physical sensual experience of being on shrooms in the middle of nature brings you. As someone currently on shrooms I can attest that it would certainly be the land and nature that made the arousal occur and anything related to the idea of Ohio (government documents, maps, etc.) was just reminders to the visceral physical experience.
>>112714 Why do you continue to run /v/? Dare I say is this board profitable to you?
>>112728 He started running it because he loves video games most of all; he keeps running it because it's the closest thing he has to an accomplishment in life and he can't let that go. Probably still better than moot who left 4chan behind to become a luggage lad.
>>112728 to spite everyone one this board and kazu cuz he knows when they get rid of him kazu will be made bo and the board will actually be normal he will literally stay here until hes ruined it, thats his only motivation
>>112696 >Cause someone really would do this to board owners You give the feds too much credit
>>112730 He sold us for 2k a month. Now that there is no money why does he hang around
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>>112729 >m00t I still laugh about him getting hired by google as some social media tech wizard only for it to turn out he's a clueless faggot. Only for him to be kicked around from project to project as a code jockey afterwards. Mark still hasn't answered about the supposed 'r9k mode" that other anons have mentioned by the way.
>>112730 bold of you to assume that the colossal faggot with body image issues and an anime scribble avatar who just loves deleting and banning people wouldnt be as bad as mark; only difference is we'd call him an ass pirate instead of an oven dodger
>>112582 >I wonder how hard it actually is to make an actually untraceable phone It's a simple feature that cellphones have had for decades called "Airplane Mode". You won't be able to use any of the phone's connection, but at least they won't track you. >>112591 >what about the power/money being used in order to pump that running water and the subsequent systems used to filter and treat waste? I assume that would have the same amount of impact as leaving a rechargeable device plugged in, in that the difference in power used would be so insignificant that having the water running for 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds would be mere pennies over a year of usage. Then, there's also the known fact that it take more power to get a device started than to leave it constantly running. >>112609 >Traditionally, sleep/wake is far less power intensive than a full boot cycle. I don't know about computers in the last 10 years my daily driver comes from 2009, as does most of its hardware, but it only makes sense to lower wear on devices by using sleep. Things live handheld consoles and phones can operate for months without ever needing to be restarted. With computers however (And, this true across all OS), it's better to turn them off and on rather than putting them into sleep mode or a hibernation because, for some reason, it constantly breaks applications and drains speed. >>112614 >Well yeah, when you are using your phone to make calls, yes. No, all the time. How do you think your cellphone knows that it's in a good reception area? That's also beside the fact that, for over a decade, they've had the technology to ping all devices in an area that utilize any wireless connection (So, even having a PSP or a DS means you're screwed).
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>>112734 only person with body issues here will be you if you keep running your mouth like that at kazu
>>112737 go back to /cb/ homo maybe kazu posted more butthole pics
>>112735 >because, for some reason, it constantly breaks applications and drains speed. In... what, windows? I've never had that problem with any other OS (and I can't let Windows sleep without it breaking my graphics drivers).
I need screencaps of trannies hating real traps. Don't ask why, just hand 'em over. I know some of you fags have such caps. >>112733 >r9k mode what's that?
>>112728 >is this board profitable to you? Well anons are giving him free TVs so yeah it seems to be.
>>112739 >In... what, windows? That's been my most common experience. However, I also have heard that MacOS suffers from the same issue too.
>>112551 >Tell me why Lynxchan didn't come with an option to ban Tor on a per-board basis Because Lynx thinks that's modcuckery. Right now the only way to "ban" Tor is through IP lists only admins can mess with. >>112555 >JSChan has its downsides as well Like? Genuinely curious. >>112635 >Is R9K not checking the /test/ board? No. R9K is set up by BO on a per-board basis. >>112637 R9K is board-wise, covering even the trash bin. >>112692 https://www.sunporno.com/videos/1501848/roswell-ufo
https://archive.ph/URxDn <Manga creator Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina, Negima!, UQ Holder!) announced on Twitter on Thursday that he is aiming to run for the House of Councillors, the upper house of Japan's House of Representatives, as part of the Liberal Democratic Party next summer. >His goal in running for Japan's legislature is to protect freedom of expression. Election chairman Toshiaki Endo confirmed Akamatsu's intention to run on December 9. The party is currently in the selection process.
>>112734 I like kazu's scribble waifu. >>112740 >what's that? hau nu r u?
(60.72 KB 300x321 are you kidding me putin.gif)

>>112740 >what's that?
>>112746 >>His goal in running for Japan's legislature is to protect freedom of expression. Uncensored cunnies and willies for all. Let freedom ring!
>>112746 >Ken Akamatsu wants to become a politician Not that surprised, he has been very vocal in the past about censorship and freedom of speech and art. >>112748 I know what r9k is, but I have never heard of r9k mode.
>>112743 Isn't the actual series, itself, trash?
>>112746 >liberal >protect freedom
>>112752 Liberalism in other countries is not liberalism in America.
>>112746 What a guy, godspeed fellow.
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>>112740 I don't fucking know. Other anon's mentioned it, has something to do with being able to post identical images to the board without any problem. All I know is Mark hasn't answered if it's on or off.
>>112752 Liberal in Japan does not mean the same thing as Liberal in the US.
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>>112755 I see. Thanks for the response. Kinda weird to have a separate mode for identical images, is that common on /r9k? I didn't visit them much, too depressive for my taste.
>>112749 Think about it, a future where jap kids wont have to wait until losing their virginity to see what an uncensored vagina looks like.
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>>112746 >ken akamatsu I want to lic lac Karin's lilac
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>>112752 Despite its name, the Liberal Democratic Party party is centre-right. >>112750 >>112755 The "R9K mode" is a filter that detects if the same text and files have been posted before and prevents you from reposting them. In other imageboards (like 4chan) the filter works in a per-board basis, so a file or text fragment posted in one thread can't be posted on the same thread again, but can be posted in other threads. Lynxchan's "R9K mode", on the other side, works on a per-board basis, so a file posted in one thread can't be reposted elsewhere until the file is removed from the servers. To make things worse, the trashbin function that "hides" deleted posts for a couple of days before purging them so mods can recover accidental deletions is affected by the R9K filters, so even deleting your post won't be enough to let you post a file or text again. Regardless of how the filters work, most spammers are able to bypass them by simply creating dozens (if not hundreds) of copies of the files they spam, each one with an unique hash that don't trigger the filters because the exact images haven't been posted before. Funnily enough, 8moe's trashbin feature previously mentioned helped to cripple the spammer's activity since every one of his files still are stored in the servers and reposting them can trigger the R9K filter (which isn't enabled at the moment btw), forcing him to waste time generating new files.
>>112757 >>112752 >>112753 It does mean the same thing. The problem is people getting left and liberal confused. Liberal is a philosophy, obviously related to liberty. Left is a team that calls themselves liberal but abandoned any liberal philosophies they used to have at least a decade ago.
>>112687 Where do I sign up to receive my free TV?
>>112717 >mark stole some other jew's tv
>>112753 Right, it's overt communism rather than covert communism. His point stands.
>>112714 I know it's too late to say something, but MAAAYBE they just delivered to the wrong house?
>>112687 For a 4k tv, a 60 hz refresh rate is really low. It's ok for watching blurays, but not fast or responsive enough for your gaming needs.
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>spammer get his post deleted very quickly >>112684 I get that Google and Disqus screwed over OAG, but don't act that the guy wasn't completely innocent. He shouldn't waste time on retards on Twitter and don't poke the hornet's nest when it comes to making pointless drama, which led to the site's degrade in quality and control. >>112617 Why can't you just become a butler instead? >>112746 I've seen that Ken is the only mangaka that's open on politics, but his take on freedom of expression is very honorable.
>>112767 Liberals are center right in todays climate. The left has long since abandoned actual liberal principles in favor of authoritarian progressive-ism.
>>112771 Politics are cancer, but Muttmerican politics are double cancer. You're fucking clueless how it works in other countries.
>>112784 >You're fucking clueless how it works in other countries. Outside of the U.S., politics usually works in one of the two ways: <One political party ultimately controls the course of the entire country, and no candidate can run for office without the permission of the ruling party OR... <The country has 20+ different political parties, majority of which are redundant variants of the same party but differ on one insignificant detail, along with some outlier parties that are extremists on at least one political topic, and are elected into office based upon whoever wins the most votes, which only comprise at most' 25% of the votes submitted
>>112784 >ur rong i say so i win K, bye.
>>112785 You forgot <The actual rulling political party that controls the course of the entire county is split in two to give a false sense of "honest politics" to the voters, thinking that voting one of the two "strong" political parties of the country is fair and moves the political pendulum in perfect balance to the center-left or center-right, with both parties run by four big families, with every other party barely getting at most 25% of the votes submitted OR... <The vast majority of the citizens have actually voted they want someone else but since the current rulling got 45% of the votes, once again, compared to the 50% "someone else" votes and the 5% "blank" votes, it's still in power for the gorrilionth time because apparently it has to reach a magic number that suspiciously gets bigger every election term
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>>112753 Liberal parties in Europe and the commonwealth Emustan/Leafstan/Kiwistan are straight up socialism or commie. >>112781 >Liberals are center right in todays climate Uh no the liberal parties are are extremely far left and the irony is the average conservative is pretty centre left. The only truly right wing people I run into still are here and a very small handful of other places on the net. >>112784 > but Muttmerican politics are double cancer. <Looks at politics outside of Burgerstan and sees >Castro's Bastard son making Canada into a mix of the EU and Bluestates of the US >Emustan doing lockdowns so bad that Bluestates and fucking Canada think they've gone too far >Kiwistan grabbing guns at an insane level >UK before and after the EU was/is like V for Vendetta's UK >The EU is living nightmare that has tried banning wrong think or banned some wrong think off the net or by meatspace law >It's also made most of it's member states cuck out to their own people with only a few having the balls to say no <When the UK as pozzed as it was had the brainpower to dip out They are all fucking equally terrible. >>112785 >>112787 Yep it's so fucking not total cancerous bullshite.
>>112494 >>112476 Basically what I am getting from this is that Billy's biggest sin is that he was not a 200+ IQ Machiavellian ubermensch and sometimes fucked up. I was actively using OAG when it was still under him and I can confirm that sometimes he went overboard but in comparison to the volume of shit that is regularly peddled on IGN or Gamespot it was literary nothing. This is a common problem on the right. They all want absolute perfection in everything and when they do not get it... well into the trash the whole thing goes. Meanwhile commies will literary take on mentally deficient clowns just to fatten out their numbers and by the current state of things I would say its obvious which tactic is more effective.
>>112787 >>112785 In both of these the core point of failure is that the voters themselves have no idea how the system works and therefore never get it to work their way. In eastern europe this has caused a revolving door effect where every 8 or so years a bunch of dipshits get elected into office because the general populace got "tired"(a.k.a they have been hearing bad things about them for too long) of the old functional government so they vote for literary anyone else and the result is usually 4 years of complete fucking decline because they elect a bunch of grifters and literal morons(as in they have to fake their high-school diploma stupid). The problem is not the system but the people refusing to understand it for what it is.
>>112789 He fucked up by trusting people who used him and being too nice, really this is a problem for anyone who could've been of potential value throughout history like how Trump didn't fire enough traitors, or how Hitler didn't actually holocaust the jews I'm not sure what you mean by "overboard" though, unless you mean incendiary language, which at the point he was at, was justified because he had literally been through 6-7 years of this bullshit, and naturally his opinions got stronger as time went on, but other than that tone, which would be policing him to bitch about such a thing since its not like there was anyone else of note actually moving against this bullshit, I saw nothing of issue. The real issue was the outside forces against him were too powerful. That's the biggest reason why OAG is dead than anything else, blaming a man for being killed by his enemies instead of blaming those same enemies who seek your own fucking death/subjugation just strikes me as foolish.
>>112789 Billy was a sperg who couldn't hold his pasta in, the frustrating and saddest thing was that he wasn't really wrong in what he was saying. But was such a sperg he ruined his own message and pushed away all the people who legit tried helping him in good faith, while being an optics/moralfag gets you nowhere being a total raging sperg also gets you nowhere.
>>112792 Your avatar looks fat in that jacket
>>112788 >The EU is living nightmare that has tried banning wrong think or banned some wrong think off the net or by meatspace law >Tried >Implying <LaughsinBigBrother.wav Our gubment has just today enacted a law that makes it mandatory to censor anything that speaks badly about our current prime minister and his polidicks, especially regarding the vaccine while the health organizations took down all the numbers of the dead due to covid, just the other day. Happy happy fun times, honk-honk. Europe is turning into Kiwistan / Emustan at this point which I'm sure is only slightly outside of Frau-Merkelstein's and her Luxemburg cronies original trajectory in terms of plans. >>112790 Very true, especially the last part. It and their absolute denial to understand that the system is basically rigged and that it always acts against them, will be their greatest downfall. I'm not aware of how it works in Eastern Europe, despite being a neighbhour but here in Southern / Med Europe, it's the same exact shit. >>112793 At this point, being normal and logical somehow doesn't work either but for different reasons and you at least get different reactions from normalfags instead of an annoyed disgust.
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>>112795 >Our gubment has just today enacted a law that makes it mandatory to censor anything that speaks badly about our current prime minister and his polidicks, especially regarding the vaccine while the health organizations took down all the numbers of the dead due to covid, just the other day. Happy happy fun times, honk-honk. Sweet Christ what a fucking clownworld >At this point, being normal and logical somehow doesn't work either but for different reasons and you at least get different reactions from normalfags instead of an annoyed disgust. I try to be logical yet frim when I speak to normalfags.
>>112793 Except Billy's messaging was fine. The site was growing in comments, engagement and readership month over month. Unfortunately there isn't an archive of Similarweb for the site, but at one point it was over 3 million views per month and growing, then it was cut to around 1 and a half, then a decline further and further as all the issues hit all at once because he kicked a hornet's nest. The Disqus deplatforming, the Goolag shit, and general social media throttling all hit and got worse in the same year. The traitors of America list got thousands of comments. But it attracted too many large enemies. The Disqus platform was what everyone on the site had used for years, and having it cut out from under him was too crippling and completely destroyed engagement from everyone, myself included because of the inconvenience and frustration of unstable commenting platforms that followed. Without comments, you can't have a community anymore.
>>112797 For a journalistic site like his at least*
So, why there isn't any hard alternative to Twitter, Youtube or any other shit? there are so many millionaires who have enouth fuck you money to shit on Silicon Valley and outtech them.
>>112797 >Except Billy's messaging was fine Billy was a total sperg and was such one that it turned people off like >>112541 >>112546 Brought up. >>112799 Because look at Gab and Parler.
>>112800 Gab was just an hypocritical place asking for your phone number, and don't know much about Parler, but a place that offered better benefits than youtube and some actual anti censorship stances would be good.
>>112799 Youtube isn't profitable.
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>>112538 He retweeted the sequel but hasn't come forward as the director, yet. I'll ask Kunio that when I get the chance to. >>112541 Oh yeah, I knew I was forgetting something. Luciano was also on OAG. >>112789 Would any of these be examples of the right doing the same thing?
>>112799 It takes billions to set up an alternative to succeed against giants like those The reason why it's hard to get any traction though is due to network effects, and it's inverse. Look it up. >>112800 Anon, the facts don't agree with your assertions You can keep saying he was things that he wasn't, but that doesn't mean what you're saying is truthful. Who gives a shit if what amounts to a random pearl-clutched doesn't like his messaging, what matters is effectiveness. If anything, he punched too high above his paygrade and attracted the wrath of demons like Google, showing how effective he really was. Google doesn't just specifically censor every nobody off the internet, nor does Disqus or Twitter. They censor the effective people.
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>>112796 >1984 <Censoring everywhere, newspeak, ignorance is strength, war is peace etc >Brave new World <Every day ever since 2015 and the massive border opening we've been hearing about how brave and politically correct it is to rape your mother and kill her, not necessarily in that order, and that you can hack a mother and child's eyes away with an axe provided you say you're sorry later >Camp of Saints <2015 and beyond, France had it worse for longer etc >Idiocracy <Already talked about with anons Honk honk mr Orwell, you tried to warn us and I'm sorry we listened a bit too well and took it as an instruction manual. >I try to be logical yet frim when I speak to normalfags. I suffer from a lot of things nowadays, ever since I violently bonked my head on some iron bars it was an accident but back when I was a bit more social with the various circles of friends from work etc, pre-covid of course. I just tried to be logical and calming but I often got "put in the corner" for being too soft. I should have tried being more firm. >>112803 Luciano basically drove away half of billy's comment section because even those who agreed with Billy, eventually took to jewtube to vent about Luciano at some point and others just went to other forums to bitch about mr.Keklands.
>>112803 8kun is still on? I thought it died already.
>>112800 >>112802 >>112804 Wasn't Crower bought by Trump's social media and were going to fuse to become something big?
>>112795 > absolute denial to understand that the system is basically rigged It does not need to be rigged. People simply refuse to understand that the system only allows them to vote FOR something not AGAINST. In USA people did not vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. In eastern Europe you got a direct parallel with Babiš and Fico. Both were strong political leaders that got ousted on the basis of "anyone but them". In all three cases a competent figure was replaced by a literal retard(s). People simply refuse to grasp the facts that you cannot vote against someone and that in the game of politics there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. Every single one of them will have dirt on their hands because that is how politics work. But the voters keep insisting on finding the perfect little unicorn which they then insist on electing by voting for literary everyone but said unicorn. Then they are shocked that a donkey got elected.
stop using non-tor ids, spammer.
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>>112804 >Anon, the facts don't agree with your assertions Your straight up denying reality to suck Billy's wank and ignoring what he objectively did wrong. >>112805 pic related.
>>112811 >you're sucking Billy's dick >opinions are facts Calling me names doesn't make your opinions facts either. You can look at Billy's articles pre-Traitors to America and see dozens to hundreds of comments on any given article of significance, and even during his hamstrung times his site was still getting over a million views a month iirc.
>>112805 Thank you Luciano, the Alpha Brazilian, you truly are, our Greatest Ally. >>112806 It's still up last I checked but it might as well be dead.
>>112765 I hope all those Nip artists that have created all those decades worth of lewd doujins still have uncensored master copies to release when that laws eventually gets repealed.
>>112799 >why isn't there an alternative to websites which OPERATE AT A LOSS >why isn't there an alternative to websites which require INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT TO OPERATE AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF INFRASTRUCTURE TO MAINTAIN >why isn't there an alternative to websites which exist solely as public facing datamining facilities for GOVERNMENT SECRET AGENCIES Gee, I fucking wonder.
>>112811 >shimoneta Where are my sexy ero-terrorists and cute sex scientists then?
We've got a special movie "night" at the ol' Overlook Theater tomorrow. Be sure to check it out. >>>/vhs/1016
>>112816 theyre all dead
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>>112818 Why would someone die of pneumonia incurrent year japan?
>>112820 The japanese have poor immune systems from a lack of meat in their diets.
>>112820 People died of chinkflu around the world. They die of the flu every year. It's the same flu, every time. What kind of retarded question is that.
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>>112809 >It does not need to be rigged. I'm aware at how tight the current system is but try telling that to our court body that is usually in charge of counting the votes or any or the secretaries of the political parties. I dunno if it's a euro thing or something they learned from slurping enough bong jizz during the late 19th century and early 20th century but that extra bit of paranoia is something they like. Like a cherry on a sundae. >>112811 I call bullshit, female Hentai Kamen hasn't happened yet and no sexy girls in my country act like Ayame-chan. >>112814 <What is fanbox <What is patreon <There are totally no nips that pose as "western asians" online with uncensored pics like Rebis Come now tor-man. >>112818 Fuck. >>112820 Japan always had a weakness when it came to getting and treating pneumonia and cancer compared to other countries. Maybe heart attacks / failures as well but that's for some old people compared to the cases of 40-somethings who needed a quintuple by-pass to survive over here in the west.
>>112695 Is this gamergate's fault? (somehow)
>>112581 Get a Pine64 Phone, yeah it still has all the spooky telemetry shit because you wouldn't be able to make calls otherwise BUT you have the ability to flip switches and turn that off when not in use or just take the battery out entirely like what you used to be able to do. Plus the default OS isn't pozz'd with unnecessary bloatware and spyware but you could flash whatever OS you wanted if you didn't like the default. The more people carrying them would mean it would cease being culturally taboo which would make life harder for Zuck and (insert X country's alphabet soup agency here). >>112767 Depends on the individual DemocRAT. Joe Manchin for example doesn't come off as an insane commie to me so I'm fine with him just as Ran Paul isn't a Neocon sellout like the rest of his peers. That said DemocRAT's and RepugnantCans are both shit in their own unique way, Dems love kissing the ass of China and the EU;SSR and Reps love kissing the ass of Saudi Arabia and Israel, only a few individuals have redeeming qualities. >>112587 I used to be an active user but now that site is completely unusable, to many bots and B& happy mods. >>112687 Dunno, hopefully it's not filled with shitty adds... >>112722 Oh boy....
>>112826 >culturally taboo to have a phone that is foss How will the culture know what phone you're using unless you're being a fag about it? If work says you must run this or that app just tell them to provide a work phone since yours is basically a flip phone.
>>112823 ><There are totally no nips that pose as "western asians" online with uncensored pics like Rebis Come now tor-man. I'm not talking about new stuff.
>>112820 Common Cold-kun kills as many irl Nips as Truck-kun kills isekai protags.
>>112828 >I'm not talking about new stuff. Neither am I, necessarily. The guy I used as an example has released a lot of his old pre-patreon works completely uncensored and others are at least trying to follow his example by uploading stuff on their fantia and fanbox etc. Granted, the insanely degenerate ones are the first to spam their uncensored artworks compared to the more vanilla guys.
>>112830 >The guy I used as an example has released a lot of his old pre-patreon works completely uncensored and others are at least trying to follow his example by uploading stuff on their fantia and fanbox etc. How old is his old artwork?
How did it FORGET to use tor?
What does this accomplish?
>>112822 Im talking about pneumonia you dumbass. >>112821 >>112829 >>112823 I didnt know their health was so fragile, island nations always have fucked up inmune systems dont they?
>>112834 Well Japan is obviously a small island with little agriculture space for raising cattle. So meat tends to be a delicacy there.
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Is the spammer attempting to summon Aisha bint Abi Bakr?
>>112832 Either alcohol or meds.
>>112837 I gotta say, i like how snug the little muslim girl looks.
>>112831 I know he still hasn't upload his super old early 2000s tohofuta shit but some of his monster hunter volumes from like 2008(?) did get an uncensored release if I remember correctly. Again, it's his most degenerate content compared to his more recent and tamer content but my point stands. >>112835 It's not just that. Nips have been bitching for years, damn near 4 decades now, about their ministry of health and old guard of doctors practically refusing to import machines that actually destroy cancer cells for some ungodly reason. I get raising your own doctors and employing natives etc but these are fucking machines and the "national pride" of Dr.Shikishima the Eldest just isn't worth it when everyone else is dead when you could cure more than half of the cancer cases in Japan and liven up the average nips libido in one go due to lessened fear for cancer.
>>112834 They can't handle liquor much either. Sake is a thin rice wine and it hits them like whiskey. >>112835 Depending where they are they potentially have a lot of access to fish. Or at least they did befor the population grew so much and before Minamata and Fukushima.
>>112834 Being a genetic racial monoculture leads to having a weaker immune response. Mutts tends to have more robust immune response compared to purebreds; this is a thing called "hybrid vigor" in biology.
>>112843 Well in regards to libido, the japanese have no desire to breed because it means being stuck in a cycle of never ending back breaking labor for the rest of your life. Never having the time to even be with your family.
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>>112827 Simple solution, make them fashionable for hipster faggots and the coonsumer's will buy. Laptops are another great example because some now come with sliding covers that cover the camera by default out the box, clearly there's a huge market for privacy oriented hardware that's being under tapped. >>112574 B-but wouldn't that just pollute the earth with a lot of unnecessary E-waste? I thought Apple was green!
>>112841 >you will never have a tiny arab daughteru with a wearable blanket
>>112844 >thin That doesn't really matter, sake has the same alcohol volume of wine and it will hit as hard as wine.
>>112849 >daughteru She's a wife and 11 years old.
>>112850 It really depends on the variety.
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>>112847 >That's no excuse <t. former Prime Minister and apparently Tsukuyomi
>>112852 It doesn't, it's always 15%-25% just like every wine.
>>112833 What does all trolling accomplish? Smug satisfaction in the face of implied annoyance. I'm not entirely sure what spamming THESE images is meant to mean, other than a lack of originality, since he could spam much worse shit like tubgirl or straight-up CP.
>>112856 >trolling This is the equivalent to a low-functioning autistic kid who's having a nuclear meltdown that mom didn't check to see if the drive-though lady properly put in the ranch dippers with the chicken nuggies. It doesn't have anything to do with trolling.
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>>112857 i fail to see the difference and i suspect he does too
>>112856 He's one of those autists that's got a vendetta against Mark and/or Acid and whenever they discover anything that they feel annoys them they spam it endlessly believing that they are really pulling off some coup against them. Is just like the soyjak and "bing bing wahoo" spam before it. Mark banned someone for posting stale cuckscan memes and console warring and the autist falsely concluded that they had happened upon that got under Mark's skin so he spammed that shit for two years. Spammers are really socially retarded. They're like a kid that learned a new joke so they repeat it over and over a hundred times thinking it's just as funny or shocking as the first.
>>112539 Not even going to go into how his arguing with idiots on Twitter was very poor since he sucks at debating, how his articles became less factual and would fall for hoaxes, how his rhetoric became parody-tier for anyone not initiated and how less useful as a resource he became outside of his censorship articles, as that isn't as important as: >Explain how he 'allowed' his site to get censored. After bitching about how little money he was making, he sold his site to an SJW, that then went on to not only make fun of him in an article and but then began mass purging anti-sjw articles, many that were time-capsuled, like #GameGate articles. Even though before Billy archived his Blogjob site which he could have done with OAG before bowing out, he for some reason decided to sell OAG, which had even more years of resources, to the enemy that they could do what they want with. An event like #GamerGate, a product of it's time that is also incredibly difficult to document accurately past and present, needs all preservation it can get, yet we potentially lost articles about it forever. Basically torched it on his way out. Again, I will never forgive him for this. Anyone who was deep in GamerGate knows the importance of archiving. I thought he did too. Yet he threw it all away and allowed resources to be potentially lost to the ether as his parting gift. And I used to defend him a lot too. Fuck him.
>>112859 His shit's so low effort that his laziness is more offensive than the actual spam. Not mentioning that what it takes him an hour of IP hopping and captchas to do, any mod can undo in three clicks.
>>112858 I'm personally insulted that "running (someone else's) script and manually entering catchpas for 6 or more hours" somehow "counts" as "trolling" as all of MY shitposts menace with spikes and are of the highest Dwarfmanship.
>>112859 >concluded that they had happened upon that got under Mark's skin learn english you fucking paki
>>112834 Pneumonia kills around the world. What's the problem with your comprehension? Japan isn't a magical mecha catgirl land like in your animes. Disease exists.
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>>112862 as homestuck taught us all some trolls are just better than others
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>>112861 Is the same as that guy who seems to get genuinely triggered at pone pics and then spends two hours calling people "barneyfags" and reposting the exact same 10 pics over and over. They're low functioning autistic retards that shouldn't be given free access to the internet.
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I found this banner on /b/.
>>112863 That's what happens when I try to reformat and edit a sentence instead of just deleting it and starting over from scratch. I genuinely thank you for pointing out that fuckup because it's the only way that I'll ever learn.
>>112863 soyjack dumbass detected
>>112867 is this an inside joke, is that why its being spammed "randomly" by the vaxtard, does mark actually have a sharia baby the fuck is the story with this
>>112801 Them being shit is not the point. They got deplatformed by big tech the very moment they became threat to the monopoly. Centralized services are all susceptible to this when competing with them and most normalfags are too dumb to use federated networks or won't join because the other retards won't use it. >>112809 >Babis and Fico were competent strong political leaders You have no idea what you're talking about. The only people ever voting for them were ex-communist/socialist party voters who are slowly dying off. Babis is an ex-StB (KGB equivalent) agent turned billionaire crook. He's also nearly Biden-tier retard. Any decent politician here is an absolute outsider or leaves politics for something that's not a pretend entertainment for morons when they learn that IT'S FUCKING RIGGED.
hey mark do something other than eat cake & finger your own ass. This multiple captcha is annoying on top of the fact it never fucking works.
>>112867 Dolphin exposed himself as the /b/ board owner awhile back in the meta thread but no one really noticed except for me. The /b/ board owner is unironically just dolphin, one of the herdnigger IRC faggots that spams CP and ddoses sites.
>>112877 What was the deal with someone using a board to set up his spamming post and isnt it related to the current spam?
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>>112789 >Basically what I am getting from this is that Billy's biggest sin is that he was not a 200+ IQ Machiavellian ubermensch and sometimes fucked up No, his biggest sin is failing to hire an editor or a PR spokesman.= Even having a friend who's job is act as "Professional tard-wrangler" would have probably propelled the guy far above the influence of other media. The BIGGEST issue a lot of internet identities suffer from is the narcissistic idea that we're the brightest bulb in the shed. It's a fun and often times hilarious concept to indulge when just having silly internet slap-fights; HOWEVER it is becomes the weakest aspect when expecting to be taken seriously.
>>112881 Dolphin is a script kiddie who spends his days trying to get spam scripts working on sites. He also tries to snipe BO from various boards on occasion to fuck with them from within. He did it on zzzchan's /tech/ board but his writing style is so blatantly obvious that he exposed himself within like 3 days and got removed as BO. He's hidden himself on /b/ much better but I noticed once he started talking about his script kiddie autism in the /v/ meta thread his writing style was identical and he immediately abandoned the thread when I pointed it out. Dolphin has made spam scripts before for the herdnigger IRC chats to laugh about, and now the board owner of /b/ makes one of the spam script images his board banner. I guess after I called him out the other day he assumed his days were numbered and decided to go full mask off. Now the question is will Acid remove a board owner who is literally DDoSing his own site or will he bend over backwards to defend the pedophile yet again because he's stupid as fuck.
>>112797 >myself included I forget, is Lucario Brazillian?
>>112884 If you documented any of that, be sure to send it to him and see how he'll respond.
>>112877 Yeah that makes sense.
>>112888 I mean it's literally all out in the open. Herdnigger IRC's are public, the constant retarded shit dolphin has done as /b/ BO is all public, if he hasn't done anything about it by now he never will. Acid is completely out of touch with imageboards and is a pure reddit nigger. He won't do anything about it and will continue to let bad actors shit up his site. Anyone that has been around the webring sites for the last few years recognizing this shit instantly for what it is. But Acid isn't an anon, he is a redditor who likes the idea of being an anon.
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>>112871 i miss hussie back when he actually did things
>>112884 >>112877 >>112891 The Sharia tot was part of /b/ first, and I already mentioned it to Acid--saying the spammer took the image from there. I'm not Dolphin you donkey--
>>112893 >instantly shows up to the thread being spammed to defend himself >uses his signature retarded dolphinpedo post formatting God you herdniggers are hilarious
(144.70 KB 655x792 HAHAHA FAGGOT.JPG)

>He's spamming it manually again
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>>112895 >Google lens replaced google image search <It does not seem find the actual source >but suggested a ton of big breasted blondes in manga Uhhh... pretty good I guess. Usually it would just "Anime character" me.
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>>112896 >Using anything but Waterfox
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>>112893 I am reminded of a fact that Mansoor used to defend Sharia.
>>112896 open Google Images in a new tab. drag and drop the image you wanna reverse image search. and presto! it works like before. this ^ is the workaround i been using now that the right click menu has replaced Google Image Search with this new Google Lens bullshit
>>112896 I know what manga this is but I won't tell just to bother you.
>>112898 >sold to and ad company (System1)
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>>112905 >not following the principle of anon delivers You disgust me.
>>112746 >>112814 Sounds great on the surface, but there's a major problem if porn does get uncensored. The reason most anime/manga (and hentai/JAVs in extension) get away with this shit is because of the censoring loophole. Once it's gone, there's gonna be a strict system in place to regulate what is and isn't porn. Remember the very recent news about Yoshinobu Yamada complaining about manga regulations? Loli, ecchi, gravure, and fanservice are especially fucked since they'll automatically be designated as porn, and this goes beyond the absolute state of global politics.
>>112907 He follows a different principle of not spoonfeeding you lazy faggots
>>112908 The only solution is to make porn unregulated outside of live action.
>>112909 >spoonfeeding The anon clearly made an attempt at looking for it.
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My family has been singing hymns and chanting nonstop in the next room for the third night in a row. My great aunt died 3 days ago and they're "honoring" her memory with all this loud obnoxious praying. God I hate being in a religious family.
>>112912 Go back to reddit. They won't find you there.
>>112909 theres a line between spoonfeeding and cockteasing and this is clearly past that line pic marginally related
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>>112912 Mourning the dead is the least you can hate religion for.
>>112912 What religion requires three days of this?
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>>112916 Satanism. 3 days of hymns and incest orgies.
>>112912 Are you sure they are not casting a revival spell?
>>112916 Catholicism. And they're doing the rosary bead thing and repeating the same things over and over. It's legit getting annoying.
>>112859 >Spammers are really socially retarded. They're like a kid that learned a new joke so they repeat it over and over a hundred times thinking it's just as funny or shocking as the first. I remember being that idiot on a few occasions. I mostly did it because I wanted friends.
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>>112917 ok that one comes up in searches; not gonna read it but
>>112912 It could be worse. Videoke for days upon end for mourning the dead on where I live here in Flipland.
>>112891 >I mean it's literally all out in the open. Archive it an explain it like you would a legal document. That's what sinks a lot of people.
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>>112922 That's not it at all and I should know I actually capped and named HAHAHA FAGGOT.JPG years ago when I was reading the manga it was from
>>112920 > It's legit getting annoying. Yeah, heresy'll do that. Did she die "of chinkflu" officially?
>>112920 >Catholicism Are you a fan of /ss/? If not, you will be.
>>112912 Make it stop by killing yourself.
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>>112846 Hybrid vigor doesn't exist, it was a term used to describe how mules were more saleable than either donkey or horses even though mules are smaller than horses and sterile. Breeding 2 animals together tends to create a hybrid that has none of the strengths of its parents and weaknesses that each individual creatures genome had alleles to turn off. The only time mixing species or subspecies together results in a fitter offspring is when both parents are extremely inbred, this is why mutt dogs with pure bred parents tend to have fewer or none of the genetic disorders their parents' express.
>>112846 >every word in the post is incorrect Must have been a glitch and a tor post got reported as a clearnet one...
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>>112930 >Breeding 2 animals together tends to create a hybrid that has none of the strengths of its parents and weaknesses that each individual creatures genome had alleles to turn off. That's ONLY if you're not selective with the breeding.
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>>112912 Go be a faggot somewhere else
>>112418 >>112413 >I for one welcome our new rodent overlords. Genetically engineered rat girls are the future of mankind, pay the cheese tax or else.
>>112934 >pay the cheese tax or else. But, rodents prefer peanut butter.
>>112935 Burn them to ash, then. I won't ever give up my fucking peanut butter. Dry and crunchy, motherfucker. That's the way to fly.
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>>112934 >Rats This is going in the book.
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>>112938 >Metaverse's social media platform has a sexual harrassment problem she was not the first AND WON'T BE THE LAST
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>>112938 Why was there a man in the room in the first place? Wouldn't it be common sense to assume that having all your perception of the outside world shut out would result in someone taking advantage? >She was groped in the fucking game, NOT IRL Now, I don't know how to respond.
>>112938 >the cheap knock off Second Life / Steam VR Chat is shit and filled with easily offended boomers and perverted boomers Huh who could have seen this coming, I refuse to give Zuck a cent so if I ever do get a headset for whatever reason it will be an HTC instead.
>>112921 Everyone is that person at some point. It's just usually most of us grow out of it by the time we start growing fuzz betwixt our nethers. These low functioning spergs never do.
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>>112940 It's kind of a silly way to write the article in the first place. There's no reason to think that a slightly different online interaction medium (not to mention one that allows the avatar to have sex characteristics displayed) is going to be free of the social dynamics of the current ones. Did the author just discover the concept of sexual harassment in video games?
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>>112944 >Did the author just discover the concept of sexual harassment in video games?
>>112773 Everything over 60fps is a marketing meme.
>>112930 >ligers aren't a thing Literally everything you claimed is not true except for the last part about dog breeds. Naturally, you used the good example of a bad example of horse and onager hybrids being sterile because they are so genetically divergent from their own respective common-ancestor that to be able to produce viable offspring at all is more a fluke than anything else. Compare and contrast tiger and lion hybrids, the liger, which is both bigger and more muscular than either parent (which is an indicator of what the now-extinct tiger/lion mutual-common-ancestor must of been like before radiating into tigers and lions) as well as being fertile.
>>112941 That HP headset actually looks really good too, I've been considering buying one for flying and racing games.
>>112908 They already regulated porn. That's why it's 15+, 17+, and 18+, regardless of the fact that even 18+ has to censor genitalia. No one is under the illusion that censoring genitals makes it not porn, otherwise there'd be no age-gate based on how much is shown.
>>112893 No, you are now Dolphin. GamerGate has a spoken.
>>112938 >She's not the first - and won't be the last THE ZUCKENING OF THE FEMALES HAS ONLY BEGUN
>>112947 Another worthless dogshit post by a TOR user
>>112953 Another clearnigger responding to bait
>>112912 I would be happy to be part of a family that honors it's members so much. My family is the opposite extreme, and I am not a fan of it. >>112937 I agree with this one. >>112938 This is so fucking dumb, I am going to assume it is real and not bother reading it.
>>112953 >>112954 And that's why tor should be ding dong bannu'd.
>>112932 >melanin... domino affect Does that explain the violence of the negro menace?
>>112957 >domino affect effect
>>112695 It could be a trap, pay a retarded nigger to open it for you in case it explodes.

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>>112934 Rats are nothing but huge disease spreaders so you can only imagine the kind of enhanced STDs you'd get from those GMO rat girls before they eventually wipe out mankind.
>>112960 Rats I'm indifferent with, but I actually do find mice to be cute.
>>112938 Reminds me of LL getting into a German lawsuit over someone virtually raping a minor in Second Life.
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>>112962 Oh my fucking god shut the fuck up you blackpilling cunt. You are literally wasting your life doing this shit.
>>112962 it's okay. for as long as there are communists in the world, it will be possible to murder and torture communists. the only reason to kill yourself is if all the communists go extinct so you can't kill or hurt them anymore.
>>112964 Man Filthy Frank got old.
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>>112965 Nobody gives a fucking shit about goddamned anything here and if I found your parents or co-workers I could easily cancel your ass because you're so dense that you can't not live in fucking California or some shit.
>>112971 Quit your dick slathering and actually post something worthwhile you faggot.
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>>112970 whatever works
>>112972 Cry. >>112974 >things I have admitted are lies are facts <(((You))) >>>/suicide/
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>>112974 >>112975 >>112976 We know all three of these are blackpill because you're trying to start the TOR/ban debate again which no one cares about, and both of you use the same format when you talk. Bet you thought you were clever by building up posts in the thread, but nobody actually cares about influence or history here. You have a shit opinion, and it's bare-faced. No one's clamoring for a resource like reddit, no one's a blue checkmark like twitter, and no amount of money or weaseling will change any of it. Act your age and grow the fuck up. Do something constructive with your life. Please, for own sake, at this point it's concerning.
>>112977 >spamming the same images over and over >defending tor not being banned >incomprehensible position arrived at by not reading the posts Good job.
>>112978 The jew accuses others of that which he is guilty of.
>>112979 Yep, you sure do. Neck yourself, yid.
>>112891 The BLACKED enthusiast has spoken concerning the identity of the /b/oard owner. It may sound like spoonfeeding, but do you have links to the aforementioned irc channel(s) that would provide damning evidence to your claim beyond assumptions?
>>112980 You can't kill a gamer, we're already dead lol
>>112982 Ain't that the goddamn truth.
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>>112974 Clearniggers you say?
>>112984 >Kleerniggers Oh hell no
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Is this something to worry about?
>>112984 >>112985 I hate that the terrible 4th SS game killed all the goodwill 8/v/ anons had towards serious sam
>>112987 >tfw valve letter came in What did valve do?
>>112989 Valve doesnt allow anything related to NFT's on their storefront.
>>112872 >Babis is an ex-StB Nigger, so is effectively every political figure of the last 30 years in eastern europe. There is no such thing as a competent politician without any ties to the ex-communist government. This is exactly the problem I am talking about. People keep looking for this perfect unicorn of a politician, refusing to understand that there is no such thing. Besides while we are on the topic his replacement is in no way better. Just had a better marketing campaign.
>>112986 hes saying that they are fighting against UN-niggerdry
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>>112986 Fuck off niggerpill Everything will be alright. Glorious nippon never has and never will succumb to degenerate western morals.
>Luciano posting unspoilered porn Coupled with wanting oyakodon to be legal a couple threads back, the huemonkey's gotten hornier as of late. Probably needs something to help alleviate his loneliness screaming in an imageboard where everyone hates him and hates the site he invaded from. Figures he's into futa too
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>>112991 >People keep looking for this perfect unicorn of a politician, refusing to understand that there is no such thing. Thank you
>>112994 It's not luciano, just some guy pretending to be luciano.
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>>112994 >look up that comic expecting to find hot futa action >end up getting a girl with her limbs chopped off whos pregnant with power cables so her clones can juice up with cable cocks
>>112996 I could not begin to tell then, the only thing different between the phoneposter-esque spacing and ridiculous language is the fact he posted an image (and even then Luciano has done that before, usually with laughing gifs when he gets news that suits what he wants to hear). Speaks to how clockwork he and niggerpill are that I'm conditioned to just autopilot when I see something reminiscent of them, though.
>>112997 >pregnant with power cables so her clones can juice up with cable cocks huh...
>>112565 Man I loved Deception but every time I go back to it the art is more and more atrocious. >>112564 Yeah, I don't see how it's annoying, I guess sometimes I see the little (1) above the tab and I think it's a new post but it's just the spammer, but that's about it.
>>112997 >end up getting a girl with her limbs chopped off whos pregnant with power cables so her clones can juice up with cable cocks Still less degenerate than futa
>>112920 My mom and dad's families were both Catholic, I went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through high school, and I've never heard of anything like this. Praying the rosary once is a test of endurance, doing it for three days is insane. I think you're flubbing some details, or your family is in some super weird sect, or just a cult.
>>113041 There's specific practice where you pray all of the mysteries in a single session. It's usually confined to monks or priests though. Multiple days, up to a week, of vigil were a practice from way back in the day in some countries, I'd assume traditionalist catholics might still carry such practices out these days.
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>>112981 >A reasonable pedo sympathizer Top JeJ.
>>112898 I'd use Pale Moon, LibreWolf, Ungoogled Chromium, linuxfag rebrands of Quantum and ESR like Iceweasel/Icecat or even fucking (portable and mitigated) Brave over Waterfox. Kontos dumpstered it to the point where it's in a league with Vivaldi. >>112906 And only announced the acquisition after being called out. System1 also owns the startpage search engine but a lot of muh privacy people don't know or care about it either.
>>113045 >(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Chromium)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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>>112413 >>112934 >>112960 Oddly coincidentally since I just heard this song.
>>113046 The ungoogled version is fine. Homephoning shit is gone, opt-out spyware is opt-in out of the box, forced installation on a primary HDD can be avoided by using portable version etc. It's still shit UI-wise and I wouldn't use it as a main browser but over Watercocks? Yes. I might go with Waterfox if someone who gives a shit forked it but no one does.
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>>112981 >"a reasonable but butthurt pedo sympathizer" Goddammit ACID
>>112981 >sympathizer Lol. You should travel to a 100 years ago and kill your great grandparents too so they don't propagate and end up with a retard like you.
>>112815 >why isn't there an alternative to websites which exist solely as public facing datamining facilities for GOVERNMENT SECRET AGENCIES And not our government, as it turns out. https://archive.md/Gqs6e + https://sec.report/Document/0001012975-14-000259/
>>112948 Indeed, Ligers are bigger. So big, in fact, that they may cause health issues for the tigress giving birth to them and are a textbook example of the negative health effects caused by gigantism. This is without even going into the lowered sperm count of male Ligers or the higher rates of neurological disorders or any of the other problems the hybrid has that results in them having a shorter lifespan than either of their parents. My example showed exactly what Hybrid Vigor is: a term predicated on the human misconception of what traits are valuable and positive. There are more mules living in the world right now than ligers even though they are sterile, they are thus the more successful hybrid...right? Well no, we can easily see that a creature that cannot reproduce is intrinsically flawed. The parents of a hybrid are proven successes in the competition of the fittest, they possess defining traits that allow them to thrive in their environment. If selection had proven that simply being bigger made a lion better then lions would all be growing to the sizes we see in ligers, the fact they have not shows that large size alone is not a recipe for success. The allure of an exotic hybrid cannot be denied, myth abounds with animal admixtures of all types but unfortunately the reality of the situation is that those particular strengths which individual species claim ownership of cannot be mixed and matched through basic mating. It will only be those abilities which allow it to thrive in its environment that will persist, if you create the environment then you can try to define what features are needed to thrive and can thus define success but to ascribe "Vigor" to something that has a shorter lifespan and a poorer quality of life because it looked cooler in its cage is the kind of foolishness one only expects from the inhabitants of Plato's Cave.
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>>113056 Jesus Christ
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>>112988 I still love Serious Sam, I just hate SS4.
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>>113056 Where is this and why are they doing this? >>113058 Funny thing there are no covid restrictions in sweden, they lived life normally before and after the pandemic started and they are all doing just fine, all the european countries still doing restrictions all have a malicious agenda in mind especially when you see that THEIR LITERAL NEIGHBORING country is doing fine despite doing otherwise. Can't wait for them to finally grow a spine and start revolutions to take their countries back or for their societies to just collapse already. It's all up to them at this point.
>>113062 >Where is this and why are they doing this? I'm assuming this is a crypto farm.
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>>113064 >exhentai Look at this faggot
Saw that Florida Man is at it again in passing. https://archive.ph/dDAwY tldr: Florida Man wears a red thong in place of a face mask, gets kicked off the plane, compares himself to Rosa Parks
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>>113064 Videogames.
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>>113067 >Videogames
Should chronic sticking-your-head-in-the-sand be considered the true mental illness???
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>>113066 Based
>>113065 Got any better sites?
>>113071 nhentai
>>113072 Lacks artist CGs and there are a lot of dupes.
>>113073 Yes but it doesn't require cross-site cookies to look at jpegs.
>>113074 Neither does Hitomi.la. Then again, that place is swamped with ads. I miss hentai.cafe.
>>113069 Who are you replying to?
>>113075 That site is good too.
>>113076 Looks like no one. Why does he have to be replying to someone?
>>113078 Well it's a (1) and done post not connected to anything else that's being talked about and it was made at the twilight's last gleaming of the thread, so I want to know what he's on about.
>>113079 >not connected to anything else that's being talked >so I want to know what he's on about. Did you not read what's in the image?
So, with Biden admitting he won't forgive student loans, what are going to say the many gender studies graduates that voted for him and are living on cat food?
>>113081 >living on cat food? Is that an euphemism for canned tuna or are they so destitute that they literally eat the stuff?
>>113081 Biden is being set up to be utter shit so that they can get at least some meager support when they finally retire him and put Harris in.
>>113082 Just saying they are broke and have many cats. >>113083 I just see Trump winning by another landslide. Unless they steal the elections once again.
>>113083 >and put Harris in. Harris is even more unpopular than Biden, even among democrats. >>113084 >Trump winning by another landslide. God I hope not. We don't need 4 more years of "winning"* * actually fuck and all being done
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>>113085 I'm just satisfied with the little wins now.
>>113084 dude, they stole it in '16, some electoral collage dude fucked them up, they won't make the same fucking mistake again.
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>>113089 Was originally going to make it about how pozzed the Gayme Awards were following Uemura's death, but considering the ending and that we're a week away from Christmas I've decided on something with more of a positive theme, instead.
>>113088 When Bush Jr. had his brother fudge polls in Broward County it was discovered and eventually went up to the Supreme Court. They decided that just because someone won a federal election in error that didn't mean that the votes cast by the electors were undone, that is they legalized cheating in federal elections. Next time remember, their is only a point of contention if TWO sets of electors try to cast votes, if the votes of the one supporting a tampered election never make it to the seat of governance...
the solver doesn't work.
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>>113090 Good thing that I haven't watched the Game Awards.
>Miss Universe 2021 Japanese Contestant Criticized for “Insulting” Japanese Culture >the Japanese contestant’s choice of attire stirred up resentment in Japan, leading many to state that she wore a “dead woman’s kimono” >The style she wore is considered a stereotype of “Cool Japan”, something that actual Japanese people apparently find revolting. >Tattoos are said to not be popular in Japan, so having the kanji for Japan on her chest was deemed an utter disgrace by the aforementioned nipponjin. >Angry Japanese may not want to crucify the gaijin heathens responsible for such disrespect as the designer wasn’t Japanese, but instead Israeli designer Of fucking course
>>113094 what japan should have done was sent out a jew girl with a massive fake nose, a khazar milkers t-shirt, a bag of money in one hand and a burnt diary in the other
>>113094 I wasn't aware the nips HAD a stereotype to be offended by, given how much stereotypes are used in their media for other countries. Then again, leave it to a kike designer to piss them off by being subversive.
>>113096 kimono sushi yakuza dogeza
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Since we seem to be hanging after the post count's been fucky after deletions following the spam, I'll just see you here instead, NEW THREAD: >>494374 >>494374 >>494374 >>494374 >>494374 >>494374 >>494374 >>494374

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